Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1965, p. 2

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tr acton free pra thurtday febjjcy4tri 165 campmuvuu mrsrt perry ladies hostess the january mecdruj of helen mill presbvierian thunhladhrs aid and w us was noucd bv mrs e perry avesjnesdav after noon opening the new year was ththftimf hiked by the president mrs beryl wright after a hymn minute and ireasurvr report several ictien from skk and hul ink were keartj the roll call uat nsw wilh ujmiirthons for the yr and manv tuod une were ap proved which fnade lw itrtlnf up of the years utirk qttilc casv mr walla ijtbv pav u wm derful report un ihe ss annual meeting o guclph prvshvicrv in guelph then a reading h mrs nvhn harden ll watjjeeidcd lo have a cdmc as yuu are supftui fcjaroh 2 in the churth sundav school room mr wtlda uacohiyam openrd the wms with a hmnamlmin utcs and rramircrv report were read more sutures kis werr piv en towards the yrar work busv war it a i wad tor the iodic mia e porrv huv a i ratlin and a dun bv mn 0 lowrir and mr r wnyhl bruiighl a pre if liable after noon in a close mia t pctrv received a note l thanks b ihe cejuriesv convener mrs j d cwru for l he irse of her home a social half hour followed welcome woon hostess vhks mrs dorolhv fcohirtson has rr furnctl irum toranto where hc completed a course of iniinine preparinit her lor the position ol welcome watfon hostess tn a ton mn rohinstn 121 vjvnlord place is one wi ktfme wayon s apprustniatelv 6 000 hostesscs who ore making appreixnnafelv a ntil lion tall- on families in canada united state puetto huu i nej- land ireland and tnrmlad em bracing more ihan 2 000 elites special occasions thev- calh on tirhnlf of wel come wajfoiv approtlmatclv b 000 ptmvin arc ntiule on mkii important familv im asions as biith tj a lirst bain eniaireincm nnnfuinicmcnls and whenfatml les arrive in j n u tommunitv as new rrsulcnts calls are made on special onavinns sin h as eoli1en wedding annieisaries and iiki special fumik events welcome wayon is iwe in lis 17th vcar oltcn relet red to us a service whtth is tn ihc bum ncss ol buildiny inendvhips wcl come wtitfons bisjt poln in eludes iooporjtion with all rehji- louit faiths with worthwhile itic and sawial wmif irnwjps md pal ttiipalion in atliilies whuh kcip communities yond places in which to live ll s simfkant that welcome vairm has hen uted for its olunteer wniic achiee ment in ommnnil and nation n siuh trianuation as the can adian ilean asstkiahon post of fice dept and man other smh jnmirk mrs rubiiimtn on behair of her ptmsors heir in at ton lakes tv liguhih and civil inloimilion lo ihe lamilies on u hum she tails with her basket ol pills she ex tends tor thtise sponsors lo the people ol tins commumn in old fnvhioned hospitahlx foi which wcilimiic wajion is st well known reports at st david annual show church completes successful year tor mm tfwmhim i tal tn hamilton we uish her a pom of the sticcessful vear just the guide and brownie molh- speedy recovery paed rev j- schnel opened ei auxiliary -meeting- for jaat hoapltaj ith ihe devotional period and ary wi held at tk home of 1 nend of tftoma mitchell ol should urorlt with mrs omar van sickle on tuean r cimpbellville will be nc eumtruction gang ami noy day evening vfrihh the viceprtl wrrv hear he is in milton the wrecking crew omar van dent mrs donald kennedy in omrul hospital we wkh him sickle reported for the seion the chair speedy recovery saving on church w better with the campbellville branch will davul newbold jr of camp- urs a hef and more indiam bi in charge ol the pkkle and bilkille is indoors with mump ihf also reported for the christ it is hoped it siak it of ihe mhool j t ixiir of km college roionlo luokchaige of the srr davids prsehvterian candv section at the dulrid ba 7aar tu he held in milton febrti- arv 20 donation are lo be la ken to ihe ma von k halt febru ary 17 or 18 or tu king caklum vices at si office february 19 before 5 pm for the bazaar brownie owf mae dennik asd tawny owl jean hlla uill convene for the brownie ami captain margaret banion and lieutenant peggy wat von will represent the guide at the baraar plans uere made for the think ing dav program to be hald wed nes4lav evening pabniarv 24 at the mavonk hall iarrni are welcome mrs james mclaren will convene the second annual progressive etichre party at ihe masonic hall tehruary 2a next meeting is to be held at the home ol mr walter hamhlv a tote ol thanks was given to all tin aswistance in thi wotk ftocul notaa mr and mrs h i purdy and family were sundjy jfuesls wilh mrs l w william- of bowman stile who wil celrhrate her 94th birihdav in rebruary misses ignore aude and san tia i ivmgston were i akeshore teachers cllepe student lea thers at kelso schwl last week thev slaved with mr and mrs james robertfftn and famil at r r a milton 1 riends ol mrs dougia agnew will he sorr to hear she suffer ed a broken right wrist last week when she fell on the mail deh en route of r r 2 campbell ille at mr and mrs john wat sons mail box eorgc goldstraw tn appointed nassagawca tan education commhtfe un be half of his work now as newly dec led sundav sc hool stipenit- itnuxmh a t moure reported for the church on sunda wlien mus neterv board and rev j shirley chester was organul vlinel for hie vatulioo bible and accompanied a quartette school the linn library i und linnir roberts jote clieivr brouirht up lo date and the william i lliot and 1 lod rally hlj oundalion fund who supplied special music lor st hrie reported on the the service p y pi and wilfred grecnlecs lourteenfrom naagawea r ihe women missionary sx and campb ik ilk- young peoples v and mr j r mtphall lor kiet aitendetf wesimins the blair fvcning auxiliary und ur presbmeriar chunh in mr william rillol lor the child gutlph on sundan evrntnglo svvn tf the iltusxh coo miss a spxial film fpyps work i katharine mcpliedran gave a re the campbellville scouts vis mime of ihe work ol thj- wo hed the caihslr vouts on in linens association dav rvtnng lor a liundly game i new funsum of hockev ami werr entertained william i lliot i old of the rev to a hot lunch at the home of lotatmn work and two new oil chile hill on their return jlmnaces installed the past ear wjujk ml ft ing uul hanked the congregntiofi mis a t mouie was ivosless lr ihoi oil support in these to ihc januao meeting ol the occls women s missionary vulely of j newl elected managers are as si davids prrshyleium cliun it follows rov parker claude ing op ihiusdav allcnujon when mrs robert i lliot presided mrs lavttofuc sharpe and mrs ko paikei had chaise ol the devol loiral penod mis i tlgar cairns gave llie stxretars report rev j schncl conducud i lie insialla lion ol olficcrs which were all re e let led lot u no i her lei in mis will red reenlees gave the fin jiniil ivpoil and told of the annual mevting field in guelph plans weie made lor the wot id dav ol piavei match v when i lies will unite wilh the hlalr lventng auxuuirv xltsv kathar mf mcphcdran took ihe studv ncsw book uts uxik at ourselves- assess- utie paid irace was sung legion notes for branch 197 by caorar wirt tlve first general nveellng of ihe cam icishman healed them all new year is hit coming mondav on tndav evening when he count tibniurv 8th at iw pm in the ed a 77 for the big bundle car branch f matt copeland wasnt far behind the general meetings have been when he marked a 7 for the sec- changed lo the second mundav ol pn sieaks each month tht fr because of bringing up the rear of the conflicting inrttjing dales of other steak raters for he evening was svmc tlub in town and a var john cihjture when he tounlcd 3 lelv of tnanv things it is tmiped mc ol 4 that thu change uill hitng alout wllard brttliwt wasnt m the a big change in tlu- runnlxr wlw attend thexe meeiints so lei us ill g4ioti ami sll purl our new vuvuliw la uhii nuuavtii in inik iliaikh ls7 uik- of live best ui tin pioviiu j on larw tlie i ias dins ids in the hranch and hijv ik p ml tfat luifn hranc h audiiom at lle canteen make it a uul vi pin it was sunny tuesday and thi groundhog vvho itppad out of hit lair to make im annual groundhog day prvdic lion about the coming of spring decided the new tea ion wa still iik weekv away by tradition a tunny february 7 meant sis more wlis of wlr but a tloikly owertal groundlrfvj day mean winter t ended 4 select high school students for model parliament feb 20 or look over his new duties on a t r and monda a lull lime position i cup ol tea was enjoved bv or c l young of r r i all campbellville has a broken st david s ppeshvtenan annti ankle he was kicked hv a cow al meeting was hi id at ihe on a ncarb farm church on tfiilav evening with friends ol miss rita hurascrt j r mc phul as c hauman and will be sorry io hear she had an mrs will red grecnlecs as sccie- operation at st josephs hospi tan both giving excellent re moffat annual meeting on stormy night last weekends slotmv weather cancelled the sundav schinil and chuich service in nissigavvea prvsbvtenan church most ol ihe vlnyovavs weic v ii filled with show the annual meetinp of nassa- gnweva iresbvletian church was held on 1 luu sclav evening ow hi to the seveie cold and stomn wcatltvi theie wetv not manv prcxcnl the ieptrt shows a vers successful veai in all depart ments the regulai wms and luhes aid ol nassalaweva church was held ui the home o min m mullen mis mullen ihe new president ol wms was in charge ul the meeting mrs v hathawav gave her papet thai khv had pivparcd tor december meeting and she amtdn t use it that month mr llovd campbell ix turned home on motuuiv lnmn oik pen nvhania usa he was taking a threv week course in refrigera tion mrs hcnr wirt grove ha been confined to hospital turlington forseaeral weeks and is now able to be up for a short time a formei moffat man mr jo- shua allison has been in st jo seph hospital in hamilton since carl december he had to haw 1 a toot amputated he is reported to be doing verv well mr thoii currie son of mr and mrs joseph curne had the miitortune a couple of weeks ago to hae his ankle jhrokcn while working in the bush he has been confined tomhton hospital and is expected to be there fora while yet we wish a speedy recovery for all those confined- to lor hospi tals pavment of h20m was ap- provftd for a membership fi pei capital ol counts population assistant tngimer r fd munds was askeil lo review the flotkling situation in glen wit liams and report to the next meet ing at the januarv meeting of hal ton countv council in milton last week the board of health rccom mended a resolution be forwarded lo piovincia health authorities asking thai local municipalities be given the power lo pass legisla lion lor compulsorv vaccination of licensed animals the action followed a discussion on the re cent lahies outbreak in oakviltc and ihe- need for some quartets where animals suspected of being tabid could he quarantined approval was given a quota tion ol dills printing and pub lishing to ltd lor the printing ol counlv minutes for isv2 i9m and 19m it was noted this firm had previouslv produced the conn l minutes in booklet form as re- warm 1 he were enioving square quired bv statute and their bid dancing at the tusi session ol was loiiiul accxplahle bvlhe com hni is hoped will be in acton mitlec squaiv daiiciiil club institution lor the evening was undei the supers ision of recrva lion ducstoi himk km and his if onlano coon lees a ix based on an assess ment oloneuat lei ol one cent which all organizations of j he and john roberts with all other officers temaining the s une the budget set up bv the hoard of managers was accepted lor ihe coming vcar und a vole ol thanks was tcndcicd all who helped to make the past ear a success alter the close ol the meeting ihe blair i vening aux iliatv served a delicious luiu h miss i liahclh kennedy vva hosiess lo the januarv meeting ol the hlur i vening auxiharv on vwdncsdav evinini wlven mrs russell lluircn piesided and op- i next wild a call lo worship a recljxs lor ihc new year mis mm t a mfion and mrs robert i lliot had charge ol ihe ikvol lonal petioel annual n toils i wen given hv mis j r me ph nl secntaiv financial te i poit mrs william mahon cheet mis chailes mitchell who also ihe hate and supplv report miss llizaheth kennedv the glad tidings report challenge of church mrs walter hamhlv compli i ed ther i4udy on changing scrn- e in india and the challenge ol the church rev j sehnel conducted the installation of officers which remain ihe same as last vcar plans were made for i46s meet ings and letters ol thanks wxre nad irom ihe sunshine school and childten of ihe church for donations at christmas j plans were made lor the world i da ol prayer march s to i lee led to limmitai umiee in ihc mold iailiaituiil to he hi id lit geotgilown lihitiaiv 20 wife inrmthtsof tu naiuniil pails lite govv rtjinu ni und llie do minion pjrlv iht opmmtion f loin high si in mil wliuli nis on i i id iv v ve nine f e in oii s a ilnu e will ih sponsoud hv the lulled nations t inh ol a tun iulii silioeil jls piihuik to mid i tin expense s nl hie mode i p ll ll i mi nl 1 i ith i ol ihe n ilional pailv is 1 out mi fseowu vvtlh s tndin hklh giv vmule ami svuk hwihi john damilsnn mttl hat us ilienda mi he own subs 1 1 lines jean llulmc i and david i idkea ite ss it pie sc nlitive ranih dadv mcmthis ol l tn fwniiiniimi op position pativ ate pailv whip axe i noe se t i i gut t dobhii i catl wen substitutes inula reineis rill reed puss upie senlilive wivne barbel pailv williies it iht nation ll pailv stale the changing pl ltlell econoiiik mil sik i ll scene in an id i tin an s tliit sle ps itltisl he lake n id mtklllv oiii e i si my eonstilulion m oide in he te in mil i lie ll se palatum vtfittt ouehit if however agrtemi nt e annul ih reached wilh te aid lo eoiislilulumiat changes polit le il se piralioii mav ih ntees su v opiomimn pii milie v stili iht simiii hitiial and ceomnn n wellate l inida dn liles ihil all ikossim steps incliiding foue ll nceessuv must ih la kill to pnwnt peilltltal sepaia lion ol iie ihe lion i aiiaili gilt si sh ake t and gove nun 1eiuiil it hit model i ill iineni will ih h ii hs linipl ton i to pav ours firlv now 4 tti 1 tune inel tt llu end nl ilu ve u 1 johmiv iikih 1 s in 1 hi sit a is 011 hind for this vatuili s tluu t mil i 111 suit von all 1 an 1 1 j iui i 11 these s ilnid iv tl hi iiikek for lh legion mni smms a ion minot ho kt asski ilioti spoiisniid m i fd linuis mmu wltli i hi t minis on i 1ld1v 1 t hiu irv i tit 011 s ih in ih hi ml lumooim this is voiu thin- to help ai ion s inirtoi hk kt uul ill ve in i i iii ipilt and echo ve 01 iltl ec ml l miss em nii ill th ill iis ol jlrv itauie etlomiimit 1111 0111 oiii it mini sits ml v j 11 k j utlin i jamiai draw w innris w ol kilihtnt r 1 1 bniai v s lie k sale 111 lite hiin hta i10111 iihi llw minor srhnts mmi 1 ope n i in hit- on 1 1 1 lav nine is as jmipulai as uu m i hnil oiii tin mt 11 ask anv ol the win mrs of tin big pile v sle iks i djivoiit hkt scores tor live big ptics bi he did maik ihe hidden score ol aa lor ik pnie iwdogna he ip wanted the legion chor alleis iieet f unite nines lo make the in an even heller grtjiip than ih v ntw are i hev ineetevi rv sundav after urn p 4 th i at fvvs kuik a dip lo fifth spot from third in the indus i r 11ic r tbbage ii ayue on thursdav mil tlvx i egion look 10 points lo mow up 10 third otlurwisc s mdinys were line hanged inmiimiioii ifou i 108 i mic vs kv itglon hrt station hotel 105 fat floes 100 fanners 100 custom cleaners i t m n w mason knii fo otd ft vs hi 111 tn shillll took plate ol itu top iiinejs ot llu- dail stand incrs this wiek is jets coiwinihtl tin 11 posti iiwl made 1tp siit uilti ipsiilrs tlntppi to lhir1 roe k ts ls m tele a hip tneiee as iihv slot up imhii fotirlh lo sei ond sxil orlxts hioki llvr erllar lit as thev 1 hinifil one point lo llliiti meteeus i im lonelv iciiji spot slaiulings are jelssi rinktls u capsules m flights m cmn ets 4v missiles 4 oihils v and mclois 11 if a vrtfran wiv not a lfgionvaff- twft ssves permit vifbp pest office p mills lot hi new caubc ville post omit and for a n si thru 1 welt the iml jhiihiis is sued toi loiurtnn lion- in nassa- 1 wevi township dining tanuarv the termn lor llu new ptsl ot lice was valued it 11x000 uul thc ptftlui lor iht ftsitleiut wis im 9 000 robert r hamilton omomtllut announces thi ofjnimo of an ofhcf in acton at 109 mill st e appointwfntg may br made fyr fach monday afubnoon ind evining afllb 4 00pm hone 77397 1 no totl chaiot 20 couples start club in spite ol below zero tempera lute s outside tlw robert 1 ntle schtxil aiidiieirium satiuda evv ning x couples inside ihe build ing hnl tittle- trouhle keeping it was learned there wvre a total of m2 male and female pi isejners lodged in the counts jail ctunng i the warden and two mem bers ol council were auihoned lo attend a conference on region al development in toronto in i chruars members learned that the halton couti planning associ lion members hud decided luflav wile who were a iiuples tiom thi church will be invited with mrs walter hamhlv mrs douglas in gits and mrs urvan lssery in jcharge mis douglas inglis had the good thought thoughts for ihe new year the otrthdav mjng was sung for mrs robert elliot and mrs j hcndrtckson mrs i charles mitchell closed wilh praver and a social hall hour followed birthday greetings to melville agnew judith inglis marv llla luis inglis mrs fred garrett charles inglis nclstin howard j mrs murray mcphail mrs doug las brown and jean black jzova and r manga ruff and misses katharine smith and uiura wilson all from lake- shore teachers college toron j to were at campbellville school last week ihe latter two staying with mrs lome mitchell now you can get iliepizzaz of a mustang in a falcon zfc ted b three beaux and belles club of kitchener music was recorded and a public ad dross svstem installed lot ihe evening mr initial turnout ol local people showing interest in the formation ol a eluh heie the recrva turn tluvc toi is hope i u i ol holding themselves 1 per meeting night ihive motv sessions belore the the xpynscs of travel ing an agrvehieni vvas approved authorizing tumj ojiiasnirth lid tti conducta counlv ioad needs muds ummer ivevss and is looking lot vvjrd to next month pruuilipii ihe school hoarii appixives use ol ihe auditorium attending itvm kitchener were mr and mrs clarence amdt m and mrs john mvvrs and1r and committees ank boards ra pndn alstt assisting counts were urged o final- wl mr jnj ml llmj dea- their lsvs budgets prdmpth lon friends o the rocs with the deadline set at februarv ruin ottawa 2 i i doctor to hillhillv lecruii ii was learnedf n rogers have vou anv scars hr no had been named chairman of ihe but if fen voud gimme im cloth board of health for 1965 i es id get vo a cigarette trucks collide o p p investigated two acci dents thursdav ol last week a car dnven hv ben young received m0o damage when tl collided with roe was pleased with the gasoline pumps al the store of t jennings h al i o n v i 1 1 e dump trucks driven bv two toronto men received a total of 25q damage in a collision on the halton crush ed stone pnipertv there were no injunes in either accident beairrtfy and mlotect your howe i wf now install the daymond aluminum siding storm windows end doors lowest prices ever free estimates chris duiker we tptdautt la cwtttdtiy wotk of uiy kind utcks cupboard lc ts wilbur sitmt acton on -a- i businessmen dont stop production while you pick up parcels at the bus depot call kens taxi we deuvei promptly our cabmml every but phone 8531430 bill harmna prop the rvcautiful low co falcon now comet with alt the whctokh o a ot performing ot racer nofh ina like ic ince cinderella u ent to the hall the sly linbmuttani engine aire now available in falcon li c it otir brand of tile from anv ne of thete three 2h9 cu in vs the 200hp the 225hp or the hiah performance 271hpvh choofce from three transmiuiont 3ipeed auto matic 5speed or 4tpeed manual both fully nchrontred with vsencinet ifjvouve admired falcon for its economy thit year news in even better the standard 170 six it more economical thin 1 last ears the optional 200 six will give ou that evtra power with amazing economy and 1ha5 falcon futura hardtop with mustang hardtop dont forget falcon extended maintenance 6000 i mile oil changes and 36000 mile major lubrica tions your dealer will tell vou all about it gee behind the wheel of a new falcon sample the pi of a mustang see your ford dealer toon whoosh wim a mutant undcstvicudoq thc havxohhm mu tub dtzzaz ofacaioopwo uuurvunjiuerbt lurutlpudht rjw cmiu liawlliurtfmtewm to buy or lease a total ptekformancs rtntosceyour meariy ford dealer r ima thompson motors acton limited 4s maim st n phone u32370 j rs svs-

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