Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1964, p. 5

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a3i8ftia indifference handicap in tb fight needfc buh hwi voumo palieim at rh fun fair sitoroav admir a brxi doll which wai qivn away at a prlia durwsg lucky draw l4l lo riejht ar joanna pavh patricia sampson and mri f pataby who told tlciafs at th booth ths wmnar of l ha doll wsi kathy wtllit jul tlfii ijl j f w far jivmw 600000 sorely afflicted citizens in 1m7 a dutratqrht yrftndmuv ther wrote letter to a newt paper urging a matting of par nti of other retarded children the aim wu to attempt to work out home program of mutual a- auunctf some 76 parents an- vsvered lite plea today the canadian aibocia 4 ion for jutarded children u a national organisation with ferartcbe in all major centre ll program- of education treat meal and care have been a ma jor factor in creating a new life lot canada 600000 mentallv re tarded ahc4 afar largely at a result of untlnt ing effort on the part ol the mtllton and a half canadian whoc family life hat hern t radi cally tcarred by mental retard ation canada hat launched a broadly bawd program which u making alaebje inroad on the effect of an affliction which the world owr u estimated to affect trior people require longer treatment watte more human rouftlandcoiutltut a great r diwln ort the public treasury and private fund than any other tilngle condition among rhe vital areas in which the canadian association for re tard children hji regliterrd torogreu l in that of education the prim effort here ba keen to dtapen the misapprehensions and there are many an to the nature of mental retardation and its treatment tttrtkm anywhar the cause of mental re tarda tlon are wide and varied the battle to eliminate them or at minimum lessen their effect go es on but twill remain one of rhe medical proteitlon great challenge it hat been clearly decnonttrated however that mental retaniotian i a chance affliction which can strike any where in liny family given a apectfic set of circumstance at the present state of the medical art there is no cure for menial retardation once the dread onslaught has taken place but with proper treatment and loving care the vast majority of those afflicted can be helped can lead useful meaningful lives within their limitations medical experience now indie ale that only one in 10 mentally retarded persons is o severely arhcted as to require life long institutional care twentyfive out of jo under the guidance of skilled pal lent and understand ing teachers can he brought to a level of education and training ut which thev tan he serf wup- porllng and have the self satis faction ot achievement in simple occupation the remaining four of the statistically significant stl are trainable can reach a fair degree of self core and become partially self supporting in simple work treatment training i piovisipn of the type ot treat men and training recognized at lower posfal rate on soldier papers in line with recent concessions jn novtaj rales made to members of the armed ervlces oversea thctfun john r nicholson post master general luda announced further reduced charge lor the mailing of newspaper and peri od teals bv the general public to canadians vers ing abroad with our army totees the home town newspaper will now cost unl two cents fur the lirst lour ounces and one tint for each additional four ounces when sent bv kurfatc mail through a canadian arms post office capo to member of the can adian armed forces their de pendants and civilians attached to the military and when sent through a canadian naval post office cnpo or fleet mail of fice fmo lo canadian military pe rsunel abroad these special rales apply only to canadian pub lications mailed in canada by the general public mr nicholson said that he felt that every thing possible should be done to keep canadian well inlormed particularly those who ure serving canada tn areas be yond canadian territory essential in the battle against mental retardation now const it ules the major effort of the an ad ian association or retarded children working through its more than 200 bacbe across canada the association ha mode slgnlfi cant progress the programs which have been undertaken in areai where facilities and train ed staff are available have shown what can be done the great need now is the mean to expand present programs so that treat mtrh may be expended to the many thousands still in need uf this type of assistance the cinadian association fur retarded children is seeking the main support for its nationwide program during canadian re t irdcd children s week may f to 16 during this period can adlans are asked to gise special thought tu the special needs uf hooooo sonly i he ted fellosc liens amiujysjwsii t wuj- inmimiui class at fair for souvenirs directors seek more details nineteen ladies attended the a dainty lunch was served by monthly meeting of the ladv dip mrs claik armstrong mrs r cctun i of acton fall fair board l mttwn and urv wm mt last thursday evsning at the hodw of mr c s matthews ami the huju no 7 highway mr d mat mr matthew mrs m mccullough was courtesy convener the next meeting will be held j thews the president presided tknd mr ralph dennv read the secretary s and treasurer re- ion june 4 at the home of mrs j port a report of the recent ties a robinson aciun aert euchre held in the arena wa given a committee was named to as sist the men in lining up the children floats and band in the ishpi nn fair hay mwl yimm- uril w waldie mr l mcen- ry mr j moculloch mrs- e archibald and mr j mcenery the banner will be put into condition again and erected in august st the entrance to the council lowers continued from page one he an on was be ion the on uio municipal boird hui no dale hid been set councillor ray arbie asked thou l the holdup on lh eon v true lion of hntlyts on churvh nntl brock sirvels and learned the dtparlmcni of h thrive iys ap proval hid not heel rcstivcx deputv reeve j brit vood wondered about a pmynm for ihc centennial protests ind rxc omnumlcd a committee he estab lished to uivt further sludv all proposals he also utloitned members council vs i in no posi lion ftnancnllv tu undertake anv pmietiv the c icrl lohl e mine il two thirds uf the cost ol ans project wtuild he borne hv federal and pntvinsial grants up to a maxi mum u 4 144 from each govern me nt it w us des idctl to rx fe r iht subtet to commit iec lcil umt is atlu our great et handlrip la ib battle again- iv luberculoiar mr c w mc kim reported at the annual meeting of the hfefeon county tuterculols and health assoc i at ion in oakville last wednes day evening the battle against tuberculosis would make much greater sutde both in canada and ihroluiboul the world mrs mikim concluded in her repre sentative report if the public at urge could absorb and re member the information poblfsh td in papers and books concern ing tb in 1463 1 new eases of t h caiive to light in the county h of which were found by family physicians bringing family doe tors well to the fore us case find ers the four other new cases were found bv clinics which have hen operating in acton milton kcorgeiosvn otikvjile and dur llngton during the year the to tal attendance at the chest clin ics was vi a marked increase over the attendance at clinics during im when 474 attended ojie death in the county during iwj was caused by th it kuw caaaa in submitting his health and i ducalion committee report e halrmun w vavage suggested of the 19 new eases and i he one tuath in the county every single one could have been prrvenird by proper education at the right lime have vhj had an s rav in the last 12 months if not call your doctor and arrange for a free chest x rav during the meeting assocla lion officers for i9m43 were elected with e f carberry of oakville rt named as president w j benson of at ton remaining as past president h a hrcarly of oakville returning as vice- president j 11 simpson of oak ville returning as honorary trcp surre mrs jack rrnnie of oak ville back us social worker and mrs m r i unuu of oakville returning as association ctecu live secrelaiv directors fur tlie coming year i include c g ad imson mrs j i j curran dr d a dixon liar i old screorin w d savage mrs c w mckim and a c marnoch ol oaksiilc mrs huiate blvth of r r i acton and mrs r r parker of acton dr a 1 bull halton counts medical officer of health dr i m sluart asms lani medical officer of health for ihc tountv and mrs lloyd davis of milton c c poster of rr 3 campbellvllle c l fadden and dr w c procter of burlington and mrs f sanford e u im house 134 at umtlng more than iv attended the meeting at the pine room of oakville anna and heard prcst dent ewart i carberry report fireworks monday i vcryone s heading for camp btllvilu ball paik next mtiiulay night loi the annual display of firs works prose n ted bv camp bells ilk hall club rov wood and bcri wilttin in m chirge of this scars display which wih be let olt it diik in the village pirk sve are making tremendous strides in the prevent ion and cure of tuberculosis in our area the eslfttance of t b is not loc ajiied however il is u world wide problem at least 15 million people suffer for infectious t b and at least three million pcopk die each sear because of this dreaded disease thanking l he executive and the ig education lr sen iw9jiw was raised for the fight against t b the per capita llgure amounted to ij cents the second highest in on tario and the return per contrib utor of 12 m and the r turn per ktttr sent out o ji22 were jll atvose tlte provincial average jvocia service and rehahihla lion worker mr j rrnrue in tver report noted i hose wlso ha th acton ftp ptt thuctday may 14th 19o4 mrs earl larnberf institute hostess tha- monthly meeting ut the- poblic for iheir help during the 1um aidtd bv live halton county past scar the picsident noted tuberculosis und health asux live group lost one of live most iation have expressed their valued and faithful nwnilers by thanks and are grateful to know ihtr death uf mrs george somer suth urvkes rxm tn the cctun vilk uf acton lor many sears ty to any patient or family she contributed freely ond tultv who may mtd us we artr alwjvs il her tune lor the success of this association a c marnoch chnslinas seal sale chairmun it nor lid lie highest rejurns in our hlstorv which represent an increase ol 5s per cent over im as a re cult of tlu sate of chrivtmas two village squads enter county action nnplu iimii ol t iui iiam miihh play ih ii n in hall j pi i t untt jvailahle tlu uudiled and ipproved fin uk il u l i iih n l tor lmlj slioued i pie si ni huik balaike ol w7ww4 presently av itlahle lor i hi t t4 e campaign cut fipeakcr fiikst sjhaktr lor tlu evening ujs tuiihi m reynolds the e hie i atundtiur offurr and eo oidtnitor ol ihc child guidinii i lini loi ihc foioulo l4oird of i duculioil i tanipbell m u arthur chair in in l itu medual advisory ominillet summed up the jinis ion wonsens institute wa held on wednesday mav 6 at the home of mr earl lambert the institute ode and marvslrwurl c oiks i opened the meeting wilh uk ivtw president mrs donald lindsav in the chair tlw minutes f live last meet ing weic read hv live new vttrc lary ireaseirer miss marjory hall aiul approved tlu roll call wa answered bv our fav orite rtowcr mrs wilder spin gave htr re port from live distiict nueling and said lhai the dislricl innual convention would be in at ion in the presbyterian t hurt h on mtv 21 lunch will b 2 the roll e all u pennies loi rrie ndshtp a collection w is taken up lor this proeel mrs i af i lambert and miss marmrv hall were ap pointed lo attend the tb dinner at the pine room in oakville tik ekhyalck fm i hi disliiel ilinual wei mis fkmald find say mis mary mbaukv mrs chaius cults and miss mtorv hall mis corge i i nliy it um led on tu decoration day plans lor jinn 7 live nunituis and oftttuakv percy rae peavoy we known f vtasm c th u m i he asseeialion in his leport lain jih jui lur vquatn wuiiik ih f miliar vill igi pinstt p s itu schedules tor he iwo teams ait is follows tin utn lams ss ill pi is llun liome ganu s on mom tv evenlngo rw ciinn hq it 6w nut the juniofs uill in h in on i hursd iy e ve rung it 6 v mil siiunln ilk i noons ai 2 pin hanyamh home games june i ge irue town june 8 oakvilk l june 22 dumlas join 29 hi am pi on july a waterdown july i bur inglon july 14 oakvilh 2 awuv garni m iy 20 bi imp on miv 27 tn diimt nlic i hit ladle at ion u r g ung llitu le tilosis is n ive ihrooeh llu imple mi nljli l kmi health m imiic mil llu toipe rati m ut t 1 1 i if ilton miintv jl of willi fun fair continued fioin p tge oik son v is hill mul lie ion hi mt v isc mis v j jim me knight punt l nurnlitts mi h mm s k i thlee pills mills mis ii i a i iii sill pi mil i md v isi si i mis riiom is i mi h i u i toys uui tannery continued mm pyt oni ll uf the projill il uas unlic iputrd thin might require a per lod ot up to ihret earv houiver the tirst stage has hctn lomplet ed and all production and mr viie nermjnnel are rmv on an i hour da several departments hat talen the next utp and vtorkert vsltl rx kjvinu hve plum at 4 00 p in an toon as all departments have conserud lo the shorler uork uv a decision uill he made as lo uhelhcr lhe plant vsill opn later in lhe morning or close earlier to ihc altcrnoun souvenir cuut a lengthy dlicuision followed on the adviiawllty of cbonuring a new clajuj in the hill exhibits of small handmade articles suit able for souvenirs and gifts the trades branch of the province otitarltsjeeluhejwjsaurg ent nead for strictly canadian souvenirs th umike to take back to their own countries mention wu made of ctothhig dolls household anlck etc it was felt additional informa- boa was retnilrad before any de- i bnlte decision was made the urywasrequested to write nifurtber particulars thursdas s smile what com es out or blazing forests whs crisps crtllcrs of loursi jwfflcoo lhlkimlltlqmttl0ls destroy weeds ma to brtiy sjivmn w a m u piilssllin t4 la in n wmi rk wd cwifrol ad 140 stesurt 3 1 and 1 tkat ussbaa tastitfett nwijt spowug m tkslr to wmstst lis municipality of nassogawyo ara ja4rbv by f hm is fcrtd ri nw ms ntimlcsalitv may aassi uposs said ihki ad hav h waa uwl ekarqlrtg k ceah aalu flaid majwmtm s an tb ike th ts a of am dtuatw la aana ihj aoudtosj v n meaimnm wd l jinu 2 in oikxille 2 june is at oikville i june 21 it i oven june 27 it milt m jiih 1 l huilmcton mil julv i it s her ilow n juniohs i it si four homi v iitu s u i m dunelis m i 2h ii until n iii i jiim 4 horlmt1 n m i juu m aiu isti r 1 irst rhut iss iv cuius m ii in aih isltt june m huili it n m i june 6 m ikill s up in ik i mis amu mrs i i t vth tie sinye i f nut ilk j mu i mtu ii ilm 1 k v f i i lie i y me ilu e mleelei spi e i sn m hutie i dish ivt l ipm lis mi hum i 11c 1 1 i hi il pup k mi h fomlms n w m iik mis i tfllv oflettd lo m ike sinduiche luii l seive a donation of 10 utis given lowaid exuiiss mis ceeifyi irtr y ive lur n poil on lhe mis trip on june h mrs r irl i trntvert give ivso iiailmgs on spring eualliiilt mis kurtt trvt t and mi s william i v ins uon th pni s i i the lu si e u i rv pk uui hi m mul tins mrs k i dividson give a pmih on coope ration hv lhe ikes mts sllll holmes wis appoiuleel to buy gills and taiels loi the manor inel shut ins a tonlesl vs is ss on hy miss noi i kinney and mrs hules nils ind mrs i i imhe rt a summit lloluliv al itu o a due iph is open i i nu ill ik is on july ivio costing p0 v thom wishing to moll do s is soon as possible the president thanked llu hes le ss foi he i home mil ill s ll dovsn to a lovelv ol lucv sup i ki put on hy all the rmmthrs a farmer and breeder of pure bred sheep rvrey rae peavoy of everton died in guelpb general hospital on friday may i aterr an illness of about a month he was m hiu 72nd year an ardent sportsman mr pea vov was manager of the everton millers softhalf learn who were ohsa teml finalists in 149 he was a well known and rcspecled showman of sheep at local fairs ror 17 ears he was road super inlenckm of tramosa township he was horn in frin tosvmhip maich 14 1893 sewi of william and m irv pi a vov he married ifild i i hahe th bragg on dec imlur ii ivm at gu iph and shei survives him al their home at r k 4 vslkie mr peavov farnwd tor the past 20 years before that he fanned on the town line kiuitn i rin and frumosa town ships ic is also survived hv a sister lliet mrs william west ax tort a siste r me i it a preeksteatasd him ue ills rtai ikwletl of the church ol christ disciples con fine lid lhe funeral service al the kutnuv shoemaker funeral itome on monday may it interment ss is m i verton cemetery p iiiih irrrs were members of trie foinur ball team uf which he u is m inager und coach har- i hoi op bill jaekion colin p irke i h irvev jest in charles miu lull ind mas rorsyihe flow ci ix areis wt re sims mclean dm mvle m dave stewart alex mepludran dive iray and t d meuteheon hillon kf pp udiut a ktrr burlington has betn named to the i onsumt is t rtelil ommillee of ihc ontario government tlu commit lee investigates borrow u ilng and lending practices and jitirs evidence in eises of ilkgil lihir tktmr sales i bit el 111 elt i m nuv inl i i u ipi n in i uil ii iii is mis j w me knight eiishion mts j hn him niht ertssn mis i rink i ii ill is sue i iek c ilhs pmil ion iwo decks c irds mis bella mave rosell sichel mis haiellllll aithiil ellllils hhkel mts h rimtis iii ig iiiu risk i iijih th l o sh impeui mis cteiakl limaishc leu smith hluk pitehei ravinonil hawkins ihirtuelle se isoniilei set slls hi i ji i unit hi ulle elolh mil n ipkms ahhur a johri od optomitilsy tuidy affmooii triuritjay everting friday mdmlng phohi tl wjl 114 main st mnton great canada- wide pittsburgh appoint dr turvey to cooperative bd dr j w turves sho has a medical practice in the former ste vinson clinic mil ion has been ipnointttl a member of the board ol directors ol halton co- ope i itivt mi ihe at scrshcs it vs is innmiiktd teut v hv sim finnic president the annuuntcnicnt was made at the hoards monthly niecling up vwdnesdav evening of last vsexk dr turscv fills a lcaiyev tin uu 12 member ivoard ind is the htsl medical dekloi to sit on ihc board of dins tors he has spent ii vears in studs and search presummer super sale or tailoredtomeasure suits by house of hobberlin tailos to thf canadian oentleman sinc1 uu values to 9850 presummer sale limited supply of cloth available nd it is going fast i we guarantee perfect fit rlf0blfydptj now only j savei2 1177 tuli aul acton ymca annual regatta booster aub salahv hhjidnt s00 vsctvmuiotnt- frttfl ttlattmuf i00 scotttary ioe manaom mo election of abase officers bv draw june 30 i9m at annua sutatta rain or smaa maximum membership 1000 mtmutship 6t i if i 4- i 8 within a week your local ys man wrll call on you oivi them your support riattdtnemy fj mtfrv sale -s- fhce wi ftsw oh quarts stats s o b bxtbb t paint i pittiburtht kjulir firtt quality hottti paint ita tvmiubie at a apedai low price during thk tale ia t vride tanfs of dean whites itvl eritp coloitn seeyoio pitttburgh faint deakr toon for beat idaeiina lhlisi a s5 t5 askabeutnew stmraoor utex extermk house mint no rmmer needed j b aaackenzie son 11 chukh st limited acton ontajuo u31m0 lomlr fuilwirsg ssxpplua kutorub

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