the adon fm pu ihundav job 30eh 1964 pounding tha sports beat lyi hocacey in ontario la in pnhy grit kheipl oftct yoo go beyond juvcoik agt from juvcnils own m a jul the op- putllc expanding and getting better every year beyond juvenile mo ul thin province amauir teamn aw registered with live ootario hotkey juoclalun an uid and uugukl body whkh like the word of he kiing h been better day how jovertile down hotkvy ii controiuxl by the ontario fc4unr hotkey a6luium a body twp lo changck in ubiety in the pawl couple of drij mu k very tew truly umalcur lumk lluurtkh under ih banner of old hatpin aimu tin only iunarihnnl when kirn uxm lo appreciate ohjl ruw u ihe junior iuu white the pro have iuuh to hay on ihe fotinattmi ot i be lagtxk intermediate not key k u khamhlik wnlor huiki oulkiik of on vwll lodo uriutt u almost a lout mou of llu wuallod inir hockey club would have their hamik full with a goutl interniediiile team tu la w4 a atiuailoai w4dcb bad f ily d h blsal hva baa flying w thar a ba a grji uaj ad or4ariy wlhdwml froart tw proucilv mm ilk omjl bwn vaw tm but kwi a tba fc mrt uctudtfi id lack uf fund lo tnmyla alfuj lowma wba sup ply mnabcuj aching to lumi hiii attng than u lack of playar i in mail id etiaopvt mabk lniparlackd cluba ul lorn of a utwl rv tiacka and alack of buu taartad 1 rd uk tat ir ir how did the ojijl iaci lo llu niku ymi d tiptit tluvd bv involved in mjiik rval whj wjrvhiny jiutluuu j kill uppruiuil irviuy lu fitfurv out way and imun lo akkui tcjm tu ituv within their lurtkdiilioii liihirad tluv naiud in a wav thai lot i ilum a lot of irtfutt ttuv pnieiuiid i he hiiuuiutn ilidn 1 cuikt and nuitinuid 10 imtmjtuyc leunu lu cuiry intpoii ttuv uiuud wupii kauiui lot ilw torn muniikh wlui uantitl lit diy diiplv initi potkitk lui the htm i it of hotkiv tiiliilainnunl tlu tixaltd hiihhidixrd hmkev tluil ultv llu liunu i nun ihik duliut ptnanilv tnntlkd in ilk w oaa ntetlcd hitnyhi unv ultempi b llu oiu to nuiirot inluiiudiiiu hmkiv lor oil ittinmunihcb ovtr 1jo0 jilot ul thi itunu luive hfen in llu oh a at dififmrnl linu und have had lo krnvt tluv inhnllilv picln llu woaa ulun ihriuv i within llu inianx itl unv inuivktcd loun und ulnit ofliiluth und u tvmpa t hi i it lar wlun lluu uu piotdcint and iluyu kyhtd uiihoui behind ilouddoor uynxnunu if iba oma hopm la rigaln lha ltmae which onea nuiu ibwrt tb only uirf ovvamlmatuwi con 1 rolling btlarmadut hockty thayr feolrt la bava lo think u tha urtu of tb huidrad of urtaji eonununlllai whkh go to maka up ularmadlata hockey amj thayva gobuj to hava to hpum favorltum and acrt bargauu wbleb bava warrad tbair praehln the paal few yaara in till woku of cuj- ttuu un imuh uhiiii iik hly imiinanunu in itu stau inn ihnuiyh stum oiiihi tin llu pail ol llu klilki htuinil toronto papvix llu niiuul imji tin tuu ian i sauuxlav at llu ditlph gtill and country cluh patinlpinin in llu liuilyi miuh uu mi sscn j l f d ion mid uum yminyhlut iptntin luaulinuit and co nul m s mis muruv vmru and lliih macailhur tf this 1 siabluhim nt al utalti a fcltak ilniiii r ail inn puhluil h i turn yomy un in miuithk over llu ik ii hloun llu latl iniwik til spctaloi ilidn i appeal uuo utlilhoud tu itu in uum luat planv in ttui4 llu lounu had lu hi mi ipptd uhtn llu parlkipuni tkv lined tlu uy ulktlun llu kluuildn l kit irl at taili ottu r unlll itu 1 llu m iil it uul viui tlu fin ptk 1 1 am imik tlu tunntrs b lluir koki and rmngi miik llu nuiilutiun lor a rematch betides a chunec to chub their uns for a 12 ihmit kpan aeeoidiny ti llu hue prts pair tlu bcantmori hrask piactkitl lui it kuvt thiii munth ikioii tlu fiyund lhi mii tadv lu tlcleut tlu pi intuit saturday the fooiohm wnt at it maahiu and drlvra it turwad out the tannara hadnl nuacalculatad they dad lb prtrtun by 21 atrokea bob uacarthur threw a icuv into them on the first bob with a prodlgouj drive but from therein the rnalch wan onaaldacl ueaara ficoyne and mac an bur contldad to ibb raportar they were not unduly alannad at ihe upwt we won aa many hota they did they boa ted the other tide of ihe alory haa yet to be heard 8ttat bits ttoi 111 town dtimlar pulkit llu hilyist un1 ol llu loun kuyiu hiimn list niyht b tupping liivt pi ut i tyi in muis 111 u fuhullil fi inn the i stills in tlu k nue nni n in in uitsiiiiy lunu ptivutt tinu monday nights ivhihiiion with tlu south willm timips 1 10111 giulph viasn l ia ymhl iuhaiui putv htit lui tlu all st us thi lan pi i iihkii luiur thin ih it hut llu nit in im suiiu hiltiny ruvti tn llu inu up barry inacoe ts plimiic iuiikm lui ihe u huy uuitn slitlsilk club in lilt sell lot ii o i a putting his shm ul kms uk blmkamstws oualpfa co ops had link trouble hanking the town oft ball league ajvsiar team ut in an exhibition game under the tight here hood ay night the coop a third place club in the lough intercity fakibell circuit acorn four flrwl inning run on two tingle a home run and an allsur error and they were rwvee threatened they got ungle rank in the third and fourth a pair in the fifth and another in the wuth the all slak loaded the bate lake but couldn t buy a run jim hobinkon and bob shaw kharvd the pitching duliek 0 c- op who have two town league kofihall alulark in i heir lineup bulch richinond and del wal terk roblnkun duln i allow a hit in hu rive inning vireieh uhik shaw wan nlekcd for ihue kcrateh kinglet j rowlev kiarted tn tlu hill for the alslar and he veak ri heved by frank dalc in the fuuilh willi aitewl uhillnif h 0 daley restricted coopk lu thriv morahilb out oi- niiu- aiuj a mauv lainb tuo ul ilu cop hltk ueie honirtk hoin tlu batk of diminutive ron nuhol and buteh rkhmond jeff prver k running cuieh ol a long ball into deep right in ihr ueund frame ua the ikldlng highlight of lu yame alton all stark p metrlktall ih t wetuhoutc if w mai si ult if j fncr rt j cakburn b mccriktall n d arehihald 2b b cargill lb d aihie b i tlwmpwon c j uuuky p i dal cv p penny carnival al park friday put nick lowed like water i ri day morning ul prukncct park uk ehildien inrolhd in llu sum iiur plavyround program luytrk pluvecl gamci during the unnuul penny carnival l very tiling kuk paid for in pennirk uiul ho und yirli wen dippiny into puck elk fur moit und more bmwn coink highlight tt the ivtnl uas a sponyi luks tutli i lur tlu mark mm uus kadir john me geaihk uiulv dixkid imji in a bathing kuil as runnks wcie pud loi a tokk taeh llimveer dipped u laty ponjj in u pail ol uatir und atlimpud tu hit a laiyit painlid un john slum aeh other yaniitt uhuh al 1 ul 1 much attention imluded llu nny lokk pennv lo ujuiri th inn i dk drop the elulhtsptg in the j holtli und liuss th nuinlui of bean in a jar children sc kpent penults un mm it hooks i home haklny and luvhu si imu j a ralflc lor a taki u is i n h culken spuhuyil proeeedk from tht e tiiiit il eilt k usid to piutuk supi lies lui tht si nun group skip und ciok out lute 1 thk mimmei two close decisions in sunday softball firefighter tcored all three of their runk in the kluth frame a they blanked georgetown domtar w in the firkl ganur of sunday town league koftball double header i ga lal led to nudge dominion hotel 64 tn live niyht cap which like ihe firet game wak abbreviated to umi innnj becauke oj the intenw heat butch llkhiiumid dupuud three run luxur wak the dnielmy hluw in ihe tifurur whkh taw frank daky and b neumann wage a icnmr uo li huiliny duel until rlu bottom ol tlu kitth uheii stotty meciuiull an umi atlhiham eraekid out hack li luek singles uuhmmid llu lutt hallei juiewl ui tuu d iuii ih hake line to uuit tujlh lunmn and himself d itu only st niny play ul ihe yame llu ge nytlovsn e luh 1 1 wiehl buteh s ttitvi uji ul tun plau limp ilolhv aiukisuii lukd it lah both plltluit 1 111 ui uttlkni tvjll uith neumann all julny uiily tn hit ill rev of uhit 1 e inu in llu klilh he duln i u ilk a hal ler and uhillub llu ee djk al loued live eeallered tills tuu 1 iveu bagger lu bil imrik he el rue k out 14 and i ttuj no haetk on balls i ca iueond win dominion hylel look a tveu run hud in llu pe nlng fi 11m 1 the vex und yjnu und added kingu run in the third and fifth but ijca wort their tkeeond game of the keakon by pullng otw in ihe fourth three in the lifth and a pair in tlu kinth winning pjltlur uak duk ihipuu llu eanu hurier wluj ugt tlceured ilkgal for the legion cailki in llu keakon hut uak later given uayue indorsement 10 plav uith i j a he 00l over fiuiii lliuee caigllt jill i rtr pitilwd lor llu inn kec pet propane gas leak accident averted pitnit uiliun by ctipoial uay masn of tlu aeion opp ik lathuuiil uuiliil uhal miyhl iwve btn a ealaslioplu al ae- toil itiyll se ll mil tui llu wexkelttl a ale in a pmpane yas tank had iumi opeiuel hv what ptlite believe tit ih tlutlin pluy log aiirind itu ihilleliny and yus tu ran lu kak mi maum tuaiel itu ikwiny noive at hu hoim iuaiv and nolilled jaek go i dull luilld iny supviintindent mi goiehwi immtdlattly diuve to tlu tcluiol lo etoke tlu alvr hud unvtuu iii a match neai llu keeping yas an e tpkelon would havt tibulled with ioiihleleiahk damayi and pokiible death if any one ncaihv m nmtm rtwbu vnbeit it com to winning game in the final frame keoond place flrwlghlent could give any of the town toftbal league clubi u ukkon tn kiuwluw lakl thursday night under the urck they lomped ihwiw four lime in 1 lie ninth inning lo lake aw uy a loi win 1 1 om eoi y town domtar wluj led thiouyh ihe flivt eight f l anus of llu icmlukl domtar hulli up a 44 kail in ihe fitkt lulling and added lour more in itu ihlid to take gl lead imly lu haw tlu hnyadr kulleh pile hen ul ileal point and blank llu pam iitulkii tlu nl o tlu way meluiwhlk llu flanu sguek he ik adehd tuu in llu luenlli aiul lliite in llu 1 if l it ahead ft ll kmkid like a mi ivtmlar win ulun lwlh e lul laiktl lu ceuu otti llu ik el llwtt 1 aim bui a touple id uie v luimlai aimif tuid ihivt i lie llthlii bus tvs 1 ul hum el hihks h ilu miiilh hi jki ilu 1 inu uu 11 i tank dikv eaiiu 111 ulul lot iumi aiehlhald anil lu ua yiv 11 eiidll foi llu uln uhlk it st cunningham sljtuel tui miiyt ltun aiul nlvumann tmisluil up j mile cunningham jim gtiltk n and bill sjunuvjlk had tuo hiu apleee for 1m tin fat uuh oiu ul bill sjhiuimiu s a hmu 1 1 rank spulvnyil ullh a lionu ion and a siiiylt bulih hkhmund ullh a dmihk aiul vlnylt aiu hob unite ullh a il juble and sinylt paied tlu i liellghlei hil paiatk richmonds blistering bat rallies firefighters to win butch richmond big bal pounding out two home runs and a double rallied flreflghier- i to overcome an 0 deluil at tlu 1 nd of the weom iniiliitf and go on to deleui deuulnioti hen i ll in town league lajtball activity tuesday lught the innkeeper lookeo n hive tlu game in the bag uuh an eight run lead tallied fnuii linn tlrkl inning ruiu aiul i ve m ilu keeuivd traiiur off llu lant ol frank daky but llu mujkc tai trs tlghteiud up from thai point blanking domlmoi s ilu its ef llu uav daky i lur vie tint id eight tula in llu hist lu 1 itanuk allowed only i uu moit own ilu iuii keveii inn inys a seven run kpl ihtiui in llu tuitiom of tike kimh hlghliybiid by tthhmofulk gland slain i ion it run into deep centre uwtd llu game up for the fimnen their notched two in the third two more in ihe lifth and klrgie in llu kevenlh and eighth i freddy aithlbald took the lua lot domintom ullouing ij hits ualklny tuu ami striking out none wimur ualey yielded 12 hits ualked oiu aiul whiffed live both items eomnillled error but ilu iiinktvpeik lumbud 10 ol ihr 12 to win in llul iupt inent liesuks uklutioiuls bliklrrtng bailiny lion aiehlhald herb ixiddk aiul seollv ueciikiall eaeh had a pair ol tutk lot fire hyblt is ittielvri don lindsay sinaslud lluet snyk lo put dominionk at llu plale with clu ptvtha lr mejiuoway und hi iuii shuliu rapping luo hits apiece jack ridley cartage concbiti uocki cihduttockl untlij comcarrl tio ctavuuot uno troni uvtstock j hafuizm m am tinvvci tj towiri dump trucks foi hire cully lft4wj kv cum h t f acton h4qmi iutm kaiih rannay wins holfmile at police games ketlh hamu tor nut hiti school truek slur und member ol tlu cue iph le y km ti at k c tub iuushi cmnpetilui s to 1 win satuidiv 111 touiniu when he hotted hunu lust m tlu hill 1111k tice at the tot onto polu 1 gillies j tlu popul 11 aston outb h ul little dillieultv umiiliiy llu iv till and erosscd tlu hmsh ntu in oik minute m stetimu at vuisiiv meiduim uluic evnls uix sliyed ollui compeliieiis liimi alton i in evxnts iiiikided allan hill i ml mini git mum an 1 uiuce audit us lot il athletes will ik lin the culoia ol the guclph legion tiuel club this balurdu when thev eiilei tiack and held com petitions al uruiillordk mohawk puik john gov jr will compete in the luainik pole vault dave kv tier ulw ik still in the midget luuynrv wilt be tosxiny the 12 pound vshot in the luwnik shot put lor the tiiki time paul mini will take on compvlttois tn the juvenile mile allan hall will be running the sao ard elash and gar murr uill be ruoiny him- aclt in the junior tvwo mile race on mondu the unw bov w pluk keith runncv will ournc tow imp softmlstmg to si cilhi tin civiun mil l hun in tomiutl 111 luck jnd iilui don s bexton jiwfuir agent fob stoops cleaners and tahors mlllon ftaia mlllun on shift uunlwrt ahritini and rpln oni day ukvici in bituri iumjii pitk up at 0t pin ikxi tl i hoiv cos ichool auocution all new bingo next monday- toopia wviuatjtow1 19 pwb6s of 1000 7 prizes of 2000 hik s00e0 jackoy an of tuextty july it ilegluii fire fiulilew donilnlun hold slallun hold domtar icjt p- w l it 2 is 10 3 14 7 7 6 7 13 i 10 iv i mi 777 sm 42 231 122 10154 t jem drive in theater thutswusat juivsojijiuo 1 einmasok roty kmjnos o ttoutu ch tonv curtn phil silixn donovans k tech jolin womk dorutli lamuur and kniy lcjuu sunday midnite aug 1 mu k 0w skawykrm cmklm fmiiwm phantom of rue morgue teciuhkolor aukokkukuatted adult hntertaliutwul creature walks among us leech women kccouusttwkd adult fnimlimuiil the jem is i2u miles weit of acloo nu 7 highway halfway between rockwood and guclph ntofclly m diuk cuidran 13 me unew fnu 21920 p worth 500005 cikcfeg6au play h like m win up to ioo ew ram no aiir s an howi a m tmmt wtll tfftmr mi otoi wtaanemf check your circle 5 card against game no 6 winning numbers circle s bew buvl ve 1 let ubbv fmtey ouikv him tomato juice 3s1 clrele s tutf buvlsave 33tllril csffee ise aff wdievi lr aaaxwell house m07 circle 5 teu tuyl sive 6cl t 15i line st lawrence corn oil 59 circle s m bovl save mel 15i ll york fancy peas 6 sl circle 5 features i bamvmieiwkilhmiiiemmhi have iftc tlox tin prem luncheon meat 39c save mi cuiuied uulgel 1ilb tin maple leaf hams 139 bavc ic lancy colvue itu gold seal salmon 43c save 4c sweet creen hot dag hamburg llox in mclarens relish 3 for 89c save ltc it inch wide 23 foot rolla foil wrap stuart house 59c save lei lie off pack giant size cheer plcg 73c kave 17c royal crown aaaorted soft drinks 12 cans 99c fill ii biz hukiers to play 4 6 12 22 hit n ul till 14 20 ml im fw 24j 20 34 36 32 38 44 46 48 in mi ti hit 50 52 54 hit itl iihii 64 74 66 76 72 78 84 94 8692 96198 tn mt ul lilt clrcu 5 leu tuyl save 19cl kttee brand c4urj 14b margarine 483 circle 5 ben euyl save lcl canada brand cider or ttvi lu white vinegar 83 circle 5 beu buvlsave 4cltwln packwhite er ccjwd 141 delsey tissue 2 27 circle s beat buyl save 4tl jji ajaalk glide liquid starch 25 v roll mapu uar fuuy cooked civovac haieskiniess smoked hams 79 or clu3 sib everana h wai e ik save 14c suiupun ice cream reg 3c freah baked weatuu or buttbeiuu lemon buns vi gallon 79c 12 lobkg 35c rveah sliced sdmeldera cvoi vac pack mild seaaenedpure peadevent brand bologna 2 for 41c sausage lb 55c sunshine fresh fruits and vegetables contest winnex mrs peter turkosz 3s0 miu st acih oitiutia open every monday ttt 6 p wthuhs jfi nights ttt pjm ampu pakkino rachjties laice jumbo size canteloupe 389c laihje souo green cabbage 2 s 25 ptesh head cucumbers lettuce 2 s 25 3125 phone orders taken 8530990 free town delivery on orders 5 or over