Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1964, p. 10

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sj rural route at irtton to tk sdftot it it elweyl gratifying to receive letters is the editor on any tuttfact on of the function of a newspaper it to provide lit readerahlp forum through which a wrllert vlewt and ttplrilom can be made known subfecti for letter can he uny subect of interest to our readers it it not a rvquire menl tket nnes lettert be related to a lub- et covered in our newt columns the let tert do not have to be complimentary to either the newspaper or tuppart ttse newt papers editorial pothion one requirement we intltl upon it that the letter be stoned by the writer a writ er may used a nom de plume for publication in the paper but the original letter mult be signed we accept nom d pfumet when the publication of the letter in the op n on of the writer flight pottibly retult in either pertonel or economic reprisal it it our policy not to accept for publication in whole or in perl any letter in which the profettlon al ability a personal attributes of a third party n questioned or maligned verifica tion of the authorship of any letter may be confirmed before publication this weal we are carrying teveral lettert to the editor on tubectt currently of inter ett te readers one letter dealt with the adoption of a new canadian flag before this issue of the free press reaches ill read rt legislation wim in all likelihood have been introduced by the government and possibly been accepted the tubbed of a new municipal building in nettagaweya it discussed in another letter which n of in terest ht many in that township a letter from the secretary of george town district high school board outlines its policy and the courses available at that school this letter sheds some very illumina ting information which will be of more than passing interest to parents of many high school students en the courses available the letter from the chairman of the ac ton high school board expresses his opinion on our editorial and our handling of the re ports f high school proceedings in our opinion our editoilal ol latt week did not and certainly did not attempt to attack the personal integrity of the chair man we did dispute and continue to dit pule the contention that newt coverage of high school board meetings is not accurate the free pratt does not report at newt any public meeting verbatim and in thit sense our news reports may be considered out of content w do not hold that we have reached the lublime hate of infallibility when we do make a mutake we tland ready to make any correction deemed advitable nor do we believe that many other peo ple have reached live he ghls of infell b i ly at a newtpaper we neither claim nor ennect any special pnv leget or powert over any pertont or bod ei what we do cla m it that taxpayers and the public generally have a right to knowledge of the act vitiei proceduret daemons and operation of every public body e ther elected or ap pointed thit newtpaper as a responsible mem ber ol ihis commun ty will not attempt to dictate to the elected or appointed public bodies what we will continue to do it to keep informed the taxpayers and public of the activities and daemons of their public servants we will continue to write editon als and express our opinions at tituationt warrant on any tubect of local significance we too are happy that tome good hat come from the meeting of latt wednesday we think an early ttudy of the pottibilitiet for mclution of facilities for a twoyear diver sified occupations course at acton and the only course presently doted to acton ttu dents al georgetown could be incorporated in the present build ng expansion program we have enquired and learned it could be done but action would have to be initiated immediately the interpretation of a diver silted occupations course that we have been given it a course to g ve two years educa tion at high school level for grade eight fa lures stooo hukm pernio fund ottawas canada pension plan may make available so the provinces more than 8 000 million for investment by 1975 according to the latest estimates of soma private ac tuerle says neville nankivell in the fin enclal post if the funds do in fact build to this six they will have a much greater impact on canada s financial markets than has to far been generally appreciated even in professional circlet how much is 8 000 million it is about stqual to total foreign investment in canadian wianufecturing ol and gas mining and pub lic utilities it is enough to buy a new car for half the families in canada assuming the price of about 3 000 per car it is one half of the total money supply in canada today it is more than enough to pay off all the mortgages held by the leading life trust and mortgage companies in canada under the latest version of the canada pension plan expected to go into operation january 1 1946 the provinces will control investments of that money that accumulates at the plan develops many observers be lieve this will lead to big changes in provin cial and municipal borrow ng patterns how ever there are still some strong objections to the plan in itt present form among many pension authorities and financial men their objections vary but on balance the most frequent and most serious opposition arises from the prospect of putting such huge tumt 8 000 million by 1975 into the hands of the politicians it could become a votebuy ing fundt ursequaled in hittory the acton free press tustittss and t rtutehed by the mils mares aasd pttublaaae co ltd founded in 17 and published eserv thursday at w willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau xusuaticmuexvvlsijt division of the cwna- advertising rates on request subscriptions payable in advance 3 00 in canada it 06 in england and other commonwealth countries 15 00 in the united states and other foreign countries single copies 7c authorised as second class mall post office department ottawa the only paper ever published fat acton c a dills edltorhvchter davldavdilurmanaajng editor editorial office phone 8532010 the good old days s rfi sjue mtmamfd 20 years ago tftkm fnm itw tarns of uw prw prcm flr4y may l look wmiw timvy wohc in the wi lw 1v lo put th siattti victory loan over the lop in at too und dutrict nd it wait not unlil monday night tjvt ihe oottv of f3ts 000 wati in al hfvoouafivn ttw bltj bomb mtounclng ibd victory al lhe local front wcnl off at 7 lt p hi ttw th rrtlmat id the llti wat mu olga ovhw ml wo tnlnute ail srcortd tiwrfl w ml brhv nur4k4dcr fhev wet nrrwnted with war savin vrtlflcntr- by w j fcvattv of the vklorv 1oan cow millr oibcr ilow tfailmmr were bv john wilful mm llw or rot nino bralda c xtk and mi menikortlc kvtkr another of ihe hrwf metway kurlltta ftigfvl in rvjwwf hnxiyht wmtow lo home in milton and ac ton wirtla whrfl uoitl va tvoflwd ihjl serai air gmiwr mliit krlih mcfrllan ua kllwd n atle wtvlc ffu nrvnl re mr and mr o ri xmelu following thr uvulh of thelaf ot her mat lhtw mu rvi n brown uho h hwn tutant vhimsifr lor a mimher of vejr here ha hwn iitutf uriinu tvusitnutrvht word ha iwn rclvs1 from rtf wm ii thompuwi of hit tul arrival ovrrai h ii the urn of mr and mrt j thivmn- koii no holiday in acton for lh 24th of may dlfd jovph lltfnrv tvnnv ur w h mllh mro thorn o llulchlnum of tttxkwood knok chutxh tholr provldtd thr program ami ihr i jultrb aid a uipprr for a congregational pymogttfor uhtn a ftachflor of olvlnltv ivwid wit prwnfrd to r torbr thorn win b a b d uho had tht dgrr confer ivd an him rcccnllv at convoca tlon at knok collffy mu ikkel andcron wad on orllnal nddre4 and mr alex munn made the presentation krye musu iu pn ntid mi ihoinson with i linuqtit t ol mruli uponv george muvwlle tnd tod lliintrn mg a toiipu i vojos nd ted pad piano voo chnrle klrkncs jif n k utiny ind ihi mm of ihr thou viny 50 years ago tajta rraaa ita uaaw ml ilw fn trim t1aartoy may si itu ktrel rail iw lht toronln no hoi ha eteclrk railway hm ui ilvj here and arv unjodsj lit tlv tfc mivual culture u now blmy uuym ii ihi ulwmilt tht voting klfrts uke lo the new itatliiu vir klndlv mr t t martin i prepdrlnu ih rmtuulli lof a new hiltk tiviilime at the niftier huith and ilyln l unplalnti uie rnutle of inth liu trspntutum u uudlim in ilu oltl tenkletv at the tettr ol m on si tom ht lorn uttv ihn m vnjwhsil uvwul tvpalr a ills ui hiuitnl in l he gimkk live oih i i lltt mltxh hhiii ii ttmthl ifive im haluiusil pnwfri niiiu vitpeiikton lil biiut i lu intnllrtu nl tit itlti i as urn i j ii ih lit i ill illi i ih m r um vf ul vh vs o h m u n pul luitli it v4 urt i ii tin i ih ih 1talh til ht vaiiimik nihil i ill itiir vvhuh imjia yomin in m ifitiifiiilittn mid i he vi ih viiuhle lunh oill u nl ik hiv iwm n itveittiioe and iluuvt invtihd in ll hill iulalni at l n i all i th in ill ih nil in ui mu it l utl surwlav uii inirrn iikonal ptftte sumlktv svinpalhetu it f riiiuit o ilu ihr me vt n in nl in vaiiihu thuithr tlve oneen hlrlhduy comni will he ihui in live loun lull on mnnd iv thr loun uill he ihnhr piilertsons nual hop uill h idmtl teiy tvtniny cvitpl iii d iv und atuulav al 7 mliuk tlve fianwuoik for mrt tdat ci l johnwm s ruw hotiw on knu ave up the round un lor mr lit ii mu huc on knuv are cttovaleil a few minute before two on m mttlav moininy live fne lull rmy lu ihunthixhis alum th nnnhiist vititt mil duilllny ol mot lit s ite jew mi mcuh nit ait ilu iiinu ol mill und willou sis i in tin im and iht fhmet hul niniktl tht nml jiul imtil til ilu mitlhcuv huildintf hitipud hv nohk s i loin intl teed sti n nd ilu oslsll ikms hill it mutmuy news wom afcoono trit distro crorcrtown mivir ghhon has ivmid i th7llen lo tounclhiirh i mnu i son ind p utis hi opii him in ilu inavntuhv i ue in iv t ink i follow mji hi tktl ditnssions nl i ninl mctilng it vtmi think nn tonihuiin ol mreiinps his ixtn he low pit iii he in the field this f ill mil llv gilt open lo m comxihnr powcr ml a moot civ ht i iltl coumillor rmmmiin tht iiuuhiu ik tttnitl ttutlnc i imuvsihi ihttni in itliiilntttr it ion kinntnillti meet inn in uhtth aprthmitii hul ruin uuhetl unh ilu ttnplovtts union whtk the mivtit is lummitu i h imnn iht met iiuy hul lein thtiittl h count illor fowiis ch i nol i acol is v an iimi mint cotit i rmng u iter uphiv uat ipnttl hv bnmpiim mivor rusmu prtnivt mtt c hi l tii imii i jatk diluiv in chinuit hisv township iminuipil ulliuv ixttnik tht iliutnvtnl siaitv ihit wlls iltvelopttl alio 144 m ilu m wtuild ht immtl hv iht oniuio w tit i rtsouus commissi n mil wtuthl ht ulminisiiroil hv iht ourc this woulil intltult ht ittuith drill ed hulionvillt utll said mixor proust the lluiiotuillt hn been ihe ccnlrc of consult nhle tonlniversv in iht pisi two monihs when farmers in iht hulionvillt in i tompl ilnttl ihu t 111 impton well netdetl w tier from tht am nilrlincton tnutn store his ihrown down the p mullet to chiltnm the uniform sum hours hv i iw pisstd h binlinylon ton rail rctentlv the iirpe towers stun in tht aldtishot mi f nurhnpton is rcmiminii open unlil 10 p m tn tlelnntt of ilu hv law a stoic spokesman rrporkd thai his sloa ins nndt this move be t nuse of ihe opening of olhtrs in hamilton a vpokesmin for hie liniform store hours bv lave siattd thit iht miller is now tomplele iv in ihe hands of the police minorities milton april louise daughter of mr and mrs don wilson or anne blvd milwin is pelting n head stari on gnmtng her hahv teeih she uas born nl south peel ilmpitil on april 10 and on april 12 shr cut her first totb it the ipe of two divs ami n w onlv 4r da old she s vcoiking on htr sixontl tooth ind ii s inming in nyhi beside the first 0m readers write high school district are cur ccntlv enrolled in vot ition il loursts at georgoiovvn distiitt high st hoot enrolment in diversified o cupations lor hos has betii suuh hat it has been necess irv to restrict enrolrnent to geori ttiwn students tht n ft renct to acton tax pavers helping to foot the bjll bv dircctlv contnbuting u the cost of construction of the voca tlotut wing is poorlr talcen the overall cot of construction and equipment of this project was close to one million three hun dred thousand dollars the gov ernment of canada in conjunc tion with the government of ontario arranged tor grants on the cost ol construction and equipment these grantv amoun ted to approyim t eh 120000 the municipalities of the gfomcetfjwn ii s deir sir i rcsptttfullv request permi- sion to speak through vour line paptr to tht people of acton m regard to admission ol acton distrut high school students to georgetown district high school i refer to statements made in relerence to this hem in issues of the aclon free press on thursday mav 14 5a4 and thursday ma 21 m in each or these issues ihe inference seems to be that georgetown district high school board re- fiiir to accept acton divlncf high school students i beg to inform the people of acton high school dutrict that application forms are available at the board office 70 guuph street georgetoun for acton high school district students wishing to enroll for the 106465 term in the following courses 5 ver business ind commerce branch 4 year business and commerce branch 5 year science techbology and trades branch whl ihu rounlry iwd u a it- tiv tl tlvii war ii llhhl tvlirv umiu ij hul hi ulul vt imaill lltal wtlu lo ika llllitltf i ulaatluiht lltaw dav tijuj g i in ill hat k lu hh iimhh uill thuiit if life likr maklny m nu v i vt uiul im k gjitui svhilhhiil of ilu mllolm iii ttl ult ivtivuluit ih 1hh 1 1 v ol ilu aiutluh tlagjitgit mu iii ilu linking thit til ill vi it mi in oiulu the grow iny ihtmiut tl tuillji hv vihilh gllltl tht lluiceose iii hrfeotli iii ll ikit ii t mi imit illtflluelvai klllapo j illtu hltwedlwiing u mill hllyt ihif hullv i ota i of i ins hahth iu v lo quibble uiul stii ihhlt aluitii tvtivihlng frmn ilu national nullum hi ilu wjlr i til in ilu lt1 at t lk 1 ht ii i auo ilu niaiiler of mil i njium il iiitilgt all ilu h k iwiv i ngljruf i imiui hivm ilu h s itinj hivt th ii itlllmllfll an llllalll t ivil ui mu cu i thu will lie ihe iju refuur t iliimn unlil nrtl stplemher iht at ion lliltlg lub had ih4 list nutting oi llie iraum mi m in i iv nihi our seiond veaf nul ihu list us un a hi af 1 1 hah uiu veiv siuti kiful my onlv wish is dun more athmlh vt tut lil lukt part in ihe t lub lii tlu lust liu ml of live sea- s m i wiwiltl like to ptevtnl om ih ii look nlute during the hikiinis luillilivi i was purl iu n tl vvlih my wife and w ueit nl iiih south tlu tk aler urn s mi ih anil luiifur ildt wm yul bl ivrlli s si nil ii 1 7 t 1 till i 7 a wrsl ijiil sj sk 1 1 t 4 ii tojimi ii- n 1 k ft s- ii 11 umilh 11 7 1 a 1 4 1 j 1 oj lot 2 l- a k j the hulillni bsulli wrsl north real 1 11 ml 2s piss h iss 4 1 plss si all piss wist s iu i in in hk si l i ll lis phiimisl 1 1 mkiii il ii tuur ii iruls 11 s rim in ss 1 th 1 smith sh in il lx iii llltts 111 liiinip hul h s nut so l iss til town of georgetown and the township of esquesing uere re quired to issue debentures in the amount- of ml 000 payments of interest and principal on these debentures are made bv the taxpayers in the georgetown high school district taxpayers 4yudedcettkhno in acton high srhonl dktrict- trades branch are not taxed for payments on several students from acton these debentures hul win n limit looking il out h mil onlv vaist onenitl tlu spuh tit nt t whuh wis tiilui tihvunist smltlon in tut smit it is a sinuloii tiuih h is a plav fur iht tonlritl ll involvts whil is t tlltil a strip ind end pi iv south wins the le ul in iluiimv with tht itt and enttrs hi hind wilh a tluh oil en of tilt nuinds is led and i sucttssful tiump lintsse is made after ttu oppomnis inimp hive been re mm id ill smith needs to do is to t ike tuit cluhs pitthlng a iu hi horn dummv on the thir- one now ihe ace ol hears fu lowtd hv a kiw htarl pre nts vtst with ihe lead just at a tunt utun he does nut uanl it w si h is nothing hut hearts k 1 1 mil must prtsent stmilh wilh i ruff in dummy and a sliilf of i spade mm hand ll wtsi had had a doubleton spadt smith- could it feci the stmt end pi iv hv dutking one round it spidts and ihtn takinn tht itt heftirt presenting wnl viith tlve kad in plinrung your pi iv when vou must lose a tricky lose it at a time when you wint to ind if possihte to ih oppontnt uho iinnot do vou inv hirm anv bridge plavcrs uho can visit toronto during the last wctk of julv should make every t hon to see ilu summer njai uinals it tht roval york holt i top hitdgr pljvirs from all ov ir morth america will be ther u i ptl an tipporlunit 1 uilt repot t some ol iht ictivities in this piptr earlv m 1061 details of ihe proposed fcdcml provinaal training program were released to the general public george town district hinh school board prompt h applied for permission to participate and were among the first boards to receive ap proval enrolment at george town district high school al that time was less than 600 in summan max i on behalf nf ewtsinowit disrrirt high school board extend cordial wishes for future cooperation between all concerned in mat ters pertaining to students of acton and georgetown high school districts yours very truly georgetown district high -board- wr and yn uti hi lmhj in et h i kmiilllv wjd sll ullji kt ilw ltd itl ih uui iii immiv sllllat ll hit kt i t hliillutiitj uiul ym ilu ljl ii it rsjatluhl iu oimiuu a is lit i 1411 lv ll iv iv ng a 1 1 i loun hi cth llw i an fkt ttl lu u ya lllioiitfll a i sft llilllg lull d nu illi yj oil ill ilu ullul lll h fwad i iii v4i llli ill iflll it ll 1 if u i v i utility mm i oiiio nn iiuliu mu i i lllj hill i how imii 11 ill mml t ll ii ll tl f til lit lljhtfolmud flolll lumpy itofiidg it ltirgd tits i if vw iu vt f throw u mololov tiuklall huw up a hiulg or hurl ihiim iv ban imiui i agallitl ijiikt vv tin hi 11 iw ashaiiud of out u u muintilhig ami giiliiihhng aluhll ilu lit ml tlu mp aiul ilu mt tl i nstgit ami o anatla and ulul lit tii pp i utun u alilngiitu op i alilm t ilvimmiilinti ilu hoo tn knii hh i i tuild lu inlnith i lk m tnlt tlu itlth i i iv iii hi ruailv 1 vruik jyti it ijshd i ft w tlaiys hul ilu v vt uillirn tihinlu ivooki uimhii ii ami i vt l v lllthni in ovi l ilu agt of 20 ouiat lu was in it llmmyli lu ii jlmil in was onlv i hrolh frf ft hoy al ihe miu wliv i jii i tti at si i mi yi mil hi dilioim iii tli il tliink of ilu si w d have i i hnul down lo mu luittklofw yi lltniu i viuif giandaddv vv4i thrn luik in 64 when the l4gion tuiuy il uluiul tw flag iiiinlutl on iliiaua mavor thai i ilu whin hi sloud lliem lor a iiioimni 1 ilu tsitipirfft with i iliad ol invlt nvi hut itolhllig toilld slop ilu iii iiuv hwatttiwd uho flu i w minihiiuifd ihe yiwfithuml hulkllngs mid mrd a uh1 of itmilutuifm m of ilivw hapiu iu il to pierik ilw ra itorul 11 ill uiul lluf kltcwtt ran nt uilh ink it v it ir want wii iluiv lo i im mlu i und trll vhii oun tliildtrii ilia i votii i itlu i wti tut of ilu hravt in nl tin lithhib in ilu f t4ii mmiitj of m lb wa wading u wav il out uatlanl latl in a i ol uh i lu lallllg ullai k on ilu s tyialii ilulllli i it s a ipilltil li iiivihiiii hi was in tl iuii hv lite f istul fin i iv a hid mil hilv ulmiiuttd i i ih uh i ivtt i hat k ulu n in ml lu oiiallv on ilu uilt ki v l i hi hip mh ki i only tun lipiitalkm if ihi n iksatv lailuio this nalumal lam lug of ihir uhu hrfstk out and it brother agalntl bro itui tallui ugaliltf von iriktv i lu in ilu tauu idi u hiv wifi professional directory and travellers guide mkmcal rtusirttai ninrctost di d gaeertt pttysklan anil surifcnn frimer u willow ami klsrr s fnlrance blvcr si acton on i flume ml 0141 or pobiri d bucknm fttyildin anil uritron it wrlllngton st arum uni phone ivotw alttil of day llnur i slioemakrr mgr pluuu i1vi3i0 dl r i moose physician am suruison i main strwt north cornrr main and mill slrrrt arton ontartn phonr v1ih ortombltllat t l buchner o 0 ottlonulrltl julin st s aetna in anon wnlnridayi only 2 10 p m 6 00 pm tnr apnolnlmrnt phorvf itllml ii nn answrr phone walfrloo 7i24m7 drntal do h uib ornlal surnron oflka cornrr mill and frrdtrlck stnrrts office hours by apnolnlmrnt telephone ih46i0 dc a j buchanan denial sturgeon office h church st e office hours 9 a m to 6pm closed wednesday aflernoon telephone h3i7w arthur a johnson im main st milton iliuiu ih cw72 res tk wi tursdav afternoons llmrsdjv rvenlnffl i ridav mornings arrttalhint and inbuiuncii i i f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario plume i5u3720 appraiser and insurance over u years la acta dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no i lllnton bldg i7a mill m f acton out for appointments teleptuine ml i wo legal c f ieatherlan0 q c barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 am 12 pm i pm s p m saturdays by appointment only phone office mj1110 res mm7i5 aclon a brai0a b barrister solicitor notary public office hours in acton monday friday evenings pm 9 pm saturday 1 pm 3 pm 21 pauley st guelph ontario phone ta 4222 office hoars fat guelph saturday 9 tin ham daily 9 ajn s pro i amciiitkct donaid e skinner h an h m r a i c i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone iu2740 offlie hours by appoinlment or 20 slavrhank rd port credit 274m2i ttavatuks oukm gray coach iines coaciifj leave acton liliytil savlne time natthound hi am dally escept su ind hall mam daily escept sil sun a llol eiprrts isi am 111 am 2 0 pm v0j p m 671 pm 11 pm p in son and rlol westbound 7 17 i m djiv escept sun ti llol i 1027 am p m 2 57 pm 577 p m pm q 1112 pm o m sal onlv 100 sat 1257 7tf 102 kaplan i ocd barristers and solicitor sidney kaplan and john d ord oc jljtounlalnvtrw koad s vwiml canadian national railways davllaht saving time fatl bound 6 52 a m to toronto dally ea cepi sal and sun 7j in to ernest forgrave secretary treasurer camlal builttbtar georgetown 1776956 anortiactoat david w oohn dc 11 young slreol tmrne 6rarrhurayrxnirs9t 952 a ni train is now cancel- ted i daily except sat and suit 7 40 p m sat only 745 pjn sun only 7 jo pm westbound 7ji am lo stratford daily ea oepl sun 633 pm to stratford dally except sat and sun 7jal pmi dair office hours by appointment m sat uyatcmljsti2oi ftlvalfocst ssaatjr oavsa j s i jtebftaytemi mu- -iii-

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