Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1965, p. 13

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r- wr outtic rihfthc women lmgue mortally un syrvt rriirinf prcalacml ttcupfed lht chftir the roll cji red by mr v syiwih wu wtamd by 19 mmhen fciuyifi of ik ukl nwthin were rej by the uxnmary un a ovxler ud mr jotfh llolntan ve the treasurer ivfmti it wu mwd kv mrv w cmfll- un lhai j 1 00 be liven huv a s omham umftl thr com of two hew ftlurt for ruckutwut and outlic ctwrthtmi 1 1 v ck eifed lu to donate t25 to st jtatn de brebeuf ptwkh in erin the beulkul new ttiurvh i 10 ik dedicated april a letter ww read from fr hayn fa eumlra nrjuriina urd cmhftuc fwilloi lilrratunr lur hi wth wha u ft irtikwifwrv prietl in indonesia buoil and magazine will hr collected al the nest martinj mrv f synoti l tended thr rcfumal mcciiny ad refiurtrd un ii pruvcduiv report rum thr landing com- mitltm were read mr v sviwit reported a paid up mrnihrrkhip of j4 iadie with an a vera tar al tendance at thr rtkvtinr ti 24 j urm rkhard dupui convener j of education rerwrtrd a donation i ofcs lo ifnaliut colier guelph j five stwatlic leoih rrliguiut ul knowledge lo ihr children of am mn both panvhr each suiuijv moirur ami ojinhtrr conimnn twa book wore aun donated r i- n april and ar aum m i99w aw rmms tajmitrt braaaa crawi lai tax i i faart fciiihj tfatar pkya thai wm kald kvocmtly fat uawiek tr hi llu cl tckaol ajo ritttitla we yoyi rvai cray baiif aad ham cauav w a m ii rkwood local and district news hew officers are elected for roekwood oustfc cw1 ttockwood mr rlcrord dujlreauuvr mrv richard dupuiv put w hoateu for the annual ucx a s calujjruin led he of the rocttwood and j new officer in reciting tlie lea- pie promise in uniuwi a brief speech of acceptance wa delivered bv the new pnwi uunt mrv w gilfillan with a pro miv lo achieve elfeciive twull a welcome to ihe ruw uincriv wa ehtended bv father camap han who congratulated ihe iojrn or a job uym done and gave a brief iilorv of the lcal cailtolu- womenv teayue urx f tauw arrived and took pklure of ihe father aiul ihe new estvctuive mr gilfillan proceeded tu hiiv- inrv imtuirinf about a dale fir ihe auc1ui kau chuh was held on uav 14 bl ear mr c rol ertson motioned lhat the ale be held on thuvaday uav iv in lormalion concern inf hall rental will he procured by mrv w ctl nilan ux wjcutl aiul us r bacon uill be in charge ul ruin mjjrc vale the auction tll he haiwlled hv mrv v sviuu mrv dupuiv anil mix d bacuouill orynie tin- ptniiiv table wul tlu- iclrevhinciit booth hv miv p dau and mrv ilolman j the catholic wimuii ixainir i of canada hamilton dhkinot cthiruii are rwldtng lh 4slh an tiual duktvan convent um ul st j frantiv xavier slone crwk june 4 an1 6 delegates ului lleiul are mrv d ilu on i uhaek lo mt walmiiaai thar iui bmaaaw flat urnm wm ptckad aa bl play the wa luflu aelraaa ataasauur alawau li for kial aeiar mm doii atait a hrolhae ha law ad falw i raw fjawoia al tw ckwa af ike tviiaua wufclf waa prehtad by the provuftcul tuau wul be held bi war ueaarlal hall uni- verally of cuahjh friday aphi u fc prlatey april 9 ike fargua and eraaaaaa junior fanuaea will p win at ikalr play aa well aa aevaral akort udta la the eramoaa towwaklp srbool coacratulatuaa lo ik era- aaaaa group for your paal a- rhleventaama and good wlakea for further auceeaa la the ft- budget school additions grants at bramosa coanpf to roekwood public school lib rary from the league the social action report read by un w gllfuun revealed numrrou viutv to local hoipltalk and to the on tario hospital with a large num her of hookv and magaxinrt being dltlributed lo the patienu over 500 poundt ul uved clothing un sent to northern miwionk mrv iangemeniv lo hae a maws fw ihiv nurpive will he made a brief divcuvvkin vcaw held cot k cm ing the continitance the htitle- linv the majorilv vtippotied i itteir lontimunce ufikh vill tie vupenivctt h mrs 0 bactm wonlv 4 praive uenr rvlaed l alxhil tlie muvic and ihoir render- iny its mnkcn at sacird heart gilfillan alvo arranged help for chutvh aiul j tivcuvmou lollow the child health clinic in rikl uood wlten rcquevied appruximalelv 2000 points uvnr turned in to the golden book tor charity campaign bring under taken bv ihe ladiev al the cuncluvion of the ruivi meeting mr e svnoti de clared all office vacant and iuitv ed ihe meeting over to the chair man of the nominating commit tee ufa pat dalem the nev ttate of officer for iwaa iv a lil low pavt prwident mrv e synoti provident mrv w gil fill nrfcl vicepmtdeni mrv i mrv dirxlcr v snotl ecund vice provident mrv alfred drcxler third we- preiident urv juacph llolman id to avterlain if an oiyanivl aiul j 1 chtmf could be arranped ltr st i peteiv it cviviil ir il some me llwkl mmiki tv hisid to ennkir ti- itingreation partk ipation in the songv i i ii uav indicated lhat several i mkiny mcmtvin ol the parish had i accepted father maltices inviia- intn to attend s joscphs cyo and found it mst enioabhv the j aecretarv mrs ted ditcek and hghtlul lunch powihilitv i4 arranging rdc so lhat nutre could attend wuv dia- the meeting was adjourned h onded bv mrv llolman the league prjvet uav said after uhich the hostess and her commtllrc served a mool de church meeting haseastertheme rtkluool tlie faster theme was carried ihtthigliout the april meeting ol rock wood prvvhvtei ian vvms and wa recently miv i d grav wa iwislesv lor the occasion tlie pieidrnt mrs j freeman opened uith the glad tidings faster sei- ice tlie fmp- t tomh this wav taken fnm ilk- gorkhl ol si john 20 t ix allot the call to wothip hvnin mis fiwman letl m piaer the nuinlvi all joiiwd in i ik- respoit sve leading mrs j tavlor gavv an inspiring nicdtlahitn and the apostux oevd was sjid m uni- von ten itkmbcis answeivd the roll call bv scriptural verse con taining hope several thank ou notes were read bv ihe sec retary vcrv interesting irports tin the snolical meeting held re ventlv in tveeedsmuir memorial chinvh orangeville were giwn hv miss elva pcaren mrs j free man and mrs j taylor faster poems were read bv mrs i swans l on mrs den ham mi mis 0 mcsiahh mr albeit schwcilier the while mi aid of lamboiene africa was rockuoad all metnbera of fjantova township council wen rheseni at tlu- regular meeting lietd ui the r oik wood town hail recenilv with ihe eueplion of council lor david storey reeve cameron lakh presided the mi no lev of the lam regular and special meetings tvercrrad and adopted jolui beolum secretary of ilie eranvvsa planning uiurd prevent- c i heir budgel lo council for i4b5 the follow ing correspondence wa divcuvved tonvbip school area of wevt garafraia west luther and arthur regarding de henture approval township of klavsagaweva about live eden mills community- centred deed the township of saltfleet regard ing provincial aid for police ser vices lilr and ihe ivnoilmrnl of municipal affairs on cnmmii- leev of adjuvtnirnl sekaol rajbvatwmh r pagani architect announced that he had received twit leiulerv lor the renovation- tu no 10 vcrumtl arut alter dis4uwlng tlu- lenders council aiul mr pagani will meet al no 10 chool on thursday nutrmng at 10 am aiul give the tenders iuiiiut ionsidei alwmi the council received fmir trn ders for a iuw ivud maintainer nainelv geo cnrtluis and co iominwmi road machinrry co j galeon co ami the adams com pinv further consuteratikn tc tlttse tendeis will tve given al a i luillut nuiiing j ken munav village chairman and fire chief fred nigblingale appmkiched cooikii c mice ruing ihe ptiivhasr of a resuscilaior mi mtiitav also ivquested per mission 1mm couih i tu ornnin siivct allowances the following tenders were re ceivrtl for cnishinvt supplvinu and delivering 10000 cubic yard of giuvel ui tow nship roads llolman constmction tir rimk wcmmj al tk per cubic yard and sandv contracting co gklerich al 80c per cubic vaid it was mov etl thai iik llolman consliviclion co he awarded live gravel cmv nact for 10000 yards moiv oi less al the price tf 7c per cubic vard subjcxl to tlu approval f the fvpirtnunt ol highways the tivasurvr was authorued to re- 1 turn tlu- grivx1 tender deposit to the unsoccesslul bidder when the lender is accepted hv the depart ment of highways the council approved the iwv budget of ihe fiamosa planning i hoard for u30 as presented it was moved that ihe cmincil i approve ihe public school hoard of the township schtmil aiva of gararaxa west luther west and arthur village issuing debentures interesting grnv thk dr schvvcil- eramosa juniors play is judged best in zone roekwood stih y lands the cord ion otuv and rob i ucdnn- liottaa he one act plav b- the laid who directed the eramosa leaajtaaaa j fvniwrn nmn f prrifii h a g by throaaated to a urge crowd in don rowan in appreciation of the mirpah ueneiliciion closed na new auditorium of eramosa i hit work a wxird of thanks wa the meeting a serial time follow towaatop school this wv the i given hv wilbert freeman the cd u a lovelv lunch wrved bv riauwving ptay from fhe rune district repreventativ ol the jun the htwiess and assisted by mrs fend lea nor rowan who had the ior farmers and the queen p sim and mrs g swansion brought a most entovabh eve- ning to a clove every year the red cross vol- eramosa will present their play unteer tiovpiial visitors make in ihe provincial finals in war hundreds ol thousands of bed- memorial halv the university of vildc visits lo veterans in hospitals guelph on april 2v j across canada the subject of vtorv hv mrs d d was tin occasion ol 7rs wh birthdav mis fiwman closed the meet in with praver the w a meeting olloxved with mis llva pearen in the chair a rxpoit m the liremens banquet was given bv mrs p sim and the indies held a small sale of home- mul- haking for simjb0 for the p or fuialuiug an addition of five clavsrooins and a general punuive rorun and other alterations to tlu- exist ing building at ihrjohn black school in ihr township of wevt garufrava also tluil tlu- courted approves d ihe puujk scliool boa id of ihe town sin p school area j garalraia west luther west and arthur village lor the issuimr d delknlures in ihc- sum of u20000 or financ ing tlu addilion of vi tljss ruomv a general purpose room renovations and additions to tin eiiviing al tlu- arthur village futb lu school the council decided to make a tram of 14v lo ihe rockwoiml fire department for ihr purchase of a recuse i la lor aiul lhat k mur tay be given pri mission to open balaclava si to pawnume si from pavunore si to man si parents told about new math methods roekwood the new cuisen aire method of mathematics was very capably described and illus trated al roekwood htmic and school meeting rrcrnllv thete was an overflow croud for tlu- the occasion which i encuiirag ing mr- kramp grade i leaclui sltowed a colored dim taken in a gtade oik- clussiuom in mont real tlu- dim aiul talk hv mrs krump told ol tlu- advuiued and iomplicaled piotitems even in f tactions eiuthinieted evrn in era de oru- mrs culhv wl leach es grade si v eplanud llu- in between math cspcciallv tlie changes in method of multiplica lion and division the liccptinci pal mr xlillvon told ol ihr change in senior gtades the new lerms and it let bods used in seven and eight a very inteiesling cjitcslioii and answer period fol lowed the president mrs o dnjbtr wov in llu- chair and the tanner attendance was won bv mrs k ramps room grade one with mis unices room a close sec otld the next meeting will ik- espec ially lor the grade eight graduates when a special speaker will be present and a pic lure given to each graduate coffee and sandwiches were ser ved by the iiiikii committee and a sticial lime followed constable cruskill of gociph divisimi o pp paid a visit to each toom in kockwood school recenilv he spoke to the pupils on irallic saletv and did a treat deal to impress the scholars minds in this important matter and paswnnre st to clar sf suhjret lo si reel regulation ii was moved lhat live road superinteimjenl attend the school for road siiperinlendeulf at the university of guelph on may 10 ii and 12 and his tuition fees of j id aiul etpenv he paid and charged lo lltr load uvo4iiil tlu clerk was imthoried to voniact the communities celine branch regarding tninsferriiig oi leading j i he land helct in trust for the eden mitlt communiiv club to kavsagaweva township to lhat the ilden mills community club mav participale in tlie township of nassaguwevav centennial pro gram at coon is amounting lo 442 76 road acciuinlv jlflw general accxuinls ja0317 eic passed for payment aiul ihe nuvlutg ud- jotirned lo meet may at i pjn or at ihe call d llu- reeve th arton r thiatrlay april 154t t5 is awmdtembr uaker school ruckwnod al p 4mxul nterl- anvhinl of siatfito he pld now otr rrmainder 16 w pawi without l iniri in jawaty ima i an amobn4 o fmft w pttd fur uu of itv community ttport tenlir tnr bmrilag w clovd i ili j lib- liunuj tuunvhip until lh lafki yi firffcf tofuig or cuujuil luu mallris irll lltilll al llir calj o the fcrw i llu- l-fulaj- llkvliuy weru owul ed ifu- tinuvatiuits tu n 10 j vthjul km ijlntnki mjh vivou ihr lur a iciuki j m allrr luydijimm uas f 14130 tlu- ruw tuuiiship krailir uill hr purx tla cd fium i w uanula luring l park al 1 tl ij 114441 2v thrrr arc lu rutional red cns red c rcmenl and red li on and sun suckties in the inler- nalumat rixl crm movement a canadian joha a ktacautay ul winnipef erve a cnairmalt rt rw the board of governors at the ihe amount leajnie uf red crou socletie there are otture than 2ssj0da hiuh urivtul kludeiklt enrolleid bl 2jv hranchev ul the canadian tlu- 1 red cn ludtfe acrots canada roll ira vtited a hel une ctreu the letting un a lunelv praihe farm home heater warren ptayad by eleanor rimin wa very jaa and irritable maiden laur uihoae life w her home mticb uku filled with atkul ol i the put her brother bruce i iriaved by don rowan and hi vvitc kuth wdl nlayad by vivian i mcdonald wanted to vrll the uld lima farm and move to a more raduciive and le lonely loco- tioa thii wu opnoied n- he- er and when ihe failed to till tha lanterni uard h her brother aiul ma uilt while thev looked for a lost horie un a turmv hajht the oxercame her opnoti- tloii mr manning the real e tatr man wu played bv bob bmtton chairman tor the occtivion wa kti storey uho introduced the program eramoaas cuuin caam in the pcron of brian lowrey cave levera mouth or- paan aelectioni a number of humoroui kit blackoutt thrf are tailed tjaere presented by dilterent mom- kera of the club thete were horouguy enjoyed by all as 1 the violin and piano duo ot allan and don rowan the fertmi junior farmers ajven stated their plav spark- tng this humorous drama pur- trayed an obstinate old grand- itnother who kept everyone under her control while she warmed i bfer fem in the ovan her other dunsnie was chewing tobacco land eating the chocolate drops liven lo the granddaughter by thecuitor mer vrtta ajrattnys anprol until she found out he had ruined her dancing dress by spitting tobacco into the closet while be thought ttwuui otuside door those plays are a credit to a busy group of young people and it ii hoped they villi continue in gary cox favored with two ac- maki ivfv htatt ino with th1 biauty of easter flowers rcautilv our lukme with flowers fur fasu1 our attractive planl male such ihuughlul yill too watoernsletoor new localien at 79 miu street e next ike ranttaiwut lakaviaw greenhouses est over m vrs mill st w tsmm joyous greetings lur fastertimf change of ownership thursday april 15th the j bert wood insurance agency of 134 mux st i acton has been purchased by dennys insurance agency this business will april 15 anal al lie sranslammi m aur w afree aa clients tkeum caaltct ua ths let future service ofwci houtsi 0 am to pja mon to hu am to it noon satutoay business phone 8534150 2 unesto assure service after hours bill denny bs33645 iarold denny 6s32s65 new office new location a same reliable service thursday april 15th our new address 54 mill st usih mannino tttcttic e pennys insurance agency you cut rttax whan youre covered by sjfiiwce 54 mih st e acton pfcormi 8536150 the finest most complete coverage at the lowest psstibh cost notice roys electric service wwt te been chenaed t 8531461 y happy easter cities scuvicr and pleasant motoring when youre out for a drive wcot in for a tank of gas and a cup of delicious coffee our rtarrvburgaw era top our ht dgf tempting meadows cities service ockwooo uvs14 lous a g but you cant eat him for easter like all good bunnic hes got a bundle of easter specials lous used cars main st rockwooo 8564235 drop in now to pick up one of his bargains mo down payment if cmmt avmovto bill mcintosh electrician got a scotia plan loan 1300 in 45 minutes bill mcrntosh was worried hed had a lot of home expenses he hadnt figured on he needed quite a bit of money and he needed it quickly bill decided to take his money problems to hit bank the bantf ornova scotia after talking to the manager about the many new things he had lo buy tor his new homebill was asked a few quick questions about his job income and how much money he needed la 45 mantes bill mcintosh knew he would have the money he needed to pav all hit home bills this is an average exampleolspeedy scoliibank service of course this actual customer was not named bill mcintosh and the speed of the loan depends upon individual circumstance butthere aw more and more people witball kinds of names and jobs coming tothe batik of noyascolia to have their money prob lems solved quickly why donh you a seetia ptsat least is one of the beet most practical ways for you to oeev solidate you debts your loan is life- insured at no extra cost you get speedy service you get the other advantage or dealing with ihe interested gamufcaat people so talk over your money prob lem whatever it js debt consohdation a ne c the people at yoar nearest soolia theyre ready and waiting to help you how much money do you need o0sftnk- it

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