Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1965, p. 12

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ira arson rwa thundey apr it imj slms of flowers in holland enjoyed by golden age dub m w ylca ft u dhuu h if it k it da secretary urt mr obvukmi ui- kin mm ucaatmr th frad uccuidhba ave patrick acedia a a spe cial trail kma aluswil brought ta the lrloa ctwkralkvt whar ttackks of man lamrltint thrill hat audlmc baancnul joint stul of carohaw nuivr uaaal nils retxhwd and ie mai prece with took planu a fawaabb bee fcalenor nuled j and lloral errattaxokeitu he am lewtlaianri from cauryrtown thuud many nugailloeitl culor- saatar hi rawer wiihiud uiow ul holland the tlcan thcaar 6a april i uai accepted cllic and fldd of luttpt hva mr tlaildnia mr fryer and cinib and other lower thin report nom queens george a kerr maiton m t a v one ol ihr maior probkrris mr haramm were appointed rwmben were numbered to odj hl irlnsfulvzwzr idraw the priae urs raul and dilnbutum of vciimc to ilu to arraagrjraaxauon u heo uw kkv uriuneic poopu uho id mom aurtctaum coanm 0 beautiful i ilr help how imuh whouu a u- twsad5vmram tthilc un ileal carried oft the rwxhe ulu1 ijai iitili ristiai i lovely flower arranje fl eutence lloaiux ww 7 w i should ihr puaunl mcoututfi ijinebk or eiitoiiruui iu tulp support lion al lauder in bid as zone chairman aitiui i iwm aiiutd 10 nuppoil vllui mid kluilh rvl iltu till tulin al i ouuir in ilu hill tlw aiiimi dull uniuvd ik tail in lilt bid in lupiuiu llir rmii uvl lltla vents hpilng mnilvul in lijinnjii udl duilnu ilu up view ol the heavy work loud lliaaj i orck jlatvadkaw af statu tunes by orchestra with ur al the piano the wm ir enticed lomr miry a lew squares and too round danctflt while the layer etakanlirn enioved lookirm oa and applauded hrarlllv belore a nice lunch ua en mvd grace wa suna alui a vtrsr of blew be ihr tie lhal blndi thou with blnhda in match mmed the ucual yoiul ulvhe mr davidwml thanked all who had helped lnan ua to j male the cvenlila natcucitfc aavdaaaavaaaaaa1aaaaaaaak lets play bridge by bui cull ocur ol ihr moi tlitficulr hij to male at omirati bndyr- i- pk tothnicall vpratiny b it not htd but a ull however uxnc puct hrul it dtyicuil to p- when llu thould give a pcrum 16 to ii puintv and i bataiucd hand jnd iht perom will bd ufw no trump jv golden age club visit now verse thrtc vcrwm uere wriilen to lowing ihr colucn af club re cent trip lo guelph there ua rtendjy unilc and greeting a they gathered for their ruk there wu plan ant anthttpattun which no oe tried lo hide the uind wu jutl a march uind and the eaou ua fitu lot and il would n i u1 nnuh lonyir a act all vurch kiu w the lull btiuoad kit h rp i one some carloads iilouird on the short jauni to cuilph uav made with bump and gruan and fun there va a wnctre and pnnmiv wclcoboe trom thutve others ol gulik n agi with their green btus and tib- hons st patrick ua ttu rajjt the pngram o couin uis ir ish and lhe ing of thoie indcar iny ytwjni charms of smiling irish evvs and gal ua ba xtyolk malum jnd pcgg o neil h suxsri ihinrih the rhthrn band was i stnsii ion a project ui d lilt to 1r or would ur rn auhtxd up cm but uho knuuv ents lu noith li and where ik t l so in cornpanx i kindred pints the lime was quickh skiu to hngtr a littu longer wed have been quite conunt but the dmntr txll ua tinkkd to ui tftas time for ui and duties called u rumi iifl not mon ot us arc tree there wore sincere thanks uul handnhukes among ttcvluiiimaiuts old an j neu then homeujnl ivnuul n twi light tired and haptn and mn in bit jonelv too but il wr teat tr tod a little cheti and lorfot 4hirwlvk foi a uluu toda and shared some jo with tun neighbors here then carxt seemed hhtci iut skie len gia for those uho seek hippiniw he iv xlul cheer some others ilonp the uj mr donald riod ht should ul his parlrur rcpl i ml ttu ttu no trump huldtr v ill hid ui and on but i had 17 points h uill aurut ovir oru no trump a rid ul lut diamonds luo hearts or tuo spadt s h partru r should he a wc hid i hvauc tl the no inimp ll shtkild adcrtls i lontt sun n leu points and a uivh to atd nt hump you 4iwiv ak uhat would tni do uiih a good hand then 1 would jump to the three lrcl or bid luo clubs staman ton vent ion here hand to illustrau uhat i huc htxn hugvcilng it ih board so ib and it occurred last ucck at the acton bridge club south urc cm el lain i lost dealer south itst wct ulnerablc north s a jm hk 4 3 i a k ft co 4 eaal wen s k 4 s j 9 7 2 hq j 9 h t j 10 4 d o 9 5 3 c k k7s l a j 0 3 south s 10 ft h a 10 7 ft 1 2 d 8 7 2 c 10 2 the bidding south weal north piss piss 1 nt 2h pss pals i nfortuniuh i cannot in unlink illustrate north s final piss there uts no hesitation no thinking with a good partner south s bid mean unl one ihini long hearts and fec points north passed quick k as mhi e in set south makes ilii iiuks md his contract i wis dilinduil in the west post lion rind this hoird e k i ctild th hotttun lot- us so th south got tuit ol no trump two dtelarers liutl thiie no trump down thici mil elow n two doubted one tiled two no trump down tint inel tle eleelinr was in oik no mump down two ixeljrer should m kt ein no trump h diivkuii a he it t oikc ii the dttensi deksnl get their hiekv last thiii arc live heart likkv iveo di imonds md a spadv at no tioimp as will but n i on took them i ist weeks winners were ttrst llmiin hamilton aridlijeorge sol in stvond gar bill and unix liesi tud for ibvd bill hamilton and geurvc bargent wiih ouki ilson arurlkd kiel where pukidhli if bv mime lorniula in income ol lulou ia jjoouou lot a v id tiw and thnx childu n is eonside i ett to he in the poiettv au a should the thtvemumstl aetttnulie all raise wclluie pawiunls in i such a eau to t minimum ol ijoumut i the lut pnbltm is to luluu pooit aica ccitjinlv a veul low litiuy in teiiinio or hiemillon pawng lent un tble ti woik lu t aarll locding and clot hi ny and edu eating lhiec ehilditu will liitt a lougtur lime than a widow living on a farm or in a home wheie lint oi mortyafc panunts m not requited ijisi week i he ontario ixpjij ment oj public vellaie alinoutkid ehaiiliis in the xtolluis allow ance ae l and the kpxndinl i t lliei s allowance t ik elttclie i apnl kt next j toi bolh these allowances there will be an increase uciuss the i hoard whtcli will atcragl l tlve province has also mimvij ihepicmous maximum which am uunted to 12200 a month and u placed this bv a ceiling ol jw0 0o monihlv loi tn case addition d benefit continue such as medic al hoipitut and denial miko and familv illov mees another not ible i unite is that of increaiald cmptions x i mil ted lor earnings torn einpl ment new regul nions illow em plomcnt of 120 lioui nionihlv in place of 24 hours wexklv md the income emmpiion his ikcii nciil tripled based ol okiim on the sie til the tntnilv i tr e ample a woman wnh three child un previousk would hic obtain ed in exemption ul 23 00 month l lnder the new proeisions she can now cam 00 imtnth without deduction plus 2su ol an amouni bcond that sum i ostcr mollui a 1 1 o u a n t e h ie ikh n ineicased in this mt uitle torn ilu pielo4ls iiu o uti0 lo a new rate ot 40 month k the piiiiu ial goetnmeni has also tppiowd an ilunjvi in ilu lalisuneul 1 he llouumake i s and nuies se i vices act ilu n w sh ll ing iii iii e lilt lit s plowde tol hoiiitiuakti s vivuis ui hi on uillll up to 12 ve i dj iii pt ice ol tilt plelioiis iii ixillliilll ol hnil ilu it stiulion ol the hoiiuiuik eiiipuivinciit ul ail li nil dai has als4 lui n it imwd h imc nt loi mn si s s t i t s it is lining kprluy mallv he otvimd lv a hi a ma lea 1 the ejutpiiym udl iitinit vn i us acton 1 ions or siipiuiil ol i i i mi al s t aiitlittai lotvtiy eluh in ilu a miiiiiuu im han woikul hii ul i loiu hop4th llll two ol llllll imiltl till al luh t tub at out ol tlu t i 1 1 vn lliainpl n mill guef speaker from pakistan kimkwood ml iwu aum folmhili id ptiklfcjjil kiui fur hb lllg 111 mmjiualowii uvlltt ftfw luaelurt uiwle wat um ci u tk ion al will iiuiy on ilu agtiiuu ihlfuully ui m u itw fcuhdav 1ulhi if b k utii t in pi c ill 111 p mmsl ietlh iii his si tl hstud al 4 vi lsll ol lilt iv iii cilll i ol i lu inloiu ik pai l nil ml i u i bh ih hi with ilu oil ut mi nu ih it t p i ts it ittl tlnl ihv ih w tol iii jttiou iu e sisit i hiuh wii lie lee 1 ike in wheie tuir t 1 1 pos ihi h ktx p ii he i iiuc iii s bill hi li ol il s dt i t um li mii luokliig u bill i able inulway ul inlluemtd ihr tueuutii han for ilu uuv wvfciirrn slutw wtte iliuuud with d i reel or jink aiptiiui wlui uutliiutl hu plan lot tlu itialluuuth tagt it tlu eoniiiiunttv icnlie ttu m i ling uill lu tlelgiud lu nuiiaiti y ub id d bv wifid dntlrd clmuch ut mafeli 2j uu ghutrir lead uj a pnviou oct acijjt ejkokeii lo u viimi sunday lielaihl oji ilu iim u htliloi ii an ioihi lr i ilu ot tiiirvinxi ui at ion iuth dal i lou hhl aiulv ntlan u i scnl en ilu gavtl u t u it ul films on cancer shown institute livjulll iwllal ilk lllvl vut pit ul4 iii a utluioii wti ullllui un rn iunlj h ttu numlu1 ol ban j nkliiii u i uluu liny nul il ilu li mi il mis v jiu i i in j imiii iiii iii h tiliiiilal lunqiu i in ih i h llii w y i imiiij mi jivm mi i 111 1 v pi mtu n ul i ihr hlllm uimiii lutiuulcajuli miv ah li i in hilllllall l hi i il in in li i i ilk t nun 1 ik llll ol ul 1 mis 11 iii i inliiim in ik un li 1 1 al i mi i iii llllllk i ii hi nun si- ii i il lllllls llkillt ali l 11 1 hi ii in j l ul iui iii i 1 1 ii 1 lll j ml m iklllln int ih uili u iii eat pats pans h s holden ortomlttkt j cork st eait olielpii phone ta 2 7im change of ownership main variety smoke shop mease advrcd that thi ownitship of the main vamot uktntss has tttw takcnovet y euia tomumson te present rvd new customer we with to assure prompt pleasing couheoui service come in nd q acquainted tola tomunson tnm tractor uignf it it ou t i i ihc n 1 1 aw lling i ilt un ilu tuirtm i and eomi up siuldt ill on to i i at in iricloi oi othet slow pltie til niuipment il has happened to mosi ttl us well next moiuh ou uill tun lo see a new tuangular oi mgc and ted sign luing used on it in hi lots that travel the high v i s lhi warning mgn should tu i nil step in t educing the eai it it lot accidents on public roids these sijn wilt be a ul able lluouijr itic htltttn lttrm sjkt ouiiell bin td j in a hi mm u k in t in mil tlu us his i eh ill man loi tlu i liann m kbuin tlisl v sine i ill ihailkctl ml ml mis ailm lot al te ml i nu c liner uul pic seitlcd il tlum with tl sill ill gill 1ui uig ilu p ist u the k ktuii n s i has siippoi l nu in k ihioiilrh ihc in i lnnsiee ilu cluklun iiirul this lu s laimh ue ntnv in txttei eii ciimstances and he no loiii t i ixetts uid on lu recommend i tion ol tin csct the nu minis aircd lu adopt n tl u u old bo in hong kong miv matthews etiiuhic led n inli tialin clolh con it st wilh see era wimvln a gilt u i- prudent ed to mrs 1 inham i i hei kind ncss m welcoming ineinbei- to hrr homv tot a mon enjoyable t e nine mmmv a0afaltaaaw mmmm affen fteeeiy rvexevw hit wt hhk halloa coualy couocil ftv tturtad any mova lo kava ih vovlttcial eovamoumu n m voilha area in ihla county a laal aiid waal llallon during lit maallag yuaaday thar waa ho ewbatc mi ihe inotloai prvcanlad by tteputy kav k good win ol actoa at ih laal htaalbtf ur goodwin had praaaalad lha molloa bui agraad lo eonauur ii not tee of motion for omaldaralton al ihla hurtling urular i ha announced plan to pllt llallon into two rtdbuja for provlncul vollng iha divided riding formerly known aa hal ion was daalgtiatrd liurllnglun and oakvllle the cuunty move ti lo bav the itetegnallona laiit llaltim and wr llallon jiiioot i in stnitlj n ii fdrise epvikt lo ilu vooi uih paitllt ul ilu si m slu had a tliplav i n i s ii iii ht i millet i ra l id hum ol hu htun lion in a pgati mam mi mi gimm eume lo ikiii hi r name pakitui umliei of lm i id ot il v lte iii i nu m s mm n a u m i ho u iwnurutv i iida vp sugar and spjc fcofttlttcmd frool pa si gefd mflfdelualoti chmtly sel llelnlce rulhlaftuwaa im wrald lu rigid but uury arj rufl of a lot of thing that haw eity urll gone ou i uf tlyw wilk ad ult pilv lovr py fun unuu fiehiu u honed i y lwalltan ky allv fimi i urr t m not ef on uii i leave wo of my aru eiiruiimm lliey drhe mm nglii up i he wall at tost hu tiilihg arul down lha other m- i ueli jimmu i40ohrtn dil and i heir are dayt when i txjld go into iuei with a lofiitnv gun and mow them xll doun but tliey re peopu and ii i luvi lo aiuilutc ulth people think id aa uon a- staeiatr uiih thcin at wllh any oilvrr eta id ilu spectra spring beauty bagint ot custom clscmers yt uavaa la have that waravajie l yur lulitnj a fo and naw at ike btaawit ol laving yau tlwwu kl cutfom clean yaur cjaehat custom cleanehs tame day larvleeixuae tahwaey in by 10 in out by f m caniii and camv main st n nloni uliim beautiful naturally its a pontiac his regulation uill liw more ncmbiho and encom ijc me nt to women uho arc in i position to accept emplumlient where a son or elaiilhu r in the household is emploed the on tano go c rnmi nt has prov ule d lor complete exemption ol ihcir income up lo 80 monihk bowrtor pueture bowl for hajahh make it a date open bowling acton bowling lanes 10 main st n memur o b a tss0170 answer your neighbour call fight if cancer and give- to the canadian cancer society april is cancer month phone 8530744 the acton figure skating club ice revue 1965 sanchonad bythe canadian figure skating allocation at thi community centre saturday april 10 800 pm ilituiing linda braida canadian gold modalllst sharon bftapley and sally wilson silver rvudallith andrew drenters comedy spwial skaters from lh hamillon fsc onnie jhavit 1965 novice men i champion of wlro ontario karen whitflelo 1965 novice pair and 1965 silverdance charnpidnt of weitern ontario entertainment for the whole family admission t- adults 75c students 50c children 25 cay costumes comedy lively music economical you bet its a pontiac stratochief iuciiij4 oawatai aouaalmotoxvaiua imfoikit dhluu extra value features of course its canadas success car 65 edition 1 new improved suspension nw tliut rod dasion impfovtt nli d v contiol on hard biakino 2 astro six engine or your choice of 6 v8 you oidtr xsctly th blnd ol dowm ad wonomy you want 3 longer lasting aluminizeo muffler advanead anqinaafiih combalf corrotion latrant a long tlanding and iptntiv annovwtca 4 perimettr frame solid rino of stml around body makar for improvad pataanow room oraaiar comloit and quiatar running b water washed air 0ried rocker panels laxluaiv daajg prwwiti damanaaa accu mulating alow ruat a attack on thaaa im portant body structural mambara 6 wider track th in width baiwaan lha wrtaala makat ponliat mora aura luolad acliv and oil on any aurtac 3 0elc0tr0n gencrat0r ral abla aurlina and lonoat batlary ba cauia dlcoiron kaapa charging tvn whaa your angina uat idling curved glass windows tha ampla ahoutdar apace el poritiae w ncraaaad a tuu 3 inchaa by thia daugn improvamanl s self adjustin0 brakes you gat liaadom tiom adiuitmantt alu lonoar braka lining lit with ato0pig abdlty you can always count on 10 ovetfand under headlights this moat hactiv poshionlng ol hlgk and low basms is anothar aiamofe b tomiac style salting leeoarsnip pontiac vou get all utem outtundlrvj pontiac faaturm no nutter which pontiac you buy he luxunous pansienne the beautiful laurentian or the economical stratochief tha place to go la your pontiac dealer coma in and tee them toon see pontiac driva pontiac think evtully about pontiac do all that and it vary likely thai you will buy pontiacl ntkukwioonotfvcaa iaawlalttalatcaa tts iuamaamaawila mtalriiaattlaclllruaawrtiaa authorized gmc truck dealer in acton pete masson motors limited 351 queen st east acton ont

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