Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1965, p. 10

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ttw arton ft pnt thuwifry mv 10 hhth unk annual rport halton county free of disease epidemics halts casta w t drinks of coousssuslos dls aaat and vfmiil illiaasaf in tmi atxortuna la wnarl iubnl l led to halton county council by uiiit officer of health archie f ball mj dh u a 15 pagq bookldt lv bull mmmiri- ed the efforts of ike wallon county health unit duriaf tb ytr reported on sanitary con4- lioai la use community and gve general survey ol the enisling health problem in the area- la hi report dr bull uid it li reported thl sum of the na tives kenya set up image of heir lesser deities in front of their villages to protect them against epidemic disease pro bably ihry use their greater del ties to assist in treat in now people who are ui this tame custom appears to be followed by the people of thii country be came it u much easier to ob tain funds lor the cofufructlon of hospital facililiee u itol people who are ill than it t to ubleln lunds to use in prevent lag disease it is of cuuru mucb more tkonomlcjl to uir money la tlie prevention of disrobe than in trrtiling lhoe who arr ih money uwd in prcsentum brings much belter relurnm than monry usrd in treatment la basking ihis ualeaunt the medical oil iter of health sugars tar in 1800 the dlplherla death rate in ontario wit ih ii that rate prevailed today we could ex pact approaimalrlv 44 people to die each year in halton county from this disease and one could eapeel more than 400 people to he iii with ihc disease if one calculate the cost to the com muni iv ot these deaths and the cost to the community uf those who are ill in lot of earning power and cost of medical care and hospital treatment one or- rivet at a turn that it several timet our total annual budget in actual fact we have not had a death or illness from this di sense fur several year and vvc ore not iiilciv to have so long at we continue to immunire all ol our prrscnool und school agi childicn adequately lmsn mm club grps formed rixkwuud three iparic gruupt- w i jbrtiatmj al the april mcclinif ol the rramuva 4 11 calf club ivtinllv h lit in ihr tra raoia itmiral nhul the ncnmy upcnetl with np4di11tf the 411 pledge ilu ij vail v tjkm uiui the iiuiiuiisitjj mi i chambt i lain ua i harjrc of 1hc unior tfruup and yt u cr lntrixviinji and inlormamc talk on i arm finance the iiimor href members were cn imtrk tkuiw on ytkid breeding vlcms and guide- b george lchc wil her i fret man had th juniui tlair member 10 invtruu tin feeding and managing dair cou it prutcd a mml bentfkial and inintuis eentng fur ull the ncu rrwxung uill b held ma 0 at rtvc hunu ul sell ui phcdr an in etoaim liu ow erffidal inrtttd effort toward viullug malmrtmw jr bull to4si hal iifcuttuy uith new h al an loa count v u wi forlujuw in ratilcr dale having not oly a pond public 0u atiuit kio qiw thr hmllh iwveniive umvic but coum lualih una von- ai alao aaquate holal facill- to tx0 uiih ollkial lies and an adquaie number of ncw on ih federal pruvi nrivate physidanft who provide tlj cjunly and uunnpaj leel a very mali atandard of medical j0d ulth vouary aginit al a care lo ihe reildeni of llallon tture is an irwrcawing irv county we are dwroly indebted urxfc in tmai kcalih through ako w ihr many voluntary or tmjn and halton coun ganiratlonk uhch aul ui pn u hraikh n imiiinumg to grow tdiftg health rrk to hie anu l v muiei in ihih peofhle of hahon county thxir iv uurxaving interel k eaktloi kltl o ow two urger there ha betn a great incrcave in nunial htallh and ti t in allcndance al prenatal cibvwn p mental htalth pro- hild inall lour centre in halton g u be developed and ei county thit i an induation tht doling the year report j that thenr iv a gnat 11jg er iniertt in good pn natal cdu iwaw nwiw cation and care in our area fob- in ull part of the tountv pub lic health nurw are expending ik lleahh nurve and intiuri ar the alert to oburvc bo and on othrthe uaual num aividvui haiard wul lo advwvr a cauri of uwadn k houvebold n of inithod dealing report from queens parle by cbottce keaut haltom utt mum and mlnimuin security ar rat ulll be establlvlked to ffcal ucw unit sees antiques rotawviod the vealhcnanc rovkuuudv htitni ol aniiqui opened u ivara lo ihc nu nihil- of unit tuti ktkauxkkd liultd chtmh ontcn irvintl mrv ihiilc harrin atranyed the een ing and the lulit vcit gtxvn an ttenvic and cr inurivlinii iuut b tlu ouncr ur steuart lon glak i a kpevialt with mr sleujit and nuns lux phvi wen vtautaii ol hits cojicvtj4i ttc iadtcs ncttiicd that mans old und often dtardfd artuus in thtir own home tvad a muvh hiyrur pjkr tay thai tealled roloving the inktrnvattse cen ing llu nktttvrx irtixd ti thi churvh km a huit meeting the utui it ode mikk cuilw hanna ruad an an isle vhat is a mo ther this uj totlovseu bv the loid prasei minute aivd trra tauren report the roll all was unsutrcd bv something vm at the uealhcrsane the benediction cloved the meeting a loel lumh wis serv ed b the committee ol miss pearl hamilton and mrs p ml ghvra and a social time enjo with l lies haxardfc tture are is ikmentary school with 944 i lass rooms and sojo0 pupils in halton county public health nurses tamed out sv9 health uuptxtiont and hjbab other inspec i loni la 171 vision tests and 6 12j hearing tests there an 10 uxondary schools with h3 culsruouu and vms studnls nurses conducted conlervines with 247s students during the year 191 prenatal ilassi ucr conducted by nunri with a luial alteitdanl of 2w and 101 ihild health clinks were iondulted lor infants and pre school shildten ttierc wne also 67 sliest and a ray ihnus sondoci id with a tola attendance of i 11 at mental health i links th total number ol clinus hi id sstlh in the souniv was 10 mans pa lunls i nun halton counlv ai m jllindini llu mi nlal htallh clinii in llu knlar to llonpiljl in hamilton this c nablt thi pi lua 1 1 isl sl tuilnyul and so ilal wxirkii lo mt ntori ptlutiit isecaiist llu li iinu t no i uit lii travel hnanetal report dormer lm4 the halton omits ikallh iiiii received munnijal prants lolathnj i4s ws 4 plus lll kss is roll olhri sotitus making a tola of ilc240 44 1 prndiluii liu i uds d salaru s lot d hug s2mss7 47 tiavtl ttptnscs ul in4 tuutpmunl worth v 01 r s mali ri il ind mipplu s vvrth 7 2 ni ind ulililv semtes j27r17 p i xpciims to lilld 110 240 44 tlu llallon countv hi till inii pnscnilv itnplovs s4 pcron lull tune hut ruids jn udditional niiu lull tunc cmploseis includ my anollui mtdual olluer of llialth iimh imin pnhlic luallh miims tveo inon samlais upri ton and two more iltiuil lalt cmplovixs in a list ol ininrnunk ihu di scascs npoi lid an two c isc s i i tood poisoning m ijm ol hi pa tills one i i s ol whooping lotion lii cases ot si ukt livir anil ptimimial son thnut i it hi sis of pulmon ii- lutxiiulosis and tnuuipfi occurred but here wehs no etvtderuk repon ed twenty uven iaus of vencul diseases werx also reported i inapactlona in their inspections of water vuppucs public health inspec tors inspected a total of 1 215 wa ler supplies and look 12v2 wm pks a total i 441 sewage svs tenis were tnvtsiigated and 21 inspections wen made of subdi visions land development and r dcvelopntciil unss iweiitylivi inspections wen made of dish al areas a total of 49 public swimming pools wadinj pools balhiny beaches summer lamps fans lacing meels dnvein tlualns and public parks win inspreteil and 16v visits wen made two c tli inimiation pciimls wete is sued for p si conliot und 124 in v sliyaltons win made inspec lions wen als in idi al s h mis and plants other uism i lions in m uu luil rd im at iiihxikhi iiisjui li ri uf baifw r shop and haiitv salons ivousing inspections and invisli yullons into isussihlr cases ot u hies a tolal ol 474 inu situations vici made nilo llu vsili 1n ul r hi s i vent i health i i port on llu i ntul rl utuu coat the esfiinalrd io i or llu loriihuutl dtlfiitton unit is jimmii uououu and halton s share wihild be 11401100 our coon l lould mt build sikii iuciiiiks i n i u health piut w is i t si i mpli im tut n pland tht jcuuoi tlu exit nth hull somi lo have had and the l prove nun t vclolni in ihr i lest is pndu tjhl vtar i willun ihi loun i iid ih il the yr at in llu p tst viar ti is mi the pn school and ur idi s of children in ol li sling to m loofl ehiliinn seems i vva happy lo hole lut week no voung oitenoer uotiui that tlw halton counlv council v segregaled nd use inctiiot ha luroad down a nun ion to wn would include training focil coaulder thrf poasibilily of enter workiasapt and a general ing a regional lad setup with rehabilitation proyiani peel counlv this prxirwal was to ik instead id tlu provincial vovernment s plan for u riytonal detenlion and classtlualion umi including hamilton went worth and halton this proposed unil iv to nr place lir i xanvplc the presen inadequali jail in milton utnch was ouill in ih78 the recent grand jury r port induaud lhj i be milton ail sluicilit fw repaired lioin lop to b o t i o jn the ail contains a niiniiu r ol tells wilhaijuinil like lacililiis arid llu inmales have practical i not lung to dai tlu whole modem dav idea ol ditinllun and n h ihililalion n deli hid in such u ail litis il iooi se is no rejicc lion on i hi uardi ri and prt sen i stuff at mill tin who under tlu i in om taiu cs ate iloiny an i kit lit nt h humane program i was sin pi ised arid a hill dissippxinlt tl thai s vt n iui m mintv toonnllois jpjn h n i lo lavor i hi pint nut s ptupos it flu ivfiailnurit ot i lonn i i i hill i ins a i out en s par k is a i unipnny lo isiahlnh a nahvlu aiul huiuau pi 041 am 111 llu tl trillion of nun and wonu 11 whn ji ktjil in penal insrtliiliiiis tin 1 sh ir l iinu ind iit 11 11 illv tusi ulttndiis uir new unit would enahu psvihuu ists probation ijltn rri 1 k ryv aiul liart islt 1 s m 111u1 v u vi nut assist tnuialis vi 1x1 tlon nt ihu cost nor with loitier counlv jkh as peal i 1 hope that our counlv council vmm appttiveft lhurpitt with- out needless tlelav hamilton and wentworlh are waiting anxmous k for an answer wink a lew tannins fislurtg inks tiff i auada s at unite coast at llu- in on pioducers of cod ihis suv les is also caught ul sut- stanleal eiianiilics wilhin five inks ol the slum line along the cnlire coasi this mothers day plant a seed of hope v iuppoarimo thi mintauy utabdid ruhd cajuipaioh sc ervf ha iliown aiul proven lo lht tl rnantally r larelcil can tn- lrrj thy 1m lajtit under ink al luprvton thi- tjoith holt a ot f h lnllly bftarovd i n a i iwj u e th 1 ethotlv arvd lethnqoni support ifseir ovi sitrt woil 1 punl nrj lis flowart of mope leedv ihat yotj w ii ir r vr n tlo ft a i plev be fjervf roirt w th yo 1 ovjne1 on mils lilts live yood licalc ai nil i c ivilus d l y roups in llu in the ensuing olldt 1 lu topual lluieiidt pioirram lor thitt viaioltls w is contimutl il tint lull d iv 1 week in the four ikinurs 111 iddlluiri lo one full monlh in tin summer this pn- l 1 tin see ins to hive the most di ticl imp ic i on thi tooth condi lion li ss than hall id those treat ed ind 11 lui mil loi 1 second or thud turn h ive hid mu laviuis in thi om ind two vi ir miirats llu 11 jxii i said lawn garden spraying knapsack makes it easy each vear more a nd moi e people arc reiving on chemicals to protect or improve their lawns and gardens as there is no iclation between the amount of insecticide and the amount of herbicide that a plint can stand two separate vprascn should be used as the mnv of the active in gndtcni in a spras or dust m i he hard to pronouns c and harder to ri member most ehe- mkals hae been piven i com inon name the use ot these lommon nimes is being icupt cd slowlv in min cases clum uats an sold hv trade n tints so it is necessarv to read all i he label lo be sure sou hive the recommended prikluct ind th 11 hihi are avsart ol am pm iu lions which the minulteturci his listed advtv ontario depart mrnt of arivuliure upeciahsis chemical weed control m mixed garden is impractical so such a spravcr will likcrv be us ed lot insert control oie ol the better hind sptawrs wul hold rikhjh material lor mos ai den uork saiact apntver that will give an wen apray pattern it sou require a knapsack model jlain select an udiustable noli and one that cun be controlled casllv both the shutoil and the direction the use ot a coaise spras will prevent puticles diitt ing for lawn sprising a knapsack i container and a short boom with two or l hive wide angled tan doxzics is best the tan tv pe muile will applv the sprav in a i narrow line along the buom be- 1 fore attempting to spra a lawn 1 check the spraver with watei on a driveway or sidewalk to ob serve the- prav pattern and to thi height judge boom ii ou ire using one nok the spr v should overt lp ihoul than more phtirn four inch as an even application is very important measure en ough water tor so0 01 1 000 square feet uul applv to chexk otir w liking sneed it mis be neccs sarv lo npiit this operition or to ehangi the nok siis to gel the de wired coverigc as most herbicklcs arc vollilc uul will dull do not sprav near siisecptlble tlowcrs vegetables or shrubs avoul spi ising on hot or winds diss the m on concern ot ins spn open l ion should be that the matuiil n ic he s onlv thi ihsiied are l or pi lilts all spi i equipment should be wasji cd imnudiatelv alter use when spiwnmg one ol cn litis e 1st eoast cod producidtip to 0 000 000 es the minute ttansparcnt cgjts dull on top ol atlantic waters until the inn lish develops mothers day may 9 to show hr how special sha it heii are a few specials we thought would ie appropriate for mother on her dayi iarw nit lght fixtures iu70 oil in showroom on light fixtures 1 30 ull in stockroom special clearance of table lamps at low low prices i a l riemer equipment company electrical plumbing heating contractor 17 mill si w aclon om 5304110641 public notice a public meeting will be convened by the council of the town of acton to discuss the ap plication for rezoning of lots 8910 plan 670 on mowbray place the proposed rezoning is from residential to industrial to permit ajax engineers to extend their storage yard facilities the meeting will be held in the council chambers of the town hall at x30 pm on thursday may 13th 1965 anyone interested in objecting or rat ifying the proposal is invited to attend and express themselves j mcgeachie clorkadminittntor bowling lanes big clean up lous raking over his lot and clearing his used cars out at bargain prices lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 if your credit is good youll never walk away from lous no down payment required if ostoit is amhtovtb- i lib i a sjmjmslilamslariswia gajatab3shmjk on i our savings withdrawal any time no service charge on reasonable number of cheques start your account today open 9 00 5 00 friday til 6 30 halton peel trust savings company assets exceed 43000000 252 main sir milt6w ytt mi34 iorne skuce mingr s i ii 0 tk fcjsys

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