Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 11

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btkets me h and s fashion show draws capacity crowd yiht4 al ihtf lirvl week of playoff ikt kockutkid rockcti look a uron wad in ihbi 8i with a lulal i pnilall ul u44 hiitfunmltur- jr i llutr imcivxi nuitptflitorw willi i7 iii ihlltl vjv is ktli vur triy mtup willi hlt thfl wild ov1 uilh 1h ntthou pjiv willi 2au and aundtr trailing aluntt stilh 2771 flu nt ul tht mini u ho art howling lur sieundary truphv air atjv ud bv muiiw ttruacu uhu rvnr ihniuirh vith a lerrilk myhl and 4 lulal ptnloll cuunl ul vm th iuumsi ansoatr cuuld 0t tu that ssj slrjilimik i suj uilh a lout ll lliulup ixislcn ju iwil wilh jslto ihin caims s uilh sj4 talun aishcrs ssilh aod kimiith i in uith 27v man suuftrsi sit vilh 211 and fvatlt vaiwls ssjv down llun ugliinh w vyutkiny un a ivso vsv it ivlawll is wi do thuutfll tui um tan hs tiumutt thil mini thr list lialt is ttilown im apnl m anvlhllilt tan hav ii and pnukitih s ill uilits it i vii i hi n wdddtll alti man lajyanmi alut kiuhu w mailuiit sa go win in hills sju minks saliiuin 7 inyl pillsll 1 uni otti nu li k llipns 7m cil mil ti j sun mi al ilium v hill anur njh i no siyhtlnyau mvl llaiv jtslin all jlw alton item tvou ttvuriday apntl biv 194 ouruatv weilknown curjt moved to harriston 1200 on patrol uncierathoclub thr annual tcpor of the ham ilton aulotitouf club a big rv we doctiaaeai asi an utterittl speech report oat vhool safety many tsklrr reiklrtik o ac kwt tutd dulrlci u41l regret to lujr ul llu tldjth of mix ullmf pratluiti wha wan a resident of parttou f i felon many yean ago she wa school tafrty latrol while thr daughter of mr and ur t feather hjl fcifri raincoats a at or uw kiatfcxvood brauliful fashions i udv bring mix n brain tor txtry oiustoti luv clurmmy ux drijher orixutriil of stork- uxal moilhv iiutle ihr kfkkuhkl hoiki llouu if school sielcoui llmu aiidklukot fashion thm a tx lvl ami gjv a special yalj evening the hot kwootl uurd oj ihunltk tu gcortflna iv i town hall had a laftttiiv crowd u puunrd i he entire thty in vpile ul the ruuv wuiher and piuicnl reported at the henry james frunkum and terv manuau all prvent wer giveti a chance t evening that ihe event rcl at a clerk in the general uore vupnlied fre by mm tu tec the newnl in faoiion hip uu i hj j wjv en i o hendenon and co where thr bv mor had ijbo plied t uiladv shhp goelph hut aiuj finarwrialk vucetilu urt bank ul uontreal is now lot a i ber in alt dtttrkli excluding mjrm 0iarp of milad yjvt tlu u mlaivn the treasurer uf cd i llamillo 4ikh m vir inurvfcting omttunljiv ihi jj hoiiu aiul school uuv al th she uji iwloved bv all who i do u have tctool ilmk the dvvtirn inalenat ullohoji prut kmw ver lor tur cunny dupoir town of acton ttaeanw ihtf tww etc yellow wuiu to b j laonie i iuii and xinlle she ua active rl uunmuoily to iniilule aj- lur llu lumina cejson as vwu n 1 mnilltrt ol the home n tburch ork in ihr firmer ly patrol pij aad in tnanv ditlrivnt uohtik lli ttiuyihuiaidbvllit ttjr mi thodist thnnh her and con- cbjkperonm allcruitd th fourth ttu lovtlv nuuuls urn roor j u rvtd iollue und c giiu p ttv julk hnki llubs ii u uj all ftreutii lis luln uajtlbt mai us n hrail ouuru duncan ann htpjrirn aiul i dith duiovt most uf tlie niocku wuii lachkuis in llu asuil llu navs nnip cooidliuiu and spiuiy ttuls sur1s i a sua k tin puudilts luuk mmtrt partv i ui nials tind itu i kxti uiigtb turn als tith mtuytuu irithkllinv ttu tkaotilul ssiodiny niun lauhuut like mm was j iikm uniauilant wuouii mis allan tr cuui ol gurlpb ulvo lias lur bus nuivk i ashumi 220 test equipment sirens sounded the wail of thr htrvn mondav night duln i d utr a flrx tirt light rs were ninelv making ief lain all ecjutpmi nl wu in pruru r winking kmutitun lluting ttw uttkly hie nutliitg miuul is but mkk llobiuk rr hi kiulumr ujimstid oikvilb d t pnrlmnit llmud lur good dords and works klaiiooal school patrol jamboree in harriston wliere for many ui ottiwi h aurils of tbr 1ia ears slir made her horn she c hac monthjy award for en- luurkrd in lur brutlirr harrys crurncr wr madrto 160 d- diug store dure until she relir llrvl pirj and 101 ladividtuu ed patrol mrmharh slu suf feted a long lllruvft and i passed awav on saturday april 5 to mart the demand o caoa- ln painter stun hospital tlie fun dian t vol pi tali our cajudiaa itrd tral uas luld in harriston on croat irvml lollrct murv than udj her wo timilur wul mojm0 donation of blood in ims i ui and ii rrv bolh prtdeceas td lu i lovitv foftmals and a baautful wkftdno gown from milaty of ctlph sverf put ol the pocakwood horn and school rahon show left lo rtt a lihth uoioca oorcn pr marilyn braf nd tuht chit rockwood local and district news rockwtod lowers msi kate iks new ermuos agreement 4h club president is neil mcphedran ftocttwood scenic rockwood ttu done thr unrxpectad thry lavr lowered thrir mill rale this was done at their marxh meeting m the rockwood town hall re- cettlly after naiaang villagv accounts of wuii and for roads am 1 the village trustee got down to tbr aeriouk tak ol operating ihi tbr pronoud budget tor l- tkrv made a lev slunycs and caaw up with a budget that r r rait a decrease m ttu villagt mill rate of 4 mill on reuktcmul and and s mills on commenial rotk wood asmofcaumrnt is up qjoqo oer im4 with the building run in pruflnrss it will be up again rust vcar a new a berwecn thr township of cramusa and the fuller village of rock wood has been reached rcplattng tlie 4d gentlemen agreement v hub had been used for mans u the new agreement tails tor a re- sicv mn two vear th lldro commusiun also met and set up their budge- tor im included in this baulgei is tb replacement ssiih triples ol sairu 7 st rsues srse wne lias i nvorih ban ivjm ol ltitj tirm usain ami llu iliitunts kn itrur ilim will ha llu installing i sil arutllur i j nes laiimtxaiis light on ihir trets thi war guilph street will g t tht lull tnalmem thil h trns sties i resttsvd list mar i tti hsdao manager rrjsirtn h onls ttas hc castadt 40 sattr i butt in led on his quota tor ibt ktitkuhhl tht t r a m o s j township 4 11 call club lu id its organizational inciting at tht ria nvusj titlial stlujol rtxtnllv ttuu vstis 41 uuitiluis tiiiollid tor lite lfc tluh mji thtm ccx tid to ttllkt u t r e presuunl si it mt phedian vii presjdtnl dmil vru u t n i an lirjmiiit jiiih thiiiiimhi press lair ma ixuij ill tht n ux tins will ik ik m itu third vtlnesa1 i oaxus numth rkxt m months ttu h ttu kumniittrr thairmm lir ls tit roads and stre lights roht itnlie llxdrt h imnlin kin mini ix putts ijuiklinj- nut rtn fviwriintnt jtmv milne tht unijr is ch ukt o hutu by sctul fim i skw k hmi tui kotkssuut asstslaiut ss til ih givtrt llu hot stiuls al ibtii i annual slum in lb rutkwout town hall hi apul 2 ami 24 bx ttu lios stout iadits aukiliars this was deslded ut their maib nutting held at live lumu ol mis ikriex recent lv tlu metting i optived with llu i otd privti and lulloxsing tht 1hiiiusn t inu ttu t lection ol ollittis loi lms i min manmng pitsutinl ul llu dislntt loinnuxmiin ul i ulu ausibarus asliod bs mis n man installed tlu f llx nt lm tlu lahltilli xt ii pitsijitll mis hilda mill tlu pitsidtitt mis iktmthx liulltin stxtttirx itlu lll 111 llilu i ih imik i i iummi itoltnii iiuisa pi 1st ill itiuali d llu mrntht rs ptumist inu uii t liul i mkttl linu loll v til a lux lv liuu b u is n ixitl hx llu lutslt ss ms i ihiuhu ms 1 sva jk kb irru r aiul mrs j hill a l wiidcd crxx n at i s reg u m ot ii i hil iuik aiixtliartt n tun kiuht xxhith xiis htld in ihtbhn strett i mt ttl huu h ttitlph un marsh h mis 4ii tit n eplaiiud assisltxl xxhltb is ami supttlkxl llu makeup lui ath nuuu i vlu alsu tutnatitl a must i gt tu iimts duur piia a immuiiiui niaktit kit llu bukx ill aw xsas lu id ttiinng llu slutil intiiniis simt ttu iluunun mis o lii i lur asjuted li ixiut d u n t a n i ilia tit llu liutt ilrau tlu maki i up kil vsas xxtut x mrs a ibiggs j tnd a samiiui diaxx xsas m tilt lur la guigituis ikiutr arranglnunl liuwialetl h tlu taioluu nurstr us oaultii citttie with tlu lutkx ih unlral lu atlquarti rs fr mutual akl lo set alarm svsti m in at inn mis mis two agriculturdl clubs organized slate named two acton 441 agricultural donate cash awards lor this romp- ctuba were organised on wed et 1 1 urn necday march m uhen l7oung arm fieople met at the cum nunatv centre club leader nino ursula spoke to thr meanberv on behalf o ac agtin nr hnjud thr pleasure of the oil is en and dim tors for the opnor tuoirv to xponsur 4 ii xsurk tn this area he conseyed to the earner uth 0 ing of memtrers and parents ibt nur nrs pnsd brtkt coles rett ot nrcudent jack uaruiall wepremdini valttr trxsstnaar who bad planned to extend the of wixtir robert ushc and pnxs f tcial sjwelcome rxnorttr vaaxnc ail ken makataio slaaulartli i rustll murrax bntled the rrum mr braida ixxiewed the htsturx hi on tht selection leedmj and club icatkr ruwstl muriax ion dusted tht elvxiion ol oil kit vtbuh resiiltejdastujjijxvs aiun 4 11 if nu mbt rs rsadent vtaxnc aitkcn xuepre ident walter trxsenaar seiittrx bill lasbx and prxss reporter htith aitken of 4h in this area and ctunmend ed previous club on their excel lent team tntrit which had result ed in envious competition records he expressed the leaders conft- drnce that the new member would make pvr el tort to main tain the high standards set bx former ciuba in introducing a new club lead er ruuer uurrax mr braida reviewed russell s his eight years a her and stated ttu lon and a uahle exnersance rnjsjlcjuittrmrn llvuahttestto lead xtunt pcup- le sgmrisl eveu doug mcdonnell halton assist tm agjriculturml representative was mlroduced and he outlined 4vh program in halion counts in ims and pointed out that protects available to local members in clude calf grain conservation and eagtssarnng other events assde from regular meetings would be satety rally grain jud ging competition in milton a joint practice session in livestock judg i ing in preparation for the lour county competition ui gurjnh a county bus trip and the inter club judgiur in october and finally awards night in decem ber awards available to high scor ing members arc trophies tor win ners of individual clubs a plaque for high novice at guetph and the j e whitejock uemonal tro- phy to the ouatandtns member in halton county the highesr hon or in 4h u to be chosen a dele gate to national 4h week during the royal winter fair mr mkdoiineu thawed colored aubes of- the award winning gate algttititucb incuide four from tbuareft he said that the 1965 competition would include im- provernentsto farm entrances the icingsway kiwanis of toronto tare of tbitr proievl salt and also on the selection and preparation ol their grain plot which ill he seeded uith rxisltred ikrla barlts ttuaa clubs are sponsored bx the alton agrriullural soiieix and jtxx itrvanied under the nolu ii ol thi ontario department ol afinculture club kaderx uho will assist mr record dunrtg- midonntll are fxfo sttmerville 4h mem russell muxrax and vino braid i fruit juice as natural as can be 12 delicious flavors oranga lsmonatl grape appl grapsfruit blade charry orangagrapafruit lamon bam pinaapplaorang dial oranga lima fruit punch 64oz bottle 90c call joa jocqua esquacing enlarprita for home delivery dial 8532339 acton acton rockwood and district lou s no sap but hes boiling over with good used car deals lous used cars main st rockwood his low low prices are sweet as maple sugar drop in now no down payment if cihmt apmoved 8564235 acton public school kindergarten enrolment acton public school will h ahl to commodate all pupiti ol kirvdryartfn are this yar to thay mot be fiv yri old by kfnler 3 1 1 965 birth or baptismal cr1if teas raquirecf to avoid confusion picas complasa th form below tjeor april 7 and srvd or mail it to your district school in care of oajtntt w ftaekimzh ftfw rb llfru kruaj bm gjo ar w d fflmil tailth prulxal m i rarusah tchaal l4ut r40 child s name clinsti m n inu sumamt date of birth tx mnlh y u patent v or guardian narrve in full for ihmthh smruaatiom call robert little school 6s32540 1 or m z bennett school 8ssum30 ibm m ianv wa iia1iij gswfcal l fmiw tabs fsf c tbaaktai at aw hssm iis04m3 ao j v 3aak waxraaui hasaraaiaaat f u tsu rum la tw hat aw ym j amiw i i matan mv i i if wataaa iiaa va wummnimm c h tv a4ia rra prwa c r ilnur usmrah to l tk am vwmm rmm i rut jpi a tauui u i fclwuliuna pi tsw am 1 rraa v aw jaas taaraa aaafc av 37 increase in savings term deposits during 1964 reported by president of their annual meeting highlights of 1964 annual report savtngt a tann dapatllt fittl maoia bend wxl uatki ganaral raaarv mai pmiu a taxaa dividaiult la sharakamam talal aatah untlar admliwmoa 1 wmj4m 0ii71 110 i a3 30t74a03 officers directors o cmamwlkfl praodaat dr c a martin vktrravdnl w j baahy vka f raudanl au mtmlhaa o c sacrary 10 oauuing h lasvranta qc esrriaham maasatt r a flhar j paaaluay j i barkar a 0 cjaaiaav f j5a j m hatar o m fatl qc j s baahy ca amuonl canaral monoaar tnnl okm mortoaoa ohictr c d caartaa ca c c tlax ija appronol ofhcar g at s fatlar o o e manning caaaral manoaar monagar eiiott dapl d s mclauckua fantiaa ohcr j f oorawtky n 1 offices haul otto oakvau oalari otkar ofreat services 4 en savtngt 5vk on 35 yaer guororslwd invathaanh mutool fundi fuad ktcoaw equity flan allnllt snwlnai waa ettala maanino morloea ioom milton ass main fctwet notth lotne skucf maaaar lurcneiea mltaa

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