Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1965, p. 10

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ritcm yti vv jj p cancerphobia cvvirphofche apamaaaatw canadian toroeon remarked rtwer1yvtttre ppatftbly much mffcrtng notfor everyone april if conducmty lm atvnoal campaign for fund to carry en in thraefold program of research ducahon and aarvlom to battarrft tu soclaty tekat advantage of thlt annual awd wo tt gmnl public to owmav to facta about cmar h u right and p that taould do act bacauaa if h it true thai umaaontoa cart b esspallad by hna truth and thaw who should know y it u than the mn etaart th fact ant pnhantod tha thai tob told is a aeniaftot a a i alla a- hi taaxntw naav 10 ataiwnw mia vaes aya or robert a m ckevrher of tha tta aafacmafct ww nf tha canadian camarlecmy can only haps to taduot it to a iimiiaali towal ttwewtile wmt tha actual hat inwafcajd ut rhaf words to matt m nitoiil er what at tat actual rfcaks bwbkmd wttlw hl tru thai cafteer k tha taaw ucanf oauta of elaarh h actually kult half at tnany at dot hasr rail lit for a partem unaw a ag of 50 thai chance that ha wll aanlat eanoey it only about ena in four and mw than half of all paaple who owettxe coheir uva at laeat f twe yeert af tar fcaaavaa 1 a 1 fci j rrwonvww at otnhli ft canadian cancer society throughout r of cancev tald one doctor h a con- taglou dlillii which tpraadt from mouth to ear lortunataly tha cure of cancerpktvbia la teedlly available and inaapantlva it eon- tith tbttply of making known to tha victim fact iuch a tha following soma cancan can ba prevented many can ba cured and all penenlt with canear can ba helped tha oarllar canear it diagnot- ad and treated tha mora ffecrifc tha treat ment can ba in research llat tha ultimata aalutlon of tha canear problem and a dona tion to tha canadian canear soclaty will not only help to make that research posiibla but it will contributa to tha damlta of centaa phobia education it concerned ii would teem to certainly soma of our young people and parentt ara fast developing a neurotlt on tha ubect many who will navar maka it to unlvertlly appear fearful that failura to do to will doom mam to a kind of second class clhtenthip and a collapse ol earning poten tial what nonsense this 111 quit obviously a university education it j not for avaryone hundreds of thousand f yourvgueri now attending high school ara for a variety of reasons quite untuitad aver to tread tha cam put and indaad tha tame can ba tald of soma alraady there who never will gain a degree vat most of these ere far from being clodt many will in feat amerge from techni- cal institute art schools and tha ilka batter equiopad to tarn a good living and make something of themtalvet than tome wlto have attended higlvar eenlre of learning tliare is nothing naw in tltit it hat always bean true ami tacvnl eaiphatltron tha imparlance of young paopla not enlaring the l4jour market until they isave completed titeir edufalton tines not ntake it less to cuarly the mistake being made it to con fuse a completed education with a univar- sily one wiven ttvey r not necessarily tha same thing at tll- we had better clear our minds on this tefure we sow the taads of new and absurd social divisions arwj inflict upon tfte coming generation an untold number of unwarranted inferiority complexes a rising level of educational attainment on tha part of hnth young and not to young certainly it vital to canadas future but for most this cannot and does not mean going to university and the sooner this is frankly admitted live better no for evryone ara wa canadians in torn danger of tot ing all sense of proportion where univartlty dtoualp9e wtuimiiv a chap from a paint company phonad tha other day and asked nut to svrtta an artlcla on house pahrhng at rtrt 1 wat a little inniainil a i have tvvrr p a better hi my life then i remembered the ham one time the hog farm 1 eakad aa to writ att art- t abate pkat- i ttfraaj kda my atartod what you kaott at ax pig ibamttf t natoi ml ajai seraae aa da bt i ttuiui 1 of aaw ttaaa of a hog fapowttoi of w pai awt tha boa faniiari illekl k aad ufct chhermaa i undned a u petuvd ham wuw i wot dtatttet with thlt natal taaa ea tha phatse aty fa uttw tearuht oa hot proateael a baautlful ham aara- iy a fnif lafiltiil taordaoa hottat pibitlm would ba food for a hotiaa or at laaat aoaaa palm and i has to paint the trim on my bsom that earing so itkt ha that that intt ukerr a aaaa la north time set pa tuning 1 h u tun eylta tut that i al the taiaa tbtte b kt ant ejulia true that 1 haw pilntij a in a harlot of acuta mental de- premtml i apuw my aaiiiw vaca tion trying to paint tha trim on the ancient sagoing heap of first and second morlgatfes wed just bought it was during the first nau seating bloom of the dolt your telf tlcknett the whole ooun try was full of sweating curv ing frustrated men struggling to attembw everything frm golf carta to so fool yacblt irons their handy home kits 1 wat hooked too i decided to paint the house mytelf achieve penottal talltfactkav bask in my wifet praise aave all that mon- y- thei ohdal teen to be attach to it a few gallons of paint and you wont know the old place probably double its value i rattled a ladder bought brushes paint and turps at we old bousepalnters call it the house trim wat about co feat off the ground i climbed up to have a look al the old paint half an hour user my wife came out to call tha kidt and found me there clinging with both arms and both legt to the top of the udder while at chalk moaning piteoutty she had to call tha are department to get ma dotva t lowered my sights and de- rirlnrl that for that yrtr it should ba enough to paint the window frames oa the ground floor pint i had to scrape where it waa mistered and cracked and peeled did you ever try to tcrape flint it waa tha hottest to jo years id scrape fur half an hour clcur a patch four inches by four then climb down drip ping and go in and fetch a cold drink at i emerged in stantaneously three or four neighbors would emerge frum hiding behind their hedges and join me tongues hanging out to cut a long story short i got two and a half windows dune that year it cost me about imo for driedrout torushee spilled paint and ruined clothing the next summer i srnsihlv hirrd a couple of painurv they did a bangup job- and didnt even charge extra for all that paint they put on the brickwork the window panes the lawn the vines and the children but the whole businrss gavc me a lasting interest tn houw painting and 1 formed a few ma xims im happy to pass along to the novice first of all you must have the proper equipment lur housepainting two basic it ems are a house and some pim a thiprt th thai makes the job bearable is a wile wno likes painting oh yet one more thing you should have a swimming pool drain the water and fill live rwith turpentine youll need every drop happy houve- painttng this sundays ckutek calendar he is risen should vwjnls thrill us more with all hope seemuigly dashed to the ground on that eventful friday with peter feeling so ashamed that he wept bitterly the others too had taken to their heels but how can it rcallv be true he is not here he is risen tome sec and then go tell tha taattai hat la dutghi l ttogal orptaltl mr aavga kutort ua ptvd goad rvlilat mervsce 10 ajn baste stihtuy amil 10ts 11 tutviktotae service ooe aatvie otdy tub chusafschool 9j0 ajaorada s atw hsghar 11u mt yaats to ortttto 4 actoh wmiwcmihh i- is chttrdub koad lurv s ittthbrata paator taamtu tomcat attul ifeh a i0w ajststmday school for all us chrtat 7jb pwi aiaatar faanta la aaory ajai aoag by the yottag tlaatdaw jmsv-ahayai- sswvtoj and ittwmasty tuttrtthty tun cttrima am- 3sith bbotvaat me glret flruha of them s aanmoiy constraimoa that tlept i imo aaaohoral r mahi avwmki bartt ctvukm formerly evangel staptlu sunday amul iltk 1u but keavaa yjlcjl at vu ajn calling at llmahntiaa f jo ajn per information call acton t5jl georgetown gtmaos crltttysal mafqgmid ommch nrtiht oatario lav wtobe vaa duk loswta34s3 sunday ahul isth ixs 1000 ajbhntdith service 2j0 pjsuotitch servica 14j pjxu sunday school tub ommcn of w a1bam tni itvmtyyb amcijcan corner willow aad st dchst key j d ufrarty good friday service ii tut atev lamaity gastbat v sunday ahul igto ws acton taptut cmutch founded itv pastor rev stanley gammon ret 144 tidey ave ph i5iil5 easter sunday april lllh ius 945 am sunday school and adult clats 1100 am morning worship they went fishing 700 pm evening service one of god t ifs wcdnesdav pravcr and bible study at 7j0 all are kiviled to attend our christ centered services if you have no church of your own come and be welcomed ptiuytboan ohwch in cahftfta knox tastjbctt acton- rev andrew h mclcenjie ba bj uirustar mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master easter sunday april uthr 1965 945 aaio church school iliw am easier sunday wor ship sermon theme christ the victor special easter music by the senior choir maundy tnursdayat ii pju gootiprday- watch nigfct service of presbytery young peoples society la knox church everyone welcome cbrttt la juaeal hauelkijahl airr ptoio diama clui members at the acton district high school presented j m barries play shall we join the ladies tuesday afternoon and wednesday evening in the auditorium caught by the camera in one of the scenes are left to right jean bulmer as mrs preen tom ginger as mr preen gayle withers seated as lady wralhrie allen gordon es dolphin the butler and kneeling albert vlietstra as mr vaile the j 4 old jsayj 20 years ago fin thmndf a u im1 ait ftllrmpltst robbery lit 1c liwi fttarly saturday htonrtiay t uilted tn a uild chav to brtufifi- lot through the hrtmplon urtta whr police fired sjsou bcfofv on ol i ha youna culrrilt wa caplurrd and thr other two fuatvd- about 2 am saturday morn inn ihr wirulovv in the dour ut h d rachun clulhtny hwr wa kicked in mr juki rr lining in the aiutimenl above and immediately phuned the police the liccntx number wj alivo noted und reported hv hurt lev cole and fred crrwton the car was a 1941 buick which had been ttulen and wai badly wreiked when ditched 5vtruk on the ivrad by a rail njiul lie while a curtuad ol tliel heavy limber mrere being un- rfuded from a railwuy cual tar ill beardmure and co on tuev i jay morning john turd an rm- 1 pittvee mjmuirted a fradunrd vkull he wa rtjhed to the bo pttiil unconvcimi ihji 1 now iin- provlnit und it it hoped he vtlll tcfvcr i im i in third veir in micit- law iiuvni i nun the pub- 50 years ago tafcaa trmm ttw i tfvltaffprw ayvfl i his uuaday utfjw uwv carme a quite a uuprv aiter the beait- liful weallier wi ijitur k410 day ulutb order from otlmws an nounce that ionorary colonel sir donald uann u to be lion- orarv colonel of he 30h hal ion ririe mii re h wai a buv month for the llhrarv wllh the uvue of us rachlln wa j vojumr the number of borrow er now i jam and i ftieadllv on the rite tlie fbenever mrthodit church will be torn down net i week memorial wervkf of a very impreviive cbaracier will be held rveit sunday there ha been religiou worthlp rrgularlv in thiii9lrowed place for almml 70 year the production al the strip- lure untala zion rr rule red by knox church choir faer stin- djy morning ua nwt credit ably done mr wiulgut wa tie lunductor and ml l william ufet the organ the choir wa made up a fol low wptarvov ml akin ag- nrw irvin c john tone w john vt orw mcclurr mcmveruwi lii wliok in the county were utd a mtoonald rcld tlu- vurii ol hm01 county u mr wfldgu1 alio toontil ui their rcgtiur meeting u rth ilrrv rciolter nkellng ii4rdd tliere weir n glru nut w tm pi 1 it art- in h ol tied tut live ll tnvjv written by a xiodeiil on hi vuil live mkid ihiottgh strvwvtilifnvn to ktnyclimii 1 to im pj vtd by tlu lihiiltv a tptslll iii lull wj mivctl at imkjii li the iitorn ul which many ol the county ol- ikiik pokc a lew words tle goodwill dinner to cele brate the tolkctive bargaining lyreement sigiud bv the wool combing corpoiutlon wa a de cided micccw lord uarnbv wo pttvcnl and addrrved the group and now it the trout 1 1 thing hjsoii ltiil t to lv advanced to nteet the unusually early spring with lemperaturrs at almost to in the shade apnl is giving sum mer wealber khnhartt inun thr iikii yaiikns is uitorted b minv ilieis alieadv uissr graham harvey and neat unoiv mer clarrldge i hvslop miclwre and wildgus basv4s messr cockburn llen- idercort mann and smith i ptror to mr and mrs frier hill leaving for their new home i in saslvjliluuan the metnhcr j ul lite congiegalronal church met at the home ol mr clinton huackhamer and pre n led i hem with a farewell add re ac companied bv a well filled purse pitnclpul w ii stewart ha bad the honor the pal year of holding the preidencv of the continuation sthont department uf the ontario laukatiunal a- socialion- hi preldenlial ad driss at the opening of the te- sum on tuesday was most ere dilable and was listened lo with keen interest while we mav plan wr life minv rar ahead we aclually only live it one 1l1v al a lime m l might be wis- to toncer- lfjlrn to swim tliere 1 hill plenty ul time be fore summer holidays to takr lhoc swimming lessons o lhal in emergency an adult or child can take care of himself in the urate lhal water depending upun the childs today irv lo do y arm work health mol youngter luvejafely jusl today clear up the plahing in the water and can cellar stairs and remove other quickly learn lo swim it u better haarls armmd the home and lo have them taught bv a qualt farm ik living just for today we lied insirmior rather ihan learrv j mav wake up tomorrow morning ing ihe art bv being pushed in bv with another full dav of living olhcr childien ahead of us the acton free press ft final in 1ijj and ptiti thrata mt will hi aiun hlann uawitlart uf otf autltl ittli rati tat clrrlal f w n a jatad w n a atltrrllalntt tasa on ttl utatittttnn pa a a n vaunu qov llun caanaatai mr fv74a lr aulloilaa4 rutraanj cla uau ptt cm fir daaarttvaamrt chlatvrta ailrlisln la svtrrwptpaj si the raaasahattal i i si airar kat fja ttw e iii laaasvyaaa wiajimti itam 1iiajhatr wkh let ll ahaajaasaiav taf litaaura wll ln tlsair ot bul lh tuuixf o lea atatt artlarrvanl talll ta patd in t ika ppluabitv ralr in irar aaa of a lyp rttot axtv1itnt aaaau mr tetslrvi at vtrn or attihla rt aavavtraa mv it ba taut artvt la mritlly an nlfrr in aen and ma whstltavnt al af lima pvmiaaaj lata ota rtilta ftlkj r t i4j ti a niim ran metir paiaid n dlla uamsalnaj mi to 9 business and editobial office phone 8532010 prvtfejjfchaf foirecterij and travellers guide medical auctioneer dr d a garrett physician and surtfeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone mmvtl alfred r spence auctioneer glen williams a complete service telephone georgetown 877vs06 legal dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon w wellington st acton ont afternoons by appointment closed wed sat evenings phone 8531240 c f leatherland q c barrister and solicitor noury public office hours 10 am 12 pm 1 dm 5 pm saturdays by appointment only phone office 85j1jv0 xrrs 85v1745 of t b moobe dp c hutchison physicians and surgeons 2 main street north comer main and mill- street acton ontario phone u32i80 by appointment acjon a braida b a barrister solicitor notary public office hourt in acton mondjy friday evenings b pm 9 pm saturday 1 pm 5 pm 28 paislcv st guelph ontario phone ta 41242 office hour in guelph saturday 9 am 12 am daily 9 im 5 pan architect donald e skinner barch mjtajc i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 85j2740 office hourt by appointment or 20 slavebank rd port credit s7m85a kaplan opd bjrrlilcrs and solicitqrs sidney kaplan and john d ord oc 116 mountalnvtew road s carretal building georgetown 27v342i dental dr a j buchanan prntal surgeon office flo church st e ofticv llhirs s am to 6 pm closed wcdnesdav afternoon telephone hsvi750 dr cedric dey ivntat surgeon suite no 1 million bldg i7a mill st acton ont for appointments phone 8531300 optometrists e l buchner od optometrist 6 john st s acton in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 6 0f pm for appointment phone 8ui041 if no answer phone waterloo 7x87 arthur a johnson 184 main st milton phone tr 4972 res tr 89671 tuesday afternoons thursday evenlngt friday mornings robert r hamilton optometrist h office hours bv appointment phone georgetown 877371 116 mounlalnview rd s acton office 109 mill st b open monday afternoons and eveniaataf tar 4 pat appraising and insurance f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8vv07m appraiser and insurance over v years in acton denney charles representing cooperators insurance association sponsored by federation of agriculture auto fire family and farm liability accident s sickness phone tr 7304 geoifetotvn ciirkorviacnc g w corbett dc doctor of chiropractic i 1ia main st n georgetown phong 8776631 by appointment tuneral director phone 85w350 ntghroruay bruce e shoetnasw mar ttavtubb ohm gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard time fffrctivr october 23 eastbound am f daily etcept 631 and hull iu am cepl sun and hoi 8u am iij3 am s04 fri sat and sun t2i pm iji pan sun and hoi sun daily ex- etprett 208 pm voi pmi 10h pm westbound 737 ata daily eicept sat sun aad hoi 1027 aait i7j7 pan 257 pan j27 pan 7j7 pan i2 pm iij2 pan 1177 aan fsj only canadian national railways standard time effective october is eastbound cs0 am to toronto daily moo to fri 121 pan lo toronto sun day only wetlbound 1205 omto stratford dally except sunday 67 ptn to stral ford dally man to fri rjiatttsa at gaeeptt tar t esc

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