Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1964, p. 8

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i mod stress lack of interest shown by young teachers the annual mcrtlng of district 12 of the oaurio secondary school teacher federation was held at brampton on wednev day october 2 this district u ctwnprued of teacher in hlfh fcchooh in bramplon strode vllle port credit and north hal ion attendance at ihl years meet tng was down from ust year there wore only w teachers pna- writ in a dutrict that hai ocr 550 leather in it the roor at tendance wit refueled in the fart that only our teacher were prrufnl to renrcwnt acton aid the yoanjec tcachcri enjoy all the benefits that have been obtained thj kpeaker observed but often fceem reluctant to do their thare in work that the fed eration continue to do william l sproston served as pilot in raf instructed the president second com ment had to do with the appar ent preoccupatlon of tome lea- chert with their own penonal advancement he reminded thoe present that alt bough it un nice to advance in the fvrofittion the tximarv owrero muvt be wtth teaching in orow to do anything uell u muti he good preufnl to reprewni acton anyininj wen mun uuu thow nrewnt were mr a orr j teacherm too on awalur con- ur and mn j via it beet and bill quit ofemtvailona the previovm oj dutrict 12 ur whilliamt made two intent t ing obfcervikiiu in hi opening rewart tyw llru tonceriwd ibc apparent lack of inlerett of the youayir tacturk in ftedcration activities the older uacherc haw uork ed wiih the fecevralkm to raive the uicu o the teacher to live pukiiion thev txtupy today lu eluded tk actual buvlncwt part of tike meeettng uii cetmtclcrubly shorter than that of one iar ago a motion from acton high sebooj requekliitg more help in prole ikmial developnwrnt from the district uaa taken urukr coneidcraiton by the dutrtel c ecutivc other miom ucre ton metered and iltote which ueie approed will go to i ik gcruril atixmbly to be lurid at chrivt rnav certificates awards friday during h s commencement continued rum page one da preunlcd by patrick sulll van sneiul commercial aujrdc gjii rovrcll and i unici nrrth precentcd h patrick sullivan acton 1 umber ptuc grade 9 vhop ralph ncllu puwnlit b j ldg r canadian tin coip aujrd at ton grade 10 industrial artt da ltd wjrd presented b ait gor don maialet dairy award grade agivailturi david hlack pr cnled b g w mavalc ivn j ktngvburv manlvn a hirkwood john c kranendonk donna m landshonmigh ronnie i motdougall i llovd ml in tvrc nanrv r miller dork m moll at marv c mollat barbara i neuton stella a ogonuan donna j pendleton susjn m kodlord d william rccd hrucc a shuliu diaru i suackbjm a winnie vlktmra call m wctr sallv m wilson john u wood also included on the prvirim uill be the drama club present l ing ticrpu from shake vpearc v g play th taming ol the shrew ad ms staff pnes giade carol bcaltv robe it radfoid is ur pttis nassagaweya hall itani coats ukexide chapter iodc larxhip tvwma perulutemi pr s i hearing in kavsagawia cnicd b mr j jewque tounship hall on fndav nov lakeside chapter iodi spe- cm 13 uill deodc the out cial priies nngs uunsmiih i luumiu and urvvn uarshall pi vented propovjl to build a rxu 10000 vk hearing on nov 13 bs mrs u tavlor amo llason rolais scholar vhip naik miller presented bv j mcculuieh c g tvler scholarship ran dv dalv prevented b l c tvl tounvhip ofltcv the ontario municipal board will conduct the hearing with three maier questions before it the township wckt appruval to tue debentures for 11 17 re payable over live vcar also op- rusal canadian lcgten uhour i prox3 for comiruction of the lennial group headed b mrs fivj nicwton which has a courv trc proposal for n novation of i he old ss so 3 vchoothousc into a township office the wo men s committee claims the cost will be considerable less to nn ovate irv trntursold tunc build ing than to erect a new iiruc lure the meelin wis hclil it united church last thursdav c e nun explain the new cum ctilum being taught in the sun etas school about v interested parents attended croru is w ulltll ler eoilh i vhip paul bennett ptented bs janv- gunn duke of devonshire chapter i odf scholarship joan cook prevenled trt mrs r foice sr rovt i lexlric prenlucts ltd jujfclv grade 13 fnlixh liter a lurv ur c avhu joan m ceuk prevented bs u h r force sr aton lore press jvejnj rade i j lnglvh composition susan heard presented bs don rvekr ukru ptavlus award grade 13 phttus joan l cook presented bs j 11 retd tkardmore and co awards grade 13 chemistry orman smith grade 12 chemistry hotv nic macdougall presented b w j ikattv h k pertcr co canada ltd award grade h algebra un masales presented bv wll ham penjuum c i leatherland q c award lf ule m li i in jtkin m cuek ptihiikil b miss j bather di d a ctirnlt auatd li tele i biouis letnaine lashv ptc unud bv dr l a girrell in i i vqiiesing asseie el i t a o aw aid marv beth 1 lltoll pus nieet bv mrs r mekeitwn prs iekut i squesini association eil h v r a o never lite never ibse lit cvrtl f kales awarelehl tn the t ike side chiplel iodi will he s illled bv mn j joe que utel m 1 a j on to saudi a binnu bnice casluun kov chislutlm connu coles john de bill iw vie laid dt tvcetit wtnmlixxl dunbit i anne liver m ir ttisefuivv sul ltoktede leltlh lhtikins new ton llui si c hi is kr uu tuhmk phillip marit auive mecuoc ri ta mcrca llovd melnlr tru dv mortis mumka ochtruh ka ix n pet kins uill reed allan reidt jitvet rolnvaldsein natu rugnvaldson jacba van iv t brink brvon walker james ware boh watsevn jiru wong sevoml ir school llevtvor ciad ualtoii diplomat uill be present cd bv piuvctpal e a hanwn to paul k bennett juan m cook mai beth hioti suvan d heard j lewram lavbv man kn p lemon donald f lindsay gary d mavilc s norman b sumh ldwunip van hockeun john p wuh unv scvoivdarv school giaduatum diploma w will he nrv dented b iccptuwtpal m r be van to sharon d alton ivckn b aiul erscn susan u aruknavh jenni fer c bagbv sandra i biiuuc sharon u brad lev gall l but tenl lani daherve l connon clara anne dravcolt bohdan dc dougut a ford sandra a fountain net a franklin marv k frlcktr jumcb f gyaham do- reeiv a greenwood karin ii heller mary s hladun jill k hurt jainea r jcoulpg ului building estimated at 19w0 and also to dispense with a vote of the electors on the protect township clerk j c mclntvrc taid thu week that all township land owners plus am who had signed their names objecting to the plan had been notified by mail of live hearing opposition is expected from the nasvagaweea women s cen- a awatxofitstrejhus william lemlie sprotton a tech nical writer wiih drhavilland aircraft dowosvtew died tuddeii ly eariy wadneftday mortureg october 2j of a completely un expected heart attack he was 50 ver of aje he u uirv ived bv hi u ifc stmjty jean sprcwlcwi two ujav brian at hruifl institute of technoiocy toronto and david and daughter jvanu high kchool lodenrv liu nun her lives in england witli hi tivtcr jeviie ucter at otky yorkshire a brother hubert iwav killed while serving with the rj f during live secoiul world war tlie church of st alhan tht martyr uai filled on frtdav aftei rvoou october 3d for the funeral service conducted bv the rev donald fl wevt mr sproetou was people r warden of live ehuivh until hl iccenl reslgna lion interment uj in laiiyuw ccnvelerv tlvr pallheuiers were three bn- ihervrin law eoige ivans of georgetown row galhtanh el montreal and dcvmoml magee 4 mvadowvau two acmn fiunels jack dow ding arvd daviel dills ami ma or charles w turton of ot uwj who left wedneeeiav nov eintu r 4 ur terke in south vui nam mr spromon uav buni at gnmshv ln gland novcmtur s 1qm he attended live all loice apprentice school at haltm tugland and joined tlu uoal air i cm w on gradual n in ill during world war two lie w is a pilot with 220 squadron in the coastal com m i rut he mov ed his commksum in 1940 after his tour of oper it ions leased in england jit w is posted to canada to ussist in selling up ihc cummonwe ill li air tiainin plan and tnstrmlttl it svsifi cm lint mcxhcine hat delxit mont i il and north ii iy he received the kinn ik dun me ndation being men t tone j in dispatcher he and josev jean 1 1 inklin mrs d leslie iode hostess tlic november meeting of the duke of devonshire chiplei of the iodi was he hi i the home of mr d leslie bower ave tucsda evening the re t eni mrs force prvsidint mm utcs of ihc last meeting were read bv secretary mrs g young and a letter of thinks from the acton senior citizens club was re id reports were cjicn on the work of the committee the world if lairs convener miss mainpne spoke bnellv on the in hi bled parts ol the woild ind the fear and tension ciused hv mir knoveleelc of it indie iting that much is wc eniuv ihc com mumcations of our worlit w were married in montreal in 444 when he rehamed to tm und and uft the air force in 1s14a he held the rnk of flight lieutenant after farming ner kingston for yeveral yeary he joined the parriskkirkness wedding in toronto at number valley united kchurch oo saturday october 24 at tcven o clock rev arthur steed bjl bd united in mar riage kaihahne elizabeth klrk nei and deimis mervyn parnvh in a doublering ceremony the bnde u the daughter of mr and mn charles kirkrwvs acton and the groom live ton of mr avro kuff at malloti in l2 and u c mervyn pairivh to- the family moved to acton nine year ago living ai 60 churchill rod south mr sproion in itt6l trankf erred to dellavilland air craft the family had intended to move from acton lo toronto to be nearer hie place of bukinut and had sold their home here they were htaving for two weeks wiih fneneiv while awaiting po- hesskm of tlielr iuw honte in tominto wtu i mr sprosleui who had ulwavc hod excellent liealth was lake wudeunlv 111 tueulav night at iht lunne of mr mid mrs i ml dills his lealh was d great slunk lo his f ainilv a net to i he eom uniuilv in whu h lite v had be eomc m we ii kn wn mr spiovlt n had jus ixsigiud irtim the lllnjtv luiaiel on which tie tiael verved is v ice half m in urvd chairman in this capacity lie was also nueling with live ex ule n ru il commiltee ellseiusirig a new library huil ling mia sproston was u uietnlmt of iir eentcnnial eoliiniltlex and had also us ie mlrveef as kiu h nl tnim the likr vide clupler ol the iodi of which she is a past uge nt and lliilll her poslliotl as u legal ue ii ui with the linn of ke ariis mekinnon clue aiul ke ims giulph mr sproston was form trli a immlur of the ymca htiard he w is pettph s vv lletell of tlic anglican church described lo in apiitrmnl ton to the bnde given in marriage by her father wore a mivt blue enwemble with matching blue hat and uioes and a corkage of pink and while roubude bricktmald was mus jane roil man toronto who wore pak blue wool with matching uiicv- vorieu and a tor sage ol pink and while mum larrv nieak a fiund of tlu groom was tu s man a tvecplion was lirtd ul i ik home of tlic gnwim the bride moilier wore a charcoal suit with white acc euidi s and a cordage of ri d rose s l he grihim v in liter w n a lu lye brocade en scilihu willi ve1lw roses aflet i sluiit hiikvmiwn in muskoka i in couple ale living at 43 garth i tie ur i loronl i guests of turn tr at ihc wedding were mrs 1 cruuhll of at ion yiandmotlu r of i lie hi ut and mis d parrlsli mollit r of tlu quests were froi and toronln t i uilfj giihim ii aetui gl and oour gmlph by ids lex i tr as llu c huie h mis sfiiosi tn vthinit1 ehiutun ael n unlil i hi ii ingc lo in vc th acton frwm pran thuracuy wovtmuf 5m 1964 personal notes of actortuna vbwng ouotown polrris and ol vkhor bi actev homm 1 enllv aih 10 v il in mr and mr fred anderson mr fdllh i rank lias reiurmd vlkited with itlatlve in tlie j honu after visiting with tru rid bond head diwtritt on subday at s gexjige mrfc j a chiehulm mr aleit mr and mrs g siu l frank mr j m frank and mr montreal are visiimg with il i mavauv fcpent wednesday with lattn v mokur mie frierulv in owen sound telatives in the n u ity pavl international pre widen i ol umun club g w me k iite ml wl davilsi ipent tlu weekend at a men v nnlh ol wemlnkl 1 ami s it conlerence in chicago 111 yroir ru ar lu lihain uim liishlie 1 nglarul visited fkpilt mr vern toeld mr norman mu nit and mre mae spnmt t tewld mivv amu tiuld and mas ler steven ttuld of pontiae midi igun vulled ihu wex k willi nit lives mr urul mrs font walsou and family there were quile a lew act n fans in tlie audience at maple ieal girdens on sunday alter i tot tn toi the ettrieert of hiiy aiul llu paeemakcry and other musical groups twit lulalmhis llalltweeil pal ties were f u id tn united chureti gnups i he yoony adults we at llu home ol the rev and mrs dwlyht i ngel aivd tltc yoetny peopu were at the h mu ol mr und mrs all latrig a ion new in maki r hill lelthain ins wife and son kin ruth m tied i their new honu in jle nli a stihdie isi m salui d i the fitriiitrly liveel in sc nboi oeigh new quarters for dr c dey the bun lees block formerly owned bv dtntlrt dr harold leib toronto haw been purch amd bv dr cedric dv acton v ru wrvi cu in let dr dey u ev peeled i i lati owrwrvhlp by the uiiddle ol hie morilh and intends lu ope rait his praelue and coa- i mu with lea ing uplair aprt u nix mm tii nki was traicetcd by g l wjv sold out of ijir lu and tlutv re wimlims hat ntghl il xi uosrl rd mr i davids n sn ith mai sprowl s i rsl lum i whin i i sliiduel agf i ullui ars ayo in llu i mli d kit y ri a i id sulluld i hji 1 i sel lj si p llu e j ml lived kl i lit i v i ii i i iii kourt i hamilton wrb llwirt bait fvhui by aftji hmw orx rxyi ih wuuuvuw u e harvey laverty heating kuau1m0 and lavittiouomimo sales and sebvice balrt t all make f fuia cuoan kt mmtil wrk oil aj oa fewyeac ulalutiat ciavinlw main sttut n 34 ho wrvua s4k34 iockwooo services at home and ibikid secrciarv mrs h holmes re ported that the bale his been posted consisting of uvclul irtic les donations to the van us funds of the order were voice on a special award will be livcii to one of the acton high school students wlu i now iltending the new brock unlversitv at the close of the meeting articles led eiver fnm the tre isure m irt were aucliotuxl oil mrs ikallv pnived an able auctioneer during lunch btrlhdiy c ike ind ice en am wx re m r c d in honor of mr g a dilk bnlh d iv plan now to join our christmas layaway club visit our basement toyland oamcs toys trucks suu3hs tokoocans dou caiwaok doils tains push toys musical toys mechanical toys cooking sets etc a small dirosit holds your gift till chuistmas hintons 5c to 100 store week tt 1 sn uv t ish giant si71 cheer shy 2 iv oil p iv nlscau instant mini iv coupon 85c vi j ir coffee 103 slh iv royai i i aci 1x1 wis tissue 2 for 55c sin k iki il sixict siiriduid c0c0anut siu tk uk on puk liohid tlljini k lest0il j i u pit 25c specially selected handed tender juicy round steak or roast 69 sirloin wing and tsone steaks fresh mushrooms ground beef choice sirloin tip roast 77c i rnkliss rcilled rump roast 69f 49c lb lbs 79c 79c lb save v 7- tin saico brand tuna fish siv k slilll i til ii hoi si olives i mi i ju jar 29c peanut butter 43c ul tv ml syrup paris pate lb 79c bi st dll save lie wlllus toaaato catchup bhst buy sjivc lie coluurij rose margarine blst bu uivc tc spaiiiltyl ok brav lancia aaacaroni best buy sa ijc auhia bits or ci post cereals 3lb pko best buy sav ijc auhia bits or crispy critters ll i bolllt 235c lib tk 495c tin tc 37 loi pk 269 bravo plmm suci isoj tin c best buy save 25c white or colourij delsey toilet tissue 8 besit bum save tc colgate baggies for sandwiches roils it to piukace best buy save c tc ort pack red white tea bags 99 aikace 31 pi of t 59c lri jutf 31c h spiuvl r 2 for 29c 5h 1 in llut hoyarda raaal ball suw ulii tm 59c injl hikul si stoii in siinhcani hi nun n stim twin rolls kc iv i io pks 31c slipn me fruit cake i ll 2 ih hlnk hind 69c 135 owimo to the large demano eor freezer orders customers are asked to please allow extra tim for delivery home freezer specials time allowed for aoino red brand beef co wrapped and dbvrd fvaxan if uluctd i mv lb rtci lb rcr lb fronts 39c sides 49c hind 59c fre 1 gallon of if craam with evry owfar discount price s s h ii m oil pnl siix eekooent tooth paste 77c pi i iiuii twin 1 k pepsodent tooth powder i9 pi pnnl il wi suxi si stripe tooth paste 77t k i ciiuiil pk 1 0 stainless steel hades 79 ht h io lu uoltk anacin tablets 77c hj jl ml resden hair conditioner si 31 hic u2s 34 x dristan tarjjts si 07 frozen sjvc it bircu ct cod fillets supreme tender green beans foods 2 lb bag 57e fancy golden isu pkg bleached raisins 33c stofce hours open every monday till 6 pm open thurs and fri nights til 9 pavl ample parking facilities free delivery on phone orders over ts 00 phone orders 8530990

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