Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1964, p. 3

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in t llaaifl tw letter from india rudds given mission field lessons preaching progress dear friends i various tecrvlarlcs thu uu a it u june and while the lcmr gratifying ekbcrienctf but trwl- eralure fclandri at a uuita 115 in nation and convention ul- or thovahthilk in wlhanoram i leers and talking wllh them we are enjoying cool intermit- about irwlr work and uspiraliisiu lent rains and warm sunshine i proved to be the greatest blss during the day and blading hearth ing fres and plenty ol blanket at ijo rf vim night we weie told that india i a land of contra and now biuarv we weic quite proving it vuinnwd i mtm trnlalue woid irom iv tnvcnlln alloc- every time we have begun tol commllue re alluiallon write a teller we have done so tjelull indualt- thai we aie in be with hellatlon hecause ii seem i haige ol holh ihc tekkull and atsir ptfau 43 toms ihii uroa machanlcal praii wai ihlppaxj this waak from blow prait to falrorlava industrial toronto whara it will ba utad in iha manufacture of aulomalic wiik ina machinat the prett wllh i so ton capacity wet in the procett of manufacture here for ovar rhra months ii wat loaded by two overhead crane onto a laroe trailer for the trip to toronto informative fun centennial trip to new brunswick for ontario high school students cfcnuii lo fkcr from ac lot mgii acboul mi pilot pro w tuf lutfbmi m m cmutv mm to kuw bnumwick with m kmu otltftn wmt oui wmt otf ttlurhd mi eah ma- mrjkm im gtmw tatlo pud 12 fal lb ml hi wcouui ot iri trip fotttmw on tucwlav june 30 a i ii p m t trrived at union fetation in t ronlu where i hum ihc umup und our ehnnennev mr and mr norman muxwcll of hamilton the group cunsuttxl or n uuu ii boy anil the iwo chu pennies all the htutlenlk tome from wtuth proceed continued from puge one tutt did not want to share un ttf the increased cost tor the con tttructloa of a board fence at tending in the delegation were grant ailon mm loik macken zie mm clurk anihtionu miv m 1 bannett jovcph petru bill young and mr and mrs churlen landnborouyb ftutor a silvester of hvungcl bopllal church requeued per mlulon to hold sundav evening iwrvktis in the park he explain ed the bcrvicv would last trom i 8 pjn and would have musi cal numberi scripture reading und a brief message a portable p tut form would be provided und temporary uuting hupplud pei ttkuudon to uur the park on a temporury experimental bau wo grunted ryaddent ted pone of the ac ton softball league attended tlvc meeting an agreement covering the acquisition of the light bv the parks board and operation ojf the light wun read the ugrce- ttttwt will be studied by ihc lea gue before being kigned fiuady ftamea objections by ratepayers on sunday gumcr und late finishing rf games were pouxl 1o the prc- fcbfent the boardn objection to not having been notified of sche duled sunday games wait ex- lureiued mr pone agreed to eliminate any sunday gumes pov aibk from the schedule cultivating of the land in glen- lea park had raised the stones to the surface it was uiggeted ty a contractor that motor grad ing of the land would bury the atettm and make it ready for ih- the board is to inspect the land before any further work will be authoruted secreta joe hurt reported cm ontario moxt ol them intin live tnniniohumlllun dint 1 at 1315 we left turuniu on u lulu fur otlawu the group wun given u hleeptnu ar hut no one ilcpt much itu- iini mglu suc rvhuhmnt 1 lu tiiln art i veil in olluvwi ot 7 u urn alitt hiviiktisi ui the hialion iitcuria w uiitk etl to 1 lie p11 hument nuihling then we wifc the chnnyiny ol the uuaitl unit tourxul the pit r i in nienl huilding we ulu uvnl up lo ihe pence towci at 4 pm we lelt oltma b ittin iul timvcil in munticit ituhiiul 00 we msitetl st jamev caiihvtliil aim ilier ti steak itin iui we inured the til il monl nil l bus at ii is we yul tin 11 sleep ing iai at 7 jo a m the train inivetl in kiiere du uuip aftei hiviklisi we tinilleil lo i l nuiiisutn nr h bos at uj munstou ihc group wus uclmm etl h the navoi and gien a lour ol the tiiv in a ihool tins whiili uin mod h ihe yixnip lui the iesi ol ihe ti ip then we pn tixuktl lo ciinplvlllon uheiv wi sjxnl ihe nielli in ptiale llotlkn shlpbtdldlng plant tida nioniin we lei i camp- tkllloit utul uent lu ua l hurst altei ineelmy the mavor wv iravellett lo taiaqucl where we went thixuigh a nhiptuiiltiut plant tliii ium stop was new uxllc attei a tlanie at ihe aivna we wciv likin lit ihe homes wheie wv spent the night the next morning we lelt new- castle aiut prtkeetlett t shed ml wheiv we weiv gixi a tule on u tahin mi set on norihunlu kiul stiut then we were guen a lour tlmuigh a lohsiei avion ala 1 a swim al parlee beach we wvni to mont ton where we had ihnnei al the urunsvmck hotel tlien wv weni to a tlaiue at ihc ymc a we weir puked up bv the people with whom we were stamg days trip suiulax nttiming we wvre given a turn til the cit ol moncton aiul then attended the church of out choke ariel church w went lo magnetic hill wheiv we hid tumh ttwii we wetn 10 sutk vllle and into nova scot la and rriuruetl to suckville untl hiul tlinnei al mount allison llmver silv we iheu ivturnetl to moncton lot ihe niyht mimitlay moniing uc led moiklon ami wvnl to i uiulv ni imind pm i tluiv we had a swim in a healed salt walei pool we then prmectlctl lo saint john when we had dnuiei at ihe ad mital hcaliv hotel revrlng falls on tuesdav moniing we saw ihe reversing tails at suim john we also msiled maitvllo towel which was hint in 1 a 12 we lelt saiui john uini through lllack harhoui lo st stephen ami pm ceetled noilh lo indetulon we ai lived in tixtlei icloti al approxi matelv j00 then we wen taken 10 the homes whcie we slaved lor the night wedncsdav we wire taken thniugh 1 lie ixgislitive lluildings we also msiled the ucawrhiimik ail dalleiv chusi church calhetiial and ihe universilv ol new ittiinswiik i rum 2 v lo s m vvc had tive lime to do shop ping 01 an thing wv wanted to do provincial banquet at mxv the gitiup met al ihe ugtslative duiltliugs aiul walked to 1 in loul rtcaveihixktk hotel wheix- ihe piovincial bahquel was heltt at let ihe hanquel we went to a dance al the y mca thuisdav morning we lei i i tetletulon and followed the saint john rivei lo the cilv ol satni john at i 20 p m we got una nam altei a 2 luiui siopovei at moncioii we got on a hkvp- mg cir ltr montival frtdav moniing we changed iruins ul montreal aiul amved m tonmto at 2 pm 1 waited until 320 und came lo acton b train all the participating students thought that this pilot protect was crx successful wc learned a great deal about canada by 197 there will hkelv be manv more ot these exchange trip urgamxed hrikakuhun iuld when wc t turn lo plihjihji m in july we are to he pint lime woikei in evuiigetism until we mow noilh to silkukulam in nvcintui w un l lad lo know w hi n w will be woikiny iluring out hil umi ihe kiutulcilgi ol otii jiiik ton pnimpled jim to lak- a slwti t dtp imi h to ttu bohhill tivd si ikakulum lie id just iw imi ctunliiu to ihe hilu lime an many thinyt vn told it ii vihi uiuhii 1h1i t truiti nit hoi kpai will ptimii only hu jim wac driven by mi matluuxt lu within ihire mil j ol u thuiih on pulkiiulo i u id i 10m llml dlslnnce hi wlked lo hi villagt of koppaia wllh siviial ihilsl luns ol thitl villugi alur kisiuu ihi luw ihunh building tlu re urul 1 njov my c hi is han tiospilidllv itu sloiv wj lold m iik nlutn oiiiiuy ol llu nuirlvulim ol km nun in kp paut one mute man lucuuw he peisuud in yiviny lnniy wllius unto ihiil in ihe midst ol his lamilv vvaw yiadiulu poisoned to deiih hy hl oven son ihe kop poi ihunh is a slmng iluinti ll u thul hy tvawon til the wil m sh ol ihul chiisilau miiivt ami oltuik like him hen wus a the acton frwprvti yhuuday july 16th 194 only a dentut can make aj a trcw u an object that will living looking down in the mouth und in one place for years then every day jump in root ul a lady drivar 4tr if we have ov conbtant mono onout theme to tell of namely language hudy so it with wmir reticence that we agaie nwniton lhat we an- still hard at il here in ovtv we language modem have lukm turnb preaching in telugu evtiv smutay alleirwm wc tun trsiilv thai wr tan mnw your piuveis on hir hehull and uck vthi tor vour continuance luhy boy were stilt rejoicing in live birth of ptter john though he u iww ihree months old lit a swxt buy wllh dark cuilv hlt blue eves ami a big smile lor iven oiu he uatt horn on mich 20 in pithapuram hospital und has been yiowiny sliitdilv siiui in eailv l3m jim went lo madras tor tlvc lvenyclkal lellowslup ol india annual conlererue to ihu tonletcfuc people tame tnim long distance some ironi far as the himalayas the main speaker uu hrv dllheil kitby eneial sfcniary l ihe world evangelical fellowship his mts sagts iwo a di wete liunslal d into tamil 1m llu- huke ol lve local delegates ihev werx tm pl cxpnssi d hut piolminil aiul inspiring in nuanlng manv tauls ol mnslonaiv nuuui win pie unled iru hiding gospel rvcoi d ings llleialure prxuluctlon and 20lh cenlury tlliisltation ol ihii dlslrlhtilhrn ll was a vei help- cailvtmtuiy ntlage the iiukmi preparation for the flrt year ekamb labl nowmbrr and de- cembef and wince jaiuary be ha hoen with us in pithapuram during that limr he became a 1 1 tend ab well ab a teacher we nceived won llu- lust wxvk ol may thjt he had just arrived in tcodalkaiul to ctimmeivce uj thiivg utv uivd mrs waldeck wlwn he lead a uvvre iteam at- lack and wab complelrly irwapac iiuleil it wa ihaughi at tut that lu might pakb away hut a nngblv volunut of prayer wvnl up that lu- might be paivd and above all that lu might turn lo hrlhl lw lore he was taki n l that was mu will we are ylud lo cay that lu mllkd mlia iilmrsly utul us lai as we know is will improving ihouyh lu is in kawinada and iml naihiny now moixovn dining tlu- cilslt a tonviiled hiaham ted inm lo a snlny knowledge ol tout tlu- days uluad apvear htnv oms we will lw hosts to iwo nihil families duiliiy out annual innsloiiaiv tonhoiui ioi ivt davs tit llu end ol julv thank mi all ayain lor oor piai 1 wi vonlinu lo lu hi good lutllh und pttotu- him ioi his lonltnual hli ssings 011 11s sliklll u jim marion hitui alio iv u uudd iai us honor llu- man who in vt riled venellun hlmds wllluhrl ivts lonslyhl il wimiiii have luc n cur lalns ioi all of us harvey laverty heating humuno amo lavnnouomimo saus and mrvicf avlr to all makaa fumataa cuaaam ma4al ali otl anj oaa fvmtta uatallatlami cawwialail lyiaarl maim iyht n s4 hour lafvlc la14 kockwooo used cars vacation specials 1962 falcon deluxe tudor ski if nmiinon raiiu a ilfm uioiiortm l pf lrnimmatton 1961 volkswagen tudor gocxi clean itt ilo i960 victor super vauxhall 4 ilr suilno t ivor 1 kao ljcmhi at thompson motors acton ltd main it n i33 3j70 llu wed til tlw lut itinlerente and will nol sjn he lorgomcn on i lu ret ui n i rom mad ras jim slopped ul akividu lor ih- annual ilupllst convention we listened lo manv ol the session tivd managed lo pu k up ihe gist ol what was said hy tlw 1 was largely icsporwiblc lor oui ol llu martyrs 1 church taachar iii wi wen stuniud lo hear alln onlv imk weeks slay in ix i y ol ihc sudtlen illness ol our icachti mi jiymnatlham ll was lu- who sfmnors anaur your ontario hospital insurance ililbirthday kiic inu11edi whan you ranch your 19 birthday you ara no lonoar covarad by your porarmi cartlrlcala raolilar mparolaly within thirty day to haap inuirad form ora avoilabta ot hoipilali bankl and commluioa officaa changing jobs keep insutedi m you chortfla obi follow corafolty tha initrvctloni on tha bock of tha carllfkota of poymant fora 104 which your oroup u raqulrad lo olva you getting married keep inujteoi whan you marry tha elly prtaawt kut ba pold to eovar hmbond wlf ond aliobla dapandanh tall your oroup or ii you bov dlract tall tha comalulon ontaiio hospital services commission slts yonoi ttriir toronto t ontario bc departments store wide en p tecs col 15 july 3s teasona tickets were old 343 xiao admuslcru and 21s0laie hour admlaalobx in june 62 aeaaoov ticket were old 111 sljdo admltslnnf and eight late boor admlstjans coat air the gate attencumc was sod we will have a much better sea son than last year u the weather bolda be aaid vulton coohatativt iviorv calli paid from first vuit all surgical orktallons 4r anaesthetists services eye test health examinations majormerefc euptoyee croupa reanllea ol slie you may enroll at any tune ol the year hats only ltj per month family um sluv paya o u ai halton coop medical services ox 474 milton tel ta7li ploau aaad me lalomtatiou no obligation medical caw plan name address canada packeis jtmuut sliced side bacon 55 lb tenoik ikp shoulder roast 55 choice beep rump roast 79 uean pork shoulders 45 lb limited quantities of ontario spttlmglamb mont hind ouahttts and uocs op h bmano ib cut and wkappcb poc vow home freeze a no ex c tjaey dtuvfjrr lovell bros modern meat market rr miu e aden pharw issx340 we are offering terrific money saving values on regular as well as summer merchandise clothing footwear cosmetics and variety of gifts sale starts thurs july 16th remember there is not a regular price in the store everything is on sale at b t c department store bc department store i9 mill st e acton ont phone 8581790

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