4 tha aeton ft praia thursday- july loth lo4 edtu4 news and shopping guide sharon elliott honored at tea rockwood mn edgar john- ministers wife mrs bell interred in fcockwood saturday thd fuoerl ct wmrvn wolcxfetw for cwnam wd ch wood mr hom jmu- koci j roclwood eoacrtatned u v u alice bell wile ol westerner alii l2txjr2d us kkss wlscfcttstt dr r mm from turn ol ptok carnation kuu wrvic wn conducted by ike khu ulrt il whiw taums paitor rv r r connor flanked with silver candle hold 1 v v roy webtler as en and while candle decorated unlet secretary ol the bterd of the tea ubl pounns tea were wo muuons ol the united mm j gordkrf mrs wn uwhuiihof lillid wm mn alvin raoi and ure ur ik ii went to wiwl china uoyd juhmlot hrjjim owr ubllh her husband in ii5 when the lea wat mr d d gray taught in a minion ithool serving wei mn robit john yuln iklen and in the canad ion ulu lubtl johnttou and un school lor mltkunwrw mrs jamet rllloll gill and un chlldien in the dly ol ihengtu en were duplaved by uu mur- mr bell in laler year detpil lun sthrnt showing uv trout- ui lih refuwd to wl h ever i were kin hbmi hcndcr- 1 tnirrfrre will her huhd ton and mr george fluoh work a secretary ol the untied mn georae day held a miicel church ol canada large held ol isneun shower al her home lor vut a woik thai took him i rum ui tllmji astuted by mr freejihrlr hume my in clmnatu lor man wduui mr lioyd marvden nervod ol many week at a ilme and mn lkovd thomas a plea- im during llie perilous ds tanl evening ol amen and con- j t china japanese uar ttwj let were tm by all the bu v home in china ever hid a bvanla mn c day akiitted in ofionna ie lovely gifli an al trvcuvc and delkloa uinch ua aerved by the bo4tev and her fctaiuabth mr and mn george kiiuxi cuelnh enlrrtahned at a dinner karlv and nreefllai km lor shar ort flltolt and kin johmlun mrs guild hostess forroclcwooducw ktkwuuuj gkj in nlurv u th ilrxiimal theme taken frteftdk rvj relative from hv mr w guild at july me i guelfth ailcll w tit hewer aiul in nl i nit mw ruckwuud uiv- ardckvautij atitiukni ii4il hunt wonun iuu1 ut tlve mr fcwj urv jamet i u ruler- h mu t kf akx mthuutittn kirt guelpit tnu ruiiuu kn ttu nuttny u in well tilleiukd j4uu4iui atul sjumm i um al li uiui tv uf tlu tund ut vutior ariv in their hnnur at ud m puink hiiwn in tlu beju naitiae gjrxkm pnur to ttutr t uiuurui u ami wunuered how fcwmurf i afwi nettttuh- jjalhetxj t na s nchaoj lur nrrtenutkn p loaf the ami4r the rexxitl lowelv crd tlw and nutchm ckur wi darbaj the evening tfichiv uti uved and steen sbujtu wved a iswxlle ol ming o hit cvomkui mr uai stur ohiui duuht hn prxveiue ttte tiiinutev aiul trcauirxr k rc- teatl arul i yciwrthj ilt lrti dr belt and family kjraufulk aknuutedtfod uin r iliuny inlruduced itu tult pcalir klr buruy ol waterloo uho i the prwldtnt c rmeee foe the evening called gulph prcvbmerv ucw mr vc and sharon io the front mjiu in her pleavant and tt here ur ku ituvahh read formal manner outlined ttu dut the addrev and mi uanhn ks arul rxvpomibiliik of tht mde the prrwntaiton the e- tmmbix ol ttu ucw mt onl tttkt concluded uith a ocial ituim uho had paid truir tevt laiumn and ur garrv ritlhie hul ivu wuman in tru thurvh hour and hountilul rx ftrxhmenu niuvi ixlind the hand ol wtl uiv ultoit ua honored uith com to ruucuimr and ihow several howcr a mimtibikouvir spnituahi in the honu a fchower uu held at the lovely l n the church end mrv borne uf ur and uo wm law buncy kan ul ahlc1i gimih and con- the me una clowd with a lct were enjoyed miwcs mur- jmn and tru bencdtclion a lean sihram and willa bowerfltou luiuh wj verged b tlu hckuted the bride in opening the iuiniins amu4t b her hivter lovely situ which were arranged mrs p sim mrs connor thank in a we watering tan the ho- id mrs blanc v lor her fine nuv tcfc at fitted bv mr lawm s and mis mcphedran for duhf aiul mifcl murtcan schram opening htr home fur the meet tcrvxxi a very delicious lunch in from then until ims dr belt ur rd on the tuff uf the mlkklun ary dtrtmhmeftt ol the united church upun retlvnurnt tlwy canw lu rvjde in rock wood mrs bru ailing health kept htr in hotplial tor tnot ul thew year ol txllrertwtvt variid and txauiiful u ik hoi tilbuuc were tlu mitiioiut kuul ixpivfciunfc ut fiieiulb and t livtt at tltey ivcalled tvenii arul inlluemei uf a i lev bell talented life and tlu happy child hood dvb aiul yer of vlvaclouk young wcunaiihuod in the family honw in winnipeg with her gift ol warm irietulhip thiough ou man with young aiul old mr bui low to uiui uiuuiktonding a liuldixn expivkced in lur uiitgft and ktoriik comjuiuxi juvt lur them made her a heumd and welcome auntie among tlu e hi id it n of rxtaiivck mul trlcndk at home and abroad amony the fiiend uluiulmy tlu fuiurat were munv ti dr arul mik uellk wtu china mkk ktonary friend the patlheain ill mpluw were burton bell hdytutt car win chau julhlh w o lkkl jillilu paul jollille and llaiuh tuvlor sutviviny mis ihll at lu i hucband the u koii nul ind his ulte jean and huir yiandchtul i en ltin war i n tei r and joan three kiklem lena mi k o jollille llouivee mis carson nut and ldna mis lorxn guild also three brutturs tot in dunluld ul vancxhixi llillurd dunfuld of meadow lake savk aiul ltur duntteld ur ol law a ititei me nl wa ut kock wood cemetery eramosa ps officially named oneroom schools soon to close rock wood tender have beenl whoou in the lowtuitlp will be recvlfccd few the new eramou clotcd the retruitning kchuou public school to be erected on i will be lour corrvert stlbuol bd kix acre ol land purchaved by the en milu chcvl und rock wood school bcuud from cecil nellis lot 22 on tlu sth line of i ra rnota the teiuler uf batlaylia com i rut i urn of guelph at a fig ure ol tlwi hat been aceepltd vubiect lo tlu nececcary mfipn v als fiom the detvaituwnt of 11 ucalion and mealih aud tlu on tario municipal bayard tlii un der i i itluvive of paviny aiwj tlkdlllg door aielvlleclk tut live uiukjt uie kiuvelun uiul dalhy of waterloo tlu olluial iuiiu tivr itu tu w eeniial ciimioi will tu i r am va puhlie sehiuil wlun thlk selukil ik compulid llu veveit om iu in sclvoul t chr ttwtgsi rebiitnalionk frtun wx inemberk of tlve leaching klaff luve been ic oituay mrs charles allen lifetime resident 1 uncial miviu hii mis 1 us ail i w liiy avt wjvlum h ii at 2 pin on siiuidav july 4 at the kumli shm iii iki i lull nal ii nu uuli riv a ii mi hi mfli ollkiahny t tlu ubeelue ol riv dwiylh 1 i ul riv ci s tiaiunuiii a tulhboi avslvdd ul i he m i v ii v ceived ur lorn g walker ur maktwaret towet mr mary nelllk mu nancy ncff muw iieite small and mi suwanne i meadowk teacturt ervgaged for tlu next term ate lajwarj robertk of icap- ukkaking jaiive sparkk ol loiv- ilun miss i d untuh of north juifiv dc mis i iken llody uiii uf pivtton and 1rntc i wert of kitiluiur one vacatuy mi the klalf reiuaink tianspoi tatitxi i lant nu nit uill eoiillfiiu as al prevent un iii live iu w 1 ramoka puhlu sehhl is uadv lor oeiupjiuy 1 tu se iumii luijid tu vigived an up l ion lot llu sak ol no 10 viimmvi piojuilv o live laaiuosa otiiu il lor llu uiivovrs of ion verting lo municipal ollin judge posters water safety monday there wa a poter corv utfct for all the iwimnwrt ia th three claifce al the whng pool all but thre of the boy and charles cuhs sells his farm property the farm home of chrie cultk hai been told lo juwt brandord of goryciown mr cut it u reuiaiotf the house i mr cuttt erected all ihe build- girl f in on lh property cutting wafe ly dot and don u t w m h a f u lurid illuuraiiuna of the corue 6ftj ta0 i limtwrk m frmed th brrt instructor jim caburn ik udg wllh kc u lhe utr curertce mg hum aiul llu beh will be on ju cleared and display in a ttore wiiulow hut ploughed uwne land wliidi wat urcckctul i bukli 12 yeark ago pictures highlight wms meeting hoekwood mis auk ii ua ivostre tor the tuihht innip ol roikwtmhl piishvun n chinch tveinllv mik tljlh pi suud aiul loik tlur elrvtvlional live invitatton ttvtk itu mi wav oiu uul tn m unreal dur ing mav at tlu 100th unnlkersaiy ol live wms and wa tlu mii- turr lesion ua pa stage taken liom tlu itvur caospelk duiing llu hustiytsk pi rloet llu ladu s in ul plan lu calt r at itu sli un i ilr uiul lo collect ioivd used clolhintf i m a fall bale mt aitken yave i inosl ind r isluikj talk on llu loolh unnlvi i s ii y eili hi al urns in mont real in 1 u in is witi uo slmwid picture tiknj while mu ciiiinii all i in ouilue tlu spcukei l il dip hou unpussd iviiyoiu was the iltnt ol iiulian tus aiul yiits ttuu luvilv ixpiessivi es mil lual appeaianei wm a insph iiion lo til at lhe i nultis k n ol llu nueiiitlj a lovil unuli was siiiil b the hosttsi assist eel by mis goidou giav a ml iinu timiunl ol ihlk di mil llu loiniii willa may laiu duel il hi i ht nu n wixlnes da jul i she h ul tkcn iii i ulii y tuallh i ii iw i yiai llu iliiiuhui il lh laic i lisha i wi aitul claia jiillin was ttoiii in isguesiny itiwnship slu had hvnl in aelon siiue ijol slu kavtk fur luivbund chtrlts utlurl fou i vim morlty kin in ih aud william ol at ion char ii in kiiiui i oven ami a dauuhltr uubv mi june rllchu ol oiillu aiul m ik yi uuli in litre n lalllu iiirs vein ray ttwrnip s tn all ui iiuii chlloid hi ad uv iduii dtwkins beil rolurl nit noiion kjclsitn llovvn dawklns huiial louk lee in i all view cellleteiy buyihg a hew kotoe you can rauit whri yoor covrd by brcnisr safeco covers the dangerous gaps found in many other homtownpr policies yrtiamplt tr hmu and jajiu lunrtf ul acu f lha iniurad building glati chrek yourcurnnl hmaownrr iniurlw ovlntaa art it dora not olttr th imporunttfraucum vluaaaa of cenkkai- imuranr for tli flnmt moat toni lelr prolartisa at tha lownl b4iibl roat rail your hafara ant uow llaaaphona aung1haway24hauriaday nobody altui clsjnti fatr mini w it dennys insurance agency bill and harcxd j traeli j mm h10u0 attx 0 ffdrttal taxia ol ifikiwl yttl diikiii uuillli lim i ixi on vi4ili mil i m ir4tion lrkollll mil mhuvuni iiuika onlaiki piiivkun oik h ill oudhv uihuuttlir mil llu i niiimnu uiru pixiiik nj itk the ixmalmilu mi4u u u i pollock and campbell m iniifjcliirrr til high gkade mimoriais memorial engraving 63 watr st north oalt tcuphoaa ul 71i t bank of montreal j familq finance plan wwr bring all your personal credit needs underpiwm lowcost ufeinsured loans actoa taraachi edward rrait muuier bell linefs by l g denby your telophono manager lower transcanada long distance rates youve pruhably read the newt tlorlea about lite lower jrans4anaua lone imatance ratca that went into elfect last nwnth ii occurred to me that reduction have been implement ed io often over tha yeara that they re in danger ol not being newa anymore however they re relreahlngly dlllcrent con sidering the price trend ol jual about everything else tranacanada long distance service la made possible by close cooperation among the various telephone companies over whose territory a call travels itelore i2i there was no interconnection ol lines between the main canadian telephone companies so a call between guelph and say ldmonton had lo travel over american lines by 1911 however an allcana dian eastwest route was completed and ol course continued expansion has occurred since then today your call may apeed over actual telephone lines or through the air via micro wave alongside television programs or over radiorelay systems that reach out lo isolated sites aonw well beyond the arctic circle telephone companies certainly don i just ill on the accounts collected irom customers money la continu ally ploughed back into the canadian economy to provide l belter and belter service and a higher standard of living for all tailored telephones on the acr ip mtseultm tmcirx aic 10 pi r cint longer and 1h pi eent wider thin teimnitu i infers also on lhe lele phone nuns oues ux iwo ilis i be k imulii m women- and nun tend lo i ilk eell louder when t llkllll uuli otlui men who e us ou isk well 1 1 k phone ingueern carv er muell tliev een eaiv about the average do la nee bes twexn l in human mou h ind ear the hanekel mum hi bo ui lur ideal transmission uul ivceptiun the moulhpiecc should he held fiuin uiu4iatf tu unc inch itxnn the lips careful slud or these human t aelon hiv hd to the best poible dcn lur llenii ut telephone eulphlelll where you are tver nolle how aonfco acton folks answer the phone promptly when you cull them well they might just always be right alongside tha telephone but ii a more likely that these prompliuuufrer have discovered the convenience ol having extension telephones where they are irfthe kitchen for example when the lady of the house spends so much time she cam make and take calls with ease keep an eye oh whats cooking al the airoe time some people find it handy lo have extension telephones in the family room or dads workshop and of course a bedroom extension la not only h adh fjiirfhg af of ae knowing a phones dose at hand extension phone come in three model wall phone regular desk act and the utile princess with iu gtawlrt nightlight why not fmd out how convenient it would be to have extension phone ha place handiest in your home all it hikes is a call to our business office or ask the telephone service man pear shaped i i lb un maple leaf hams 139 save 17c uo tins york bologna 2 for 69e save 16c 12os tin kam luncheon meat 39c save 10c 12ux tins klik luncheon meat 43c lc off i pkg domestic shortening 35c save 3c i lb pkg maple leaf lard 2 for 39c 2c oir deal l-i- tins chum dog food 10 for 99c york blanched peanuts n 37c ocu tin 33c tomato juice ianiy chunks or tidbit iga pineapple 2 for 69c i aniy chunks or tidbits hm ibu masons canned lase ol 14 only ii 77 laui ibu soft drinks 12 for 89c plain loa pk chateau cheese 33c swin juicy valencia sunkist size 13 cjunriu i ataaaaak saat oranges 31 prodiilc ol usa cjiiuij no cantaloupes grade 35c a 3 for 1 rxeellent lating vanet granny smith apples 6 for 39c pnxliki nl u s can no 1 gi idt pnnlucc uf u s c in no i gride seedless grapes lb 29c peaches q box 49c ita pineapple juice mat tin 2 for 33c pink or wiiiti rrg tlse camay facial soap 4 for 49c pink or wiiiti bath sla camay bath soap 2 for 35c oatmuu it lci lab itvo pkg dads cookies 33c hospitality wild blueberry saw lie lattice top pie 49c itiksh orange date dempsters tea bread 35c pttlmium bttlad dempsters select 26c prices effective july isi4i7 and il w reserve the right to limit quantltk a frozen alwrtee extra cakes-l-is- appu n spick choc swirl bahama chocolate or orange tawaaawatl 69 -wsck- receive an extra sam bonn tape with llnr ire hn ur a total of 3400 in konus tapes peanut mltter york ac off giant site detergent chaar 15c off family site rink yellow aejua scott tissue 4roll pack he special toothpaste- she receive an extra sim bono while tape with redpath suoar 10nv baa kraft kvua pkg philadeiphia cmam turkey chicken bacf york prozm hb- pia produce of vs can no i crana carrots cooked ham a uxa aac pkg z2 trrtwj