editors overseas tour carnival vn dusseldorf army at soesl d mot of u rfuf flying this type of aircraft wu not puc for ematur end irttttlled in ui e new rvipect for the crew dinner end brukfatt wr terved by me airwomen and a iteward cs66nd inuairnenl gehing ewey wrohewa end tferting the le of the mp trip to europe proved jo be one of rh target problems ncounteed after being briefed by department of national defence officer on tuetday february 23 we were given our final reviled itinerary which call ed for a departure from ottawa at 4 30 on t hurt- day however even tha armed force i dont con trol the weather and tha blizzard that twept ontario retulted m a 24hour delay in depart ue ariving at bcaf uplands lo be told the flight wat oelayed and a lubtequent checking in to the hotel again probably resulted in a bonanza for the telephone and flight insurance companies friday tha worst of the storm had abated and a service flight from ottawa to trenton started us on our way at trenton a transfer was made to an rcaf yukon aircraft for tha flight overseas the yukon is the military version of tha bristol britannia a turbo prop aircraft with a capacity of 140 passengers plus luggage rcaf transport command operates three flights each vay every week transporting the mail supplies service personnel and their dependents a little disconcerting was the booklet on each teat which daal n detail with procedures to be foltowed m the event of many unment ton able emergencies keedlett to say none of these emergencies arose and it is worthy of note that the transport com n and has a safety record envied by many com martial airlines sitting in rows of three on each side of the centre eisla naturally brings passengers close to gether across the aisle from us was a young mother and her four children going to europe to live for three years with her husband the three- monthold child lay in a basket and slept the whole trip only waking to cry on landing in franc seetmates were yves gegnon of st jean ouebec and roger alarie of verdun quebec roger who had never flown before toon over came hit apprehensions and enoyed the trip im i tensely a trip to the flight detk toon con vine scans at 22000 feet was a tght to behold the ftt tight of ireland pleased not only the irish landing in marville at ii em local time was smple and customs formalities were at a mini mum lunch at the officers mats where the waitresses were all civilian employees gave us our first touches of a feeling that our school french was going to be inadequate back into ttie yukon and a flight to dutseldow finished off our travelling for the day at dusseldorf a group of army personnel were waiting to board our plane tor a return flight lo canada a new crew took over and after refuelling the aircraft started off for trenton air crews make at least one fght a week and the transport command ha 12 yukom in service 10 are 140 seat plane and two are 60 seat versions distribution of supplies personnel and mail in turopa cyprus and the near east is made m 10 dakotas and four bristol freighters from marville in dusseldorf the realization that german tv the language spoken and the terminus of over jo hours travelling pointed to a quick supper and ell to bed early this was usl not nteant to be in the tai drivirtg in front a very n modern airport one of our member dredged up hit high vr hool german and seemed to get us to our proper hotel the oly itielf appeared very mod ern but of course this was not too surprising when you remember 80 was destroyed in the second world war along the streets in the suburban areas there are still the gaps in the buildings sonte of the immediate post war shack com mumties are still in use and the older buildings si tow the signs of patching on the enieriors as we got further and further into the oly ii ecame evident and was confirmed by our limit ed german that there was indeed tone telebre ion in progress in the cities and some of the towns in northwestern germany k period suft mud sfuce iymusmuy kalhrr an interesting tunc lo w teacher the pnny xn tw tore the mviu ha lumpletrh ffunc xihunl hturd nd rutin i pau are flipping over ihj ami mane in trie forlorn hope of finding a loinhcr under one of ihcm thuc icon foi spring vcramblc thri aie tlic i unlit the firt two jrc deaths and retirement the third and ma ior cause or the panit i ihc pputulkmi ixplnmon c las iimkiw arc imiltiph in with ihc iaptjil ol ratihiu lien one of thie v lrtkms u full ot kid and tin- kuk livc bihs robin cxpev i to v mimthing mulled into itum therefore kiirdiii to tudit ion there mui hv a hod hm ever little it resemble a momma ron in standing up there in front ol the lavs xultllflc som thine pvbhlev or pearu or cen tuiui into the gaping mi it is the time til ear that has principals grinning iml al old tcavhciv pouting on the rfwrm with potential new on es siupping al their ovn mi t and billing tleir own ihitd ix it abou i t he ca rs hcv au so the c heard b the miakrine thai i he vine that runs from ihe staff mom lo he hndgc club lo i tic saturday night parts to the afierhurvh tolfee that i iks re losing hall lhtir stall it is the time ol scar thai his school hoard members deciding in lake a holulas m jamaica nr il ihe can i alluril it goin to bed uith th flu on the one hand aiv the tapavis shouting lhal school tais are aua hit ot hand and on i he other hand are oilier uxpascrs dcvlarlnc thai the hoard must hire ihc best iwssihte tcasherv i and in between are the lea hers wilh 10000 jobs open to them u one at first plans c better than ihcir pre sent inc last weekend i xsas in the cits and out of sheer eiirtomiv it sis hctv dioppcd in at the hotel which i ifur tuiinc ntrc of te- ftt the lotmng inlcrrslinc m iiim inipicssjun was that itk- whuu ihinji was xinr iin b one of the nutropoli r tan newspapers this murpti sm shtvl in illoii in sraek the moimiptils on th lii lusoous iiruti of ivhti advertising u ul b ntultu i new span i had hiied halt ih p round iuhii and was passing out tree pipets tee col lee free inuik w an jngnv whausei that is the onl thing missing was i tec tea c ik rs pislme an old fashioned slac market sew orleans iftss o kfc- now picture a slave market in whuh esci slase has the latest market report on slae piices tiieked under liis let arm in continued on pace b4 this sundays church calendar till neld itmt rim tt m llu lasui svasem ivmtiuls us f this tnoiv istiieitantlx lb in an either we should lake a tew inonieills to stiih nur ileal ts as i tie psilnis etlil his mi ihc woids ei pxalm w 2 viieli im hi nut know im iwatl ti nic aiul knoe m ihoulils mil see- it iheu he an wukrtl was in iik anel lead nie in the wa eui lasting thi chutch ot st ailan thi maityt anglican turner wilune ami si albans dwvc rex ttl tlisjus vl u west ha im ls jvlhts ave phone stl illnoay march th lxis lent vv moiheunt sundae 00 a m hols luehansi iovt a in church sehivil i0w am choral luclianst no tvinsonc mtsftytwan church in canada knox church acton res andrew 11 mckenne ita b d minister mr e a hansen ba onanist and choir master s11niuy march 2siklb5 945 am church schtiol ui ro- brt tittle audttortum 945 a mj mints terfc church membership clas m church chflir room 1100 a m dlsinc worxhip in rt s hcrt little school sermon theme personal i tie of the paulon 2 pibte 7j0 pan youth fcllowkhtp meeitntf everyone mo i welcome mahi avcnui taptist church tlormetk t vatifel baptist church susday march 2th i6s bus iojvcs mca at q am lallinc at limchenise 9 w a m lor information call i acton m46 vjceucciown 8776wes mth41 j christian repormid church acton ontano rev vuhe van oijk phone micas svnly mxrcii 28th k6 1000 am enuuch sersiec 2 vi pmoijuh sersue 3 4s p m sundav school acton raptist church loutni d im pastor re sianles tanmnn res 144 titles ave ph 8v 1 sinday march 28th 1 i st4 a m siinelav schtwil out adult class i scripture press i material used w am morning mot chip i the llunc and the lhiis is i 7 00 p m i v nine service out indian wn k at ohswe ken misshmi ciiclc uiilies in e haiyv el this niu n open invitation to evervonc ts emcndcd vvcdnecdav piavn and ihhle studs 7w immediately bfrfof lnt obiervod umilarly to mardi grai tka faadnlo waa in full wirvg at tfva nbtal with roorvrwvat facad on th broad vttta of a mam thorooqhfar it was vidnt the cel oration could continue for soma hours it did dinner at the hotel the first meal wrth a german menu produced wlenertchnitiel tha proprietor told us in his best english about tha celebration for the evening and suggested a bier garten with a floor show and dinner or a wine festival wiih zz and entertainment unfor tunately too many others felt these were worth attending and the so signs were on both doors a trip to the old city where e full scale carnival was m progress where all types of entertain ntnt was available and where everybody was us the spirit of fasching proved to be the place to spend the evening vehicular traffic in the area was prohibited rnt the german people were certainly prepared to celebrate ivrn with what we in canada would con ulrr a rafwjr re4ed drinking restriction i must s y tfiere appeared to be no abuse of alcohol ve never did see in lurope or great britain anyone really offensively dunk however they certainly were enjoying the festivities up again at 8 on sunday and walking through tte city where tlie larger activities had either already started or were continuing and along ilt thine with it barges tnd the evidence of ttr war on live buildings through the central pert of trie city with the families children through rtduhs dressed in costumes the bands mini par ades trie clowns and the entertainment thic wai tfie family day and they were taking part as amide many costumes had a western flavor lut live largest single representation was in trie itnped suits of sailors in the afternoon a bus trip lo soest past the mo fin xjam and into the walled city of soest it i reported live citys recorded history goes latk to five seventh century and likely the hotel s did loo two rvow things to us about the hotel were live double doors between the halls and iho room i the tecond was our first experience with tlie leather ticks on the bed no slveets rvo blankets either it was quite comfortable or we wejie exceptionally tired an interesting item we mvcovered on our hotel bill was i dm german mark or 25 ce ts each day for heat there was a rad m the room but there is still some doubt in my mind about the heat monday at b our tour at the base started after a welcome by brig a jones tedhe and a brefug by a col w lye on the role of the canadian forces we drove through the base mw live arena with the artificial ice the theatre with first run movies and ended up in the canteen here the first acton boys were waiting and we had a chancy to talk for a few minutes bo fore our arrival at thi and all other bases live editors names and home towns were circulated and live men were given an opportunity to come und talk to us the first men we met were from the royal canadian regiment it was here i met siatf sergeant charlie pushmcrc a cousm ot srn bruneme corp george smelhurst who was m scouts when i was scoutmaster and ken grc gory from georgetown charlie is chief clerk of the rrgimcnt yes he s reduced the size of his moustache and is completing his second tour in germany he enlisted during the srcond world war and has been in the canadian army ever since george and ken are both enjoying their tour m germany it was a great pleasure for me to meet these actonians after having been away only a week after a semi formal lunch it was back to the bus and a tnp to the maple leaf stores which are ust like our canadian supermarkets except for the stocks of wine liquor and foreign food 1 dt ol mtcanj dtn piurio weikiy newspaper editors inside n mii3a armoured personnel carrier are on the right dave dills of acton arvd a b s stanley of nakusp bc describing the carrier lo them on the left is craftsman auvsic tmcl haan in charge of live workshops where training is given in mam tenaikc is former atuman capt bert morgan tlie earner liolds i i fullyequipped men is water t yht ami travels il 40 m p h on land and 4 rn p h through swamps or rivers there are two cainers now but lt tngacie will eventually t3 fully equipped with them tlie picture was taken at fort dumbly soest westphalia germany iho mores are operated on a non profit basis ihe li million prohl last year was returned in r creahunal 1 1 ilitu s and to live messes cigar tttcs jnd licjuor were ij free but sold only on a monthly ration basis a loor of th school at xsl and a briefing explained the wliool system used throughout all the schools operated by the department ot na tionaf defence in lurope an inter mural spoils piogram is carried out in conunctio with tfvc local german schools as well as with the schools in oth r ire is 13 tr n tiers and principals are empoyej on tie staff and llc curriculum is bawd on province of ontario standards a stop at the ked ftitch club and live salva lion army canteen in downtown soest completed the afternoon tour ihe ped pate h club and sally ann give a downtown base for service men and lleir families in the evening chirhp and tou fcushmere picked me up in their tar t took me for the e enmg to their apartment m the ern merit arned qu irtf i s a i ihe apar in ent thru 1 y n old vn ai v luhmqteli viion bom holland proqirtins air also rr i ivrcf trtuti cerminy in thr ap itti t nt lou epl lined vi rythmg was suppied i y y t for lni ii and liblr varr ta trhil dr of at on n idr thru fu triers enoyabe mtl their wan bosp t ilify wj ai predated ihey eecl o return to canada later tl is year lien tbr rrgn mt ss tl i r rotated tfns i the r sc oik toui cf cfuty m rn ins and all tl ree arc looting foiwtrd m antiipition to iheu return lo can id i the ten r m trtrd agun tursdiv at h 00 when we ixmfdrd the buscv nd took off to fort cham t1yo vis i tlie workshops and rr the new m1i3a armoured personnel r irrier with winch the bngide will lc equipped this ye tr here i met capt bert morgan wlvoused to live in glenlea and is a dose tnend of george gold and a brottter in law of john o gorman bert is in charge of live repau worksfiop for all the equipment al the heccc squadron of the fcrt garry horse itte vout cars and helicopters were on display ihe demonstration of t tie t nt ac anli tank rocket was by tlve royal 2nd anti t ink company this weapon ovvclopod by the dench has a truly remarkable accuracy and ef frttivencss the royal 22nd is a french sjeakmg unit the demonstration by the fort garry horse in ifie afternoon was wiped out fxc ause of th adverse weather conditions so n wis impossible lo see tins group in achon back m scxht fha eventrtg- our grouj had dinner m one of ihe hotels with a group of ffitijri jouiaalifct- of tlie soest area tlie oven ing in discussion with this group produced inter esting parallels m the professions fiere and there emerge was io nntrold possible for on petition i to marville illrys wfirre ihe one interesting point thtt ehd the fad that all pajvers in tlie are i t i y thr n mister of nslnr and it i anynnr to t irt a nrw new sp pi r m wedncsd iy s tram tnp from vm toot us cfoaii ihc rhmr and mosrl v thr vineyards tretchmq ilmost to tbr top of the praks sfiowrd agnt ullural metlvocl- lo which we itr not iinuikv rti tfr day long trip gave us cjf fust irtc ol i ail travel in lurope f fyt for thr i u t cj a dmirig car on the iran through ger- w u mm bourg ind fr inre thr i iy indicated a very effuirnt y tern arrival at rvontmedy the varvihr stat on was right on the dot although the j5 seconds allowed for gett ng off the tram with our u gq igr dd stretch to a 1 jlf from there thr air lone i i the rcaf slaton for the stirt ot per don of the tnp note and a look us to ir air force ppcjeaaienal fcirectcrij and travellers guide dr d a garrett rhmttin itul snrprn kiiut i villm ami rtvcr st lnlrjnvo rixit st aviihl onl pimiih- 1mi p appintnunl atctiosub alfred r spence aiklionci tilcn willttttis a cnmplru s n k c tclrphimo cicorjclown 77 vx legal ol stai i appraisinc ami imhllravll r a j buchanan it lit il sulk- il i lliillt m i hmus t in t i l ti llpli ttavcllers ouidi i7mi dr robert d buckner rtnkian im1 siirfthi wvllinptoii m avion on altrrtfkn b appointment clfd wcj t sat fcnmcv thonc v4 ml kntccc acton knticostal tabitnacu paoc l chuixhtll rojd rc h- m thomari pailor 85w7is sltnpw mrcii sih ltes 10 do a m untlay school tor all st 1100 am momins worship 700 pm luenina evajistlulic service tuesday f pm pnjcr service and bible study thursday 8pju chruli am bassadors friilay 7 pan crusaders thurml clhtn pitilkc at 0lt lndn bhf n 7 iw muk wvk scmlo apttl ii 111 is trinity church the vnkd ohirch 9 cuuuui the ret jltnght i lncel b1a bd organist mr george elliott ma ph d sunday march zhk lies the church school 9j0 am grade 5 and htuhrr 1115 am i years to grade 4 dv1mbsrvics 9j0 and 1100 aim 6j0 pan younj adults dr t b moobe dr c hutchison rhtu ianx and surcmns i mam street north cormr main and mill strcut a ton ontanu phone k5tif0 b appttinlmenl arch donald e skinner barch m raj c i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 850740 olficc hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 877t56 v c f leatheruand q c barnxtcr jki sh nor solan puhln otlivc vloun 10 am i p m 1 p in p in saturday hv appotntmfnt unit phone ollue ijvlttn re t74s atton dr ctdric diy ik nl tl smtn sun so i llmlon ml ia mill st i a it iil ot ippomlrn n pli i u t mh a braida b a barriter sttllcitor sotan pubh ottic hwr inatltn mondax lndiv cicntng ft p m l p m satin da 1pm p nt 28 paile st guclplf ontario phone ta 42243 oltive houri in guelph saturdat t a m 12 am daily m 5 pjn optometrists kaplan ord barnvters and soltators stdncvkablan and john j ord oc 116 mountainview road s carretal building ceorsetown 274j42s i buchnrr o d lplftlutllt r i tin si a in in a tnstlitt sln ottli 2 oil p ni h ll p nt tor apptiintni nt phoin ktiwi it ni jiititr ptioni attrloo 7427 arthur a johnson 1s4 main st mlllotl phone tr 72 res tr 9ft7 tucsda artertioon thurdax rieninc fndat mornings robert r hamilton optometrist otlice hours b appointment phone georgetown 8773971 116 mountaintiew rd s acton office 100 mm st e open monday afternoons and eveninfis after 4 pan i t wright 2il willvn si a ion out mo phiiish7m appiatsvr ind iiimujii c cci si u trnl auon dinney charles ripiestiitnii lmpl rators ins ranc1 assik ia1ion sptthsoirtl h letletalion ol aiitiltiiie uo i nc i ami ami latm lithilits akvidrnt l skknes rhone tr 7mk4 ttcorgrtrtun ciiiropnactic g w corbett dc dtktor of chiropractic i1a main- si n georgetown phone 877611 rv appotnlment funeral director phone 85ku50 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr cray coauh lines co u iii i iiui acton s imtut 1 in e iii lo ikl t 1 inwnl r 2s u t ii tltoli ept sun 111 ii 1 1 m in idti c tpt sun tnt llil 1 p imi sh a in ii k im 21w p m mil in s il an1 sun vin p m 2t p nt 8 tl pill 10 04 i m t sim and iliil westb itiul 7 17 am lnl e tent sal sun and ii 1 l 10 27 a in 12 si p m 27 rm 5 27 pm 727 p to 112 pm 11 12 pm 10 a m sat onl canadian natlonar railways standard tinfe 1flcitivc cktober 25 edit bound fwjm to toronto dairy mon lo fn 72 pm to toronto sun djy only westbound 12 os am to si rat ford dally rxcclptsuodav 6j7 pm to strat ford dally man to fri chwip at guelph for london etc