Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1965, p. 7

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tha acton h ttiortrky april lit ims ulf rua homorafev um mtmmw wr nmd t th nul lno ol llw lullon county child rn t aid sotnly on thuidty evnning ol utt wa nw mi nemlr r imhttnq ftiutiw director j paul jolliff mi lvl wills alb l wlwm and haiolil c bar all tiavf ixmm clive uoth llw society l a numher ol yeart ml rrhiel ih yar liom lt board conflicting attitudes on society spelled out by retiring director tlu ttrnxlur- wlw hi t hxt lo pohililim llu mimth r ol thikl fowrn ikt vkui nni si ih lux mi in euit has iiinniuil nil lo ell ex i llu rkinvibilil thi imixljitl tltu in llu i in piiwnl iv them lu optijli a ytmul i in id tit uii welfjrr pioyum in litis tontinun i in stoiitmt uiloplionol itu ti tl i paul jollillt rvliimif ik poti ol l hi iumium ilnvilot ettilivr dilator i old ihr annutl loinui diuxlor i tttoiupsoi rustling ol ihr hulton chiklitns paid lithutt lo llu urn k o mt aid shirl on thursday i ilhfk in hu rrpnil lo lu vxich llu a sluk pttst ntalion itildii n l d inoilit is kinpk iil 72 dioi n polls mil tit 4m old i i iiiiv t iiktmis mviii i i out mw immmh u lil in in ihtin will ilivtul ill ulltl wjij ol past hiviu to tlu yokip n on til wu mis j in wills mar 11 lliltlt ainu alsont and j paul jolhllt tw olluiis n 1 in d i 1 llu tht diuv lor kislant diumoi nut 1 insiilim psi hiatus tlu pusitknt sui jcmixt i h it dispiu nuiiimiit otituary new slate elected thursday t rrrrr s u n s ii kl vak fint ti un will it viu piisidinl john t uti p isl pitmtk l ll ross s h- i ir mi w 11 1 tow in lu ininr hill miinptit nrn ml tuums mill ni iks ilirttln u em tttlson in i i t ekixtilivr dim lot sp llrd out iwol jiouitif pnpiiol h ih si ill llmitl l diixl is woi k vmui conlluliny altitude on llu op 11 iol llu skuiv mil in itiliiii 1 ist hu- oikvttlt mis h i iiihh lion ol ihr oryinhmllon ttuit histoiusot soim ol llu jiiohh ms ikilk lloold v nuim oak n thou- who heluw that h dull with wis will iuviul l villi i illu 1 m v sit uis oik children aid vmui s hi mild u llu 7s illndilih llu nuhnt 111 tlk mis j iiiu s spinal milton intcyrausd into anil ik uruu i ihr tlu imlitoi mm ol fl dion t 11 ind i i iw ski mltlon coniil ol mum oiiimuhl u nm il m huh i ki doli i to llu lloaul um kirux ihu ihint pioids th a pit s niatuin ol llowtis as lhhi1 is i itmu 1 nijilmui greatest portion ot llu n so m ul lo mis k i t ii o tlu lni m m mil h ii iim lm ion lotuls itu otlui osiiion in si dt miikm lu 1 lolh mnivus mis iaul i 111 lluilinlon mis lhal tlu wku is in i u 1 a v t i wilh itu ii dt n till lu n s it nil in hi it 11 t i 1 n k i h oral ion piopcik t st thlistud mi ul smuu lut k ni id 01 n iovmi i n d del iho 1 tuld wtll in ail ol on j slilistus ulkviin llu woi k vnun ho tin llmhiiton unu ipcrirtl i itu tiomiui j ol itu shui dining itu p is kipusintin tlu omil ouiuil oxrnrd h 1 luktid ol oiumoin t 11 iiulu ittm lulp hid ihtn i wiiiih kxw ii ii llmno a cut led h iht numlvis ol tlu n lo hivs 1 inldu n in llu 11 lionu s ion rti ii mn oiksillt sot u l and in u lu d lul is tin llu outturn llu vnvn lo jrj iu v k slu i smu s n k j ctlk rt snonsihk loth lommun i imilu s tompktrtl uloplioiis foi nt kixvt l i noun si i 1 ll i support this lalttt tosi h ihildun iilunud 2 t inldu n wi 1 kit t j i llioii ii tton iti 1 lu 11 p iu tils idnntlid si i l vmi nut kn vi dl it lu 1 soocl prrsulnl 0 uilinu 1 intdun un issisud 2 uti hmhnifton praisexl the wiirk ol llu uiiun cxeviiiie diuxloi noting tint in vkcj huuhcu g w mckenzie heads ys men ha heen rxpantud li lis pixsmi ii mkial wollils hill lit tur kal wxrtt r pli on ihiusdiv apnl 2s itu ai 1 ik s llm itum iki t mi n s m n s luh tlu i rn itu s iluid i il lis w u in 1 i m a with ptmtl nl h iss illi ndint llu di liu i 1 onl 1 llpusidinp llu inustiiist 1 w is 1 mi kilt h mi on miuh 21 md k oou pt i 111 t 1 u in 11 oj ikl tn i wis in umu ivixilh in uilriklii ul si illtt in llisliui v m 1 i 1 1 ik m 11 lin in hi ij 1 til dt loj s 011 itu 111 t lini llu til mrs a r sdeiqnt luu itiphu who spoi n imvi u mm w omimiiim 1i1 m liolojui to to- j indu ltd is loll ms known in district mum mm ins msi inin hisiin tumi rn mkm t i t lk li u in ilnnkid h 1111 mn arinur r spt inl of s ceorvclown died in rfurytloun n v lu v tulnts hoipinl on moth ilkr mip u slw l woikls fenylhv i y born in balhnalad ht uas t the dauphin ot iu 1 lit mniliti nd lh htr all 1 til vinnilur shc ailtnded iru old pr utk i mhool on thi stxentti lint md uorktxl as a tilki in itu rank ol nt stln atton nlotx her main tyt i drtph iniercstihl in thurih uork mrs speight tjs a mini her ol si john uniitd thukh gcorttoun and ik id 1 lilt membtihip in tht oiihh 1 mlkionan stkitt stu iok an 1 ctic pari in thuivh lilt u ts mlvsion hand supntniindt nt lot mans tars and tuld ihc posu ion ol musion hind scviitars lor hamilton pixhvuital when illness lotivd her lo take a kss atne pari in public aflairx htr initixst turned to art and t rills wtiuh he could vnio in ht r lumu h a ing her pun wiln ind potttr s wheel she spts1 tlied m un mtc usinp mtlion whitt md tirra colla id ttiw lot sink ing cllctls some ttjhtr uramu uork was used in a tra tiling dipla whith loured c inula she ua a member of tht arts and craft of gedrvetown the canadian pullers guild and the canadian council lor the fcnur- onmcnlal arts she leau iwr huvband ont daughter beliv mrs f r ld uards ctohicoke two grandsons daid and ronnie her niotbei mn a r vaniuttcr and one brother phare vannatter of gcorsctown rc ian fleming conducted the luneral vemce on march ii at the harold c mcclurc funer al home and interment wa in greenwood ccmeter paubearen auction sales clkamtthlg j auction sale of ffttm lnkwcarli tvd funfcjlur kmj auiium for r clem 1iuuf no 10 vul mad m 01 ill bur hnitlon htluetn lulls and ap nlrtn i nu s on satttrdav antll ird i at 12 oilmk i iupi i ml njis kslntlt v liatioi thtd toiiuillon vlurrow otkshuii plow iu li otlslmll tlis i 111 uiaiitiii spuidn still n xi ii tlia itillojloi m ii id null iuuu 1 t li mi u iiuvm 1 mil llhordiill nihtui in lit w n hi 4 motion liailov km fal u is tank and pump diiinp 1 tki lia load 1 tanning null 2 oihi h staus u li drlw ih ii xiit 1 lawn niowt 1 li p m l m mtil it i um oil ditiins i hu h mk ollu 1 mil ill nllitrs alxhll 2s ion i did ln quiiilll tit i wist has i i kuih ki wilnul utl sii ing ind maliu s siniiiiniis sltl ud stttl tol vamts ttitss 1 inl lalk 1 lu si v nl diawt f s w ish si md iu ar iu w si it 1 sinyl lutl and malliis oak kil dull tank tuptutaiil nu i il iii i 1 1 1 1 dili ylil s hit mil also itu olowiiit anliutus lii u t li tn s latik s tk sk mm k tis t tiptut lids haitsl i dk niiiii i ittlt s w ihuil ami lull uilltil wash slaiul lutls opt ihiis in lit k ali k y i ihk drop k it lahls toluittl and ollu r jtl is t lu 11 a tn iianu ills lamps ki ilk s topju 1 in ass itiiilt 1 1 luu lis pi mis and lidks in ill llutlll 2w iii ills aiui pus srllmy it oil k i inn itpiipnunl il 2 olink ii hms ash mmhk on vuw al 10 vi d t ol s ll i mask tl t it autlloturr i h 47 tt i 77 hm i tiahinf auaion sale of purr brrd lltdiltln cows and llrllrrs aiul ull i in of near i ly new i arm marldncry hairy j 1 qulpmrnt and hay 1 1 1 uiimn iuwi s i i c it 111 wim inn 11 1 mil 1 mil i ul siki m mil n 1 iii lls ilxuil i h ii nil nl nu 7 ll ihiday apb1i 91 h al t p 111 v plirii i1ri l hoistl in j 0hs lush mil spiininu tiiril luiktn hulir 1 ili ami i i li jvv aliuiihi il 111 iii hill iii hill iii sis i 11 1 111 i i sin i 111 ilnk li mil il i 1 11 mis llu i his ihii kiip hu 1 i 11 1 1 il 1 mituitu 1 lit itil it hi i u hi h vmii minimi 1 111 1 l iii s p s 11 ii lllkxl iimk iohipmi mt 111 hilv 1 t h iinpiiin 7- in liilk inii 1 2 suit nnltis pump il i pills llltl sit 1111 is h si ihlc i 111 ill si hi il in r il ml piilltllsk si 11 mai mini m imliil s luu 1 tijliunal lus1 iiai1111 414 iiilu hir in f4n us u i i p li at tor si hot ml lluowit i oldt intt 111 ttion it rntiwtt 1 1 p int hilt h intt 111 iliiin d toin mmmsmm i h 11 were claude kentner elmer 5ii er gerald mccallum ed scott walter gray and gordon llarle samstmm the towns tupplv of tnd for u after storm is jusl about ex- husted but surely winler is just about exhausted loo town workmen expect that the storm wijcuawul just about jibe i iskr seal cntlopts will rn lupiud h rotuims il itu 11 mn lint ih t wtx v sm ill likts on n ids uul sttti in ii a wilioiik mfchl in in si usuknts tspexialtx it il nu ms spring n 1 irimiiui tti nu in 1 town htkki li ims iu tn iti my plimitl strus mitftil he 1 t tune lot mom md did lo i tki 1 tup til itu aien 1 nul sei itu 11 1 id pli rtn i loin itttiis for puhh l itlllll 111 tilt llll pltsn hi ll in wtkomi oi il mhi lu 11 ol in itiiu ol m ittsi phoiit nul k i lis klulw i iu tv in incoiiir h n wl till ii lilt 1 ot plnn to s l th it tht ntt unu lornui alton unitkni pittv surbtn is m iht studio hrorming lor llu popu lu uxn ij1 show lttn io i phoiotrtph will n 1 tktii ind mill hi us she was stcn ku llt i un moiul i in a liptd mini 1 bst 1 i extra praeluxs for tht fipun i sk mng cartuv il art keeping oung injdnuuxharun bi idles and linda braida ver bus ska ing club tevulisi nut lastssaun das morning during the ixgul 11 elaen lo plan earnisal detatn badminton sessions will con inue for several weeks more sas rce nation director hams roe roe k wood antique dealer don stewart is taking part this week in a displav and sale at ihe inn on the park toronto the flag at the pot office vas at half mast due to the death of the princes rojal rmplovits it uitliisltitn lin led 111 tht toiiiui wthil i onii 1 ni tnnkluiii h ul tlu tt i oil moiul iv in iht re still tit 111 un tkiisiotiiul poit 1 1 1 tnk hi 1111 hiokin dunnj tliym t r insi il lition ol 1 inn mult il1 ound 1 ink i v 1 sunt hopt s pint 1 omul tlu tt spline in mu 1 sii 1 intt tn ilion il 111 mutt spu uk 1 intt 1 n ilion il hum liililiti dull intt ii riuutal double dint md 1 lull un ol i 11 111 mittimus untei 4 vt us old this in it hint rs 1 lik in w 0o0 hiks 1 i so i 1 41v inks 2nd tultiue ii rms i ish with kiks on l ol silt auiiitintt 1 ai ii r ul imuitt owihi or iiiitioneei will ntit tu iisponsibk toi im utitl illts otl tht plemises on the dl til nik honu 1 t xv ill hit hooih on the puniim s t40 religious cards for easter select religious easier cards now available at our store dills stationery 56 mill st mswm we are as close as your phone what gives a classified its magic power to bring response ad it it btxaut to many of lh dt r vary until la ll bcau lky ara prinlad naar ih back of ka papar it tt bacaut to many of lham mr prinlad in unall typa u it bacauta avarything advartitad it chaap it ll bacauia to many of lham ara groupad togatkar obvioutly ika antwar lo aach of ikata quattiom it nor classified ads get quick response because the people who read them are looking for something the success of the classified ad is based on the needs and wants of the people and the needs and wants of the many thousands of readers served weekly by the acton free press are many and variedl lr ht hftlftii ef tk canmuait public t turn to tk clm ail first in mrcl f torn sf ttoir mu btk wd koia tf hm funtitliinoi nd appiftc ielf wuk wkkh l m imia ptyl lo nlp run your hm r butirwtt r vn u1iiu4i ckniclmt t rnclr any ndd wrvk when you place a gadded ad to sell omo item you no longer need someone is waiting for your ad to appear someone needs that item and is searching the classified ads to find it that is why classified ads seem to have a magic power to bring response dial 8532010 for magic results an expariancod courteouc ad taker it waiting to take your call free press xiassified want ads r read them for profit uso them for results free press classified want ads may be placed with dills stationery dial 853-2030-

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