Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1964, p. 1

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zht jvtijim 0ttt ftoss nlnwierk vervo 15 acton ontario thursday october blh 1964 twelve pgt tn certh 50000 for industrial land approved at six hour session juttui town tooruil ttrc now in hc renl estjrtc bosambb tors duy evening at spos nwvi ing a hv law uas uwrtti to pur twe ufhwukiiimtciv 7 m iiev fl uiki from anlhonv hufnaycl t u imi tit vuoo i and when ttxquirvd vb ill be sold or leased for uiuii- mduxiiul purpokc set- separate utiule giving cum p4elc biejkdowii elwwluie nil dili pay i reexc ii ii hinlort opposed a t bvlaw in at qui 1 1 the land iknuiylnmil ihe itiuv reading wish maxm ti dob v tkpoix ivexv j hen wood mill nmjniil umv mi kijiki- tvvei ale juknsiwi i rv johnston rax swk wul allktl i ita iii voting 111 the alfirmahvxv cthinohor hwmd ion peal wi absent iim live mal ing cuarmat rvic mi mint on wondervd il llui lam owner iniyhl hhiskiu sub dividing llu- pmnettx itiul guarvnlev lshjiuh u evi tain pine per ul rv rallvcr than have llu- town huv tlu land mill ighl hi kaul he undervtood i he van gils propcily picviouslx explored hv council was turw avullahlc al j 1 000 net kv cimhklllnl alblt doubted tin uecuiacv ol the rriits slaliniiiil and said itu- t iik tamdx prohahlv had u second ihooyhl ithoul selhny iheii land now in view ol itu pmposed develop tvunl nn ihe tulnayt1 pniprrlv he ayrevd the uvvcv point was well taken hut neyoiitltous m tlim ditlnl allow second though s nn timithei site omiktlldr i mc johnson inn cd with a large plat aid taped to one wall imnsiintl point h point each step uimial in cosiiny and turx king the aiva in guest ion lie told count il meinhein ilie establishment ol the site would p rsslhl v d 1 st 11 ra ye 1 n pi est- n t lulnntrx niniiny i111111 town on ikxthinl nl a lack til expanding pace 1 ik count 1ii01 also ilhritplit id itithinnl uidilsltv mould al- vrrale u unit pm4 mil enihk ulmil 70 pei ivnl t pie sen l rvsidenls work 1 ml oiiloltoun to he tinploed in at ton nuiuu alonr rive mintou loiikdit a lone kitme to he last dmh dunny the six hum vwum the lonyest huvliny imi the past ihive ors the fcive opposid the puoet1 in i lie itouiuls tlte pmpostxl liists exllditlllv s 1 01 mtmifli uml dehenluivs was pmhihitixe in hi iew tlu- towns etulm clehnlurv debt antl 1 he pnnoclcd capital wimlx pniprum lor ihe next live eais huh lie cu- niaicd imiuihi sll4whl ate tn 411 ea i committee reco ahe quoiiny u tony list oiiki hyurvv uhkh ilu- ivee lainiel wuutd add to the towns burdtvi dopotv rwvc j llril wimkj who i also lmaiu4- hall man re in led mr idnloni tale meiils and wjs iveked up hv tlerk adiiunlstiator jak mi ctai hie altei itu lliiu iin id a heatetl hassle live 1110 ot uieed uhukil imk to ovetlojtk ekiuiny irulirstn we nom loc tunu- o4 this providing we lad hi pimtdi kind lot expansion mi lubv siirssed 11m heve iairtioiutl lotinul n nhild iyn this ihiniy loo lo aiitl said vh iurt ask the own 01 upvimi ith aul ot a plehist ilr totirwdlor mrs nye i rm uplkd wlt ask ihe town wlun we wviv ptil heiv to niakt den shifts we ian1 fake eveia litlle pmihkin lo llu- laxpans t he lad tihiiutfloi also lold lh nvve yhi srwhild know whil oii tiiv doiny 01 mki holu1n t tie heie in tlwi ilim place mjnoi dubs was uiyid lo ah the ole lot the thinl lead my ol ihe h law as hhukii uete iiwaiv mi minion would inake a isi l to llu imnisu 1 ui yuiy a pletnsx ile hi wa when itn iet e ihulul llu vrit tin nl the deputn nvv sikj eetone had tvmi niid iwaii al kiiiiinillic levt i llu tun tnteiidtd lo 1s1l llu imimslit in lhl u has al reads lwt11 iheie keyy idlewt ol how we oe lu is yoliiy loi a pk his m siiessiil mi woimi will mftm rnv litlou llu imal wilt was un etl totu 11 1ii01 a lit lohnsoii nlil itl ht was prquinl to liyht mt miolon on ttie issui ii he yo s to lh ininrsit 1 so do i h t mphisiett iti itwuliisioii ht minoi jiopptl i don 1 ion ud to tu m i uhldt t ui i oua una ky iuioii llu land hhtiisi 111 k i11ul1 d a thh he hx tlw iihit iiimu 1m il lliiukiii ol llu onlailo munkipal allans mnilsui proposal for land purchase studied by council tuesday 14w lonowiny is llu pivstiitallon sohmtltol 1 at ion nuimil 1 iusda ifiiny h ttuiiiell indilsli ial 1011111111 k e t ha 11 man lilt johnston pnm 10 a 1ini1 dex khhi 10 pmhas the taiul summary co4l awl prllnu du pruuotcd indusirial iml vlolwi a iv4 notiji i and a nlahle 111 pnmstd iea less nds 7t 27 avies piopise1 tist liiiil vssnnun 7 kh s s0kh iovi viaues i i yiatliny les- site i liyhls ji2jm0 tisi t luul saivkes iihi yradmy appmx 2 iv 1 uu ixheirlinx tosls on i irm stayt i nu liuu s poihis unt yrathny ot 7 s mo plus s nvo 4o 2 s hs jw 7 ixwnluu txsl on sttoitd slap- nil first stacf develop parcel no 1 2 s u u s sthihk blocks konl c and 1000 ft rad a ou sways who tind lh 164lh batuhoi fiom actun lurnq wodd war i 0ned wlh tonr4ij s1ufiv evoiltnq l live l0oi ujloiium fut mu- annual irumon r in root ii fcd cule boer wr vetfn well at a vet of world wm i 11v iow left lo rqht tun 1tjrnr aciono mll cothef now ol sctxroiiqh di a j luxhatirtfi f lidtf satn snow 14ny goldlvim georgetown klorm mtrihjll tdcnmill inl jimmy tootill report improvemenf in grade 13 11 students receive certificates cm luwi 7w ii j t4i mm rkhnu tolil aivi 76 r 1 inom h1ni iiv vinkl tilul j xinki dlwiiluiv tn jtxiic 5 0 m n17s gruiul t0i11i s im11i second stagl devrloe pami no i iir iis vlm l 1 inivh rikiil a nut 11 1 cuils llllll sit fralini nil sen i- jmmiiv s df nw knooo diuk m lesulls simjw a maik nl impioveiiient oei llu- tt lly uies hiyh school ivuud mem heis weie told as ihrv peruvexl eiaphs at then mevtiny in llu hiyh sthool moih1i liyuits weie ptxpued bv pi in tipal hansen and vuepnnelpal km hieikmy itown the tesulls papers lcliujd i t uulevl litini ihe iepoil aie stink nts with no ton i idenllal nviik siuh as idult pnale sin dents mil thov with a loiiii leiilial ttuik ol ihltw v who wititi- pqieis nut wtie not sue tvssld ol six tliuk nts with mmnn uuiulatioii niaiks ot ts or heller in all sidijetls who wiolc nnw or imut pa pel s ill six will rctvivc i hen tliplomis it tomiik-nee- inenl at outing lo llu leptiit a total ol ivt papeis weie wiitlen 144 passd and 14 killed maiks in iludel m hist ilss hoturs 19 sttorul i lass honors s thud t lass lionois mil fv mxiiiis it diplomas one student umle eiht pi tis md will ineie i tliplonta lu i two eais in yiade h i siiuknis wiole lewti than iriyht papt i s wilh loin who veie- re- ptaliny yiatle m iiceimiiy dip- iiiiiin twentx lour students unite milluitnl papeis o quilik oi thplomas oul ol ihee ii will iim ie llu in new u ol these i liud yiade u exams loi ihe 1 j i s lime i when lesulls weie nteixtd in auytist it was levealetl 10 wthild nxeixe teilihtales suite i litit yiinliny ol appeals hv ian rame iast has quatdtcd hei i also or a ici lifitate and she is now at lending uniersil grsdust increase vuepnnupal mithatl iuan lold the houd the yiade w slu den is ivsilltt shtiwed a gradual jiiuicase and aul the iiuuise 1 was not due to am one latloi hut an oveiall impixjvenient in leathiny abilities inleiesl h the student anil yeneial toiuhlions mi hansen also tepoileil dis trjtt mspectin f w vukeis had i tallied the sthiul as well a lotir ilhr inspeilois to view indivi diud teathiny rmthods new rooms smmi 1 he pi mtipal said s ei il l lasses hul htvn held m the noli i loi mil hleathers hut it was hop cd the lour classrooms in the i upixi section ot the new addi i tion would lie in use mxt wok 1 a maoiilv xole mthoileil the piintipal lo tnxestitle llu in stallalion ol a lelepnoiu- m mi ilexaiis ollue loi yuitlaiue and j il approvxtl in the chairman j i reul uet haiiman dwiht in yet and n us lee on man mollit ophisiny the phone wete tins lees keiwin mt phail and t hester andc i min tiushv owiyhl lnyil sujvesl ed the boa id not tondiui an ul i it la i opeiiiny oi dc tlk a i ion whnl llu new dhtion is touipleud hut simp hold an open honse il whuh mini ihe puhlu tan tout the huildmy mt nftwi s agreed to this suesiion and the date loi llu puhlu uiny is expttted to iv eai k next eu lloo d memlk i ippioted the sjhiuiiiu- u u tut i sotiil evn in lot hond si ill nu uiih i s in oiiki to iniinne ik lit i ujunnt td mouihu jmimi si p loldliny d loi p pmptil thaiiiiian kerwm mc iminl soked ihe piohlem ol huikliicy a new liumeiatoi it the st lu i loi hut tuny pa pel when he told the txuird ihe town -upei- lulendent ilweed to pit k up yu j baye at thf shihil pioiidmy re j lust- ecu pitkid in pi op i con lames ml meihail said he had heaid j i loinpliinls alioui sludeuls hax my lo poithasi ttiliun lpe o i iiiniimy slnv loi iim in the 1 sh lmii md woiulud ii i lluie wis i ui pilu loi i ter 1 i mi tvpe ol siuk lo lv used j li i in ipd hansen sni the ik t i ph m 1 ediualion teat hi i miss i motillon hatl otdeied a stunk l iv ol mm liny siuh at a ik i i sioie lor a numlmr ol ynls mr i miphiil ayieed ihe sludeuls should he weatiny a suiianle pro l vhit- hul ihoiiyhl the 1 1 pe ol shin- tepiiied shouldn i t hiny lioin i at to eai publication change imtri newly adopted plans t speed tklivery of ihe weekly copies ol the acton free press th- publication will he itvutti ihuisdav moininy beyiuniny oclojwri 22 tik tjiiio iiu will nuan rural readers will rexeixe heir ohiis the sauu dj schedules aie tuiny adjusted o meet post oiikc- it qcueiiu ills tor itiial dehveiv on tin thursday laltkrr thjfl iruln as has been ilu- ttse m he pasl i lu lim lot eu he i puhlication is n ikt ium 4 t hanging shoppmy palltrns while siluida eniuy was once the iiuiiniun shnppniy myht i ndtv has now ihyii yeneiallv attcpted and already some cinllts alt also op it on ihuisdiv tiemny i ai her klots ol ihe papvis will lu hhjilul o atherltsrr ooiiiiiiiil i i it if vuinnil suiiak as vtll as o nadl w4u will vtaiil lo i aki n an lay i ol llu in in adc ain ol i l idav hopping i ik i ai lu pi oilui tijii n 1 1 sal has nu ant ex i ensue levuums in dead 1 1 iu loi r w malei id and adv i lisiny the iooprrjllon ol all in makiiiy llu thanyi iussille will lie itmuetl ii mill h nettssaix lo ivirut news ievnts iwloir wrdnevdjy noon i ssi 1 1 a dipra udcei tisuiy mil u uepied tliltri pm in sla and itassihed adveilimny until wdiusdu moil otxpljy aduiliviny will tie ivquueil ihioix luesdas noun t i nti li i pmhiui lion st lu doles in ihe plan hair hn drai- inrlli allvmd lo latihiale llu railni puhlu n of ihe i ret precl maniny i hloi lu dills t all 1 oi t oii alloi fiolll the mans t oi 1 1 spomk nt t luh sttitluiis and yioup lipmiilers as well as ailltists l liud tin vlult in hint iluu aie imhhhi lo bfl soim piohkins and vthaps a hill iniiliimun w ht n ou t hange a puhlu al ion timt hul illn llu liul lunwuks il is hop d i ht pattern will lu uasniiahlc well tslihhslud lu toininnled i i i loi i will tn- i xt mil il lo k i p the iu ws tovciaye tn llir wnkly issn as imitls as possihk whil ii inav not ik pov sihlt lotowi all ihe wdiu sda xtinny new s dt lop iu ntv every- ihiny jiossihk will ik iline lo immi soiiu o ll m llu ihanyt will it a dmn i thalkuyi- hul will ihe n ope i a i lou ol it adei s advet lisei s and toi 1 1 sjmndt ills live t hailgc tan v sutoolhlv dave odk toiuluded t public schools share more gym equipment special kintkt yar li n classes at hamilton and yiade seven and elyht teat he is weie at lending uiouthh insetske meviinx with other leathers ami mxpntor mc neil at millon tthe pncipal was authorised lu spend up tv lor a vacuum cleaner lor the home economics room milk method piiiuipil i liner smith of the i i kennel i stluwil informed ihe ixiaitl tuiolment at his school this lenn xis up hv imir pupils strue ihe lasl dav ol school in june piesenl enrolment is 410 as opposed lo 40h piesimulv mr smiih also ivporled he vcas now biivinu milk lor kinder- yar ten t lasses h the piart and distiihutmy il lo pupils h paper cups llv this method no milk is wasted tlaoyer ol accident hy hroken hollies eliminated and j sax i ny ell ec i ed i n i he t i of puichase luiard ineuixers com nurukd llu pitncipal on tills me- thul public subscription to offset debenture issue for library avion centennial comimtttv met on mondax exenmy to le xiew ihe steps taken and pi o ciivss made on aston s venlen nial pioied i 10m the lneeltny uhii ixtomntendations weie tn h avion council that a bxlaw be pipued ivamuiy the poec l ac ton centennial lab tatx i hat the town ask ihe ilauumy lleuiul lo ivottc ihe xthool pioisetlx iciiuied lo con loi m lot a lihiaix that the i own lot appioval and seen i e o m 11 appioxal loi a tie lonnd ihe follow ivutuie issue ol j42 ivk to meet is lecpiued til the tmantiny iecuirements mid ctist ol the pmiec thai a luud laismy pntiecl be arx plans 2 a instituted to laise monex law nammy out thiouyh public subc i ipliou so pioiev i m ii that the delhnluie issue would aiitiny tlie on not be icqomvd oniny ol llu 1 disuissiiiy the steps lo be lak ihe pioyiai en ixkue an appluatkm van lv and inamlenaiii made to the senioi oxctnnients continued i t matl ut4 axtu yiants it ny inlot ma ihe esiim 1 and pielu imnikipal vlesiyuatiny inethoil ol iu lion l4l ik 1 1 sele loi opxia ol the pm page sewn zoning debenture naming clear way for new library mill mill l wis illthlllutl 111 hhi ii i llhl ill lllx- kl- llt ml i ll i 1 u ll il s lll lllll 1 nv liivsl tvlolll llhlnx i i llu- iimllllllliill il llu imiiii i ii 1 ilnnitlini in 111 impnyn liiili xniiv il ixmi1 mill m h it tv pullu suli i iplimi xiull ik iiiiiiiii ittii mwiu- nni hu iiuinlxin urn i x i ominiull oinuil m tin i il iii hv ii suhmllii mm imitl e feature of fire prevention week brought files of children marchinn briikly out of the robert little school within few minutes here the lower grades with their teachers ere shown the towns fire truck by some of the uniformed fire fighters snl ivl liin ivoimmlktitiiiii iiillnv tills piikciutc in ouli i i mil iii vrhililk iprhiinlil m immhiiii nl illv n til nniil tillltlllll 111- iliiu nu ivsii- nl lb- pimi almi cnlcnnlil ihv v 1 llu ii kv ah ln nlii vp i v ul i i- iiliiu l t v i xuiiu ivll 1 ill willll lo lluv mill i i liilixn it llu- inhli sub i ipiiii uilniitiiitiv possthle share ol ihe pioitst b law utll alsi lx ptvired li his cltevt coiiiuil will also request plan i muy iloaul to ieotie a portion ol llu k i sthvol yrouncl lo be used toi the budding i mm its present status ol t vonsorxatumi to rl lesuknlial in outer to i allow the budding to be erected tlieie ak more facts loiuth isiuiitin rxmini meiuhd bx the centennid ninv mituv lo auhone the- commit tee lo iuse slihv bv public sub- i stnpimii toi the librai-x- build my was tumel down pending 1 turthei mtoimalion to tooncil ieyatitny the method ol raimlltf the nittncv antl details ol tin- total cost aiiountiny to 50000 a pant irom the centciv uul branch ol the yowrntnent iinoiinuny to j5000 reduces the cost to the town to m2000 in oixler to revtvix e approval itom the centennial hraivch tor live protwt proof of financing must aecoinrjiny the application for this reason own council approx- eil preparation of a debenlurc by- lav for this the acl6n centcnnlttl com- mi t lex memberi arc of the opin- iiiu i nl llu to t xii ii ileih ntui t think hhllnull lulu i would lu hil oilk 1 ullllll tl hv mlbsiip nial coniuiituc paye seven 1 ac lun wi4h i i 1 title scluxil auditmium may smm ik- uhi iihmv exteiisiveu as a yxmnasi uiu loi pupils liom ikjiii m iknnm and kolurl lillle st ho its i he pi ope 1 1 commit lee was advised lo invcillyalc itliliudiatelv ctktfc and ivpek of phvsual edikalion equipment as sikin as possihle dill lily llu- regu- lai nuetiny thuistlay l last i week vice pi iihipil dkiy copeland who is also ph steal education i msiiikioi at ttu u 1 schkil askeil the ixkiuis considei alion ol wull hais and climhiny npes im use in the auditorium lius lee loins llonnelle ayieed lhe 1 1 mini should also ik- ustd lor a y m ami suyyt sti d the btiit d puicham- equipment which would last iu adxistd the ixuud loi make a start on some equipment if ihe budyet would not stand ihe entire purchase iliiuipal i liner simlh ol ihe m iknneit sthmi said he wimlil ik happx to tin n oxet am monex lei i lor equipment at his sthool loi this puichase pio j vuliny yiade seven and elyht pu pils loim his school vxould haxe use nl ihe t quipmeut as well i inspecloi w i mcneil sii i yesleil boaid tneiubers immecti alel view olhei schools wlliic l in tvpe ol equipment is in use in ui ile i to make a decision it was ayteed lo haxe mi cupctand and llu committee liixcstiyale a suyyeslum to haxe a btiud j teachei yathenny to hecome bet it i at qua in led was lei i in ahex ante until a lalti meeting teachers convenllun our my the resi t ol pnncipal w mckenu- ol tin- r i sihool boa id memlvis learned llu sthhil would ik- closed loi teachei s conxention moinlax otlulki i he also reported miss niancx webb was attendiny hs award a new stholoship will tie v- ailahle lo ynls al acton high schhi al a 1 1 tee liny i hut sdax in mil lon ihe tmxtisiix womens club ol milton which include live meinlkis liom acion de cided i he l r annual scholarship will ako ik- open lo acton high school tils ll will be awarded at llu- distielion ot the club on the basis ol high scholastic achievement m a yiade h girl ytaduale siuclxiny toi a univcr- sil deyue amotinl spec died hx he club is not less than sso hut lhl xvos awatil to a milton girl il flofl u haw gkow of gwdders are ihe acton high school junior redman after they defeated milton 250 monday afternoon included in ihe photo are coachteacher ron holmos and mana ger jerry octcenden players in uniform include doug allen garry tai liefer john mcgeachte steven johnston roy rogn- vaidon david wat ion george bethirl dob price mew ion hurst terry churchill phil dupuis jim wccoig aaerl harris walter blom mike miller barry el i lob jake paima ray hib bard kevin hall george wall is bob roughley david mcmillan bernio benton vince dunne don rogers tony hursf

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