Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 2

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ar f ttkmrf mt majtla leaf wen th buk wadnatday svnlna of last wv by i lmi 4v3 front nw um m ilm v lp nallis lull haatn don miin i oiji iit xiitltt rr jeuh bat row lr to right at ray hibhard tony houl bill fitter daia sty data oarroh and msl mann mining vrt ajsoto w taban war danny hail lay majvin jeftntton and harry oawrich ihduttrtal league finals cardinals edge flyers 43 in overtime it look seven mlnutn ami 21 aaoorstu of overtime for carsllnal to pull an uptri in the first game of the induitrial hotkey lragur inau sslmaay kallh allen pulled iht trlng un the vvtnslaa aurtor oa a play with bob ferae to enable card lo aaa ik favored plyar 44 awl lak a em aaa uad in th bail an ll un ken ttw huiin shut frnn don lindsay gar riuht lied 11 up on a pla with ttim oakley the second period wa suurcltvs waa us taoond but jim mcdonald pui card in titratr atrar la kamh h lud rroni ailv in tno irurd astird ihaaajtn lnllfcl adrdrvulwlu tv pmllunw risen came nglu ihe umr comhlnatuia adding jim hatk with two inaisn 10 lie it mcdonald lo force lh game into i aiul yo ahrad w km tikk itill ovettimc lied lt sssusuul maifccr ol the nllit flyar ftral j irum cmux maum lor one niuh both irani hagiinl a marker in rouvwi noltneil the other on th hrsl iramr flsers hilling lirl pli with wawie mirnad aiul pounding th sports biat kiwari tcrnull association meeting which covered among other olinaa last season financial nnon revealed either on of law lid mil sen of ihe good bunjjhm of aclbn who attend town league softball awa i am ejthar looking ihe u rong wav when they niu ihe hal 2 are unemployed and ruv utile loner change 3 are just plain cheap skate cojlactioni at game sometimes dldn t meet esrsome even whan th bleachan were holding thair full kud of punas other game there d b a substantial collection ttfrhohi who pass the shapeau intimated several regular palrona cunvealenlly ucilde lo locale elsewhere when ihey aaw ihe collection plate coming other jus ignored 11 some would oblig ingly sprinkle a few pennies in v what earn to daa about u the maailag waa ato ua lalainsss anluss vou cast ckarge lo gal la or lata m tr run lata irlihllrnml i for raauag ik park vou eanl lore anmaona la drop a worth wall coairlbuiloa kalo lb box sa nt weary hi laaa who caw l th frriabl far laal yaara ahball wttl nival tain la a ibu mini v j k- qm flip nil the tv box an approaching final for acton tanner induitrial league final town league minor playoffs junior a action on channel 9 there s hockey tare for everyone from the small pint maed toddler on his first pair of skates to ihe smooth tauvc prulcsttonal seeking the stantev cup ihuuv ends are emlsroiled in the elimination contests leading 10 the sports moat elusive priae a champiunship down at the region town league plavuffs saturday the junior a final waa underwav hamilton turned tn a 60 whitewash over niagara falls after the game ihe jubilant wings patted their goalie on lb bock puahrd him down ewsvbods laid on him irvtng to muss hit hair he must have been crushed drama in the per wee final dorson fnrrclli springfield club facing elimination after one of the league s biggest comebacks have aa their big star ihe son of the coach of the opposing team baltimore the got badly beaten dldn 1 score a goal the felt badn the mut dub c they woe ihe champlflalmp a oub la th haaav of aa eseltaa vweaaaiar saay net eany use tea twy or oaah i up la lard slaakrra bbss hut it maaaajual aaaasieji tauam next wkbat the spotlight will shut to the tanner at they go attar their flrt wojul chamnknuhrp against either fori elgin or riurham pint gam will be either monday or wednesday here depending on the length 0 the northern series the acton club had a good workout last friday against the pickup gualph team but exhibitions are not substitute for the real thing word tram th north la thai port elgin will be a lough nut 10 crack if they win the northern final theyre in real good shape and have been playing regularly a weel who saw mondays game in durham in which the hutkim tied th series thinks durham will be the team to wrviue 0 at fh anlllg lb flaala weald to th sharur i eaei tar away anil ll wa kort riaka hag the to trista aavi aataaraatly ma uasssaass muij n bl he so yaw ah yaw aleb aasl doat feraet a gat n niilirlllln littjbii mi mil 17 seat tnnetessal loughrus jivd live lens plavtill ilirwtsplki miiii hulcd lo live 17 ihiullii nutmd hv referees dan arhk arul t hes rcha chailu phillips mill sit out a one yunr susiunsion as a i n suit of one fracas sparkling for the wmntrs iwri kulie wane i as mou lloh rue amkon uiuhu vshiu m i minder boh stuprvid waiu shtppard and mrd mason wit lh ptclt cvf the flyers ardusalt oult wrap up tlu title this sunday night ll this ptev the same lvie ot ho kcv lives did last sabbalh i iwrs will be giving all out however to piouvng the series cardinals wavne ascmunr gival keith allen ron llnke arv ritchie brtke bartvcr howard dwyrr charlie rtlllhp tom oik le tred andrews jim mfvontld fred curne fryers bob sheppard g don lindsas ken tik k j k k kcnn wasnc sheppard mel sheppard him phillips wavne wilson al holmes ard masivn dace pap- ii ion nuah row sell don lindsay that set the si tire for kcllh alun and the popular rwdagoyu wasn 1 remiss tlv arlon fra pretl tlmrsday april kill 104 tanners win exhibition with guelph club fri rmkltitt mtluiy 4 aitutkan ijvyur iiuiunuh ltriiu r jui wbf ami liukitvliul ivhilvv ipjhu turrv fiirnuhru a lai prac lk itur th tanti-rr- i riilav attfhl lull lh- utf in 1 iiutuh lr i turn ulwn 11 kjnvr in mim iiu tfiwlsy tk tanm iiiuhj ti livt nuk in the mr vl m iumiit ul ihr illinium iimiri twlr ihe vivimux nt irvjnlhl uiwj then lualrtj l an 11 7 vututv in lnai l wo tnitifttk4a ln tu- vixiiut silik ivm pikri4hl hy amriksn huclrv irani v i nn utlt svwviwv uhn imlkxl j ull til gtuu ll wj a ipkal hlbilum umh itiu xpittj aiul hut l if haidiy 4iiv hlltuig ami yihi ul uulr vn iwhiviv iultjt hul wmu iwal unhutjlumt puv iimii llw hm tv wll ihii miuulf i tilth llaiiuu 1 tut ihuiitf nm tmi lluy vnmul rutxl iutil j ralu- ukmm stful tul m iw line they il iw a ltrrat 1 ill at tn 1 luh vmu ii th- t i rr uhn iiiiiinitdt lo khltc uit nitdtilf ti tulllll itwli ny imnl uuluiifihi hun h kfliiiii trifw riuly rllt 1 1 tint imu i iv iis miuc itu 11 it uilli pi trikllj llvr tihiwi- iptl llvi iikk iiu- iphl luti uilh xulpli in ihr inuulu i heipu 1 tulimi uptninu tip lot ttr mini in llu 1mil h rtuv irlanl ihr 3i llvf nilnuit jiuj ami ihnx juksi ivih utktiuu ttlmr ltajjtjjf4l 1 hiu jnu tcairtllv niuh jtnilur llruhwkjil iiumuj tuufetlr- ami t4rrv inylu i ul rrj iu rsult j vk ii a itil uiilnn jii iis isiiiillv din i lit sulllumii fil hlulkl iv ruimv va llu- m tan lift iii ll trtll lib itmilfsl mi iiuonigf a ug inui no fridoy ama mm j h4 fmllll ww al libltplliag m rttsmf u 1111114 ihw imw fav lh tawftiri vti uy kjh4 avauiui likr ttuuil wwhtlftm cxhm ur vmw but wm ummnvmnhil mm fcypnar- smwss far tk yssrihtama will w u llw ftiwu mmiuy ur wi talvtsmotti imftv in lit a n uji u lh p wm havnpwanilup ahtf y mumtttt til llty mfke f ithuwii willi lllvfjl uuy liu kmimi n tlvs lm laiiy hill jui llolinft iffy mim tl il llif aun mhiflfan ivl i r wir i ndni fn rtrfmi of lit akmi lgiori mirwm lwty ttjfiflmii avillt m ivi t- ih ff l ruun fef mwrtl ll till kriiglil ollofwj lltar vu ivill f if i feejl 411 astf fltf vlfl t n nirttjhawti mcfi tlslr ik f js i i i al l ftolievall m lagion town lsgu playoffs baltimore claims first crown sat t pope heads soitbah assn second year toj popr wa rvlcititi prevt- lifnl uf ihe alton suit hall avocu- lion l suiula v annual rmling uf the anmmuhon in tbt aunmim ilv ccnirr the screlar ircaair cr pit acitcit h charlie thompson ucnl to phil scottv mccttstall h acclamalion wtun ihr two tlher hommrts with dm a clow three wa utile for ihe pnmdcnts chair hervkctm the in- cumhnt bruce caryill and scot h mccniall ucnt lo mr pope m the eteiilun previtird over h recreation director hams roe the meeting open to the publk attracted 19 most of them pu erv it wit agreed a representa tlve from each team in the town league would round out the ex ecu live last vtmr financial report pre sented b inr president wa at cepted hv the meeting unanim oucly h s holdbj oromstthst m cork s kaat cubus hwaeta st1n lv6w b iwmms survtvlag th cutoff of the hout round of the bjxo bowlaag rvorjval ear advance to the bikal in nnanpmn for the holt- da trip to biinnili went kay titotto rl 114 pin over hit aver age bob uahia 75 114 nine over ml aflafa bui knight 612 151 pins over hi average ron latt oner su us pin over id arnmeyi and th lone rvrnale to- aurvlv eunice metcalfe uhose 443 triple wai 157 bin vvrar her awerage it assay be thai on at actcat csmtewanu vfdl vvttt thai rvollday quality ba produtts save you money oliblhlm mevjwottw s year pay e ftmiotb m- stmr ottt twmk0h ftjtls ltd mann sssslslss finals start man or wed for tanners flru gam of the woaa inl c nulkor flkal wui be hi aiion rllhrr uvulay or uichi nrtutay awtl wek safcrelary managrr ajf uk rldg iwoeiurd yanawr auvnag er iui foot in hy pfcoa tuv dty ihe mirlhrrn final twiwrrfi port klgtn ami durham wimuj be rtnlahed by nrvt utwuuy and fioaalbly ihu frtday in ihr evwt tla nuiihtrl friday th winner wfll be in acton on uonday ir u goea the limit se wn gamea the final serte will atanl in acton on wednea- dny durham knoilad ihe northern arrtes al two games each by rttglng port i igln on utuulay ames in ihr final aei will likely he played on uondaya wednendayn and friday in order lo avoid ctmfllctlng dales with the niix dlayoffs fana in ac ion are urged to watch for posters with ihe final playoff opener dales on them ml i lh i ul sunday hi impiim ullll oik aauvvvtaaaaaaaamaa the royi cilv crrw fired lhrc ljkal in le tkin ttim minute mill sucnr connn ihamp in the a h l lor minv jxars fca a re il thtrit hut hi tound hro- ihsf jim in llv acton rn lv a puzu lie might have hiil luu or ihrrr nurc mukirn but lir his harhr hnitlur jim us ratr sharp since ihe contest was slncllv in exhibition il lacked the ap peal ol a comptiilive plaxlf cn- cimtir hut it provided the alton iliin with an opportunitv to break the monotonv of prac tice mtnmum uhile he watt lor another woaa finalist centie blake inhv was the pkk of the alton crew with three poal and as man assists with lincmattr wanc davison rapidh reyainmg his earl sea son lorm with a pair of goat llalltiimiir lapfmd live 1ykni lownkatfiu pit uit till s iliii tlas jilt ilk nut bt vkhllt vtiasltiii spiidltlii ul 7tl in lh mttiiul dllw llu ik l i ttinx llllil i ayiu iral i ill iumi i lit ik w thampmins i iiiyhl spitiiu ikui off luilaiwt in likt llu sci 14 s 111 twit sllulll ilwv ul sh ut iim shimis hi tin iii st ijillt ut itu si t 111 llu alum oik im i vt stun ind hi unplon tint luil in ill ill iu villi miii mil i il t v un hi an a ihuik plmn viiii iii nili s john mails ii tmyyctl lh ksiitii tihinlu is i inl us john ashlt v ul i psk i uus van i u- i ik u isicrrtl lor hrimmti on i pi i m up by lllll hill is y i on i th t kin ol ihr ol i ik v ill u pi i ik ivsit a 4 mil s p in i uls ilk valll s 20 lldlll ikll wings winners i inst i hilt ol ilk tk ui lliiti jtiiiini a ntivut linak wnit lo hamillimi hv a wlkopping 60 kiwinl ovti niatai i i ills tlk tails who plard mioihj liililli to hamilton in th siandinus ill m i voi i wkto ik vi i n i in ill rlllt itiy v wiiis w is hon loulttl mr rallied in lotir tt tells lllll isslltil mi oiu ron v inn thiitl in the icijjtiu situ int dtit with 12 ttls ind lour assists silurdtvs clltirt pio dtktd a third ol whit he not all m i son olhrr ii unilion mtrkmn utrvt iiowhij cihiltnip ind ir copklaml vkilh how in ilso picking up an assist d ivid lcc 41 l let i td two assists on kun ijihitetl s markers and rodney thh also got one itm trvitih ih th wi wink llw ii itiniiw liain pot up 11 mil ii it i t in i s ihm i sloiii will uhniiui ilk ll ik i pals iiiiiiiii hilt uooililll iiihuli i hon i iiniiiiiuham wtio iun ol iimiu u li ll i a siiiiiihii 1 i tv il lnk i 1 i i- i leafs sweep series capture midget title i is ho i iii rll 4 iii om1111 it 1111 114 h hi ilk okiit s1i 1 i ml tlun dm mmi i u oil imirif 1 h s lohlli 1 iii s i ell ll sallll s1 iii klll is hi ll hill b r l tat hi i v ii own ikiir1 imih u v 11 lnt th v t u it mi ill i pui mi jiul i ll i ikoll m tlo it i ii lliiltfrl tillt i on i ii in so ssion m nit i s hi pi is il i immi is kit kklll oil 1 it his iii 111 s iii iii i hit it i i utttll i i hum it lis hi itti lllll t hill ol i hi ik s ul dirt linalk uha m 1 i is hii trr i i i hi i iii llllllllll k hi is hi llut ttoil sshili his in ilt i islittl iii i lll in s iliiiilas s kinltsi howiir llu a its poktiitl i limit dat i 1 s i ih tfii i ivkj issist ih loi iii ii i h ul tn i tlyt on tvt h ilk tv s ran i is 1 1 w is i losi un ill itu htial si in vklun llu h mips vvitpjkil ii up unh tk laafs in i nml i lis wl iii hi lltlllt 111 ill ii it mai iii pjmsll ik h ii tlls ol u i hi i lllll vh i- it su1 l ii it i hi 1 11 i mill iii s h1 ion n t ilk iiiaryiii hi ll m i onl jjltli assists tn nl i i lji utul hi din il li h 1 m hitibaid raiiitis poi i pir ol i limit i 1 1 oin hints milne hid oiu if mti h rusk willi van fik ami rush mlltx liny an issisi ipi- i oath un mmi i h ul ill i ils p issnir ilk pn k v ii in th iml gjinr hm ili4 stiaugfn pud ill vsiih tin utl seals on maro v mill h n lai kdi r b hairl lavr kvder ln h irklv isltltilotilv lliili tti iltl diav 7 hmsl iktllj dalmll jolin tot n it up issi ltd hv sin john dtwding met lohnsm mav mil sn thn sin johnson hit llu h dp nilhs hill i i i i iiitl hoiii hiamott i pui ran hill hayt n it v vnli hhi us in 1 1 hut llu tails tank hlrith hat i so sttomls 1 iti i with a umi raniws mill winiriii y h dm if it ku hum mill hayi n mlliif it iwnlon p ms s to knot the loiini hi nn johnson r masalts kilk j 1 1 it s imnhtil ttu onl two coom r rush ii tlroiins i tounltis ol llu sivonil slatia watson anils r wall ik i i jiopir i tn niir fry mj l i tfcn t onih ifhin dm hoi n hi i i in hilt i hinlrd un i i i il i i i in r and fary mutter a i yik n fw nallli lor lite lump a wi ii as si iii ann im i ii ol spdlnftrhl irridung turtes iviun iuu gaiik lo tume in it h imsi ol hvi llntain krtv uiili m illalo pitt stxit y rdgrd ihe mis hi t l i piol ng tlk itetl ol hv ihui inttlli game i s nitiv ahii llih iwiwern 5 in i p m i jifur vii1114 1 lump muharl mjiuhii uiyiriid lw gial lor hi lliniv ittn hrsl and li s iii ml i hi sallipwill kti ij llu t hmi mihatl marthtnenl isii 1 mai mii on his llrtt lv id lik on ului pinrd lo k llu ksvlfiiih y al itr n 11 imiin nil d in lolh 11 1 1 i 1 mull ilti i ik jm liallti ut ir mtvtd by our iishs 2l ami wayne de ton m ol litiilalo foal duk and hn ouimiik of kltlsbiirg srvtxl the p ime s only ptnttv secnd fimc ol the sen s was held 1 1st nijrht httwern 7 ind it p m and 11 ionld nu in a ihimp- tonship lor wins spnnylirul s sut prising np- snriic during the playoffs cam lo nrth with a thud in the sx ond game ol ihcir final set with ikiltirmire in the amcraan ka it ik ikilttmoit pist nisd th springs 2 in ihe openet and it lkked hk it was going to be a liu4 scnis hut the baltimore tliro fired bv dale fisher s four gikil pcrfirmantc were easy 70 ktors in saturdays contest the thanips cen pot two goils i while ihiv wei short handed spnpgheld just couldn t seem lo gi1 un tracked they pe goalie bob ballenttne little protection mi r isnt n i iao a jt o notice public skating cancelled morning 8 evening april 10 acton community centre as a treat or a gift to your family or friends this easter give fresh chocolate good easter novelties from 25c lo 190 and you f avocitt choke of boxed chocolates from 55c to 190 spttciak 135 to 550 dont leavt it tiithe last minute order yours today t wiles bus depot un alums propbletoij iv mhrtaa taut 10 mtmsm quaamrv uahtffm feature event directory for your imahalrwhtmtt ploaturo in toronto march 30 amu 17 oklflt centre hrtlt a c pnrr 4mu mywnfliaisv twasssruawiitiv nm you can drivo a lot farrhar bu youll bo happittr with ttoog manning appliances s4 mut sl i acm u3a30 wharo you gal satikfachbh in acton t enbo rl1nion theatre sound of music holirwood thfatbf mflf f popp r continuous snow from i 10 p m university theatre my fair lady mat nees mtl sat sun to amiil is roval ontario museum ceramics 65 urvdrwatr archaaolooy enhibit to aptll it art callerv ontario socty of aith amu s may m roval alexandra theatre spring thaw amu 14 may i crest theatre emmanual xoc fur economy am friendly service plan to stay al toronto s ior0 s1mcoe hotel cruvulimly lrm i tw haart of slvvvsuwa al nw ssbwayl huajn m la lj iilij 1am la i4j fra cvssantitlsl parltha the rlord simc0e hotel klna a urskrantfy tiim3lm

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