Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1965, p. 3

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mayors address jfomtlnliwi froai pugg one jmrs j g hattls c informed oif wharjwij jand wujw are doht oa rare oocmjoyu il may- be nec- easary to hold private discussions oultlabv ttd nursing home mrikgorgiiu sutherland hr- wtv i ri wwleylmown aetonlan who ft l ptrionl and invalid remtme paywats membership queries at com meeting council vometime fnuil ttujw dtcutom which are temnor wily unpopular bgl il i belter toilet 4h mblic know the ra- on fo them yoq way bcrai quoted or the wrong interpreta- tions may be placed on your re- mart t bui far belter co run this halt than have left the inv prioo thai yoojuive uunelhm o ua tn public lilcil u not itood xtijw- tbe technically honel we alio mutt refrain from doing thoce things which could tn any way appear 10 be dkhonctt or even questionable it i generally conced that municipal government i the one closet to be people it mjirh it the case and it i there is ipecul need to make ij work tf- riclenlly whai i more it a thorough cnaminailonhow lhat change 1 iwwuti even dtatk change council member nitould take the lead in promoting it i would in ihu rcgjm point tut 1 that tativfying the raicrwvcrv complaint or rcoueu bv repair ing a street here or int lulling storm sewer there rcjihicd important thrw thing arc doenotmeiin that we are fullv discharging our rvpomihilik it u not good enough lor 11 v m membem ol council to wuuh which wsy the crowd i uini thin rlhow our uuy 10 the tronj and ihout pol low m- tamd government looks ahead it will study and plan or the tuturc us well aw the prevent mi that all ctllirm hath i hoi- hen now and lhoc to come after cttl have the beiit potlhte hcrvlcird tn vimfwncnl nl the lowest possible cost hours of study it inevitably requires endless t hour ol htudv and diwussion rarely docs it win public acclaim at the lime but it is exceeding lv important as an example jh amount of municipal tunes which will be levied in unv mini iclpalltv this year will he based as much on whal council did or did not do ul year or live vcart ago or ten years ayo as it is on the policy ol thi viari cthin cil the municipal conditions undei uhich otir citizens no live are due primarily in the councik which existed lony hetiire the people felt the effect of their mic tions or inaetions we should so conduit out selves and transact our business that uje p not on iv ibis year but live years and twentv yean irom now will sa they ftfcrvwl ua well sjomj died al her home rr 4 aclon on sunday december 2 she had been in failing health for sev eral month- rev oll west conducted the funeral service at 330 prn wed nesday december 30 in st al ban anglican church from runv ley shoe maker funeral home buriat look place in fairvicw cemetery- pallbearers were lv love i ben rachlin henry wedge jam es higgins don franklin and george service l-lowerttearer- were george harris don han is bill holmes and tom oakley grandsons and nephews a resident here lor the past m years mrs hams was horn in jiand rapidx muhiyan dauyliler ol arhert arthur oakley and anne melissa watson she and her hus band john giilteld hartis cele brated their golden uedding an niversaivfotn eais ago thev wcrr married in little trinity chin kh lonmli ihv nlain inlet csu besides iter home and family was gcrijtiic musing mia hair is leavishier hustaiul stns harold 1 horn a urul john all ol alton oiu- datlybter mis goiyc ueimes meltssa rk 4 a ton three hroilurs alruit oak lev o live sabkatcluwan har- rv oakley guclph iimrgc oak- lev burlingion loor osiers mrs pearl holmes acton mis melts a illatkuvll yocaini cthlonna mis tlutw topping and mis agiks rohstni tmilh l lonmjo and 18 grandchildren tuo sons albert aiul ssdnev piethveased lur hei dauuhter mjv m beiines will earn on iik- ruirsinj htne tonneilv diitled hv her niollui only 5 per cent licenses sold to dale onls inml s ei lent ol an ik ipiletl sales have biin ruade tn lfts luensa plates a eonling to local issuer javk hji grave ix ullin ii 11 fmin llu i4m riiu s is sum i ivhru i hu s 1 lu- iillii- will no lv- il sum 11 ikll anil nva lls ilnls irv iiilv iil ll pilkiiiy iii 11 ii m v si urilt in mil ih it itli- luklnlih t suiuliv the italian canadian club ol ciuelph has txen constituted a corptrution witthnil share cap ital under letters patent and al- do hiaiila ol aclon is named as one ol i he principals at the inaugural council meet ing monday council j aulhorlxed mefnbership in the municipal clerks and asses sors asociation al an annual fee of 110 as well as in the mun icipal finance officios associa tion at s 10 authorized the payment or the rvquisiikmii of the public school board paynsenl on dcj- eniurr principal and inlcre including the owrc contract- withheld- payment on rvquisia tons by 1 he high vchoul board un til the administration committee irlvrij yates the lime jt payment 0 these requisitions lligtvschool boards may borrow from the bank to cover llteir current spending tlie feeling of ilie council was itiat acton slwhild not he rrqiiirrd to borrow mon- es lo pay high school rcquistt- ioniwhcnlvtwiihip wvrv with holding 1 heir pa1nenis until liven ivvehues allowed them to nuvl i heir commit menu with out borrowing nuuv tlu- sub- ecl uill tu- investigated by no i commiilec report lalcr j mcgeitue was appointed clerk adniinistiator tor 146v mayor duby outlined the authority of the tlerkadminislra tor lor ik yeiwlit of councillor oakvs the ilerk attend all nueiings and committee min ings pitpaies hie minutes and at is as liaison officer between itve cimkkil and the admimslra live and wjiks statts tlu inavor snd it is not desirable tor cunt in u lee thainnen to talk on the street vsiih woikmcn all institit- imiith must go lioin tlu- tommll lee ihrtsugh tlve tiei kadministra lor to lite work statl in reply lo i he question ol whether com miiiec thaii men onild go to the municipal olhce ihnhigh ttvc day lot infoi ntalion the mayor point etl mil the ottite stall vsas pie pa led lo assul ibe tiiaiimen hut asked that the ieguess be reas onable in the i41iu oltln- iiiiukiul ol work tan ieil on itu town othev cotiiuillor diinkvvaller siiil h- had ihvii told by no less than eight people aho hatl 4een inside tfu- y mca building on eleciion j night that they had not been al- lovsed lo vote alter i he close ol the polls llu- mtvor niinletl 011 1 an attempt had been matle to reloiale plling btniihs howevci m new hsvatioiis were torllnom ing mr dnukwaller lelt olhei lling pjaces tould lv as all able tteeve minion said lis sonulhing lhat can he considcii etl lor nest eur the cleik pointed mil uuinicipal ekvlions ait enlirely di herein i mm feder al and provincial elections some times there are four or five bal loll with upward of 20 people to vote for some older people take 10 to is minutes lo mark their ballot councillor fryer asked if there would be merit in having an engineering study made on the condition of the community centre building in view of the number of young people using the facility the mayor recalled that expensive engineering stud io had been conducted before the recent renovaikirtsj deputyreeve goodwin ask ed uhy no permit uas issued to evangel baptist church for the lonstruction ol a building un a 100 loot lot iuntlng on i he east side of chursnlll kd s coun cillor iruin ret ailed irlters had heen written twice brloie- to live thurchs solicitor outlining coun cil position ft would be unec oiwimical to servo the lot due it tlu- level of the trunk sewer line the question was tetened to n 2 committee in the light of a cost- shanng suggestion ritmry hhtttf vice president mac sprawl soke mi l lie histoid of the rthatv club of at ton at last tuesday llhvllllg he liatvd tlu- historv tl the lub ftimii iih tlurler year iw up tt live piescnl year telling ah mil some tl uw program pio- is is tnenitvistup ek 1 tie shik ei iviinleil hit some hunioiotis tcnu that look plate at a feu dinner meetings tinting the past 10 eais lie has been tn llu v lull parked curs abnper stew removal ttwek cos vaikeil ttit xliyels hanivi id town woiknieii saluiday wluu ihev st out with ivvo lititks lo plow out own streets misoi les duhv look ins hist ule in i ik newly aquiicd town mikk and acted as u pilot for ilv tlnvei aeloallv the muvor 00k tins oppoiiunmv lo find 0111 whal eoiitlilions town voi ktnen opciatc uiutei apprdach fmnal formaliiies cunlinued jrom page one iirisci and vague pniposals vc niusi hav available land in thapi iii which lie is going lo gel it two mills sounds like a lot of money we should be promoting the ptu- ject and should be hying lo iii j oui how best to overcome ou problemjt the acquisition of one industry can soon overcome this mill increase we may lose some ol ihv smal ler industries we have who need room for expansions if we do nut liave properly available said mayor duhv depulrecvc roy gtmtdwin es piesvtd his pel so nu i opposiliori to llienioi siiggestetl an allernaliv e to llu- pivseni pur- vf the iiueilv wtmim hate ikcii tjieiiujioii ol pitivitv mi the west side l main si ns mii milted piemouslv in an ulfct u 1 mint if the t let k leioited the pnmis al was filed wlfhlhe departiitenl of mtinitipal affairs in a veilial iepil llu- depailment advised il would nut allow the own lo sign such a stupid document llu- dtsptitv iteve laid 1h felt the piojesl had feat tied llleoitil of mi letiiin 1 dont think c would v doing our ob as toun clllors il we liv lo undo asl sears khiikiis vuirk 1 want it undcisuod thai last seat would have ihch voting with the twit i was pel sunallv and public i against it ill tvm tun as a imas deputv teeve i will mii poit ii aud promote it i once vyc are commliled lo this project 1 will go alt out lo make it successful agreed reeve iltnton the offer to purchase expired december 3 i96j however un extension has been yranicdto january 2s i5 the bylaw au ihuriies issuing of debentures for 156000 tor 10 years u llie rale of 5 er cent inteivst pay- merits over llie tcitn will am- ourit lo 117020 annual payment over tlu 10 ears will average ap- proijmaiely 16700 ier year there were nuny imhis par- i lies new yeais lu with lite laigesl tittud 31 the lgioii dantji lights bullied laic to wcltonie 1 lie flew jcar the acton fr press thorsday january 7h 1965 3 deer damage an acton tfians car suffered 13 damage when ft wai in collis ion with a deer on a ditlrict road al supper time last thursday mil ton on aid th car was driven by david william peal so chur chill rd juloii and the accident happenedon 22 side road at the sixth cine fsqu4ming tlie deer escaped apparently unhuit- rictvre taking tips picture made late in i he day have a special mood all tlieir own backlighting emphasife llu- color or translucent objects j like leaves and flowers and ev ervlhing takes 011 a warm ruddy cast kbmskl an aclon team wai one of 40 eiicicd in- i he lome smith sun- o nophy luuispwl at mount purest on monday curling with kldbjlltoli wewjfterptflxid bob aimstroiigtajul xkofge sar- can thev won one game or lltree and thoiuughlv vnioved the da v ling event a team liom uc a p cettlralia taptuted the annual tnhv won mi make j fsji ytais resolution to let lite free press know about anything un usual or inleicvtmg fir puhlua- lion we cant pssihlv assrmhk all a weeks iteu s wiiiuhi i lie as- sislaike arid phoitt- tails we get eath dav w stock and order mccall butterick simplicity patterns hintons 5c to 100 store were moving at of mondiy jjnoiry uth 1945 g0y cartage limited will u movi0 into our htw head office and warehouse building situatto on no 7 highway west of acton th former butineti office f 40 eettern ave will be cloted all futuii business will ie conduct id mom our new location phone ts3w30 acton we extend our sincere thanks in appreciation of your past patronages we will be pleated to continue to offer the same service- from our new and expanded facilities koxal iwtolhhv toimcilv pit gram dltcstoi of the senioi cllt ens club in kilthenei has re ined he cytte lo at ion to assist lit lite beginnings ot the golden age club last ea most pople who ietover inmi t tiisl heait attack ictuin to then old jobs trees burned up in night blaze discarded christmas lives sir i lied and crackled wedngsdav night ms hundreds of nevlaiorsj huddled near the tire lo keep warm during the acton chamber of commerce twelfth night lite j the annual uvcntvhkh has be come a popular f leixhrtsimas niievl lor the c ul c was held in the vacant field tuar tlu- en trance tti the town dump ami the i hlaie wits touched otl bv max 01 i les dubv chamber piesideni paul nielson and l g tlet sr i iltghlg4l ot the lupht especial- j lylojllukumuwsumtj aiul tumuts stryetl b c ol c members ovty 400 dtinuls divappeuvtl in a twinkling thees butned lum and were dry as under to begin with one ol the laigesl crtivsds u date was on hand to walsh children clijoved tlu- blae and main tossed snowballs at triends as the fire was at its brightest this yvatjfr tree binning was considered tlie best ever in spite of rutting thtt ot donuts eath aiul many anxiously waiting a ton iiiehghteis weiv 011 haiul with a pinurvi to keep the sparks 1mm prvading and jous cd smouldering etuhers lonj al ter the last person had itll the si lv town work me ir ctonciatcd nt the annual hlac by making 1 ypcvial chhstmas live pickup wednesday and piling the ttves in the vacant tot some visittiiv to the site even dragged along ihvir own lives which lhe had torgollen to plac out lor pickup be smart start 65 just right and go oldsmgbiie- chevrolet or corvair drop in now for free estimate jack mccallurn texaep service acton absocidle dealer for andrew murray motors georgetown kirk wood services erin ontario john deere farm equipment new ahdi used arts machinery sales service v phome 8s3i776 1 start the new business year right talce inventory now for all your office needs in the new year outfit your office with new supplies front dills stationery youll find everything youll need to make your office more cffiiicnt during tlie coming year here are usl a fev of the many office supplies you will find at dills stationery sectional post binders iedger sheets oxknldr hanging foiders ami drawer frames counter check rooks suet styut or printed filing cabinets e typewriter ribbons typing paper scotch tape paper clips ball point and inkstick pens eraser pakfold continuous forms office furniture plastic and metal waste receptacles typewriter erasers steno note books toster board pencil sharpeners pencils rulers frtylp markers rubber stamps made to order stamp pads and stamp pad inks new and reconditioned standard office model typewriters adler typewriter office model universal special 219 50 26500 scpbrtables 750- dm0 s al utenfandajjp 725 0 a machines 1 245p 176 dills stationery 56 mill st wtonb ltmm safco oowg 44c 2 39o after christnta we bet youre why nsl uuaa a unit mar out qf your foeal dollar al campbell iii tliu fancy soup 6 for 99c uuupbciry or strawberry with nuilcl pectin 244tc jai ayimer jams i9c cracker barrel lu cul kraft mild cheese 43c 40 lathoni government lnpcld ih frozen sole fillets 49c imfctvfim wcxmr ga romc coco easy lo peel nayeli dot iluu sunkist oranges 69c crup iiiul crfttn fresh spinach liu huffti 2 for 39e pnuliuc o l ji can ni i grade slic w crisp lettuce 2 for 35e terulrrccn ih brusselsprouts 25c con no i craiie mb bag jccklnjgrjjnions 25ic fmh loan pork i lb butt roast 39c rrttll taty ami well trimmed ibt pork butt chops 49c royal guct rlmlleai 1mb pli sliced side bacon 59c aliltie or primrose chopped lb beef sttkilettes 55c prices kfficllve ont t i arid warasarvo ihrighl lhmlltninlle hospitality each apple pie 39c sloltely fancy ill tin tomato juice 33c helm strained or junior 5 tins baby foods 10 for 99 sunny mum mb ha iga coffee 75c ijmcla ready cut miacurniil 2 ih pka spaghetti 2for69e bravo plain oi- tin spaghetti sauce 39c lib pk waikerssaltines 25 receive an eln 111 tap cadbuvy chocoj4b pk jleaelve an enlra i tape omo dahiroanlolanlislio mm v

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