Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1964, p. 14

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t soon wr ptmt tnihdy may 14h 1964 exciting hydroplane regatta next project ys men considered backbone of ymca acton said to be the smallest lawn in the world with m yjuxt a- building 1 oi to of the y mcav bwl project the second uuuuj retu on the taemanding wler cueirse in fairy take with wort entries more prfaw kywh draw mon- f and vcd bigger crowd the men club will again be turning their ingenuity into rul ing fund lor the valuable work of the y lt year sod lined fairy lasr s banks to walxh the exeitenwnl of the hydropunte regatta a lawr crowd is expected due to mg ihr prouci the advance wile of tickets which coupled with tulvamx wte vs u being leed off at the y s men he some thing rise club meeting tonight coupled with advance baler l the oppor tunity of winning cash prizes totalling hold your breath j000 and ticket wles will be limit ed to 2j000 which include admis- skwi to the regatta on june 26 sadtty hi ha heidi tig the regatta committee again this year it elmer smith with i loyd mclniyre lou bon uule doug copland mnsell nel liv ljtl xlasaws eric john won and john weldon the 25 mem hert of ilu club will all be pukh that take district neighbor will remember the driving motor of the hgh hydroplane skim ming the surface of the lake in practice last spring this year practicing on sundays is out and why does the ys mens club week to raise so tnwch mon ey the men have pet projects the saturday shows purchas ing of gym equipment and the latest supplying eauipjtvt trt lor the new park prumueofor glerv lea subdivision but a primary purpose u the support of the y mca murray mertaorul the y pmvidrs a vsicle ranyi advance ol opportunities for oung people our readers write imtmb thovctjt ti nasfacaweya rktmon bear sir the women of nassagaweya centennial project committee de serve long round of applause for initial success of its time limited endeavor uany aspect not normally considered in tlu area of interest of the sveaktr tefc have been painstakingly checked and load council sup poaedjy in power in the interests ji the people has surety received tin first warning shot across hi bow that the people who launch ed them can sink hum if they fail to show regard for ihcir in to re ft those ukpavers present at the meeting could nol hrlp observing the low mumhkd tones in whie h the business is tonductcd al most as though their verv pres ence were resented instead of showing pleasure the council lor faces showed strain tlu voice ol the people cairn through loud and dear and the content of their uuu nave coun clllors food lor thought hut council unwillingness to dis cuss the worm n s pruuc t cu v- plle a forewarning of tlu petn ion presentation was conlirmrd by their request for a bin mailer meeting cleat iv llus do not like open discussion n peirv lk ajtalr the following points nu lx of interest 1 the women umi up with arm figures vet coutuil ulu have applied for the availahilils of loan money still do mi know how much their building might cost the pronoud nie iu hjvc been prumpird l i he tuun ships purchase ol bortu cn is pensive land and tvwtr uhw hi doubt that tlu- wmr liuhu could be rcalord u re irics to tv faced utlh tlu- nsu ol ihis itnd 2 cuutmlt m itui ss t 1 ajlin duun t stucr pjr n nobsetsse uury a c rifrwuiij utsvuui oeunkui mii vt hui f e reputable ou imj art i i if s it wu iit najk t t a lour ur tvf itit k i upjtk ptfamp vt cn b louj u ut rce h a nun w it jtci wrre prrnu urd lu aiurul s1kju4 hrrv o um trrun t i t eta cad buldmjr iu seulii r fae uriutiib i it it prraud m tuaim 4 f h d voutif dus tioi gut s toe the lkiv ol suttu o4 ilu fcjgftauiirs lir sutid wmiut tl the paupk- uric hat itu v had told turn p t mxilt iht ilu wfif agiufcl n i i f muhj rk he chose ml l j ntiu tnw people unk ulim h mr i chum but as no pu smii w eppisrd ruilhrf un pi i l lrd lor ttiose u lio piudueed ttames tin iim tw h uk en with the ptsitul pnuh i tall a tigtutun on tlikununi u oritaink mme valid ihjn poutr cuint t sal ton aiut haw no doubt that ctunuil hunud itu midnight oil serutiniiitg all lit names shcsud thai amo should har tlvr ittionu i i question their aeitom 5 as rvpivwntatuiv ul an old farming cummunm c ouin il should sluu nui muirl in tin retaining and pivunmu ul ilu achievements ol ilun lourvai mr ross gordon staud lu hum ed hu old lurutture net haps m future he wit otter il to tun uual museum he ckaik has iui u tpect for old things v huh makes one wutldcr how lu- will react louardi hunselt ulun he uaeh that categcvr 4 the old sehool building it sas learned uill pmvide all ilu ihingii tteccksj in tlu- pitpvmd new slructun uith the inception of a tmactiwtu when council was asked to what use it pmpoud to put the basement no cunovu plans were uttered a further m dicetkui of mouev wastage and this t time when annexations nw taking place with the dutinct tocsftsibulty that our coinmuniiv -itron- tin 7 ivovision for a road super urtettdehts offkce also one oi council ruiremeots atul a reaon for the new buudutg i feeble for some obscure reason he muni be in the tame office bundw yet h s 3 were used he would ed a point raised bv the com vestigate tlu proposal on an arn mittci was the grant of 12000 is table opnmirukd basis and to available to build an office on in most their blinders tlwv ilu- present garages u lucre prct- went out with the horses the umablv the superintindent s prcs i uomen ute proud ol their aehievi enee is most needed wlien lie is ment have jus icjum to be and not out supervising the super should lu encouraged lo lend highways of this busy metropolis further lluir obvious taknls so is this ttallv a legitimate because of our appreciation ol reason lo spend ovtr j30 000 of rural canadiana nianv o us chose tlu lanpavers moius ihis locality over big titles so it may be thai count il is stun couiuillors quilt apart lioni tlu rud heiaust it did not vet ilu ttonomif involved itt us pus possibilities in ws vs tilth is iri what we havi and kave tlu undtr their mry noses but no iruidern m rut tuns to lluse in the mailer what ilu luvim are forjcilus wihi like itum lluir sland against ilu ulslus of in closing mrs m newlon many of lluir voters a fact sltould he omplimtnkd on her tluv slwhild nol ignon they tint spirited piescntalion whilst i stuhitd liavt slump themselves mr win coulttr sturiid also u nion reetpttve and appreciative congratulated on his admirable ol ideas ii thc arc trul rep re eundutt in the late of a some uniing our wishes then lhc what ihornv problem have now a wonderful opportun- yours trv truly ity lo show this to cooperate k robinson with the committee and to in ft it 1 camnbcllvilk and continue it program into the adult year lo oiler a con tinuing pattern lor the develop ment of proficiency in acton the yjuca uiu es tablished through the bcnevol ervce of j a murray who be queathed the financial mean to erect and equip the ys4xa building and acton yjca u ofliciahy known as the murray memorial besides the youth division ul i he acton y m ca which runs a physical program under tlu direction of ilu y mxa board and generul secretary sid salt there are serv lee organisations uhleji supporl tlu at ion y by various projects financially heaj bawkbom the real backbone in kcepiny ilu acton y m ca operational aie tlu ys mens club and i lie ladies auxiliary both these club give unselfishly of llieir time and means to support and strengtluu the ymca the program of tlu acton y whuh is enjovtd bv approximate ly iso bovs and yirls is mainly ivntred on tlu gwnnasium where luinhting groupgames floor hockey basketball volleyball gsinnastlcs archers and bad in in ion keep ilu young members how tlu re is a separate girls group with around 10 members vslui engage in physical atlivtl its which are nol quite so siren uous as the bus tola membership of the y litis year is 2ia s3 award the it is also a swimming group ilu atlon water ys wlio travel by school bus to guclph on i riday nights to use ilu fat lilies of the ctulph ymca tincc acton has no swimming pool during live past year a3 only be two mile from municipal offices and a could jnirelyoe provldr diffcrrnt swimmuig awards were won by member of i hi group indicating their progres from beginners to acxomphhcd swim tners for those who tire of physical activities there are a varkty of games available and for these past i lines the downstair game- room is open to members a coupk of years ago the acton y ran a tabk tennis tournament with trophies as nriie and the secretary would like lu have an other event of this kind it enough able players were available for young nun over 16 years of ugt llure is a well equipped weight lifting room where young body builders can strengllun tluir must us with the eooperplion of tlu owns itt re j l ion director jim casburn hie atlon ymca is irving to tipand lis program to include senior ciliiens too and in ilu lasl couple of months llure liave been two exploratory meetings lor older oiks which indicated lhal tlu re is tued and interest for this type ol program uesieks tluse various parts of ilu program ilu acleui ymca has tor tlu pasi lour vcais also p4ttded film shows lor ilu voungsleis these siujws cue gen t rally popular dunng tlu winter monilis md early spting after vehuh lluie is usually u deehru the show ere discontinued dur ing the mimnw there arc annual event a for instance pathef and son bmnquet ymca sunday the un1cef col- itction wfch aubeequent hallow- e en perry at the y which alweya draw a lot of school children the acton ymca 1 also avail able for catracunrlcuuu actlvi- a lie which are not pah of the i program and various group in town make ue of the facilities tlu scottish dance club and the evangel baptist church ure jurt two of these groups whuh use tlu ymca regularly for their own purposes i igunes usually make very un inlerrsling reading but just to in dicate the service thi the acton ymca renders o tie wlvok torn inunllv during the last year a total of 8416 persons used the icflllie of the acton y 124 swimming lessons were given and tlu gym ua used bv 4j85 persons ugm la lsi ilu young mens clmsitiiii aw soeialion lus ixtn working with young people in canada since i f s and has plonrnesd in nianv sports and in tlu field of films getumflv tlu physical efhualiori in i he schools and ilu rveicalton al ue he lite s ol tlu munlt ipal parks and recreation deparinunts leave been tk s eloped in ilu ymca pattern and have used ituity ym ca irairutl phvsual dmetlors many of tlu facilities which wc take lor grunted today were made popular bv tlu ymca some ol i he mote nolahk n umpks of ihis an ilu following i the gymnasium in ib71 ilu ymca opened oiu of the lust gymnasia in canada and in tlu couisa of 4lu following i veats similar fatihtus wtte isiablisluel in ilu ymca in most ol the other maor eilies hasketbjll indoor sport such a handball and volleyball have been foster ed very largely by the ymca 2 the indoor swimming pool in lte7 the ymca opened one of the lire indoor swimming pool in thht country and over the year the association has taken the lead in swimming and diving instrectiod and lifesaving summer camps still the leading orgonuuiion in hit field the canodun ymca s have been or- ruling summer camps suue ltj9 more important even than the general acceptance of tlu camps tlu ymca has taken tlu kad in raising tlu standards e camping and camp leadership and lostetmg ucxivitus such as caiuumtlpping diytamping and conference tamps seerelanes duelling the pro grams ul acton in live last l years have been chit suit i duk sehnuill hot urayshjw dave doeiurty and now sid sails keeintv lu y tumid und ilu y s mens club operate tlu y them sclvce without a fulltime in 1952 the kitchen received m major facelifting sponsored by the y mens club other fav provefueni then included u new basemen cjt washrooms in the basement hall reception counter and decora lion coupled with the ys mens club is the ys me net us club formed in january 1957 tlu central ontario ys mens conference has been held here in april ivm and april 1964 cur rentlv anon u on the map in ymca eircks throughout the world suue g w mckceade i iiiitmaiionil president me will ik at a y t men s conference in charlolletown p i 1 thu conl mg weekend voryttosvn his just lately es- lahlislud a ymca but wtthotst a building in milton u y is one ol ilu suggestions for a centen nljl piucet acton is wetnderfullv lirluruu lets not us luke it for f i anted urtendanee lor whuh reason vssis invented by tlu ymca and im yellin you jut about everyone i our rooi u ulkin bout nd look in forward to the opening of acton family billiards and snack bar a 0d puu la sl nd cnav younm watch for official opening soon i a bl ys uvmt will k lstd u mk wwm up tm and bu tha fu sarbsco sawstar lkt sivhr das hm can b oat rsrujs stykfst ims vsruia hn ttils n dm sult tsfhl out l yscfcf wu sccsss sasssr clssiurtg new directions in gas cooking brings you new featuresnew ideasnew values blue valley meat market 148 guelph st company limited georgetowk ont ntr 74331 here you will find the fintt in frh mah at tk lowatt pottibu pricat faaluring canada finmt rd and bio brand bf 100 utltf action guarantaad modern at ran gt you hul thats unit- tut hut that immediate the burner the broiler the oven all respond initanvly to your direction you et automation uhere its mod eltectivv pergonal control v hue you really need it and the manufacturers of todays pas ranes have dreamed up a doren uay or malms as cooking even more enjoyable theyre all on display now we call them mw diucnoks in cas coociso united jao limited tssbsathmtolnail vvmmrumulnmuisviusw prices oliiti are the lowest ever offered jyattaiaffausaajhi fclwfmsmillsvmm- hajcvey laverty heating kumbing anlxeavestroughing gas furnace instauations main wur -t54-m4- ttocxwoooroht mmtspkiais sirloin or rib o steaks 5 39 tindcr juicy por kakucuin0 chicken legs or breasts co baktkuino c lb kontuss uan why mckuo cottage o rolls om c is mtncto round steak 49 c lb kmhc link sausages 3r99- tastv v ytm mfd bologna 499c ismml home freezer special 10 assorted bricks of ice cream with every freez er order if placed before end of may free hind front side v4 beef 14 beef of beef 49h 39il 43h no txtra charoi km cuttino and vwawino ice cream alt havouki vi gal 79c bricks 23c tasty ikinutf wieners 34 99c suctd 14oz ioaf white or srown bread q loaves c assottio vacuum tkcuwo cold cuts ecaioni 1 outtl ii nto ioav cmtckmi k ioak wtth dmu 5199- macaroni 1 outtl ioav mmtmto ioav chickm rou hmk ioak wtth mkumo ntshtv oaouno minced beef 4 99c wcttlfflotviaslonoassumkslasy if you do not th cut of mt you itoqult our friendly sta will b puad to astjst you r

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