Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1965, p. 1

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vht jvttiw jfctt ttss ni4ih vv no 42 acton ontario thursday april i5lh 1965 fourlmn pgm tn c4ah cast of 35 thrills full arena ay skating carnival on saturday a ten foot high inowman cir wwwww cling the ice lo ihe deist of the cbtldnn in the audience of tbq u1 he theme winter is over fur hie spring i cii val presented by acton figure skating club saturday evening in the arena directed bv vuung tkattng instructors landa braida and sharon br ad lev carnival number v uerc last moving col orful and full ol variety the 3 voung boys and giilsj of ttu club were iotruxl bv local yuet skaters swllv wilson and j mm i ihott kuthy chapman andnw drenurs two giru from plant duekman him mccnstall cuelph who ptavcxl a bull in cos tolltxn ik bmvn becky black ttime and two young champion mi itlur rtxxl susan pcvcha tkaier fiom ii und ton karen jm donnalex spielvogcl whlltirld and ronnie shaver on lb kr pull txl the gay hi bill for almost the en mr pro- liatn with the nm ol the gram it was the acton skaieis skating club dressed as train who look the spotlitrtit and a m mih hi aid michael hip- big spotlight with shilling niov pn robin inuik peler aibic riul ikaiug iilon for ih year u thu saturday wonoag whan thmll w a party for all tha boy and ghrla ad thalr prvaia thu tlaat tk aaatb- ra u fathara are tnvttad lo akata with the young stara of the carnival dicssed ji limle dolls wetr ing colois al thai the ue was specially pain it tl blue untt gold cur tain unt hung at one end ind volt m ilculm solo comady the two teachers sharon btad and colored jsapei iraiistonmcd jk mu ulttluj skatexl lo the arena lights into big j tpan cur type lanterns in seveial eol or notmun llraidi acted is mas tcr of tvii monit s 1 lu music blues and paso dohle und one ol l hi cuest stars satis wilson had a solo spiinglimc in c iinelol t omixls highlight o i ik tirsl hall ol ih show w is a bull v it phg andiew dienlers as h iiulsonu bulltigbui ig unsl two ciuclph gitls c mil himtl district family on cbc show a at family will he shown on television during the popular afternoon show take thirty on cflc television channel 6 toronto on thursday apr il 22 mr and k mrs duiiloti thompson who live lvnn mcnaughum kathy chap- 1 m u vomsinb na man and volt m ilculm oui hfu uirt aaci u m another group of tiniest skal m itu m wh wr t er appeared as spring mowers a wnufa tnw mw1 a diane ihickman dcmnake spiel l unkjt monh vogcl suvan pcycha heather i w1 sjd u vhow reed kathv chapman jeanne blliott kim mccristall ilccks nt yellow collcsin di brun joined fi them as a eanar fcpexiallv tapxl and was eotird mated bv walkkmalku baby bunntea the lilt us i skatlis as hnnnus tlolc the wthw all in white handing out cimlus and doing li prctchool iluntiv hop in the llnale thcy rode waving onto ir icx in the hiight tain pull rd bv elowm one ol the rab bits julie towmlcv was home hick with measles but bunnies on blades were i inda shadbolt debbie rippon diane ruckman miehoel rippon gene braida and karen sutherland in the woolly hide of a bull who dldn t reallv want to fight he prefer red to smf the blosuimdceked prop i rve s the dashing gyps let following linda roe and her tambourine to conclude the hrsl half of the show were kathy 1 1 in ion lsnn dunn kann townskv linda peri kathleen dill and sandra patterson second half at le r inie mussion bonnie bnsiow uxl a gioup in jjj k ittvi llinlon 1 inda rot lnn do oil konn townsley linda pein and cathy papillun youngf1 skate is reappeared as blue belu vbhle papillttn an ita braida ik ika bolu it de b- hu lluigelt susan ming pal tl lunn sandia patlcison und kathleen dills water lioni a ltov spiayed the pie its p ii a vols ol lour tkjng sk tie is doloirs jtielan palti dunn debtiu papillon and diane chiretle in walking in the rain in vellow vtihts with swinging led ties were the lit i lc gills in i it k ithk donilakt spleo get ctilleen de hniml sus in pcseha heather reed kim mi cnslall beekv blaekliv and ka lliv c h ipman red whfte and bhu inulely out tils and piltlox hits were vvtini bv itl the girls in marehe mill lane bonnu bnsiow ami i brakla lleiki bolkn path dunn linda roe k ilh llmion doloies jotilan debbie papillon diane chuielle i nn dunn hit in tow lisle 1 i net i p n s in dia p il le i son sus m hinge it kathlcxn dills and c iths piptl ion allelic w die lite is liwneel niel wigged dellgblexl ihe nulu tin in anotlier eomed nuinbe i teacher siar shuoialh idles s s 1 s their children pnmanls eklev and debbie rippon in thc shim a w p m mu ti s ilsl all in dillerenl colors with uhjum trimikevcn guls lormcd j w rainbow diane chaixtle j mmm a a mm am i b r te i bert wood sems business knhikcn dills jnd sjndru pal it ron lnnc dmn vkattd a solo a miss spiiniumi and dolon in i nuil ir session uilh j cvl sas stnt lo no 2 ouitnil shoil oxirllnu plilod counlli usl lot slud lors on tusdiv tuning vonlpk i councillor ra attiu ol ud ihtir ajiimi in lictd tinu i uhild liki on llvt innda si uk lould bssonlt a pan ol ln nm rryol o mlllit ihc hoikcv niulil in canada i tkir mlnuli- of iht manll n mcrl l i h lib buys manna at port severn the dog si s ihmis pexipli blue skies ind lind i ui ml i s the rekillon between lathers and p iris in spnng cliesl slu ronnie shisei tts weslein oniuio nosiee mens on channel ft manv champion hud a speeds sok a jlncnds irom the district will be young mans fancy and a duel watching with interest coniinued on page three it solutions wxre passed at tla inj spccilkallv dealing meeting mt progress payment el i in 11k lirst iulhori7ed itu mis tuns 23 nicxling or a ixl cleik and one number ol eh eommiiux to attend hk town ind vlll ige section of the m a eoiivi nlion it pikint i d a longtime boal fancier j wis formed lour e irs jo ui w ld nn m 7 md n l joidan anortur s apple bios iu rt wood has sold his insur this y skipped ihe limine h d exomme ruled the mnh i imu pens and k inn uncc business in town and pur i icirn lo win the ilill teih shell mayor ane tounsles in mam e had a duel chsexl minna ncir port sev- trephy krk only however a council slvuioww em he loves tonight tburs leaving school iimrjdment uithoited one metn the creaiuies ill in huek dav to lake over the now bus mls vvchki a lnltur ht i h wni were hcika bnllert palis dunn ness sunshine school lor relartlexl i ulinu anila braida kaihs llinlon bon- a resident of ac tun the past children will continue until the am ds u nic bristow dolores jordan nine car mr woeul has been i cn4 0 inc term sun jehn will i niembers debbv pipillimi and dian char pmmlnent in mumcipd life hav- complete his tcim at acton di re line serve em council for three i triu scukji both will vhm dfam in white ve u- mo as eouiultlot ind one tr- w lir it praise plaque applause for citizen of the year a little sentiment some i lite university of guajph uu eo- sitngs a serious speaker they visiorud for uic audience by us athud up lo another line evening first dean dr m mackinnon called civic night and sponsor thee will eventually be isjooo mtall ii ilu citizen of thi via william mtddtelon and hi wife melon w re boihrrl thurvl iy t v r of last wfk during lha annual civic night banquet at tlm try ion atxjiionm t mr middli lu recaivod a pi aqua and mrt middle ton received a iwuquot ol iprnxj iiowcil duby blows whistle council finishes short agenda before end of second period iliun is gelling ite all ud lei lo out aller diik resorlexl coun cill ir dtinkwilier in u spite ol eollipl lints ex hoed by oilier cikiii elllirs rexve llllih it suesled ills clog euletler be iskcd to i ite ml ihe ncxl no i commit tix nux t ing wtnn the subiext cm be thoroughly reviewed ceuineillor r iv arbie sutgextixl cvcmaikel lor 1 onedi i shin on cenicnnul projects on l 21 11 at htinci llu mind his moves hut when thc planning board n k nii his an application hr iczomng l m muresi ttiiiwiu ml iti m ti ilu nal pint milt immld tlkxtllll still park land nolllk hum ot tht decision ol ilu miniivipil doird on the ap- plu ilmii lor te zoning ol ilu leishmmi puk on mill st t w is lixelvitl ihe ipplleatmill wis un ih d d us n t nth i i pusiimi iv negulliled 11 ex iih nt ihe low it l tibllj lie el lo put eh isxl i 1 1 itl k pure el bv mi ssi s i unsol i n4l piipo r mi a s siiiiek l biin 1 1 le li pro posul i t mi up to the ikluiuil iiuniliiillil ilu sulikil vets le lei lixl lo the eoniinillex so it it tb in iite i mi ih u mple t iv lltllexl up ih lole iii ill itl ill p iv uk ill lie 11 i lie the town iwiw owns nioie i ind his niovexl the hvetro lines md h is p ud s lie eotilu tit i l ilu seventh time by acton chimin i ol coinuiciee aimhii km e njovtxl the roast uel dinner and pngiain it 4lu- i tgion hall diuisdav evening of i i i s i w ex k thaer fur billy 1 soon tltti lu tlniiiti t lie high point ol ilu evening was reached julun bills mieullt ton was olfte tally named i tie owns eltltn of ilu m ii lo tht long ciitliusiasiu i ipfil him til a standing ovation ilu adtlless yisell tv itmlg time i it ie ud tom walson appears in lull ilsivstuit holding his en iii otd platjut jiul visibly moved mi multlleton eselaiiruxl simply 1 m vvoiith ttul peofile in my t e i 1 lose vtrti a ih inliltil umitput of long si in 1 1 it t tl iweis vsas prvsrnttxj l mis mid ii ion bv mrs a ii m ht nie wilt ol ilu c ol c i n kk nt with lb eseittiiunt lulled the jump ulietd lo luai llie guesl jn ik f del tb roat aoadlail l n lior ilu is puatanl uualc ig musstllt ltd his rikjp sliitli iiupiovts stt utllv ami thev pitmiitttl a pitei mi beginning sc il ti ih now li utitional oir llovs will shnu ttuy intnmlmrd some ol tlu ir new niiniheis re h tied livoiltis ind eoneludestl uith hie very stirling lour pan sihiine of ilittlc hvmn of ihct re publu lroigi hjii is ptailisl llie rtv ah mtktnle pie si jt nl tl ttu haiilhe r ol com uu it i in ehairmin loi lh eve imp plot or the rev dwigiil t nn i sud i ue mr mckenje ih hike el tile i t tion uldles allxll iiiv mil mis doug rogers repli id hi ul i iblt guests huluelexl 1 ivoi ind mis us duby pre si u nt md mrs mekeniie mr and mis middltlon mr ind mrs lorn watson first vice president i il lutpni m i ml mrs chap- in hi piol milehell ol the jmve r silv ol in ipb ind the guest sk ikel di m ie kinnon list vi rs cittcn ol the year miss m dennett was weleom eel i ml lexelveel all encore of last e il s ippl ulse our lnlvermlly inline ol ttle new welllllltlon t illexe ol arls and sciences in gill lucunts in a greatly enlarged lumpui vnuxt planning auoclatca of loionio liave a long range plan lor the entue university built on attractive hills left by the rcd- ing glaciers the central oampua will be retalmx for all the colleg es and ideally students ahouid he able to cross lite campui in ten minute s rrtain buildings past tlveer ma i mum utalulneaa vs ill tie replaced by new onaa lauly close together tlve centra of the university will be for walk nig only with buildings nearby ringed with parking areas it w4u he a pi tu san i green place ha piedie led a cojwgas aba academic program of a fac ulty juit bring organ tied is dif ikuii lo describe he said lis lint function is undergraduate teach- lug raciliiies will be ready in tha all for more students than likely will ngisler tlure will he mod- tin and cl ik lent teaching meth ods stub as language labs but ttu iiuhviduals are what matter wt nuisl hive good education and se ii education a college piovitlts tin piee guitlaiice rno- iisition ami a certain amount of discipline studtnts are idealisllc he said hid will titate a teilisc if wc don r mike one their causa sluhild lur sell education we don t parucularly want well nminded students said ik- in mckinnnn we want onea with some sharp edges tin college will lead them to tht inst uh is writings and meth ods sethilarships of 1600 will ha awarded every student with first eliss bono is with other subsid- u s as wtll a unneisiiy draws heavily on tlu regmin in which it is situated lie lexis students from one dls- trit t shthildn i all goto the uim eullege but ujuk on this as your university he concluded look lo us lor help and support speak e t s and liooks wc will be respon sive dr mekiunon was introduced bv past pn suit nt and director paul neilsen and thanked by dill btiison and presented with a citizen cf the year citation mi- in otltk snou whili lalhi papillon i dipulmviic 11c also mrvcd thcminni imalid oil so w r ihi ilnw will take pari in a coiiimillii of adllislminl ua surrounded hi lots inuhilc is snilir of ihe aclon cham hiehuai uphl nulls north ol i hi sinks lonlinnti mior in onl ino municipal luuid llialtkt riisd linn mindiiph hi i ol commute lor imr mars p slmm housts simstji dnhi mill to c kiuhmer jum horing poinlid out he htl ion dtuinilcc spiflioul dibhic ind s a nvxnber ol planning hoa ostniijhl moinmod illon i w r i hi niacin and llim lln iran propirlv nun rippon dune bmkman kaths iu il om ivir or luslismirs is i nlahli as icll riitts lonltrtnti cliipniin anil susan ptmhi in an irdcnl iurlir tu has heen as mvj1 hir hoal nnlil i parking dogx nou vihiti s duam la mimtur since rhc acton club uxl n jnu cimr inquims bj uiemlxrs tn rv icmtn tk sijgiv fciriunaiskjrf i sutff itieta chokooiapheis and hcoducirs of acton figure skating club spring festival saturday at the arena were instructors sharon bradley and linda braida llnda is acanadian figure and free skating gold medallist both had solos in the show heading the cast of 35 girls and boys llllus stiiittil lo mis necissars it mr wood s insurinti busintss tins cooncillni hill williams re- has hein sold o dinns s insur portitl toinpl tints ol tarn nark ami dinnss mil hi opining inj ill d i ind snintlimts all iikiii lo hi titlmu lirst ollinal ituir 11111011111 i iris in m i in nifeht on tht uun slreit mi rx iiotitt ol tluihiniri m onin tht loinin button jistillns totiinitiuktl pirkin mitns lot coumi s ri on l stoix tin dottntotin in i ind thi sot ptinninp hoatil mill taki iht it i north halton music festival in acton on tuesday wednesday a sm ill crowd nt piieiits md john milion cbipur iodl nip- ton heiglits school won the h triends was oil hind tuesd iv phv presented by mrs k dur- que sing school cirei shield pies- afternoon tor the mih innu il n in xnd ihe i bennett sciumi enicd hv mrs hunicr t itmistlivs tbitiilxi ol inimeree dinner tom watson ii i in my ol ilu litmus dills middk ion his d nc for acton i i lit piim ii tl 111 lull b low hmiillit a si inthng ovation m th in in hi 1 itliis in i k mlt men ii m mired oucsts it is wnh i lu it tie i ol pk isiiii thit iteepted the as- in ni i miio hump a tons mm il tlu yt ir 15 to you kht in tb pets in ol mi win i hills multlleton bdlv hs ihmi i close liuntt ol mint mil niv limitvs all my ii i niv i it lu i t uihl nu to coun i ik lore i started school ihe same procedures and notili ah tu trk siu t iui p 4 m ilt llu an i i couple of ye irs liter he saved olowbg4 a a rr n on the ormwlie4mu mug al hiiiioiiviiil puk 1 1 nwmihhihinegm ha il id is puk ind plavgttmnd 1 is unpjx i in i blanke t util tin e hi me in i model t ford the ptoptttv w is ehexkxl lo the bill is t ii it is l ol bi and ii t ind wis i used in a family of town dtti ihe tit ith ol john i in bit lb is md i ik msui he mhhi is i sigmlhr in world r ithshmni w t with the 7st ball ilion oiul oveisets in lvli und was tile onl olhef mlhl lis es lllleleel illl sell hollle sll mils tstlort the end ol hostilities in tl 8 ells txl sets ttu sti 1 e minitltx he llie i ills vsilv tile i h lite i he u n lult jll sshlle he was ktatloned coniinued on p tin ex continued on pigc three ers wio h ul hex n ne o m it he inng plu it ion lor re t pvxiple bid not been ihe pi inning board ties lc li il vv is r llhe tjexl ol the i ip orth llatton division halton music festival competitions held m the acton robcit link public svhoul president john belt pi nkip 1 of millun blvlec street school was master ol ceremonies tdr ttu festival and kept events tun ning sniouthls uvd un lime he was asvisicd bv inspectors w l mcneil and l o mcdowell who intixvduccxj thc donors o trophies acton i ex lived the acton duke in the txiss unehmgcxl voices ot ikionshirc ch ipicr 1 0 d c ehoit competition acton robert shield presented bv mrs h r liliu sheol icccivcd ihe aclon foivc bank ol munttcd trtiphv irom tlu aston l ike salt chapter bulk m in igei ldw ird pritt iodi tteiphy presented bv md milton biiuc st school n mis m ivlur went to milion ceivexl the vai ih m irtin iodi j m dimes sehool and thc hal shield presented b mrs b ton musu lestivil shield ptxs rrmie ented hv vv j clow was recciv be line it sehool icecived the txl hv milton v i dick school geoieiown ivtnk ot comuuicc eix it sshtkil won thv gkll shield piescntexl bv g vv ml williams apple products trophv keiiie i keeping tallv ur tuihies ind presented b ralph xukcoun the eton home and school winners hiu convener mrs swsid tuhtl received the tnph lor senior cluilr six rikims applevard ind mr je in mar- mount un i num w i shield prcs md undei presented bs mrs j coux ind mr j s brunclle liilcxl bv mrs m ireoux tuikos wenl to piiuvicw nchihit adjudicatot tor both uurnoon cmiiipbellv die sehool shfnr top- md the c impbellvillc wi shield and evening vci was edwin peel cempet1tor to win thc while wis won hs limehousc sehexd ferguvsun de rector ol musu at oak chapter 1 0 d e trophv pres- bruokville school cupped the waterloooxford high school t b mrs a long and mil t milton home and school trophv following arc thc winners do- a i in the senior choir division six norx or trophies and persons who presented awards winners awards in thc triple duet class j m dcncv school milton won the milton kinetic club trophy pre sented bv mr a henry and robert little school acton re- scotia shield prevented by wil ham wood in ihe pttmary choir section robert utile school won the twocar collision a car driven hv ah acton man rred ciime ol x2 eastern ave received slpo damage in a two- car collision on highway 35 south of five sideroad thursday after ccivxsd thc milton- bank of nova noon of hut week thc other car involved was driven bv a homil ton man who has been charged with careless driving- the second car received 350 uamafic rooms ind under for grades 7 and 8 thc trophv waj presented bv mrs r waters thc acton m milton heights won thc triple trio trdphv donated b the gcoryeiown countess of strath more chapter i ode present cd by mrs j s brunclle and the milton rotary club khteld r resented by inspector w u mc- cil wednesday results wdl appear in ncx weeks issue nothing cluld am rnch for any one man than to find hirmelf surrounded by beautiful tllrtt gerry ockenden wai in this position when mapped by the camera donna dress rehearsal for the high school play left to right are cero beatty as lady jane denlta parker as lucy tha maid gerry in centre judy fong es mrs bland and brand aacxeown as mrs castro

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