Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1964, p. 7

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auction sale 48000 bankrupt stock ntotrrmt fcucs attiance4 fnf full atcrttl comblna- clm hlfl act and tine american at bedroom living ana dinette edit in pro- vfadal colonial danlh and mo dem tteaisiu at milton fairgrounds underneath grmndktand ulllon ontario 2 sfiisjons pkidav junu i 1 pja iatuumy nine m ij vm tw taie earaprl of french fyovincul bedroom and living team tulln fine oocabloiul chair and tablet tabb and flour lampa quantity of fine rugs in atony color and tues kiichen mha dlnatte eulle bedchettrr field aulte name brand mal iniitf all elae wing fiinide rhalr- deella ieatber couefwt and ckair platform roccrr awfeel chair continental bed buok bed folding col and malty llcffl 1o0 nurkroul lu mention cvkmmo auction sale of hot funrftur tc will he hld on h 10th lin- ttnii of oakvlll 3 mile due we ot strchvllle l rtille outh of no s slderoad on wirhnerlay ev ilng june lkfa at 7 oclock including 1 palomino brood hur ii yrr old i appaloofca brood maw ii year old 2 chev lerficjdt ttnd chefchtrfleld ch-lf- tludio cotkhe ieveral chevtt of drawer chair dresser dec trie umpt rug wool blanket and bidding drape pic lures mirror novacord organ ldi con cylinder type grumaphotv a lid numerous other houuhold effect tl fm cah with clrl enlng ol alc no lescrve farm sold i u iott 6 hoi ml auction mr and mr ogllvic prtipriilor auction sale o antique and otber furniture tke properly of the ell of the late miss s s livingston lot 15 2nd concelon ewue- vitkal i tulle vcsl of spnsidc cuuainc auaion sale in twp or narsaoawrva of rami machinery tooli llouaehold coadi tic hat limvii thr undersigned inttruclkwit from crokcf couini4 to veil b aiuliun at k turn lot iv con 7 twp 4 nasvay i una titualrd on ihr rlh i nu milt voulh ol at ion on ah food cwxlercd to he void tuhimv ww h wiiliwilj levmlistf june 240 at 6 30 fcharp the following small cherry dek i m a 1 1 maple devk email walnut table oval walnut centre table walnut sewing ft t and walnut bed wal nut ditkur walnut living room clulr walnut cedar chest vmall mahogany table oak arm chair umbrella stand th above it rmi tahuuld be of interest to dealer- and fancier croly i ti twriiiertor with e croitop ireerer a iuu coud i beitch 20 in 4 rlaie eleiin i iove rouivd mahogany eiiti iun table malutganv kle r hord walihil twin bed- roinp- utc 30 in continental bed oak ba twtokcau clhlciilcld chair uitktr artn thair orm tun i lurge fiwiuloiu ouental rug s 12 hall tree email tobies s hunks hdnurulci tuddiny mn i i nv ttking ulensiu dkhts unit a iru old plccts other small uriule ourver or auciioneer will not hr rrfonswc or accident oi tin picmives irnus cash pranjk pitch aiutlorurr hsl ti b77 2hm th arton fro ptc thurtday jun loth 064 class trips man mm a 20 vi u t til brumplon man on moiul iv gi id iighl pupiu david marv cohiih haw b n at itu m 7 dcnmit kchool ui he taking a trip to toionio viiu julcd lor llu i1uimuh1 pi im nitnl huhjiny jnd ljsi 1 1 in i the mitt mhool iiu1 j in ccduv s r id u m ii lllm it mil tioih puhl i thiols loot lit oat in vvliudn llu r u t h iv oiillllaliuti dav it llu hlih wh htl vttliu siljv nut lh ir 4 i iuiti ui on b iiujui i thui i t id i i ii in i llu s hoil s itit lutv lodged m millon jgil tor om uul lot pre unieiice aflt r ap- h miiif in millon ton il vvdiu tin lui kuppkiuu lituur to uven alton miiioi- a ion p4tllt ii r i sled llu in hi s ilnrdv if a r iniwny i npoil he had ikvii supplmi liqocu tu tlu minoisi i i ul i nijht a it v pniiupuu liavi di in on tlu infivt iv hlff huhn janft alrtlw o actoj hilton county shorthorn utt e for 1v61 wt jo mh by thre other latlift saluoy th- nnuil field day and picnic ouhrvg of lite ofitro shorthorn ai locittion jinr left it ilown w lh alternate shorthorn tu e q epn dorfn crawford of glencoe county tail e lila black of perth huron ni ofitsrov snorthom lao queen char lotte sin th of wellmgion dunnq a pauie m l h day s program your j clairtone dealer in miiton richardsons tv appliances 301 main st miiton call ft ta delall withoui rrverve good on view all day friday up 10 im of tale teitus orpted cath cheque at of lale under inttrucilon jtffs rurnitthcl bimmirroks clearing auction sale im twp of nassagawrya of hmj luilw tree tort trttkm ttwwu4jhbrd stud haumlkold gaadd etc rcxcimil the undersigned ha uuiruclron from j ii roouiffk to ll by auction at the farm tot 21 con 6 twtj of nataga wey fcituul on the slth una blu snrlrui uitf t mile uthh 0 no 7 ftighwav 4 inius l ox acton on fttkfuy jump uth commencing at 1 00 o clock tthtttrt h follocvlng 8talloncrat parham h war old wh bred thornigli bvd ttalllon cows and uniptrs 6 mat tar holuteln cow bred tirwe c 2 maturt arvu cow calv m at lde 7 angu heifer hrvd lnc oec 2 ifolurin heifer taw in sevt 5 huhttfin heifer jred tirvce dec fat calve tttactoas truck am im kements uacey ilarrit no 13 row crop tractor in real food uwullan ford tractor in food eoftdttlon rvarftme manure loader dearborn 2 furrow hd mullc plow cockchutt uurmw disc 4ow uaicev harris i wa jlic on rubber in new condit but tarborne hvdrauhc culti vator row crop attachment oearborne tractor dic dcir wome hydraulic circular caw hlaaty liirrti ijdicc gram drill 4aectian harrow manure urireo- tfer on rubber factors built farm wagon with flat rack rih fcei tired farm wagon dear lorne tractor mowrr ficcormlck decnng ikle dehv try rake ioa ford ton pick taj truck mercurv 1w ton dkmtfl 4 ruck in verv gtuxl cindi ika ttvv ttutt tagalong trn ler du jhecl power table aaw wilhv hp witconin mot ftr david feradlev gardvn trae lor with cultivator nearly new 2 power bwn mowrr carncn r toou- plumber toolv all kind ot tool 3000 feel ol 2 6 acanthi urge quantity of used lumber cedar fence pot stautv chioru watet bowh tteel calf pito 2 electric fenevrs indue irial teneral purpocc hale elet tot 40 ft- 21 jure or black vwet finiut 210 lb aphali khlngwi 2 buiulli of cedar lar paper 2 ex teettion udderi 230 ft 6rtoir chain taivler tevcral roll of lr fataot wlndmih lower taimw other artlcjet hoosehoud goods sec- tkmal ckctterrteld iutte slar- otd eotmhlnailon radio and re- v player uhltc enamel cook hifv rftjjin ri enaitvel cook ing range beater duo therm oil circulator heater wood- dde4 fraca m tu h like new g e 4tf electric range 2 continent bfa double continental bcdi oak detk large wardrobe wal- nug anw duncan phvfe table gjirblea mwyodakstrit book crocki dbhet quantity totms caih with clerk on daw of salt rio ireaerve u farm la told uianicvs niust be movwon or before july i wml a oiason auctioneer au ym gueipb ta 4447s cawln mclntyre clerk b51 commencing at 1 00 ihiui sharp the following tractor ii immlmrnt- lout ir uloi moth i n ijl inle rnaiion il ww ii it lot on nice i duarborne iiim iv u biinu 21 ui low hvilruilk pi w tvartujinc 2 lurtow dis plow inlrrnalional hiiiele i to it eiil ivatlmitne- peillev mil ii tl hrltlier and giam el ill viw harris ehxltie erroin sepjr itoi pjll hcalir tanning mim pi it i itmn viks tuiuir tu iw on v i blade b nne rublvrr mrrel dim 1 w lyon 11 it t uk he iv eluts gilitiil punvis hili tl itor i m i hp motor huitiws iiwilir a vtil 1 1 mi w lh blade heavy t rattr ihnns pump itk du il whtd liulii 2 wheel trnur c m i inn tin 2 unit poilihle milkini niuhiiu i hav fork ir uul mi it ila tru brexklcr wjlcurs mints steel diums milk pail toe k ihutt 10 giain grin ler si t of j team harness ha ntl lawn mower all farm loolt 1 i toous ii atiours niuk i smith anvil leg vise wlcllehts i elevtnc motors ibk siw pipe htnnys gat eh n ithils 2 nitnv i lawn gav mowers 2 full him i of stove oil 4m hp rotoliller girls hicvdc hv bievch n in sorter pine cupboard cup boards lanierm jars n iske t douhtl barreled shotgun htitte r bowl ladle and print iron or jan stool man other irlides hollsrhold goods ntw william upright piano with i stool cold spot 15 cu fi ehest frccer 4 vears old witinu i house refrigerator winghim clipper cooking range coal or 1 uood water front general 11 cetne 24 push button r inge i ecrctan breakfast inli 4 chairs table cupboard bed j room suite chiffrohe and ehws cr desk studio couth cole- mm spacer healer like m w 12 i gal homart glas lined itvttu w iter he we r ch urs elishes i minv other articles trrms cash with dcik on ilv of ale o n verve a farm ii sold owner not sponsible iti i im ot teeident on sale dav tend selling at i ocltkk shtrp ne open hewitve until si tin u a gibom allelliipeer ptxme guclph ta 4i47s cilvin melntre clerk h sq2 dispfhsal auction sale of ikirhaw cattle and antujuui on saturday juni 27th at i v oclock or ruld aucartilur at the farm at t hurchill tin llu trd 1 im of i squesing i mile north of acton from massun s iitile mi no 7 hlghwav caiti i hon cos 4 vurs i old tall tl tool til tow 7 eais j hud v 22 ud poll eow 4 veats tilj fu sh call at i ml ltd dmh nn eow irish ta at ftmit ml out h nn lu ile r 1 v ns olel lush e lit it loot i cinscv etne 7 vi it s nld i rt h e ill at ftxtt htilstiin lu ift r 1 vijrs olel i tfish e ill it li 2 he i us 2 i its olil op n v n lints t ealvts llakniw 1tc set of single sit ol double complete i so ittol pulpe r etc on stpn itoi i with t le e hit motoi i inning 1 mill astioits w ish t mds mi i tee ctiertv droph l i lh e tire ssers siileboard buffet cof hi l1 uider vm ill t ibk s hut cr bowl and printers and otlu r valuable items tl rms cash with clerk div of sale no rcseri as owner is ntir ing from ae live forming owner ind sates still not rt s poncihlc for occitlent am homers iti iott ii hoi mrs clerk fred iliplie 1 uneh bhith tin grtuinds bm2 olhtlwoi acfonswasaga at fairy lake fine golden smd a ftot thick in some pi lees his been pouted on the beach r i it tlu pirk p irk s boai d ordc re d t he ne w heuh which much imptovis it popular swimming spot then i no complaint about w iter level hen vtater is i nrlv hmh ind evn saft r than list ve ir since there is i better tip er tien when the ur his been chtllv the water has been w inn and inviting tor hirilv swim nu r i visits baptism results in news mr stouart mm donald of ho ehester ny spent a few dav last week with his uncle and aim mr and mrs david slew art mi ami mis jeuv hlumpen ixitwer and bahv son o hrump- ion visited on wednesday with the litters paitnl mr and mrs k is loos ler mrs d sit wort und mrs 0 rotjiertvon attended the ten icnni il te ind hay i ir il mim os i i in led t hutch on a ul in s dlv mrs m jaikson itlnuhtl llu turn i il ol hi i hiotlui in i i led lamlxit at kikkwtmml wi dneselav mr douglas rube i son si en murriv uul online mmui on thtiiselav evening with the former pirenls 0 uul mis koturtson i llrmor tn nxanu i congr ilul itions to she i uk k aitken who rtxelvcd honois in hii third vear exams in euctrl cal engineering tt western univ i ersilv mr and mrs m hutchinson of toronto spent the weekend with the latter parent mr and j mrs gordon allken sincere svmpithy i cxlentled to xi rs harold thiaker in the sudden deilh ol her father wat le i whtile r at ft rgus bap t lam mr and mrv k klotishr it tindtd the baptism of their voungest gr indetnld go r don son of mr ind mis j klump- e nhouv we r it the t hristi in ri formed hutch at hr unpton on sundav mis robert kingshurv ind mis llu still mtlvin of rtmkvetmml vislnd on sundav with mi und waid ilrucc und suns mi and mrs vein s ind faiuilv spent sundav ai colt ilk it laki hcltotl miss ninev gtundv til gut iph sptlll he wet kind at lilt htilllt of lu i patents mr mil mis itoigi grundy miss gctiignu wr igg ol kit duller was u weeknul visiloi with lu i parents mi and mis william wiagg thud 1 itu mis peter uilletll of toioillo visiteil tin sundav with mr uul mis j a hulloch mi mfud metulehion is a p it i nl in iu iph llospil i ulu i lu ii ndi i we nl sin ji i s on m uul iv toronto couple buy restaurant mi i tod red fst ite ud rerun i rd llu s ilt of the m 1 ur rtsuu t ant this wee k lo a toronto tooplt mi and mrs anduw nmisoii hit lit s omtlti elll i iki vis s ssiiii ol lh hoittling lulv n nut hope s to ik opt ii lot im i in ss e ulv ui auu1 holh mi hid mis nt ilsou iliu he il iii llu li st no ml business all llu il hie ind ot pitscnllv ope i illiv husuitss in d iwntoun toioillo bluenose film on cbc tonight the lion tepl llhu tin iiw pup i tlu i thui mi ttlvisitml th mud i ol the t minus mi mmu r i s will tu hovii n llu ix smond dulli t v son in i mr mil mis i 11 mm wis i chi photographer w tiu 111 di itu it ip i llu t k is s linds in i search for tr isnu ind to mike tht dim then vs is i unuihv siou in piiluics in tlu i ice puss at the time of the trip the expedition ve is also vent tin up in the silutclav evenng post i si week sloi le s pie till i s i tv show hut no treason sm w il ftlf uumm ittmiiwi sootling antfptc mecca hials boils pimfus i poor appi arancf i t oil s iv vou iii thi ttounds c ire ii ss ituiut lo w ml i ihvou vout hush uul h s appt ii inn muni tliil shown up in vi irs nyht nun h isn i mish jwecial chicken legs jwmt nckuo whota oh half ohagilroil mksh mam skoal steakettes ouaftttta op ul ro your home pteezhi cut ano wtaa at no extfta chaise variety of fresh hsh r dairy k month a bradleys meat market we deliver daily phone us 8531340 ivhenif comb lifting a heairywli llhlng e heevy lead lakes mere than strenalhl k talim iaw4w k iht u yu wnt sf hurt i mony ttfomi tuppad dncs and tpralnl kavt ratulftd from improper lifhno if you have a kavy lead lo lift horoi how to do h ofly uali u avee camfully t tleetda mta bu way le li alace yavr feat cteta le h al a aad np a m band yew and leap yaw katkoralau heap 14a bwhl urn to yaw bady be mice yaw tea tea pet m if thi ioao is too hi aw fo oni hljft otthtul cia cooperato jtumilvamoa asaoola l aava cooperators ufe liianirauoa absooiaiioix suggestions for dad sheaffers 9 pont pencils bell pens pen sels priced from 149 i 2750 papermate ball pens 129 to 195 under arm leathm brief 450 cases 995 also memo pads oh books riadino olaisk slide rule drawing t stakes mnch sharpen ers desk oaoanizefc iett mum etc mm the oiaduate a scm portable makes an idee gift priced from 7950 is 19950 sllllvhimjfo0avj dills stationery so mill si sjaojo lions club giant car bingo saturday june 20th thi will b iha uil linos until ttplamb- 380000 cash includes a l64 fontiac or tj 000 00 cash 17 regular gams total 1200 00 plus 30000 special jackpot 1250 00 in 53 nos consolation priie 300 00 final game 194 pontiac or 2000 00 cash admission 1 00 8 00 pm guelph memorial gardens children under is not allowed is pity bell lines by l g denby your telephone manager motorist take heedi schools out hoorayi throughout lh ttimmer monthi ahead acton yrurtgtr will be out on itrmli and play arvaa in nwf nuttufwu quant ll than during live chiol ar aul will unfortunately make an r a tier target for htcaulhuia molorul and perhapa ih laaaanlng of direct puthorlly over them no nwr hnn- work mor related hedtliiw twhir tic will tend lo malt them even lest aware than utual nt traffic haurdt if u than th tilth paopl of acton will he at a double disadvantage come the kcheml hit lloorav thai they re tu antuhtaly walling for a child ttreaklnf out frim behind a parked car it ttui a child a motoriftf ha adult retpontlhulilet one im which la running interference for inch children lei t live up lo our mpontlhlllllea and take herd not lives beauty treatment i ii bei miladv his in tht telepll n mil eitsmelks ve is ae lu lik use i 1 l m i ull u tllle iihic is us vs 111 ll lsl is kepi w his lie c it in with linn in hi r spravs il illhle s is a pit mispcs tt tl i e irtn htm btivtrrn i i i i m ot ik iiiiv pitpar itions uuphoih pails fin irnpu polish it lis ind machine rv the p is th 1 pille the zing ilexswhx i hi htnlv 111 eve sh tekiw sefvidve i r small mkkh pirts ind sperm jul tile w ix iii lipsllek seises is j luhru irtt tallinn powder has i us in lehpluue niuits to prweni echsr in convcrstiiops ind isdpiopvl ikohol in ingredient in cologne acts as i finishing soluh ui in lelcphmu pirte although cosmetic undouhtedlv siibtiui u ir from i mmiti in s ajr hi idd ve irs to the lite of a ulipluuw had one lately qoeftlcmi what has two headi four ears two ttvoulh and trtlchetihiljotjtiijttl- arurwcr a long dlilaincif convraliont which incidentally u also the anawer to star hue your vacation off on the rithl fool be sthv lo phoive ahead for ismarvalbtass au stljf

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