Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 5

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jyufriji t u i tftft fsiirfru 4 cittuunb auction sale in twr or nassa6ateva fe leaat notice to creditors la use basel of cyaif omuls awwct tomii ail penosul nevusc halms af ktim lb estate ef cyril owaad fcaaney buvl the town of ac- ion in the county uf hthm te ttrtdrttiffwd tut received w jrtj on about b uth instructions from a w allen to sett by auction al the lam lot m co s ywp of nu wey situated on the sth line 7 mre aawrh of ados oil fmldav awil lub commencing at 100 o clock harp the following 14 mbbefokd cows with calves this it a good herd of beef cow all 2nd call heifers lit cow will calve about lime j cow due in april bat- i day of fruary 1945 are here by noiillod lo taod particular of tame to tha iutdenlgitrt em or before the 20th of april ims af ter which data the estate will be distributed with raganl only to the claims of which taw under signed shall then haw notice and the undarugned wih not be li able to anv prrsoe 1 whose claims truv shall not then have notice datetf at acion this 31st day nee in early summer brooding dates given on male day 12 fat ealve born since march ia4 all vaoelnaled in a brucellosis freeware poaly and saddi ms straws berry roan uddla pony 600 un quiet in every way 2 new wrr era pony saddles and brulla tractor and imptrmpnts oliver orchard mo a tract lor in good condition oliver how master 2 furrow tractor plow 2 section spring tooth drag cultivator 2ptate tractor disc 2 sett of harrows maaary harris llrun saad drill international manure spreader with rubber tires massey harris binder mas- aey harris mower dump rake steel land roller heavy duly violft hammflv aduttaistratrlk of the fttaie of cynl oswald tanney 2as arthur si acton ont j 40 j ladies aid hostess mrs j van fleet thr knox lauius atd held their monthly meeting at the humr of mrs jamth vani uxi ark avttv mr ruby hansen ciinvened the raveling thr thought lur ihr day winter it in the air hut spring i on the calendar the worship vttvkc iniludrd ihr hvmn all the wav uv savior txods mr mn curl hansen read the scripture lesson rum farm frailer with flat rack nib- 1 lhf t ol revelations tor tired arm wagon scuffler mrs r 1 davidson lead in ptav w in i uuare ol tongue and grooved lumber 10s piece of ranch fencing cedar fence posit electric fencer snow fence steel posts used lumber act of sleighs extension ladder all farm tools ffed 1 ion of baled si raw tome baled hay grass seed 2 tag of md barley household goods beach electric cooking range rogers tadlo kitchen table and chair continental bed spring and mattress power lawn mower xc gal oil tank manv other art lclct tfrms caiah uiih clerk on dav o hale no iriarvr at farm i sold owner not responsible for ol eldeflik on tale dav wu a gibson auctioneer phone guclph ta 4147 art diamond clerk h41 thaf acion iw pfrm thufsy april 0ih 1945 advice tofonnrt basic herd reduces tax pverv year fanneri giv hurul vimten who haw heen in bu t frujrejr baclc herd at thf rrd uf cutjian lu i iauvirtimefit iuea wmc januarv i 1447 vhuuld sjuiv lime in lh furm of l axis whuh lrte applv o tuve their bai4 mrrd i furthrr hrlp in gellmgvtarrl luod tuy hjve paid selling up a wl up hat djie tlu health ton ihe road lo a balr herd tart ujvr herd would keep a loi ofuf ammilk bpuich canada de- 1 be received by contacting tw aj inuaev j honw bul mjnv farm ipartment of agriculture it a use- 1 ntujiurat ottic mulon ttany oeni to prefer puing income ful uuirce for proving ownership farmer- prefer to wail and pav of animjk bul his hraruh only higher ncoine tkea vwiy nnl retards for ihe lal 10 vcr- i kiep that monev al horn bv vt mrved sotwiur and vcurirvarv i itnup htivic herd now ollkes are- ihr uuful uturce fanning vinte 147 ihe me uiur lgioi1 cotws sftcoflo e o nroo or wj scrapboolc contest h tt ltsro yo wmemhtf for btt national cthtom during ik public vhool trnrnival ihuruuy of iam wa ar lft lo rrglit bonn rvkkvrw0 lit id kdlhtc cook mkoihj ami unit rihimi trl jucfqm wer kpt boty c hooting winner in the otlun r rontc i p or to t hi aiu oltvrr event a larqe crowd of par an h and friandt wet on hand lo vet the pjy per form lax whin i hi turd is sold hardly a winter month goe a uilhoul tlu nrwvpupin reporting on a tuiru lire ofltn ihe report nullities a noli that the lo- was hilly lovered bv inajrance the irpori nevrr vjv luw much li i tim- tax wit paid bv ihe farmer on livixtntk kal in ihe lire and paid tun of the invurarue rjnner filing intonu tat re turns on a lash bai luttld find iliin4lves paving j high rjtr uf u in one vi ar on ompentation it till divtase or firr proceeds ftmn a uisu rvjl vile he value of litis ot tuquasls in will or any m ik r latyt tt dm turn of ihe breed inv lierd dk t slabhshmeiil ii j risk llrtil v ill ttol rlimiiult all liiitaiim tjx pa vat le ihii will it ilutt iti jiimmini pn i t spn iil uigi tlu t nutil nunint o i iimiii iise wlun upphing f herd i young men marling farming to day un italilih a uau mi rd if lliey start on their own or with their father tven when u pari nership is esiabhvud between fa thrr a tut viii the son tan and should star l i hasu hi til of bis own it is niv lo yi l started on a llasu lltil prosuhng hi lut luen filing onr iiuijiiu tai ji at ion branch 197 royal caiu legion notes jfel for branch 197 11 by caorft war hp 1 a short business uaiion intlud ed the moiton lo na the auiuinis due and it wan detided lo attend holy week service on tuesday evening apnl u discussions for all member urn decpk sail dened to bear ol the suddkn pass ing of mir nse friend uiul torn lade itouil algu last i tulas a member of draruh 17 for only a few shorl years sitxc mo ing to loun be made manv lose 17 tb work 7uliowngilci ln kt branch and nexrr the work f the thurth tkk up i nikfcw man branch fuiwiions onttiderable lime mrs hansen v wc n sun lu vsill tnr grratls missed anumg tb old sweats uf john il v sttd u isr conducted a contest with mr w mileod being ihe winner meet ing closed by tinging work for i ho night it coming and ihe lord praer in unison s first of ian social item tik i ii iiss b id it tobin pav a isit thursday ueck at lire willuu strctl plant ik urriscd too lad tu hive bis nmnr in last ut l s issoi sirue then tbtn bavt hctn quite a its spoiled lhuhilhhlt loun children aid announce staff promohons three pronto loni and one has been asmkiuled vs tih the oc frontier to uperviaory role with- teiv tince september 1961 in the sociel have been onnounc bnon m gero has hem ap ex b j paul jotliffe lictunseljvuntcj adoption supervisor i ol director of the cwldren aid i gradual ion from st muh socletv of the county of halion ac s college in vermont ht tain thetve appoint merits look effect ed his xiatter of art degree at st en apnl 1 iqm mr mars gillmour has been ppolntrd ftolectlon super nor the hat been a social worker u ith the sot it i y for more than 12 ears lira gillmour received her bachelor of arlt degree i rum the university of brialot and advmnc- erf ruining jft rlgitflll- mvl thff took her kucial work trainin1 ar the univrrsiis of birmingham england mrs gillmour rt sides at r r 6 uilton oijld cere c brvan harris hat been ap pointed child c are suprior he receied hts bathclor ol art- degree from bethel college st fuul minnesota and obtametl hi muhael college university of toronto and ttfn proceeded lo iwo ears trmrmg at the schotd dius ol social workr al ihe universii ljiih ol toronto mr gero was assuci aled for several want with ihe catholic children s aid society of metropolitan toronto and has been cmpluved b ihe ha i ton aid s m lie brain h tetaiise ht iscxame pillar among i be in wt tilltxlcml our ssmpaihy to bis family in iheir loss this txtmng lhiirslav llu rnval canadian lt s hoi tluis will ik t nit i taming al lie cham h i ii comiiurvi xititn ol llu car hinuoel in tht 1rgnm juili lnum ans ptimns wisbin ojum in iht ir sinpnv app arantt h is onk lo altttui htti itgular siiihijs i afiernoon pratiu uwion in tht hramh auditoriutn al i v pin th dantt hind slatnl for his saluidas t scnin in ik n akxlti tier liom guclph mil iherx sh nild he a good siostl on ha ml is i hi darl lr iiui ha no in i i iht s mis t tiling ji s p in an nu iiilv i u lib iht ir din s mill unpaid is or apnl 30 196s still ixlinquish all hranch phv11 eges is ot thit date sit mtikt i a dalt ihi werkeml lo like i trip u llu hian h to pis mhii ml vthilt iht n st i fi i i ill tl ii in oi tllh lo lop oil both ma i kit i louiltl ttv rockwood i lish chapman tardttl ik tiifeh lor tht 1 1 is i pi ut sttalvn harst laintmil tl st on his wilb a ts lut iht imdilli bund it dunk holnus t is on lh ii hetls with a m illoui him lo u ilk oil tsith tlu hi pnt patkjgt jk malbeson miikid iht i dtn stoiv or 4h lot hit pni 1 1 a t ol ttolofmm h a vrtfran why not a lrgionnairi tep lemher 0m mr gero results on redbank crcs in oaksilu new supervisor mrs jtxe page of ridgt drise in oakille uho has become sup- ersisor ol serviles to unmarried partnts she rescued htr bath elor ol arts dtgrce from oicen s unntrxiu and bathtlur of social mazier of sotial wtirk degree work degrvc from the universits from tht univ endtv ol torunt mr uarrli resulea in milton and attovitymftjes cmnmliia sfiker murray smith in charge ul toronto und tus supervisor thr chitdrtn s ail society ol peel counts hclurc loining lite llallon mall lhs div the mjnh minor sports draw u mm i was ed thais her ot iii sui1 ihi pll no successor no successor to rt s d ii west h is bet n nam d lo takt lhc ch irge h st alh m s angli t in church to dili lasi sun dis tht k k iturutll uho is in thirgc of ihe book room in the ni igara churth hotist thk iht sirviit thissundiv the rlv j d lif ltrl still tx in acton to like tht serv itxs fight cfwcer with a checkup choir clrnic new proposal ktpies4nl iliv s from thoits of tiinitt i iiititl km x pitshmk mi sr alban s an litan nut ai ion itipli i thuithts hi id i ioiiii mttluii saluidas t st liliijr ii ills ni s i tlinu latti in llu spinigt vshtii i iniisk spts i dist uihild tn pi mill i i otllllll thou st ii is no ditisions utit it itlud bul 1 1 pi i m fit histciti to distuss lhc pmivjsal lutlher vtith tluu us pttise i hoir ind i lair tntil in is lo tf htld to finibt the ji mhinji migtsttil b iht umud i hni ih ill mi pun to tht bu intss nut hug i liltn md l ilk vsttt pitstnltd h i iihidiki ol iht ivpaitnit nt i i iihk irul i jit sis a llasu hi rd t an u v 1 up f r iii itllli lilt i nil aiiiin i istlllu 1 ol ill ol h p t tktt mad dailv hilt ont it in an iavi sestl 1 k it ii id- ihi inioi jut il 14 i 1 i t a it u hi rd nlai 1 t nd lhn ki p ild rij t i it a- llu 1 ir in r ii lu n ii tin ijiiim hatniltihi roiv itu hjm lion i mm wlit t jill j a lotms dian legion was cited thit wet it with a vrtifkale of merit for plat ing setond in the anruuf stiapbiaok toinpeiiium for alt ot ontario the tompciiiwm whuh u open lo all legion branches throutfli mil onlarto was won by ihe gall hrarub t htt h rvs rivet a trophy puhluiiv tonsener george wji of itu- ktal branch compiled tlu i tsuiimn laptmmlv w bu b tu 11 siorus ami ti isk for loun pkliirin il all braru h utltvilki htid atbta ihr itighoiii iw4 rtietonlest wji t isk i h si mitt udjtd in jjnuai and uoid uj applu ttioiis i ut i id this uiek spring clean hi h un s iu i mi its liivt ipp ii in i apnl i ol ijs lo tit i t i i hi wuil i s tin i uhl 1 on miiji uy tvt n u stoi in h id t io t i un md un iii i i 11 i w in 1 iii sllo ihiii ul n mi il i m ghhi ttidan i vttt in nou a vtttkind thuitb stisitts lotli n1i0i holldms 14 i p r in i ihis i il up sol h bid t niiif i i ay ntd i hi ssi i pt i 1 1 it ha k trom lo ot nxtlll 1 bv aiv now on sak ii llu bruuh mimulas ixinin apnl 12 is tht llihi il nutnnj in tht brant h at fl s0 p m nut u still ilso be inilia lion myhl lor ippmxim ht iv 11 lust nitmlx is int alltndantt it llu gttural nuxtins in tin p isi ttsv inotiths his ihiii ti- pooi md it is to be hoped lb u more mrmht is will tvalit than ixrsponstbiliin to the branch ami makt an appt h ints geiural uiertin arciustsar and ottui oulv otut i month md these appointments result from i lht plans nnidt sotiie months ago to sunls most mtinbti tould strengthen iht sotitts s vuptnis npjlx nu lt ltnk cheque j f catnavoiavn cancer april is cancer month rnoni 1530744 boneuh mime rib roast choice wing roast rump roast stock your freezer now i sides hinds fronts cut and wrapped at no extra charge lovell bros modern meat market daily deuvejiy ffmil artm tullto ors stall and irom he resignation of v g janes ii a m s v lies hide procurement for brardmorr uui assistant to accept a mors nd co ltd and chairman ot srmor position in toronto the ihe hide committee of the tan- 1 soorts is lortunalc lo he able lo nera association or canada will m these promotions irom be the kev industrs speaker at within tha ranks uf present stall the 2lm summer convention ol l members mr jollille stated i ihe national hide association al nanl no douou lhat they will en the new yurk hilton hotel nivs york cits mr smith v111 speak on the aubiect ol how a canadian looks at united stales hides his talk is scheduled to follow the associations annual awards breakfast mondas morning june 7 he is considered one of the foremost authorities on the rani lock that goes into leather on either side or ihe canadianam rloan border said john k min ich chicago ill executive director of national hid aaaoc- tatuvi he is held in very high regard not onlv for his skill and or his technical knowledge or bides and skins but also tor his integrity in the trade we feel privileged to have secured his services as our head line industry speaker and we are naost grateful to mr w j beat- mr president fo hoard more and co ltd for maunc this pos sible mr smith has contributed si great deal to the pro that has bean made in quality inv oroveroent in his industry which utts the reason for his selection a speaker at this national convention sun that the pissent high slainl aril ol asenis ssrsictwill contin i sidsd on tlu liiul hind ui cstning uhm the lwo lop each month lcr the txtlcnncnl it the hiancti si nt ike h a point lo sc on hand al till ind conuns csncril ilmmtiinits and mis in ssilh lhc ctimi ulcship cnuccl hc ltiusw irutvtuliis chi mind fndiv niuhl s icuhix sas a doss fouslit illan nnl was dc the os v rem h rrvmbu otchens hasthiust not cross buns oven fresh dtucious 65c d0z chocouste easter novelties 25c 250 ouet you hot crass buns now i baked fbesh daiiy mis cabs tatw tuns ouj uleas etc hotchen s bakery ii wwew s f tu7io public notice will ratepayer pleat tab note that the acton planning board will meet thursday april 8th at 8 p m in the council chamber of the town hall it is intended at this meeting to discuss amendment no 8 to the official plan of the town of acton v amendment no 8 comprnei two suggested changes as follows fiastly lend in the ebrt tittle school property immediately ad- uacant lo the house at the bottom ef the school lane and airlanding le river street se thai a new public library can be built en this site secondly rogers feed store er aden farm supply change from r2 to cl to permit an addition to the present building le house a laundromat r anyone interested in either of the two proposals will have the opportunity of registering their objection or otherwise j meoeachie j secyreas aden planking beard for yeur easier parade or a deuebtful gift see svur a spring styles ef wearing apparel you will is thritlad al the quality smartnaaa and lew price for the ladies fuu fashioned nylons blousfs puliov1rs and capdigans sweat ips sups pantits bbassiebes night cowns spring milllneby c glovfspursfs costume jlwlluby shoes cosmetics etc for girls ioveiy dbesses sups panties sweatebs jeans houses py jamas purses shoes etc for men and boys dbess and sport shirts ties dbess socks under wear tee shirts pants shirts shoes etc boxed chocolates easter wrapped name brand assortment neiisokis rowntttrs iownevs see our large assortment of easter sp chocolate novelties and eggs chickens rabbits etc or malvi your own baket choot from our election of basket cellophane chick ejg colonnq ribbons bowvejc buy your latftitcahdvm bum savi u to 504 our candy dept offers you a complete range- of bettor qua y candy fines t low prices saa4aasfcaa pets for easter budoits new sh pment of beautiful budgies 595 to 895 easter special canaries hartz mountain imported rollirf easter special 895 bird cages and accessaries oeufish tropical fish turtle aquarium supplies and accessaries give flowers for easter easter lille and petted riant p aitshsd soceulenh african violets and tropical ptamh hintons 5c to si store ssavasktssasash

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