Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 8

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ha- ami av to wtawi blsreeail avaijeaaml aha nunly whnm by iww than m isurtdev sn slot bmmtutg tmtpleyt n the iudtonum ot ihe hilton 1 eaaeav jit uji j cll tinlirf ruryihalrvillt w i nhuov v i horn- she hjian oeisaisrl mw w i ttta acton w i and si john ambulant cadets q jm f ity el gaaasaeseum a1 st sjverwoad w i shown esermning ihe acton mia tmte swaeil av o clauftd m george hergreve sandra msrgrve jean met ahaaammataaaalm atai itamibk harleytohalton cmuachkl v ml mmaw hauv m la an uu ta raliiwm i would lik b erae trr evtaitt ol law canada r run mtuce aill effect sa toaw u- inn miami ol rallaa count onh- m per can of ctaedlsw workers are rmixl covered bs pmatr eeusaa niaai and there tt ao aaruumt ol sullt tn ether eert al cimls the fine a uniilna hea designed tcoial in mom tattea vail oapa lor aaoet to lssvtsrieea ta natinael mas retetea sad ponaab etna ataa svtta mavtwan fits- the canada tension r a plea uca ssth tent au tuea salary aad wast with the essential ol ii provincial ployees unlets aereed lo b ian it can 2 members of the canadian armed foraas and lb ucuf an amendmeol wiq allow thrae in i the plan later those muratory workers in asriculture mhans and lor- 1 eslry c ua evt aat work far i the sama tnatlefl ir al taut is days or that who do aat earn least same emalnfrfn year irom ike contributions are from aat ii to aae 65 provid ed al oaurae tkat a vaea ttes eamlnes on uhich to contribute the plea aravides for equal treatment el both men and wo men a lull pension will be earn ed bv maldnt ooatrttsutloni lor u per cant of us urn from he start of the han or for youat people from aat ii throueti to aae s the other is par cent is an allowane at aaea people tram bain paailkearl la thesr bain bbstt benuhv tt they uu seen ucl or unrntnloyrd now reejmllae the oaatrl ion rate ij par oaat each from empuner and employee a comslaed rate ot la per cent on earalnft between a lower li mit of teas and an upper holt of 15x100 the selfrmploved will parub rwaiasul oat of it par oent on income over s30 with the the maximum contribution of each employee aad employer will i therefore be i par can of u or fkjo actuaries forecast that i tme rate can be su a so fin ance the han at tenet 10 years tvilhout uauteeuae aav af ast lnestment reserve breasts of the leiimnialies of the assumption required to be made actuaries are unable to make a tupaadrtil leaner term forecast ca will be ullected in tbt same wav and at the same time as income tax rs and the administration of ben efits uul be integrated with our present old aft security and family auouiancas admlnktra- tlon tata cant the total coat of administra tion has been estimated by the chief actuary to be thus held down to the relatively low figure of onetenth of one per cent of centrfbumr earns there ere nvebnerrh ua6er theaiuttta pemlen hen- 1 watliietwuil amtlntw 2 wsahulty ttaaaloaa 3 widow pensions j teataehsb gss 5 death benefltt crtmjcd in uich caten uu pn r 4n cunirtbuiloa rmir ktjht be rejucrtl bv the ounln button rquird untvr ihr nlcr han kiu it hnrat mlm be aulu4rd rconirb la othrr catct ihr prni pun may rc mala cthirrt unckanjl mith rh biwfii awijfnetitiau ukhc a ajlable 1mm ihr canjkdj wnviun ftby lrhharaea 2 a privau plan may siraph fia thr dhletrncv pwhdfd un jstt ihr federal plan ttw private ctatrbut ion rate vaxiuld then be rrucrd accordint anothrr ptmlbility uouu be to adopt a bend 11 formula which male dilfcrrot atjuii meou lor cuminn aboe and be- um ibe canaili ponuua ptan crtttnf 4 anolher approach mi be adopted in pmate plants uith cari rettrrinrfit ajes the pn vale plan benefit mithl be ac celerafed to as to provide a ec comurtad benefli beftnmng at tav age 40 the prtvatc plan ttouu thus prmidr a higher pvn job between ae 40 and fcs tlua wouid norteajly w pravid- hj otact by a lovertttannormal priate peauon from aav m on the dtffereacc would be made up by the apadi penvjon plan payable at age 6s iniideatallv we helieve ihat thu approach ulll commend it wlf nrticulari o our chool 1 richer nh want do the canada penvion man uil not take uvar or absorb rr- aervw that have been bull up by private petition plant the canada pension man will mot remove anv nahu to bet rft already anined under pri vate plan the integral loo of private plans vith the public plan will not be compulsory nert week 1 will detail the hwanfti panuon hisuu and por tability weekend visitors in area recorded mr and ur aix luw tl ililuhurh tinted uilh mi and ur jiahn tit a ltd lxi un suit da air nd mi llcnr ihwrnmii and jhvlnn ul ginlph iviutl with ur and mr v ltu sujcl hamrr anj jjirlv mr and mr janc uulll suuart and rotund aitmtud tru little hamp hotkey nittht in bramptofi uith irwtid ur and mr dun an w ildi were pieavrd to hjt mi and un larr ucljuyhlui and yiui grandon riik mvii uith ihm un sunda mr and mr ctrdon uoran and mr and mn ralph worpjn of toronto visited on sunua w ith mr and mn bruti litth and beverles mr and mr ron ml i athcrn ul orajrcilk iitcd uith hi muih cr and tanulv on sunda mr and mn frank i rxxnun atiompumcd mr and mn mil oolm rrccnun o griti- toa n to scarborough on saturday rvrmn and ieilrd at the horm ul their cousin mr and un peer tt being uu occasion ol rur birth mr and mn murray mcmunen and tons of caister centre iko mr demon mcarrol ol collinp wood spent the wtxrkrnd uith mr and mr archie iccrr and bob ur and mn don met oil and girla aluj mi m ikjehel barrutt ol toronto vintrxl uith mr rorxrt ivcrr and lamtk mrs c pallet and iunik ol tottenham were salurdas iilurs with mr and mn charles dinnie ur and un william butler i tied on sunday with mr and mrs hugh 1 1 aught on and lamik of cookv ulc joseph h allan buried ftt ftirview jobh4i liarwv auah vrt pauej away al ibe uelh etr- ieeal mtplll u fluuv lauuh i ai alter uwiul uuyitlu ul uvxlitvlitg iwsajlli hoi u uu lh 4uud lit j i tin township un rwiian i 1447 hr ui lh ulest stui oi th laic jo allan ami hu u he naiu krutiui i tw lamlu itvoj in luo tn ttu iaaluasnui 1 i in liftt ii 1 1 iv iu at ualivalad vji uatsh e 10 k u n mat ikvi to salted i hilu oj llallma lad llus tlvn tamwd 1a4 6 cuti 7 sfvinlh i uu run iduii ship until umiiinf to tiln vii tajf 10 w us jgo j i iu it vuixtved t in will jmli two datmhtm mstllr mm al unvihiuol hilubuiyh and rita it mrs riisv lkmt toiunlu iu ih also hiimctl h tu idivd sunk llvaaid vtlttir irrinis and hanes tuu toronto luui i jiuldaiivliti is valitu and wt b ttu tjl h toiunlu ishutwutlufs v rt i ol llijinpio and janus ut kujl oak mulligan aiul in uu mk i maud mt anluii sjk ji avum j i iu was pixlxiasad in a sllr mrs mats hvttiulu hoist and hi u- ittai mctun kith ol lulhiulad 1 uiu ul s rs ir ss is eundus uxl l hi nunisiri rt siulni l i un i nilcl cliuiti ul ruinurs shtkitiakir luneial htnu al tun moiulas marsh 12 inu t ntenl vsax tn ijiisww ciruui at ion palltuatits utiv jnm mil n i f- i lod m1l4an ojimi sm tlaii and 1 hut iu phe lljitikt iun utur and r v sutndu hum listr hi irsrs uu ltn ittou n and iu phewt junhti ml cluii f led suar and l i o d suinduhoist mans of ttif floi il trihutts wiu ntnt u ih omni mat manor milton ucw mans public meeting on abolition of death penalty several families have bereavements communion unui will ik h id at liiik house p r i ii m i i i i n chunh on apnl ii vsl esttnd snipatn lo mr jas stehk and mrs chnl s mi dilh in in passinit ol thtn bmth cr mi gudiun rshle ol 1 htk tiirrtnl last uerk also to mi j at k i o uhiisf brutrux was strut k b a motor car and killed in i nyland a looplt til un ks ayo also tu mrs simmiin h moved runt her dunnii tttr ssin icr hu latrur mr rohlnsnn who liscd s nh her died suddtn cark last ucrk mr and mrs orman mldowiu of brandon hast been imtinii with lonsins mrs oshurn and mr ii tnes mcdoutji mr and mrs charks moedith mr and mrs j v obk mis ii ricd mr and mrs karn and mr tl iixld kain nhjlored to min ibhilin island to itund i hi inner il ol mr muukn sobh on sit nrdas tht w l mills famils of tor onto msttrd his parents here on sundas ik w gioup iiutiiim ovmd uith huth mnswiu laknur llu twvtttam tlu ntinuli s ttf llu ptihltati meeimm aiul iu itiutui m usixt ui ti 1 1 ad mimi adopt tl i tit is ul ins ittiii vm tr umi bv the uaov mis 1 h o u4u t st itir llu spiniy lltaiikoit nitk ui apnl at ovr ail mi bapil lu nil an i apitl 14 al m an 1ls i mletl i huuli in hinyt tuuii mars list hi i ktl i i un u lo matt op a ioih1u lil llu flstl it lot mlsmjsjl iii ittllmii april 7 u is ttu tu utliiu ji in vusunlhlut ntpnitv an jimuii for iivtiin llu si k uul xlml inv melllluls uim umis t lujl mis mi lut mtlllm in ualll ax loll lit apnl uiikiii patltistm sdunlixud 1 aki ik i pi a on llw pluuitny utiiniilux clans iu t is itvedtd to haiullt lull moltu i and uau hit i laanuua t llu koitpu i sill iu iu id uai llu nd u m is a tali nl pi u ts i in st pu ml t uiii sit vl i iii inli it lly uu it i list loud i it ua iircljixj itiai in nations wirlid im s nl to all vltii yloups and inuiisltsi ttliun tit tiuiul a hiblii im- liny i ik ih id apt il k at liinilv t mud cliuuli at mvbrwoop local wl members at achievement day tliuisda aptil s is ai hu v nunl tli lur llu iii k pnntint- t urnsum ihiis4 lion llu ik salt nunl ol aji it ullim llu mm or al xtillon it i iihimii this tai fur llu dispt is ol milk and sn al yrimips oiiutt in ails and c rails and hilton minor ansil ins h suit s wonu n s instilnlis miss i lint uas tlu u i iu i ol lhi pioiest aiul iinsvvtkd tut stums nd yavt various lips on the hi tu slues irmiitt i tuinnu ntat un all tlu displays mrs cos van i moiiu i vtinoinist idi ixl ind hilton ilsi guiiutl tlu latins lot tlu linal displ i mis eooiyi lionsutt s silxt i vsoud svoim n inslitiiti in idi i vm ipabli ih uiluh lot llu proseliiifs iiul i hi im nilu is wtti vatlslud tu ih put ul i vaorthwhili hobbs ind att mis ntlluld ind mis itonsid s utri tlu ladls lot thi bilvii valmkj brinh uhkh miss miyllu huuni ka nulivr duthluf uj the wtalwlli i rv isoauiv will spiak on the aholiihmi ol llu ikalh kuallv iihi t lulssimxj a will mho the alt ttaiiniiif a liea4 lur cllu aiul mis hit trirsr tui vfdun i ud ui inaki llu tiwjeillilv ial ik pimium commllltr oil 1 1 lit m1 ttu it ptuktanis lui thr tonung ai llu ptoyiain lot this hsrrl itvjt ut diuusaeun on ihr boik vtliv llu ka is uttllltlf mot mi kuib mais i nitrl and mr limstiuvi kd llu distusnutii tu atlon biatuli of oh anadtan caiurt sutietv hftm iu iluoi uhumh lanvas tin jon atioo tins vsk htsc vuui 6 alhmt tsad oi tlu lanviistrrs dta tri baaaveaa mmjm a asaatale i ahttiwymhie a7vrtuoti sa 1 apenl bv abuil 40 mfnbfiu if aruh maju avt club imi thur m apill i in u euria urt lo- pslhtt ulltt lit uutal irairla uvall uith hi a sluul i tost iu usmjll plana uifr liuakad lot lh lojllmojituia tujfc llip lo etufj lavwn sitimif iiuuns mis umputii and mi id lualv satiusd oil u tiuknwfk pius uhik mis irtd cleave aiul mr r jjv idwhi mi ir ik kukv tuibii winiuit mi thliputil mj pialtll for llu 1a ami mi r i datidwtti jsii an i tn a suit i iixk us t in un winn abs iu rt iti shitwnl us it stst d tlu ir ui re no april ho thdavs i itotvx fsirsl tt ulai nuvlinir s ii o apul 11 al 7 u p in in llu yua ihiildm ualtmu9ad euchre accident in district news ii lahlrs rf tnwhre were piavttd on tut ulav mhl at bauinaiisd tuiiiitiuiiily ttiittr high ladle mts walmwi yiul urs iu11 tttt mr uaplu aiul ur walsuu uukv diau mts votovf a kvajy psuiaf vtaiai d bv mr and ur kxiu wifl ur km otlon uho i uell kiusti in tin tmtvmujuiv had liu riuafor luiw tu fall tn thr tvlahir sink dutog hurts and hurt kit uiiklt vi hadlv iu lav lor on lueui in luii tuitin foutul by urr il rrgus hospital i 1 mill i iii a ial for thtit imaiit im i ti having a ualking a i hii all 0 rtid u hoik ai wuk aflrr j u k a vslih llu flu 196s holy week services touto av ouist mfachil rav robert h armtfrong ma ao erskine presbyterian church hamilton ontario acton ministerial assadatien trinity united church palm sunday apul 11 lh tuesday april 13th maunday thursday april lstfi all sarviea at 8 p m general tkeese the road to the cross serine themes 1 ceasing le jerusalem 1 ike twe crewjs 3 the upper ream come and worship with us the adjuettaestt of private pen sion plans cannot jie jhcscribed throueh tbt canada pension plan iiwme taaanatriite ar each private pension jslan will be free to decide btether of not they aalas la aaalsr ateaa insaillflralhm s tratravtheee the seay thlr could hstskase 1 n btirlon i avest af jitaatoaat leiiiviiat iii li the contri relatively hlfh that tha-esmr- 1i af fraflaya fair mfaa ur mjiiw verna tlumpaun ullton rr 2 one of llallonv 411 agricultur al qui member placed fint in tw llaalth sajctlon at the hiaul- ion science fair her ditplay fo- euaad atwtmkmvoa ha uublmu of cubhreutruj amlliia aiiaat winuslh tsoo flrct prize varna receive a trip to winnipeg mjucf cvctv hcakt mno with thi tcauty of easter flowers rvjulil ttur homo uith floutr kr fcaur our altrktiw plunts malr uch thoughfu qimn tut plaata not our new location at 79 miu street e nam ta the stemietveut lalcaviaw graanhousas eat over j vrs uh1 si w uslle jovous greit1mgs for eastrrtimr cajvalrmenusportcoupa chaltlfausur sport coupe flles belts at lltl aotmntuuotoeemilx at your chevolds dealers now its trade ytmvel time 8 great names to choose from haftt wktn you find tpm traitoa right now your chevoldt dealer is paying top dollar for good used cars so come on in haraa wnm youll find tha atwat tiawal- tor heras your chance to make a groat deal on the beautiful new chevrolet chavalit chevy fl corvair corvette oldtmbblle oldsmoblle f86 or envoy epic with immedlat palmary in s i atsa ux yyff fffitf piatity xtt iiaaif rw twrgalm tnot so why shop around visit your chevolds dealer tratta today mid tjtwal away la atrial ssu ti esyi tt a la ssfuyrilii fflfcajafj mtlnl miwt authorized dealer im georgetown andrew murray motors ijmiyi1v 61 ouhmi stutt oeoroetown hocva7r essvaaiaba be turn to tee bonswi over channel al9 oclock sunday night sssta

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