Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1965, p. 9

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rcaf in europe goodnews on tax bills good news on tax bills 1965 of improved munkipaj tervtom ne5 town appearances probably rfw best new actert taxpayer have received in a long time we the annoonde- itnt of the ivo5 tax rate usi wak with a re duced mill rate for the icond year in a row we can look with torn termectlon at moat netqrw boring town announce higher mill rate when taxe go up it it not hard to find plenty of board and commiition to blame and o it u only ut that when taxe come down tome mention thould alto be mad of the factor which contribute to thit pjeatant tltuahon for many year tchool board have borne the brunt of the blame of incraated taxe thtt year it it ht tarn tchool board which q laroe amount of the credit for the reduction the prime reason the tchool do not thi year reciuitjtion toch a large amount from council it beceut of their whopping turplute in 1964 ihete turplute arote primarily bacaute pro v in oal qrant were greater than anticipated when the 1964 rate wat trrucv operational cottt at the tchool are of courve up m 1965 but me turpi ut hat had the re to it that let money it wcjuired from council thi year next yer unlet there it a timiler turplut in 1965 and thi it certainly not anticipated will mott probably tea a much greater requttition fom the tchool board we feel the council acted witely when they did not cut their operational cottt to the bone to give u a greatly reduced mill rate they were wit to ttaotlife the mill rate in an attempt to eliminate e widely fluctuating rale and to make en effort to catch up on the tervicet road and tidewelkt that have been let go from year to year in the face of i recreating educational and fixed debt cottt we all look forward to a real program in rcaf in europe third instalment the weekly editor tour at marville the rcaf bate tn france ttarted bright and early on thurtday mach the fourth lkwe at the hrtt tetion that the role of the rcaf wat re viewed a brief recap of the purpote will re freth in our mind canada t operational contri button to the nato air force of wettern europe in keeping with the nato concept the air otvuion tervet a duarpurpote to deter egg ret tion by aiding in a common ihow of strength and preparedruht and to maintain itself at the high et state of operational efficiency and readme in order to contribute with maximum effective rett thould an aggressor ever strike the air division t day to day activities are geared to this dual purpote a complex and in tensive training program it maintained contmu outty to ensure peak operational efficiency this program involves numerous training exercises with other nato air elements in addition to the actual operational forces lliemtelvet the required supporting services are maintained as required for both peacetime and wartime operation eight iquedront of cf 104 super sterfight ert comprise the operational strength of the air diviion the france based squadron have the dual tasks of reconnaissance and attack the ger man bated squadron have the dual role of at tck and nuclear strike to support these squadrons the air division ireintein a unit on the italian island of sardinia where realistic weapons training exercise are carried out the base is operated and maintained smfeut md sfuee vwatmuv a rolumrmt on a big city daily mntly tired a ulvo at high school fctudrntfc the intrepid journalist gave them both bar rel with no holds birred a in irishman might put it he had brrn snaking in pnwp of high mhuol mudenl from middle and upper irtconu homes me took a very dim irw of the kid suggest inf that they haven t learned nun- rxr have no xeayol adven ture are terriblv xheliervd terribly tald lembly ad and cmpt 1 m sorr be received llm im pression ol todav s voulh it i not at all the one i have receiv ed in five vears a a high school t mc her aiul several yean as a jwrtnl of leenjgirs in the same column he man mix to convcv the ldta that he was none of thohc things ol which he accused the tudefirs that he wok in fact a heck n ji irllni uhn hj lived hlc lo the lull let s face the charges one bv one bad manners m personal experience is that their manners on th whole arc better than those ol llkir parent tht can be cruel uhen ihey are thought less but generally thev are mure sensitive to the feeling of olh ers than are adult i no sense of adventure he s all wet one of my students headed across the continent on a bicycle other plan to go to africa or asia for the peace corps another swiped his old man car picked ua two side- kicks and took off for mexico my own ton ran away last summer and hitchhiked to quebec after 1 d expressly for bidden suoh a jaunt from every direction come wails of alarm that itudcnls will try anlhlng hot cars drinks drugs x and this man say thee no sense of adventure what they hvu u too much of it terribly sheltered he sas nonsense we try to shelter them from the sordid the harmful the evil as wc sec them b irgfimgvr who is sheltered in this age is a kid who lives in a trap pers shack in the wildcrncsi with two maiden aunt and is kept chained to his bed un til hes 20 thev re a lot less sheltered than i uas at that ape and a lot better able lo cope with realtt as a result ternblv staid he sas pop pycock thev re conformists 1 h admit as tar a fads and lash ion go but i icarccjy think i d call those writhing screaming masse at a beatlc show staid they re almost as unstaid as their old ladies were swooning over sinatra or thtir crannies willing over bing crosby terrible sad he sa balon e admitted thev can be dceiv iv touched because the hearts arc not vet hardened truv can be tcmbl sad some turns but iras can he wildh cul tant too how long is it mik vouc been trulv jolul jack the kids arc much more hu man emotionally than adults because thev hac not learned those grownup horrors stiff upper lip the smothering of the flame and he claims the arc emptx cmptv of what dishonest continued on page b4 this sundays chunk calendar rfslscripnon irw today t us im malts it sems that sonic folks have had more th in thtir shan ol trouble but wx should remember that the mure troubles wc hac tin liixattr is tin ehallenpe lo turn them oixr u ui lliaenl talhei his arms are ecr hit stixtclicd lo those in trouble his tomlurt is on axnlabk ttlnity chu1ch th vnlled church of camada tlic re dwight i tngel ba bd oi gainst mi coipc llhoil ma pht minima ansil 4th 15 till churui school qjo a m grade and higher ii is am i wars ta grade a pivinr slrmcli wand ii w am iloh communion 7 jo p m tnuig people mstvtbhan cmutch in canada knox church acton rex andrew ii mckciuic ba bd minister mr i a hansen ba organist and choir master tethsl christian reformed church acion ontario rex wicbe van dijk phone s53iu5 sunday april th 19c5 1000 am english serxicc 2j0 pm dutch serxisc 45 pm sunday school aci s sunlhi april 4th pr im church school 9 4v m final meeting of mtn ittcrh church membership i lavs for young people 1100 am spring service of holy communkwu commun ion homily on peter a per onallv of ihc passion sato pm adult study group studv theme europe hears the gotpel acts 16- 140 lxcryune mail wclcuinc mapu avenuf apttst church lormcr i ex angel baptist church sunday april 4th 15 bus leaees mca ol 9 15 atn calling at limehousc 9j0 am lor information call acton 5j195o georgetown 8t75 acton p04tkostal tarernae paac 13 churchih road rex s m tboman pastor ww715 sunday april 4tf 195 1000 a m sunday school for all ages 1100 am morning worthtp 700 pm rexstnlng evangelistic service tuesday 8 pan prayer service and bible study thursday s pan christs am bassadort rrijjj 7 pjilv crikodcri acton rapt1st church tounrtedl42 pastor res stanley gammon res 144 tidrv axe ph 3l6l5 sunday april 4th 1965 9 45 am sundav sshool and adult class scripture press material used 1100 am morning worship great names 700 pm lvenlng sersue who are the mtrcitul 100 pm bypu mondav 8 pan mission ciru thonkoffenng miss alice clark wcdnesdav 7j0 praxrr and bible studv thursdas 100 choir practice rrtda 7 00 b h f holv week serxiccs apnl ii 13 15 if xou haxc no church honu wx welcome tou to xxrship at the acton baptist church in conjunction with unih of tho italian and ger man air forces who alto use the ring range overall control of the aft division it carried out from it headquarters at metz france for administration purposes involving such matters a conduct discipline and pay the air division i responsible directly to canadian force head quarter m ottawa operationally however it ccmet under the control of nato headquarter 1 1 accordance with operational commitment agreed to by canada the ir division reports direcily to the 4th allied tactical air force with headquarters at ramstem germany 4ataf operational forces onsisf of i rcaf air division the 1st french tec tical air command with headquarter at lahr cermany the germain air brigade south with tteadquarier at karlsruhe germany and the united state 17th air force with headquarter c rarmte n germany 4ataf fveadquarlers tn turn is responsible to allied air forces central europe with head quartan at ronlatnebleau oulstda para in addi tion lo exercising operational control of 4ataf aafcf also controls live 2nd allied tactical ar force which bs its headquarters at muachen c ladback germany 2ataf has belgian nettter t mdi british and german air elements attigned to it aafcfc is tle a r element of allied force central furope which tn turn reports to shape at versa lies outside pans historically no i air division went to europe f rst in november 1951 when 410 squadron was transferred overseas on board hmcs megnifi cent with its sabres and took over the raf tta ton at north luffenham england in 1955 the wing was n waved to marville france and oquipp ed with sabre 5s and 6 by the end ol 1956 the r division was being reequipped with cf100 all weather fighter aircraft the first cfi04 sup tr starfighter aircraft arrived at 3 wing zwei hrucken germany in october 1962 and no 427 strike reconnaissance squadron began its build up to become the first tuch squadron in air div rion in 1962 the four cf100 fighter squadrons in europe were disbanded signifying the end of tho air division air defence role and made way for the advent of the cf104 end it strike reconnais sance role with the conversion from conventional to nuclear weapons the air division operates eight squadrons of cfi04s when the role of the rcaf was changed to nuclear tnke attack the french government would not allow the storage of nuclear weapons on french toil over which the french govern ment did hot have complete control this necessi tated the relocation of sue of these squadrons at bases in germany to that the attigned role could be met two tquadrons remain at marville and a designated as reconnaissanceattack squa drons and are equipped with conventional weap ons the role of the two reconnaissance squa drons based at marville is to provide visual and photographic intelligence the reconnaissance ink is broken down into three general areas confirming that assigned targets have been struck looking for targets to be struck and pro vidmg intelligence information to ground com rranders tt the tw tg are not considered operational and training in this role is underway cf104 u lots have the most demanding flying job in the air force they must fly their aircraft at high speeds very low levels over devious routes without ground as tistance day or night photograph their objective end return to the base with a complete story of the mission for interpretation while the success sdavuailptfe dfd l num4l constant mactici keepi men and aircraft at top efficiency and weekly editors touring over if ai bases wrtmwnl tlwsr cf 104 planes in act on iley are used for plioloreconnaissance and quirk frrlioti rtlrrt al mivillr wnhruckeii and baden solution fhcro aro 6 000 rcaf jcronncl in euroc plui their dereikienls ot rirli mission h tujrs liirgrly upon llr skill of ihe pilot and tltc ertorminre of his powerful rt en route to arui over the taryrl tlu usefulness of tlw pltologrrthi taken depends on ttw pilot use of llxe high rgualily camera equipment tlw i asit element of tlw system n lle f95 canwra devrloicd llntrtin ty w vinlcn ltd tlte shut irr sficetis irr li gli nouylt lo ensure sharp plo lemjra4is wttliout tlk use ol inli vilxation ntouttt 9 at llto hiikjf hmj vimi ikj the airmen we uld sec live cameras sluitrj in llw pods lienoalli tlie aircraft while tlm stju idrons are not cortsi cjcred operational now tr i nirttj ht reached a very high level of con pclrnre arrargcn enl r illod or the parly lo leave marville for weibrucken on lliursday aflorroon and after strapping into a btislol fir ghter we got the word ihc aircraft wouldn t start hot it would be ready to go m an hour or so returning in lour later it seemed furller difficulties had arisen and ihc lightwould lc dclayecf unt i next norn ii g at 8 00 am ll cioesn t arid greatly to your confidence to have been told the a rcrift wouldn t slart but next morning i he plot appc ired to tx willing to try it so e vtcrr- oil arrival at wc hruckon itid no 3 wing vas accon ph hed howcvn ii wrt a i llle disconcert mg for the plane lo ix i i on the runway by a truck lo id of armed tju rh no p ctures were al lowed and the guards followed rather too close ly until we were shepherded u to iwadquarters building and isucd rather con picuous yellow log to otir rrhcl wr lecame close scrutiny and our briefing here brought us the information that the strike role of the ger i ian based squadrons requires the delivery of nu clear we pom against tact cal targets such as bridges missile s tes troop concentrations rd ammunition dumps the bases urn fully opera i onal and am ed i rcrafl ire n aintained on p quick reaction alert in smkially protected and patrolled areas ready to fly at a moment s notice driving past hove specially protected areas to trie control tower we could see activity that certainly indicated tlw aircraft were in fact teady for immediate flight it is perhaps sigmf rant to note that the iron curtain is only e ght it mules iet time away from these bases at the ronlrol tower a view over the field and the fly ug activity emphasized once again the continual i raclicc and training rcq jircd to keep tlie squa crons in top shape another rattier interest ng phase of our tr p was a visit to the gjard dog kennets dogs are used for night and low vis bility sentry duty and vte were told greatly increase the effectiveness cf the security arrangements tls dogs mostly german shepherds appeared for a demonstra tion we were told the local population does teep away from any area patrolled and there had never leen a penetration of the base while tle dogs were on duly tho dogs and handler are trained together for two years they are ef lectivc for even to eight hours duty after witch rg ihe det ionstrat on nobody had any tics re io take part n a further den onsiration at we brucken i n el and tlked for a short l i e to bcrnie kuhn who has leen stationed there for sonic tin e bern fwhee parrnts live on vimy street has n arnod mitd is living off the lae also at we brucken is dave clarke the xn of mrs clarke in the town off te dave was ikjt available so unfortunately i d dn i get to talk hm we fm shed our tour late friday and drove to saarbrucven where we caught a tra n to par for the weekend the trip ws uneventful but i cn assure you if you plan to arrive n par s at 1 i 30 at night its a good ide to know where you re going to sleep that night concluded ncit week ptceaaichal foirectetij and travellers guide medical or d a garrett dnthmn anil surcron coimr tit villou and river t lntrdtue ftftcr st alton ont phone mjoul b appointment thi church of st auan thi martyr anglican certr wtuou nd st ajban drive sunday april 4th 1965 potion sundav 900 ajn holy eucharim 1030 aan church school 1030 amrchoral eucharist 730 pan youns peoples dr robert d buckner phnmiun and surgrnn i9 wellinston si aitnn ont alicrnoin h dpnomtment clobid wed 4 sat evening phone s5vi240 dr t b moore dr c hutchison physicians and surceons 2 main stnii north cornn vtain and mill street acton ontano phone v2i80 bv appolniment architect dona1d t skinner brch mjuuc 17a mill street suite 2 aston teleptionc 85j2740 office hours by appointment or 20 suvebank rd pott credit 8776936 auction ip dl- vtai and apphaisimc am is1 rami- alfred r spence auittonri r irn williams a complete si run telephone jeoicitoun 77 1w6 legal c f leatherland qc barrister anil soluilor solan piiblu ollne lloun ill a in i pin i p m p m saturdav h appointment onu phone oriue ll res 8m1745 acton a braida ba barristir soluiliir notar publli ofltie hours in aion mondav frulav iinineii t p m 9 p in saturday i p m s p in j8 paislev si guetph ontario phone ta 4u42 office hours in guelph saturday 9 a tn 12 a m dad 9 am i pan kaplan ord barristers and solicitors sidney kaplan and john d wrd oc 116 mountainvlew road s currctal buildlni georgetown 374sjc dr old ottlta ii mils llosrcl mkiih fil phn a j ruchanan ivlll ll siiln hi m l luiuh si i to f p 111 travfuirs ouidi t ih iii h 8sl i7s1i dr cedric diy ik lit il sui n suite s llinlin itll ia mill si i ai n dm ol ippiuntliun s ph inc list him optomltrists i buchner od optiuiiilnst john i s inn iiik in avion wtdiiesl 2 00 pin ollllpm tor ippimnlniint phoiu ssth04l it no aiiswir ptioiii walnloo 7447 arthur a johnson im main st milton phone tr 8 997 res tr k978 tuesday afternoons thursday evenings fndav mornings robert r hamilton i optometrist ofhce hours by appointment phone georgetown j77j97 116 mountainvicw rd s actotvpfrice 109 mu1 st e 6pcv tilonday afternoons and cvuiiiu after 4 pau f i wright 211 wilhui si a ton out trio piiciik 8sm72u ppi isr mil tiisuriiuc yr si t us in ailon denney charles ripfiscniinc luoplrtors 1ns1 ravcl association sponsored h ledeialtin ot agniullutt auio i ue i tmilv and 1 arm liability anldcnt a sickness hone tr 7 204 goorci toil n chiropractic g w corbett dc doilor ol chiropractic i1a main st n grorgeloun piiove 87731 by appointment funeral director phone u34350 night or day bruno e shoemaker mcr cray coach lines coaciifs llavf acton si uulaiit tin c 1 ik in kl itx f islki iiiki r 25 frll j in rl tils iiint sun an 1 ii ll 1 s4 diilv c epl sun ml llnl i p ncss vi i ni ii t llll w p m v04 n s il mil sun sou p m ft p m 1 p in 10 os p m sun and llol westbound 7 17 m duly emepl sal sun anil lol 1 11 27 a m 12 p in 2v7 pm 27 p m 727 p m i2 pm in p m io a in sat onl canadian national railways standard tune effective october 25 eaitbound 630 aan to toronto daily mon to fri 72 pjn tb toronto sun day only westbound 12 05 ajn to stratford dally except sunday 627 pjp to strat ford dally mon to fri chnn at guelph for london etc

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