Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1964, p. 11

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ytfofr holidays wmiisnt in news tboaa away recently mivaod mr j w noble mlcn- aa moreen and alex eccles to acgbtansaa manltotiha uland aaaf other points for a week the glabya to stayner on sriftday cuip in toronto for a mr end mn s klrkpalrlcw with the calvin mcdonalds at baswood ibe pan two week afra john glynn has returned from a three week trip to the flrituh lalea and over the tort tlnent travelling by plane mr and mr newton fcuddell tan atieal at the marrlstam wedding in st john norway toronto on saturday and the in ception following at pantatv farm mr and ur roughlfy and mr and mr a spilxer enjoyed j mofor trip to parry sound and peterborough laal week mr and mr boino spllatr aad faintly enjoyed len day 1 hflnneapolil not milwaukee a reported laal week mr mitchell and mr sanford home following holiday a aihteie y f n young wai back in pulpit at limehoue on son t following holidayt in nova kla mra lalng u home following an appendectomy we are pleated lo tee mrv paul spltarr and ur william irajtla both about following ho plfahiatlon during recent week yuuora mr and mr t petce and fam aly of readale wllh the herb spliteri mr and mra i r sinclair and aon john of geraldlon with the a c paltertona on wednesday unda and danny clauve of bronle with the harold urown for holiday officercadet peter glvnn ol cpl don ammtttjom of aclon ontario bujly kn r photograph at fanlatian headquarter the enemy in exercne popski recently held at camp gtjtown n b popski n voived 7500 canadian troop live aerial photo hol irorn camera carried on t 33 ft were airdropped within 90 minute from the time they were takon and kopt com mendart informed of enemy movement cpl emmprion i ttattoned in picton ontario with the canadian guard coy imp mvwdawn married one- why have yimrpircp hi a man ua cittmnr 1 rind laycd nglc o long i fjllur cluck dimn tlu strut to bachelor iu-cjiisc- i know uoa upr shop hixjiim- uilli tlu men since i got n kkmsihi cki in ins inns he iouui not 1 have learned that most norm n we ten well he collided unh rmc kingston i home lor are injcmic haie stnngy h in a woman jncl knocked lur lo tin holiday i large pores are ovt icst iirtit and stdeualk mr and mra h c walker are have red rough hands she collected her pitvis holidaying at their cottage i and imiutilrd to lur fill hun mr and mrs charlet long and said mi cant sou u i daughter of toronto wllh mr and robert storey and mr and mr wrist walch like rirtxhodv mra mill on monday and mr clifford storey on friday lumnu else school packed af presentation wootuidc urhool wj packed on salurdjn niyhl auymt 15 with riij jnd iwjuhbon of mr aind mr hon mttit hern rut muryjict hi id tu tailor ihtm un the ulumuii uf their mint nurruyc i rank frit nun v a chamnan for a omit miiviijl planum ton 1 ais njgf of a skii invukiftjf w tril love vunys ung lv ilir aud i unu accoinpannd bvjn orchtv ira of mant andtron hob ktrr and sid snjr other program imludttl two nianu duttt by tli alulh strut itov a mumtal ua hun 1y mam andtivun piaim and iliili ki n on llu h tv jnd j pi iiio dtu i h kiih and iiu- sva jckhanilr tlu n kun ind miigart uuv inviiid to llu iji ol honor and mrs i rurik liumjn uaj the ud drtw and iloh ktrr cuurge john oil and i rank maiding pievt nlid llit m uith in upholsuud vuivil hair j minor a lahti lamp arid othi r yitt i umh ua erid and hi u 111 litllit r ol lu o n my u j h 111 in dam ny to a km a i oiiln lr j rout rvnnv piano pianl titt man and jii mti tu t violin m irn andiivon anoidion i rank h ittliny yml ir and iljb km floor in in ih i mkhs mvilli mnion and mityait laut k ol loionlo visit id xmth mi ami mc auliu kur and lamilv ako mr kor 1 1 km si mr and mis d willi inisun nut mis a bonis isiud wilh llu loinui s sisiti m i ivv xlis a burn altktion and enjov ed a harnoqur dirtiur on sunday sul and mrs w a johnston ind i imil ol camp hoidin ind mrs laalslh ind two ims ol vmlhv saskatchewan sp nt a itvs il is wilh thru aunt and omit mi and mis c h irli s bin nit mr anil mis juksuxif ktith ind lliimu ol smithwlk visiud on sund i willi mi mil mis u i rillin um nt isllors il tlu s imu hotiu win mr and vlis j ni kud ol hamilton ex hobby show interests all eight to 80 this war the c m t pn- mis tlu lnist ilobhv show inr held in canada moit than km iluhs ul in lislld soiiu s000 iraflsintii and iloluilois 10 dt moiiii iii und yivi infonnafion hit rouhits lakt up llu tnl in noilh wall ot llu tibial i xlnhik btnldiiv hi nt i ol i siii a lain sk i jn th hulihs shiw is di itid lo llu in j i ik id iimnslmi- to i w t lw lioin i ihl lo ml llu iiihi i i i tout i ivoui ts opt i itnv t mini i uoiislv lioin uj i in to 10 v p in mod 1 tat oi si t t ii i u lilt is in my dnnonsli it d on in ix l 46 foot li h iv ih on i alio mliuii ol ih hi uli oi m dil o h m mi ass mtmu iv ol ih hko ik v i i i hin uil ait on li uul i ills j plav and build iiiuus hks of plain s i iwnvmttraitkmf 1 oulst indinif math m i ills lilt ii hotli in it hilt itl ill m 1 ilti ill ami spurn is w t t is mild ait d in nsli ilint- i iii v it lilos iii lllll0 s os i i pilmltlk i lilt lllllslu tl pltklli 1 tlu i jllmmm d i ti n immbiis un i uviny iili os latin ind sl ii l s il ml in ind ilisl imlu ilutll h ts 1 lp ml iv w vtinm tixn ill un 1 nlit ii tl nt ol llu wink voiinj- j tlonlk lllut lllll iimhii hint i i llost ml ipli hun i- tlu luitst piinls tolttklid iron ii iimiia t lulls in ih mtin toronto ait i pit six loionh si imp iluhs in b 41 out un ol i m iii 1 i h i hi ii km bias lit isi n 1 pip i d in ph to sh li toy soldier tlu itntish m kui smu i stkkh is on hind uuh in ml si indiiik inllih n i i v si 11 i i s ind in p union ib m ml ii i nt ii ills in hlll l t i i k 1 1 ki ol uoild 1hskiv ih h k k iubs ii i x pi ii mil i boo i pi os pi i 1 1 n and i ishmnint llu sfon in w ilkr and ol sjuiial miiisi i atte n d uoiiun ate thr petit point and iuj ltoytkiii dtiimiuslruliuiiv aiuiilur laiction of tlve habbv show i devoud lo margin trv llu allium art of wod lnlj i hi anadian pinion faniurs assikiaiion is sbouiny ind talk 111 j i will till wllloiis bfntls of bu ds and ait hopinj lo in it n si in im tu ii i rs in ibis hfhhv llohbv sb m visiiuis jii snd imsstis of iinpoilnui to rt la nv t s and i u nils in c anada 1 1 j in oilu r t hint i it s on this mik ol llu 4tanlu and lo nu in hi i s ol llu at nu d lumv anv win it in ibt world ctjtiimnnu li itis in ik my handled in mil in ioionios six him ladio iluhs u ib llu btlp ti mi iu i uul ii million i hips klin my n r tlu is i ibt buur d ixbib hs uilliu in dtioialdt wllh kiis ol ill sits fiorn llu kill lub utd km it wis lop ana ib nt iiiiboiil is making kids i i t xpl iiinii t ivtiiji tcihnlcjiu v ill immi ot anliiu ilinks s lis ll itllld li s ml mill jobs ind lb s mi ii s sh lit r utuksh iji t t i i us ututtti s from ij nit n i p milin to iililu i il ii ai i m kin s in s f nu 1 s in 1m m im n d ol on tlu polli is win i in i in i v rim s nul si tilpltiu is h 1 lit hi til 111 iii mhls kiltliwhr typi i ii pi pit ol ill ili s who hi h ip i it vt llu iiutdooi s as ib ii bthbv tbt it is tlu booth in mud hv llu out nio f id i linn ol i u id ittit disls i in on i ii to ik p hi mi nl ol ay in ul l in i is tli monslialingf and xhibitint hobhk s and bom t l ills vt huh lb iiomt ttonmii u s s i v u i ot us t x i t n s i o n in hi in s i u tu s ihioiijhonl i ll till hi th- acton rvtp prc yhutidgy august 20tfr 194 citizens band competes at ex ac tun ciluicnb fiaiui members an working overtime thev art pi a t uing nwliilv for cumpitition ai tlu cm tliurwlav auyusi 27 tins trjr alton will bave slif fi r loinpt lit ion with llu r c a t ripair ik jiol hand frm tnnlon iimitn tu ir horns k lionet hi l hi it an mpi ltd to lu m bands in l hi siilioii ibric luinptluion tins int lodt s hi ass and ft id hjindv fiom sm di ilus and low iis llu list numlur this iai is en in ud asiadis c itims will ir wistuny i hi ir populai hand l hi ik si ut link ui tlu annu d lompiiikjii i childrens mtferwg next week in tw went week evaiel flapiut church h kponoriiw a tirt of cvtniny meetings tor cmkfrcn undtr their own big top a 40 hv 40 foot ltnl which wlf be sii up on mel mcculloufht pro pirn at llu corner of churchill road ond kd 7 highway 1 ioiu 1 hunt of toronto hc invils wuklv with hit sinjja- vision program will be in charge with pasior alan silvester all children are welcotw tnd will hi transported by bu from the y eaih evening next wwk an electric organ will he used in i on j uc hon with the program whuh includts singing lidv ttnd slollt s h s holden ortomitisy m lork st i jil thij pll plume ta i 7 is4 wc lun v landscape i consulting service indutlrial and domftttic ordrr now for fall planting 15 discount on all kvikoailma oroeltd blrokk sirftmalr 11 professional horticultural services ivarqraaai tkrutu lrult tw erin nurseries and greenhouses ii l alton mmhm rin inaio frtt- ms cooking school win your choice of a westinghouse major appliance 1 orand trizeymreheleam a wattlnahauia mujga tamgarator laundromat dfyar dlthwathar ttlavltlen let r ataraolldailty phonoflraph aadla rfcature daily door prize raiws roa twe wittt incuimc a wcswienause hortabic mixir wam won mv win tucnuo wtnu kiwoutor and radio sumaauib many other door prizes tobawonaaehday indudlng 15 bagt o eroeariaa worth sis o 50 aaeh eakas plaa aalada ale ptoduead during th coomitci tthoolall donated by lbblaw also i tvarr lav in akamam ta aaa mj m mat a tkaaeata im ar ma aawah waauaahauaa navaham k watlaoliaa mhaafmar aaa iwa laaaaa uaf lar maaa eaauinltaaiiai jjc t recommended products classes conducted by mrs elsie cuy rogers intiihatiokauy known node icohouist un roaaralaaformarhaaddullclai at tha flaw enoland madlcal canlta ditor ol i important food publica lion and manaoar ol a laiaouo ujaml baach raaort inn sha hai aludlad food all ovar tha world now aha i htra to conduct tha loduwl ft cooling school schneiders crispyfiake shortening five roses flour heinz condensed soups all varieties fleecy fabric softener clarks meat balls in gravy 1 governor steak sauce monarch tea bisk heinz country good soup mixes royal instant puddings dainty rice long and short grain monarch margarine club house spices and olives planters cooking and salad oil mccormicks graham crackers and cracker crumbs fleischmanns active dr yyeast french s copper kitchen sauce mixes magic baking powder westinghouse eye saving lamps picardie quick jelly dessert old london melba toast swift s premium wieners bo0dens starlac instant powdered skim milk ontario tender fruit institute ontario choice cannco cherries peaches pears plums bisto pillsbury cake mixes romi macaroni spaghetti ralston purina corn rice and wheat chex booth frozen fish appieford heavy waxed papcr bisseil oven cleaner westinghouse products prizes courtesy of chases home appliances 181 mill st milton ontario aft mmm st pauls united chufect4 christian education centre 109 main t milton sessions 130 to 330 pm aug 24 25 27 t 730 to 930 aug 26 jji i itrtlzf

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