Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1965, p. 4

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ttw acfan rvw pfu tkontuy april 1t ims tptmmitll vtccram vam oosti had hoi law minol ll llfxvl ilru in lay whan h cam i torn donating blood to find hit or on in th rtrioi hail naniporixl woilan lo lh- i in and ii it ihouohl igll hl hn lh burning lo lornl a p iuw ami ual ol ih vehi acton lirllghiri ruihnd to th vren and domed llu haling ai wilh in aingi lltl1 bauinarad euchre two ucw meetings baptisms in weeks report ki mi 1 liuu si 111 tllll 1 1 i ii j ill ii al llw vmil crimp i iu li ik 11 on tuovuav nlylil ik luhw nirc nlavtl hlh lwlw mrx m ikxuall mr ten itlu batil vjmc11 llrm pii i lucky ilnm u lnch plant i id wcwin livrii llnmr bv mr lea jaimi men mr sprurxi imarm about trinidad tvi almrtumii nuiiinv tl iicw a lu id ai tin hum nl un iiciin mjnh i m mi i iu i- il i l pn ulnii irtill i ikil un mi i ill i i nun i 1 i ii i i tltti itillii nun i sliilin lltui ittiii1 ml nnil mil piill tllyni iiiiiiii in i muni i owhhc1 stkipockul at prtsetrtotioii the uhitfl u parcel on i n da evening lvn iuitihi ml irunds yjlthud tn i pus nil lion lor mr ami miv imlhipih prior to their nnin i iiutpii several yanu s ol hr i i plavrd vhiu oilu i no i d i noilal that blmrr 1hher ttiv mister nl ceremonies and n ul hi iddrex cprciru rcfciii i i itu hup lies but uishmj th in h ipp nc ami puasim m ih u tw home vhih oivki mi v ii i gexroe jiukson lit uhihild lln l iivlur arul mrs cm ice jackv nuuu tlw p- niatton ol lar- titx ttbl rul fiord ikmiiiii n md i poh lamp fred expressed thi n s ti t i rt thanks to all trnw tipnmbu i i the plfaanl ittmnji mr ixl smuh wa a nm ml cimlnbutnl tuo m i n mv the udm mtocj r trrmttnt lu corvluti the paiiv ciwra dd ol himorual inun th ul o ihc flapik t rm i rri rrl 4iandtalht ohi iinetl i hi urul trom ih ln 1 h heen m tru bmilv name mik th rutt owmn arc vr iml mr k hcndrnkv who ati mm in in ml oner mr and mrs k klnvtir hid their brand duihki blt jo hurd ol at ton ieral d 1 m uv due to ihr death o mr 1 hurd ol orion itu hib n md lathrr mr ami mrs km robert sim nddautihtu ol oikxilh mi md mrs t tlctmur ot tinlpn isitid on suiwia with d g ind mis robert ton ctufvltm mwtlnc the fourth roe tin ol thi o- prince chrlettes sas h ul il itu home ol barbara mivdir the nwclinn orxnim with all repeat tng the 4h plclv lolhmcd b the reading ot thi nunuus b judv ehtft eight ink md th irauen mlu donv lnts and mrs c hurref were prrseni and wd teamed the home honomist mrs barbara flruellin to the met mis rt i i stimuli u ii itu top k m liuiidul mis i hlul uuik tl dtvotion a disvtissian ss is lu id as lo pat km a bale in api il roll tall ujs answeiedbx hii iixoiih bsinn mis i ittwl iu 1 1 yasi luu hurfeoiotis rt iduis mis 1 mtw in ytul mis i mnsbatl uih in v bain ol ilu iiiiu li 1 lu 1 1 vuii i mi i tsiuits iriim milsilu i vmih diui llu i iiiun ml vs is lu id al ilu boim ot mis nitilstin mrs sfiiim simlni y im itu itipu mrs k laui tmk itu tvotuttil mi i muutill tin ttvuali hi iiiikii s is siid b mrs ki it mis i lutkl siuss an t mis i i ok thrvc bapllirl s u i ini in st iit i is hi 1 i il ii dim il ul i mli tl c hutt h on sim umfhoutt illness euchre weeks news wt nnil lb it mi sor mn and mi h n ia llioxsn an huth hospitalirrd in gcoructown bui horn ih it ihi ni n will aj tin scion mi gat ml thompson is honu ij tin it u i si vi r il d s in hospit d mis lomklnstin is prtsmitx livuit with her ilinhlcr mis lnhn iiltnon mi and mts g ir volt and htlu dnihtir ol vaision nnd mrs r rl stoll ot downs ku is ittd tlu doul is siotts luirtng itu s i k i nd titehrs monday thi linuhousi mniioiial ii ill kiui hi fit a eiuhrt on m nut iv tuning winm rs uin mrs r 1 i i idson and tied gisbs and sittnd mis luil situ i ih and r i piudson loin hinds poinj lo vtrs r i dmdson sine i ihles wm pticd ind hi lomniiltet s4ritl uiiii h alur w irds i mi nnd mis vs til 11 u lu tnul tit lili ilt t lu i u ml slllt l ii ii k llllt i in i t ian oiyatust ui ilu s i u mr ivuilas mlutuikk wtu hit k v hiokin out u t ii hail il ainivttlalcd lavl uei mlph tuispital mi i stn hit o k in church supper very successful ttu iikontlth itrusiitntt 4 tu n uilk pit vhvkiun chuixh uus aikdljulus aut uas tuld vrviiliu das allirnooiuuh mis luixl vknvtu as lutsitss u it it biilsun opined ilu v m s ssnti a limiin ihe siipuiii iiadalui rwiik was imhii ails ilu mil i all was itisvit ft it iiiualiiiy a tiiuiki pi a i m uiul i s and lit amili i i nliilv ut it yistllaiul it litis ttl ihanks limn tlu si k aiul shut mis mis li i s 1 wifcll wihtl tlu ladus aul willi a um hi lidtow til hs a itxlllii tt lill i ill sj sin im iki sttnu llunt lush titv isl uinnvliiir tin 1 ai lalitfi nu nt w it maiu lot itu t mt us hi ait siiui and uppnn l ol tiiltimy tt i tin lull tan llivall itu nutilnf v iiild ovii itu lwllli mis j itiwlu tiulmis m vailylil ttiiliitilinyv llttlll mis k mtvtustil aiul mis i it wnphf j a t mlt si vi is w ui b mis ai us r mis j i is i t lo 1 j si till iumi llltt i tu his wh ol llititk wis tuiii tn mis h i u i i tit i i ttu lis i i i ilitllu i an i all ll- liking pti i hi ilu iiitmttm tt mis j l i mi xtit i d imist im i itu uiu as hi ut ki i villi h w is tiosiul 1 x itu i it s 1 i tl ii mills hrtlmn i hutt h i 1 1 la i t nut was ho t 11 tt huivt wtui w ir miat 1 i in ha i ilu ii luiut 1 lo i ul itu i tmiiinill intlijit with to ii i mis w i asl s 1 s it x lr 1 ih inks gain warmth t hll s hi lilt iii il dl iius i ni itu ni iit list ilu ml liiuslu tl i mon umiii will u iatiiilli is i it suit l iiislaluluill il insula lion itfinlintt t oliiil itil ilu oh anting tor soson playoffs h rockwood btwlkq leogte riukusood wilh ilu final utvk ol ihis hall j ilu weawui s ixyutar niyhls ol luwhnf n itn ttuirsaiav maiili m u fiul ttu wild one in ilk trad wilh s uints itu n sauiuu i aiut r uiwood rmuu uiih i vimt t ui illtllt ilu a tint t in s lls lot tills it ill t i lu s iv i 1 out 1 1 in ml lot a nljol ui il mn abiii willi ih i m ill i it jills ol ilu hist hill i k ku tl i d mil ilu lilu wt lus al ilu ittt nl this it ill 1 uiul p ivusltis wilh 4i 4m11 i i toil of 1 mllttts hltls nail t iu hnnu s t si o wilh 47 umiilseath sliall lis i ss uul 4i falun aiiluis with 4t nj h 1 s hits mtfvsill i w ili 41 points ea h sims sit i i ni with 41 i m s wnh u 1 and kins jikh stu p hvsli lu ii i i sul in ih in i k ul wilh ullls 1 luaht fnr klfhl i lit tn mif a ta1v luh liil ii h wilh 44 ul hiyh mim wilh ii huh ip wilh i moivav oial 744 uhlw gkuia ahivii ulld a iu for hl4t sliiyv uji and riuhu ndlj a lolal tn toe hih kindle ullh handi tap jnm hitur tailuf i ul kit it lot ihe men hv lolling a wo hvt hili inplv tlal and ail nijfhi my iu lolled a lolal 71 for hllt inpu- wilh haiujbap uhiu jtuk dt ml miiim lolled a hi tm liili ttiiuu tul ami a total vt i hiyh sinjle wilh haiuluap i adl- oxif sa maiy tm ml iu alum aw moil v sl n m u iu is tin al add hinhu 7 un wodrl1 mia lut l piatt ua iv lesim vvl ko in llilu 55t un ovf toi geoia iliuu l ail nightingale tum tid os tu llov s howw i0 hill m u n tmv ilrl autu1 mm rhayuff fst4iut i ih season in lo nl ioll hi n ait krn s vaiutx sluii tt iriop millers nhtuit s fits it wild om s snind4 s ml m kd rok is all ihe ist auction sales new course mr william ikjnagh of fmlph passed awa lak wl atul was boiled in ilu nasagavirva t in tin he lived lot a iuimli ol rai ut nabvagawayu yitaiikiiii svntuihv u viiindid l tlu tu tiai d funtily ul 1 411 alltplu ii lu id an ol ilu iialllk will mium li a uttittlal lloftliv llw it wilt lit tun wsks ul plajtt tullow ilu lllsl wiik on uaih mi ami ilu snml w tk a apill m total pint 11 wilh hamtuaploi ilu lit unit will ylir ilu op l ami n lite m at aiuiurt utte lam wrek at farm iitfornwiiii tw udwfl bt na iagjuisa piishvleruti chunh had i ioolh iw lh ground and wivl iiultv- arul pit it wai a vty i old day and hot iottr4 wau in dtiiuiul hi fuiuidav mr john howri um lu u a ileal ing aumllon hu of i m in uiiiueowiiix aiwl liuk a urge tiowd atletuird and tlu nasvugawea imiliule had a booth 1hr iihwmwd lo tw kepi ipiiii imisv mi riouhtum has sol ttu luim and will uuki lu iimatrtg tu uiiiimi 1uv will tw inisstu in llw disltki a hindu i ol kuul ladlet had un lading hluk pitnilng les umis loan us j mmi hhe ll uiultd ilu inslllolt itaise in ullltm nut ilu ii uistuu led itu unalilas ilu iniitiiialy dav is i ih apul t m llalitut lentmnial maitni utufi v vt tat liiltiilr will ilipa ilvrtr woikam announcement acton creamery ltd with lo announce their withdrawal from the retail outut for their butter end egg commencing april 6th 195 the ab supermarket will u ttaturino ou clever brand creamery butter and our vt dozen freth graded eggt crax and b grade we are still in the wholesale business thank you twttttlltt ur last special i eggs i 4 doz grade a small i 98c y- acton creamery limited ulu jlu fines dtwttssed tlanninj good meals and mrs tturun r nlainrd the diftircnt kinds of meat bermce kjoostcr and laurel stubbinfton demonstrated baked hoe and chccc ar and mrs gordon attken kpeht sunda with their sxm shcr lock who h student at western tniverit london wanted majlr oil c muiret li far sarwka suilaw mwy ss mil taurt cjl ch 8531831 proclamation april 4th april llth i96s whereas this community can benefit from friendly relationships among business competitors tetween our town and the surrounding area and other communities across canada between employer and employee whereas this community can benefit from new industries good busi- ness conditions more tourists civic improvements more obs better facilities for education health and recreation where asjhe acton- chamber of commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens enabling us all to work together to achieve the above goals and generally to improve business to build a better community and to develop better citizenship in our commu nity our province and our country i by virtue of the powers vested in me do hereby proclaim civic support for chamber of commerce week being observed april 4th april 11 th 1965 and call on all citizens to lend their irrterest support and cooperation in making this observance successful in every way leslie a duby mayor ah you can relax about your family your home 5f your car even your boat v when your insurance a0ei ifsfc displays this smjni riiifcann tii tuiv for lhfi0vu 1 hi lirotar tiv rotit ami you ii nm an aanl vrhnwll it an mhi mfjf uffiun al tha lowaal poil i roal 8top tn tu your safru acnt wun or rail i im i ii a jut a prion infth away s koutt a day dennys insurance agency hill and haroid it inxa si llua issouo nobody settles claims fastcm and uone rairlvi april specials oinuini bayar atplrim ii in box vg 1 sumr imcial 15c ao inir tomhi combination lint remover i and fabric comber 129 a relillt 59c ea plastic drop f ira widr foil plain w iii i nnli valiv appio lofl cwiall valam h4 i n r0 tl vi iuhi vaiui imcial 99c pr 59e tat join our easter layaway club a uull tl will iwu your ukrilh until lwa sna i r i ii rj rln i on ol ikvoii iwivlt p ptulh ralilxll i ailnr carth ati hop wmiii iiiction is rompirir hinton s 5c to 1 store nat kino cole ooltvtm mt l p records 198 tt nail acseantt by mix app1y ii t oby voiiai ripiumu naiis 69c ea nattic ice cube maker 10 ind v dual cut rornplala with tray see how cmcs engineering leadership makes handivan the ideal combination of carrying capacity loadspace and power wuh 311 cu ft of lotdtpac bulky good cm be moved sttti ea for hwvy tootle llandtvan i on ton capacity provide for more cargo fewer inp a ctty del i very via tkvedt bit vtuoa ttinoowt and itandt- an tut thtm stda aladow ccatura handy adlutlihla witipant ror ulac tlvt vouiutton with out drauthtu bi4lx49v ll con auction rear doors mounted on sturdy wide- spaced hinie tha kind of dooei a hard working delivery aa a sua gmc engl necring lcadanhip feature optional at eitra cost tide doors for big bulky loadttheyre on the sidataalk side for convenient and aafety ilandivan hat an all deel corrugated floor lis ul from one end lo the other and it only kneehigh from ae grwaul o hw you load heavy and bulky carton aaimmattciflg tbe llew haftdlbtts artiaweteittttohaill baa tbe taasv way to arryiili ttoihliw tf flaea llii w ii aarf the tithni llaaal ito figmmn tn ajrimit tt f lahajainatjiaaiaii ttrtfttlt tlaaiilbaatiutittommecmci mvmtutimut aaaiaaltebrffatbattj ladenlun has given 11 and i- van just the right btend of poatr and aceumy a uanev ad lhp t or an op- tiettl it frvtrt cntt leokai ilikks gtt gmc ealnering leadership workii for yoa adwi ss ba ten to iinhrlitlrfiptl jti ri n yi cnekwejlllolnimi authorized pontiac dealer in acton pete masson motors limited 51 qubn st bast acton ont

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