Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1965, p. 1

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ht jufcnt jfcet pttss nlneheih year no 43 acton onajmo thuttsoav attn 32nd 1965 to m csmsm fourlaan pages test cents qwss fire seas begms bmkre penmts revered doat light that bonfire yet obtain a penult first or you may find youneaf in trouble u use miiw issued this week by fire chief mick holme the chief reminds all residents rautctner- houua lean me m o new miu cm rolanans take tour of eeardmore plant acton rut han wore out little avhor leatfvcr tuedy even tnj following ihrir regular din ner merlins when thev to4 a lour oj the beard more and co lid plant the tour w arranged by biardmorc olficiau as part id a program lo ahow tour of the plant by local uifianiiai umu rot rian aev iirl hand the entire operation of leather manufac lure rum raw hide to the i in utted product ftotartun- wen divided into four groupi headed by george law charlcfc heard murray smith and i rank simtonl for the tour throughout the plant at the conclusion plant preid ent w j beativ vwelcomcd the club and einncd hi thank for the intent lumn by the member in local industry each club member received a gift as a memento of the visit to the plant tanners tribute actea tajumte have uat bow ed out ol thatr beet taaaoii tee the eta ud the free pwee and town mtrcauti pay tribute to them today in new cftl and a fulloa dvr- himtm sec the rudpefc ad by the merchants who hooet acton pfe 2 hartley cotes ghttmlwr spurn colunua page 3 the of monday rtnal i other games on xevetus 1 about the fife bylaw approved by council requiring retitfenu firtt to receive a permit before lighting hrev with the time of veer for gmu ire at hand ac ion firefighter are asking every one to take tpecul precaution even after obtaining a permit elh year at this lime home- ownrrk are ana lout lo get into the garden and rake up dead leaves and winter t debris into pile the elei method of dis posing of these it to light a makh and let everything go up in flames remember the grass is tin der dry and fire spreads fast don t kl it gel out of control reminds the chief if a bonfire is a necessity nudenli arc remind ed to either have a couple of pails of water or a garden hose handy a well as broom to douse the blare in the event it begins lo burn out of control a shovel is alto a handy instrument lo head off fire remind the chief many alareae tire chief holmes said that grav ire call normally make up about twothird of the years al arms which not only create a hazard lo tine fighters but an expense to ratepayers as mctl children who arc allowed lo carry matches are another source of trouble ihe chief said many of the grav fires in remote areas with no obviout cause are the re volt of children having matches mr holmes stressed the import ant part parents play in prevent mg unnecessary fires by telling their children not to cany match es or plav with fire tven though a person obtains a permit to light a bonfire this dors not give him ihe liberty of being careless bvcryone should lake every precaution to ton- irul the fire the chief said dont chase truck another ihorn lo the fire de partment when the siren sounds i the thrill seeker who roars af ter the ire truck in his automo bile forming a tail gating proces sion behind the truck as well as being illegal the truck chasers make it awkward to manoeuvre at the fcccnc of a fire and often block a second truck which might haw to be called to the lccrve ihe chief staled although the volunteer fire department is fully trained to cope with any type of fire re member thev an ordinary work ing people who could suffer ln iur resulting in a low o produc lion to their industries the chief said i vers one in reminded of the fire prevention slogan don 1 give tin a place lo start hooymhc uattw was mphasiied tuesday evening a acton rolariem toured me beard more and co limited plant company president w j beany welcomed the club member left to rtrjhi are club treasurer jim mccuttoch lour quid charles heard first vtce president mac sprowl tour guide george lee and club prendenl fred gordon at they admire piggybuk skins end thoes made from the product four straight huskies topple tardy tanners make clean sweep of series durham huskies won the wo aa int c major ehampmnship wuh a e3 vieiorv imr acton tan ners monday night the huskies tu hunted i s00 tans uiki jammed rhetr way into the durham anna bv his iking u j- tie late in ihe g iith and adding two last mtnuti prut lor straight sweep 1 the hvstol seven uncs theic was ei hllla lo chouse between ihe teams tn then i ma i duel fought in the last whlsiu the tanners came up with one ol iheir best elforis of the seiies penal lie p laved an important ml in the louilh eontest a thev die in the first lliree huskier took a 20 lirst pcriml lead while friil kcnlrur walled out a 10- muuile miseondoet both goals earn within a iveo minute pan wnh liwieike hilling ihe large i lieun direeil in it tuit and nixon poking the htek jwjy from mat stallomt at the husky blue ime inl tlinc in wiiti veteran andy giant to icistei sweeney stan further husks marker were public meeting draws just one in unique support for changes only one ratepayer showed up time in tny four vrar on trie i allow ereetiun of a laundromat al a public hireling thurvelay i buatd anyxuw has taken itic tiuo the public meeting was calked evening of lavl wexk when plan- i hit to attend a public meeting lo rnlirlain both objectors and ning board piuuoved twu change i speciflcallv lo support an is cue supporter lo the proposed am to the ujtieial plan bruce shoe- mr shoemaker staled he at rndment uiurdjng to regulations maker tegislerrd support of iheluiul it seippr1 an amendment oullifu d rlie ontario munici- ptupurd efianges lalhci than i to ful t lungt flu oiu of ceitain pal board euclolnaiy 4eltoiis land at llie rottert ljltle sc oo thalimaii aldo biauta igisln n alkjw rnxlihi of a pohlu li ed vutprise at mi sluieniaki rs rary and mxoocjly lo etiaitge the lupport aing till is i lie first soiling of roye i fied st f lo allow iund hall fairy lake still frozen said latest in memory period both gualkecpci turned in hawk peritnnances while llie sides weal ik red inr penalties three ol whiell were tcrvcd by huskies durham enuigeel from the sx ond period slill a ik- ad 2 1 will the tanner coining on sliong but bob dai lkik eialt anlv grants n lay at 122 of the thud and manned right in to scon his shot till the post and deo che ted pat swexncy tanners roll thiex minute later wilh two huskies and oik tanner in the sin bin junior ikaumont cashed in inoltier yoal iiuhiiii pass lo put ik at ion team right hack in then ia- than 1otir minutes later ttk cikich lipped in his ec oiwl ot ttv nilhl from a goal mouth sih1 h stalfonl to lie it up it was a ikw f tine the tin ner sensed ii lor bui mclur w is ikii lo he mat although aslt r uav ijlr llil jt wi is spiing kre l d low t ilix raturi s loi itiu dat willi wt i i linging sittim twunmiid itve i i ad 1 1 lot la i itis4 ramt o i dicier iii lmur spring lutl but e litll elu s vevie f lilt it lo ijim m v spt c lal s is in tiiul mti k a inl on jmt1 liitlav mtii uim well a leiickd ihrimigtumjl i v n satuidav v u av sn ul jii hi split d ttu dvniiy siier sjihiij anel bitnda wilh a hialiiwavt an lasli r mxinun he lunieel out to be ti siuim stulpt il lahhil midi laiig tai eairviug a nal i isle r ha ski i on ihe it lavtn on i lialtalh ine ice no i rugs iheic is still lee on ihe minel willi i 1l lt sating tlilia te and a rhuiby usiekiit says this guiiung this sund is a 12 01 llui is llw latest ik eaa tier neall have been veiy lew tptingllke ii 11k lee is generallv gone l tis there was ninth tiul suit ok iiisi week in apt il oi ttiv shine the fllm i miuh but et see ond al the latest i lit 1 1 ol ll siiue ii weallur lias also ie soiled in a late auaki iiiny loi live tiogs aiou 1 lit kanks ol im pn i and in llt svt mips in tlw i iiiitisst it lit 1 1 s i alwns tkiruii ihe it afitl enaking will lkfr i til dale flock of ee i i k ks el carta it v si i ttrven mnda an i i tu s i ix i ui n rlh jum il tl tsk m n lt i lltek wttl iimi iii pelte i i v i i til tilt ii tit sit iv im ii f fmlh l glihip ii i ke i as itit v i hew mint si i itgtil op mini m hush is villi hanked with sn tve in i i i il t in iiy tit lit t i i spols ke is sllll vttld 1 is uhe i e lilt it s niud al llw tetihliiston of hie public luaitgy txaaid nemter went i l tegular session and discuss- t i an i ppiirei tpaiatlon of a put ol pioprrtv measuring iv lx l iii le riyth tv wo oet in depth mi at iikhiv simiu k priperty an v ilia t ave l i allow erection of t uttl lull ts a tut cittienh ha it lion i tmmtxis diveussed a pit iosal 1 v rfiii il lo have the ikon i s i i mt ih thrt i i every leskt ni venhin uh f el f any tt milv unlit ejursti m wilh re ii i i a i ing hange al pr- il iu ii 41 i b only oinp lied i pit i i a u li e in llie local i p t ny mln it a mihllc meeting i it il s ith a eltaitge lo ttve ttl h al j litt i ik ii v k v u iv goodwin nd m km ii i k un dm ii waller sai i on il u ul i hk the hoard i i i i i st ntlnitf in litlduat no li itt litis liing wiihm a loo hiii tins ol any pi op rty un i t t i it n ii at d numbers i i i tit iiss th proposal i ni e in g appi il vs is vixiii tor pay ment amounting to 106 74 to pi eet 11 timing ousiillant for uotk on tin new ming bylaw ami list i i i iiiuw ui nthe rhip in lli t uiiiuinity planning asocia- lu n i i ontario al s2 a usar nc ries name federal man friday coulter masson seek nomination 34th annual the man who is expected to op- gntrn also rumored as a hopeful pos xitittn ttbetal mp ir admitted he had aspirations to ham harlc ot uakvillc in the i ward the post but cxiuld not lake ncm lenkral citation will be chos i the time to campaign lor the cal en b halion pntgrcssive con j tn this next dec hon hervames at a nominating con tormer president of the counts wniion slated lor millun lluh j organization gordon beat i y ol cciiniu iiidas evening acton often rumored as a pus to el ill pisi luu candidates ihle candidate has not con- haw tossed the ir hat into the i firmed tik intentions ring with naijawea town ship rcavc bill toulur ol caniv bclhlllc pivsenik holding a slight edge onr uikille mjoi a man masson both hue ixxn in the llild loi month aetixeh eamivainu be hind the ce iks to win the sup port ot the 7ta voting delegates exncxlcd to attend itidas con x niton green uudgeon out two ullurs tsmi ivi as ixiiil in the comihtition loi the title ol lode ml standardhe an r wxn definite 1 listed a out ot the race this week eric gudgeon ol burhngiein a former nelson township politie un i on holtdas al daetona beach honda and is not expect ed home until tour da after tin convention miltonun daid t with onh coulter and masson kit in the roc c the cuncntion is not c spec ted to he loud long or lis c is us the last pc nominating conxxntietn that was held in mil ion january is ib that was the nfiht burlington lawver gesurgc kerr won eut in a luc- mun race to become the part provincial nominee and he went on to beat burlington mavor ow tn mullin in the ensuing election that nitht over 900 attended and it took a lot of speeches some livch processions and spirited campaigning plus lour ballots to name a winner winning fight ohe re rs a mavor masson has a lot of support in the oak s ills burlington area where the majonu ol convention delegate reside but that reeve coulter 1 gaining ground and winning over a lot of supporters not onl from inemh in that north section of the counts but also from youthlul ypc delegates m the south returning ofticir for fna s balloting will be doug latimer of gcorgclou n he said there are 736 voting delegates with about 400 of these from oakvillc and burlington a candidate will need acjeai iiiaioriiy 39 vote to win the race tleuved h ttu sensational twine and wilh llie right roll ol tlw j tending ot jim sweencv in the puck intent tvaw pietlonei il at tn nil iu eanie up with big the bowed euit howevei in i vms on sctenl ihuham bixaks well balaneexl xiiham club wlto kee ping the tannet in eonleniiun proved to be if not llw best 1 while the wen sh ik learn tne whteh etmld put the i the tanner made a qute k n pkk in the net envr when mn stafford aiul wo a a icpniitaie dtekjbilk wheeler eoinhined to beat parkvr pivenud llwr tiuphs to vhwinelt it l ik icvminule nvaik anelv gran l duituun captain atlwilh mis drilling in live rebound the end ol t tie lame the huskies i mm llttt snnl the alton club st itlonl ttmik i ik late at 10 is lor will set their silli tor a w o a a t tiuei in dmtim ilv the plav j tlmming elbows inel while ik grand championship next j during the sorele second u i olt jim sison ok duihuu si tr take alkeel in anel shot uhit proved lo he the winnei sueenes never had a chance the tanner never give up i several close call in end didnt ik a eminter with two ol ihe tanners missing open nets linallv al ttu 19 10 mark otd andv grant ban led in nixon s relay after the husks pivot rc- covend a loose puck in his own end nixon got mother wild 17 seconds kli to pliv but it was only window dressing no one mack a move to slop hun hand wen shook ill unmnd when llie game was oel first period d j lawnikc j seh del 10 11 d j nisoii a gianl 12 w a m sialtonl vahecki 1600 pens hopkins ke ntner 2 ii 10 baxtci second period no voting pens keillllei i svllikr noble mu shall uciicikiii third period d b davis a ci mil 122 a j ik uimont b incjis st iffoid ss a j beaumont summit 4 s d sixem 12 4s d grant nixon 19 10 d nixon grint 19 43 crowd packs auditorium at halton music festival finals acton robert uitlc public church choir fchicld which watcondsput to win the halton mu scimol auditorium was packed pn senlcd bv mr m hay ward nc icsiival asvociation shield to capacity wednesday evening chunh organist and choir leader pnsenlcd by secretary treasurer of last week with a large crowj competition in the triple trio mrs d c martin of parent and it tends lo hear t for schools with ccn l- competition of tlvc everv finalisls wind up llie mh aniiuil i nmmx ovt was keen with in w y changed voices halton music festival milton j m denves sc mjoi win choir with ihe milton public adjudicator i deem k rcuson nintf milton kinsmen cluh i school board trophy presented dinxtor of music lor waleilou i n prrstnled hv mr ik ii hv viccch iirman ii p jemnson oxford high school praised ihe an rj vvilliain cmoi txk se- lo n acton m 7 bennett pub- dunng the second world war when he enlisted in the rcaf in 1952 he founded hi own firm independent finance in oakvillc where he remains today a own ermanager he was a councillor in oak villc six car and has been ma or since januars 1964 iu is a former president of he oakvillc chamber ol commerce and head ed the chamber scholarship fund mr masson ha headed the red cruvs and united appeal dri vv tn oakville and has served a steward al st john s untied chunh lot lour vcar chib member he is a number o the oak illc and port cnxtii aehi elubs the oakvillc club and the allunv club both nun intend to carry on their municipal council duties it the are chosen as pc nominee lur the icdcial election allan masson allan m masson was born in toronto and is si vears old he received hhv education in toron lo schools and began working for household finance corp remaining there for 17 years with the exoepiion of three years bui voung singer eunipelinc boh tuesdiv and wedncd iv me handed verbal bekiqucts tt school music supervisors pi evident j m bell uckomed the crowd md chairman will am be nson ol the ac ion public school nurd extended his greet ing on tehalf ol the board in traduction ol the tduidicator icas made by inspector o w mcdowell new competitions as well as three new classes being judged some ol the win ner irom the previous day par ticipated with winning song in the triple duct competition lor schools with six rooms and un dcr camphellvillc pi iced lirsl lo win ttu mi ruth lvans tro phy which was presented bv principal lric balkind ot lime- lioue school limelhuse school won second place and nixived the lbcncxer dont be late if ihe tv ptttgnuna you walch sunday appear lo be contradictory lo the tutlnfa or you re late for church chancea are you havettt ad vanccdthe cklfk an twnir in bed to ad- uayllttlt savuif time before you retire for saturday dont forfat vance the clock an hour ae daylight savlni tune beglna one minute after midnight saturday the only coneola lion for the aueplyeyod ob jector who loaaa an hoare alaep al thla lime of year la ihe fact ihe hour can be gained back october m whan clocks are returned lo standard time ik mjxi the v lii wi ollcld prccntcil bv mr rov lindsay mliii lo millun rnilc si school hear winner a1m in ihe pronram fca ihe wlnnir i t the luniiir choir cla ihl prcviixi dj llie milton j m dene sintkil which ang the shtpherj song the ac ton robert little school hov uo- chuige voice thoir whilh won toedjv wng ttre- mermiid- pincview school senior chou piivtihiv utnners delighted the jaudicince vllh iheir toog vet i per hmn and uruokviue ua- lor thoir sang their winning so kvlion an easter carol special appreciation lor help ing lo make the festival a suc cess was esprcnscd to all who participated bv mr bell aiul k i- triashridge principal of oruuksiltc school the evening concluded with tlic sinning ol the oueen war as dentils revive and the laxt pens lo as reeve when dec led reeve m stal lord alien 1 in 19a4 he vsas the soungcfct recrc recces allen mekcn in the tounshtps hntory bill coultett bill coulter t3 was bom al f reel ton in last flamburuugh i county councutor lovvnship and ihe lamil mord rw the past three srars he has to england in im tor ihrec heen a member ol halton coun- xar he besan his schoohns 4 cuuncil and his work included england and continued it hamilton prciton and toronto when ihe faniil returned to can ada after graduation from dan forth technical school he man chairmanship of the property and administration committer in i9m5 and the administration of justice committee tor the twsa vcrs la his couth mr coulter wai aged a farm in puslinch town an active scout in toronto and ihlp for nx years then the coul- earned hu kinc s scout badge ter moxcd to camphellvillc uiand gold cord the highest hon- ycan ago and he hu rather and i ors in scouting for the nait four hrother ha been pan ners in a ear he has been naausawevaa general store there vcr since represrntaliw on the t mile while working in the store hell reek consenation authority helped expand the store and meat business into llie italian- sneaking coirimumlv around ihe district by taking lessons in the itahan language and he can now speak the trcviso dialect fluent ly in 1461 he joined nassagaweya township council as a councluor for two yean followed by one now merged with the j2 auth- ortts and known as llalton reg ion conservation authority he a a member ot st david s presby terian church campbellvule the milton curling club and camp bell lodge no 6cu carapbellvllle mr coulter is married and has three girls aged 10 eight and two and lives in campbeltville acton j svecxncs cal i red kcnlnei boh marshall max slat lord gcrrv inglis defense blake inglis don mekenrie junior beautihvnt jim farrclts bill whexki lmmerson baxter ugu bolmn rnn mellon harold toes nsle v forwards durham w sehwindl goal u sehafer j sc hater j nixnn b allen a grant b davis d reeves r reeves c mccachem j laurence b murtlcv d ross b pinder ii noble j d hop kins officials p schram slral turd fred dunsmorc stratforu widen cnr crossing for highway change the mill street cnjc crossing is being prepared far the high way widening planned for this summer cjljc workmen are setting back the wigwag signals prior to the highway widening program begrnhmg mtiuno as tuasumdt ol churchill church after 35 years of service harold griffin was hon ored at ihe morning service sunday when he received e gold wrist watch or tuesday his father s e griffin celebrated his vslh birthday and was at lh church sunday i of the- presen tation left to rlghtlare harold griffin s e griffin church pallor george bates new treasurer bruce lelteh and ralph denny chairmen of the board of stewards who made the pretentation mjcsvi 1 sfeitjsviea snmtt wvk-

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