Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1965, p. 1

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lttlw ftt t nintilh year ho 38 acton ontario thursday march 18 1965 fourteen pos ten canh may call tenders within month for new hydro offices workshop present plans pan out ac j v a- u or l shod will be uud a will be lu prepare final plans and tonfc propoced new hydro build part ol the overall plan thun i call lenders ing un alice street will be ready dav evening slight rnodifiejitions commissioner learned ol an for orcupantv by august it is sugtemed by ontario hydro were additional cost of 140 as lu he hoped thai tenders tan bo tailed incorporated in i he drawings and paid to ontario hvdru for im4 within a month s time thunuiav evening il last week hydro coinmiskioners and unhi feet d skinner spent over two hour reviewing preliminary plan and making slight changes prior to a final draft before calling tender following a recent letter from ontario llvdto tfuning down a proposal to incorporate town ol ltce in the building commission erv were able to devote full time lo a proposed building lo hotis hydro offices and woikshops aione ttu present molding now used se acton golden agers visit guelph club at the regular afternoon nux t ing of the acton olden age club held in i hi ymca building on thurvduv march 4 il was dee td ed to accept the invilalion ol i 1m guelph golden age luh to ik with them on march 16 ttu bus uak lo be arranged tor i p rh ah members wishing to go would ronlacl mr davidson who was lo we in charge ol the fans the usual reports wne gije n and dealt with during i ik vcial hour euchre and croktnole were enjoved wilh prizes going to euchre ladies miss annie akins gents mrs marv mcaulev cn- kirvole ladies mrs llcalcs gents cha ma mid birlhduv wislies were sung lor miss soincrvilk mrs lulls mrs mclnlvtc mrs me i iters an1 mi oharu tlu next meeting will he held in tlu y building on march 18 ut 7 p in other changes agreed lo by the lo- 1 power com arrounls totalling cat commission 122 4425 were also approved for architect skinners next move payment i first phoned for blood oak march 26 blood the i oi the lirl lime in ihe his cross society lo supplw wliole lois ol aciihi an industrial blood and blood pntduxls trre hlood clinic will be lield at ihe ol charge to any patient in an ixyion hall march 26 through hospital- in llu jiu s red all i the til or is ut tlu canadian ked blood is the gill ol donors j cross soeietv legion president j 2 in tlu event a transfusion arms tfiinri and local industrial is ruxessjis toi a resident lia isis tlu lusl ol what is hoped wiling in tin united slates lo he a miiis ol these will take have our doctor nolily lle red plan ims in jiudj and arrange at a dinnci meeting thursday mrnts will he made for replace ol ijsl vve k 4veral nrpreen mrni of lh amount o tatives i rum industry mel to div necuary at ro rharge mss the uieiils of such a clinic kt and thi green tight was given by v 3 to donate blood takes up eeveial industries to cooperate protimalrls v0 m mules whieh lull melude s liriu for listing it gis task idi a for ihe ehnie is to tialion n si and ie ircshrru nls npliu inikh needed whole the actual giving of blood lakes hlood lot the fast diminishing i irorn ithir lo five minutes supplv now on hand at hamil 4 the maoiily ol peopu in on a regular ptihhe clinic will a vci age health between ihe ages also be lu id lalei this year ot ik and iss mav he elonoi s john and i son dure tor of e j whole blood mi blood hlood donois services tor hum i products tn used to contiol he llion disiiui was on hand to onhugi lo combat simk k to outline tlu rued lor hlood and npw niuun lu prepaie pat riplain hie man use blood is rnu mi u vac infants required lor he emphasized the horn wilh tuait or hluexl thfeel lad blood is supplied free to i axt thnrtigh canadians ecen if i be v arc ira mmj tlm jleseelke- lo lu tp m elhng in ihe united slates at t ihildblith u assist su the time a hanstuskmi is irtjuir m and other cm urgencies in his talk lo imtusliialists 1 hi elinu his been s i up ttu mr anderson pumiced oeit the i rid march 26 and application lollttwing i ai is eaids are b ing haneletl oeit at i the canadian red cross cant jus indus titers lor deirmirs to iiiimki tiailsluston svice is op- ill otil in idsanee lo picseiit eialetl b ihe canadian red an unneeessars dela safety features highlighted to 80 dn tannery towf monday sau is features anil the pnxess i ounting to 6000 gallons per day ot inanulaclunng teatlur were which prod cue a stcjrn rating of u w duilonal dffvnr ptwto toucimo aftmy and cap bau in francs and germany frw precv ntanarjing editor dtve dille met corp gtfgr snrthurl of aeton corp ken gregory of georgetown and staff sgt ovarlie ruoimere fornwrlyof acton firit initdl merit of hv account of trus sel armed forces tour with the h tgrounti of ikjw pa many cartadiani come to be tare fillfc live dkrtil mv on the front p0c of lle vexond ieciion today highlighted mondas evtning for atuitii to niemhcis liuin ihe uilph see i ion jt ihe jiaiul jl lev diumun of the induslnal ac oiluil pr i i nl ion asstm iition utun ihes tnurtd ikaidnioie and compans plant lit iiilimtm olluials hoshd the linn and situis vnti wthonied h pn mji in j heal in ue pnsuttnt noiiuan it r a i l a and l mil slllu miju himi all in lju del mail i act tin i pi mi olhn tls i- l tid b lot uk l it itlill itlln ml lions of vimtols llsl slop is lu lllli h i lie shop m tli it mas tll uikll inin p 1 1 is lii m u liim is an at luillv uiuiiulit tutnl a ithii iiiiuulii iht ihiinhoum hid aiil inliehlt nttl ih f a i a m nu is on ih nu 1 1 ns 1 it til tune e li mi nl t nt iiu il in in in- i mi p of pio- tssmg liallu i oihn tiihhihls ixpliiiutl to ilu i isiioi s un luttttl ih following lnts i tit watt i lank his i tap jitiu ul 1ihhkii ealloiis mlnulu jluitil siiin milniii in plant am tinuil lo oiu million pounds h i i das w 1 1 it itn i i ousuniplion am otat uke nms seek east west halton designations i ihiniv coufkil tuesday tie- i lail ail ion lor a week on a rev olulion tailing lor ilt sigiatton ol ihe pmtneial tidings as last llalton and wist halton jve list ofwjwns in quiet utuuuiming was the acton branch ol ihe canadian cancer society has raeked up an lmprvse hsi ol siatisiks during ihe past seal women s vrvins t h a i i man mrs hill oals has itimvdid mime ot the ligiuis ulalisi lo he i sex i ion ol tlu sunk in tin distrui one ot the is members as bs eaneei patients is to lutaiue trips to hospitals oliiiilni eli is ers ar tiriangetl anil hun null age paul lluie wen w trips lo tonmio ami 4 tups to mnmhon meaning 7 01x1 ilimng milis paul lor h at ton hiatu li anolhn asjvit ol the woik un dei mrs coals is he making caiieet ihvssings at ttu telin ning tt lr4 thvit m dressings reailv on ha ml ihit in tlu m ai 1 2s2 liussiujjs wm made aiul 1071 weii gum out anil itsul apnl is uinui 1tnth un tin local group nut a eansass is pin tied tyler trmsport ltd receives lkmse as bended carrier tslcr transport lid this week hondcd scanthouse ekaivd h went into opera i ion as bondexl the nisioms ntlutr and elienis tameis alter receising us he broker and llun pieketl up and i use irum ihe department ot diherid ik also ponilixl imii national ri venue cus turns uwl ecr lehule is ctercd b the leise oltaxii lkel tonil willi iih- iuia license the trans port compan will be able to pu k up boiuliil gtmuls lor loeat cusiomcis ai jih customs en tecpinp with hs earl eus name mm canada and deliver ot st painks these to tlu customer alter lherja sam molnus thi haiui poods havi heen eleared b ciis j ms p vl vai unn nestlav id i ii keel thi i las pipe omls under bond ig nations suggested in ttu ri kji i i should tu served on an tteig ol were burlington and oaksillc ihis lv aclon ivptilv reeve hjv goot ix put ueee chnkivvih noted win wlio introdueed the re sol u f he had ikcard eoumili table ills hon suggested every elloi i i ussuui on the subjut irtilside a riporl on ihe redistnbtition should be made to retain thctounlv loumil and lu lilt act ot pioviikinl ntliogs uleaseil re- name llalton in the designations ion should n ltki n lie ixpuss jtitillv e illii loi the splilluig of hurhnglon reese allaghe i ut no obite tion to a wis k di lay itn present llilion riding dc suggested noliee ol motion in piimiiting ttu mattii study town plan amendments for laundromat new library eryone enoyed a buffet tuppcr catered for by parkview uetel guelph it was lujtrd throughout ihe tour thai tanneries recjuire tpes ol machinerv which are not com inon m other industries and manv of tfusc could iw of a dangerous nature il the latest safely devices were not installed jleardmore officials are keenly inlnesled in having local organ iations lour ihe plant as well is rmplosistss wives or huvbanda visitois lo own and even manv ac tomans know tilile about the enormous and interesting opera lion whuh is hidden m hie gun ik- hind tlu aitiailive gates ven manv iinplovtes who have work an opportunity ol seelng several ed thin for viars are only farnil ih p ulnienls pnxessing lejthrr lai with lluir sunlie depart al tlu oiuhisioti of the lour cv mints i i i y irmwflm business close shaves for hockey team goalie 1400 steam horsepower as well as 3000 electrical horse power 7 he total area owned by the ueardmore plant extends 300 ac res wuli 16 aires or approximate iv 7 so 000 square fie under roof ihe lanvard alone intludcx one and a halt uires and holds tit vats appiociutatilv s00o0 hides tetuivalinl to 3txi00tjt pounds per monlh are processed lliiihiglutut ihe plant wilh tolal walir eon sum pi ion pe i dav amounting lo vsjmkx gallons total tanning o liail used pet dav amounts lo is 000 imminds nifht stuf vioikits weti ur atmg maiunei anil visitors hail dons green district governor j at ys men meeting onllunsdav march 11 the ai ion n s miii met in itn ml a ys men piesidclil cu rtss was in charge anil ttu luustiiaslei was lihi honiktle ltei stark distikt govviiui was sxsial guest lleih parsons siippheil iiilonna lion on tlu leguhtal eouleienee to be held in kiuhenet on mai 27 and w ron uccallum spoke a lew wot tls on the su gsorge williams svtnvol in monlixal a ys men sponsoied svhihl 1 he meeting eloseet at til guv ross show eel liluis ol tlu isles park comentiou whieh was held last juk in eoloiaelo k tleattd at the port ol entr aiue oi at auv bonded warc- housi a ion j ihe rout i oi in ac ion and the n elehveted vitrei ih to the nisiimier j li ln si noted this week thai a hill liailn ol bonded go his lould iv dropped ut am new mayfkwer tile sdav lioili tesrdi nt nitieral i lo pe i mil the eiee lion ol an addition lo house u an either ant howivi hat whuh he sported j liundiimal two ammdmenls to the towns lenmal library iron ol to us nt w ollkiit plan whieh has not idenlial i hex n pnsinlid lo ihe minis when tlu iu w town zoning li i ol mun it i pal al lairs lor up- hs law is approved all sthtktls pnival wiu itinsitlerxel and apuitll n zoned uside nlial howes pi ii veil hv planning boaitl mem i ue etipigi ihuki tx maitc as ihis uniting in ihe council miii as possitik so work can ik t i imtst f thin sttav mgfit ol last gin veek ik- si was u av old further il was hoped lluse ami rut iklivs in tht pn e mation ol the nunls wihild onls ih lav ihe pie new plan wire ol prime concern jsentation ot the otheial plan a ihe txciiil iimimrihoih thai eoople ol weeks ation latin stinplv be- reoncd budget or the mat vvis elis i d 2 lo cor jim swiiiiiv iu iniiniu i for alton 7 an ik is has eruounteti il manv a i lost shave during his lioilu ruling wilh the loeal earn now itie ihoe m skale is on ihe other hxii ih starlit bar luring in town rut sdav anil is iihle lo give a i lose shave as well as a shot t i top to icummatt s anil oilier jkiliuns who fivoianl his mr swii iu v star lid business in tin shop fiuiiitilv on rat nl hs htngi llollowas on mill miil lie has item barthiing in guelph loi llu pasl two years iind is looking loiwird lo gutting manv iihii tans wishing to lalk hoe ki y whili ei lling a hair mt mi llollowas who staileel bar tuiing in loioiilo in 1921 latit moved lo oshawa lo eonllliiic ihe trade and then to oakville before sittling down in aclon in iv2f on a jxiinaniiil basis hi first stul td with sands mclxan ami in 4s look ovir ihe business him sell diu to jumir hiallh george is unahu lo eontinue his bukinets on a lull siali nuasuie but will ih in tin shop indavs and sat hissed in ilt tail inehuting aniu ipileel i osis o the zoning bv law atnendrniuls f0 per meet last star j ing lee lor consultants and ihe to ask loi more details chle vtr ttu boa id ample uolif tealron ol tils usignalion etlecl rvt deeemlxr ii explaining he louiul ihe duties ol secular ol unlav s to gnet nupiaintanics and llu lominiiiei of adiustment he lp out ihe next lousorial artist and planning ikmiu loo oner mr llollowavs lirsl ous eiisloimis when he arrived in hi tipoilitl on pollination thai helinning mas granting msinis will be tiansteried ilinilttee eit atlustnunt a htler was read i mm milton planning boa id itsking lor i om mints oh the svnehtomation of symbols used in iw laws and land use maps alton intended town was teil rixer who still firtpiints ihe chop for hi umii ham nt anil shave many others in tlu ana im re i all when geoigi lusl started here anil have lui n slailv patrons slme no ilouhl players on the tan iu is tt am will ih siiadv i us torn its of the goalie especially wilh playolls 1 1 g ti 1 al hand jim sweeney ol on lo oil allan b sprague is halton judge lvemng rotarx c luti miinlhis saw a trim on the mav llowei trip whuh was made in churchill road lij7 b an lnghsbman who sail mill streets u eel his homemide boat tixmi ph mains is to ik slaiteil immccliale mouth 1 nlaiul to the new lng l and eompliteel ik ion htghwav land stalls paving begins new sewers in lay watermain installation ot slorm sewers on ouecn oung stuets ami wat lace avenue has been eompleled prioi to highwav widening last wevk louiuil appioviel i lending llu watermain liom o oung anil k on ihe water serelarvs lees al ihe cunclus lion a motion was passed reqiies i ling coun il tor j2j00 as opeiat ing capital tor lms last mars budget was il 700 iloaid secretais jaek milea unit 2 of ucw hears reports plans on march i mt 2 ol tunitv t tilled chuich women met in tlw church paiieh mis wilelei- itptn opened with praxer loi lowed b devotional b mix long her theme was reahtv in all thmg taken irvui st matthew mix gohns lettn ol i hanks lor the honor she reieixed bv he- ms maele a hie member was ivad mix pooje and mtx shcvemaker gax their eard and shut ui report tl htvspual ind 15 hintse cain wvrc ivptiitexl itxun llu membctx plans to tiv the chapel werc diseuvsed also the sitndasehchi4 itecding help ladies dciidexl to po in a bodv un thursda night of holv week also jodie arc all incited to the general meeting mix edna hoiking iv to be guem speaker mrx mary mcaule wun a penny content a social time uas spent over the tea cup doug roei s prevmuslv ap plied le ttu iommihee of adjust- nil ol lor pt mission lt build whuh vi is granted itic commit lee s tttiisiui was appealed bv llu nurusti i arul his appeal was uphtkl at a publu biaring here list month w one ohiectcd to the building ot the addition but nist to the pnxedurc this re qui si to planning soard is the uext ip t library lauul a tamilv ol lour mr and mrs shoillv bclotv 1pm th elerk was also instructed alltfmincwkl and lvm n uightiis were hampered bv lo pupary an amendment to the- r r 3 jn wt rtf m h n li bhwaid and high wind oltiiial plan inging an area it4 a ht n t wal wed and we n unaote lo save 4he land on ihe robert llle ool jj whcn hcir h t hmr m l1 it pi ope 1 iv tlte mti ol the ccn lompiclch bulllhi nv hlv tthkh uii ruelighters wm si ii started around 4 pm hallhnit llu arli rnisi wski lire mrs artemivevvski was alone ihe nni souiulut again at 6 io in ihe house ironing wlun she p m lu lionel i in tniek iclt the building iremble at lmded with tuviighurs lushed lirst slic believed it was ttu lngh woman injured in fire family left homeless stiff fhata two ione womj louredomrdmore nd co ltd plant aaonday evening with about 80 male members of the industrial accident preventiot asiociation watching an operation in the rolling room are left to riqht iteyd robertibn former actonite ancm3eardmore employee in 137 who is now employed at hammond electric ia goetph mr tom bohoh mrs gary malcjtt both employed at imperial tobacco guelph anj machine operator- jack dunn the 1 a pa members saw the tanning operation payfng specific attention to the latest safety devices used in tjw tanning trade wind but when the incukni ix curred ihe seeond lime she ran 10 the cellar door and saw the i lames the woman immediate iv ran down the long lane anoss the road and up lo the home ot a neighbor mrs donald milton to raise the alarm mis milton called ac tori firelighters and she and mrs aiiemisewski return ed to the burning home acton riredghiers arrived shottlv atler and while unload ing luise and equipment mrs xriemisewski tried to with ihairmau aldo iaida malum s new loonty judge man and her mother the late eonduiting the business all am in h spiigne oc ot ilelleimarv ahiaham was a native of numbers weie present david ilu w ill he oil iiialtv sworrj into at ion manes i v masales hill olluc at a ce unions on i ildav ik reicived his baehrlor of knight i in johnston hob april it was announced b ol j arts digree at oueen unlveriiy dnnkwallir and rov gexhlwin fuials ol the jusliee ixparlmeiil and studinl law at da it m me unl in ottawa versttv in viova votia where he judge sprague who ills the iwiivul his naihetor of law de port leecnllv vaiated h the 1 give he later attended london death ol judge ck urge i 1 limit imvtisitv in i ngland fur post- was named to ihe position last graduate studies week me will take over his duties i judge sprague is a past prexl on march 22 i dent ot ihe hastings and prince judge sprague has practiced idwaid 1iw associations he i law in belleville lot 27 cars and the past president ol the belle- ts senior partner ol ihe law lirni 1 villi hianeh of the canadian can- ot sprnpue ami cum run ter stkkiv arul past chairman of conntcltafu here the tund lalsing eampaigns for a tlleloiig tesideiit o lulkilk- ihe ki tl ouss the salvation anny mr spiague was bom there in and ollin oiamalions 1 1 1 he has a eunikelioii bv me is a number of the belle- muriage wilh ihis area llislville rot us luh and ot the will is he daiiglitet of joseph hridgi slieet lnited church i ake ol powasson who lived 111 judge spiague is married and has teoigelowu when he was a xouupi ihrve childivn 1 lilt lai in home ol hob ken to douse a ehuunev lire still studying regional jail halton countv is still investi imlinp the possihihtx ol esiab lishing a regional 111i pi eo-op- ttahon wilh atlioining iiuinieip- alitks and a teport in the neai lulurc i government aid flood victims not forgotten committee to seek donations re wcva risulenls in ltc cfeil william j tar ihe total euiiveted epeeied i ana who sullered damage loi in the event the canvass plus t homes during the recent flood itn governments share duct no e w coulter sass gj ui ihi village htl have hope repotted to t ounts i 01111 of some compensation lor repair tucsdav on visits iu mult costs burning building but the door mum seetiiliv t nls in rrampton mondax evening izsquesinp had lucked shut alter she went and simcoe countv still beinp i loumil chamher waicrowded out shcv crashed ihrough a inesitpated 4s the location otjwiih ratepcrs pressing for im downstairs window and tarried i the proposed iail ihe ownership lointh nler tin cdlurs out a bookcase containing books lot the land it a knowledge unknown to th lirclighters uhcn he attempted lo entei again llre witt xle each em nottced he wa bleeding and restrained ihe j ran tic woman and fended olf a famth dog alter hems nipped a few time he bandaged the wftians arm and she was taken to the office of dr brian mooix where she received wilt chew and was treat ed for hoclc n she and mn mi i on returned to the milton home by taxi mr artcmiszewskt hod been surrh raoncd jy telephone from work in brampton and the two boys arrived borne 5y school bus ihe iail construe led and faeihtie- j or iransteritng pusiiner between the courts and the iail the reee indicated the com- miitec was enthusiastic about ihe work being done on acamp- tpe minimum security opera t- slcating practices the fiuunc skjttnsclub will next wxck itart two extra u tons per week to practice num ber for the cc revue a5 to be beldjlpril id sharon bradley and linda bra ida are tit aging the ihocv a schedule of practices will be ready saturday mediate aetion following ihe re ignatmn fit ihtee member ap pointed to a hood control cum milhk as a result deputy reee wil frid leslie was appointed b coujkii to act a ha 1 sun officer for council with other commit tee members tom hill and al- i red spcnce first action by the newlyap pointed committee will be to ob tain an appralhjl of damage and than bedn a canvas for donat ions donations may be received from any individual or orgam when final receipts have been tallied the provincial govern- ment will match dollar for dot- total the appraised damage it u the dutv ol the committee to pro rate pa v ment to each ratepayer vullciuig alos acion students attend council a sniup of 30 iiudcnts from grade 10a uf aclon high school attended the monthly meeting of halton county council on tue dav ikompjnlcd by teacher bob green the troupamejiiled the open- iiuj of the county council and its early discussions fallowing thai the aroup was addrewa by crown attorney p k mcwu- liams on the criminal and civil atlon anywhere in canada and- courts and the development of 1 ni i u ne jfijj yttem he outlined how the personal jlbertlei an f secured by the jury system i

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