ttu acton frr prw thurvw afwtt 8 ims stfwejsr regional government solution for planning problem sto irian tlsa img ssaa of lasvj for tku twtrlct if roue tufcr usaai o im ilsrse riraa mm of u unhwrslty wo- aacai dub of alilta ud m ubj lasjsaaer of maj esjstass oaacauttes after hearing an lanrhral um by dr tultttniassirlsaealof the gmsjraphy dctjtrtlinl of us l- rvcnjly of waterloo well known for hi ability in l he field of com nuttlty planning dr krurgtr mi urfce crilry now iscard by aclott sd milton coiin dr kruryer 4sas done nioiul cmor planning buuxl uwunltte planning studiea in waterloo of adjualtumi and conwrvotion authority membs u m1i h jambcnof mm chab tw vrettalteadatt mmtlnc mi m ska fcoajm of mrtlcucouaj with hnualllmr albnannra- ml and thnstkksa us awou he nmu iktkkkhmdby lira mc- ouat a vary itusmshtag ojnwum and uimt period smiiiiiti in formally ublw kwcb wat enjoyed lets play bridge my md can there are two basic tv of u played five time and two defense a nassjie defense and det tarers got tu four spades an active defense in a passive i both uf these nude their can- defense you should play cau tracts so what tan u uy the tiouslv and not give declarer anv other three contracts were all additional chance by opening i diamond by wett down varying new suits in an active detente amounts you mux try anything and per but i claim that south should haps take umr chance run make lour spades wett when vou are defending a lead the diamond ace and re- hand yuu thould decide which ceivet tfie dltcuuraging three t type of dolense yuu are utlng iroin east south mutt have the too uf ten declarer uill make a king west luokt at hit three hand because the defenders gut heaitt to the king and at dum- active when they thould have m t heart to the ace queen been pattlve or visa verta i jack how can vou tell which to wett knowt that thlngi are so use onlv experience will tell ing to work well for declarer if but there can be other indkal torn here it a hand to illustrate what i mean dealer south neither tide vulnerable north s j 10 5 iia on d o 2 c a j i wett fat 6 k j so 7 ii k 10 5 m 9 7 4 da j 10 5 d j 6 4 c 0 1 c k 10 7 faat jd pact s a 164 ii 6 j dk 7 c 0 j 4 the bidding south waal worth pass i d dble 1 s pass j s 4s all pass you may think that south hat puthed the bidding a tut al the acton bridge club thit hand i kurr jjsera he doet not do something wett mutt get active a spade lead la uul a heart lead la pattlve a di amond lead duet nothing since south mutt have the king thli teavet onl the club suit to be cumidcred wett mutt play hit partner for precisely the klng10 ol clubt to relieve partner uf am problems wett abould lead the queen of clubt thlt lead will give the defence fthir irickt when wett regaint the lead uhh the trump king a club lead will net two irickt there latt week winners first mike lorutui and duke wiimui tied lur econd and third bill hamilton and harrt frotl with brian hamilton and gary ellic i proiout week t winners wen a ort pracirleanl first brian hamilton and george ala v rresioeni soll second gary ellis and p 4u ohlcers ham frotl lied for third blll rl hamilton and george sargent brin 411 clubs were organurd with duke vilion and lloyd on april j al the enn colieum county and la particularly inter- nied in the probleni of urban mlgbi s- la fast changing into an rban count rv over to per emit uf the pafiulallaa uvea bi cftlea of tsjdoo or ovar populallon and la 10 per cnt- of the toial land and u per cant of the pmttl uve in one ur cent of the land while big jhni snowbeat dr krueger mlililneil small towaa are de- aopuuted currently ii uwt everyone want t to be an urbanlte but live u the country an error la city planning u la building of superhigh ways and neglecting improve nans id rh cealra of the citv best solution would be to require development kept tight aruund cltiet and towns preventing strings uf housing along htghwan suburban fringe is uncsvordlnal ed and unplanned be observed in looking ahead be declared legislation underused two- thirdt uf our planning buardt don t plan they juti grant con sentt technical staff it reallv re quired another taroblanj it due le reg ions set uf7 in burse and huggt days which s to be taiio- sanct fur some reason he trelt a directlyelected county count ii with control over tases assess men l and planning would be lar more effective leaving tuwn cuun cils to deal with strictly local mat ters how can we have rllecllve regional planning without rrgiun al government however governmental depart mentt leel the people are not readv for leadership which could be provided bv experts he cited planning studies which never sec the light of day people want the rights over their own land al though dr krueger phllosophl ed ue are the stewards of the und- he urged hit llttcners to be informed and support local and provincial governments when ttirv take a strung measure of leader ship eden crest institute holds meeting on 15th anniversary thr vrart run nit tlv lrac nxtin uhih protl cr thrir irrjuinr uiih uv mcmon unnrnr hihlicht- o varuhiv ir- ariou i one oi ihc jncattrm ui yc rtuviinn crr rad ari ixitrr members filtv uiih tikcv- uonu urv rrkmhtr urc vurprimhl b the j the area in wellington count ii dulh prvkmi nj new nu nrs ucrx uvkunml by lb irail r john rcid and robert mm dunald the diuuwton of th llubt available his veor call gram xeinc corn and cltxirtc uii followed b the enrol men i uf the member for 1965 14 of the 5 memhen who enrolled in club wirt nck for ihc farm and home ikxtru tlub ha not ycl been docxlcd this new club is in cooperation uiih ihc ontario hvdro election of o liters in the calf ilub were president alan orr g uatdotifau prrudent open uic amouni of monc ihc ed ihc lth annivrrvxn mcctmj luic made 15 vcar ajco cj the eden crct uomois in- g ionucivhcek member mltur vujctcd thai matkr ihv in her fkxwnm speech urv should haw iacd some for a mfc thanlcd the pnrm rain dj bui in lhoc daw the outs cucutnt and all mecibcrv inuiui uat the main intcrxvl i viceprefcldanl craift swilxcr ec- lor a food ub done and hoped in ihe illa rxm the illakr i relaryireasurer sharon brafden that the intiitut ujuld hc au up in atiiiics upporl pre reporter karen hamilton am monr happ rv she in anou oiher orvantiation and wayne crejton mricoaiod all the furvt and re- jor as a milage expands so thcv hope lo haxt ufficnt prtted thai due to the ms1 muvt ihc klas of th people 110 member or a corn club mtra rather mi o the prucv g lhc uere n jl 7 rur wrrc ufc l a uuii ut mi i k llimmt mm r tbe dm llunlol ot record thr rua aall a rood hoo hilton mrs w bcm1c and urv outline of the summer lor a child tu read ne xickhtie work and supplier for each chib urv r uarvhall thanked all concluded the meeling ihove concerned lor a movi en- 1 km able cwning and- a social hall hour wa vpent ucr a lalad plate lunch which wa convened cd h ill ihc mrmbm while a awe moo of m laititutc da- at answered b the chartered v -it- h ladies meet centennial subject of fair essay contest for tnis year urs calvin allkrp first mnr liii township was hoaiess lu the laidles hoard uf acton pail ralr latl tliuisdav evening first vicebresldcnl urs u uccul uiugn pretlded for the meeting and urs william uiuonald lead hu secretaiys report several ii ilut came up fur discussion al llu nulling a special dli splay ii el dav uay 4 which should be of special interest when a lour of the fier fie will be taken by the member later tluv wlu journey to the home of urs u ucculluugh lu have their nieel ing a dainty lunch was prepared and served by uit j uc finery uit i mcfru- rv and urs h aitlubald assisting the tvmum urs c altken courtesy ciuiven t v ui wis uacdoaakl wtkfr i lu my brrunyed lir tbr hall ex itihil a live fall jhl vtar wlten tiiiku inudv 1y itu niptl al llu vlu i fur urlaitkd tlilulun ai llttjiitiv ulll lu- luwn wblili huiui u j munvh ktaiiy 4000qo prrmib j all llint uuiiurc cbviiy cmleti llk vtji u milulpalid why we juhiu lake o wairr kac swftrfiti mjty ttautf al m acton ftfjura skating club rarnival on sat of day april 10 arc knn whitlield ami poitma sttavar of gall wilrn ontaito brann daiue bantpiont arui soinniar international isktvlce pair cltanpton tu 1964 woiieif oft lario nov ma pair chantptoni and wetiafn ontario sdvar dane champtom if lv6i ponnie w alto waitem ontario juvanila man champ ton in 1963 c imnwr international movie want champion in 1964 and wcilem onlafio novice man champion in 1965 itaii in canada cenlvnnlal tu u tin annual lontett kpmv uiftj by mr ilonturc and ha tittttrd tontsid able uu rent liliul4l aiut uatlmlk in 4mi and ii iglilmei hit m immi luv ina ii tuhlmtl j i id nu inlu r si ft imhiiii that llui will ik uvitulj i nli u lioin llil dull u i auartu an inatu umally und oun ufe civ mill in dukul uiul ptovlnital iv umit ol tlit liikl tlsiy d m lion l lit tttiim ui i all calf t iiiiw iiti hi li h mi nlly in tor isiiui mii alilb tivii by mr i aiiliitulil uul uthb i ivsi p jni iiltti i una u ly ih jiiu itt a v o luul imuhh m i lie dlrfattt uii unabu h attend llu b bittiih in ithimii llu wtiiiul day llu bkil ail out i adiionrd i ulub i air luaaid fbtarllnif miu ii uab pirwntxl j hu loun and ctjunliy vaitity sluiw itt nil ly by voiiu- of ilk ladu v ill attain be prcvtnlid in llu 4uun aye club in at tun imi april m tlur mil meeting of ihc orga nilatlon will ik hi id on tuev ptuiu lal year in ctuuuluii ifrtv ivltc urd aiul mix edith urale funeral al merlin i un edilh larafa who had lived in arum for her pail 1 toufctkrj with h tuughlcr taaaad away awil 5 al fulpli tun lumapilaj ste wjb btni luulb cultord tuuajthlcr uf ihe lale k- aac avd alice cliffofd kilman ewiurto ke wa niarrted lo kn late lacttahklfle ijirbe who r twemrsl twr m lcembr ia4 i swrvivlam aiw iwo dauhltr mr i nile ivrbyiiuie grate of ixun- iilkiiavii kid ui llrirv kmpkl- i tuig lttii uain it ttw ul wls- trahee i niinf al ihr iofd and jua fuiwral maa4sy uarliii where fuiwral rt viti wit b coiuuia led by urv ehn crauic 4 uetlin umtd clujfib thurweuy al 2 prn in jrntviil vaill uf m ftavrlut tem aiy oshwmm new management i with to annourtea tha purchata of acton billiards and tobacco stand in looking forward lo gr exlrig fomtor and mow irani i offer 7 yaavr tbtpariavnea in ika billiard butlnatt mac jerama accident banquet visitors in news i connie hind carrie miimiu 4 aliimi an uitm ullh llun vjraiularenl mr and mi i aivhibald ubiu truit mnilui in a ruiimto hopti il liillovviiii ar vurycr mr a phillip- of oiton iminl on sunday vtilh mi uul mis w msmitlan a number fnm tun aiuiuui the trvkktr h inqiu l iml pni at kilthcrur on saiuida l intf ronnie griltin of gravcnlmrvt ncm a itw days uith mr and mr fcd sleu irl and wmk i mr j a ilullmh kit un sun i day by air lor wihinylon dc uhiri b ai1i attend onion convcnlhmi mr h grieve of llilktmivh uo a rxxtnl vimioi mtli lur son and daughter niw nui man and mrs mtkciun ind li mil i mr j whet k r of gik iph dpcni lh vaciklnd uith bet dauybter and son in lav mr und mn gcoryc 1anp and bonnu d g and mrs robertson imi cd on sunday with the lormei s brolher and sisir in km 1 iumi i nls mi and mis chjijimi alt i i ace id n i i liunds ol mis kmli snuljir uui siiiiv if k uii ol tut aeel iuut on llu hiithuiy al lluue thli list un no imiiu vaete in i iki n iml slu uii i tl j id shilling up nut iki e u vaas bad l dmiiltd mi uul min mmiioii altken mi uul mm ui hiike mis llmun lit lu e uul mis sun it i vee it lu tli tn 4in toe sl i e vetting xe lu ie llu hu ndtel i siiaie in llu luvt christian i du t limn ouitttuip 4il tlu prrshvtcr iinthiiieh wluie ke a vair is minister lie has a former mm iilir it the loeal ehuieh when thi six the trev uniform i llu c tnadi ui red cioss look i i the led hash on the e tp the ttrei is i desdieulitl voluntetr uhu serves in so m un hum mil ttian uaw in our eoiiimunilv and mrs robertson in due iph mr and mrs mike mutehison and son of toronto pent the weekend uilh ihc latter w pat fred a hoffman optometrist ta 42071 ss st gfoaors so g oueipu puw tuttac urv icamvc camvnrr intro ducrd ur e lantun uho de lighted 4erxjre unb her pteturv uidca taken dunhs he ear s ia in auvtraha through t ru najtc of her tamcra vhc trans darted the udtc oro the ro- jv to vancouver doun to san frsnciwo vcu zealand and aus tralia uncnr the beaut it ul wen- e kct in uarmcr climr made them long lur our warmer wia iher then back home the traxelled tia llal gibraltar india fratke and england mrv lantun khou ed nun of her touvcnjrs gath ered along the a she had a collection of poum trum eah count r uited ubuh khe found uerc attractive ai uell ax being useful a i wo thev were eav to transport back to canada vlua bipmirli mr s r marshall at the first secretary of the institute read the mtnutet of the lint i b mr wejodchehive mrs mar tin mr v right and mrs bar- den i resemtk at pms dr george ajtken um of un george art ken and the late rev dr george aitkcn of ruckwuod has been awarded the north at lantu trcatv organization post doctoral science ifellowihip of 15 000 to carry out research in rad io atronomv at mention ob- 1 crators in parik france here- cejvrd hu bachelor of science de gree m engineering phnc uul er of science degree and doctor of philosophs degree in elect ncal engineering from oueen a univor uty kingston dr ait ken it nres- cntl teaching in the department of elect ncal eng inee ring queen t university air cturint spirit of easter with bmirhfol novwt nd nuih drdeft florals for your church as easter gifts for your home ctntm fi mir cut fuw wul yltwli e t marks mht st acfon ku43i0 jack ridley cartage uasusj comcmtf uocks coftchtc mroc dnbhuoos clavuick sand stonf uvbtockuhi ktnuttt m shwict aisj suwub du trucks fo hire ihshy ammul kvawkii acton ntomitsuns the acton figure skating club ice revue 1965 banctioned by tha canadian ftgur skating allocation at tw community centre acton ont saturday april 10800 pm gay costumes comedy lively music fiatutlmo linda braida canadian geld madauut sharon bradley and sally wilson silvar madallith andrew drenters comady spacial slcalar from tha hamilton fsc onnii thavtt 1965 novo mans champ on of wattvrn ontario kaibj whimtlo 1965 moves pa r and 165 slvr dane champions of western optar o entertainment for the whole family adults 75c admission studants 50c childran 25c change of ownership acton billiards and tobacco stand has been sold to mac jerama who took over ownership tuesday many thanks to pa patrons and continuad support to tha naw ownar i will continue to operate norms barber shop norm humeniuk milton equipment o invites you to our ope tfeuae jiejta april 9fh 9 am 9 pjm to see the rugged new breed of massey ferguson farm tractors while here see the latest in farm equipment the mf 135 traetor the mf 44 windrower tha ksmgakilde cut oiawanna swather gehl forage haoreator the mf 15flltraetor the mf 165 tractor mf 71 mower mf una of lawn and the mf 175 tractor garden equipment iptlalattractiol new idea fail mower at 8 pjwt we have a speaker on the latest in farm herbicwband tw control of weeds trailer and 3pt hitch eouhpmcnt on dismay pictures door wnze refwawwsaits come one comeau