Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1965, p. 12

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fc 13 r-tt- tn acton ft preee tnmwuy march lltfv tm rckwcrxi local and district jmews bvmese tewmkip council deletes reed expenditures hodcwoad tfaf retulir nurt in of eitmui townwhip council was held lo hc rockwood town ha wccmly ah memfen rerve ttmun loth deputyreeve fred cox councillors jus l qil eri mclcenzie and d ii story were pksenl and ihe rtwc pre sided alto in attendance uvrc the road superintendent r hum tltoa the aaesor john carter grove hotnjul rewentativc r jlrnntfon and clerk u llindley the minute of the ut regular maming and toecul meeting were read and adopted and the following correspondence wa dt- cuued from the canadian red crou society regarding a dona lion the department ol fnenn and resource on flood commit tee from read voorhee and av totiftlr about matter mad mm vey a letter from ihe arthur pub lic school board concerning the debenture bylaw and from the department ol agriculture in le- garda to weed inspector word wav received from fergu dtlrtu rligh school regarding equalised aiuttmrni alio from a ralcpay about aibeiiment and tax adjust imai there wa a letter from the defunment of highway re garding 19m annual return and ihe i9a5 road expenditure bv law franklin arrmtrong dicused with coumil ihe financial pom ion of groves memorial hospital fergus the aimrimr john cartr and council dwiuhed the psvewnuni of the township and mr carter hmuflhl to council attention that a new form ol amnment notice was required as per 11m assessment act aad expondltum the road tupcnniefuunt and council discussed lite nud penditurc bylaw and agreed on an expenditure as follov 16 300 const roc i ion and vhoqo main lenance subject to ihe approval of ihe dept ol highway ttu yilerk was imtruitcd to obtain legal advice regarding a raupjv er rroiesi for ascsmmt and tax adjustment and to have the fergus high school dimrut rep resentativc present at the next nylon factories in korea gted rock wood mr john ben ham was hmus to the niejiibern ol unit 3 llniiotl churvh wimen reccntlv for tbcir marxh mciliny the kulir mrs mtr ic uas in thi chair ihr opening thought was spaadinu the gospel ul loued bv a h mn und pra 1 1 there wen 16 prvxcnl md cr one was given a slnttr utuom a short buslnehs pmkl lolltmul an art iik on th nton facto- rns in kona uas rx ut b mis etclvn murrav thi duotion was lusm i rum luki v and n id b anm benhnm with prir h lvclvn murra mrs alice nkhol and mrs- lois tosh nad art it us on lent its mstoms and mun ings this wax cr appropriat at this time of vcar reminding us why lent is observed thi tht m of the mctting u is missions ol the chuixh and an inicrtsting film tht church around tht world w is shown the mn i mil uastd with a hvnin and thi benediction a hitl lunch was mrwii mil social turn cntovid mrs m meeting with the 1964 aseument figures the letter from read voorheet and associates was or dered filed on a motion bv coun cillor jos oakes and carried the follow ing mot urns wi re passed that a bv law to appoint an assessor and collector of dog licenses be introduced and be read a lirsi and second time also that the bv law to appoint an asscssoi and collector of dog lie enses be read a third tunc passed and numbered 7 hm it was moved that the assesor he permitted to have assessment notices pnntetl as jm r tile asses sment ail 12 ch 2 si lurm 2 at a place eonvmictit to the assessor a resolution pjssed on decern bcr m i9m to he amended to read as follows that this couihtl would reeimmend that the rmk vsuod hvdru i irctric be uutitori cd to pay their commtsiionci wo mark changes bowling league rock wood a the season draws to a close we find some changes in team standing with the wild ones moving into top spot with 41 points rock wood koekets and humes teiaco are close behind with 40 points each thud position is held by saun dcrs and fallen archers with ii points each followed by strut ton s i svu with 37 points llortop millers with v points lolop dusters with m points and nich olv pals with 4 point piurls anclv and seventh line share eighth position with 11 points eaiu ntl man s supeiust sii an m st with ii points tameys base again itluiited to then slntngltold in the ci hui ku u t ling i snuill euiiui to kelts vai utv shop ssith 27 points each marn co txj all ikuhh lor ilk wetk u lollli j m6 i l uigu tuple hat a 747 toi high triple with hatulieap u 2m foi tugli sin glr flat und a a3s hi high single uilh lutmlkap this gives maig the rockwood home and school will not have a march meeting since the teachers were to supply the program and this is a very buiy time with examin ation t ln the near future it was decided to cancel the meeting for the present flood relief project sitting high arid dry nnuallv per numhn and mrn jjics high suigtc wilb iiandlcjp foi tfie season us well 1 oi site nun hill stew irt look nuns high thpk llat with a 700 and high singk mat with a 260 while john cirmv it high tn pk vsith liandicap with u itrial 724 ind lltus seiin tk high singk wilh huulteap with a 2b ganu uuik t vh i ice shiikv sdntim ifu men s huli ivn i i led nifit in 2i2 alit iiiiiimiiii ay winnie hilts ml j tiu i t ill s7 l mii alloii v7 him livou s7 m try ig tn men t cr 600 illt slew ut 700 duk dupuib ml john c inuv mm vi divkv t don hills 60s llovd waefdell 602 ru thunkcel the hosicssjand nil who look part in the meeting the nest mextuil on apul 7 will be at the hunk ut mrs minln biacc hers not attending shall he penal ted ja per nieeting ineirase lo he elfextlve january i iwt sub- icct to the approval ol ihc h i p c the ckik was instim litl to ur range with a pnnt r lot the bind ing of nnnutis lor 12 copies veais 0w lo 104 me lustvt nd hie council to lspellull reqiiem the department ol lligbssivs lo give consideration lo tin itansln of allotments is lollowv jlftv from construe lit in nads to main lenance ntads iid iww inim etinstnu hon hntlgt s it niiinlm atue ituhls oil the ijm load ts penditurc h i iu recreation centre mfitd bv mtssrs cox ami oik cv thai this loumil lim their sl leitor r b hungerlord author hv tt draw up a b law to ertale the tramaosa uexrcsalion centre under the communities centre act also moved that the cthincil instruct mr hungerfoid to diaw up a bv law to set up ihe i ramosa recreation centre s hoard tf dir ectois under the communities centre act ihe diive tors to he pixsidmt dick duputs vicepresi elenl montv rcxit secrelarv t hucbek ire isunr ro lanfl direxlors aniltiin lush and ul mekcnzic the counul dexiekd to niaki a don it ion ol j2s u ihc red cmss soeietv tguelph hranch for the seal i0as jack pe ul and i r ink schneider art authoncd to t in for the cenotaph and charge the township with the ios seek tender move d hv mt ssrs stores und mekenk thi thi r mil expciuh lure lor ifes amountinl to 4t uk be liwii tlu miisir re idins pimil uul numbered ft lfs sub- leet tt thi apprmal the dc pirtmeiit ot 1 tiihss ivs a motion w is pissed thil the road super inliudeul be authoried to adsci tise in ihc commiixiil niws for tiiukrs for supphinjt erushirtl ind dihvctiny 10000 v irds v1 snivel more or kssi simi to be iccoidinj to spee if nations of road superintendent tinders lo close at 12 o dock noon april the couneil insttuelid the ronl supetintendent tti idscrtisc tor lenders lor i new muiitainn and snow plow sub ex t to the road superintendent s spccilu uions ind depittmenl ol hilhw is ip pros il tinders to ik ncmeel hv 12 o i lock noon april ljfc5 aciounts iniountin los702 2l roul uiouiits js 42 vs 11 m i il mounts jl2ss22 un pas seel lui pimllenl ami the meeiilli idtourned lo meet mond is apnl 5 oi at the c ill ol thi reive mrs p sim hostess for ladies meeting rockwood mrs peter sim was hostess recently to the rock wood prdsbyuiian wjus and wa there were ii member and lhiv visitors present th presi- dim mrs j i reeman opened the meeting with a poem followed by a hstnn the dtvutiona was in ehaige of mis o swans ton and mrs r young mrs sim gave an intrusting aiticlc on tile life ol miriam mis j talor lead two articles fiom ttu aimagti news letter diitiiig ihc business session the plans lor the world s day of praver we tx discussed and a re- prtscntuilvc chosen to attend the sviimlival mteling in orangevillc on api il 7 uul 8 the nll call was answx reel by a seiiptuie verse having the word cull the tle i ing was dcdnat e hv mis j i iicnun a special wx koine was eitinded to mrs t stmv who wa present after a kngihv illness a hvmn and pray er closed the meeting ttc wjs milling follossetl with tfie presi tkiit mrs l johnston in the eh ill at the conclusion tin ml pah iktudietuin was pronounced and a juvli lunch served by live hostess and luiuh committee k c lindsay clerbf eique ing lownihjp tuesday refuted a report ul a torotrto daily tewt- jxper claiming a flood relw cota- mittee appointed following the glen william flood ftad been re fused help by both county and township councils- in clarifying details to date the clerk- reported following the flood when mwrml glen williams reti dents isomea received damage fzsquesing council representatives vished the office of wilfrid spoonrr municipal affairs minis ter at this lime the minister dir eeled council a to what action to take and suggested forma turn of a committee to act at a flood relief committee township councils neit move was to con tact several residents william konak holland haines and tho mas hill agreed to servc the following evening i sejurv ing council called special meet celebrate mass in english now rtkkssotml on sundiy muxh 7 thcl4rm sunday in lent res ml i uher a s callighin nk hi ate el holv ii isn in s k ltl hi u t chinch roelw kk using the vi i nuiilai i r ihe first lime in the roelveood ouslie parish many important ihaiiles in the lilnrgv il tin mass tie nm in ellect livml the conciil ition i mm h mure ulive p it i ill the cclchi i tiun tit tlu holv saiiilue tht ne wlv lonmd childie n i hoi i sauc thmughout the sersiee just how much can you lift most f rm people pride them selves on being strung und heal ihv and most farmers can lift their own weight witlvout too much trouhk providing they lilt it properly lis bending tin knexs vou can lilt quite a load but many farm people have biek troubles cauv td bv lifting even lipht loads hv bending liom the waist tiki i tip horn i ik guls ana ixnd your knees bowl for pijiure bowl for harlh make it a date go open bowling acton bowling lanes 10 main st n memler oim s530170 let us help vou build a complete roof of punned protection sajkeaufscabensul insurance ksutl nottctvoal usiness ww pvuge nortnion run omt um muuf tool lit your sjfetiljtbtpu ill your kuiintu uttat uetltlt wtbntia- nti fit tint tmub ewri3fsrlhinsi lyc mbi of tlu all us torfiy dennys insurance agency bui andhaijoid 39 brock st acton mwm u34is0 h my6rkmcfhs togathtr- a you may neelv a j10cket j to get to the moon but you d0nt need any cash to buy a used car from lou lous used cars maintttr rockwood t441i indicstinc the men would rclco wu received by the cleric in a con verui iotulll tfttavmr-xind- uy learned mr kortik and mr haines definitely reined but mr hui agreed to attempt fornuliun of a committee his efforts were fruitless and no one could be ob tained following these efforts he too reugned at no time wai there an ap proach made to ei liter county ur township councils for assistance 1 iqueung council ibld ilsr com- mitiee when first funned lo pro ceed as diiriled by tlie minister and make a cam as in an tiittinpt lo raise funds tlwc ciinunliicc was insirultrtl to return to ibun lii fur tunslderjiion of a duiu lion after this was tkwir actmit lug to mr spuoners directtsr lite provincial gosemmcnl vsould inaiih dollar fur dollar all uiuriis incised for flood n lief now that foriiidlmn of a torn milter apnars impossihle arul m guild presents gift tomrsdrwest s albaivf paruh guild held itc regular meeting tn the parish hal on wednesday march 3 with the president mrs george fountain in the chair the min utes were read and the treasurer gave her report along with de tail i on the valentine tea- whlch isad proven to he quite profit able mr west who i leaving the parish shortly attended for levy minutes to thank tlte juttd for the help h had yiven him m the past lew yejrs the members had hfouhi considerable good clolhinjt and lavette artkles for irv bjlc uul this wasjo be added lo at the april meeting mrs west uas prrnltt uiih j small gill it is vsith ifrtjl i gt el that the guild mtn the tu pjtture ol mr und mrs wist the meeting ciomj uiih tlir mipdh benediction jiui vut li iuikii was served llw in nliip khjikll it i lun ing with these men and relayed i tontnbulions liate hern mad forrtl ilul fahxuri invliu turns m insliucticmlv givfii by tlie inlnl- flood rrhrf ihe entire progiam full wimi ihi ik si in w imlit trr is at a starklstill i l- if a is not known m pirs wuhln two days time a letter clerk lindsay fs of the opinion lint r where you always get a little more than you expect ka is- tbu rrlcw effkllw mar i ii ii i j kja pink ijqiikl j4u sire detergent 2 for 88c ka choice peas ka isai iu beans i pork rilmrrytlrawbwty j4i stn iga jams iga peaches instant oi j iga coffee tomato 11oj tmtut iga catsup wt rrvr ih rlghl la umll ouanlilln 7 2 4 1 5 foil wrap kilo instant puddings 2111 rolu 3 for 88c reg sin 6 for 88c sjko 44ox tins orange juice 2 for 88c rtjporatid tji tins iga milk 6 for 88c ka 12i culs mild cheese 2 for 88c combination offtl i s lean mild cured peameal cottage rolls t43 akiiy fiatuik ii il lih i ii pumpfcin pi 45c ll pit llhv 111 uk lki ol iu donuts 2 for 69c sriciai tt combination orm i one lib pkc taburtla wianars on mh pk tabujtm sid bacon on tot fk sliced tablarila bologna au to 88c iga potato chips la fkj and kjlwl kraft chip dip both for 88 flolliulii grtndmothir sugar cookies unheard of frice this season uss than sc each florida marsh seedless grapefruit 18 88 lxtra tancv red dtlitioua bc apples 6 for 39e pnxlucc of usa v no i bunch carrots 2 for 29c delicious ey to peel jaffa oranges dot 69c j tuly nulrilloui smokbo fillets 39c lb mix em or match em- libby frozan poly peas mixed vegetables corn or peas and carrots 12ui bf 5 88c save that bonus tapes for fra girts or eaton merchandiia cartificatos receive an lvlra sis tape with 2lh sic uekist white honey f44 sit ieecy fabric softener receive mn txlro it tape with im pkp suoarin large nunes rmttlve an extra m tape wllh lvo tihuh pak monarch cake mix receive an extra tl tape ulfh 40 fathom frozen coo nllets fitg frcvhlv ground minced reef ha cn mo i grade cooking onionst lug cxtraspecj a l fresh lean farm style loin pork chops sausage fresh mushrooms

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