Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 7

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two actons again associated fourth instalment lmi wk torn wacawrt might hv encud up witt th impnmftton if no good ids to ttv in prl ftr dark tttvivc nothing rvtlly wrong wifti prl sf night provided you ipk ftrh you know cty wum your going and you cn kow tn uxl drtvr right on th map xacriy whsr you want to go or befhr thll can driv m taxi younak driving in pant i not too bad mcpt thay dont tum on tha haadhght and tha nkt ovivar it mri oy tha tail on comtng out ol tha tlon avit wa w it was only props wt thoutj follow tha cuttomt of tha country and lina up n tha quaua aftar waiting in tha quo or contldarabla tm it bacama vtdant every nan for tumtalf wm tha trua cut font gatttng tha taxi provad to b only tha dart afw a tmh un titambjy of uxi driven we got tha ida thara w no tuth hotal nd no tuch mraat e wa had wrtttan on our ml pca of papar tht raiult sftar a faw mora tautoni waft hut our two tsmt bar rat lad off in all direction appa antly tha dttvert war undar tha im praialon thara it only ona hotal in pari bacauta by torn ttrang coinctonc both arnvad at tha motal clafrtdga in tha champ elytaat not isr from tha arc da trtompha 1 wouldnt want any body to gat tha imprwuon anything funny w happaning but tha doorman dd taam to racog rd tha drivers and did wnta in hn littta black book tha curfidge doat kava s ntc location it wa built quita faw yaart ago tha rata ran at 17 for tmgta and 21 for doubla thata rata dd appaar a littla high and it may hava baan tha rsaton wa rahiad around lika paat in a pod thara dtdn t appaar to ba anyona alta on tha whota fifth floor ona of tha big faatura wai that braakfatt in tha room wat includad in tha room rata i gust thay dtdn t want ui to appaar in tha dining room evert tf wa could hava afford ed to with only a ralativaly ihorl lima in pant tha but tour of the cfy teamad to ba our bait bat wa paiced ah tha famous landmarks and hittori- cal tltat soma patt tha back door and had 30 minut lour of torn of tha churchaf each piece wa got ok tha bus wa wara the immadiata targal for tha tautman coming out of notr darna wa ttartad down tha ltd ttraat back to ttvfaut whan ona of that gantlaman ttdlad up wardan laavan from bolton got off tha ramsrk gat away from haral can t you ia i va uit coma out of church and i to a mathoditt too it wat too bad tha poor franchman didn t undarttand but it doublad up tha rati of ut at montmsrtr tha artttt and ulatman wara out in full forca tailing thair charcoal tkstchat and pamtingt tha tun wst flooding tha iquar and raally livad up to my sxpactatton of what pavit thould look hks on sunday wa wara off on tha matro back to the louve and iffsl tower with only a coupia of hour at tha louvre where we thould hava had dayt wa managed to tea the aaona lite and venut da milo at he eiffel tower wa paid the five franc to go to the top and mail tome pottcerdt clean and hava lunch on ihe tacond level saturday night trip to the foliet fiargeret wat en experience the taxi trip up wat only five franct the tnp back to the hotel after we had turned down the driver t venout tugget tiont for the remainder of the evening wat fif lean franct apparently thara it tome concern in govern ment circlet about the falling revenue from the tountt indutlry 1964 down 6 it u obvwxit thit concern hat not filtered down to the people who are meeting and dealing with the lounlt the hotal wa thould have bean iteytng t 7 a night and had retarvaliont tor wat one block from tha fojtet back door the tickett the ter vice ihe lip 1o the uther ran up to a i mo it 10 each the teatt want good and our relief wat obvtout when wa weren t the onet telected to make our debut on the tlege one of our group wat wearing red long johni which no doubt could have added greatly to the gaiety of the evening natives of pait ppatr to ba vary frlindfy many ware tha girls who wished ui bon solr on the champs ely both walking and ftlpwlng down in their cars our lack of facility in tha french language undoubtedly tavtod ut from many long and no doubt boring ditcuon on world ma hart eating it always anjoyabla and whila tha food was good again our lack of working knowledge of an variational french no doubt limited our ml enjoyment of tha menus anyway it wat only once that we ended up with french fried potatoes for dettert a noon flight to london left monday mooting for t hopping but with the reuil ttoret in pant ctotad on monday thopping wat at e mmimum london wat more than we dared hope for fot five dayt tha tun thone brightly the gratt wat green tha daffodil were in bloom spring had arrived and wa could undarttand the native if not their money the hotel the cumberland on oxford st at the marble arch wat comfort able dean and by canadian ttendardt inexpen tive every place we went and we walked mile we were reminded of our englith hittory our heritage and our way of hfe every corner we turned brought tome thing we had elweyt heard of never teen but felt at home in the five dayt iped by and we only scratched the turfece it impoitible lo d ten be the feeling i expert enced watkiruj up the mall from admiralty arch to buckingham palace the tight of the hagt the union jack that it the first tight of ihe ckxk tower and big ben in brilliant turn hi no front the ihedowed tide ttreett wettmimter ab bey and st paul t with the eatt end rebuilt ec cording to wren original plant and tpeoftcattont smpvt td sjmu ymxamjlv watching the world ulcly i find it hard to hrlirve that man kind ha prugretard very tar since the dav cain clobbered ab el and began a fad that ha ne ver ium it popularity niuidir- ins one brother whether il auhatiu hum burg or havana quito or que bec the pattern i the itnc club kutnging women crcam ing tkulu cracking blood tpurttng llamnuring one iilluw itt ten with a hillv club is one of the leading outdoor vporu ol thi generation it dulictflt to bclteve that all the hatred and victomne among men t baed on color or religion the pakiktanun and indiana loathe each other they rr the umc color difler cnt religion the viet nairn and the viel cong murder each other with mutual relish sumc color imc religion in south alnca uhltc kick black around in north africa black kick unites around in hoih i4c nligiun 1 immater ial in south america ihe rich kick ihr poof around and thev all go to the tame church in north america uivc kick their huhand around same color mine religion different sex ii it lnt racwl or rclikhts or mxui what tlun 1 the ban for all the pounding of other people u it lmplv fear that il vou don t mah the other fel low tkull firt he will kick you in the groin or is it omcthing more mm pie and primitive ut a avagc jo in ihe lei ling ol blood in pain and cruelty it s hard tu know an anthro- pologut uill va one thing a psnchotogist another and a good bartender could probably come as close to the truth a either it i mv experience that the ten ikm of race creed and co lor are completely artificial it is only when they are canned bv ignorance ear or malice that thev burst into flame ig nored they diivohc and van ish the other daw i wa tuner- vising an examination for some thing to do i looked down a couple of row of student and checked ott their national orig ins thev were swiv polkh dutch german italian norweg ian anglosaxon there were jew and roman catholic and protckiant of all denomination thev didn t even look a they should have a redheaded ger man and a redheaded jew a couple of warthy black hair ed mediterranean type called smith and jone and i happen to know there 1 mi hatred no tension over race or religion or pig men at kin in this group there is only the normal clash of personalities bawd entirely on individual like and dislikes in 194 i turned at an r a f- station in i ngland on my course wen pilots from half a dozen luropean countries from canada and the u s i rum africa and australia from trinidad and india and lrum all over the british islet color ranged from mlvcrblond norwegian through codec hucd maori indian from new zealand to coal black west indian rrlig ion ran the gamut from agnostic to fervent rc from baptist to moslem wc were like brother on mv 21st birthda having sprained an ankle badlv in a rugger game 1 couldn t walk to mv own birthday parly i was carried to the pub on the shoulders ol a magnificent turbancd sikh from india a polish count ai australian da in farmer iind the scion of a fine old belgian lamilv it wa mv lincst hour when mv brothers deposited mc jrcntiy at the bar and it helped coinimc me that race religion and color have vxrv little to do with mans in humanity or humanity to man this sundays chutch calendar trniacrirrion roii today iojti hunin ti nni ill tt smu fulk hii it ul more than ihcir shjtv ol trouble bu m vihhiki unumbir thjl ihe more trouble- wc hut tin piutir l in lhulunyc lo turn tlktn owi lo mu iu ivtnk latlki ills jnm u utr ikii trttlhtl to thom in troubk hit loinforl l itt iaiubk ttinirv cmuich tka ihallad church ol canada the rev duisht i lngcl babd orcdnikl mr irtmige hhott ma hi d sunday april llth 196s the church school im am dratk and higher ii 13 am 4 yean lo grade 4 d1v 1mb services 9j0and ilooajn sund4 titemlay and thursday 8 ytjea holy week enice ruyttun cmutch in canada knox cmmch acton ret andrew ii mukenue bj b d minuter mr r a hanven bjv organic and choir mailer palm sunday april ii 195 945 am church svhooi 1100 a m palm sunday worship coolrmaion and reception of new members sermon theme following jesus to- daj 800 pott community holy s week service jn trinity un ited church see advertise ment elsewhere everyone most welcome mahi avenui tapttst church dormer i v evangel baptist ctiurh sunday april llth 195 bu lljt yuca at 9 15 am ciuinc at limehousc 9j0 ajll lor inlormalion call acton 85j195 oeorcctoun l77e3 utvut christian ukmmtt church at ton ontario re wiebe van dijk phone mj- 155 sunday april llth 95 10 00 am english sen ice 2m pm dutih sersite 3 45 p jn sunuav school thc church of st auan thf martyr ancucan corner wtllou and st albans presiding rector rev j t lafferty sunday april llth 195 900 am holy eucharist i0jo am church school 10 jo am morning prayer blessing nd distribution of crosses ood jyulay u aan good fri day dcvouons l4ssssssssfc444ssit mayor dubys letter of greetings tebruary 22 1945 the mayor or alton the mayors parlour town hall acton wj london england dear sir it is again mv privilege as mjvor of acton ontario to send to yuu your council and your pcxiplc mv personal bel utslics and the best uuncs of the council and uliuns of aclofi we an delighted that our gteeting air to be prcsentid to ou personally by mr datid dills editor of tlu ac ion free prvss for sewnt wars vour flag bearing hie coal ot anns ol ac ton england lias hung in an honoivd place in the acton couacil chambci pliaw accept as a turthcr token ol our mutual good vstll our gill ol tlu new flag cj canada healing in inind that tlu lnion jack and tlie canadi in i iimlii will aiuavs have a hallowed place in tba htait- ol hue caiiadlanc we pitwiil ihe gift ol out new lias piocidly aiul uum ou will ueecl 11 iii the same lllalllicl yimit ui tiuu i i si 1 1 a isui1y mayor the jced old half talkirvg va th lite mayor we learned that live borough of acton would leave to oxnt av 0 fnuni ctpl govfnnv51 on ajnl i t of th 4 yar ttu ttv hitory we felt utt tunding in thi two town wl a j postal dtiir eti great buildingi the lunch in the cheihire cheet pub ut ah heel street end meeting a k there who had worked in chatham ontario theie are ttie kind of nfemortei i couldn 1 capture on film the crowdv at buckingham palace or the changing of the guard urpnied ui lined 8 or 12 deep along the fence in the off teeion one little woman had travelled the 16 000 mil from new zealand to tee the pageantry mnd wim 1 but will be amalgamated m n unic pal govern ment with two ottver borougtn in ttte org anna lion of local government m live greater london area our ng lunch at the town hall ihe mayor end clerk epreved lurpr ve that elected repreienta lives in canada were receiving remuneration in england apparently th v nol the cave one other interesting service to u was ihe provision of a hot noon meal delivered to resi j auiauru w awa 11 ru lvywtji mv ajl hj whail w j i vi a iuji r n t iedi s mt iuvj w rj the least bit happy when the bobby told her the dents on pension or physically unable to look rt ar4w a t atrwl nn an al ef- tke i l aim wmn aia ik m i m m t m ts m ffaenian couldn t stand up on the fence the crown ewels at the tower didn t really impress me as much m live bloody tower itself a trip to the theatre to see the block and white revue which has been running two shows day for four years was entoyable but passed ell too quickly robert and elizabeth a musical based on ihe lives of robert browning end eliza beth barrett was good and was es cultural as we got dinner with friends near woking in surrey was pleasant and certainly a relief from hotel end rostaurant meals as well as renewing friendships the commuter service into london end public transportation within the city itself never ceased to amaze ne a commuter train arriving at water after themselves the reorganization to a region al type government and tlie health and welfare services appeared to tw two areas that could be exported to canada acton with 9 population of over 60 000 with tr inflow of similar number of workers each day is the largest industrial area south of birmingham over 700 industries are established in the bor ough one of the industries canad ans recognize is the wilkinson sword company which hod pre sented a very beautiful if somewhat non func tionol ceremonial sword to the borough the mayor of the borough has been selected from aldermen elected and is not elected on e direct vote of the people th s appeared to be worthy 20 years ago thkam froort use beue el use pre freatf tomindey april u ims with the opening of the roads after the severe winter there hi been a real flood of farm auction v which in this locality are mill hitting m new peak and will likely continue wnlil teeding time they take the attention and time of the farmers prices are still reported to be good with plenty of brisk bidding espec ully for labor saving farm equip ment prehapit we were a bit hasty in wytng that highway 25 between acton and milton hod wintered wtll as the spring days con 1 nur u gel wozmt and won ind the ti pertinent ot last year mirfac is vfxjwn to he jut ino liter upvrimint without any p miamiuy wltu pljvmu in tlie gytnniv turn at the y on mrmdiv prank k snirlvoyil liitl 1h nmtorlurw tu irtklurv hit nyht arm ttvc 1uvtric1l sturm on wed ikdj iljinnctj an oil hrruku it tlu hydro utljllon here mid sin a rcvult there will he a pw tr interruption on sunday ultii mon whlu n nnaiu nl ripjir uii tnlim mad 1 mi williani macarthur rt ti 11 j a rmhigut i ol unhid horn fur yruihlhon david nur tun i it uak on the occuvi in of ik 1 piilhdaiy tik vti m11i hv in tjins in lour days lrum v ill tviii ikio colombia south ami ik and irrivid in iillint londilion rtu itih povur hill pusinlii to llu pijhlk ulilitun iominl sioii at tin 1 r nyular itkitluj shttmlii the larytl surplus il a ruw pump is to ik invlalkxl u ihi piiny and th old pump will ht used oply 111 1 im ii ui iiiii lyiiuy al a kit ctoss inn dim i im vitk ulliicrs foi l hi work nn in witt liiomii conviikr ul llit yunip is mis a m istin vtith mis a 11 mtuin as issisiant miss m ikniutt rcloitliny sitrtliis mrs m sihnmtlir lonvtiiti ot shipping mrs w j ik alls ionvt ik 1 ot knitting mis i s hlova iimvmir ol stssiiii svwus irt hullv ncidtd now lur ik vtork dtt id 50 years ago taken rroa the imam of tite tnm ttwrw aprti i ims the first new maple yrug was marketed to town on satur day it l of fizse quality the canadians never budge is a new proverb coined by gen eral alderson in ihe trenches la flanders a second chinese laundry ha been opened in town in the oratorical coatett at th met ting of the lfterary soc iety last friday afternoon mar- yard wilum and harold uowal won first places mr william dohbu of the third line efcqueftingj died very hidden i y last saturday nomiruj from an attack of pneumonia mr jamtn ualthewi actons vrttran postmaster fell on the clinini walk in the garden am fractured his right thigh prrmur borden s mother du i on tuesday at the age of 90 viars tlu uttislature of ontario by a vutc ol 66 lo 20 defeated the bill lur hie ugiklatur to grant tnarriid women the municipal fraihhlse now enjoyed by pn stirs and widow al ttur last sckaton of the cp- w or th league parliament the yosernrmnt was defeated and a nt w j hi rut wai formed by hun a t hrown and on tuesda night parlumcnl reoncned al whith tlie address from the throne vas read and ihe debate on itu spctch was proceede 1 vs 1 1 h march sustained her reputa lion lor uinds and vliirmv wea tmr iluriiiu lite closing week of tht month mr llimld wiles has a ser illraitivr i aster window the kiddus art gnatly interested in the 1 astir chtcks and other nov 1 lilts tlu first ruw motor car to he dtlncrrtl in town this ipring was stnpptd 111 on tuisday it is a lint fist passenger sludebaki siiut ik longs lo mr william johr mom air 1111 merits hav been made at i isi itlurtthv th old ctmeterv is 1 1 lx died up and put in a mort pithiitihk condition n sumiiiiuici iiajui oil itmhj si naici 1 1 1 loo station rvcry 20 sxond during jlh nour in m c b m tunrw mr nrsrn anrlin astava frr maunr rssl avlahrtaih- the morning emphasised how important tronspor tation is in a great metropolitan etea transport lion was fast efficient comfortable and depend able out the central subway line lo shepherds bush a 117 bus look us to acton on thurs day march 1 1 warden uoveair from bolton mode the pilgrimage with me arriving in acton we luckily got off the bus in front of the public library inside the librarian was most coopera crossing smooth tve and explained to us the history past anca through northern f present of acion england a walk across thev ing ca w on t street to the town hall put us in touch with the clerk our reception here was most friendly the mayor was contacted end an appointment was made for noon leaving the town hl we walked throughout a small area of the town bock ot the town holl the mayor greeted us in his parlour and we made a presentation of the new canadian flog from acton canado and o latter from mayor ouby the exchange of flogs wncn is being carried out by the canadian forces between the two actons goes bock to 1935 when m we4ern europe their purpose in being in a union jock bearing the coot of arms of acton euro o provide the surest of all deterrents raounctwaima m ih then lions very good candidates for mayor not elected would be a definite asset to council in accepting the canadian flag and message of goodwill the mayor expressed the hope thai o continued happy relationship could be main tamed between the two actons leaving london saturday morning from vic ton station we travelled through the english countryside to dover for on uneventful chonnel smooth as a mill pond to calais ranee by tram without a dm ng car work on the land hod started and seed mg was underway bock at morville for saturday night and off at noon for the flight bock to ottawa and malton and winter in oil its fury nd homo the reason 20 weekly editors were in europe was because of the surprising number of people in canada totally unaware of ihe importont role war might begin on a limited basis to escalate to a full scale ollouf global conflict it is the ob of the nato forces to see thot such a limited brush war does not get a place to start we hove enjoyed writing this series of editorials we particularly anioyad and ap preciated gathering the material the conclusion paris if s nice to hava baan london and england i con t get bock soon enough the army in soest and the air force efficient and doing a very necessary ob the means of instant retaliation should russia de- r r rn trm rncn kccvc cm fl canodo c h harrison by dr smorl the flog is cldctlotoovcgtrrnthowetr today still hanging m the glass case in the foyer the canadian government of acton canodo town holl the exchange of greetings ond messages of goodwill was instttul ed many years ago by the late h p moore ed tor of the free press and sir horry bnttotn friends in acton conada will be pleased to know that sr horry is still enpying good health and recently appeared on tv in england has reasoned along with the other western powers thot the surest way to invite the loss of our freedoms and our way of life js to leave the door open for ag gression admittedly all this preparedness would be of little value should war commence with ihe firing of intercontinental ballistic missiles there is always too the very reol danger that a future the acton free press fltxl lilt nrl m isi o l i xili n mm rni of h audit tlur ra ts tn ullrs a ihr w n a d own a advartuni nn irq ral s bmfl llrsrsa rsvat a in axt s r lnfu 17 00 in al r ui ir olhr than d lnl r it it a in iwnl rwio r t u m i ptstl oilmr ivfmmm t ottawa atlsrm l f i- ax rlr o the hmsdllltw tipogtph al rrtrr that portion lv awtvhstnf he harcx1 fm a il cable tale i the ingalhaf atllh laai 1-fcj- allniaia in lis wont af ocvsipittt h uut urit aovvrttalaui rsiiah ky th nni rnuf rsiuhiai i no a pillk ed tor hr ujmu h dill mnatn m lr i pnht im business and editorial office phone 853 2010 ptteaaiehdl faitecterij and travellers guide mbdicai acton iaptist church loiinrint im2 paxlnr rr stanlrt cumninn res 144 tido avr ph ssj161s palm sundav sunday april llth tt 9 4s am sundav svhool mil adull clxvs scripture press material used 1 1 00 a ill morning worship the jov ol the lord 700 pm service cjncilkd 800 pm hols week service sec spcoil notise un pug r2 thursdav 8 pm ctwir practise hols week serstvcs april ii l 15 good friday service ii am h vou have no church home we welcome vou to worship si the aclun raptist chunh dr d a garrett plivmnjn and surbttin ctirncr til willow and river sti lnlrance river st a1wm1 on i phone h5voj4i b appointtiunl dr robert d buckneb plnvuian and sureron v wrliineion si acton ont alurnoont hv appointment closed wed it sat evenings phone 8svc40 acton kntkostal nsmlrnacu paoc vi churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8h27i5 sunday april llth l5 10 00 a m sunday school tor all 1100 am mornins worship guest speaker rev thomas lalto 4 700 pm evening evangelistic service tuestuyv- 8- pjn prayer service and bible study thursday 8 p m christs am bassadors friday 7 pan crusaders dr t b moobe dr c hutchison phvkiin and surgeons v 2 main stiwt north tormr main und mill street avion ontario phone 8512180 by appointment abchitect donatde sk1nniu barch m ilaj c i7a mill street suite 1 acton telephone 8xw740 oltivc llourshsiappouiisciil or 20 stavcbank rd port credit 8774956 atctionfi b vtvlfred r spence alklloihv i im williams a complete servuc telcphom 0iorgilimn 877 1v06 lfgal c f ieatherland qc ftirntir ami solicitor solarv public omkc houis 10 a m 12 pm lpm v pm saturdavs bv appointment only phone olhve 851liv res 8vi745 akton a braida ba barrister solicitor notary public ott lie hours in aston mondav tnday evenings ftpm pm sjturdav lpm s p m 28 pdiskv st guelnh ontario phone ta 42242 office hour- in guelph baturdav9am 12 am daily 9 am j pro kaplan ord barristers and soliators sidney kaplan and john d ord oc 116 mountalnvle road s cjirretal futllrilng georgetown 274j428 dfnta1 dr a j buchanan leii il singe in ollue x lhurvh si i olhtv hours 9 a m to tt p n closed vilnrtlav it tv moon tekphoni mnso dr cedric dey dental suigcini suito mo llinlon bldg i7a mill st i ac ion ont for appointments phone 8vtv00 optometrists e i buchner o d optometrist ti john st s acton in avion wednevdavs only 2 00 nm nflo p m for appointment phone 8svi04l ii no answer phone waterloo 74281167 arthur a johnson 184 mum st milton phone tr 8w2 re tr 89678 tuesday afternoons thursday evenings friday mornings robert b hamilton optometrist office hours by appointment phone georgetown 8774971 116 mountatnview rd s acton office 109 mill st e open monday afternoon and evenings after 4 pan appraising and insurancf f i wright 20 wilbur si at ton ontario plume 8sv0720 appialvvr and insurance over v yiai in avion denney charles representing cooptrators imsurancl association sponsored bv federation ot agriculture auto tire lamilv and farm liability accident it sickness phone tr 7 2084 ganrgetosvn chiropractic g w corbrrrr dc doctor of chiropractic 11a mam st n georgetown phone 8774631 by appointment funeral director phone 85mjj0 night or day brucoe sboemakcr mgr tiaviuirs ouim gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard time lllrvtivc ov lobar 23 i avlbound 6m am dallv exevpt sun anil hull 8s4 am dally ei cept sun ant hoi expreaal s v j m mil im 208pm s04 fri sat and sun sob pm 62 pm 8j1 pjn 10j38 pjn sun and hoi westbound 7 7 m dallv eicapt sat sun and hnl i0j7 ajn 1237 n m 3 v7 n m ij7 nm t37 p m 2i7 p m j7 pjn pm 9 12 pm ii 12 pjn am sat only 1j canadian national railways standard time elfectlve octobar 25 easlbound 6j0 a m to toronto dally man is fri 722 pjn to toraplp sun day only westbound 12 05 am to stratford dairy except sunday 627 pm to stral rord dally mon to fri chanav at guelph for london rite l

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