Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 12

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yvfcivv i i jtrfbce spilling five pins at acton bowling lanes marcaj it skuun apfkajmilv ceuld aoi mower tniaa the taack el beating the powerful crutuir in thr itnl and kl the iuu two and lout beit agoree la thlt go wee the ungl- r of marv gruchow 10 lor cru ciller ad helen ham ml tor shilien bill fuhrr- ulo lloud oul lor reallea in their two and total uln imm rolling slonet bewitched gut thr bve and teven polnu with- red price potting tingle league itandtng cnu uirr 111 beutlrhed shlltm w bealln u rolling stonn u uanh j super look thr itrfcl irum dug bonn ihrn the dug boor turned on thr povrt ujuuuikl up ikllh two and tot it jim el toro- bulluugh til tul artie while au im ft uu ml bob snyder ml jake vaaderteoy j07 711 turned in the triple and tingle lor thr wifuben for superv ii tat iih le jank 04 and wavne cram all getting thr likxhinlt the allalr hrluticn roller and upper pn duced some hoi howling uilh mill usurur g toll al dalo al did al nome mm daw shannon xv tlnnlr uatalc ml and pal chun hill 2j4 naming thr roller luo and tivtalt uln -duiky- llarrtt 0g 177l ron uurrat mo ld parent 24 and evjti broun ma guntuxl thr trtnl e and tingle lor llpnrr lea therette made a hid lor a tiiplr win hut rawhide tnuilrd tl h winning the latl canto juvte ua vain u7 dranna wol 214 and millie lahian 217 were on itu triple and tingle- plateau lor lcalhrrettc the tw john price and lligglnt uncled 211 and ms in that order lor raw hide league standing dog bom v 121 roller 104 leatherette 101 super 9 upper 91 rawhide 67 ualon marvh v cricket canu up with three winning rlturt ajt alntt ihc muntcr with llwn grant ku 226 helen juoquc us 300 and uarv stamp 46 uk being top triple irundlrr heading up municrv cmurt were sirl fixh 477 ito vcr- na tailthi 394 iss and uaryti bultert 355 i44 beaile had ruuling stones numhtr and made ever pme a winning ttne ullh rtil anyell 72 c1 uu w tuth vj 12 and iuu lt- ckethie 479 16 hvtna top tno for rulhnit slimes joce buh nan lt vriv anll 40t mm and lou urdun u2 iv uvrc tups leacuc mandinf cmket iw beailc v rdiim stotun u munmctfi2 by ken hulford wtd hc dwb 212 tripled uwi kitted tor tvumv lucky sirtk r nude with a two mnd totali wu fruw siar kirt aw uat ciu4e u pirta tweiuvd it tw uukkb fvor gmmu tliout 0i and jim axntaa 2u irltoej and uagld fur the wlnnert gel ting the snapper uikt were ir rne brecn 204 clnu iv railolo 209 226 and jem uuum 20i beat let made uilh iwu fat ul from bujjrrv inen tlkttpped the itnale but had enough pln lu uke uktau bill vlvun aa5 smit i rvliancll 00 clint tatoi 20a and bill inalu 220 tripled and uncled ur beatles boh alhian n ale vuian 24a itairv fnin 210 jatk jtihn utn 214 and jule hitct 2wt ueie un i he lrtle and kiru- platrau lor ruiierx league kiandirui tuuier 121 kumvim 100 iik1 sinker snanpei 4 buuer u bealle u lrtduilrucommftfui uaixh tl ledger 1ca hod heti khirutlitg o vhatprned and made ullh a triple uln fnun a luiuiubitnd kidle callage lu ktxt their ltri pue pam iai patent 7u jim tl t bui lough 74 and rtul lesueur 6m uen- uift hui lor ia ivm lrein 7 ua a kmee hw rui j c ohuni kept up to lrdoet i i pate uilh a irtplr utn inmi ua i wm uiuf jell inr t2 u0 btoi aifneu l and hank lailc ml topped th uitunx liiiull j lug tcn maxalc 701 and lorne ntuton a7 uetr uuvuin nei jllllo liktiu replaced bku pre in the thud kl uhen lhe look them lot ihe uuk oou iviimm ml aiul wiki near 4u ttouhu paikl itu ill to uin have l jie hiuirjank nxltl lor hi vl vingw i in ii um pie od tu a hi triple ua ruya live lavu iarulintf wtler i a 110 ottun 107 tillo luxtik 9 hlu pn m ujnumi kl iuhn l ruluv caiuv 71 actoa udt marvh m a ion jerw dam umi i he hrt lrm letljer it a h luu pin then yot lohhrr i cd in the vixxnd hut rallied lo lntx ihe ihirxl ledger made uilh enbiuh pin lo take total i ite swill 2 and donna man e 218 olued lor the datr ujr ion jirnw tm and donna her i rtnyluo 237 tripled and unglod or 1 ca cameos rrplaced the j tecond plaxe mavalet dairy uhen lhe look the milk maid for tux and total marnie mel lor 219 marine hurl 204 riia owtr 211 and nan hum fc5 tnyled and tripled for ihe uln ner norma rihinon came up with 202 2 lor maalex nlel- mn v clolhiny utik up uilh a itipu uin lnm roihlin jluvii let t1k jcueller made a bid lor ih list pjmc hut mied it h 17 pin ini mellon 2m ami fnlv luiienline 215 hod the nlel 4n aii lor rakhlin h ua lmin hrtcr 201 league stitulini aliihi jerc syoaoll us fiuatur gov ill ue bnd joan morri 123 134 ur top trio for lunch ortcb lleadirtg up llw bkie bel le roll uvre uu alklnuin v 234 ibwtt blllorf u9 1s5 and liihel llarrt 342 iv3 league htandlng hplillie 100 fiimbvr 07 lonely one m dumb belle 5 ookplkk 3 okie belkk a april i h vurtf wa april lool day lor at ton bllluil sotwr club pated lv iartv no lan sis 3201 john rubuui h22 and frank mead al2 handed i lie cue- b a three uuitu et kkl billurd made a hid lor the uoand dame hui ueie n pliu hv bdl hannon m2 jim luillotuih 60a and nhu uiu 405 ibktible uviv bllluidhwi u- nilnluii llikl uxm lie llit iu- i nun canadian tiir uilh the t takuu the imaw llu odd phl or lota uem it muiii in phil trsurui 52 i iaa 101 c he pe ha 7s aiul luml pen 712 ims uvte wdumui vvaluifur top tri i aiw dian tire it wan pele sluppi 775 114 tain uuhman 6j5 and ken johnutn 76 tuaillna up lie mil paul t fuen wear aught adam old mnpe tll tvaw tn th llit aiul uon h three pm the sinner pt un langled and uound up uilh itu netl iu and total top trto lr mj snipe ucit- jell i ier 120 id m4ilutua rw ami ud kg iuu 672 llel in paul aue um ivv doitt ivt iethre uutglieel fvv and uu riul v uaiiue laiuhnu a4u111 mtltl snip 140 aaioii ihlliaid i2n paul mn uear m ikwninumi hold m sahixi lluh 76 cana dian tin 51 aeton frund april t i hui uerv mi itu uin pioul arul made uilh a triple uln al beat etp n met llai ne 60 ro wil 215 on i haj man 201 aiul tom datum 200 uei on the litpk nul single pla iriiu km i km maiikn kuai thin 201 ntiui ua a loiur tor iuar beaxer inotvd up into ihe 4ond kl utth a ripl uin hum tiyei llnut ktiwkr 22t jutu ilitnui 2w and tlumir uuandouki 279 uiium lor leacr marion hihks 22i and llarilry colo 27204 ftlaglad for tigara pan thai uai a i wo and louu winner whain ihry wai the cougar slu miconnoll 64a and urutr mi arthur 642 fuued ihe uin ray toih ungud 212 fur cuugax uague htanduig lion 117 beawt l panther cuu gjt 2 uoi 14 tlgen 73t atlnmbed amil 2 i ueky strike lame up uilh a tuo and totajk uln g aliut ihe tip tut ilea lie ivy uaiiin 754 and wdtne iaun 6m headed up tlu- uln hill doldile iilpus 615 tth ilallc uee uerr ahumuun and athifiln for a lilple uln agatnl umlatltc se- ten 1 tnur while 221 212 and naiu jmtn 220 inyud fih he livd landiy 201216 ray iwoiir 201201 maiv daley 211 aiul 4anul v hiu 1 206 udned in a toting i4iixr wlaidk rolled up an lmprihe uln in tlu llil aualnl fluke arul ll got i hem jllu klnguloti lor tolau a ilukt lallutl lo a 11 lie tlu lal luo game joe puiialigill 615 heail umi up i hike roll lliarlle cough 211 aiul hi i j en en 222 singled tor wtaid i leagiu laiutlng lualle tut taiiutlu seen m0 lux 9 wll aid 17 tiuky slrlkck 17 i luku l yn v untut apill t t aglek luw u tittle litittki pillule than lite hcjllc ami u011 one and total altnoit vmn tin tioih lot tlie lal itanu lis 14 pm kolhng slmu iilwi t jiiw up ullli a ikk and tot iu uln 1 1 it i mkv u did un ihkhjhltn agjint ljwk mak lug itie itlg tin till met k wtit iu1111 dunn ll2u 1711 ikih iuiliv loju 140 hill lahian ivhitt itm jukl palniei 142 174 i 111 iliemla llenrv im im ll pu nlttlak i4iw 2ui lloh anli 101 iu 211 iiv tuiktt 107 111 2m gary pi lie i7l1 2n2 jjn luiitlull i2t iu 2ui ami alto in tm itiilli skt llnitt sigakle 74 im 2ui i ltaiiue standing beatles 7o uollnii siiiih 74 i gle 71 lliukt tt links 61 unlouthihl n m hgvadpin hllifm toining up utth hlg eote lor ih ueiklv auardi uere phil u sutur u inning the rinlwn clo uu springs p4o4wy march 30 blue bell rang the win hell in the ltrt againi dal fodiu onl to have daltodil rail vtrongk and take the tat tuo and total s t la uage sm 1221 shirle thomson 4r3 209 and jill ularen 41 20g headed up the uin peg emmer- on 525 294 fran harding 172 and rheta gooduin 4v t6 uere bel tor blue belk mangold took hollyhock h 21 pm in the hri then faded out and it ua holkhovk tor tuo and total joanne emmcrvoo 471 167 hett armstrong 472 1l and pat mow 416 l69 uerv hohhkk lop tno vjn- eiia smith 466 1sji cherl phil lip 4u 221 und juan kenned 42 171 topped the mangold trundling mkrantlk march 30 monster tuited alt a luo and total uin irom the iront running tuiter uith joan knight 6j7 and ed wood 4s taparking the uin bill knight ms dairv 95 rahlin jeuellers ra udgvr 1 g 84 nielsen clo thing 76 thurcuy toppers pnl i spill ire broke the thrwua tic lor top spol h utnning all game from ookpik the uon the tirt game b 21 pin then there ua no holding therm grace roherton 57 229 roe winter 21 223 and kate turkovr 4i4 itvj headed up the utn top tno lor ookpik uere jean ham 477 214 yonnc hamilton 46 1rm and mnle mecan 1w u60 dunrn belle got knocked oil ihe top rung uhn i umbler look em for iuu and totals alter losing the lirsl game verna artilt 531 tm cuuikt utcallc 4a2 219 and vur dale 44 paced the um joan knight 63 237 cora ualieo 527 220 and helen hodgson 334 i5j uere top tor dumb belle lunch one drop ped the tum to blue belle b 20 pip uon the econd b 20 pin and took the third plus tot als tu cjx into third place lucy spring beauty begin at custom cleaners vm udim l kav thai wardreb l ysura loahnq a fraak and mw u tka blosmt si sarlne yeu iksuu ut custom claaa yur clmlwa custom cleaners sam day sarvtt eacaet saturday in by ajn out by 3 pm cash and carry main st n phoni s34im 4mb announcement under new management mr trudy grondinger and noler mra give me school mnn formerly of acton wnk to announce thai they have recently taken over the management of vienna steam bath and health stublo 24 woolwich strut guclmf ontario formerly buds sauna bath rtcwax masseuse mrs schoefmann hours sf byappomirrrvatit only ar hours women 10 am to noon and all day wednesday gentlemen 1 pm lo 1 1 prn daily except wednesdays open all day sunday lor men closed mondays and all holidays km atrwmntmcnt telephone guelprl sj4j7s0 you r sure lo gel the bott t coopers perfumes colognes and cosmetics by elizabeth arden bevion o yardievs chanel r o shuiton shaumar max faoor evening in parjs youro sura to pleat with any one of these stifoigtou mornvkkrtlksts by hailmaric special or easter desert flower bath powder and cologne by shulton rag 335 special 150 smiles n chuckles boxed chocolates easter novelties as a treat or gift theyre perfect special easter boxed chocolates 135 to 250 prescription pickup and delivery coopers drug store harold g m04ris phn3 proprwlor 31 mill st acton phone 1530131 thing awtd lib m0 irlpla ducky- kan hmiid a 177 alitab lo pick up tba a b so- mrmairut voucher ivy a4ariio 74 won tha nfeuant hoaury whuo puy bumathoa pictted up bs ulmri icjx vouchar with hr 2 lngw wuna bait over their avar- j to win tha hotlk bvorir sevn up cucacula and raliv- hartt uwrv colin price gary turkoki healhar buclianan and uremia henry itii tough at our local now i r know lo howl thai eluuva pthftxl 4s0 game but down kll ihener wav lavi week ijxwg hokuelt a 21 vear4d bowler of even veark vietltfue t ik bed tor two ol ihem in lha aiiw night kmmge httwled in two league iii hil league wa blaiutaid tin re game allalr aiul lie went im 4v12 2 con 1 1 no lug on in hi cond league inuittaine klliii lu tulud 23ft 2w2vmv tlie lailetn canada llunnp uriibhtp uu al llu uht i lilian lloul in ntrlplt april l i and 17 amll m iva itu irun ami taduv lngle lhl hlimk al pm april i at 10 10 am ihe mled iranu howl 200 p m loiv lei i cam u p m meri tiaiiu vfjo pm tlu final bkuk w jjfiw flrve mwwnmw ktmw mwkmtfm or ihkhk bnkn tm trip ttf ty haliea wolun brwdm vuilad ouutandiiu harda in o- ford elgin artttljtolemt cchuv tla ua prtdav april 2 tha irl vull wm lo th rowfccuw porta curtlaa uwaad by mr uow prj dent ul ttw hokltflr hruuan a uulatlon ul canada mr row luut a coninmllonal dairy barn wlih a pold baffl lor iba young tall la liny liafiilied with a for age harvefcter nd ban dr ltd at the uni of pied tahhor hui g4i4vllla tumlurt lalu were oil ol the men and ladle kliiglei the filial bluik wind up un tul urdav april 17 wllh the nilud leant ghrtg at iv am ladle learn at 12 immmi men team al jwi m siuhjui lie a good go wllh alt the one iliaiiiiumk ttdl ing iim tlie light lo iibpel llu wckicrn iliainp fur llucan dun liafuliuuhlu at tlu kit iluiwer airna annea unday ap ril 20 tuewuv april 21 and wod iu dav april 12 that wind it up mite again ut ad lot ainlg4k and gtwjdilighl italy my callw faad on uyugii frorrt lauy ftuun around i ha bau ol th wg kilo tna tow r tontlrwd ut in barn afa ihrthighoiil lha mllia yaar al por4 uw pdiiiu dpi lug ium the llva puvlkm cow wtttf uuuetled one of llieu hat now tuinpluted over 20qjmj0 pound ul milk a iruularn winduule u a i r y bam wa umtii al lite aim ol mar i hi hum st tinuna t1ie v 4 lcin are lied up lull air mllkrd in milking ui1jui a gla tin d jlo ha baan arvilad aiung wllh u nmmiht fcllo for faadlng luyugv nul torn 4uga hlgfi m4iura tinn i alo intludad in tho dairy ration tlw final vult wit lo i ha fgrnt of wrfjvtr urua balnwil tha flva kuelunl uw ware aju taan in oil hard hy going on group hui trip farmer tan obterva naw trvnd in lirrtdlng i fading and nurugtv intra 4 dairy raltw lki tt ilia liaiikpml equip imnl ihe canadian rrd cimt htiiiiil iianlulun fcervlt liavrl- itd n4 ihaa m rnlllliin in lie in litlrtl ami deliver bliwid l can adian lumtlau harvey laverty heating naimtlma and lavhtrouahimo sales and service kapalr sa tji naaaaa alimtaiaa cui shaal waiat oil awl oaa iwaara uuimthai canvaruan iiiwih mawftrhtn 34 haur tarvlaa sama rockwood frozen food sale ricn vjttdhf kftu 1 i t fi ii wa haaarva ih right la ltatll ouamiiua y lraaarvatc fruacn fancy peas om boulh lr orange juice 5for1 turkrr chicken bccl pka morton pies 5 for 1 blue water haddock fish fries ftayal ova special combination offer i jaoa tin ol stafford cherry pie filler and isoi pkg baity crocker lecrostmlx choice new zealand lamb i short cut whole or half lego lamb 51 whole flank on loin o lamb lamb in a basket roast chops blew front o lamb iga coffee 79 salt salu padt 7et tlni white tuna 31oo anfanani aumralian yaw ckalca 3et tla fancy fruit zzr 35 tender garden fresh produce ol usjk can no i grade sparagus proilucc ol mciucu canada no i grade lb canatij si i iade canada no i grade mm oca vu rip tomato 5c cmparor grap t bc ivlra lantv call lorn la t 639c pnlik i i sa tillul1 so i cdaik green onions 325c ik 29c h 25c maple leal mild cured sweet pickled i cryovac cottage rolls lb 49c freshly ground minced beef lb 39c economical nutritious sliced pork uver lb 29c aylmercbotea cream style c6rn aylnttr vegetable soup strawberry or raspberry chivers pure jam hostess potato chips lancia spaghetti or macaroni hoe tine 2 for 33c itna tbu 7 f of 2sc jar 39e lloe pkg 59c mb pkg 35c save these extra tapes for free gifts or eaton merchandise certificates receive eatra tl tape with mother parker instant cormaax jar arrouax uouw wax quart receive extra s4 tape with amhrmia creamed rjcf 15ax tin javex iuacn441 siia kralt crocker ftarrcl cheese laai receive fjtira u tape with pnijutc il l s a celerv htartscan ma 1 tihlctlte uked ioloona 13ax ilanana or brotiie sara lea cakes pkg extra specials iga ginger ale presswbod golden valley tfl bacon i 230 ozc bottles j lb package

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