tf acmi thuradey april mnd ims new zealand slide tour tsw awtntf nta n in will mlulb ode uj mary it- smart collect were repeated du koh oil tea a hums county tnd the mtrrah of he hat mewing read by un j k homy ware ad uyial hit fyeat preaernrd the treat- a tampie of uaculu and a half proa mub brought is the em meeting mr w a vraaar mr at ttfanuaa lira h trice and mr at moffat agreed io natal la the cancer canvau again gki year un m moffat and d dablauw awe filil the nominating eontanlllae the meeting wi then mr to ne ngrlcuhurel i leiir mr d pebuaw mr deftlgtm readtwo artick trit ftrmer tsntermatrt wirfe and then cave tome valuable pointer on how to achieve a uc- ceaaful ganaaa mr ctaiahoci introduced he guett apaaker mr c mortal of cue mm aaoffat took ueen- ber on a lour of beautiful mew zealand by way bf colorful tilde in her n m eatery mr moffat ennlalaed ghat at per tent of the msufattioa la agriculture one ol the neaet taaereeting fea ture of the totar was the des cription of the w gey er which eoppty the electric power in mew tea lewd mr pyatl thanked mr mol fat for an ml r riant program the meeting cloud with the oueen and grace abanamnenn4abnvalanan far mmf hbftm omt service the halloa junior ft church and itrealde hour on may in the tcnoi presbyterian church milloa at 7j0 pra alex connel he newtyelected nmident of the ontario junior farmer will be the gurtl tneaker proceed ram the tendce will be donated to the crippled children fund later at the pimide hour new member will lake part in the induction service choir practice u held tuetday ai is ml the church final arrangement were made for the junior farmer formal dance at parndite garden in guelph on mav i everybody it cordially invited to attend thl year the haltan junior will he telling fire estlnguithert in conjunction with the farm safely council alio included in their project u the tale of slow moving vehicle ufelv lgn harold thompton who repre- aenled hallon junior at an el fecllvc sneaking coune in dec are ember at albion hi 8 will be presenting a al courtr hallon junior on april 3 may and may m thlt coune wifl include im promplu parliament ary procedure introducing and thanking speaker meeting will be held in the o d a offke mil ton from i to 1ft pm haruld graduated from fchit courtr and recommendt it to anyone who wanft to become a belter pco- ker the uvcrtea delegate from walct to canada will be maying in hallon for a period of twu weckt commencins may 28 to june ii patricia mary proctor u an uuttlanding voung lenn cr irom the brlttth ulet the provincial oram festi val lake place on april 23 in war memorial hall on the uni vertlty of guelph camnm ttart ing at i pm plant arc being made for thr haltan junior farmer field day june 26 i u tilt a km at kelso hinf price increase there ws a hint of increased admission price for kelso con servation area at ut utrck t meettns til thr tlaltun rcfiton conservation authority mtwnbcr discussed increaminf fcr diaiyfftns admission charge to keep more in line with other con servation parksmes and to help cover a 19000 deficit on part maintenance cost incurred last year several ideas were discus sed including maintaining the fierar charge at the gate and ad ding a separate price or swim mers umpiv upping the parcar price and changing the entrance way so museum visitor- would only pay once 11 they just want ed t vkli the museum it was left with the conservation areas committee to bring in a recom mendation hirmti ttihr george atkins jokingly suggested flood control plan was need ed on the kelso roadway a they were in absolutely shameful con dltton following the recent spring runoff period it was announced later in the meeting the authority had pur chaued 23 pheasants at ps to fred a hoffman optometrist ta 42071 ss st okmoit so ouiuhi keep for breeding stock on one of the contervatton area at a wildlife project authority fteldman tkivc mur rav wai authoriaad to negotiate for tome property adjoining the mount nemo tchemc and to tneak at a burlington council meeting concerning the ramho and hager creeks fiuod control plan waim am an hot wattt htattno moouw mjjmuno pump ami watar syttam frank carney and tons ltd rock wood pham 5i01 jack rdley cartage uatuln concttwuocw concmttukk candht vlooa clay iuck iam0 stonf uvtctockaad ftttiuzbi fa1m shwifj and tuppthw pump ttucks fos hike ptthy htaurae actort attwtfer haiuri gwl far ttoht muk h ada oo open bowling acton bowung lanes 10 mam st n ojjjl ttttlnv aaaaaaabbbaai locaawi stou hottts oaommtowni ctaaae mm v oaat twaa waal tutrt an a pm rrl- aj t m ai to pat miiton mar twm wl am to guaw thurt m gw to pwi tatorday g0 am to t pja ss s wfeef 1 if not completely satisfied with any fresh meat you buy from l0blaws 6rutest tehdbhhss weal sptciau loblaws proten reef boneless mmejua biou stems roasts sptciau loilaws rroten 1eef boroess boston bbou steaks roasts splcialt loblaws piotin hit key club steaks sptcial loilaws proten beif i0moess li li sss pot boasts 69 a 72 79 49 moo vtm or t u speciali special white or pink 333s r altllab tissues spkiau hostess biscuitsjack jill peanut butter cookies im pkm v iritlali m gast minced beef 43 aium g f side bacon 69 special swifts premium 30 bis pkg quauty produce features sunny florida now at their peak of flavour 1 coodniss 4 fl oz tins spkjau heinz fan jr tomato juice 2 sptciau wirt pork in tomato sauce m lufflrs beans 4 sptciau raspberry or strawberry pectin added art wetheits jam 2 special liquid wax jhfj special awowtut -v- ofj dainty hici 20 fl oz tins fl oz jars bfaapjsaf w jf j c from sunn uq malashslaedless ululrullull 49- 33 49 i 33 ixtta laigi iii garden frath from florida no 1 grade dellcleut traat pj corn on the cob 5 garden frath fram florida ne 1 grade critp tender jgav celery stalks 2 10 coil laiai 1111 niw ctof iiom ttxasix 1 okam jwirr coiiliui tmctau nozrm atmii aeait paucv raiach cur sricialt kitchim rtldi mg hici j cvmbbuos 2 m 41c blutbtm audihla lea lkaaa ueaaai new cabbots 27 avbllihh la mml baarlish pot a blauttsul aissh this tummiii hhtst oualitvi two via m5i piilo bow ml isw liatjih i antilii stnlw weuhaaut uiictioh or mili vaaiitiiu prices effective april 21 22 23 24 ij j- fc3jt