Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1965, p. 8

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v r r- tfc acton fvm fwm thudy apffl mod 1965 a hmk mom cammeuvttll copped lk mil on motor sl tfophy of firll prit in the comolitiv curling wction l lh m lion cor linj club ih yf a rink ilhppsd by kn moore wih stn htncwrton b4ii coulter nd murry mhon ctplufed the awrd shown dufiitg ihe greenock institute officers elected at pot luck dinner memben of c vfwrcwticiet4i4hbcttec4ittf men institute and tevertj vis itor enjoyed a bounteous pot luck dinner at the home of itrs chlr allan befnrv their annual meeting but wednesday ater noon also enjoyed at the dinner were the iweet lea biscuits and pumpkin pie uhkh were enter ed in the baking contest mis f pearen was u inner in tea bis cuit and mr t herniary for he pumpkin pie they were each presentee uiih a pair of quilled oven mill and will take entries of the year president mrs yrysseaaar thanked her executive for the tit cellent cooperation received this past year past president mrs t hemeley was chairman for the election of officer or the coat ing year mrs patterson was secretary mrs mccuiloch pre sented the report of the nomin ating committee new officers fur the vear are a lollowv president mrs l try 1 ir viceprestdent mrs g leslie second vuetsres of baking for the contest at ihc mrs a gate secretary ihurwi annual i irraeurrr mis j mculloch av president mrs l toiuar sistarit mis t johnsluii div opened the nuxiiny aiul preeieted irwt dureloi mies f pcarrn over the business urc j mc j alternate mrs c patterson culloeh ivad i he ciueliieton eenirtesv convener mr j thorn sleirv and this wa lullowtcl be j pvon hrune h board of dl rex lor prasantaitori ara from lff k right mr lh award mr moor and mr manon mmiajty coulter mr henderson don stnson who prevented robert kerr 90 wellknown farmer exhibitor of horses easter handicrafts for brownies guides t l ik- thud actun uroesntc pa k handicraft meeting on march il the girl made baskets to lake home lilted with laslcr ipmmjkn packu cave 1 1 marshall uih kanyer vman smith helped itu liiu with this piucet irene ix viics brought her latlki s svkrt lie with all hit badges on il mi ix vries was a scout in holland the hmwn les made a uoodwill slew pill ting all iinaginai totul thing into the pot jiui e ieh uiowmc look a spoonful hoim on apnl 7 the new hiownie llu lord piatl uoll call was answered 4 a trood thing i haw uanwd itoiti cipcrirnec aiul riv pwtunt ol lexs sc it tat mi i pjtleion teal ih minutes rxporled on the mint wau htioth at tu dclvcus lann vchub was quite sueetsslul ttu uptut itf ok executive meeting i ttu dlvtitcl cliiector was a is ltwn tt mis 1 palteion tlu in a ctmvrntrjh lit tuclph will im xlotxr 12 and is this eai i sullcnl it poil wire pre- skilled be all convener on llv- pal viar meeting al health nut work the s a i c t v k which the public 4 pokc on poison mrs i patterson mr g wal lat mi t ikmsley auditor mr k ikeiich mi ihmvlev owiveiwis ltr standing tout ml t ire afctkulluie and caivad lait lndutius and frdcralion of ay i culture mi v johnston and mi c allan ttome ecoru ntk and iwallh mi c binnie aittt mrs i patlrrvm ellue- shift a ltd education mr t hem k and mr lrsllr hi tew t tal ivsearth aiul curient event mi a gati aitd mia ltkir kh public relation mis c ail fair board ladies give skit 4or club th r meeting ofthe courn club was held in the yucjl on thursday april is with mr davidson presiding with mrs bradshaw at the piano the meeting was opened with the queen after the usual bu nes was ditpoted of a discuss ion followed re joining the un ited senior cttiien inctrporai ed and later it was decided to do so an executive meeting wa lo be held on monday april 19 to arrange for entertaining the guelph club alter adjournment the follou h arley to h alton f tm hajwy kaftuyj kr the house of commons has re- don budget paper the iw4 cessed for the easter holidays books have been officially added during the past wetfl debate has up and show a deficit of g mil- la ken place on the yhrone speech lion dollars rather than the torm- which means that the topic dis- t criv artstipalcd moo million defi- duet cussed can cover any subject we liavc therefore seen the de bate range from the situation in vlcl nam to dieuumi of the st lawrence stcawav and almost everything and an v hung imagi nahle i luul boned to paitu1 paie in live dehale but unlorlu natelv tune ran out beloie mv turn came up ing program w a put on a duet t thiune sneeeh must bv mrs frw and mr shulti ivpwn hluoiv s o parade ol ulcr bonne i prue farlru st rroehmg polie cu ruing lo mr maon aiul mr in our hisij ftkn wmjd reading v mr mcui mtl mjn mam f wnkll elvron and mrs reid sing iig vu bm oik f 1m sr malt 1 1 lull d4 hali v will discuss tluse with mi llraelshaw al the p a 4 arui a kll was put tu a ilw wilt fair hoard ladies alumit an old fashioned hoard nc1ni tltosr laking part were mis w s at k liaitmt mi k iv nn miss pea i n mr l maltlu ws mis w mcdonaul mrs s mornson mrs arcliittald mrs c ait km and mrs h i 1 it harp a cullghllul luiuh was sid to at w tut 40 numbers aitd gitrsk the st mat it 1 s liaiiu nt ulll hi iiuidian s ol 1o0is4 d lu 1 and in d la i us ik i il pai sail iv tempera nee and mr w mr c wallace nuni mi w juhnlon mi lutller resoluiiimi on mis j met ulux h tweetlsmnii euiatur ml i prate n tweeds itntiuiltee mrs allan i johnston mrs i pjllcr 11m sims mi nnititlt t 11 f immi and liiys is t im n itsli tottd lo kmisui 1 i ik iiu ason s luitssar 10 ndiht th sl i diugs iih onimiltie is im asmsttd lv thi mmiiiiii nt wtoi h i hatt inliipreled i t im 01 that the ominillet ill ik u lo hlli persoiiml t t 1 m hi t i v are h aiul sa ill pntiat as vevll hut it yal v ouiis i i am sun that ill i tin 11 1 dent of halt n vull im pltmil uith llie morumiiahh walhr i the 196 defuit was ui mil lion as a mailer of fact if we were lo lake oil the surplus in lur old age pension fund then tltc practical deficit in only fiv milium dollar lor 1m4 in add twin of coute our grus nation al produel lose almost s c biggest gain unci 19s leveiiue tost 14 while 1 e peitd 1 1 u re ruse s w4k1i 1 ipl tins tlu iinpioe tivent 111 eur cuhkii puturt flu propccts ln iwis are gtmid it 1 lhmd that in keeping uilti tmtr pnshril the hihlf i uhich uill ik biikjytit dovt n on rlh apij on out utotn to ottawa will uteal lai ills ill tiolti pel s tia i an 1 oip ial mkiiu tai ilw hodgi i is alas ir liimlturd i ft v p iii iltt r imt il s- t kt l m k rnarkri sit that aw ehang 1 is llw uudtit air kikoun at a l 1111 vs ht n tun ki 1 liud ng aiul i is ml uh cktaktkg i til iuiii a iwjlula 1 1 i i ttu i hiai ma 1 m ul m mla on mmj mas unusualu 1 lyhl timu im ai it t l 1 ill tlulhml in t i itranali mis p veas itak allil stial ahst iu t of the congregation he wa a deacon before chunh union and then an elder he wa an honor arv elder at his death re fleming georgetown sup ervising minister l the ehurvh an eehlbltor of horse cimlit jconductid the service a duet enll siriex i0o6 robert kerr pa i aiul tno the laird i m sht-n- sed aw at georgetown mursing i hi nl and i nlo tlu- hill were home on fodav apnl 16 sltuung b mrs sontian lufiur alert and lairl aetic at w ear mrs i mmrivjn anderson and of age he had been ill onl a mr v dlum thompson lew day and intittrd tm walk aclie pjllheinr were leslie ing about he had lived hi entire swockhanur smiih gnlfin jr life onlvflllh hneul lnn town an milachein silham hut ship where he was born in a log ur n uiuh n jcnc mc cabin aero the road hi son n archie kerr and hi lamik carr v tt4i ltlilc on the amih tiadilion of raising mi uldin ijv and showing horses luunson i rank i teeinan joseph law and promise wa mid te churchill united church wast dlw russell ivmswack work in knots and semaphore hlted lor the funeral sctih ken alls n i hard wis done mr newton took there on monday afternoon mr thompson llod mclean don tlu s maphon group and grey kerr with honorar pallbearers matthew ralph dcnm and owl mr llting tlu knotting arthur swackhamcr and smith i iv roup the girl all gn the ted gnfftn wa a long lime member mil baidin c lined a hot il in bute in the h ipe ui a h rse shtx iroill the hacklh asseicialion intel mint veas in churchill ehurvh eemiui ttu son ol jiiihs hiir mil margate t llniunlec rtihe 1 1 heir was ol lush and scottish descent ills parents lixcd in a loc cabin when thin onl child wa horn hut soon huill a bruk runise near b which has hem hi home usee hi attmded the ltrt vtoodsidi schthit on the fourth litu which has disappe tree anil i hand the christian upnun fillow after that ihe prcscnl wikkishic ship of lverlon christian shuts h v hool his lather dud when he met at ihe home ol mis d g l7 dn tk tamed on ihi roherlson ovpnnsi lor iirii lamih laim a well a ihe breed ller meeting nd homini ol fin hirsts mr alan tillk piesul d nd 7 m in the msence ol ilu eiui n mi john alton 11 id th 11 inn n1 he ir lni e xltihiiid inir s c think mhi noles md cut 1 guelph in tv md ihe 111ii which w s inswend uvol uli uluihiv to tlu spnnc with a bibli ete 11 litis with vh w uihshuil itveavs hi id tn tin mih ol mi ik wns tlu 11 t l oldest n nsisiiitl ilnhit 11 11 a morton e im ihi hn pl is ii l 11 ss si lmn nd i j will mismi n ns sun antitr cnni f the i miik s kcvn 1 n t 1 r e s 1 in u isis liml mi ihi linn aiioss ivbetom cr returns most officers r ihe letter mi ii oncial 11 poit a end ol tlu v i w4ig4aad lo lai is 1 m id 1 1 in ntliir 111 1 i uts ihi lor a sing song iml a stor hv oik ol the uiownics called the 1 chiel liom tlu aeorn itiaga im tu i 1 it aeton paek held a senna meeting ihe hisl week in april the easier project was the making ol evs an la ur patt will be held loi tlu c i jsme theie will be no meetings fkldi oir f isier holidiss deborah streels and wend how til paw iil lic tests on ituir oldin and ihi new packle lor ul is ikithu 1 sicloak rangers ittindeel lol week si t in at ti i nit lnitcd church tliesda i guide news thi gunks ai utuli 1 w i with in mrhl week il john allthutilkc hhhm uiul 1 the s ixisision ol kibeit hut and mi geot ci h iifci ic 1 c imp piiicst the lii is ti silline ki nns thi pine is 2s unts cull l lid ihe elts iwipe lor thi p itents support i litis who hut pissul hidtcs tlu mi load s hell iii 11 iii his d in 1 in lh7 11k t ltllllwlhk1 ii i an goal had he n rt u lull with an over and iboii amount the wot ship pot linn ol ih plot ram was liih b mrs a roe who chsi as thi sstiptuie matthiw icrse 14 ic m th htht of tlu woild ttu speaker leinnulid all wi m 1 lijhl in tlu win id tn u id mil lv1uk l ers and tttissid ttu import in ol 1 sluniiil lilti in ilosntl sti ivvltnl 1 let i imtliar 1 tn 1 rem s hmllll jesus hlels is shim tlu i tst 1 pion mi eh itfc1 ui mis rtki umd 1 tike ii nsi t 1 td teulnis to pia is the ttu iiu md stilid that i istn wis 1 tunc loi ili iwuiv ip 1 l i 1 pitii vnptuii poilions wiii re td hv mis j alton mis j meuhikdl md mi a killer but sihiwiiil i ii it pt llt is friendship ptaml is lilliwstup and pt imi ditnmds ution iiu qitisiton slu 1 usul wis whit iuks pi imi m m to 1 wit ol us md whit put doss it pi i in chii d uh hxes mi alton uad ttu upon ol the nommiting committee whiih was 1 hi lirsi pixsidmt wis aixeptid ith lew iicp- j unuff i inner hire twins lis iai eilficcis ueif reluitud mis clilloid ului j ill wis 11 1 mod scvixtar mis a kmsbuta unoitcd lot the ctmie vioeip an ollet to eater loi t late sutniuei uij dtne accepted the ladte are still colic ting label lot uv- olllei col lex urn followi itg the bcncdislion the hutes assisted b mrs j mc dcmytll wrd ixlrehnunts eaater sunday the basu r huttda scrue was well attended al evcrton chnsi tan lhurvh bcauiitul hurt ir rangrmcniv epnny hower and fern inluiweit the sltlettllt guest speaker was re o w md woikine them l1 itulchildiin ill intitisi h isi s ie iu tt ann 1 1 iw in ilit 11 111 1 m 1 1 1 1 audits 11 md kobvil ji it h mu i it li iiulsons donald md dai ul anditson ui mliiuliktti ti tun is ill 1 til hi his ihue ottut jii il l1 ind tiilduii 111 il iloimi lottini k itli md lis t it llu ik was nisilitxi ol tin llkk iu assiki iti in ol uhkh lu i is 1 toundii and iitli pusuknt ihis i til ik lltitiilid tin 11 innu il ti nuu t 111 pieston wis tticii till 2 1 in out was til lead lo iltcnd the a urn ali titiltut il sikiit t imjiii t the met niht he his lvn dtlexux tk ton md inn aruultui il six mu hi ixlnhilod it tlu roi 1 wintii i 111 in its thud iai hi was llii hist presidint ol ttu i mud i mints association ol outaiui in n21 son archie ol the his sail 1 te horses general ihinnim hoi sis saddk horse ind iviniis hilt been wukti sold simui o tlu i b md some lo the rt mp olcr ihi e its hi his yyn vuuntluss medals and trophies wa muuirtm alxmt tun sis w it son woi king oit t lie hitlj1 ilienda hem ind pits heeler wotkinc on cooks h dts uu1i it 1 nuol ik d iing wiik on lust ell luiik hlstor m u ic holmes md c uohiu i thompson pissed hun s l urn nut kk il knowledge tic ll gin ec i pissul him s liim flu guide is held a nice i inc at ihi home ol coinniissumir low tu on thuisi i m ireh 2s it was lueiekd to hold 1 mill inilt sale on ovtibei t and i pv ih ips 1 hake s ik a hi end ol m 1 cac appointment talflottit7it not lone be lore he passed awai and hud kit dirvetions when and whiie to sow oai on hi i arm the i tmili hid held a shlth j buihdai icitti loi mr heir last oc tuber i v e cuimi nttt sideswipe 1 ir driiv 11 b harrs reiner l i i wsntorel pi iee alton n mccum ul toronto uho bieiiujhi i j din m a a timely biuicr nwuoflt mi sideswipe collision on htglmav mctully has travelled cxlcnam 7 al silivrcrock saturday ss br throuah the holy land and mlilon opp sve a word account of ones jipfis us thoy travel the rood rcinctv tar hit an icy patch on ihe highwa and wa struck he an on coin mg car d r i 1 c it by marilyn kjjryij ihedmlciu sang in khe eawtkjh- i chiuc nxdixu i ilml jesus travelled prior to the cm cinxlon the junior choir with the tppoiniiiunt ul j i cle ment 1 hi null miniger ol its new ullki al 74 main stivet ih iinpton in bevii an noiiiu il hi c u ruinkcini dtstiiil m 111 tfcei 1 in idi in ac ecptaike cotsoi iltoii 1 in tiled in bis new hiitoit mt tk nieiit will he txnoniblc lot ihe coipoiation consitmu sales tinatuing pcrunj loan and mortgage aettiitk pitor to thi appointment he a assistant itumch m iitagu or one of cac s tuixinlu bian ches c cut 25 ma 1 criae celery hearts clla ck tomatoes pkg 29 spring food festival ayimm catsup iyons tea bags c a ktaft peanut butter heinz strained 15 69c iytjb jlr 89c 100s baby food 10 reinharts ideal ch sin kailet toilet tissue 4 rolls 39 c home freezer specials all branded beef federal inspected hips thick meaty 65 70 ibs you get rump roattt steak roast stsalc minced stew etc 57 hinds mellow tender 100- us ibi steaks sirloin porterhouse tbone wing and round roasts rump sirloin tip round steak stewing beef minced steak 57 g lb snsesnofteef 47 branded red custom cut and wrapped to your satisfaction v the piece grade a urge fresh eggs 39c peek frean mixed cookies 25c beef bologna cottag rolls schnewrs skoals t t t red hot wieners 1lb pkg country style sausage 1lb pkg bologna rings head cheese bowls each luncheon meats varieties 6or pk smoked picnic hams fresh pork shoulder 29 49 aj ax ssskr large size 5c prize rrwi 75c detergent liquid detergent giant size with purchase of giant size at regular price twin pack many many other bargains on display e 0 smiths assorted jams marmalade axsize 25 c ea

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