cost trvtv ttw acton ft- fv trtorwwy apl ftm 1965 bm cap or n ft i whji 10 thank m many friend and ncljtborc for flow en and card wi to me while i vn in fwmpiial and tlnce cam ing home special trtanki to mv ikriibors lor ihrlr kindness lo m wilt a41 11 1 r turner we would like lo enprem our era hcwpiul a brother lor heartfelt hank and pprcia tmavt tmaie m4 kvln in io our liurvd and rietftmur j ui lw sards und floral tribute and s 1iofstkw1 trudy awl horry are fsanpv lo anraiuivcr the wrhl of llarlr auk i etsvard hrt heir to lnuliwvscs and an on april j svs ji cnelr p svmpalhv rriiiililiil eousfhald john and rileen thank led for rhe safe nmvil ol their son jeffres allen otl april s ims al guelph cen- kh sal fcmohmol we are decplrrateful lo rein tlvts liunds uoo mithhtin tot ner hosfmal ei9g6ment ur and mr g r us omit ill toronto onl annatinc tht iv fifrtmm ul thrtr daughter jun beatrice to ur ur ow n oatfacteak weddm will take place saturday june 1 2 ut the cfcurrfc of the messiah an meant toronto- 1111 i ttihuits und tards dunns hii hert aw merit a spxial ili ml uu is r tended to mis lun jaine mr b m man if o iiur mr toke i rin mtv mur kl hihs rail mat ad and lo mi truakti ft n and miss r hard inr r s tulph and to i he nuiint staff ol third floor ittlpfi miwrat hospital lo dm iocs otoniwi ind suxi lo r sruljrmvc and u th rumuv shot malt t i antral home mrs jos 11 allan rtta talor mvrlcuhitr a41 vm died qming events algic suddmk at acton on fridav april 2 195 ruhen laird algic ui 41 buvlt avl acton beloved huvhand of jo sephine gordon and dear la i her ol dr gordon saull sic marie w uovd ol frt credit v mn marfa ret mendctson of wynnes ood pcnn and bnttt of orillia mr algu is ikosui vived b eiyht tiarulthildrt n brother ol mrs jcssu thnrvs on mrs graii mathews miss helen a tie and mrs jean harrison runerftt servkt was htld mon dav at the ruml shoinialti funeral home at 2 p m inui tnettl palrview cinuterv a rak sile uill he held al u 7 ikniult shoil ma s 141 mj anitqtu siu iris and cralts m t 8 2 pin ul innilv united churxh sponsored h ucw al rnn tei srid al426 uikimtli i o d i meeting tu imih april n 8 p in xion hill joint met imp vwith iike ul dtwinshnt chiptir n4142 iikhr ut billinitad common it tnlrt tucsdnv apnl h at 8 vi p in giiod pi i s 1 unth stttd admission so n4140 por sale 1 bantam vcrifax copier and bantam verifax aiti meter by kodak reatonable 85s 2j20 a4i4m t0rsal r 1 manrield loom ti camera like new htdit bar i kodak movie projettor wwiw 227 mum rorsalt wood dr hard wtxidjwfaple and heech an lenglfi lor firvplaie or stovt wmmw s774000 a41412 rjr salt 1wa ford s ton lnuk food motor ood nrtilki 12 stake bodv food inrm tnuk phone 1124 n41407 for saif 3 homctn metrs 1 polled a ay us wilffht rfci h nh j hit 6 b appl h hinnuk phom m14 atton a4l4lm i r sai i 8 meteor 7 cikv ut air w ton pick xip i s8 pontiii ti xaiu station in j mofl it optn ibu weekend b4rv4 ior sal gnls hioik 2ft x speed roidsti tnilish mak etetllcnl sjndition utavinahu phoiu 82416 alter s pm a4l 411 ior sai i pun brtd iku tord polltd bull giiyelon 877 wji8 between 9 am s p m cboicelea tarms corner 13 side- road and 4th 1 ine fsqueslng b47 26797 ho i-h- f r iv v classified advertising rates fuhtiik nranih wahjhaokh kncanrurni ron kal k for rkkt kt 4r minimum l u d ihriibltri huuni ui i 1 ttrtlumt u i apy hum rhartfr fut it w da v lrf m td luitllri 1m i a u nl fur itl raiikril rouinr rvrnrs an oh cw tiiahki ii i t i i r it rti kilutltoj ttl ii r m urmoaiau i piu- in p- n u v t afhivlvo nidi i as hral rstat ii vi i i i hok nitxifurl ii t fur j- twld ik n1 9 i i a ih 1 n i s ft aalma41 all tl u ii n x wfl cnlay n t o t 1 1- j nri rii f i mj phonr 653 7010 or 030 ar nl m t d 1 imila hltllwf v u ulll al f wanted to rent uantri to ri sta 2 01 1 hednium housi in aton piidt ibl on k asi 01 iih an option to hu pihhw 8s8i6 i 41 418 wanted vsanll f pi ip nit s24 ii ib t it ii nt ind mki loiulilioii phiitu 41422 uamf mtti i kk tquli loom mil hood appt box 2t2 ail n i iet puss i 41 421 the legion idici auxiliary biamli 197 uill bold their annual i ill hanar it the lryton hill on saturday cvtobtr 16 l5 i trvnni utlconr a 4 1406 fouvtain sudiknb as the rrult of o motor accident on sunday april 4 l5 hmneth paunhtfit or 3u woolwich st ouhph loved son of mr and mm charted fotinimn tver ton and dear brother of mrs richard grills vcr of allis ton jim ted mrs ii iri stewart grace and mr hat rv morrcll uiul ill of guelph mrs uotx rt wood houu alttx ol dtmnsvuu tom ol toronto don at aprh lv it a p m and apnl north hollvwocxl california 8 p m a tht hlyh school mr nelson snou mars ol malton peter of stidhurs and unda npnnn t rtrri n i c vert on alton scouts and cub will he st hint h cros buns door o door tuesday wedm sda and thursdn apnl h 14 s your phone s77w95 ordi rs uill be appretiatcd 4142 tor sai p ure flossy prints of acton free press htoff nhoto 5x7 sire fl i x 10 sire 2 pint tax cash mutt accom pany order hnqulnr now at rrec prrtt office or dhu stat lonery m mlh st f a wmo tf tor sai r rodmv oats pow ileined miilahk loi seed imiiimrmnt yummilion w kruwn from reyisdrtd sixd si w ushtl appl ceorge rund r r 1 acton i i in 8u2us al403 tor sale new and used tractor tire kelly springfield all sim- low prices txonaple i x 24 ji6 plus is chanfd on your farm milton tire srd rd lator service 191 mill st mil ton s7827i1 aso9201il tor sai t oinnm of hem b it it unpridcd r treoietl 2s nr bushel also hih qualilv red clover seed 1500 per bo thel these prices ensh at firm loc row r r 3 georgetown al42s c9 wantm to ri nt x i 4 bedroom ipjrtnuni m housi fm 1 months in alton or mnu j im ginning ma i through i aug wam i 1 ompkii vinlln usi t appb lls 2vfl alton 1 ht m t itmdill n p 4iplm h p wining miling putt i liox 211 ail n i in puss i 41 40t wan i i i i xptiitihtd iook p illi ol h nut i mi ml nil ml lull woi kitii houis h w tm to pm appl in pi i son to wit on rt si uiianl i4l 40s itlat rtatt tcmmuos buying or selling llonset atrragea farm our vrai ol expetienie will oil vihj in making ilie liet dial pos slhle onmilt us wllliout obhij lion rov goqbw1n ifw ja k mtmul i im iswim representing wm j mcleod bitvi r one of at ion oldrm rtablmxil ki ill i vlulr mrivrl- l2 mill si i ailmi hijw j ii sydney k lamb rhaitor and insurancp i mill si i altun ontario comer of lfitfliwat 2 and 7 phone m iuv auction aim cotfbitmd help wanted hi i p wantm man lor inrm woik phone hi 1749 o4m20 iii i p wanti l mjic man loi uiulih biisiihss uhkh just time iait ilili ood opxn itinitn lor stilling wti k i siiu riukiyh iv pt d 111 140 4ix1s rhihiuu si st hum mil i employment wanted i mpioymi nt vati i chililiin loi tl u t ii in mi 1 i 41 4111 phoik hm2a7s i 41 194 gill 853 1030 or i iniii ki ivtl kmoona mil stailt milton h78 9m1 i hnph wlurtnn fun iph 1124 l2 i w slur tndjf ittini 1411404 john s il onngcmlle 141nivi memlvtr ontatlo canath in or jntill ond drt hnici reil i i matt lloardt avon calling a mscellaneous must be sold imhitious iniilk u ii in in with i ti to txprvscnt tin st t p am t pi s of plumbing done qinlil piotluils wild miss cxminps and wteki nd phone priced to sell frank petch auctioneer evaluator vi oliptl stml ta t j iir iiyrlovtl tpi 877 2864 saturday aprii ii h 12 soon annual sale tht plav ilhn placrs or acton school prrsenl harriet sh ill we join 1he undies 14 a4m2j for sai t jnd mortgipe for tale li 400 7 pa ible ji0 i month open 8 vean proptru in eerton rents lor i6s a month btst c ish olltr tikes buhiett to rtscrvt bid wnu t m i enton box s6 oakvillc tr phone vi vi68 a41411 tl 7iikltr llos 141 iitlph i 41 am l97o help wanted reliable man ior camni t shop txtcllent oppoilunils lor nht person sit ul work ttp t im ints write box 181 canadian champion milton ms 2 acton branch royal canadian legion a 18216 olikk sirvici plasierint rtpnis laije or sniall 1 mt mulltn dial 851ll a 22 mm ii ri 1 iabi i r idio and tv ser titt anttnna insl illatl ins used tv lor mii i ill i irst 1 inc tt it vision 8m i0s7 nnsltme a 20 1 104 if for sat ik ll s pmft in ulej eor s girls athletic association of tb3ial funeral strmte s is htld tt ihc romlex shocrmktr tunt r al home wednctdn at 2 p m in terfnenl i verlon ctmilirs frankumal palmerslon llos pjital on sarurdas apnl 1 ii i n steward t room stucco bedrooms bilh built in p ir it living room andi ci aston distnrt hifh school will kim kitchen he held on siturdn april 10 at lunroom ian simpsons scars more hcfinnimj i linin noin us lurmci rustol tl 2 nm a40 1 1ra storm uindovts ind dogjaf i p iii2s00 appls o7 church sjv dime il billinafad common- 1 phone 5vi2n6 a4hi0 it ctntre sptinsond b ratlina lid stout mothers auxiliary 145 lllllc frankum daughter trld i april 9 music h marion ol rhe late mr and mrs iltn 1 1 m s iinhisira admission ji 00 3 james prankum lormirh i unch served acton ptineral uas held mondis hi i 1965 at llarnston all402 af tlie students from the acton dlstritt hivtli schtkil are remln i ltd tht lastcr daillc is to be llicltl in tht school gmnisium on i ntl iv april 9 irom 9 to 12 p m music b tht shavnes i o4a2 187 rummage and opporlumtv kilt st albans partxh hall apnl 10 islos 2 pm clothinu and household items auspices iblais at st iomfih s chiirlh i north ii rton thurvdav nt ii um lnltrment otiilion loc mcnlalk retard fairview cewicten a40l arut niltht at balltnatad neville at grow s mtmoriil cuiuniumts ctnln thursdav communlt hoapltal fergus apnl is 8j0 pm mcludts dan thurda april 1 19a5 clans uiil sinltinp hill hour comed na hampson of eden mills pi iv tit admission adults 7st wile ol the late ralph nesilk students s0t public school stud klolnar al guelph general hospital on tuculas april 6 ih5 kurv wetnhach beloved wife of joveph molnar ol 81 mill st and dear niothir til kathclhv rcttng at the rumles shtx- friaker foneral home requiem and dear mother tti llovd at home and the late russel ne ville aiater ol george hamn- in of eden mllli and mrs helen slmpaonol hamilton funeral service tvaa held at the rumley shoemaker funeral home saturdav interment eden milu cemeten ints 2c a 4 1 404 cards of thanks i am deeply grateful to m relatlv alio frieods for cards hkqulriek thps to toronto while i was m generaihosptat mlsmi walter athlev we would like to express our alaorre thanks to friends and feighbon of seytlde bistrlct idaool for all the loverv gifts fed aood miuhea vie received at ase tawer held ta llarch ii 4 vlnce and uarj thornton i mm the duke of draonshtre chap ter i o d e will hold a short bus mess meeting at the home of miss rubsclaxkbower ave on tucsdas kpril it ot 8 pjn be- forcjomtnf lakeside chapter at the legion hal to hear the spca ker ul the evening ranjlt hall s4i4i6 for sale for sale portable televis ion still under warrontv phone 850s3 94 main st n a 41 225 for sale used car parts all makes phone 8530010 franks auto collision crewsons com ers a41u4tf for sale town maps and hilton county maps 25c avail able at dills stationery ii mill sl a asutshl tor salf top producers of hint quality ago hy lint layers combine the profit chaructcjrst ics til thrifty feed conversion nuts inding livability and good earlv egg size put hy line layers to work lor vou order hy line dayold and started pullets irom the llsher orchards box 17s burlington ont a41 398eoyy i or sale i used 700 pioneer chain sau 1 270 cunadlen eh dn sau 1 remington chain save 1 80x let iced gnnder 3 point hitch fertilizer spreaders new and used gas tractors dieset ti at tors used cockthutt case ihc new idea manure sprei- dcrs new and used front ind loaders used gram and fertilizer drills 4row and 2 row corn planters cuvthotors discs and chain harrows ordtr genuine coekshutl and oliver repans eaily phone archie iserr and son 85j1959 acton your cock shutl dealer a41417 manager required 135 00 per week all ipplit itiuns to k in the hinds ol the sirttnr h saturda aprii 10 i96s present cmplmns nri iwin of this jdixlisinnnt i402 for renf for rent house near acton 1749 room stone phone 853- a 41419 for rent furnished room for rent business gentleman pre ferred phone 8531976 a40224 for rent taoom apart ment not water oil furnace ad ults onl phone pan 4ss typewriter rentala under wood standard and portable models available for rent at dills stationery phone5j20j0 altf541 for rent apartment 5 mniles north of acton on no 25 highwav suitable for couple with 1 child reasonable rent phone erin 8332667 a41429 help wanted female wt c 2 positions open in our aton ollici pricing clerk good mathematical atnlm nee tssan as ui1l as some exptr itnet with ollic machines dictaphone typist good t pi riff with dictation ex pencntc neccssan appw h k porter co cinada limited phone 8532120 kitchfnir uphomrrv tx pejt retipholstcring rrfinishing and n pairing ot all kinds of fui niture for free estimates call main varil phone 8swm11 ac on alfr88t floor rennislilng we nou liae a modern sander and edrer we unll refinish your poor or rent ou the equipment to do the job ourclf j b frank phoneftsvtoio 47 trad- nk st s acton a u rciv4er upholstery i kitchener t specialists in reupholtenna elest quality matenau tine work manship promp service furni i tune rrfinishing and rug cleaning i phone 8sv0ji0 mark grocery tiffans kennels aspiring lo breed the finest in white poodlrs grooming ind boarding puppits now aailabk am and bob wakfrr 87760as r prince charles street georgetown k b40s township of esquesing assistant clerktreasurer application uill be receixed bv the understsned til s o clock on fcida apnl 30 1965 for the position of assistant clerk trea surer of the township of esque sing applicants should be between the ages of 25 and 45 and hac at least grade 12 ducation some municipal experience pre ferred but not essential sal ar to be negotiated applicants please state age and marital status kic uislbsay clerktreasurers r rt i georgetown ontario v b413 to read belwood appliance company 108 st daid st fergus ont now operating general steel wins factors service depot for parts and scrxice for all bcattt ind vlcci its lasy appliances ttliphotit tirpus k4v800 a 17-cow- y lx dnom hi k k hunf ilow w ii h t iixjii 1 itli sittinic dininp i xtin lnt i imik ktulkii dl ukd hisiiiunt with ret nwnn storms md strerns corner lot will lindscipid this hotm is in lirst diss condition through out 0cntr his moved out ind iiivtiuclrd us to tiki ill oilers s room brick hunyilow in im i ni ktiliii condition hrgc mi imp room dining nxtm large kitchen with lots of cupboards 1 i ire bettrooms storms nnd sc rxtns well i indscaped lot with pitio luted broad loom in sitting ind dining rooms ind st iirw is included lotil doc lor i rut uilt move mlo their new home in julv seen b ip pointment onlv s room split level brick uith at lathed trarac oncxtra jargr ut ii landsc iped lot on quiet stiett close to shopping and st htxl luge sitting mom lirt fimilv kitchen with iniple cupboirds laryc bed nkiins sell storing aluminum storms ind screens owner has bought inothc r home in guelph moving 1st ol june 4bedroom frame home with at tiched g irigc lirgc i imil kit then sitting room full basement good mkd lot with lirden i irgt shade tncs own ir leiving cimda end of month see this ind mikc in ufflt dont miss out on these bargains g alec johnson realtor 8 mill st e acton phone 8532086 of rami mhlnry itorwi ponlri and hihiavhold i ffrrlt will iv in id h ii itrampumi uvfitotk lebaiir i mil n nh ol li nii i s 10 mus t siu li v ii v ii h iv am jili i v u ul ii i i s ii 111 lit lh ill i i ill lit i um n kiiiii iv must in in on i iid i apnl all l ti u1 t lit i in must ih in i ii in s mil s ihu i vaiii i elui pui ill i iii ii imn v hav ilu idv u ltd tutni h i is 1 1 n i f i n d ii i i ml ml i i hms f i h n i v i i willi tl iks alle tl inn rs wa1 tlk dosai d ri imiiar1 84 1071 ovviur r nidi ruets will mil tx lespmsihlt lot on kiili nt hi c unci ti mi with lit s il ml riijsriisjc auction sale is i own ol 111 rijmron of i unlock traclort impltm end i la craln llmtteliold odf etc real estate m800 bedroom bungalow storms screens- paved dfrte ucll land st incd tr clean close to schools and shopping 2500 down to first mortgage phone 8531934 after 1pm dally a41 commercial industrial residential farms member or the canadian ontario and orangevltle real estate boards 941 auction sales john r holmes real estate office 16 mill street east 8531650 day or nljht if no answer eall frank s1mioni after s 85j27m mo clearing auction sale modem power farm equipment property of vehn akchett lot 6 6th line esquesins sattntdav ahkil 17th at 1 oclocc see list next week frank petch auctioneer georgetown b41 tlh 11111 i mll i i i is i l 111 i in i in ti ins i11111 i ric mcarthlk i t 1 sell in mi linn 11 th f irm sun nil 1 11 teeiss k011i n 1 10 si i 1 ml i 111ii1 11 illl nl km htlrti s mil sinilli nl implii ii sill n tiursdav aprh u cuninieneinti it 1 01 i ikv sh up tin lull mini catt1 i 2 r u arshm cmes irish 2 inonlhs veith held r eiles it likit t lliilslein euus tnsh i munlh urns lllietilni mllkul 2 hulirs inel 1 sleris iisimit mx ins s hint eilis burn sinic i in hkooi sows ind your pigs 20 wis am i itnmhe suivs 0 sows llh 90 pietsvat suli 2 soves due txtote s lie dn s miiis dm in april mil mi so thnlte shoils this is t clcin herd of piys til riistd h ove ne r hreil ind ted t ir pnkluition tkactqk md 1mpi i mints 2 inlein ilionll 4 triclors in perleet running order lntcrmt mnil no 4s biler pto neee idea trirtor spre ider peneril purposi hile eteeator 0 fl brim or biles ball huncher 2 fsim uijreins eeilh hciw sluts lues 2 hit neks stiel turner grim bin 12 bus steel tired sei hon neve idea irictor mimer 7 ii eut lerlllizer sprcadel rear ol tractor intcmalionil 2 lur rove tnctor plow international ivtooth cultleator massev har ns n run gmn elrill cum cul tie itor for model b allis chalm crs tnctor section harrows 1 row linisher steel land roller rubber tired huugs e a pr uith motor eutler woods oat rolfer with 1 h p motor 2 wheel ctrl with air tires- eireu i ir saw power emers 2 sets of scales so tt endless drive belt lolin deer power takeeift corn shcllcr with j ph feed rack on wauon eleetnt lenccr fur hvdm and posts 4wncel sieel road grader kick scratcher for cartlc new extension ladder sviryc milker with piping lntcrnation al electric cream separator auto matic washer 2 de laval- palls stewart electric atoclc clippers pig scales and crate rubber tir ed wheelbarrow electric chick brooders new pig troughs 2 sets of single harness collars bag truck dump rake iron ket tic burdtzjo set some furniture snow fence set of team breech ing harness all farm tools no er takeoff shaft complete hay and grain 30 ton choice baled hav 200 bus of rod ncy oats grown from certified seed 30 bus of wheat150 bales of wheat straw terms cash with clerk on day 6f aafe no reserve as farm it sold owner not responsible for ac cidents on tale day wm a gibson auctioneer phpntowelprijalm vl a gibson auctionaer ptvmegwetph t 4 14 fled biptii elerk a41 2 al ctio sali 5 contlmimn on tagf 3 dead stock paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and hone old horses 4c lb i icence no hoc m9c65 226rp63 phone zenilh 9-7950- atf bayne s farm animal service l p to js 00 for fresh dead dis able d cows or horses live healths horses 5c lb call glblph 822j061 collect liernse 241rp65 3ic4s 24 hour service atf fred bapvft clerk walnut ranch ltd crippled and thllhlm cew and hone 24 hour servica uc not i3jrp 2fvc6j waterdown mu 91044 tkrtiiriial fredcwss flallmwaill l lr 1on67urt td nilgai cleamino aucfl5n sau in township of pvm of uvealnclt tractors cuen- mtw hhr lmslnshu ray rain ifouaenoid goods tie tin undersigned lias receivetl t iiisimetlons fioin i murd meclrrcheom fo sell b auition at the farm 1 1 v in 1 twp ol prln situ md on the 2nd line m hwy i miles vmith of 24 hwy at if pnnii s miles north of alton i sattbdav ahlll it rninrmlng ji o0 o clock jip the loi lowing h hoi stf in cows there ut r cowi fresh ince jan wild t ilvr at side there are eons due in aprtl balance doe n i ulv vuffirrui ilrrrding djtr f viii n sjj dv all vicilnatrd i i llni i loja inr jrrj xjt mo tairif heirr i wlv t broil 7 heifer 1 year ii v ung juc thli it a l h i 4 id fl rjited by owrirr ima iok and iup1 impvis mi t v ilu ir trat lor in food hi n jv va fandjfd t f v fullv hvdraulm mi m hants furrow trjttot i i mist llarrit 21 1 wrtf ti i iilnviifrt wuirrrw dt li t i pi m john ivcre ttvidel i ml mthine good a 0 kst uii pto hjlrr itkr s t ui iv mawv lljrrl iv of i tl ili- 1 j j kksjuilt rniwrr i mw t ti d i inn uugofi f jt s k i vuntl ir iilri p7 l i i il v hor 2 h p in iir chl hammer null 71 ii drive rrll kileway 1 mil tn iking machine wtih j imp ind pint lor 15 cow sv doit iii imifi i jjder viking el ttini ur nn stparalor home lit th nn sw ncw idea man nn spit add i ail hanks mort pn mm pntnp hay louder ii p motor lion kclllr lwg wa tt i turn humhkr hotje electric hi hag trirk 2 000 lh teal l i iii s xp all farm lofjlt iia nut ma1sw rmm ot i ittv oils so bu of touck wl t mi h iv ond straw bjl i t hoi si hoi r fkds west in h tis ii tuiri rjir studio m h sin ill tables hcnskmal i h hi- v ktitnn t lc inrr bed and i in sit r t u id t inn i t abinet und d sk ludiikirn mine complete il um nif i t 15 vanity ji mi 1 bcdsteids- vprinfs and tniiiissms 1 dnscrs j wah si mds rndioom dishes vielro- li disbts btdding rtrf m tvili pvir liwn mower oil vp u h it i to il and wood sjiitt he it i pint cupboard istinjeh iis wixhtr 25 gal ti h k tnigin cucinc fan fur mum s llm shup at 1 pm m mv mhtt irtulrs wafon load 1 ii i ii rms ih with clerk on d iv i s lit ilc is nimr on time a all h rtiw hold imkis ire st llmg rt frishint nt booth ovviur nut rt sponsible in case i u idt nl in salt dav