al and dis jlews t rockwood rockets win champs bowling trophy tail ito aaay o ud the fin ho rclaibiaf twir lead iroea the fvw uuek alkrf otf wfth tht d d gry ttaw wul a total pto- fcpi tfiawrly and a roafcsoder wai sauader with a total of fcle homo mil lar i j ij w8 tlaa mkafa feb wuh sth tfce wud oaa vtui sma and kmi vartrty shop with 141 straits ka w latk for lb ifncantory trciy with a to tal of aoa t hum teuaco with mm carney with ifth mono duatar witfa sm4 the fall as anaan with stat stan stnyttinh su with sam pcarli variety wlrti sj and stvanth ucw told of training school roikwuiid mn rnulall of hatfirlrr una fui nakr al the unit ihrcc merlins ol sunk wood uniuxl churvh women n eenlly mr marilyn brut was hoslrts for ikf occasion the utill leader ur lou ms hat prticsl with a parm sclurvr in yowscll followed by a hvmn an arlkk aacti of hattar wm read follow ed by prayar th woraklp service uat cun- duclad by marilyn brace and ina tly mr tny read the scrip ture lesson from si mallhrw 21 and mrm brae raad a series ol easier poems and prayer marilyn brace then introduced bar molbar mr kendall who is an auxiliary taactstr at the gull training school fur oils slu gate a very interesting- talk on her work as a leather al this chool marian ottrandcr thank ad mn kendall on behau ol the group other gueik prrwnl were mrs r connor and mrs f wilson mr connor was presraied with a beautiful cup and saucrr in ap- practation for starting this unit and a small reminder of tlv mrm ben in her new home mr mi rae intryduoad mrm wilson ths bockwooll ucw preaideeit who explained how the ucw unit worked together in unison with lb oenaral council th toll call was answered bs the mambtrt handmg in used ivlon for the bale the next maellna will be held al mrs ina petljra and th roll call will he answered with pieces lor a uiv- tt the meeting closed uilh a hvmn and the benedictiun a lovek lunch was arrwd and a social lime enoved on bchalt of the members mr rvtty thanked uti braoe for her hospitality 71a over 550 gloria alton irene lavote 647 shirley ail alice fuhraan am cad bacon s men over 600 dwk dupuit us doug bullrnham 71 bill slew art a doug camn 657 dune mctfcednin m4 art nihlir3lc 647 fred curfc ms duw klngv- bury us well u all owr now for this year casrpl for ihc banqiul on apro 37 the competilton hat been keen and irundfy all tea ton highs were let then brok en and gail made the papers congratulations lo all ihc win ners and condolence lo those who dldal quite make it drama pinal ifttf ww mfynl io mtahij wa at evensong prior to meeting aataxkurood mc taals w3i their esitrr meeting the thdiet ol st johafc aatlicua wx oken- ed with an evctuong tivior ui the church foliowuig the brrvlcr thev retired to the pariut hnll for thetr refuur meetng th btriag the lcnun tesoa the but- inc xrvtun war kept very tvhort after i he minute wcrc read the udie ddcitwd to tend a lefler of thnla to lir parxun who had txxii yuavt vpeiker uvt month tht prvadmi mr jonr aik cd for us jo per nunher for the pkxhjc fund and literature irft or th memhtrrt wi handed out tin jonr rrporlrd on the an nual mrctins held in hamilton she told ol many lugfetted wayi of ukuii work and the calling on of vhui m thcrr uai a vum irt avid for the altar guild to he uied tor flower on lalcr surv dj tht pnrvidrnt annountrd itw wa lud bnn avkrd to cater to july uvddirtg and that there would hr a cuihrc on april 21 mrv jonr uti an irfttrrating ditv rockwood wi officers named rocfcwood good report wen given by the different con vener at the rockalortfi wo men imtituta raocnliv the meetlnf wo held at the home ar mrm harvc banc and open ed with the uuial institute ode and mary stewart collect the irmtuieft were read and the treasurer report aivcrr one of the auditor mr edgar john ston fave a verv favorable re port of the vcar work the final decision on the rockv along apron display at at ion fall fair will be made at the ma meeting thu meeting will be held at the home or mr but tenham th topic will be agric ulture and will be in charge of mr d mcnabb the roll call wa answered b the paying of mamban e mist helen bayne presided for the election of officers it u hop ed to have m familv supper in the near future and an cxccumc meeting will be bald at the hum of mr u shultu tha meat log cloted with the quaan and a lovely lunch was served while the mamhers en- joyid social time ootdon mmmuxwm mr hlrvmamaw wh fer oyl rlk wth be ouatf spftaw at th hahon tvo tiw rnniawwfillvi afiaiii llimii ftfbvl ft mmmfl to to hld wt hs wflltam av high achooj mlrten fri- stmlor f a r r s rrnvuirlftl un on ttu comfortable draw flaau la be ku aa war umbtarisj halt tto uvrlty w rulpt na aw41 25 m axas co maty will ba by frtmit tirnl farawea whh usair d rata a kiui snail tba liowm other cmiatlii firaiitlmf mem mor foil vlcioru aad uauuatx in ibalr nianlig affort pt utihh hj hern rrviewed menilv the confirmation banquet wilt he held on may i it will be con v nod by urt futtrman and ar nilwtn confirmation will be held sunday ann 25 in erin chunrh tfu mil all wa aniwered by mm member and three visitor the meeting cloted with prayer nd refreshment were sarved tr v v ax a m lauamatad emy he variety pngrmi bjtwmfwdhcm m a lull home greeted a fine program in ballinafad commun- ilv centre on friday night dick short ill jr a maicr of cere monies and opened the program with the wanderer ttudenu of fut a at tlulli r county master visits lodge carlisle lol 3ss held their regular meeting on thurda ap ril is llatlun county master wor bro norman trver of lol 467 arion made hu official v tsit to carlivle lodfe accompanied by deputy county matter wor bro wm orchard of lol 2429 burlington count rec sec v wor bru r harlow lox 4a7 atlon pa 11 county mailer wor brx l broun lol 2429 bur lington county lt ltxturrr wor bro r hamilton and count marshall wor bru m calumas both of lo l us carlivle coun- t deput lecturer br ii sthruc- der and county jr deput lei turrr bro c cbhs both of lo l mm oakvillc all visiiinje count v off iters spoke hnefh it uas announced that the battle of the bovnr cclo nnition karaa wm llura on juk to follow ing i i i s i n i of ukil lunch was vred h the mcmhr of lol vis trin high school who presented a line musical program of solos duels and quintettes music was supplied bv ralph marshall and allan harper clarinet solo da vid watson acton step dance i irv hogg harbrnhup quar tet u georgetown mrs bruce ol ospringe efiter- t uned everyone with her read- irkys gordon smith and jimmy i laics ballinafad irishmen en- u named with songs harl burt p laved his guitar and sang bal li naiad belles and beaux sang alar which a play was present ed date time played by aj ian jamlrson kalhetine sinclair mangle given brum wood and bobbie black which all enjoyed this wonderful program iloted uiih the ouecn card party another successful euchre was held in ballinalad community ctntrr on tuesday night when 16 tables were played high lad io mr bert price mrs robert mitrier men clare wilson u uml waison mr and mrs frank patella uf turunio v tailed uilh dr and mrs reid lor easter the sympathy of this com- munii goes out to the family und frtendsof mr robert icerr- vscsi awa at georgetown nursing home on friday mrs dampier uho is in st joseph s chronic hospital has twin quite ill but is improving niuh the arloi tref lett thortday apea 77mi 96s mission circle rallotment the luuiuai mcetuig uf the marwui rudd mivumi i ui it v beld ail f ui ilu- itoiiu tat mrs lai uicuuluiaii ui i iui uali hw ptvsuliu min luukluy myli in hiif a hiwf prlmaj til climllloils ujs followed willi tlu businrso k i lod annual n xtrts v i r i n all ul uliuh utf ml m v 1 1 kj iny it uj jiiikmiiuctl ikui oit vj0 u in ihailkil lo hit dv joiul travuiti lu niwhiiit mai ling ilu sir u will wi i ki jllolint nt ttu sljlt j otlltt v i ud fltall vallll ill oil i ii tat 111 iviuhki tol t mt t u llll mis lit lut uin in t it mt ilu pmijiijm st njtl ihin hiut iiulu- tiunt ilk 1 ink itwf visitor of tu utulv in bolivia livdia and aim i loll win tlu i it ulnigt il iditi prjui u it nl i trittl im ilu vv iik on tlv ti li skatmg party r there uere faster egg tor ev lmimuiv al the iluting piiy of ilu i igure skaliiu club satur- djv iiioiiuiu al the arena tht is hovs and yirls uf the dub wvrt joined on the ice by many of itvrir pjfrni in the last se- ion of ttu vtar arranged by irt- siiikior linda bmida and sfcar- mi h raillcs gorman braids was misur tj trr monies for the pro- irrani of rates and contests foi lourtt b hotulale milk coffe i sjiuiwiaihs and luokies in the tiowmiairs audilorium plnl met rimjll presideni of lu slot ihanked the two teacb- ui aia1 prrsenled thcm with tilt v lloli patterson espressed ill puamiiv of the recreation ton nni tire at the success of the lot introduced and applauded uii yiusi hkalrrs visitors and mi trwl mis norman braula easy for uou despite all the labor devices in the modern home the housewife may suffer fatigue if her aqulp- ment and work surfaces are too high or loo low for comfort it is easv to remedy ihc t rouhk hv raising the equipment on blocks or providing a standing board for i he shorter girl notice roys electric service with la i hat t 8531461 spring beauty begins at custom cleaners y la kav that wwwk al yaw la a fcwk aarw a tk uaaa af sbtusb y usauu lat custom custom cleaners saata day strtm baaa sattmlay la by i ajau out ajr s avaa cash and cacjty main st m hkmu 5sum motu i i m1 pisnti ornpu ir p1 cioue0 to tfukwc tha fourth tin hill of ftquetinrj was alntot1 onplety walud out m recent storm traas wr toppusd by tha ragirvo torrent ol vsater ruvhuvtj clown tlu til at ilvn side of tha road by the tima iha photographer had snapped lite picture tlv water had sub sided but tactions of the road were still collapurvrj the roadway was wahexj away to atout a si i loot dapth road washed oul i in esquasing twp last weeks sudden flood play ed havoc with the fourth line hill in fsquesing township and the ruad has been i luted urue last wednesdav as a nsull of u wash cut waur pouring down a steep hill at the side of the nod wash ed out about one quarter of the hill to a depth ofyover sis feet several trees al rue sid of the hill vwere completely wftnttdoul and fell across the oapmg hole in the road mild weather it still causing water to run down from the ihjsti al the side of the toad and town ship wurllmen hae been unable to ir pair the damage buses and other traffic have been rrrouied until major repairs are made hydto bimdhtg scak motel a scale model of the proposed hydro building scheduled for al ice street wti viewed by torn missloners ttiursdav evening april i uhen arxhlltvs don aid skinner attended uilh tenia live plans th mju wlml lilts s ui itpliu ol txiiulinif aiul iravt iiiiiiiititui i tt ttrr uu a of utut to t kt i vttu n the ildin k lompu ti j ll is ihjjho ilu iiiotl i in ik pot on uisplav lot iiimiiv lo mh h a lain dm supirinlt ndtnl ivki uimiii iirporled tils tupitliiunt hid chan ln buss innuihnjr tuts nul i haituiny nuuis is will is in t ilhnv hoi sv ilci ik itn s aiiiminls lolillim 2wqt j vc ie approved lor uavnicnl h mrs h rsvi mts i u ipin in t uul mis holnu i mv aih imsiil i mis i j tup int i up hi mi s m hv ms lliilm i mis untn n i 1 flu ploy i no with pi j i itk 11 ik s ss s l t hhl llllll ll hvtl in iinil lll imtl vis lint willi i liim i in fiik i mis i mi v vvh in it hnk i lat it si s t lis 1 i eluded in the drawing and it is hoped final plans will almovt lx completed bv next meeting and lenders can be called shortly al ter 1 pollock and campbell m intif u inn is uf high gradi mtmorials mimoriau inoraving tl watar t narth oait tdraboa all mat lous used cars j 8564235 main st rockaood halton jsounty progressive conservative association federal nomination convention friday april 23rd 800 pm wiuiamt avojui hwh scmool miiton ontario calud to utt a fmurl canddl for hahon county pca oukt shake mr gordon fairwcather m notice it is illegal to light bonfires without first obtaining a permit if you havent done so do it now permits available from fire chief mick holmes sponsored by acton firefighters assoc pemc up your home for spring with i i i i it w ptwhgjd to minoune that wa kav jutt f rolvda nw thlpmanl of all vinyl wallpapon i new wallpapers ditplay books tmcv have to be seen to k amectated drop in today 10 discount on all wallpapers i i i i i ibirlto distributors ltd lit main st n acton kt34 rmammraaaawaaakiaaaraalaia 1 1 successful banking begins with a savings account like almost everyone else you use your local chartered bank u a safe and hud place to build the savings reaerve that is so important to your financial future in doing so you do more than build a solid founda- ttotrrbr financial plans you are building a valuable banking relationship and helping to establish your credit and as you get to know the manager and staff as you use other banking services to meet personal or business needs your banking contacts become even more useful to you and it all starts with a savings account i the chartered banks se your commun through 3js50 branches alt across canada jhe chartered banks brinji fullrange banking within the reach of everyone tar nw