Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1965, p. 6

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r 2yinrnmt v1 w vh acton thurdy april 15 ims born udoiight jba d jon w happy to iin ttwhlrtbof daufmcf cau call ao tbftndfty april i ims ftt guelph oaerftl hati a titter for kould beverley ud sttvea engagement mr mtd mrv john glenden- ning of roclwabd wlili to an nounce the engagement their rldcti daughter belly irene to harry uytoa miuim ton of mr and un lay ton phillip u rock wood the wedding to take place at acton penlccottal tab ernacle may i mr and mr elmer romrll uttii to announce he engagement of their only daughter patricia gail to mr john ttmmrrman tun of mr and mrv rvler tim merman r r- 2 gowanktoun on i the wedding to take place may is 1965 ai j- pm at knox pretbyterun church to wy bcighborti mend and relative far their thoughtful vitv- ili to bw id the hatpital and al hotne alto for card and let ten uowerv fruit aod other gifts re ceived during jay recant milieu pleat accept my deapett gratit ude and many thank to the ladies wbower aokindioih men folks at heme 42229 ur alex near for sale 1954 ford convex tible ui5 phone ftsjllll fott scale new and uted tractor tires kelly springfield all si low prices example s x 24 3e puii 15 changed on your farm mition tire and rad mwioe- srvic 191 mill sl mil ton s7117i a3tw20tif in memoriaiti died clement at hamilton gener al hospital on friday april 9 1945 samuel frederick cle ment formerly of spry tide husband of the late amy den nit dear father of bruce of north bay funeral was held on monday at the mckersie funeral home mulon interment in evergreen cemetery milton b cormier suddenly at home on monday april 12 1965 paul brian cormier darling infant ton of wayne and bonnie cor mier of 32 eastern ave ac ton dear grandton of mr and mrs fred cormier of alton and mr and un waller pan dy of bofwood newfoundland graveside tcrvicc will be held on thursday at 3 pm at fair- view cemetery ac ion mcgregor in loving memory of a dear lather alexander mc gregor who pateul aiay ap- nl 14 1961 gone unlo that light that june lair gone inim the earth of tomw and care retting ltuie hand ihjl dkl iheit hct gtinr dear one gone to rvl ever rcmcmhcivd by daiiyh urt ann and alice 4222t nicol in loving inrmoiy ol u dear tiuvhorul lather and kraruhalrtrr john nuul utto pavwd away april 16 lm calm aiul pcacclul he i tlecp inn swectctl ttsl ihjf follow pain those w4x imed him adl lim httn but iruvt in god to meet uyain lov irmly rvmcmbcuxi hv wile aiul lanuly c 42441 r coming events an illuvtratcd talk on ifie oe dil valley conservation aulhor- iiy will he given at the iooryo town horticultural socle iv nice i tntf tn wixlnemlav april 21 at 8 pm in the howard wriggles- woi th public school the public i invited a4m17 at ilallinalad coinmunitv centre u vact play meet uncle sally by calctlon town hall plaverv on thursday april 22 at rjo pm admission adults 75c nluocnk 50c public school 25c added attraction sinking by the acton royal canadian leg ion churalierv a42450 i for sale 2nd mortgage for tale 13400 7h payable s0 a month open i year properly in r vert on rentt lor 165 m month bel cavh oiler takes subject to irwrvr bid write i m l llo 56 oakvtlle or phone vi si6w a4l4m ii for sale rodney sued oats i00 griiniiiaium new hagv treated iomm no i jl 4s bus eh 44 1u2io ceilllletl no i jin bus nit 44 102w giown itonu- leyisleied seed haittld huiivn i mile vsesl ol milton 8794 or 879751 b49 i or sal top imidutri ol luyh quality eyuv hv line laven itiinlutu- the piolil ihjtailcrlst lis ol 1 lit it iv levd conversion out si i lulinn hvibilllv and good eailv eiitf ma put ik line laci uoik lur ou older hv line daoltl ntil suited ptillels lloiu tlw iishei oivhaids iks 175 iluilinifloii onl a4t whxvv classified advertising rates mama peatua uaajiiaau kmdauetuchra u roh 1aj vum hcmt ktc h huhuum cf tar ii wf wiuil ihillf ubnjuot ln11una u roftf tluiiiil 1tt muil mum hth t ib wa tt m w4m4 its i m utluomiau 1 pu ik pet un jw t ljuuiirlcd uiwuv real kmt a tv ii m t tii umb httxhvutuhta vlltrv ir i14rat deadlines phone 85370i0 or j030 nay ih ttut al m1u aialumtry w till paint tiihistiuls tit ifillons ik- st linles nheiwin williams can ulapainl mai tin senoui lowe itiotlkt mcletir tlt etc in liquidalioii 2 y al ions or 6 00 12 yillons im s2445 0u cash halaikv cod oulei to quebec ontario paint supply 40h ld si jostim east montreal wanted cards of thanks i with to thank my manv neighbors and irimd lor fhe lluurn iruit and cards sent tc me while in hospital 042441 sun matthews for sale for sal i acctirdion like 20 bass phone 8531377 u424 wanted young lad 1041111- rs room aiul board apply u 2i2 actun i rcc pics a41421 miscellaneous quick servici icpiirs liie ma- tincerc thnnks to iricnds and neighborx lor 4hcir manv kindnesses to me while i was a patient in guelph general hos pital 42433 mis jessie smith i wish to thank my neighbors and friend i tor their cards phone calls and other kindness es during my stay in guelph general hospital a42c31 alex melsaac wc wish to thank the manv kind people tor their flora in- bute cards and many acts of kindnett slxmn us during our recent tad bereavement joseph and katalln mnlnar a42434 sincere thankt to mv nuns friends and neihbois tor their acts ol kindness shown mc dur ing my stay in milton district hoipiial and the mountain san itonum hamilton a42227 joe hctulermin i would like to expiess tin sin cere thanks 10 im good friends ncighbirs and relatives lor their cards and kind enquiries while 1 was in guelph general hospital plastering i e mi ixr sale youths 3spevd mullen dial 853 1818 a22iimtl bike 2ci in ginid cundnion j plhinc 853i2k6 a 42 230 lkilllmsg rods installed and repiiied guaranteed john for sale 2nxlrihm semi detached insnl bi u k home ap ply 113 pillar ave u42454 i or sale young cow red due april 29 a ji diamond r r 2 roc reliable radio and tv ser vice antenna installations used tv lr sale call ein1 line tele- iv isi ms7 nmtimr for sale 3 girls spring coats 111 good eondilitin sicv 10 12 14 phone 8531855 a42449 for sale de laal cream separator used 1 year deenng seed drill 13disc phone 8532479 a42438 for salelimd car parts all makes phone 8530010 franks auto collision crvwsons corn er u41424tt for sale ii cu it frigi- da 1 re refrigerator 30 frigi- daire cleclric range phone 853- 227 a42452 for sale town maps and italian counlv maps 25c avail able at dills stationery 56 mill si e amfmi for sale wood div hard uihhi maple and hvevh an length for liivplacc or sioe phoiu 8774000 o4l4i2 windenneer 9s03 limeliouse 877- a42440tt a 201 104u kitchener uphomcry ex peri reupholsicrinr rctintshing and repairing ol all kinds of fur nilurv for i rcc estimates call main variety phone r53041i ac on a1698811 floorreftnishing we now have a modern sander fend edgrr we will rcfinish youx floor or renl you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 8532040 47 fred erick st s acton au help wanted lllih wantilvlliilv illir 5ljy ttixk plume ihm4i6 u42 4s avon calling aie rj lmklng for u gmkd paying pail linu job avon j- fers a marvellous opmitunilv writ- miss leulcr box 141 uelpt a4i hi ip wan ho reliable nun as dealer in hallon county 11hi icikc iwit iu fiiw opptiitumtv to step inlti old jio lllahle business wlieiv rnwleitih pkhioais have been sold lor rtis llig piolil s piotlui is lui- nivbed on iietlil wutc raw lehth ihpl c iii 163 4o05 rklic- lieu si si hcntv moiitieal j 42 4 35 help wanted reliable man for cabinet shop ewcllcul opportunity tor tight person steady work top earn inns wiile box 181 canadian champion milton b482 township of esquesing assistant clerktreasurer applications swill be received bv thr nndersifned till 5 oclock on friday april 30 1965 for the position ol assistant clerktrea surer ol the township of esquc- smg appliianls should be between the ages ol 25 and 45 and have at least grade 12 education some municipal experience piv- teireil but nol essential salary lo be negotiated applicants please slate age and marital status k c lindsay clerktreasurer r r i georgetown ontario wanted to renl want l to phnta j or 1 hritkium ituuu in aitufl prrlcr- jhlv on irjw or wiui an oplum lo buy phone istil6 4mii lost lost lulii- tfoui hdkh in miiltexi on 44ik krrpuikc pluiik m 117 or ih04io 42sl legal notice to creditors in ih iuuu of cvril oswald hannfv ibeuud all pcimin huving clulm g- ilnl llur linlulc ol cvrll owald ranncy ijlc of the town of ac- ion in llu county of llullon wlio dicij on or ahihtl the uth diy ol lchiujrv ima5 arc hctc- hv nolillcd to send parttiular of inc lo the undirigncu on or lxhit the mil ol april iw5 af icr uhkh dale the lilalc will he dlsllihuled uilh repaid only to the claims of which the under signed shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be li able lo any person ol wtiosc claims they shall nut then have mtinc dated al actun this 31st day ol miivh 1965 vioikt ranmiiy administratrix ol the ktatc ol cvril oswald ranncy 2o5 arthur si acton ont 3 lor sale pelin puppie uilh special thank o dr buck- rrtisteivd newspaper hioken ner dr brewler the rev mi kcruuc and fclalf ul the ihitd hour john sctlsun i wssuld like to rxpres my kincrre thanks to neighbors and friend lor their nvuny kindnefcs- during my recent bereave ment also thank to dr hutchi son rev s gammon and the rumley shoemaker funeral home mrs- gnu grijjg and fcimitv ai4i thank a million to the won derful people in actun who have been io kind to gordon while in hospital for two years tor the prayers card flowers and par eels narnes- are too numerous to mention so thanks one and all also or the kindness shown to janice and myself those hard days were met by the help of wonderful people with our faith stllustroag in the lord we are certain things will wort out fine for gordon thanks again ulhan warner janice wir- raaaiad bullyt allfl2 helmgards icennels 40 charles st georgetown t930t aiws i slu in erin brick hoirsc 5 rooms kath and oil fur nace iut 75 x 1j0 hardwuivd and tile tloor 4803 roy mcconncll realtor hilhburgh 8554411 b423l45s for salli sho7thornctiw due julv 3 red poll lieilers wvighl about 500 tbs 10 rabbits 1 horse english saddle and bridle and numerous article of lumiture phone 85m519 a41453 for sale laree glossy prints of acton free press staff photos s xj7si 1 s x 10 sire 1125 plus lax cash must accom pany order enquire now at free press office or dills stat ionery 54 mill st e asovm9u for sale rodney oats pou er cleaned suitable forrseed government germination 99 grown from registered seed j1j0 bushel apply george grundy r r 3 acton erin u3u4s 041409 re1mer upholstery kitchener specialists in rcupholstering best quality materials fine work- mviship prompl service furni ture refinishing and rug cleaning phone h5j0ji0 marks grocery tiffans kennels aspiring to breed the finest in white poodles ciivmiming and boat ding puppies now available ann and bob wakfer 7705 55 prince charles sticct georgetown b41vs do you like to sing acton iions still need a lew more male voices to augment the churus for their show in june why not cunvc out and sing in the spring youll feel better and youll be helping the lion further their community pro ject ruacrices are every tuesday et 7j0 pm st albans- hall willow street n42 esquesing township retarded childrens education authority require half day teacher for cars for sale goodwill used cars sv4 p0nt1ac parisienne 4loor hudlop jm950 1963 pontiac lauiention 4door power 1963 pontiac parisienne conver tible vh power equipped 12595 1963 pontiac slrato chid 2 door 1795 buying or shilng houwi stwimi farats oui yars of earimlm will assist you in malting us best dial put- sibb coasull us wilboul tbliga lion rov goodwin iuuu jack kiiuuillh hviui trptrsrnllng wm j mcleod urokair one of aclons oldest rstablished real ilsu blukcrt i2j mill st e aclou lilliw all new listings 2 imfdfuum bunalw iwi uigr uil 120 a hot un main high way 1 inllr fium luwn l ling num i ur tultiirn 10 i 14 4nlcc bailinmim tn tk imiiv 1120 a king 9000 ipcn lu ullcift 1 hrdnxmii huityaltjw wltfi lactico gaiugc iluw ut thtify ing mnti ulmnalk ull pruc jlltsoo ulhi tloo duwn piic wj ui qukil tjtic g alec jofinson rljsltor i mill st k at ion phone luxme commercial induilrui residential farms member of the canadian ontario and orangrville real estate boards a4j houses 4 ruuin pollxmi iicm uhcr acn tumjsc ham tlow lu ttiwn duplex 11000 down per month hvc lur 55 4 ruumv only 7000 term 4 bed room garage bcaulilullv clean nice view must be wld right away move in in i week ali quickly lor thi- one choice i fjoen brick honied i several ac reaye icoat ion tunic j with slreamt 700 duwn 2 50sacre lartrin maiotati pey un htifhway vi imt bulldlim wlltj hlliulfau gjig iwi mimi mpafuluriil 1 lui nbls uiut 2 tmihfjm siiifiu parking 1 hiw vi it and olfcrvd ul f i ijo will 1600 u ukc jiu al ton lakrvlrw iuljlivlum wild 2 talllfjfmfl lfllmtjjat in rvtv driull hivf acton ilritka wjxiwiw 1 atloctwd gmmge uny riliat ulualr pavrd dilvv iui jin ami 2 rtlfa nwuut fiiiibfud m baufiirnl aklng ivm wiili 1jvj0 lliaii wm j mcleod hkoklh 122 mill st i auon mj6w dead slock auctfom lauf auaion sale m runtlitm t4a u 1 flii- pfttprrtv if t vamdkjiatfsb i flsr avrnue tlie tics fi 1 a loft i 4flimv afwh 14 al i vi ai v iil i i ikafsk pi ft ii a ii i4 fa gel i 177 21 tlfjssim auaion sale of mfsoani farin f ijiitawnnl ccmh savd rivnllu fl pnhilv iiimik k hinrt v ll os 1 ivilli a ltu st hu lii owkviiu uommv apilll u ail i v hi i i hmskfl ii ii ru tlljsbim auaion sale paconi dead stock removal limitkd f v olpsr itirtshlnf uaiiunv tuntiluti and tiraj ajsluiuas disabled tovvl and hofsrs old hihsr 4 ih uieme no iftic uwts 2j6kp65 phone zenith 97950 all hit pifcits pijuv iiaiik ll 12 lh in i main si silli miii limn mi wijmjidav aphii it ai 12 ikl iuiiimi puilkulars ii tl ssi up to 500 lor fresh lead dis i hank pi it ii an iimki ahlcd tows im- isorses lave bt2 mitfeljssii 772s64 healthy isorses st lb iiaynls farm animal service call filllilpii 1221061 tollrt license 24jrp45 iso c 65 24 hour seisitc a if walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled com cujuiimo auaion sale is township ol lhin w uvestucb tractor cuittv bliw baur impltmtnii hay grain ilouschuld cuucu vie od horua 24 hour servicm uc no intr 20c2 i he undcrmirneil hi tecicii insli in tion- i ioiii mlrd uecutciiion tii sell rn uulloii i he ijim rt 1a ii vim v twp ol linn tiiti- watcrdown mu 91044 2lld i t2 n tli iiiik vhiiii ol 4 hwv al oiptmae 5 milci noith ol adoii auction sales frank petch auctioneer evatuator 30 cliapel slixt kit georgetown tel 8772864 a 37 tt 1963 consul curliita 2 door j895 i2 pontiac slrato chief 4- tlivor automatic 1695 1961 comet 2door j 1 095 1961 ciilv 2door sij9s sunshinii school hornby i960 ciiev 2door radio 11195 duties commencing september i960 ciiev 2door v8 automa- 1965 lie 1295 salaiv based on qualilications s ord 2hloor v4 w5 and ehuentc unqualilied tea- 1959 pontiac station waeon chcis inusl he prepared to take i 895 iie week siininmr course 1959 pontiac 4door 995 apply in uiline slalins esper- l lds 4tloor sedan pouer ience uiialilications ace untl equipped 495 name ol last inspector to tciirk mrs makjorif sillars 1963 cmc i ion only 11000 mil- secivlaivtieasuivr i l uw- r r 6 milton ont b49 j g cmc pncl if5 1953 dodge 1tun with rack 495 pete masson motors rontiac buick acadian- vauxiiall cmc dealer two location acton 8530450 ior rentt 6rooapar georgetown 8776986 ment hot water heat with oil n no children 65 per- month phone 5j19i5 allcr 5 pan au2j2 j 1 for rent i or rent upstair apart- ment centrallv located available immediately phone 8532720 a42447 please contact john r holmes real estate ollicc 16 mill street east 8531650 day or nighl if no answer call frank sim ion i after 5 i5327m satthday apbil 17 cofiimctkiny at 12 00 oclock liuip the iiiiiouiiil 13 iiolsttin tows theie- iie it iyw liesli mikc jjii with iile i mk- tluie jic 2 nn due in apitl niijthc thie in 1 1 mjttinict lliivdiny dale mvlll mi iu tl all ti i iiu led in a iiiikci1in iree area young caiiii- 4 beilcin teid to btvvtl 7 ikiiiis i vear old s xtjunj tdvcn thi in a phj herd ill titved bv thmtfp tmtmi auctlonlttl mjnc iihu li a lor in yimkl ronald c lamb t uk hcdlasttk sales ol all tspes masses llirils iluiliw halor estates booht sold appraised- plow masses hams 21 tooth r r i hixwood newly renovated 800 full down payaaent 3betlrooin brtck buncalow ranch style with carport 4 piece bath l shape living room good sie kitchen lull base ment oil furnace this home is being completely renovated at the owner espense typewriter rentals under wood standard and portable models available for rent at dills stationery phone 8532010 a2lf54i for hemt apartment 5 miles north of acton on no 25 hltlhway suitable- for couple with 1 child reasonable rent phono erin 8332667 a41423 real estate nsoo 3 bedroom bungalow storm screens paved drive well land- scaped very clean close to schools and shopping 2300 down to first mortgage phono 8531 924 after 1 pm dally 1 terra cotta 6room home and ham on 1 acre at terra cotta overlook ing river asking 8500 lull price with icrm- call 8531030 donna kranek 85348 sydney k lamb realtor and insurancb i ulll si b acton ootarto cocnet of highways 25 and 7 pbone 153100 ondilion mh rubber wa- gonr heavy trailer 4scction ol- oco drag cultivator set 38 12 tractor chains 7 it uindrower a and 3section harrow- llumet 2man chain saw electric oat roller 2 feed cart hot waicr tank with covejuand band elec tric drill sunbeam cleclric cat tle clippers post drill pre 45- drawer tool cabinet ejilcnion comds heat lamni large quan- ufy of small tools etc this is an extra good lire of equipment and has been we cared for member ontario canadian 0- terms cash angevtllc and grey bruce real frank fetch auctioneer estate boards telephone 772864 b12 george currlc clerk b42 ttalur t ultis atui 3luitow tllsc irictor plow jihn xere model 25 pto ttiiiibinc as yood as new cosksluill pto baler llke new hatrows masses hams ij- inn seed ilnll coikshut ulowet lubber tired taiui wajjon hal has litk 2wlkel llallei pto spiaser bale elesaloi 2 i tip nutlois atil hatnlutr null 7u it dlive bell rltewav 2 unit nulkinj mathine wtlh pump and pips li 15 cuws si- duie inamiie loader viking el- eclnc tieain separator lloilic- llle chain saw ntw idea man ure spieadel fall banks moise pressuie pump has loader h p motui lion kettle htjg wa ter howl hiottdci hihist- cletliic brooder bait trutk 2000 lb scal es yruin sstkip all laim tool hay and crais500 bus of carry oats 50 bus ol butk- chalmcr 12 it nsdrauih dist on 15 inch wheels i ii c 3lur 1 row ace bottom plow hydfaulu holslholu ioods west- mh 10 ft hvdrauhc wheel cul i illtfhouvl iriberalor tudk livator on rubber iii c manure sm tables occasional spreader lhc 10 ii packer cnj a t leaiters- bed and ihc side rake on rubber lront vnlu bincl and end loader to in mta i m desk bedroom suite complete tractor power trolles contulcum rus 12 x 15 vanity standard 16 ft gram auger i drcm 3 bedsteads spring and 25 it malcolm bale elevatoi nljltrvlw 3 jrcssei 3 wash bail busier with 2 horse motor nljnun bedroom dishes viclro- i94 2lon ford iruck in d j htsjdinn girl hi- cle power lawn mowun oil phone 14433839 4211 cltablng aucton sale of modern farm faiulpraenl truclc tools etc the properly of vern archer lut 6 6th line hsuucsiny on saturday april 17 al 100 utluck mta mix iractoi live pi w er and hvdraulic motkl m lllc 6 it combine with motor anj pickup no 45 ihc power lakeoil baler lilt icrttlifer drill un 15 inch tiies alii space heatei coal and wood space healer pine cupboard wcstinyhuusc washer 23 gal crock trogan electric fan fur niture selling sharp at i pjn many other articles wagon load al noun terms cash with cleric on day of iale s please come oa tlmfl as all kouscnuld goods are selling refreshment- booth owner not responsible ucasej of accident on tale day wm a gibson aiicfjoow ffacm guelpb ta 4 fred baplie claric v

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