Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1965, p. 5

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rsi m 4 tttst oub4 iwr uimaio tcam won the bantam ehampiomhip sunday evnirvg with a 3 win ever ptmifeurj in tk i agio mtnor sport hotkey loop front row left to right r wayne deforest robert ffquon paul braid nm andertoi and george cook back row left to right am john churc htll jim sjevn coach john oatghton brian dunn and mirk kowall missing are fred ftiniv paul milna gord lesby brian wilkinson john tmpttr ft ad lockerby fred iarem and andy vendyv legion town league buffalo wins bantam title buffalo icored four ftnt period goat in the luurtn game of tne legion loun league bantam hnal and arr never headed in a vi win over pittsburg hornets thai wranpad up ihe luguc titli lew the biton sunda hornet made a loiii th p imr in the bestof live llnal ncvviri by edging ihc bliont in the thud conlcm after bullalo had ukrn the flmt two sunday there was no or an preston enters dimtht ii iho outcome nme the bisons luiiuxt hmr pinks in geo cimik popped in the lust on a milo eftuit wavne deforest diilud numfxr two ironi neil and isoti und gcori cook ur an dunn ntthcel i ik thud and maik kouall hagfcd the imirth inm george c ook pillsbuig got haelv in iht game in th mmnd period h cmintinfi taki p iv mjwh hud the lirsl and stewart mecullehigh hil the tagest assictod b pile maia k buffuki replied once with bryan dunn cosine ling fiom mack kowall stu mevcul lough dosed the nor nm honks with his second and pitt-bur- third counter ol the conttfsi in the third ttarua gtul sconrs in the game were three b ihe losers clare snow stewart mcculloush and john grate and eme t cacuig cook ol buffalo tanners drop 42 decision huskies toke 20 edge tlmli llnitfal look b two ml lend in tbe m of itjojut inf c seven teams in halton senior loop baseball schedule starts on may 19 seven taunt representing despite ihc designation at senior campbrllviue millon oakvllu- the teams still cnlir 0 da pu hamilton ceoryrlovvn dututas as inlermctltate or senior entries and proton will he competing in drpemlini on population sttpula th newly named halton counts tions senior baiehall lcayur in lo at tonnal innmimemrnl w also a epeclal meeting ol the iwiuiivc that arl cairns os monday rvcmnu it uis iliiid aill jl roberts irf camphrll d to accept preston a a new en 1 w rrt tr from try in the leafur and also rename the laaguc dcnianatintf it as sen lor ralhar than intermediate all aeven communities sere repraanrisd at the mectinx in the royal canadian lev ion hall mil ton and a on a 3 uanvc 4noflm plul plstorfs tne league ptay will open un mas 19 and at the end ol the regular mhodulc out l in clunfi the top teams will pla oil lor i niornine the senior a champhiaship and lnlrs sas inadi b loixinu op- the bottom three entries uill pla in a rear dour a ihcvk ol mer for ihe senior b championship i handisi is heinji made to deter- truphiofe will he presented to lhnlnliw il an articles uere also tak wlanen of each championship en b a e at w glcn- lea smoke hp net led thicxea arl saiurda the league for being lop batter and pitcher rcspectnclv during ihc 1964 mason te new p ronton entry will pu iii home gamet on tuedav and saturday ecnrnri the formal announcement that hamilton would delimteh luc a team in the league turpnaed naanv base ball lollowcri the steel cit crco hac been having conuler- able finanltaj dkfficuiuca but ap parent iv thev will be able lo play again tfiis vear pci of an interlocking schedule between caledonia and simcoc of the southern counties league with teams from the hal tun league wan discussed and rep- nrsrntativn decided to take little action because of the distance teams from the league might however ptav exhibition games with the two towns vi- t ami 1 l ujumithvaiamrkwu in th uaglon dart uaquatn taptulai reealuad th goy cartaoa trophy during th faancsuat saturday avonlno in tm auditorium included on the team ant captain stan collem gofd mccutehaoni mel jordan john krapek- frank winter roy kwkrvaee don mckay and let travail s 5 the muaajee cattae rroam be- mad 14 ibw tweud dvtfcu svllb thnrf aaeaad nvd uark an and amilber u the thbsj to take the a hi a teal well played cout- the tanners aherthanded egala tor thla one alyed ae vu as ihe lluuoea but failed to put ihe puck in h aueury gerry lugui wayne aiaylanel up boliim and uon miiish were mlulnf front ihe heeup bws inalu reouied hie learn and hla play in- aplred ihe tannera la ihe ftr4 neriod when they potted ihr hnl two ejoele itiake wit the ftrl trow uelcenjile and jun lor 8iimnnnl al ij ol the ftrl prtnd with schafer of hie hmklii off for hooking lrvl auuluer made ii m on llur pmtuet play of the nuhi wlih banter and ferrelly they pae- eed ihe puck around like y yo and kentner look ii at een ire deked a llutkle out of id 7m l0dl chapters htm bmt htll the duke of ivvomlwu iluft ur iodi juld a swn ihimii cvs nkxiinj at tlu lunui ol mi ruby clatk on lit sda instil apiil n h ion joininiy w 1m1 ttie likcsuu vhjplei it ilu uy ion itall tt tu ii tlu h tkii ol i tic cmiiiny ktiinl ii ill ii uurkt for the ledeial yon i n ment in the nitnship hr inch lie department o4 ciuenship jtul imnuuialkrn ami is the it iikmlal liaison oltuii lot tmun uj and niva he was also a la der last vciw at live united nai lonk seminar at waurloo ujiilii is a sob ret in which m is iiiom interested tlve unileil nations lni liomj the acton high vtvool oirui itu huplrrs li hear mr h ill sp k 1 and al the 1 o his talk ak cd questions ami di- ui 1 points ol interest with him sandra blvih smt two mius aiompanred hv mrs manes otuafuhlp provltlons at the corkhision it his it mlormalii address mi hill snmniariid tits mini poinls wt have a loundni histors ot iwn racct wc have a huioiv ji mi miratuui wc have ckvelopcd u gal tltlcnvhtp we have a ixin ocrallc ssttm of postmim ni whtrc the onus is un hi uttlivid ual in firms ol rights nut un pon-atbiiitie- that in a dcmix rk the coiiuistont is olun ian atton b communnv ot anizalions to meet neids that goernmcnts niust ill the lmp between olunlars iction uul needs that in hiiildint u niiioii it is up to all of us indmdnik urthips and governments th it we u so the process of inlt jji h ion and not assimilation 01 hit melting pot he outline citufcnfchtp branch and its dccl opment and the pnnisions ot i canadian citicnship com hiding our prcent position in our de velopment to naltonlumht u mands mir lull enirie imiytn ation aiul tlctilil to chancre uiirs is a hisink mohik mkru ihkrham uolcimd their ftrtet ajo1 of the bmw ai 1 m of th fckwtd petnvwl with hev alu tulihig th tdrlsf mtfoai mm uf uurtuuda bal set the play up drawing uckenzl and flip plm the pju ovtt a ailm vho drilled it past sweeney allau backhanded the next ow in for hutklea at n m tying the con test up ninon nuule ii jj al the i it mar nlxun ftrtd hli aecond of the i ul if ljjhe idrd psrlod to f inifji i he arurlng cr ul aulalcd ttve taunera with on ly five players on ihe bench rmti into it t ring of peaaltlee wlikh lanuvred thlr effrctlve- neti in live third tluiu jim sweeney wae sharp in ihe nets stopping hrvakaways ills op- pthtltv iiiiinher schwlndt also played a steady game as well hi lug prrily lucky on some ol ilu clot in drives tlu series resumes i rlday in aeltui with ihr tanners pretty writ having lo post a win lo slay in toitetiltoii they were a idg lmirvriimtit over lltrlr i riduy prrfociiuiiue last lilhl uhh a full roster on hand they imild mill win out of ihe hag three services for holy week i iimiu i imniu i it knox ilonlnm lniiili 11k hiv knutl at mislioii tit hamilton is ihtillm illl1l lolllli i liunds tllk ulk is hi pn ivlll s it tlu ii l 1 mil i llmllll mv kik mmiiis siiihi i rui silas mil lliuisliv 1 lh ilmlid hinh lh hinli u is llllil siiiiii uilli in ins iiuups ill nliny li ii lh i i lit in s s rviit i is in in it tl in ihtolttiv stutlnl i minnie huh mil ilu kit llvtlit inl null tin anuli in ihii illiquid iinu lis i tank ilk s pi m lh hi in t sluts i mi ii i th i nil mill ilslnl ii in i inn ins in sl s th k a ii m kni mil tin kit st in i v imhu iii kmllll i i 111 s i i ihlni sl hills tl th iliilisl uul i slnln in ihuiih s s uul i i ii uisn pllmll th ol ill it iptlsl llll ii listu i 1 i nit hi i huisl n i lh k s s ihiiii hi ml lh ks w van ii ik in mi li tin i i h itt l us lh hi i m ml tin i nil i hiuh iviir stilus linn 1 l inn h in m u ill listu i aha aejon rr- preaa thuraday april isth 14 r- 5 kavow chamm the jts won card twefd nno praentad by don welth of dow ftraw- enet at the dart banquet saturday in ihe teuton irwliidml pltn tirry no fan jack pink julian zajac jim hwjfjint bill taykor doug mafcon fil mlff un and mr walh announce rector ai un tin suiul iv the rev j o 1 illiilx will coihilk siivices at si alh m s ll is ixpeckd ill iiouikt un nt t ih n i nic ol the mu mi i will n made this sund iv i a hos hiskeihill team lioin in m 1 a will lourncs i to wthmuiihk stuiuliv to pail i itpti in ni illeliv lomnaimnl u sted c ich time itpcct lot iik n s il othits to the saint decile is tttil own at tlu u s p ii ili business nuiini- i ikiuu ehipter nuni beis tuuu uimi ntltoi lepoils ii mi mis jiird m urin mis kud lph spulxovel ind mis ti ell vllvs wsstob 21 wm prohogs aw mike lutv turned in a spark ling pert uitnarvc- in goal for wrs ion dukes in the lourth game of ilu b si oi live irgion town la liu aluni finals hr keep the duk ts in ilu tunning tin weston t lull tdged lliampton 7 dps 2 1 lor itu ii lust win of the series one game is lied and llraniplun has won two i i i lih g one was last rueht wed ntsdav if brunplori wins or lies i ihev ii tup the title hut j win or i weston will prolong the serves to i i c line s tl linden seoieel al tlu 1 40 i milk ol ilu meond peiiod as i isisled hv hrad wallis to put wt ston in fnmit lo stav johnnv ashlv dntlel his first goal of the season u minute and j2 vec diuls i lie i with a hard shot that i kftlun insette never had a charue on to put weslfiii ahead 20 arv harden assisted on wial proved to he the winner urampton t thus tennanl linaljy nroke the eteosi yjyt mike lustv had ash iniiedkshcn he scored at 12 48 ol the thirel stana assisted by rus sell van fleet wekton mike lutv g gary harden brad wallis john han- sen hill vivian john mtculch ton jtlt patlcrson john ashley i steve papillon steve brunclle i john vovne unan rubin ton i dtamplon robin inscoe g htnl kentner rvan reid jimmv ihurtev cmld harden jeff town slev chris tennanl gord toth i russell van fleet the i lee ilss 11 hvi hemii a pliture niagaiiu i hi- week with at ihe photitynphs t spoils k tting arm il mil itios ie festival am pu lun s niiiilltil wlli itpperur nrvt week union oas arkwrmekr f ha1ton cooperative medical care plan doctors calls pud from tirst visit all surgical operatuim confinements 1 inplenre cremps regardless a sle indlvutuals or trnployee roups may enroll at aay time of the ear anaesthedvts servicer eve test lleatth rxaminaiums kates onlv jiom per mtwih family 1100 hjngle major medical 1 i ibu ouuiiik ot annuilltai halton coop mfdical sfbvici h box 474 ulltoisi th 8789712 please send tne informailon mo obligation name addre i i robl r hamirtb optometri 8773971 11 1 mill st aeton monday afternoon and evening from 4 pjn thompson motors acton ltd phone 8532370 0sgi is the time to buy a good usrd cai 162 galaxie 4dr v8 1962 pontiac v8 station wagon 1960 pontiac priiennn sextan 1959 plymouth v8 tudor some cheapies 1957 fom v- automatic im7 chiv 4cvl std 4m isy chtv 6 auto convertible come in or call us for the better s d e a l happy easter at actons easter gift store give usmitrsih 3 easter lilies and potted plants eattor chocolate novahia baxad ckocolalaa candiaa grmting cards eattar toy live pets for easter bodaiee canarue and traalcal vhb tortua hea and standi aquarkiam easter rudtytevwaar fok au thi family hintons 5e to 100 stora pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving 41 wafer tt north 0ait telephene ul tm b public skating acton arena weatwm bfjumttino saturdays 10 m t 13 mm p m m 10 pm sundays 130 tessopm april 19th to 23rd 2 to 4 pm u i mm i hit pi kei cm w i- dutton ihiiton o b f p tng of i m miuril manager of i is i united iji been tnted minugtr eastern ni i un n gas company of id i limited according to iiiouiw mie ni hv p r pal in a li e su l nt aiul general nir f lnlun js jnd ex iv ie piesidcnt of united ti duitons now respon- itio will he in addition to pu win dm a with untied a bank of montreal familii finance w ran brteg all your personal credit needs untjy oneroof r lifeinsured loans acton branch loward matt manaoar

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