tfctf acton free wm trmraauy march 11th 1o5 wi meeting 4h officers baptie auction sale in news regular imhhutc nktetinj id at the horat of mrs ii the was held thaakar wit mia uurla fiitca presicunsj add mr c storey read the minute and hnrtdl state- 1 ur and mrs bartlr haw pur chawd a home in guelph and will soon be moving menu it was agreed to enter a display at aciost fair subject to b de cided at a later date tha- lacal brant will h le brating their aoth svnnisrrsjry in jussei aad are planmag aoane form of racswrduan ujtt i is hue and do it un a uaccraa un s tuluw were named conuiullstf for tbe aarch euchre plana were mod fur a booth at mr vat 0 ulr dori fin displayed the twwdinuiir tlitlory book and ve hutory uf trin fair since ita inception mrs iv it her outlined some of her work un tha old institute hook and requested that anyone having picture of past presi dents secretaries ur district dir ectors pleae frt in ounlaci uith either mies vine or herself lira f wicker won the pcimpkin pie contest judged by mrs a maccrae and mr d winter mrs c slurry and mr c ar cbibald atwutvd the hottest m serving a delicious lunch d and- wlottee pumpkin ptc and ux crram mrv fletcher expressed appre ciation and thank lu the hitrs and all who helped with the pro gram tha spring project of the 4h girl home nuking club is the supper club attending the first meeting at the huitw of mls doris hnet on monday after 4 o clock were 10 glrli and leader doru fine and iter assistant mrv c hurrni officer elected were president laurvl sluhbingtun vicepresident linda ferguson wxnrtury jud cilia press reporter bernicc klooatcr june upxhall bonn a weeks linda sirandhoh mis fines explained good food make a difference and mr huron reviewed dishwash ing and cleanliness mix tiny clos ed with tlit repealling of the 4h pledge auctiunecr wm gibson comlut eaten jaujwjrt t k wesnoallan vows said in knox church led a clearing aucuun uw fur fred baptie un saturday good weatlw brought out a big crowd and good prux were remitted in a double ring ceremony at knot presbyterian church on friday february 36 helen mary lyn allan became the bride of john wetno the rev andrew h mdcetuir officiated the bride i the daughterof mr and mn f chester a11q r it 2 acton and a teacher in toronto township the groom mmi of mn michael wesno and the late mr wcsno toronto graduates in june in civil engi noering frum the university of toronto and will work uith the ontario water resources com ml it ion the brides attendant u iheu groom i sister urt charles i llovd and he wax given in mar i riage by her lather groomsman vtut charles llod a reception wn held at the bride s home the couple arc liv ing in toronto the ladw aid of the local pmbylenan church had a booth t the ale andiport a bnk insult m huuuunadc pie and of tee mr ii tulurr ird line return ed home un thunidayafollouing j ivm uotk acutiun in mexico mr and mjh murray mllltaun and family of cticlph vwitcd mi i rulav cwning with urt u jack von gitg and hraihir rcftuinrd iim llu vcckiul c yriitwahaa mr and mrs malcolm ixluh mended he pmentation lur our laiuiv narvnis mr and mr tl ln bayne on trtday evening mr aad mrs liayfvr have eid tlteir farm near teiyuv and are moving lo guatph the iuw owner of the farm an mi aiul mix i lovd hillock who tuc pnetuntw living in the luttavrtiatmi imius imwr of the hiyhwuv ni town lint itoy e fvayer several ladu- trum i lie local prrvhvtenan chunh allciujcd the world dv ol prayer tservue w rildav m i he tvcrton chrtlian church mr bnm uruce wa ulil and mrs norman mckcn rw uj hcr iuvimpanil mr and mi arnold sunlvr ncayara talk vimiihi during iht uwktnd wilh the rornwrs mo ther and aunt mrv g sunter and mik r naidic mr and mrs datd stewart ac companied hv mrv jolin alton of i vritpn and si mlcy sicwart rockwoikl uttnded ihc funtial of a cumin roheit fuller ol grand vatliv on satunla mrv f archibald ullrndcd the i ill fair convention at ihc kmp mward hotel toronto on wed neulav cntuge roval the pupik ot live vrnior room of tin iim il s4ivmii and lluir u i clur mrs n ralhrniin ami ru1 ctx mn 4 mcknix and dan winui rtttmuil ihc llcyr rttval at csuelph on wnlnesdav tilt moon liltle wnnnic liinp enu named several inrnd un m mdav un the kccawton ol her third birlhdav mr and mrs ii r howard attended the col lev roval on wcttnemlav mr otid mr rosv mi t wan and family cut led will the former father w 11 m t he mcphervun hilkburyh ttv ticktr sltlkftf won pmet at saturday fociaowrl loov namant m milton peter schkhf of mi ton joy uarthall of acton ron yale of georrjatown and tim oulllvan of fwu4 were chmen top ticket telle in thair ratpctlv wwfvl and each received a iran m tor radio tat at thair ptiim jtvuftukfad ltoj mjus peealding roll call wat by 13 members my of the central school a lalicfwad mn rraatfc smith convener of cducav tiaa look oef and atked fur two mjnuw tapurtt from all conven- alrt wuluuvi mclean gave ttirrenl rwrtlt urt jiie mc nry took the motto the only thing knar expeihlve than edu- caliod u lg7torncf mn smith a hui a alo had a con all hrw bitalnrsfl wat then dealt with ttw biaeting closed with the ouaen and w i grace mn ada iclrkwood mn dun rowri artd mn william kirk wood ttrwd a lovely lunch dinner presentations highlight haltonpeel guernsey club social over 0 rrwmlier of the hal ion ptt i jiieinvrv c lub and ttw ir lamilirs met at sl sti plicn j-m- rt a local leos gong gone seven members i rum lllack lealh tlinninitlon lions club ut tended the nirular dinner num ill h of ac ton i ions moril i ntyhl their beeiive aclon i wi gionj- the visitors toud the mmhlri veiled batk hoiiil wtlh he in under llw lilies of ibe uiil sm mu eoinik tilioii i uvnv ibt l e il ieos wilh nl iih ll ih tonys to i nn laons nul s is swht1 lv a u it yalion of ae on nu mix i s back in 1a4 no ilfoil his tx- n m uk bv hi i i in lub to utnui it vel aeton lions issuuil truii visit ors ttitv vvihim ih in iknil tin lihiniev to lltiekhi ith stum t ie neve tin tr poiij th hrul business pin ol th mcetm- was prrteelid tv i sin sonjr b till twister a1 1imw r who nlso m maceel lo evlrit t lines lnm cvervetnc puvnl bv in m pen too qui in wbieh hi ilon srenird to have i he rieht inswirs lions it i st us sitl p ins lor i draw the spring earniv il ind llu fw in who is at western show in which most of nu nana hume thein are wnned up lor ihe pies ent antiltcan church hornby oil liulay evening march 5 follow in a turktw dinner bruce hodg- ins seeirtary of the canadian ktnsey rrreden atwclatkai htihiitht iireetings to the mem uis rosemary booth r r- 1 mll- l mi a halion 411 club member w is pn wnlcu with an award for pi icihj fifth in the 4h tectlon ol ihe all canadian guerntey judging competition llovd chlsholm r r 3 mu bin was presented with the se cond pnc in ihe senior division dl- thiv eompeliliun llovd wa also lihiith m the all america utinsev jiidgtmg competitiun chubchiil managed jihipment of cattle to n s mi uoihii dennv has relumed luinu liom haiti ix nova scotia while ik iiuinayrd a shipment ul ielisitrl llolslein i allle frum it tuition ind aline rot t farms rinse laltle were cnrimjte for 1 ii land mis alfred wjnlert a patient in gut iph acdkml huspilal where stu is tt undclo surgery her imntts wish her a speedy recov 21 tibks at wl tehre hmt ckb has social evening tne women insliium met at i the w i euchre heldn ballina ir home of mrs robert mc fad community centre tuesday rjatry a vraaasaaaaj march 3 night wit quite succesitul 2 thi ling nyfii with ihe up- tkbles were played winners were ebin ode aaw mary slewart col ladies fint mrs fngll second gari the president mn leo mrs crook genu tirt flmer hurren urcund dill wilson lad let low mrs robbing ifenls norman sinclair the ladle low wak a lovely plant donated b mr and mrs keith webb florists of norval mr allan sim lair f auclph vis lied with his aunt and mule mr and mrs robert met mrv on wednesdav tu eclcbrale ins and his aunt s birthdays wlmh an llu came duv mrand mrs ke n lion of of lun vtsitid wilh mr and mrs rolwrt mil ryiv on wedncseluv the hravv simjw vlorni lasi wewk vim made the iroing pfcttv difficult lor a few days hut ihe snow is disappearing tiuitr meets going away withoui too much flooding march came in like a lamb and everyone is enjoying the mild weather ttie world dav jf pravtr wi held in riallinatad ebuieh on i n dav mr and mrs tjrne ibornpstm of relwotd visited wilh mr ind mrs david me i m iv un sund is hunt club the flallmafad muni club ml their wives enoetl a wkiji eve nliitt in the hall on saturdiv fit father son banquet saturday club plans hall improvement the tden mills cub antb scout ful to vinners how much mercy hive we for other races how merciful art we fu young people who yo wrong they need our help she ended with walk hum bly with god and be honet and group uin entertained tat sal urdav eve mug to a fattier and son banquet in ijlen mills lres bvlcnan church hv he group committee about 40 ut down tu a tui kev supper rev lraman ol ihe drilled church and rev j tavl ir of he prishytc nan church addtessed the gutrurinn movies wilt shown to round out the eve ning am m t ihftse presciil wen isiiu i coininismnrie r luubeo cardiiull and mrs r cardinell improve hall the executive of the common il v club mil monday ev ning in ihc vdlayt hall to further urrienyc f t in in uiifii isximrils t iht lull day of prayer flu v ild iiv of ir iver vs is tiui ridiv in f dm milk mln churh with jm st speaker mr mitts f fu iph i t ade is i r th nu t tmy wt r mis llowlid j uik s f jhi ui id el church and mrs tl gilbeil st n of itu presbvierian s huieh rtt e t ikni put in iht piavers w ii mi m i km mrv 1 mill i mrs iy aillvn i list town workmen on monday patched pothole in the roads avwral of ha wlvee of the ouerifhey brdn in hal tori and rwi alatf placed high u retime productlori award were present ad u bui booth r r 1 milton guruon king oakvillc and john mcnabb r r 2 georgetown during the past year the can adian guernsey ureederv assoc ution presented pact president pirn to ourge king onkville and lloyd chlsholm milton in recognition of their service to the canadian association lloyd chlsholm hat retired this year alter 20 yean in continuous r vice at a director of the ontario and canadian guernsey llrred ert association articles coming in for sale in april with the president mn turk oaz in the chair the meeting of acton auxiliary fur the north hal ton for the mentally retarded was held march 4 one new member was welcomed to the group ar rangcmeniit were made for the rummage and opportunity xjje onlv one month wav u be held in the parish hall in acton satur dav april 10 mra j turkou and mrs c anderson announced arti cles were commencing to come in and any available help would be appreciated auxiliary member were asked to help entertain with a luncheon at the sunshine school for tea chers vuttlng from nsgluftaj work shop in hamilton oakvule and burlington in april a hor soc ial gathering u as enjoved and lunch was served sale everything must be sold by march 31st kkview evacuation inspector wea millar of oak ille chairman of the hajlon county plra prevention bureau rcvltrsyad safety and evacuation procedural for community hoa- pitali v tha february meeting of the halloa county mutual aid bald recently in oakvuu central fir hall flan war made for tha march r nutting uhea an oil refinery renreaeata- tlve will apeak on tank trucks and rlraflghtlni fret a hoffman o ta 42071 st w u0mh so twillhi cottuml jewellkry vt price spooc china reduced to clear diamond and rings 20 off miktuammmk sot of wteeww saiejiw ftaaeal laaaaaat cltaf js wlmlat taua i i i i ah sajsm ftrtat cash no refunds uumk t ofmts rings 25 off watch bracelets 25 off trophies 409b off bmmavh40 3 fm uttw uuwi industrial hmstal fan two duwii metal filing flctlcr sin cabinet store fixtures clajs smhvino 7 x 47 cqunttw cash kottth sak 3 uzb amt rous with mackits attention not responsible for repairs not claimed after march 25th 1965 aimet paint actoav whoikau htcts giftware reduced to clear diamond ring mountinos 20 off strung aawl suvtsmatio flatware 15 off first come first servedi no exchanges mh owt with tvttv ss wtchas d0ns bexton i j- t rrr ttz v s4mlusr acton sniff spring is spnng just around the corn er on the weekend children sniffed the mild air and went back iniieie fur hicyclet skipping ropes and marbles despite the slush and mud on ihe kroiuvd couple ut hardy girls put on knee socks tuesday brought a wort of warning in ihe form id light snow and wednesday we hail re verted right back to winter nigh mis s lb miihrw n mis mill si n un 1 mis 1 llaidt n mrs dills taw i i iv in spinnu lilt ss n hunt stv is one ol th ihin s iht i oid iiquik s of us we n id ii ls p twii pr utilise s un 1 ll th s i 1 s ii u spu it it t p us jm ai11 t 1 ia t and mi re v she asked are we merci recipe of the month mardi gras fruit pie 1 rrady baked 9 pie liell pieces of trinu arm fop list pir e nist mil i 1 tin can ida c hoiee eanned peaches i tin c in i la choi e i miu d holt ukktatll 1 till canaila choite tanned i birr it s 1 tin c in id i c hoi i nine t pe his 1 pktt insl mt mill i pud ding whippe t i inim from irrir sol t 111 make pie shell ind c ml m ike insl mi mill i pu dint f l slightly tiu pour t hi hi kb lo itr txittntn f pit shell tool in rrfnprr tor but do not chill l iy 4 f pie shell to divide pie shtll ini i h equal sett ions li i n eaih tin of fiuit in iu seeti n ikiuiiv piacie noiith jieat h halves hollow down lo et ser the one isedjm c in f nil v spoon fmil ink till tin nu s and pears in th it tinier one into run set lion repeat prev eduir i ir the other hilf of i hi pu i ill up strinps hill pit in nfripertt r cut pu m st tl ins ii different mm in t a h se ti n just in 1 i s r mj j u u h eai h s i n with wh pp lirtain w wajia i h iwi aw sow fc kat aura taaa aurty yrt f la itfrttt luilahm m caauaaaitv g far tun uums- aua kofio 5 1045 rvi th arttan rrs rfs r ll mi s4pui mtux mail to f rrulillon darfrt tis axtaal rr pratm barrf a r fordaquictly takes your breath away with a hot new 240 big six and solid silent ride ll fteavj la be ttat a site kaj lo bf weak on power lo be arfong m ecowvmy but ford i new 240 big six is very economical and it debven a walloping punch etpecially with cruueomiflc trarumiitlon the new 240 ftgt six if standarcl orf custom and cilxvie 00 models it b more powerful more durable tmoother nrnfthrg and wore economical than ut years six tnen im atnfef ajvajtubm to baying a 6cytlndvr ford betide geuing the most powerful six in ford clast there ford s cruiaeomillc with 3 peeda for easier passing and gas saving and two driving ranges the second uru ou in 2nd gaar hflps prevent yoo spin- rung your vheelj in mud or snow youve heard or the silent ride iti the first thing you notice and tria wonderful the rtdc is also smooth so before you buy any new 6cylindeixar check out the silent tiding ford with the new 240 big sis see your ford dealer ask about a taxcylinder convertible spring u coming ttdrive total performanc65best year yet to go ford itlustkattoi calaxic coo 3 door kattntorakotittr total rtrroawamct ford ru1lt tw camada jjfc thompson motors acton limited l tm va a a