Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1965, p. 6

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tk arion ffa pfu thortday aaay 22nd 1965 bom hilts enc and betlv imu owe allonb are puaurd to announce the birth of a daugh ter at guelph general hospital wednesday aortl m 145 cjuffis op ttumki fcmj engagement 1 would lile to thank all mv le- lathe and man many trtends fur the gifts letters and eaiel received while a patient in st jewephs hospital guelph spe eial thanks to doctors moore hutchison and mccrae the tis ten and stall of the tilth floor and iheraps division a heart clt thank vou to all 45470 linilv pike mr imlmn hutt giilum ol i coming events opening daren at innle lak k itau cnriyj i or salt maple syrup while it last 650 per gallon 833 1u0 a43481 for sai p chetuifttld suite stoves washers htd table varutv of chairs chirm i lo k lamp lotlce tabu s slo dn touch wvp i aquarium hud cage children 1u nil hire eu led soil due julv hois saddle and bridle phone 8m0mv 437r help wanted guelph formerly of acton wish nar vieiojia on to announce th engage men i v their daughter shir lev pairuia to mr uovd gaucge nelli von ol mr and mrs uanaell neilu ol r ii i ax ton the marnag salurdav mas 1 urvhtil i a johnn tmh au24m uchtr at ball mat ad comnui will take place mas 22 1 45 at centre tucsdav apul 37 at st jbbans anglican church a ton at 4 pjn died iv p m otd pnes served admission mv lu a4v4s ktrr at georgetown nursing home on fndav apnl l iflfcs roherl kerr of r r 2 acton in hu 91 s ear hirv hand ol the late laura a mv coll cr lather ol arvhvc ol r r 2 acton and dear grand father of mr robert tkr belt anne of semi calilur- nta mr donald anderson mane and robert kerr both at home alto survived b hvv grandchildren member ol churvhlll united churvh funeral service uk be id at churchill untied church on man das at 2 pjn inicrmcni church ill cemetery martin in talgirv hospiul on apnl 3 l5 james martin formerly of acton beloved husband of jennie noble ol stnuirarr sask leaving on sister mrs vm mcarthur an j ut sons and lour daughter burial in calgary ferusclxlo at milton dis tnct hospital uddenl on fridav april 16 l5 in his 70th war giovanni perusccllo of r r 3 milton hcloved hus band of lutga and dear father ol lena mr frank digiulto of toronto dalhia mrv peter quinn ol acton uianda mrs joseph mccann ol millon and two minv tuho and james it milton alto survived b a mv ler in ludv and a brother val entino ol r r milton rental tun of the roar a held on sundav cvcnirjc at mk nab and son i uncral chapel re qtmm maoa m hk r churvh on mondav apnl 19 19 interned lvcrgtrcn cemetcrv milton b uallul soddenlx at fttv burg south dako a on 1 hurv da april 1 1 ada kath hxn alkr o 12 ucir st s hamilton dear itrr ol or k b valler rutkwuud and aunt o mr jcnic grcervc ol gl twburg south dakota mr sano mcocyor ot ottaua george vaaller of palnurmon and mr utoria gaugtu- ot saucnax mkhian funeral eriic u held at the rumle shoemakir lunu il home on uondax at 2 p m inui ment rovkvod cnntr m c a ladie auxiltan will hold a euvhiv and pt nn salt lndax april v at pin in ihe i i unh served piifs and ulum niirt admitmtin vv a4w4m dance sponsored bv avion jun lor lanmrs fndav apnl 2 in rallmatad communltv hill mu m hv the mulnighlvr dam in 1 adtnikton 7ss lveiatuu utl coiw b4i42 for sale i or sal thor automatk tklh drvtr iviclknt tondit ion phont 8f22ft7 a4m77 i ior sal1 used hilhnnim jlixtiiils pievis lui 20 phoiii rotkuihkl itsv4w 234 t for sali john detii ti k tor moiui h also 2 lurr im i plow jansoi r k 2 alton i i a4i2 i ior sall bov s naw blwir als hi own iwvtd sprint coat and hat mi 6 piuhk ksv209a a32ia for sai i i sed ar parts all makes phone 8s0010 franks auto collision cnwmns nm urs u4m24t lnr sai l town map and halion countv map 25s aail j able at dill stationer v mill si l a2tfm or sl 1 vod dis bird wihki iii ipli arul kixh in knth lor imp iu or sloii pioik f000 a41412 cards of thanks 1 would like to thank all m friend and neighbor lor their gdi and tards sent to mc whik 1 was in the hospital and in coming luinvc a434s9 linda gordon 1 would like to thank mv friend and neighbors lor their card and flowers sent to mc during mv ta in hospital spe cial thank to dr r bui km r and dr somerxille 43237 mr eileen buislicld familv ol the lie mrs wm h xlccullough uhh to tx press their tncvre thank to their inends and neighbor foi floral tnbutt cards and ulis and mcagcsi of mpalh re- ceivett durtntf our ivoint he reavement in the lus of our dar mother a43239 sincene appreciation and heart felt thanka lor ail the ktndlv thoughts and acta- of our mauv neighbor and friends the cfeureh the ucw the choir dr williams georgetown nun ins home mjr harold swackha- nev and mr bruce shoemaker during the ulness and pasins of mr robert kerr 8r archie and linda kerr ro- bert ker jr marie ad aid andersotl a43474 ro l w gnoeh lkinits tor colli pups mother purx bred votih wak 10 u mak v 877 92 a4v4r2 ior sall giniiim babv butut 11 liry rin j20 slur d tumor bed 27 all in good condition phon si01l5 ior sai i tontintntal bed headboard bo spunks and matin ss or j40 s months old likt new applv 5 park am a43471 ir salf 2 bedroum htwim with l sh in iivin rimtm tlose to mhook and sttrs oil heated lor puticaiiars writ po bov 719 avion am4h4 ior sall 2 iixondiliumd hovs bkvvks 24 and 2 r i sonabk 1 uls 20 sukwalk hkiu ikw vindilion applv 9s churxh si e attun a4v28 for sale in erin hrttk house 5 rooms hath and oil fur nacc lot 75 x iv hardwood and tile door j9w roy mcconncll realtor hillsburgh m4i1 b42244s for sali n it molded plv wikki wwt tatlorv nw webs ir vprav painting ouilit md 2 100 lb propanc tanks and rebuilt or and move i42churvhill rtl s al34v for sale large glossy print of acton free press staff fhotos s x 7 size si s x 10 u 125 plus taxcash must accom pany order enquire now at free pre office or dill stal ionery 56 mill st e akjwh for aale neutand ojjed tractor tires kelly springfield all sizes low price example 8 x 24 36 pluv 5 changed on our farm milton tire ind rad iator semcrj91 mill st mil ton 8782711 a509208tf i hup want d fvperieiued ulkr ixjiiind 2 davs a week j aptk bank i montrxal avion jimiloo a454m ii lp wanti d lunsd painttr with nu bodv woi k evxiurkt or adv inved appivii ik piwjiu 877 mm a4466 hi lp vaamtid transput i ilnxei kiutwlcdyt ot vit ol to- ixinio puktixnl must b ovir 2s us tl at applx lliinis tians poit mitown i4479 b44 avon calling on ir juiced 1 vnv aoil pixnl tut is lutianitid and tvt un uu ii mui mm hu uuoiik woikiiivi tlu axon tx willi mis ivgki iktv 141 ouvlph a43 iii i p want d spkiut d raxxkivjt ousitks ax til ibk in hilton lhinlx pkhiiuis wvll kmiun oppoilunitv uriimitvd i lot big saks tnd bfi prolits st ut xotir husiikss on mvlil i wlllioill ilpvikiui viiu i ml i tor lull dlliik rnvkii ixpt i c 1 ii 224 400s richelieu s st jhiniv mmlu il a4460 i township of esquesing assistant clerktreasurer j a p plica lions will be received bv the undermgned nil 5 o clock txn hridax april 30 i9a5 for the position ol assistant clerk trt i surer of trie townvhip ol lsquc- sing applieanls shhild be belvxcsn the tv is ol 25 and 45 atui hixe at least grade 12 education some munieipil cxptrunec prv- feiretl but not esse nl til s il uv to he lleoll tied applle mis pic isc state ae and maiilal uatuw k c i 1dsay lerk treasurer r r i i georgetown ontario classified advertising rates mlhtin ncatua uarjiiauka khaaoaslkhts h nm baijt inb bkmt rn w wuuwum ihuif i u sr iua lhllb muluitml uuattlum im h9 kmi lit uuil miuin i m ik ktm4 tm ma llllll iluul allw lomind cvemtw t ahiia ut tuauks ii c riiti ti umm in usuohiau l tuua 16 li lm u t uakhirieu 1ui uv msa i lyfatv inu hox nuuiuuut lu ihia ufftaw 14 04ltlu i i a d i 1 nl i s phone 853 2010 or 2030 w i j i uuu aiaivho w uui ai a wanted wantiu utl lolkji n pimm 1 mi uvi jow wanti u fmiitrn in uki oudlliihi ulu a jully juiiihi lv2nl a 4146 wanti d mount im ptpp- 2 malt i illlak i hi piuiiil hsvam a4j478 miscellaneous olikk sirvki plimrring u palls i line oi mil til i ml miillin ill il 8511818 u22h64lf 1hiitnino hid luslalku mil lipalliil juarunleid jiiin varulimucr limclkulm 877 9su1 u42440k nstapin uul lux linn inin virk uanuit all lps nl unik hindkil kixikwuud 4129 a4v215 rl i iai11 i radio and tv scr iki anlcnni installations used tv lor siu c ill lirm line tile vision km 1057 anytime a2ou04tl 100 wais li iiiiwi moms ishlli lislnj in tht coitntis liimpliti hook ol uli is tl 00 post p ml noun in agents 424 tlaijot kinirstun onl a4v46t kitchfnlr upholstery fi ptrt reupholstcnns relinishing und repurtnu ol all kinds of fur mlure lor ircc estimates lall main variety phone 8510411 ac on al6wll floor rbrlnislllng we now liasc a modern ander and edger we will rclinish your poor or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j n trank phone 8530w 47 tnil enck st s acton ti belwood appliance company toftm 0vwtsl fj for sale 2nd morlgase for tale 3400 7 payable 50 a month open 8 years property tn everton rcnti or j165 a month best caih offer lake subject to reserve bid write f m fenton box 56 oakville or phooo vi 51689 auol if unusual opportunity hih commission i iiniiiis with a grossing m x ir old com pans llini world 1 imous good star maintenance products roil torino earned over 124 000 nol tspic il hut indlc ilic ol potcn tial list year m w 1 r ink i irned over imooo age no b ir ricr dixcrsiflctl scar round line no inscsimcnt rrquitxxl wc take can ul all lilianiing shipping and collesclioos stut yn part time ttasis ll ou like willc consolidated paint varnish canada ltd last ohio uml tlecand ohio usa now opera mc general steel wires fictors semcc depot for pirts mil service lor all beattv anil mccluv i as appliances telephone fergus 84ijs00 a 37cow6 tiffans kennels aspinng to bieed llic finest in white poodlrs grooming and boarding puppus now availihu ann and hob wakl lr 877606t 85 prince charles street georgetown b105 iai ittatt cccmuhmji 11800 1 hediuttin buimjlow stiitnu mreen paved drive well land fceapret very clean clour to m lumu and chopping 1200 down lu f irvt nioilgajic phone 853 1924 alter i pm daily buying or selling homes aereagek larmt our vtats ol upe runee will avvul you in making ihe best deal pos ilbk consiiu us without obliga lion roy coodwin hi i6w jack mtmuil n 153 2161 representing wm j mcleod broker one of at ions oldest established real i state brokers 122 mill st l ailun s5avu all new price now only si s00 down 10 000 lull priei 6 nxim house in sen nice condition 4 bed looms garage i irge garden teeenlly new gas lurnacc and hot wiur t ink corner lot must iii bold owner leav ng canada in one week bavne8 farm animal service up lo im for frvh drad dl ahuil ifwt or hurtet llv icrulluv horef sl lb call hjiipii 122061 cullkli licence mtrpayt mevc4j 24 hour wrvke if walnut ranch ltd crlpplad and duablad cowi and hon 24 hour smnla uc not iukp 2oeu waterdown mu 91044 auction sales frank petch auctioneer evaluator 30 chapel slrerl 1avl georgetown 1 17 if please contact john r holmes rlal lstatc office 16 mill street cast acton 8531650 day or nlghl if no answer call i rank simioni after s 8512784 for rent for rl ntmooin home mi mediate possession phone ss 200o all171 for rtntvhedroom apait ment all cximemcnccs phoite at ter s ilusmis aij75 for rent heated furnished i loom apirtmcnt phone 853- 0e45 betwxscn 5 and7 p m aule7 for rent eroom apart ment hot water heat with oil no children l5 per month phone 8531915 after 5 pin aim32 a- tt for rlmt j warm comp- letclv furnished rooms near mam st will give rent tree in exchange for light housekeeping for 2 adults suitable for widow or pensioner phone 8772914 auptl i i real estate immediate possession rcil and white grocers store now vacant with 2 5room ip- irtmcnts smutcd in rock wood on no 7 highway ask nig flftsw lull price with rea son ible down piyuunt listings wanted on ill types ot piopertics call 8531030 donna krapek 853jjot8 sydney k lamb realtor and insurance i mill st acton ontario comer of highways 25 and 7 phone 8531010 member ontario canadian or angey llle and grey bruce real estate boards mi new listings bedroom bungalow on large lot 120 x 240 on main high ua 3 miles from town ut ting room 12 x 20 kitchen 1 10 14 4piecc bathroom tax 1 es onu 120 asking j9000 open to oilers 3 bedroom bungalow with at j t as hed garage close to shop- ping and sctiools full price 111600 with si600 down pric ed tor quick sole g alec johnson realtor 8 mill si e- acton phone 853008 commercial industrial residential farms member of ihe canadian ontario and orangev ilk real estate boards v43 dead stock paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horse old horses 4c lb licence no hgc 349c65 226rp65 phontuzenitri 97950 ati tel 8772864 auctioneer ronald c lamb sales x all tipes i stales ruhjghl sold appraised r r 1 ml i- wood pmoni i 8413839 a42ll clfjutlnc auction sale of i- arm iqulpnwnl thrrthlns mftchlnc furnjtur and abuum the property or feacy lesue lot 12 8th une cmjuesing main st s georgetown on wbdnesday april 2t ai 12 o clock 1mpli vttnts me d w4 super tractor fully equipped me d w4 standard tractor lul lv equipped george while 28 x 46 threshing machine extra good condition endless druc bell in ternational 19v j ton stake truck with hott lord h00 9v panel truck both in good condition 10 ii p to ihc binder 3urrow ace bottom plow 3disc plow eutling box ml d 2 furrow plow new idea 7 ft power mow ir bndy ha crimper forage harvester wagon with beuhlcr undcrarnagc vernon 10 ft m f -tde- ttmc preirdei- tvrw rake new holland65 baler mc d 16run icrtilcr dnll on rub ber riin augr mc d manure spreader me d iraetor discs 8 li stilf tooth eultriatnr bissell land packer sets of drag harrows 3 rubber lire wagons and racks mc d torn binder mart hmcron ivecd cleaner dump rake cutler ex tension blower pipes 36 ft ex tension ladder 2 sets of sleighs gem frceier unit steel water trough litter carrier bucket and carrier pump jack and pump elm plank hemlock 2 x 4 1 inch dressed pine used lumber 3 su gar kettles wooden pump wooden harrow extra hcay 35 it logging chain winch hea drill press 6 heavy line shall lungers steel frame and line shall heavy line tiiafl chains bars steelgv hammers small it cms stewart elcvlrie clippers cte this is a good line ol equip ment in good condition hjrnlturfc ltc modern walnut ftpiece dining room suite old walnut extension tabic har vest and other pine table pine cupboards pine kitchen chain pine commode chair old walnut chairs spinning wheel parts old walnut rocker spool bed 2 old walnut beds perfect pantr ravmond drtipcad sewing ma chine 2 modern walnut beds mahoganx dresser vanity r dress ing tabic 4pieee bedroom suite dressers wash stands oak ex tension table small tables fern eries phonograph and records hall seat linen table cloths bed ding feather ticks curtains bedroom dishes odd dishes chi na glass buffalo robe tut olc dinner bell barrel chum butter prints 1 inch marble slab 3o- x m oil lamps etc this is the first sate ever held on the farm and is a larse offer ing furniture selling sharp at 12 ojtfock owner and auctioneer not responsible for accidents lunch booth terms cash frank petch auctioneer georgetown s772s64 george currte cjerk fcu auction mil tuu1 cmuftino auction sale of rwr farm tufulpjcwai 112 ckav kkusisp truth caliw vur hlturw lc tlu prop r l of cfmigk k busttu v ii hi 2 n lis 2 nii norui ol fioiulji llwy oovth 1 iru oakvillr imi uondav amil 2 at i iij olh a full tlm of u inl iu irulluluitr m ii iu ii tj w i propel led lornhlru me i f i ti baler 12 fl halt uvil or mm rurapilu atitvt tm lor 2 cluv dump truik in runrnr j order grailn i in out i wim r mowrr rti a tow i i oi or vprtnging j veiny tallu i urnlllmt linluilr y 8 ptree dining suite ehlna eahin l vtbralor elialr 2 eu tks u l of drawx r in iru iijviui be dk tables ill a good t irjn lot selling about 00 otloek owner or auiiiomtr will not be respimislhu for aei idtnls tirms cash lkavjkum atkilimti georgrlowri 177 2ju1 george curru ikik a a auction sale of uodrn furnllurt rower and othar tools the property of g vandijtbos 1s4 poplar ave aetun lite crescent on saturday april 24 at i 30 sharp 2pieee bed eheslcrlield suit vulle hi own used i ear i ofge w in clcetrit siovc used i car admiial 21 tv ruv 9 ft refn gerator with eross top ireeer record plaver and brass record viand used 4 months new bronietonc card table and 4 ehairs singer elecltle scwiny machine wiih cabinet dinette ex tension table apartment sle bullet 5 malehing chairs oak bullet 2 39 eonlinental beds near new 2 stecl beds springs and mattresses bed spring and matlicss ehilds erib cleanavoe aeuum cleaner twin master floor polisher eas electrie washer oak rvxk cr oeeastona chair ton sole radio coffee table inherit lamp 6 ehromc kiteben tliairs high chair near new laundrv tubs ice box magazine stand steam iron and hand mixer used 4 morntisaculicc grinder siiol blue holland dishes set ol en stal odd dishes china pop up toaster cooking utensils cu tools ftc bench sj jn motor power cmcrv with motor 2 h p simpsons sears power lawn mower near new me la i lawn swing ehaisc lounge hand g irilen seullkr box s hikjui girl s blcvele ear top earner step ladder garden and small hand tools ehild s urniiure lovs small wagons ete this is a good elian lot and well eaivd lor rlal estatl at oekxk and at the same plaei theic will b ollcred a 6room asbestos sid ing house 3piece bath iveiiitls new gas i u mace and hot water tank attached garage said to be situated on a corner lot 81 x 100 selling cash to mortgage ol w522 paxable j0 monthlv pnn eipal and interest maturing in l73 and subnet to a reserve hid it not prxviotislv sold and also subject to the umhi ad justmenis and conditions ol n ofler to purchase terms 10t down at time of sale balance in 30 davs when vacant possession will be given inspection and further details b contactingg john r holmes real cstatc broker at 83316 teams cash i rank petch auctioneer b50 tel 877 28m select mcduffe tricounry head afflvr in trtfoejnty lxkry tlftss liur ii inirpilim af u thtll 9 ul u hi xi wa uctd pfuaurul of km irlcetunly a vulatuttt ttti km- u tjt wjumi uirulav april 4tli uom than wj npikjljliv lioln arlmi ulllmi lijiiijix rijkvilltf ihti hngcm pn tfi cim i or njfivill- im ikifudr jiirimtl ha miiuji mm mi u in uo 1 t 4i44llan laflon ifjll m mi ton 4ful wrfr t iut on i i f vot lor only oru omn r llmel vui fin thlriil oltr in ii l n or i f m kijiiw iru liulr tu i mi itil 11 j a 0-lk- 1 if in tr i uml vi t mlll i i f i vi f ty mi lirjuj 1 llfhl ijimii john m lai ot mill i ml il ii i vi r pn ldr t 1 m k 1 htjmipi u mi m k 1 i 1 i auii pxloi mill n r it u lit vm pf 01 i i 1 l- it 11 iiiivi p 1 1 1 iii t iii j 1 fl i t it j j i is jt pi h 1 mr or pi in i y 1 i ifiix im nuiyi i tn rn j n pit i lll t ll in if v 1 1 j uli ll t fill ill j u ll t i phllirv nl ilk kutiiti hi la i iv im li i i i iv i t x li i l vj i 1 i t iki i j ll hi fl tl ix oil ll ii uf iii u tall a i m tff mi ii j j 1 ili a ui i a ii i r i rlv in m lis km i 1 11 unit i t ii pi i vn jim u 1 liffrl u ill ilu i ill iim tin fri p i li it mi t i jm i- 1 i v u v yl i mhl j him n i ii ll i i ills vi mil lift i n m mil hi i i iii lit hi t 1 ami i ih mi i hi ilivi i m undirv i t it i w ll ik l w i use free press classifieds to buy sell rent trade over 4000 at juve tourney 7 mil hi iton juvimlts i i l ii i vil in uiimi 1 1 iti nuil l hu d i imoiti nl k owl tlu milton hjrvisler juvenilis iml toront i m irlu s ruirow l inissctl the sanu honor as ihiet elos might i h iinpionship imim s wihiih up ilu mom tvitting triotiniv juve nilt tourn mien l rvt i jovi mk suii ills i rout ihrouti out the provinee yitlniej in mil i ion lot l ik stvtttth annual in i counts juvt ru it tihirn nm nl nut i ii von i han 4 ml p iv my iistonie rs um kii hand to w tuh 41 tutting pirns attn nioie llvan one wxk of plav tlu brampton polui all leties trillion legion anil i tin vale cume pontiaes i iplmiil uio uimlul i i ovens in a 11 and c div imons risphilivilv seliadv lijilestnling millon ihe toronto mjiiiximjs uul trmton all naeluel ilu i h imptonship im als and uin ill in si ireh o thiir thud vorimviilivt t o ii r n j nu n t iioevns bnl inlv tnnl m rivnv ed tlu ivoihii is thiv l ixl vis t in 3 2 in i i iiiik ii oik ik ixvl jlllo iii puul at iru tournanii nt in ik jiivh i ttnals i i in v j u ppivl i fv4 ii del i i u tlu ii im stir juuf ili and in a p v thi llrmpt n p ilui athl t ls t thi highly ranvid mah s 4- 1 nun hint ii t li ti ur tourm v vt is ihi tx s i r an i a i iidnii imipiit li in i it u il- the avtion was i n i m r ot the 41 jt iiih pi i 1 iv wij tion v ntu w in i uiltj i j viki wood whui call 1 n i i i i ji 1 1 i i mm n il x is i iris ii 1 1 i vi aril ed on tht hasis ol ti n ai and ivvo to s v v ut i ovi i turn atlind il n ll s i v s ht l htlkr ih in i ik u i t tal i about 1 s0m hut i viv ithir on siturdi ihjxmi is i mnii 1 tor lomi r atun 1 iiki hi wciv mil i or the ti si ttii iit ik tihirn i nu nt i isti il 1 1 i vitui div to i sltlllll is w i i i lis raihii han tin uul- n nxt in i imv ill cut i i i t i i u n c llvimin till tv a- tfus nl i determined hmd ml i hit vtster juvenilis in i ski i t hi ihanipmnhip n iut i situi d is ih misd s ihvll f4 k ttr m hi linil r hv pmti ais e wind i 4 0 ikviv uuidl edonii 4 1 iiiiist ovu itmi and an 8 2 win over bolton a slandhs up kii toi oi ine mile trenton icnm nouheil i 4 1 ietor over oil iw i uiwidrotte o start their maleh t w ird the b ehampionshin a 2 1 stjikakei ov ir ottawa dill ramblers ave- the trentonians the nfchl to ad vanee to the finals against wc tun in the championship jiiit the two evenlv matehexl squads battled to o 22 tie at the end of regulation time arul linallv at 7 oh ot the stiddertrdeath overtime pejiod alan rcryuton tipped in a larrv poexhman nav lo give tnniun the victory individual star of the game was the weston goal tender jim seekington who made several unbelievable stop to keep ihe lough weston club in the game brampton police at we tics wera the only ticounly 1m to ooti- a major ttwrnwnent title u tny cut uw toronto itarlboro r of tuba lo iwo by yfo braiktoton reached uss edging dutk zl ju helr i owbaaa turn jtfawmg

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