Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1964, p. 4

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saata fmu waa 1w4w my u summ comlngi cokioi iteuhion family picnic htdd m santkird aad av br san- vr kefeh mcdonald of pram nw m the w ptna wa lb otsbln nw day i j r m hid rouahw home tem of mr mot maut pad alias oayte u si maraareta flagflrlia rtmnfc near tatoa bd the reception al ike may fair ian on saturday buj froonuiaab for his friend mr and ur bt b at tended the king rauaioa al thombory rerk on sunday ur ak domm of hambcr ifelffit presbyterian church conducted the service at lime hodae on bmlay morning while rev f n young i on holiday away those away mr cohoon hrr tuiar mi annk sicwn and mr cohoo two eiacer apent a frw day latt week al canal lake mm harwy mario tpani a work at avald camp near aria mr and mr jem noble spent a few day with hi neph- j cw wife and family in hamilton roff r cohev conaralulalloot to mr and ur clendoji scot oa the arriv- on stem of lown al of thrlr third utile cuclptl early monday visiter visitor mr and mr l draper and wutani curlrt lir ud un w goettwll ol wn pram with the tmsays a ftw day mr david kauamey from oeneral electric toronto for holiday visitor wlrh the lam otlourke on friday night in cluded cousin from briluh coi- uatbia mr and ur george slmpxio clifford and gland from victoria and ur harold myguett formerly uar bret simpson front cranbrook r and mr jack doughty sat an and sandra of gurlph and mr and ur harry mtleod of i helena were also there a family picnic attended fay about v relallve of the simp son and stewart families wa held al the home of art mcuod broofcvilie on sunday honoring the vlitor front ike wel coatl obitvulfev cuniidon with mr and mr hale a couple of day last week mlu annie stewart of toronto with mr cohoon mr and ur norman godwin cathy and kellv of walbrldge ohio with mr mitchell mr sanford and bm major robin and mr bourne ann and john of ottawa whh hi parent here or the week mm s smith and grandaan jimmle hutchinson of wevlon with the pattersons weddings callers of local interest the abram family are home after a week hultdav at sauble beach ur and ur don mclean and family of cornwall visited with ur and ur w mclean the children debbie- and david sla ed with their grandparent for a few day rev taylor of eden ulll lre bvlerian church gave an object lesson on sunday which wa very instructive the theme wa on family life no sunday school for the lummer month gave the children the opportunity to en- rev the funeral service wa held friday july id for robert ben nett corwv on of mr and mr it t 1 goorge- uho died suddenly julv 7 near georgelouo he uas in hi jtlh year bom in guelph the ton nf william r corky and nurecn melrose bennell he attended kibltc ichool at stewarttoun orval and howard vmggl- worth public school george town he ha lived with hi par ent al k r 2 eiirgeown since birth he had been employed bv the dominiun seed house and uuli the town of georgetown al the lime of hi death 111 bobb uu auto mechanic the funeral service ua helj al the harold c tucclurc tun eral home georgetown con ducted bv rev j i maxwell of si john angltan church sleuarllovvn inlcrnunl uj in greenwood cemctcrv george town all colling tgon modscn pq moran ttd humphries don hudgr and allan slake vvtrrc pallbearer he leave hi parent and an aunt ur olive tcbbv mount forest a sister jean mr al oi nieiunach and brothers fred and donny scmic sites in credit watershed to b marked uh hiu httttv janfnt khhm ofrm hornby wi narwftd hl ion county t dairy pnncatt for 1964 l ik hornby grdn prly on saturday evening tk pft 19 yfold cplurtd th tile and arnd th riqht lo repreunt th county at the dairy prince i comntition at th canadian national exhibi lion in toronto m auguit tha only oikr conlttant or lha tit wat atlractiva linda swackhamar of r r 2 acton jan ti it hv daughter of mr and kkt sam finm and linda it a daughter of mr and mrs wallac swackhamar for 197 branch by caorge ware legion notes many from distance at outdoor shower joy the teuon be on holklavt the month of aug ust and the servicct will be con ducted bv the better buwlncvs men club wl wlahaat two of our young paopte in the jiuhct were married thlc nail wik the uaclcrie-journh- tev weddtna wat in chalmers united church guelnk and the rouranhoaklna wedding waa in rockwood united church best wishes are extended to both couplet mr and mrt ralph thompson are in the parrv sound district enjoying a holldav the stevenson family and mr mrs ann morrison rr 4 ac- f ton and her sister mrs edith taylor will white of tonawanda ny held miscellaneous shower at the farmer s home on sunday july 19 in honor of their niece miss ann hatl dundas who uill he married august 22 in dundav to gerald hill of killworthv be i ween 65 and 70 attended includ ing mr and mrs gerald gtu r nf killworthv daughter marv and sons paul and bernard an aunt and uncle of the bridetobe mr and mrs ruvel humphrey of san fernando valley california had juvi armed in time to at tend an outdoor buffet supper wa served lome masalcs had ponv rides for the children young the regular scriht or this i ixilumn has ulcn oil m holi djn uilh rut tarmly and kit no foruarding jiiju ss lor his iwouctk aiaikin 1 ike him manv other bnntli 197 mtmhcis an atationing and jiiiitw around the legion in i athr quirt this umc or year the new ruof txpc air tondi tioner uill he in opcriiion hv auguit 7 and the neciitut piwmiw ihingv will he cooled off in the audi ion um for he bill lng friday night jimboret gang that evening don t forget to make i dale at the blood tunic coming up in lepremrer it onl ukis t pint of blood lo sae a life other dates branch members ill he loolung forward tu will be tlu night of the corn roal and world war i veterans night it bramp ton gordie james and his i rew hat marti d the kids kohhjll league and i tuny are in lull uing at tlie paik patxnts uix akd lo lunil out and mippoit their mujngstti mny paogkia would prefer to stay off iha highway when out for a drive and if we could supply equipment they would kiop itnd rrally look al miie f the more baaullful ur of uitr vmllav credit vahey conmrrva lion authority chairman r k mcmillan said at u recent meet ing he was referring lo a kiiav iresliofi that the cvca supply picnic tables and waste riikposal cans at pkturcwjue or hulork site4 throusjsout the watershed each member of the authority watt asked to submit the lot a lion of at least on snot in hu municipality arrangements for the servicing of this equipment would he made with the muni ilpallty involved the authority panted a ito- lulion tu seek pixjvlntui govtni nunt approvul to undertukt ton venation nuawurvs on a seiilon of rtclihei crtik in brumplon murky rvul dtpuly teeve william hunttr i ml coumiilar john powers of geoielown couiuil opivtarvd he tore tlu meeting with uparuli itquests for itwuldirullim mr llunur ix marked ui llw pio- bwm of the swimming jvnol al terra cot la const r a t itui an a factum ing tuibid ulun trowdtd he enqoiml wle liter tonidtra tlon could twit be gtvin to pari in i lv emenling ihe boitoin of the nool tlte numbers ihi idetl thai this should he studied by the parks and ret real ion adisor board and a upon made and foruanltd lo gcorgilown coun til mr powers askid that con sithralion lw pktn to isiahlivh ing a ionstrv it ton an i in george town alex muttaun und g a ulatkuill georyeioun rtpre venl hiws on tlu cvca and wi fnd ixslit etf rvejutsing town ship were appolnud a commit iii to invest mali the possibility ol a conviruini an i in tlu tovsn r f 1 lardy hornby u is an poinied chalrm in of tlu histoti tnl records adiivorv boaid it placing a m green i iv who n signed lo ant pi i in ehiinnin ship of ilu publu relalions ad lsor board mr llirth a mir cd imwi l oakvillts npit seniinw on tlu aulhoni the me mhe rs e mlone d l n quaat of lb peel hialorlcal soc- wly thai collection boa be plaoed in thv belfounlairt mu seum many vuitors tfw skuiv slated vaprvued detlre tu hlp aiid this would allow ihose who wlfthed lo tonlrtbuie the ao- thotity aiillclpalvd lhat ihow in iharye of the duplay would iw reionible ifftl budget the tlaff was dimled to pre pare after tonsultatloti with the various advisory board chairmen a schedule of work to be initial ad or continued in ims chair men were asked lo keep in mind thai schemes for the idmirtg year i should be submitted with priori lies which would permit utep lame or poslponerrienl if net cessary lo maintain the levy this budget will be presented lo tlu deparintenl of frwrgv and re sounei management in august fur its approval chairman j w powley nporl td lhat following a meeting al belfihinluin ii was fell thx1 the put king area this area alone wading pool then did no i have tains it aires of no lure trail sufficient flow of water to keep lakes camping area und beuii ii ilean it was niommended liful sttnery a writ us llu swim i liu i the pool be filled willi sand ming pool and pic nit area dove and u wading area for smull to tlu yule poktbymti lines oa5trt motorists nd pdt4rlaa got a surprise tuesday snwalagj after dark when workman tnfvred eoulpmrnl into town lo white parking unet and walk lines on mill and mreets a mobile portable spray rnav chine made the line plaahing bltie lights on trucks warned molorialfi of the odrrraikm la some inslances traffic waa re- routed white work waa winat could ihrrj be made avble w s a crowd mlbwd anyone interested in the vaihoua phases of conserallon alt new lonstrvalloti pro jet t of ihe cvca would be filmed from lite beginning arrangements were made to have folders printed illiislruling irw ekivnsive lonservution areas within the jurisdiction of tlu- credit valley cwisrvatlo au lluwiiy 1 1 was suggested lhal many peeipw who come to terra cotta conservation area especial ly do uol know that there is any more than thev can see from the children be provided upstream genera supcrmtandsmt n j mcmahon advised the board that there was a danger of child ren slipping into ihe pool at terra cotta conservation area where use bank it protected with ce ment slab the board recom mended lhal a woven wire fence be installed on tills bank pubue rewtotu plant for cataloguing 1 mm tlliws alieadv on file and uugmenling them with more lakert by members arid slaff were presented by chairman a m grcrnaway mr greenaway said that ihee slides and speaker marigold lunch mower hazard its true that grav dotn t uruw on your laun as fust in ul is h docs in may and june but don t get careless with your rotary lawn mower on lhat act- count tbc re still our number one methankal am put a tor vince ihcv take off more fingers and iocs than any other mathine yur mower was designee as a concmcncc don i lei it be n haranl g 6 mill sf acton socializing in watch wednesday morning work was completed and alton fauainesa saion had taken oru new look pwpecially on the roads many are on holiday this week the streets are ouiet umatic unloamta h s holden omomltflkt s cork si ljul cuelmi mtaoa ta 1715 breakfast lunches fish and chips take out orders full course meals try ouh new fishwich sandwich 8534085 i j trough f uj4 lluilii cuu t4 jm open 7am till av4b4tsybv 4av aav 4av 4bv 4 v 4a tav ax agay sv 4 utl l utaj a siaaw 11 m si almtu j tmofih fi- i it s mawur l tku v svat sw sjiiiust ui john ridgeway jyutron coal thuuphl work on ion lurllntf rink began uvik am mm manaell lowrie and i slcr ako had a swim in ihe long ion slavaa ih a lung wetv fool end at sauhlo beach mr and mr jack chambrr- laln arc in ihe sarnla dlalritt for a few day the children wayne bradley and ixalie arc maying with their brandparenl in guelph mr and mr cham berlain sr church service visits m news churchill church aervlce uill be at the usual lime of 10 am on julv 2 uhen the ucw ud iea will be in charge of the ser vice mr and mrs j mcculloch and bovt spent a few days on toron to island verv eojoyablv swim mlng and viaitiivg their old friends and neighbor mi and mrt a brooks and famllv also ur and mr d vys motored to rvnetang and apeat sunday with mm ken montftomery and famik ronna and isan are haying for a outoftown guests came from willowdaje burl in b ton wood stock hamilton dundas toron- scarborough and will worthy miss ann hall is a registered nurse a graduate of st mich ael t hospitul the groom is tak ing pre med al carlton univer slt oltavca quality ba products save you money gtolin4 motor oil tt diml fuel foal oil stow oilt m ml buriw hnatwa han s yaara a pay baall carrylna cltarfaw dapawuua sarvhta thompson fuels ltd acyom hmnu usu70 afte hook us3174 summer wek holiday with their aunt friend vnd neighbor are aor- rv to hear of the death of mrv w i mcdonald father the lale mr wardlaw of majlon ur and mr wulum dobbb and gary have tutumed from a trip to tha ureal coast enraute they attended the calgary sum- pada taw lake mi baaff and the butchart gardens in vic toria in vancouver thev rftlted lift uobbtea u m an mr ooutlaj stephenson mad home they returned home by the vsx fhroutk yeuowatone park wy- omlaa cuater park and mount in south dakota and mra kon blake and stxatford visited on blakes bro- law mr and kiiws jsbb m4 y sndyj stratford came6 discount days summer skirts reouiar tj 91 to 1 t a j discount hats uoulat is ml to s10m 5r discount 100 summer dresses mauuui to it 888 spring and summer coats ktouuk iiot to smi 25 discount special 5 rack summer dresses summer coats special 5 rack shop in alls condition comfort lrht cameo shoppe special 288 rock white slips nw summer hatsi asm

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