Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1965, p. 7

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annual meeting of institute miss fines again president 1 mh ting of ths oa- sb womans institute wu i ta wdom of mr e arch- th vk4tuuti ut x mccrs wis i rfca thair uit c stony colled the toll which wm asmwrrsil by the saying o few ad ttsjfrritaa for th nsv pro- it decided the entry for acton fair stould b harvest festival tentative plant wen nude for the th anniversary too to be held on the regular nwcltaf day tot june mr r ar duwd mn s fuller and un fletcher are the committee in chare a special euchre croklnole und abettor ule li to be held at the end of aoru to clou the social winter noma each member is to bring an ankle for the tale feed hlso bring or tend lunch- mr h thmkcr mn f archi bald and lira g grundy are the euchre commlltee mrv a sic- crne and mrs fletcher are the croklnole committee- all othrr itsttnbor ar to help with the sales table mr uecrse conducted the el ectloa or officers miss dons fin ea ssjaa reat president and mra c storey kecrelarvtreasur or unooria by the landing cum bnlllona uwra given and the dlv irict director un mccrar gave a maori of their recent meeting with further plans lor me dis- trtct annual mn fletcher svon the context for tea bitcuhs the content for the neat meeting it a cushion co ver the hostess and her assist ants sarved a delicious lunch of sandwiches rellthe and tea biv cult un fletcher rslcndrd the courtesies came fiat mn fred siadt und two children 6f smilhen dc ar rived on thursday to spend a holiday with her patents mr and mrs k kloostrr her huv band and other child will he co ming east later in the summer mr ward bruce underwent surgery on thursuus at the shoutdlce clinic in toronto and came home on surulav barry clarke jr has complet ed his course in inhalation the rapy at sick childrens htrspital toronto and has returned lo his josephs hospital duties at st culph i beverly bruce luvla pertu ssin gail fuller and robert clarke local grade 12 students at erin district high school ac- compaiurd other members of their class on a five day trip to ooebec during the easter holi days in spile of inclement weather a huge croud attended the clear- ing auction sale on saturday fur murd mcculcheon mr and mrs mcculcheons plans arc not com pleted but they espeel to sell the larm and retire the ladies aid of the local presbyterian church had a re freshment booth at the sale and report a profitable day nancv bulloch of gurlph and reg bulloch of george loss urn- home for the weekend mrs william stevenson of tor onlo spent monday nitfhl uilh her parcnls mr and mrs w ms mlllan mr and mrs ken rolserlson lynda and donna of oakville vpcnl luislir sunday ssilh llw itiitnrts parrots d f and mrs hohri lsn mr and mrs douglas rohrrl sn and daitene l ouclph also vkitrd thrir parents dunny the wee mt john sim of mimio simi ed on sunday ssilh mr and mrs d stewart randv and jckrvy sons of mr and mn iu1 slcwail underwent lonsillcsloirtky ut guelph hovpi lal on tuesday morning mr and mn mike hutchison and slevcn of toronto are spending the taster holidays with ihe lalleis parents mr aiul mrs guidon all ten mrs iroiyc grundy is a pal ienl in guelph hospital ulieie slse is undergoing treatment mrs william mann and lamilv ol toronto are spondintf ihe faislcr holidays at their laini on ihe second line grey mlllson of gyelph is spending ihe fisler huluuss uilh mis m jatsson ml and mrs kutsirt snyder and sons of bcllcsillc visited on tuesday uilh ihe formers pat ents mr and mis kmlon sn th adon rm prri thuruiay april vna 1sa cmlatomu oldest member of church retiring treasurer honored on yurula rveniny april u tttuivhill ihurclt luityrrkjliun held u virpii alheriitv in live vtuinli hall in lumtor ul mi snmh 6nllin v5tli birthday the evening wj tpeni plaing yamcb r frank freeman act ed a chakinai and ur grilling ltvorii- hvrort when i the wundruuv cruv wa p lived by mr dnny and all joirvcd in kinytnf ur grilin wat awcd lo tukc j chjiir al uw lnuil aiul mr frcvman iixid a addrrxv und bet uth- mrv w thtnripon on hehalf ul ihe ucw prrmrnt- cd him uilh a luicl box of inul trandic and neat v in a lew -ucll- ihosrn saxirdi he i tun wed all lor thrir kindnat and all juituxl in mginy lot htr a jolly wjmj pel- i low a bvauiilut hiithdav akc i vba bruuf hi in lor iill lo ce h lore ii uit ml and wfved utth a vers del iou ltliwh hv llu- lati ns th- evening lused uilh a that and hesl uihe lo ihe old 1 em nwmher o the ihuixh a love i v tavler mimir in chun hill thunh u uhl attend etl the jimior thoti was in at leiulaihe u e a i inn their neu j pmns ami lhe sany ltu anlhem i me lives misses june and calliv svvakhanei vany the- dut pas itr mi ilales yae an iasitt mev jc miss li nda dam in sa np a solo i know ihal m redecinei i iwfh a special nail ol the erke uas when mi hates asked ml harold cntlin lo mme to ihe liunt and mi ralph denny on i hchalf ol the stewards and mem hers ol the ihurh prevrnied him iwiih a hrautilul yilil urist vvalth as a token ol yratitudc tor his failhlulness as treasutei ol ihe hiilth lor the past is svais j taken hv surpiise mr itllin llutnked all and salil h had ihvii a pleasure and hoped ihe vame- utopeiatiii umihl tw yiven mi 1 untie- leilih who has ikievd eil inn among all llu- happy onasions held he tv ihii hearts were deep 1 saddened h the death ol mr rkil kerr one ol our olilest iwulnts j llw di uriel and a itletony huihef ul tlur chuh try luiwrul vjs lary otlvwd in hie t htiixh oil motulav vhouriny llu esieem in whuh he was htld uunal was in ihe family plot al ciunhill the svmpathv ut ev- une yoev lu iru- amilv mr and mrs william butler spent uasler sunday uilh iheir daughter and son jn law mr and mrv i hear ol rvryii- i mr and mrs william bnw 1 ol tuelph isiied uilh mr and min john near iun and tarl on sunday wee daid turtui on ol mr and mis num an turner i hotne and convalcirtg nkelv alter a iwuilcelomv in gulph general hospital lavl week i mi und mrs ward llainiltun vi vi led uii sunda with his fa ihei in cotiksville mr and mis mike mamitlon aiul mark spciii taster wecketvd in iomw uilh jenoia lamilv j a remmdet ol itw pixt drive ditvt-m- liavmy an pajurs lays intn oi uhal itave voi puase ieae at mr wallne suaikhani- et s on apnl 7 lot a ifvhk loiol kx 1 1 1 mam whu you wait keys hinlons 5c1 store notice roys electric service with anmunc ikair tufijan ruihttbar itat bfi hano4j t 8531461 gifts for six 4h members presented by dublin institute ail hough weather conditions yuer not the hel luwi thurula evening and driving was rathci haiardouk with the mlsi a yotnl turnout of dublin womens insti tute members and a number 4 411 oirn joiirneyid lo millou mru d macphcruin wait juvstess for the annual pot luck dinner and everyone ivud the manv and varied dellcaciri kcrvid following the dinner mr d j uoftui prcided lor the opening oxerclsev roll tall was answetvd by payment of ices and offer of i homes a substantial sum ol roney was lurnetl in by mrs l norton t mm the hake sale held recently in acton and mr g ftobcrtson alto turned in money fur a quill that had recently been completed lor an acton lads a donation was yiven lo the work of the canadian cumer sucictv mrv w mclnlyrr reported that ahc hud delivered a quill to a futility that had recently uui tlieir home by lire mr c brittvtn mrs g rolxrl tun und mrs h norton wilt ut tend the unnual tr dinner in oakvltle mr c mel n tyre nc a report trf tile last district direct ots meet inn held recently in milton two tntnute reports were yiven hv convener of mandlny commit toe judf ctaaaaa mrs georye youify of acion nd misa charlotte turner ol milton were yucsts ol the meet ing and acted as judyvs ol the class for leu biscuits und tot u practical halfapron mrs d mutfat wu judgvd winner ol the tea biuruits and mrs w mcln tyre of the apron they will en ter in the competition at district annual in campbellvllle on mav the treaxurers report was giv en by mrs n douglas and mrs james van fleet presented the auditors report ctft rv me i ut a special feature of the meeting was the honoring of six 4h girls who have received provincial honors they are misses jean and uary moffat jean and judy brit ton sharon blyth and shirley langevin each was presented with a silver cream and sugar set 1h1 tray bv mrs f mccarron and mrs e wilson and on behalf 4fctru4ltt jau moffat ex- ttrecsed thanks to the institute la recognition of her two years terviee m preaident mra d- mofj lalwas patented with a cup and aaucer mra c mclntyre was also given a cup and saucer onvacat- fag the chair ma mortal thank- ad the ladies for the cooperation received during her term of office mlts charlotte turner took the chair for the election of officers on behalf of the nominating com mittee mrs ii norton tvad ut the list ul nftuers suycnled as no other nominations weir mode miss turner tonltrmed the list u read lor the tuhcers of dublin women institute lor lftv new officers the following are ihe olltcers past pivitunt mrs d moffat president mrs c tint ton first viiepivsideni mrs m nellis vicond mcepitsulenl min i mecarion ses retail tivasuivr mis v norton assistant seitv i urv- treasurer mrs c milniviv panisl mrs g rorkitvwi assis- lml pilinist ml m m press ivnortcr mrs j c dennis h ranch direclois mrs w mc- inlnie mis j van fleet and mrs mollat district diixvior mis d mollat assistant dintrict ditccloi mrs c mclntie auditois mrv d kenneth and mrv m mccul inugib public ivlalions mis j van fuxt nyrtculutiv and cana dian iiuhisities mrs i ilolitui and mrs j ogormun citicn- sliip and education min i mc cunvili and mis j c ivnnis historical rvseurvb and curreiii events mrs c robertson and mis c thomson home econonv ics and health mrs c armsinuiy and mrs n douylns resolutitxis mrs a near menial health mrs it blyth curator mrs d kcnned com mrs w frank miss m somer- itle mrv a near mp b nor ton mrs w mclntyre mrs d mollat uiul mrs c armstrong prop rum committee mrs m nel lis mrs j ocormun mrs v uritton mrv w frank stviul cuinmitiee mrs l- dutlicld und mrs d motlui visiting ammiii- tee mrs k wilson mrv a neai mrsb renmck mi h bhth mrs c arinstixttig mis f bol ion quilt commit tve mrs w frank mrs g robertson mtv w mcintvrvmis j winlield and mrs m nellis booth committee mrs w bntton mrs c thom son mrs f wilson bus commit- lee mrs- e wilson and mrvx- dut field nominating commit tve mrs e nondn mrs c arm strong and mrs j van fleet mrs h blyth was courtesy con vener j just fixed up building razed a kv lyravovatetl building for- rwrty used at the cemetery and recemly iwnwl and added to at the disposal plant was complete y nutted by tire tuesday noon jtu believed children playing with matches was the cam of the fire as charred newspapers were found inside the burnt ruins the building was to be used for storage of chlorine gas cylinders for use at the disposal plant free blaupunkt or bendlx custom car radio value 85 with the purchase of any new volkswagen offer for a limited tim only act now i immediate delivery voui choice of model styli and coio sm th 120o or 1500 lins today used c a r s wkw yau buy a ita car rem us our whsatl warranty is your guaranta in writing of good pailan plaza motors milton plaza m phone 8782962 bwnod it opara by cart boatuckar halnrich vagal mn i ii n f i i what gives a classified ad its magic power to bring response li it bexaum to many of th ad ar vary tmall it- it bacauta trvey ar printad near the bal of th paper it it because to many of them era printad in tmall type it it because everything advertised it cheap it it becaute to many of them ar grouped together obvioutly th entwer to each of that quettlont it not classified ads get quick response because the people who read them are looking for something the success of the classified ad is based on the needs and wants of the people and the needs and wants of the many thousands of readers served weekly by the acton free press are many and variedl ii ui baeom a habit si th canadian public ro turn ta rwa ctastlfsad ada fiist in taarch of soma ef thair most basic naads housing transportation bom furnishings and appliancas tools with which to earn a living oat playaas to halp run your homa or businass or sven skilled technicians to randar any nsoded servica when you place a classified ad lo sell some item you no longer need someone is waiting for your ad to appear someone needs that item and is searching the classified ads to find it that is why classified ads seem to have a magic power to bring response dial 8532010 for magic results an experienced courteoui ad talcr it waiting to tak your call hptwwt acton free press classified want ads rend them forprofit use them for results 1 free press classified want adt may be placed with dills stationery dial j5303o l maamaaaassstil

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