Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1965, p. 1

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it ninetieth year no 40 acton ontario thursday apuil 1st 1965 autkahj4 w bmm4 clin us fourteen pages ten cenh guelph college dean c of c guest speaker whal will the new university ol guelph mean to ac i on and our young people tim will be learned by those who attend i he eighth chamber of commerce ciiiien oj the year dinner in the legion hall thursday april 8 guest speaker li was announced this week will be or mckinnon dean ol the new wellington college in the un iversity of guelph lie will outline the organiza lion of ihr new umvortjly and will envision tor ac tonkins the effect it will have on the entire duirut as well as the sludents who will he abu lo go to umv crvity wj clou to home program highlight will be the prewnidiwn of hie citizen of the year plaque lo hill middle i on and reading of hu citatum this ts announced in the i ree press i hi week popular new singing group the rosal canadian chora hers juill entertain they have sung locally several times wilh the band and at the town and country concert but many have not et heard them i it is expected there will be a large crowd at the banquet an nouncing of ihe name ol the cit ixcn of the year in advance will prevent the disappointment c pressed in previous years by i lost frunds and members of ihr family of recipients who had not been present tor the honor i tickets oa sal clumber of commerce presi jdtnl is ihr4ccva h mckrnxir and on a i chapurm is in charge of uiaingcmenls tickets are av tillable tomorrow a lid sttould he pun based as soon as possible so linal tattling aiungrmcnls can bt mad three year contract signed pay rakes for hydra staff acton hvdro commission thurs day niuht signed u new three year contract with linemen dor won trixtvw and ken hodgson as well us adjusting salines for the superintendent and office per sonnet beginning april 3 the new con tract with the jounu vmun hncv men grants the men a 30 cent per hour increase over a period of three vears at the end ol this time they will make 2hl per hour in place ol the present 227 ttiis year the increase amounts to 12 ctrtts per hour next year s increase is 10 cents and tfurihird year will he eight cents to make the 30 cent total other terms ol the present agreement were uc ccpleti bv both the commission and l he workers without adjust ment journeyman linesmen dorson prizxcll and ken hodgson were both at the meeting and asked for a working wage comparable with other hydro workers in the dis trict after dealing vsilh the mens conliact commission member n viewed waits lor salaried person ittl ami al u r discussion m ide the follow inu adjustments hvdro sunt iintcndi nl doug mason re ccived an inciease from 45 700 to 5 950 secretary treasurer mrs audrey ui quart received an in crease irom 3800 lo u 100 and meter leader and ofhee woiker nrwl llursl rccencd an increase from 3 900 i o m 100 tender soon architect don skinmr attended llu mcctmc lor a ti it i period und told membeis tenders lor the new building stioutd be reads lor call ing wilhin thice svexks he noted that levels would have to be taken lo determine the amount ol till mxessars at the proposed site i the chairman and seerctarv treasurer were auttutrizcd lo sign an agnximnt with the the archi tect lor 6 uf the cost ot the building accounts totalling 1910- 1 49 were approved loi payment i voices and morns entcrt ned at the high school sunday evening during ac ion citizens band concert chorister from the georgetown chaplor of ihr society for prevention and encoucaq ment of darberihop quartet singing in amenta and acton band members provided tlw enter famment left to right arc steven coles with ths iouwphone acton member of the george town choral group john darr gordon curno and jim pope with assistant bandmaster george clliott shouldering the second ujinephone first industrial blood donors clinic brings 225 pints two given gold pins five public schools compete m carnival at arena tonight pictures and lull results will be published next week ol tin second public school carnival uhich should till the rteiii wilh live iv t hoc i tng ministers to night thuisdiv then ts a pus sibihtv ol as main as 200 entries irom live participating schools in the racing and costume cv cuts which be j in at fi v pill deliniteh l ikml part are the two acton schools limeheuise pine view and spessidc also m vitetl but nut vet detimtelv com nutted an campbcllvillc and i doug copekmd dist governor dthig copcland ol llu acton s metis clllh was elected to the post ol elisliiet izuvcinoi at the central ontai 10 district contct slice on the weekend 111 kite he ik i the kobe 1 1 1 title se hool u te he i is an tieiivt niciulhi ot he eluh hell ills duties iinmiwllec heplctlt int i he was inducted dm inc the eonlcicncc b mull hill ice mnal duet tot loi oulaito spvcull speaker whose uleliss is prtiacel slimulltllle hele i nevilles old the stmelllv tm i he k hellene i tic i loo v joe on mil host elub w is i in liht u kit ehellel ntd alt the sismoiis ulv in the hu a a lie mint one da or imiii davs trom the aelon eluh wen the nevv disiticl goveinoi ixuil ope land incoming aelon pie mite nt and pist inteni itional president g v me kmit tetrm ei ehstnet w 1 1 ncr bill mitson bob cioeiilotk stu cowan guv ruv mausc u ncllus and uilt nel lei brookmllc schools buses ulll brin llu rural childrtn recreation iommiu imin hen ind others will iv assist mi lekiealtou tluectoi ii irns rot tine up ind run oil the rac t s a similar event held last ear was vers successful and wun bv the robert little school a ss tern ot aw irduiipoints will give equal ehince of winning to sin ill and large schools mi rik hopes ihal school lmhips will mt together in the aien i to facilitate getting cnt t nits on the tec lor their catc- lonjr md so cheering support will be coneciitrated parenis arc we iconic ihis carnival wis ix pun t isl e u bv jim casburn and ptvivcd vtiv succcsslul t gope ration ik twit n in in ili ment ind emplotes lesiiltvd in i he first iiulustuil iiumhi e iidk being i hulc mi us i mln wh n 22s dtxhxn ullsuleil lo llvv mhki an inccinniis ui hie men imi woim n lnu win k dilllti the el is lesutlcd in a ineuh iiku tscj iium tvr atlendme th e hnie dunng the five htyirs 120 tn1 lime lltlllilo ixlistlutl lo llt 1umki uw 23 plnti rt si in it nniiii n j m his 27lh ilonilion and f inu i k sell back in church by next sunday tik unik tpinunv woik it kinv presbmt run t h ti i i h inxoh ne new footings nut leliinmc skills is usl eotnplvlivl nut evcawitioh will hkih tx lnushd dining itu vveek i psl iirs u nova lit ns n prolrcssinj md iu iil tlotie a modi rn ft id viihh will in iki this arc i mtilli purpose in iuikii n it s hope el lie e utile pioc1 till ol lowellltc tile imsentetlt ulel un valions will lx doiu iivl wetk ae hit ifi sim 1 iv the elllltell service wis vii in llu rtilx 1 1 llltu school withsundin sehtntl et isse s it mm nu hi i te el in sv h nil rikims itolip mhmlll s wele lie lel lit tile e hilled is usual billy middleton named as 1965 citizen of year ptpular reside lit of acton fur ttie past 43 years william mlj- die ion has been s lee ltd bv ac ion chamber of commerce os cillien of ilk eai fiw sts he w ill tx honored tlujrsday april s during ilk annual onsen l llu eai dtnim r al the icytou halt lor lite ins mite th name of lite prison ehesrn foi llie ttwn l up iton r h is txe n a i mount id in advaixe to enable pic- paratitms tin the diniui tt tx made wiiihuii tlx piohu ift of secrecy the eiliilh ilitn ut tltc ve ir itarihtl with astonishment of the dtelsioit the mim ot llns wit k hi filktws allhs mason g a dills oi v i c keini willi mi cit miss madeleine ibbom j4in xit an i mi s m 7 ii until sinn lust utmnij in aihm lo lux willi tils wife tlir ltniur lit it n milton biek in f mi miildklon has imx n a lailhlul and eons h ntiihis w n fee i itti e iiininunii v t tlci iiwiil and a yreal loser of mankind unknown in in ms ol llu limes he has liclped vjiiinmif in invd wild mil pi mm rn cl iv rhlllv th leeled llxir ytdd uiiple k itpeit dertulnn 25 dina ti h i ins pin sets iioi leeelved il the utile t xh lutrtiecid lor ihe 2 111 time also ituuled dtlt weic i to puts k knuflldlint 10 dona ii ills of hltxkl ames of all dunon and pie lures taken al the clinic appear in the second section k 1 v m s itieials imm the ii limit i division pi i is d llu work ot ulkip ollieitls t xii led i 1 i i nl jim iiinn lor spe ir 1 i lin th tite ihrouhout in ti in s ut it wn v olunlecr asslslunls me le i i pi t hil command lt m wdl mi i in ii s t i lite le i i 1 i lies vlmll h he hit i w i i i ii il i i i r assisted till llihou ill el i lelstrjliotl ti s iouim ltiili ispisis mrs l i sm ii mi s islher laloi i iki ii ill n 1 mis mrs ar i nil i mel mis thtlles chiius ii i h ml i i i m isates mis j i i vi h in i mis links cult net mi mm i litems i nij mil unl ilek s tioiu 111 ii limit n liisi in ol lilt keel i iss welt ml teole iklltnil rs ci ulel lie mills mrs denic k k i xi i jh t amhulanee i lie i i me mix i miss iv ii i m le k ell mi r k isiu k vv is in hiice of hit following hamilton division red cixiss tlunieei vsoi ktis mis rcli btcktits rn ltns boftxilh tevhnieian mis aina kulupnicki iktlv dale mis jtek lnas colleeit wislon and loiii ohiten nuise s aides peejrs puh jtiii sh upc and mis ulivia posons iiaitsuit dners diueloi of strviees tor the ii million area john anelersein w is dstt in html iti uiiili itttl tie ihe milonleits nut orinieis til the ellitle station uilotns mfler a mlitt hi uitt fd vet it it ix was txnti ml a iannis tl f n imiiiihis in i imi sislei iu mt i his will wtult in tli iiui si until ctl in imi ihhik town ol w siim k iikv win minted in iv old iveo e us i lit i timid lo acton wheu he ixe one a r c lie i a 111 at lite nh si ill n hi le whik st i vine ismiki t ini iu was i mhu slid iptihe mt in lslv4 foi llu tosiliiin tit eollti lor ol lisloms md i t is tlillll ikitm txi it w in w itktd al ltns job in llu ol i post ofllei hlllldllll oil yill si iii re in e inn in tout it i wtlh niaitv lmpussiiili ihe in with ills ehehiiittss and htlpfolittss lie seised in woim wai i will llu 7ls mall ilitin in 1 s 1 s m1 iiulh in mil was woondeil in ivih slioitlv ixloie the war end i hoard secretaries this e il lie tompltlts his sh til ill is melt i os lie isute o ihe pohhe sehol ttmid mil his fifth is see i 1 irv lit isui r til the at ion tlislitel hih selttkil mhhi he llso seivii is seentilv of at ion i i- ion tot st ii cirs wlxn hie ulkmi wis hxated in llx old inn i which i ite i tkejlik known as llx honk house ii wis is woisluplul masltr i wdk i u a i i am and is v i 1 ii n lot memtx i in ixilh ol j till llmhis seoul iu1i puth ie i ii ifm tik ol the iiioi iim iii oi ltd nu hi nls whieh can lx it e illnl l rtumlxr f result nls w is llu lone hard fichl mr mid elltlon slarvtl for a setxil htxist j in lown hi finally wimt and llu pi st ill tiiimiiit si tittls is a mon luiielil li ills lilt less t i torts wolk lliy line ud ltns fod hi dltl iiiothol llu wolk hints if ami in i spirit ins crew of volunteers i ikinny llx stmnd wiwlil war i tx was iu tail maslel iim thlev ve irs tnd iu id inetlins tn i hi old uliihi hill al ihis lime lx pn mi i st el aelmt wixild ltie u stout halt aixl hean woikmy lo waul litis il was also dunntf llx sex t mil woild war thai lit stilted llx itkal rett miss uiul vsilh an 4 1 ice hxated in ihe etistoms nmi 111 lilt loillttl post olflee building i he llso sclved is sttai ftr the aelon an i vieinitv w ir vr lilt i a tyill a i pi est nl iu is lreasiiitr of llx 111 iid ol stewards at tiinily united huich ikuk in llx 19 ww imxkry sea son whin ael n tannrrs brought piomiteid h mors to lown hilly v as st ie lais latrr iha bee inn sivuijiv tt tx juni n club in itlltc vt us iii spill of ills imllm if latrr sle ml txisv ayt nda witfi both school txi litis h finds time t inn i is i imm il it it he yaitkninv his ludtn is one til ihe most iliraelive in t iwniul his k utlpi ol pi ml life has often been pissed on lo i frund alony with iiiltiiis oi toots w mklworklntt is inollui hht billv who al w us h is i t tits iv y res tiny and tin n ik w ie t it his main fr it fids was elteplv haltered hut dubious of ins fjualit lea lions when inloimed im had ixvil chtisen lliiwivet tlx uitnv wimi have eonii in e ntiet with him in his aiious eapacilles could quell hi dtuibts lonsiliiine ins tin i mis record ol tx uiii i soli i iirten ihe chamber made a logical and ex tellnl ehoiee presentations for rev mrs west after final service at st albans cancer month cancer month began a ultu early here when leaflets were distributed at churches tn ac ton and throughout the dis trict supplied by the aelon ilranch of the canadian can cer society the annual can vass continues throughout ihe entire month and some of the volunteers expect to begin irt thiy mrs ray arbic is in charge and everything is ready lo be gin hghl at the first of the month all ihe canvassers are looking forward lo a sympath etic and generous response lo their appeal for fund for can cer treatment and research hew families have been un touched by this disease more research will mean even more cures tanners play guelph friday aelon tanner m seal cuurjt- cd in the wjojla int c major hockey finals against ei ther rnvr fcjgln or durham will play an htbltkvn gane with a marstudded guelph team at the community centre friday night american hockey league scoring star bui sweeney and other former proa and i bar of guelph senior junior a trant will ai in- the ttoyalaty uneup i sltem unl i mixtion milh uhieh the ke mkl ii west mil ins wilt he ree inleil in est ilent sunil i mtiriiuti illei his i in it etiuuh strlet litre vehen ttls mil briel iddtesses welt piisenttd b pinshiuntrs in st alt in s pai ish h ill some we re iu ir le irs is iritnis n present il is i s st i itel the minnw lell i iiimuj tlu t mills nitl sent with 1 he in tn it million llu best wish is til i tie euiliirtl itlilll here su itpltetmenl ivts el hell n inial tor mr tsi who hluis iluties in ii million at once a tetired allille in rettoi wil like is eomc ripulirh unlil t iepltee ment is n uned t ihe itislmp mr md mis west ind ituir two ehimnn inomtl tiies imm ihe leeto- on jellies e 1 ikexlew stlktuision to 2 dkil wimhi cies ii i mi i ton llu leetptioti in the puis hall bee in with thin totisine eheers ii mi sunt i vhool set hilars unl on the it inhiir supt nnteiul ml linir toket ptesenled mr we s with i cs bthik token pmple s w udiii ted prill end leeturs u mini ktc mimic both spoke espiessin tlet p ippieell ti n loi ill ml hid mis west lllle done thirin hell ihlee nells he t e ind i lie 11 soilow al losint iihiii to mrs vesl pe iris win presentee and tu mi west a wallet containing ux imm the congregation which iiolds hnn in high tsttxni ihe ehoii ind bac pi e sen lent mr west with in tkxtrie hind tlnll which he hul jrtatls nettlexl unl prompt i v used ihe next d iy in ptepilllioil lor nun llli te hushiw m ide the piesentltioits other presentations at their meeting suntlts nnht ihe oun people pttsented hint wilh a spot t shut nut sinks prts tele nt don trie e spoke on in half tl llu vioup in whieh mr vtsi has tike 11 ktxn interest the vtesls wire gucs al the nnecting ut ihe all ir guild at ihe home ol mi charles leather land when alter an tlterneion nl eoutt wtnsi mrs ujcm was pre stilled wilh tn ittt letise 1st lell en mulled eieireltc box ind bo tic opener al lite last meeting ot the wa ln west wis useii an italian laxsli puise mrs jack crias e sr is hostess lo the cscninl sih i il l title i in l mis p till lltir it had neighbors ind hie nils lor le i in mis wist s honoi out vim i el i eenin mr ind mis text pi lit tiittri until 1 1 lends to bid tlkin laicwetl in his final srsiec here sun las morning mr wist spoke with emtlitn o hlsselisheie now i llllisl le ie tlu fellowship uj st alh in s c tune ii ol ihe iruts wttn derlul ptxiple who make up its collate e it ion i owe st alb ins muii lit in mhjeintvrrknuw it has been a gotxl p irish a chant ihli thoiititlul pnish a parish in whit it i hive tkxn irj very h ipp 1 hope thil tlu su iel improse- mcni in our jiirish in the past sears lelltets a dvepcninje com mil mini to hnsi anil his ehureh i hope tint ill ol us are able to distinguish btlwexu our feelings hr ihii lex tor and tnir losaltv to thrist 1 hope thil niv successor will ueei sntfei unl more im pent mi thii ihi pitisti will never suiter ikx ium ol eompansoni which an made hetwexn him and me or ins ol im pndtxessors i 1 will ikmt im get the many inu jhoplt who htt eiuouragexl me and who inn in was thev will eei know hit petl me in my tiii k m i 1 in te lui il ask sou lo it llle iiiih i lite is 1 eo on to estn lit im it jhillmhllllle s i etuld hae tuikk ite i e tie out aee me iii as i it ie mmi lit in t i knoes that sou will eontintie lo uuiembcr me m mhir pt it is junior farmers project aids acton firefighters acton junioft mkmcks comlna o the aid of aelon fire- 1 are doug mclean firelighter don van fleet pat manes fire fighter have begun a most worthwhile proiett the firefighters lightec alf duby shirley langevm earl burt joy hayward need desperately the group has volunteered to prepare a map don hayward firefighter doug mason judy bntton and bob of the entire actpn fjre area including every residence farm- kerr the firefighters visited froekville halt wednesday evening ponds or other water available lot number and names looking of last weelc to comment on the project during the group s over plant for the protect seated in rant are fire chief mick j meeting holmes and president don swahkhamer back row left to right i sun pooto aeton juinoi f rnu rs in sisiin eion i lit 1 ijhii t s h pn piling i till iii ip eomtin the t utile e loll till iii 1 1 hi jioitp w ill eontlile i i h nisi 10 tlollse sllli tlllouehnit i s iiesin nissiiwect nul inn lownslups ss ithm ihe elon tut he t 111 oieltl in oh i ill mtoimi lion tor picp it ttion nl i he in ip r ie h h nisi nul h ii ii i trm nul pond oi stieant loi mimhti tnel 11 lines ol re sulellts will tv tile hul id on ihe ill ip in orehi lo aid ttistnhuts auswetintf calls as well as the map a complete laji ssstvm in alphatxtical ordji wtit be etilltpleled committee immhtis spe 11 head iug the pioitxlarc pivsulrtit don si u kh inter shirles lancccille pit mtnes jnv mtsxeaid jud j unttou i art hui t don llawaid doug xlclean and bob kcrr tire chief mick holmes and hrefighters alf dubv harry ol terbejn chairman ol the lire pre- ention committee and ftrefmht crs don van fleet and doug ma sun attended a mectlbp at brook villc hall wednesday of loit ceck lo uhisi the membcis and hear i it was antiouiiied that the an- willi pt ills hut hex 11 eonlpletiil to lite ihe ehlel cominttldeel llu uititii tanners lor the worth while piotel which will undouht e etls sjhtel loeatltla iirts iii the nil tl tie ts the suixts will htm in s iv mpuoi aiiel ste lions nl maps wni l11111 out to each member lo minn mil return to the com millic in two wexks group mmuaji ikhi swaekhaliiei tjte new piesiiuut vsas chairman tor the loint mexiitifeil ihe junior i arm ctsatid jumur institute fifth week tltb it ui odd- week the fifth week in march so then were no regularly scheduled meetings to report there was hydra commltipsq ust thurs day and a special committee of adjustment meeting last night wediiesday mill selvui veil i k held 1jv 1 anmi tl counts i huieh si rsiet ss ill he held on ma at milton prct bsiiiun chursti ucsi speaker ttilt 1h the iltskluti ot the on- lai io junior i irmtrs association ah c lonncll mnnhcis ire tired nl lor the choir lor this scrsice jtiv havward k ported that a re turn cm hanpt trip is expected tioin the carlton counts junior laiuurs on the weekend ot april 42s jiuh bfiittui tiaica report out- isinj the aetiwtus of the guelph conlesteiiex held at the unts entity or ctiitlph op vfareh s 6 and 7 don swjikhmur and jud brit- fnn ssrrr two ot the tour dele elites sent tmni lljlton cpunt alan llavstsrd reported on the annual banquet and dance from hts report this uav a successful cem separate mcehnfls of the clubs were short this month and little business was discuvuxl social recreation was led by earl burt and bob kerr all en joyed a delicious lunch

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