Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1965, p. 8

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h aao w 4mr ihjradayv april 4u- m5 personal notes ot vttbh owl ol tm rw j ml vlw fat actort hmmi itno alert group makes iu annua viiil to hbmoo manor to night tburuiay urcw umum is a patient in ritipk ceaermi hospital with poeumonl frittwu were vorry io learn both urv jack frank and mr e crihchow broke their wmts thk week ur and urv g sprowl who ac oonpanicd ur and mrs i jack ion of ancaler to si petersburg florida returned horn this week ur ale j mi i mum secund line u a put ten i in culph gin eral hmniial whin he is un deryulng treatment ur and mr gordon ruyn valdion and family attended th funeral ol her unite ur llurolu athlon at ouiav tuesday friend of mrs alex near were pleated to hear that hc was able to return humc saturday troin a month s tay in guitph ginirat hmrulul ur and mrs geurui r poole mwt namv jiiu mr liaw ad ams and ul ruth adams all of toronto were sunday yuetn of ur c l pook ckty disi okc- norm pirr wai gwrl rfl the hiyh mivoo dance i rulas niyhl ruhl h tin sludenl coumil 10 homl itu nu gjzln subscription dnvi mr and mrs kobirt alpi h ivi rrturmd humc from a pkasani visit with tlutr daujihur and umily at philulrlruim pa they also enovid a ucik s vuiution tn nassau ur and mrs allan liiw or cljun a hurt a arrived by plane mondas to vkit with htr parents mi aiul mrs cluslir allan mistir joint watson vounpint child ol mr and mrx tom wai iun is reiupiraliiit irum pnni muiu hi guitph ciiwrul honpi chutchiu i mr and mr rw wevt enlir tained nurses and fnendfc at dtn ner in honor of mist ann par ker public health nurur who is being married in apnl dunns ihc course ol the evening miss parker was mirpniod by a pan try shelf shower on sunday night the united chunh young adults joined the voung people of st stephen son thehill curkson for their meet ing and went afterwards to the home ol mr and mrs anthony irunsidi and lamilv lkvin youny adults and the res i npil mode ihi trip the pnvbstirlan mm nmi il dinmr was held mondas tsming at wistminslir si paul s churtkpgiulph atundinu iroin kno chdnh alton were mur ra culrs clarence colc wll rnr dasidson and the ris a h uiktnru with xorrt ilarrap as a jfiul mrs r m mai don ild ixrnr uiuid a painful aiildint last thurvdas at her hoini on willow st while washing ilollus lw r nyht hand was lauht in itu wringer and btlon she was ahl to icls4 il iht ha k ol hi i hand hex a tm laieraltxl sh was removed to ttu gutlph khuji hospital when 2 slitihes win itquired in drissiny lit injuis she is lonsult stiny at hit horn he r iliiiyhur mrs noiuian small ol nui iia i alls w is with i ik i lot a u w das iiuk in town ink 111 ou tlu vtikntl wm mis w i sptos loi flti in divid nul jt inn mrs sposion is now as isi ml to i red duckworth ol ilu diuk woith alhikx a public illations firm lot nu i at i on i j ik mi nut mrs vn mastics un u tmk fiom a hoi idas in maiui h and ai ipulio hi is ii tnaji r ol th 1 o a ston in 1 istuwi i now and woji i hi ulp is i itsiilt ol top silts pnunolion tikh ur ho ithiplis liom l hi london intl smlhui disliiil inimn iik wit k s hoi id is i ivi n tosi n mihii 1 uul n luituiii minli 2ft i institgtediscusses purchasing school rock wood mm harvey shuk tu was hotter for the march meeting of the rockalong wo men institute recinlly there were 12 members pnpent the meeting opened a usual with the institute ode and mary stewart collect tht minutts of th pre viou meeting and the treasurers repjri wen read and adopted it was moved by mrs h shuliis and mrs k ipince that mi w guild be their delegate to the olhurs confervnce to be held in may at the univirsity ol guelph mrs k srnike disimt duii lor gast ilu financial npiii of the loik ijjniheon ik id teitnih as a distrut pnijixt arokilofif display at alton i all i air was disussed and it was dixidtd to hast a display if apions 1oi i sirs im i as ion tlu apnl nuxliiiif vs ill ih th annual rtkiliny uul iht dllninl ioni ru rs um u ninutu i i u ii j thin npits ixailv hk idinlml ing ioinimllt toi iwi tit to hi mrs ii llomui nit mis l mtsthh an inl itstii ioll i ill ouf thoughts on i ik imu c hi i dun ii g lollowiil dot lo im iiiius ol mis soi ion i hi t ilii nshitfiinsi iw i i u tlv inlt it sliuy p lli i ls mis j j f ratuuh tis4in ttllmtr ol ik i visit t i th t ntli t n iti ms w is 1 nad hv mrs w uild 1 hi gmslionol ilu pnuliim il ss nu m vhool hv ihi insiiiul u is ayiin ilts iism d mts k nn md mis i johnston i k isked lo ippmli ih lii most tounship s 1st ml lloud on this tnallt i 11k oiitm liomlil itu nu tint- lo i i lost a i w is lotuh t si rt tl m i ilu uu ii tin i s v n j i t tewmui guest guts birthday cake institute 15th anniversary a succeiwful come as you are supper under the auspices of the ladiisaid of eden mills pro by tirian church was held friday ecmng in the sunday school room proving a wry sunissful undinaking ldm rest institute cilihrat edtheir i5lh annivirsarv on wid rusdav ivming all ihartir mrin hers witc invited tlu affair was luld in the christian i dmation room of ihi lniled chunh spoiial guist was mis id t in ton who gavi a viiv mtin sting talk on hit tup thiough ausiial it and manv ollut plaits show iii shdt s or hi i tip a bnthdiv i iki w is in oldti and ilu homtl to tut it wtnl lo mrs t hilton piovmnil stint us muuilts ol itti lllsl iiuiihik 1 si ms ig win 1 1 ail hs hi lis matshall who wis sxiitniv old pit lull sol toit ago pi 1 1 lining lo ilu inslituu wm sluwn hiutu ing hat k niimoius lltllv maish til it ait and tump mil a pttt m xil tilling lo i hi inslilult prim s lo ih won wtnl to mars moiktu ilosist hulhdis links tup kits un v wlu il iht dt in nuts sal ids fool weather mtnh whiih tami in like a i i in h w ilh w nut ti mju i atun s ind winds ihsiiw ilu nulling mi m wtnl hii wilh tddvttight mhi itiin on ilu ikw high hulks ol ml iw livlllkll till i i it bewley furthest away mr t hilton and the i5lh penon to en tcr the door went to bettv hewitt the girls forgot about their hg and goodies wire served tiring ing a memorable evening lo a ilosi mr and mrs ii milntosh an sptiiding twti weiks in ottilia guests ot mr and mis slum and family mr and mis ilob i raikis and famils ijmdon win s u ul s inn si so mt and mis w milton sr rnttit sisilois ol mt and mis ted liarxlin wm mis nillu hal hdas and daughtir vrlma ol mi ct saskatt luwan mr and mis jim nuhol tot onto mrs oidoii nwwill and son itob lunulas smoke shop has newownership another change took place this wvek in acton downtown bust nest ucllt ura eula tomlin son took over ownership of the main variety snujke shop mrs totnlmsim tlu former i ula masscy is will ktsown i throughout i hi distrut and ha many rilalivc living n aittwi i slu itas hcwil emplosid at ukh i igan bulb co ftr the rust few f stars and with ivrr husband dim will hi in tin vhon dunng live evt ning i ihiougtuhit tlu da mis i uiiue mttialf wiwj workrd for tlu- pti sious owners will gml valtons ilu luw owiur plans a fiw mirvoi thingis tnsiih tlu slsop j pnvmitis iksstuts bill katlui t tnd jaik halth ait op rating ttu ailon pjush los ompain in ilu lloinut wtiol ciutihlng t mi tiding uolorjih are harfn hard schools re prartlrlrsg iw time kecfsliik their vehicle ciean i the music feuvai tfw middle of this weather i april i quality ba products save you money gmelktm motor oib dui fmi fuoii slow oik oil itwiw wm hal s w fy 9 fur mil thompson fuels ltd acton fhoni u3u74 afth moom ws3174 kill hill h un brownie tour 1 tlu tontimioiisk uinliv pisl llnv uo ks sluiul ill iii iii iistiul his um ilu nliisl in l i un tin itu iiinlu months i li un mill ih il u ii in m lull tlu lliuil ai m lliiiuni put miiiiii ll mi inn ilu mil il ilu liom i iiimlki iiinlu i mil ill mis liiiihn iii in mm wimin uul 111 liiiiiil iimi 1 j ii miivmi mil sm i mil v him iikhii iili ilunui inl brr timing list ni k s mill apnl i ml s l iv nit li ulir k mis niutim presentation wj shower i communion in district news a pnxtntution was hi id al voodsuk siuhi on liidas ic- ning lor mr and mrs tom mi cutihcun and twii prandihildun who an mining tu pnston iuiis in april cmktnoli and etu hn wrrc plasod mi r l davidson was mintir ol ctn monies mr calsin ail km and mrs i iuxmki johnston tas i h putun cimlisi ol lanuuis rnsipli and had tht aodwnti lorm in groups xlt and mrs iiktruh mi arh ic kirr and mi i rink immm ninp winmrs wastu allan asi a res nation on muc mr and mts nl i is onnc nd ttmms lunttc ased to taki hairv ihi lioni and mr chisti allan nad tht address vr levmard thompson and mr calsin nkin prrmntcd trum with tollci tabic tta i artitutal i low i r arrangimtnl lurvh il ith and mttkli in nutih watru ilan pnmvitj i vumm wnh kssiiups and tiirn nis a pin v lour m j fimn irplus dillmnt ttnts tn dlid on loi plxi lu v k damn inn h t iv mri i thi grciihkk institull tild a misiill inituis shtntit ukii ikijli bors and triiiuk itlindtd il ilu hoini ol ms clwsur am in on sjturuas altuntu n in hoiun nl mix john wtvn i ikkn t t ho mrs nurmjti tunui ihiiii s in in r ol oiu and othi rs wtm b gnuips mis wtsnti s is pitsint oil with hi iiitilul nils sh thins cd taih tint a il tints ituuh ss is mislli cuiinnunion vniu u ts hv hi on sun in it i hunhill i mu i ihorih tith kts i in i u mmni ol itin ti tins n i tkin jnip i ilu sui muni mis jutu n 1 h iths sssukhinut uul i uul hiinm smj i tu wlun i suivo tht wtuultous t toss mr john si ir niuiiud hum on siturda lromioilph host al a o basketball game this friday night old timers vs acton senior redmen followeo by record hc place acton district high school date iriday april 2nd time 8 00 p m admission soc per person cveryone wtlcome v mr i ibur sw ukh mur is im sund is ssith his von md d iuihu i m 1 os mi nui mt v k iss sw ukh unit kk i ion mr ind mrs ind mwarthui riturnid homi on sund is ilui sth iidin thrix wix k w ith his b o hir mr tnd mts ci m mu ailluir it willing mr clin muailhui mi cill llisst n and nsn uiomp mint ihi in honu mis mind ttmtus is urns it isini it hn horn ilui unit n mi- imni tlu h tspitul mr and mis rud njnnt tlu unkind mlh tlu u sort mt uul mis ci it iu it ritd il piolon st i ion mi md mis tid i mm in and i unils ol cmilph hsiuil on sun 4 for 45c oranges 49 was marm d nnit d is with his p in nu mi md mis dilurmt lontists wm uld i tank 1 ivim in sommking for everyone at the family store a suits doubled lml crcy iwo hid lllicc t r piece ityles nvv pink lurquoiw il i aa lft reg j19 95 uw dresses skirts and blouses i from vivid redi to wfi psiels nd whitei siiei range irom a we 6 mo to the teem fa milq finance surprisingly low prices i shirts pants and jackets tny bank- 0901 pi an for boys and men irtrrje selection lor chut th or casual stylos ind colors to suit all lasted compare s prce i hive yu im lk pricei in sur ihea nd catnwik chpartmenlt the jamily un bring all your ersonal credit needs under one root lowcost lifeinsured loans guis steak prices to the bone st 1 tt scott paper saving parade ji oil whll pnil yillm a i i tvimi iws purex tissue 4 for 89c tmiii pii t willi pint yllovs liiiliihst pk 2 scott towels 39c willis pink 1 ii s ii lk 1401 scotties 2for55e vm cm hn imu klis wax paper 2 for 55c vnll cm kiu ho 1 1 kilk wax paper refills 245c connor kipper snacks tins 2 for 19c rnituwtck mi or timtmio sardines monarch twin pmk table syrup dchftrrl lushus jelly tint 2 for 19c i fro jars 2 for 59e sw pvjr 2 for 27c ijran ibwtelau stewing beef i mh clilckm cult legs or breasts koyal m1 rlndlu sliced side bacon tablerite wieners 59c lb 59c lb i lb pkf 59c ih pkf 49c i amnurn srsxn rtetlc lo pkg tv dinners 59c llrlhl uu tint apple juice 3l cimiicc 2d-fi- tins iga peas 233c dr ilalunl cltampkm ivox llna dog food 4749c chlckrn bif or uer c pmkiusv c iiiul i i i s v si i ci i crisp celery 25c new cabbage 235c garden freih broccoli 29c bunch rrlit fjlkllvc mrctl ji april i 2 s uc rctrvr ihc right lo llmll qumnllilct llnplltllly cherry pie llutpllftllly bran muffins drmpttrr t ach 49c pkf if 29c pkg til i knott egg rolls 30e chorolalc chip ivu pk mccormick cookies 39c ti nl cntlr rrg or supcc rach permanents each 119 save the extra tape for free gift or eaton merchandise certificate rrcrlvt an intra lit bo tape willi confident sanitary napkins pvo till rrcrlvr an i lra 1m tape willi sunught liquid detergent 34oi sua scott famiiy tissue pkg ol 4 relit kcreltc an i tlra mm tape with keuoggs corn flakes ijoi pko rccrlir an i lra 2 00 tape willi frozen orange juiceold south- uoi tnt sliced cooked meatstablrimei pkg pikiiui i i s celio smnachcan no 1 oratu10oi pkg extra specials no 1 ontario potatoes 25 09 golden ripe aclon bnnchnedward pratt nunger acton j ofth banana 2 25 mushrooms 49 ontario select lb

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