Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1965, p. 6

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w m personal notes of atftofj vutufj otftutw feint tw l vutiort u acun i fronds arc uwry mri g a colden is a patient in cudph general hospital bobby andrew w tvomc after being a patient in kclph gen eral hospital where lie under went margery a members ol the gulden age club joined the guelph group tuesday afternoon uf last week tor an inlerclub meeting they travelled by tler but despite last wednesdays biix rard two team ol lady curler entered a boil spiel in brampton wanie of tlwm winning prtar an acton ladv team was entered in an outol loun bonspul llu dav ol the last bluxard loo cdfn mius march meeting truth about vitamins told greenock institute members mrs gordon letlb- wu hostess for the march tiwejing of green ock womens institute mn chu binnie convener of home economics and health pre tented the program relating to this uibjecl in her topic the truth about vitamins she stres sed the fact that a well balanced everyday diet supplies our bodys back from hotpitaj mr h h elliott is back in the ulioftery store corp and mrs mike muidkton and their two children are visit ing with her parents mr and mrs ed udkca corp middleton ti it on leave from the air force requirement for vitamins mon and is stationed al summerudc vli pi n t i a rc not prescribed by your dot p tdw uuml lor would be betlcr pl on bul mr p w worthinnlon of ur w leafy veciabl camli puivur av a nxcnl gual uilh can af lur ur mr c w maui af turd buy vilamini yi pnaahly i i 1 ii n t i arc no in need ol i hem vlumlni three isur vmcd wl h heir ovinw ol vitamin can mstrr mrs j v walters london thus making a very en- lovablc get together kuff lttm uon tam1kt not exactly the qtrls are twj ol gride 1 2b ituctenis who proved to re the teenage danoe held in hall golden girls visits in news t nikr iht auspices al i den vim ling with mr mui mrs mar mills and district oitununilv rv mcintosh this wick were mr club a ithiuii daiuv was lurid in und mrs shnn und laiiiilv ol or ldtn mills mall on i ndav tvt 1 tllia and mrs simpson and family rung mrs kave suuiivmi and ol niagara i alls ijoli iiltrtson as ilijkiuiuy i the cxiuun guls mtt monday i umfhousf afternoon and winiurs m euchre mii mrs j d lamnt mrs i ij i tar dm mrs id jennings ml cladss marshall best mtvgaiine m en en monday at ihe h gh tn tions for one day trots llw la loy ion from c 1 i being sponsored by tre itudent council btt toy vhich u m the ioil iubtnp ioiioviimj dy inf uw is wh e tudd up to the fleecy school carnival delayed week the arena sprtnkkr sum uvnl oil mmiiukd tru vilarni and had lo h tqwirul last uixk hit lin 1 11 n i uuk i 1 klvh ill puhli val his nn ion mih limn dinxti iinv tin it in hit ka ppmi d s to apnt m 11 iims plans ai ikiii in losing vnltng il nut umn mundis april lihjith annual iuiiki tn istlltlg llut th urbm lniil mlil idihsd 1 in t i it lu st html kilhu i n thi im i in tht lux ol hand pruikc m iik whih milton h s 1 impnm us nul iui uniiul pioiixt pi 1 a ilinni 1 nui 111 it 111 il pan ant and sinh w d im tht at llu u itlln in ilu llu ii mi hit ph tht n th c timing iluvmi nilo tt iii llu ilk itil tthiiiih 1 t hk llu i w ol v uf ik ni ink 1 itit vwl itil ik u vhlltlltll ii1k 1 1 tpi t nit i d n this x ht to ik ki ilk k st mini 1h 1 1 mis i unslon and tainil itl tot into 1s1ud vsith mis nun ait itiiial pillsiarrs larm u4iill mrs r km has iiiuniid home illiiwt uisiks siav in hurling ion vmlh hir diujihtir mr and mis m 11 l miarth and tinuk mis i millar shnt a lw das ilh in r dauphin mis 1 smith at llianiplou wakuuipumsol mi andmrs v muiii win mi ofg miuan uianllord mis oiim t illmlv and iu1 auld tnuuito llu sinpith ol thi loninnin 1 il is ixtitulitl lo mr nunnan ton list nd ind iannis in tin hs ol 1 din 11 1i1 anil ntolhir snowloving skunk spotted in village 4mk1 iikl lo pal muskr viikj has oiikii thi aimv and is sta lloncd at camp itordcn mi wu hunii lor the 11xl1nd a numlk r of his i runds und nrithlkirs pnsinlid him illh a irist s itih is a fan mil gill wi nyiit that mi dtrntl ihompson is itl mi ii taken 1o hospital l ambulanii on mon da a skunk 111 idi a quuk disap- paianii ail in tin middle ol the villayi on sunda iviiung mhiu a petit st nan wfut rml him utnl lor a mistihthl wi hope it is u situ ol spring a donation will be sent to the wellington county red cross ap peal plans were discussed regarding holding a booth at an auction vale next month reminders tor next months meeting were lor standing convener reports for annual meet ing and entries of pumpkin pies and vvect biscuits lor the baking contest members will meet next 65 pum for district recent bulletins haw challeng ed the ftoy scout movement to come alive in 65 and gel to know canada this challenge has been accepted by the district wolf cub packs who will partici pate in canada ranu iftfjua panor ama of canada her progress people and products 00 satur day june s canada rama 1965 in george town will be open to the public and will enable visitors to cross month at mrs chester allan s canada from shore to shore in a i he harmful during llu last vsar many dan ish children uinl blind as all the butter containing vitamin c mus imported irom tle tountrv and the ihildnn su lie red rum this deficiency lite motto gutxl iliallh and good i twuf an two tl 1 id s drtatist blessings was prepared tv mrs george wallace and nad by mrs c aitkin the weluumg and suixtss in life of every indi vidua i bear a closer relation to loud than any other single tactor known the lood sou consume inxoines your hoius vour brain and sour brawn i ood beconus mmir strength and stamina it umit i incites to sour personal t rdeilivcruss and emotional stabil ilv moreover lood is becoming to sou because in right kind and amount tt gives mi the appeal ame and lei i mi ol radiant health mrs l trssstnaar presided os cr the opening cscrvists and bust ncss period miss i paten read the scripture lesson the roll call 1 health habit i practice cerv i i was responded 10 vi rv well home for a noon luncheon lollow ed by the annual meeting thc meeting closed bv tin sing ing of the maple leal i ore ver arwl llie institute grace delicious refreshments were served by llu hostess and lunch conveners mrs c aitkin wa courtesy iun vener lor live afternoon rvlamelv short period of time uilhout making time consuming and costlv travel plans judging from the number of visitors at last scar s aiotind the world cur- oborei thev are es pec ting an even higgtr tourist trade this car x ol llu le igue legion notes in second nuind plas lust division ol ttw dai plasolls this sink ttw capsul ueii k tin loos ocr the missiles h iik scon ol 4 1 aiul ttu jets stalked oe 1 live roikcls by u 51 ctminl to ninain unbeaten in siioitel division plav llu i lljllils mitt llltois tun llu oihiis hs a iiiih 2 dmsjoii and the comets edged tin meteors bv d w more plav continue s m l 1 ui selav evening pollock ami campbell manufaflurrrt uf high grade memorials memorial engfiaving 41 wtlm u nrfi oa1t ttupluhw ui 7sm i inir 1 ik i i 11 li i hi it 1 l v lilt ini i ll iii iivi uk wiiii i ii 1111 11 ll llll ul sh i m1iiiiiu i ii j11k i ll iii 1 il lulls cm lkmii ii l i im ll him h i ln ml lu tunic 11 town stormsnarled plow sand all nighf iiiuii 1 ac 111i11 il 111 li mi mm 1 1 skhtm1h 11 c crt lilt lllspl i nuiil 1 lu i v c i ikmii lllclll mnh ii111i kc uk lilt i like 1 lunh hi imf chiklic 11 1 tiles inl kippim mil ik n cci 11 sni uill i nil i ol ihv llu im 1 lii llu li- mil i11 1 1 v ml uhiiun llllll i knox church services hed in rl schoo winte 1 s ihiul hern htn i 1 hi hi rnoo wl k md 1 m lulus i eltaring u ttu ibu hi llul mill snow is hoptd ria vncetnus- 1 lining ol id niniinici moliii isls iu ilinlinv lot ui h id ik mi mli il mi h ui 1 npitition ol itii tiii win k ol i ihiiiarn 2 in 11 moikid in tiiwn plni mdtiv thiouhoul thi d mid l is llu ml 111 t iko iii ps s iii 1 ll ll 1 t 1111 il ui llu iu pltll llu p in xpill i tot ml i hi hit lul ii uimtt id 1 u choir r li ihi 1 sill 11 to ntit im kllu 11 look ox l iii ill ml in i till k sinm 11 ktm 11 r night two 111 and mourn md thm 1 to h m 1 1 kill golden anniversary for mr mrs cnpps park tractor being bought hlltlllutl ikhv only mlnoivaccldcnls in tomii thin mm si mm 01 uiidints ttu polue arr ingid 1 bin iiiuii 20cais toitid oil thi vtiiils to luilllili snow n mu il ml himijti mini itn in elilh ull dnimi in llu slinlmg diltt hiimiom thui win no majoi uildlllts meetings cancelled iik i nitid hutili ihuikolln ui mcitiiil vi is 1 inn ui d i lu mhaii ihmii uiiiliii to hii ihvm in llu rorxtt 1 htli sehimil was postponed 1 tik ilon jim 101 i itiiuis ino postponed then imlnv al hiookiilk lot a nk ling hoim to udhnafad and bed tlnl domii in the i nx press plant storm snartod 41 opp nnirled the wuini tral in lit up in iheir hlrv lichia 0i just icst of the i highway 2s ompass where an tstiinaletl 200 cars were held up lor siveral hours lotluwing a j iash ol aiiidmts 1 he aicidenls saw two pi r sons iun t white eft sihiiks wi 11 in i loliiil i ii opp oil icers rushed to the sum to sort out the snarl nl 11 illii tnd begin the ledums ob ol imisltgiting what appear ed to ik 16 diltinnt anuhnls i nui ulun it was all on tlu lot illtd up j4 8s7 in propel t da i mages during tht 1 ish ot undents a poluc eiuiser was damaged when a transport ran out til eon trot and sumk it after colliding with i io other ehutes con stable jim redpath who had lust parked the eniisir on thi suli ol ihi mad was stilt in the iar whin ihi truck lollidcd with it but in was unhurt an 1 iisidmls iimilud in tin an uli nts inihulid aithur smith ol amplhllvillt mil bishop ol aeton and 1 luahcth bmilli ol k k i amptk its ilk mac sprowl rotary head rotary club intmhers staged a liselv nut ling tutsdav evening when lhe hcltl an cleelieiii lor it licers and then deued into a leng ths anil interesting debate with kotanan jim ledger acting as moderator paul nielsen and ptte masson uplhilding planned i ore itl grow ih and tom shields and mike llesan siding with planned natur al gniwth m rballs ha i tied to an iun in at ihi mil ol the debate new oil iters who will hi mdik t ed the last meeting in june in cludc mac sprowl as prestelent hill pt ndlt ion viiepresulent jim micuiioch see re tars and ralph davie s ticasuiir dirvelors in 1 hide garrv dan kins duk iah voieltin mekeown and rav midi 1101 low i ni iv 1 lining is annual aiiiuve 1 sat dmn and it should piovt lo ih a hlg nighl with tlaiiiing to miia tol tons tiulustra nun mission en tt l taintm tvt loses lor live lathes and lull iiliishnuni priviligts lukils shoeild ik obtmud us soon as possihti so that final ai langi mints ian ik madi as to se iling e li s wh not git loin lukii now i and tonii ut litiinfiniw ivetnng to lulp llu hi nidi eilihralc its innivviu m a v ti ran why not a ltoionnairkr frhompsen motors arton umhd have a fine selection of al used cars wanted malar oh cempany rqulrt uum for srvka slallen hwy 35 en mil muth acton call 853183 1 4s main st w acton trad up now b ready for spring 64 ford sedan 62 ford sedan 62 pontiac station wagon 61 pontiac tudor 60 ford 4dr sodan 58 chov tudor 55 dodge sodan mtnt alldwftiw flr imcat phone 8532370 might and main tuttlav town woikniin 11 pan id a hivken w ate imam on bow ir aviiuie whuh was fltkkling and causing a build up ot m lohn kh ion ihhu11 itk pitvsei tl the ontano li n pioud ol lxuit induui t li aikislocs i l t d setilii in nitluid ou i nui siuk in holland lll melukilllti iikimiv lixim ikmtnans toi ttu itnti hvnks in wh u is now thi i states ui ante 1 isa lotuul nhum- llkitv mulct svmns ih tt will k vii oiilauos ttv 1 tk i hi 1770 s and l0 s m aiui stoi s invssed the horxlei ttom the 1 11 itetl states 10 evmnme living un tier the anve smbon iwrc in on tarlo what u true regarding tin own family u true pertup in cv en greater degree in mam othct families the vmbolthat will flv on ontarios flas aix the sm- bou that jhrouah tho centuries have attracted and ihvplatl men and vomtn who prue itvxdom betad do you have to ration hot water on wash days and bath nights a cascade 40 electric water heater can change all that cascade 40 has two elemenls- a 1000watt lower element tor nofmal use and a 3000watt top element that surges into action at times ot extra heavy use thats why the cascade 40 can sup ply mdre hot water than the average family is ever likely to use cascade 40 is flameless sate and clean it requires no flue so it can be installed anywhere the ten year guarantee on the tank is your assurance ol cascade 40s reliability with a cascade 40 the cost ol abundant hot water is low for more information ask your hydro

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