the arton fn prmt thurtdiy augurt 20ivh164 seek 610000 addition for milton hospital tvbtton farewell party at church for rev mrs b hewlett osmmmmtmiar ahedrj08d afchfuai to mltaan dtsttrfct boep- ej va e in princtpla by uiafrirurf hatee coriaty coun cil on tuesday following edatv tsan of report from the county s fkssuset cosssmlttetf th addition would incktd th countys lirl grant offered by the county for the addailori will be uooo a bed for th anticipated 11 bo live treatment bd and to 000 l bed fr tl anlklfwhed j chronk beds tlw m eddiikmal bed wttl rweriy double the pre- tent accomnwdtiun of 62 bed formal approval of be addition h now required from th on tario hoapflat services coitimlw- iod before plan can be pre pared hotplthl admlnllralor d mcouajtf timated construction of th addition might be lnmet 44 early ih 164 with otcurmru v by the fali of las if th rjuir ed approval were forthlomlaf a county council mutton 10 refer the flnanclnu wk to the futanor committer prior to adop tion ot the prolvct in prtrhipl was defeated on a recorded vol of if to is adoption of the pn ject in principle including pro posed yrontt from thv courtly of 6000 and w00 was apprmed on a similar vole juion roqueting and one georgetown and wve fturlmjlor representative favor bd further finance commit ire study uk chronic the need for thronk treatment taillules at milton was emphqwl- rd irt a brief to county council ion that indicated ehronk pat i ents accounted for 23 per oenl of the total patient dav it was auggchled this percentage wu high because of the ivovpilal proklmily to halton manor financing of the addition roll mated to cott jo 10 000 would he by federal rnl of 1100 000 pro vincial grants of limooo icuntv prohahlv m i nor mnt of 13w000 with an m7000 thrunil eaic lacdn rhls proposed expansion was liv with and administrator d mc- duded at the time rf the ort- ouam presented the brief and final construction operating replwd to county council que room xray laboratory dietary 10m 1 pharmacy and administration i halton manor superintendent area in the present hospital s allan rmphaied the ned for would verve the addition a well throntc care laolltiet our jreat j it is anticipate an additionul et unwrn here u not for the boiler would he required ehrortw patient in the maivor the pressing for approval of the ttrval problem i the people thei project in principle milton manor ha to muw because ihev rsre c a martin tug hied the are chronic and cant be taken county should give ome ton into the manor he noted the wideratuwi to iant0 for the tup itniefulent pointed out too thfonually til he noted turn i thrunie pat tenth could not be t tatmiml bed in tve tooniv had leteepied bv the ae live t real men i hcn wubaldtyed arid the manor hotpitau this is the greatest provided aceommndaiion for old problem he noted sine there ere no thnuiu funlmet in hal ton i cannoi kmacharge he euplatml thul tl a retident of thr manor became thninic thev toutd not he ttiuharvcd but the manor u not wi up tor lab ict jii otlur mnkt re qutit it 1 askid b tin paper about o de iniliun of a iknuut pathnt llopllal adminntrator i m pitmnuj uirc i nun mil ol tlv tiai pointed out a i hntnk miltin area thm promg th paiuiit oiu who reqinrrv mrdi facilities would vive tlie count cal tare nd uiiltmttnl nutainy agreemrim in principle the mil urc while vomc people believe ion neve tonlcndvd uinild wltnw tesidtnts of home lor the aged ihe hospital hoard to go to the air i hromc paiients mr mcottaitf ontario huipl lal ser lie tomm i pliin thai in vuch a tmiiu- j klon ii llu comnuwwion appiomd nsidinl rvquitx onl nudiul er rttldenti mil ion pnipomtion i the cheupevt w to get thrrtnlc belv for the iount iw argued he vmptuidrrd thai milton twivpital had tlie bau vniu uilhout expansion and milton bad the fund to mix t li diarr of the capital covt urferting to the 2 pei c oc t tipam v bv c in un ic s he iwtel over m of tlw 0 admittiom m then the count uuld iv ukid to pay it vhiirr approval rvolct georgetown deputy rvc hunirr ftiuiu- tin f inanung a the uddition had not twtn diuv id by the fkiamr lommlttee that ua mommtnding approval ol the proiil kevve mailm ctiunt ered lhat the linome lommiitec had the ome report a couniv coundllorv nou had inilinitny all thf ininiial dilail rerttg to refer the mammy hack to thf county committee w puty reeve f royc r of burling ton suggested the majonlv en i prwudiny s u qui balance made up from the boards accumulated surplus cowls of the addition are evti mated on fl 1000 a bed lor chronic beds and s000 a bed for h active treatment bed the addition to the milton hospital u visualised a a wri ond itorwv on the prevent build ing eliminating the need fur ex xavation an elev ator hnl t for tioned thi counlv pavnu m of tihooo a bed or ihioim bed- when the iouniv b law called for tmlv wooo for active bed w argued the 14 000 figure ahuuld opplv to bolh chronic and activi beds vi ic juv helping mil ton to thf tune of 170 000 if thi grant goes through hi ai trued anawr oomtlona board ticaurer j m id uperv 1 mn vuwi and a limlnd aimhini sinft care county crests on bedsheets tmzxu about trtttoucin uutw tytw of tulubu kft tar vllllni dljruurui luhon county councillor rnfd lh tuld on tudy oo fh ikmi puliaim crd lbl covr incorporallag lb county crit it appcan on dratwrim in th county build- inf nuhl b producad hut oakvllu ikputy kaava lmlar whltlnga tugtuw cap- pad iham all lit jokbitly wond arad if th county craat couldnt alao b producad on bed thaatf an tna dltfnltariaa could ratum homa and lp on tha pro- blcma of tha county ulth thai tha problam want back to comntlltaa top hair siylist watch experts at style acres ranch courses slylc aere runch north ol apply for 39900 twp hall ask omb dispense with vole acton ii hotting top hair stl i lals from canada and the uniud kulei this week for the inl ut two summer cuurve featuring world champion ktvliu pitr vbb from london fnglnnd und fred rachle from vienna an ttria bnino schtifgl and hi- hum fcott partner mr cvclvn h alia wa coowners of north am r tags unique hair u ling hmd tua tiers ore pluvtny hut and hoalcei to the 26 mp si1isin and trueh artimv two model appear dulv m the couriae for yuesi urttt ut dllplav uve lalrh hair snlc vliltlng stvlut from not th am wtca um mannequin un coil furf dlsplavt hora utowa too the iconic stvle acre rinch la located ubout four mile nor it i navayavvcva council mondav approved t application to the ontuio municipal board to cli penw with vote ol the cituens on the conitiu lion ol a niw munu ipal tuiildmy reeve w j coulter reported a letiei in anvvtr to the coun ills ivquet to the onlano mini cipal board to hold a public hear my tiyyeslld u application ol this tvpc may kel data notice ol the application t contained in tin week iuc which allows 21 div loi the til tnp ol objection vmun thi per iod ha expired the omb will of town on the fourth line tnd i v ih obecton and may during the summer i um the itablih a dale foi a public hear- oalitre of a hurse hhim icatui hw question inj top rider from ontario the council eek the boards the coowners alo opeiau upprovat to construct a new halrdrckung schools in turuntu i municipal adminutiation build- hamilton and london iug ai a total ettmaled cot of harvey laverty heating majaauno and lavtsttououlno sales and service shavalr w am maf of furnm cuatom uvt wmal wrlt otl ssd oaa fajwiac uriallatut cowvrturt luwwt 14 rlawr srvu mam niton h s4jm4 irockwood w0 the council will aho cck appixival to finance 18 176 ol the total estimated cost h loan hm the municipal work assistance program repavabl ovci i term not exceeding five viai council monduv alto approved the ncvtsar change in siyning uitlioiiiv to the ncwlv named ihik uxasurer j c mclnivre 1 1 iters weix directed to the three prupetty owner affected b plan lor a by pox road be- iween the third and fourth linex north ol 401 a meeting wa ket lo tvview ihe plan that would piovide a truck diversion around camphellvillc to 401 a farewell party was held on vrtday evening in the sunday schuol room lor rev and mis howlett who leave auyubt 25 for their ivew charge at dartmouth nova siotia mr howlett conclude five var of minuiry to the guelph and eve hon chrutian chtucuw and tl i wiih deep regret he i leaving during his minutrv h ha made manv friends in the ur round my community and h v ill he greatly muved mr a leu kingwburv xice chiir man of the board acted a ctuir man for the short program mrs john alton conducted aii uld lahlikoived spelling bee wuh mit dorma kingvtuirv gumy tlu vcii db ur howlett william ulack and stanley sfewart piv id to lie the beti pcllcrw a yioyraphv nialch followed which aluj proved inirrcctiny william stewart was winiut mr and mrs howult were m i viled to live fionl and mr d uoheilwm riad un uddtev and on in half of the coiigregalion j william siewuit pia vented ihi m with a cr bowl and cu i u i holders to match mr houtnj expievud their oince n thank and apiweciulion the ladle iirved hyht ufuvh mthit and a uvc lal 1 1 nu w a held fit bipild at the morning ceivuo u the rvcrlem christian church dis tiplcv ot chrlct the ejrdinanie ol tu ik vers bapltvm wa ohservid when five wcie baptwed bv rev ii howlelt mr tcrrv atkinson of guelph was puect voloivt kinging iwo favorite mios how great thou art and the ninety and nine jliumpanicd by ihe church or yanivl mi marilvn kinyvbury identified with child wa the theme of mr howlett med nation next sunday will he mi how lttt farewell very ice vacation school daily vacation bible school commenced mondav mommy at the local church with over 100 precenl the elvool will conhnue through to saturday and the do ing exercise will be held on sun dav evening when parents and friend will have on opportunity to see the work accomplished and luten to a short program church mm ting mrs duncan kingsbury wa hostess for the regular meeting of the christian womens rcllow ship the president mr alan ul lie was in the chair and mr d fcingbury read the minutes and several hems of correspondence among which was a letter of greetings from the new ontario c w f president mr w m kennedy of st thomat an invitation to a harvest tea at orton united church wo ac cepted and a car load of indies arc hoping to attend mr g d robertson had ihe worship portion of the program halng her remark on the en tence found on the church bul letin enter to worship leave to xerve the bible study on lt peter was given by mrv john altun and several ol tlu lathe entered into a diiuuion un the vanoux yeru mrs a kingsbury chairman of live service group had several items of buwfwee umong them wa the quilting of a quill ut a later date und live catering lor a private dinner lulloumg the twi vvnedic lion the ikkuvv assisted bv mrs david sic wait served dc huou relrchnunu and a kijcui chat wa i njot el 19 todies trapped in elevator one hoar w minutes at airport torontos international airport will uot he foigotten in a hurry by pj hitinlhi ol hannockbuni w i the lulus vceie trapped wcdndav night between two moots in an tu valor foi one hour und 10 minute ivtfoie itvcv were field ktvppvd to safety on uw second floor they look the t airway to the nuiln floor ihe wl ip was dunny ik tin lltvlltwood surprise party for anniversary sulurdav tvxnmy auyuvi h mi and mr ii ihaphn mi und mr basil waisiui i ail ami ros ui ranged a paiiv lit thi u a nnt mr and mi g o 11 i al ilu fanulv hoim em ill imi sum of ilu ir villi vet iteiiul an ni v ri s ii y kt lam i nun tniintn si w mark i ai inn dun y 1 1 wn and ballln it ail and t d w i in nd helped tlu hi cimiali tl h ippv oee usion mi ami mis i hullum minn ed home last utek ml alin n lomny a we k th i liolul iv al hull suniilkl hiinu u miiifciiui point car aceldenis two more accideiii ilu last vveik daniaycel as in uiv us on ilu siivliwimni miiih 1 hith wav on ne 7 nuiih tl ctuge wn mi nor ye lionsult niunxtl lohet hoim saluidav in i wluil chair to rxiiiperali stu leli and htoke her anile two wnk i and has ixe n in hopil d in cacotyc itjw n mr ihmx vhihhl ul ion don miss una ymnllidd and john i iv id imnkop of loiulon and saskatoon visiti d willi mi and mrs ii in sum sund v mi and mis doiiit burl vi i lomiil a tit yi andd uiliti i inlo ilu i inulv last wi mrs ci ux wilsun a weeks i imping liip to sihei lake ahnl hull lu uul alyonqiiiu pai k imdd v uha mt nt buddings and saw p u ii i mini in session she s ul tin ii um shown evuv tl iv ol tlu ilip twlcti wfcfjtxy a digntwd socurfqciwfrtired a new chauffeur she was quite a4ihfied vvjm hltn in tvrv wv except for his lioppy appear- l divided inio twiju slf t f he imii and tach wa hmr to lve him a good it 1 r lee tine on hit weakness in a yuiele roup r iiii i runklin ktw began vevere iv how often would you xav lhat it i necevury to viave franklin gated at her intent iv with a wtak growth like vour maam he replied polite should tay that twice a k would he sufficient last slop i ihe annual hu poi i the v yioups for in ajetl out ruimlui one had a yianel linn my ilu airpoi i but tlu unfoilun ale gitmip ol iv wi re happed in ilu ihvaloi two ktntls htythc ai moumftnf the e u n to mf eddrng last week whose huaband wbla- prred your rigtst gtocsiag she rrted it deftly wfuspered what about thr left oawr oti its fine ir emlr aati correfts dont let anyone th you that the penny has had u day not even inflation has been able to discount the uwe o ih one ornt piece it accounts for 75 per cent of the total coin production each year the average pennv predo minantly copper but containing a little fine and tin lau 20 i lie i idu tvmovitl coat and nui litis ui nisi ol ilu lie il and siolluuss due to ovt crowding wluli wailing to in treed repair nu n a silted ttu ni v r ii w lion his ilu v woiilitn t tu long in limiting 1 1 pane one hour und 10 minultv aflt r hoardine lu ii v itoi tlu lulu i students have only ii days of holidays left before ichool staiis shop tlie champion for hai ktoehool ilrrn i erin auto body now ownto awl onhatas hi lyal mecutcheon complata rapalra and collulon sarvua vtattl end allcnmanl and whaal balancta the kind ai work you exneel at the price vou can ullord to pav phone u32411 formerly tha ftoy tttmtr 6 mill si- meals lunches fish and chips take ourorders telephone 8530085 shist ims mks acton nkw comwst nowi jrbiiiy prima red brand baaf choice rump roast 79 lb taaow shoulder roast 55 mwaeuss hmme rib roast 89 tjion imi ikmitieihouu steaks 95 mont hind ouarttts and sues of us ssand st cut and wtamhed km your home freeze at no extra charoe 0amy deuverv- lovell bros modern meat market it m1b e miss acton fair churchill news mi and mr john jenr nent sunday with their mule a nil aunt mr and mr william ikv ol guelph when you oo by bus i to th canjulumsunawlboaaitbal ick for 1964 enter tha contest now il could b yout entrlai accasiad by mambarf el fair ctwittlhm m iprowl lack holmel jack marthall mirvyn huntar mn w l sproiton linda farcjuton fiart htnton and dave manet deadline for enlrl wed sept 19 12 noon direct into thf grounds auoust m v urremmr 7 excursion fare 300 t4md yrlv lrv4lod adwliu lor pee lal low ehildren fares see vour ayvnt uavi act om lsi am iiavv ixhtmrflon 1010 pm afttr faraadaland fthow daylight tttaw i hihmon passenger travelling on regular ihisis will transfer al toronto ilu terminal to bout running inio ynmnds ttekels ami inlurmalion al wiles bus depot ii mill slra1 c l ailjmv aycnt us3m0 it 1w afc 0tj1 your egg production will be up wrflt gtpmwetit it takai tomathinq extra to ktap a laying flock prod ix mo at lop ef- hctarvcv supartweel lavnq fdi hav that axtra built m nutnant valu to rtalp your hani produc at a hiah uvmq rate ovar a full uyma taaion supnwt prod ocas th faad o halp your hant do a baitar iob and i batiar iob mani a bahar return from your invest ment lint it time to detemnioe if you have been qtting full value for your poultry faedinq dollars the extra quality and high production benefits cost no more with laying feeds 4r stop in and discuss your poultry feed requirements formula feeds division or robin hood flour mills limited martin st miuon tr rmii jlaafjaltljyjl jvfcmlf ay l j ji l j i t