the acton fr mt thurwfcy ottobf 17rd14 provincial competition halfon 4h members compete halloa 4 h club members t niwji a very creditable ihowuiji j in the pfowncial 4h laterclub ctmiipeiiltom ui th university of guelph mi fridav october id team uf luo iiumlkrk judged our iliiui and amuend quv hunk on all phau o ttutr 4h project trie dair compiuion ujs itu tary- uilh 87 tiding compiling and uaw uon bv rcnfiw coun iv uilh a uon ol 9s7 out ot a pokktbu i 040 tlu iah llalion 4h houlein call llub uam ot john alccee and bruce hart puced fourth with 951 points uhuh uak iu poink whind tike uiniur in tigluh position wa the ha it on 4 11 jtrwy gurnuy atruilr calf club leiu uf carol suackhaiiur j tid margaret king carol swaikhaitier and margaret king had itu hlghcit iem ixore n this lomnt titiun lor quptitoob uunny 2i out ol a puuble 240 point t in tins uilion ttur eat walton 4ijin wjv juvt une point twhuul in oiuvliom id tlu lutl divuion uilh 42 30 halt on junior fanners will tour carleton county tlu klolur nutting ol tin hallon juriiur lamur counts lloaid vvav in id in llu ttoald iimiiii ol itu ayr u ulliii a i old uilton on vloimr 7 it prcm it nl jov llavvvatd vvundtd a uufj ol thanks tu alt itu minis uh sold jikn at milton nltain shuw llun win appioumali i iv 000 taiui old counlv cardigan nuijuin uui divliihultd lo th individual tlut th ait whilt indian tvtialiis uilh tlu piovtnual tut i oi ol bhl and old on ttu vluu aiul i ik tounl v ut s m itu ml mil ol itu wjui llu u tmmiv jiitu is will ui ii llltll ik vi v lul u lit ii llitv vim taikton cihinh liln ihu month this will h a mun l ixiriaii iktotur 21 24 and 2 jiwi a i k 1 on t uu n t v i n ktud hat k to hallon rwit um iitt i ihis luhangt uill hulud t i up jo ttu ollaua winur i alt and a lour o llu parlia mull buildings ik 1 iluo monihh discussions vtjimii daiuiny toontv vhoir ptthlu vjuaking and various u dtiship tonnm uirv outlined bv itu pkhid4nl llu counlv dim loi id svgsvvoiih jic his rt mh i 1 1 oiii tlu piov uu tal dint lois nut tiny lu ul itxcrillv in rundown nixl m n thtv itt pi intiinl hi hold a piov uu lal i uld dv it invlph ptr joai photo gwotown artff twiht voccisuul ilujw t th c n e tlv yedr gcorotown am nd cramt haj 700 vitton to their annual how at ih pivtvra clnce bognvaldton tacher at acto m qh school pid hi lanure hoor buildmrj ipmnmg wheeli a cralt that ha laarned at a iniy from hn tatfr here demonilraimg ipmnmrj nt leh to nghi nancy poonvaldioi kattiy wc kenie and janet rogrwjldion nancy and katty arc carding the whool ready or janet to ipin grand jury inspects buildings suggests several small changes diand jm numrxrs uic laoiahl inipiistl h itu o eiatl wx arant t aiul mainli n arut ol itu llalton 1 ounl ail ininislialion huiltlin u tu n tht insutud ii dtoii count ihnld ins n thur vtl iv 1 tu iiutrx liolttl hit ttu luititun ox ad eg u itt loi tuturt t p iiimim hut olft tul ttral vuyt stums lor tinpiov my londitionv inilnitttl in th ir mim lion uiii tlu lolluum i rihims tv sound piol til o avoid iranmiiisvion ol miki ioiivi ation to uiitusn rihuiiv juia rooms ih iquippttl wllh mill slink- lui loiiihiil ol jlllihs dill 1114 pioloiiid loiivnl 1 1 ilions i lu il ois pu v niu prop ptd mun k wipt ilosid to hit til pioki limuiimi 01 illtinal ij tu iii 1 ppt d w uh pi up 1 fusible iml arrinyiiiunls to t r nut ilt us in vvhik in op n posiiinn 111 iools lo tlh chlllt miauls mil i k itd in llu inst llooi uta tu iniintauud in a l i0m1i u s it ion lo lulhl llu 11 phh r luiu lion i antlstapmy str t inuulinf ttu adrninisiialion ii u 1 1 d t n hi hnuihl lo st indaiils iiman to maintain llu dimls uul n itoki llu ippvatatki ol tin prop 1 1 still hl vviiul vv svitiiunii ht piovuuil thnnnhoot k build inj old court lhuit jail itu still ol iht jul llmist is t ik loitniundtd on tlu ikaii liuss ol tin building th pits oiu 1 s uul stall apx mil n ison ihlv alislud llun ituh slit tl th mttgulmle tour 1 lu ctmr i vv as nol 111 s s sioii iovvvi llu n u im am trul inainlt 11 uu was s 11 tatlorv jurcrs nol id hallon centennial manor w wcri impttsmtl tv itu txliiiiu tk intmtss anil llu l luunt inaniui in vvliuh llu iniiki in i iruiatd and tlu iiniiuw ol tlu mall in ioiuukuih this jurv s tnspivtion mr stank al it n aiul sufi art it ht lomnunil j til th rt pot led 1 rotarians at planning meeting pjan crippled children drive pi ins toi tlu 1 isut vi tuv ui i urns i luh ot duiul campaign and itu pui mi ot rin club nl t mi own ro- aitiviliis iitriiit 011 im nipplni tu iiup ol u iruilton rolu luldixn hv mmii tluhs m itu luh o milion rol u- c luh ot ihtnlks ol llranl dillon soi lkvilk rol u lut ol siiiuik ilk and wmlwoiili win discus riuv club ol iitidown id il i distiu l couiuil nittl 1i1 itil 11 v i iv t it robert r hamilton optomittkt whn hour nlly monday frlday cvnlnj by appointment mn cfamwn lr7371 11 mtwmlnvuw rd s its easy to perk up your kitchen with moores dulamel 1 lovely tami glou f wvlih tor caiunqt wall and irtm etaluajopioitrwawj or malol iviai ovemio taoutlful dacorolor colort moored 305 qt gordon hardware limited 33 mill st ss33730 teami competing the winner al lo uu rrnlrcw counlv with 90 poinlv the hallon 441 beel call club team ol larry cardhou 1 and margaret hunter plaxtd lourth uilh 912 pointv in the grain divuion with 24 luitu tiauaptitag tlu llaiion 411 j oram club placed fecund team themberfc arthur law won and vcroa ttvoupn itad a total wore of v2i polnu 19 point be hind tlu winning turn irum piirvtc i dwaid county the hallon 4h tractor main teiiaiu club team ol km wil son and llod 7xm wa thud out of v uaim in llu tiactoi ac t ion i in ttu lit id ctop uiiion uilh 2s uams touiptling luiu ilia and djii 1 1 a llu 1 siune it pi cm nl ing tlu hallon 411 com club plattd 2jld 5 wipe folks ntwiy moved to nam of city tfcvj mm t6a4 till twpoji uml u4 kaittti tmlh kttuti el ihi t4 ifvmlhu tout tra aty itf 1 u m haiuti ir umi you ii kw mieut nd tfmiltitul jftm iglt fton w eleoiiuawtn aji 111 fkn is3y4s mkmnui nthiiiuilk 4h grain club results listed the 21 member of the halt 01 4h grain club have completed their ear work with a perfect completion record out of the total ccore of one thousand pointt ttu jneinbcrt placed a lollou 4 rirvl i haluih norrington vi8 mvoiuj vi rna tltotnpuxi j third margartt hunter wj lour th loi hunter su tilih art la u von ul viith bill aleiaiid r 874 uvcnlli murray uju iuii 172 ighth haiold tlwiinpson s64 ninth ken wilvcui tu kiuli hob penldie u6 fjjm jl- jolm mccee norvaj blr i waa high junior in the junior diviv 1011 of the erin judging compel it ion held al erin eair 00 satur day morning oetobcr 10 oilier hallon 4h club mem ber placing among the 26 in the junior division were loi hunt ir buihngion rr i fifth and carol- swatkliauur acton rjt 2 twtllth an ohstin il man tint hold opinions thi hold liiui in tlu senior section wtlh 4j lojiu viaiiiv larry gardhou milton v r s uji ireond don kattuttoru hornby hit 1 t ighth arid margaret hunter burlington rr 1 twelfth in tlm lompetilion tlv members ludgt d oaj v wlieal hokteuu lhtt sun and yuikuiira cllt it c ail x rr 1 the blitz is on buy a bag oi bulbs help the acton lions club all htockoj k acton arena combination sweeper shaver flooder project i you get a family pack of fine quality lights bulbs 240 w 20 w 2100 w 170 per bag also tretdfraw-onoerthiw- bulb blitz starts 730 pm tues and wed oct 27 28 oooi to doot canvass a lion club mmbar will call on you trick or treat trick or treat you will hear ir salt by yrtot ditguiiod so b prepared and not surprised i lilt lit llu otlllllil stkulx lll lniuil i hillin lull llutsj iii iii llhn ii 11 ii uu i i bake bran muffins ln iruliliiii in 11 itiutsiin uurv uiom fttuniii iii iii inline ii 11 ihintli a y l 11 i in i t sivi mil i at 4h club meeting inn wli il 11 kliwk n hi i in t 1 in iiii l llu s val in lkliii iiim1i lull 411 c lull u lull il i ii i li 1 hi luh uill k hi in in l mil duiil uu v liilll iiu n i iln i 1 i uu i k ii il ilk i ik in i lllljll in llnu i iiiiumiu ii in 111 hiiii willi llii 4 11 miiii imii i nl imh l pi 1 ui i i l ml villi m il llu iimihnit i mil si 1 hi i 11 11 i l uu iiiluuli i mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 ion v iii t hi ii ii hi ih vi ui i m im ai vure at two ami two make out qobl t will be knocking at your ctoor so plan a hallowe en pifty for the mile ones ii means jo much to them d ttu i 11 onii iimhumis tii itu n usti hv ih th tluhs mi tlu out n i sku tv i 1 loi i upphd t hildun i mvuk ht ii van uul in ituunl lo onl hi i s uiiiiimi ihu h h iiipplttl ihiklun ilu in im cha id tin ininuh si hi 1 lilts illl hu look i iv i i to nuking is m ii h uul dtmonsii u vvlmu uluit null iittlliuot ihisdistiut iiutt linv wmiltitl i i oni it il hiv vv s a llvnuin ol tlu li its null uoimn tonipkuj iht i luh ol iknults in 1 llu unio ilml miuii iiiimuu mi mil vinhs upiihiiiol vv ii ut tai i ii utl llu disi usshii vvtuli llu tluh ol avion koiai tluh nl nil vl i luh ol iknults oil ihv viiiki ilml m tun iiiimuu mi vlnhs upiihiiiol wii wlais lu ltd tlu discission whili tluh ol avion koiai tluh ol pils uuik iiutiv uuuh un dianllotd 1 tons tub ol bin ed acton firefighters 64th annual dance friday nov 6th 1964 acton legion auditorium dancing 9 pm lo 1 am admission 100 per person door prizes 1st 1000 2nd 500 you do not nd to t prmml to win u rmcaiud hauowttn shop at hintons 5c to 1 store increase your interest income 5vro inlcrcsl on 3 lo 5 year guaranteed investment certificates 5 for 1 and 2 years issued in even or odd amounts from 100- 100000 interest paid halfyearly by cheque june and december 30 investors include many insurance companies municipalities societies churches cemetery trusts estates etc lerjdl investments lor trust funds 4r o savings accounts 4 interest paid reckonod on tho minimum quarterly balance your paid cheques serve as receipts and may be obtainod at the of fice each month cmden i accounli welcomed si llartk n ticounl avli lor tree dime iver save y mail mtf kttyampald invtlow surrtiw convenient office hours monday thursday 900500 fridays til 6 30 your local trust company h alton peel trust savings company 45 j main street milton t mar lorn skua public ulllltu account my b fm wmiawt chatfl t i 1 1 n