Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1965, p. 6

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tha atsort rvm praas thursday may 6 15 born juuuc ur and un russell arue bm bells may lambert nappy to annrwmrr the birth of iketr daughter jenni- for ana at trafalgar uensor- lal hospital oakviue satur day april 25 ims madcav noma and fluah nee stocwr are pleased o an nounce the birth of their sec- oad daughter on april l i5 at number uemorui hospital weston lb i on a aittcr for ronnie and sherrl robinson to alary jane force and peter robi on april 30 ims at guelnh geaeral hospital a daughter kauy elizabeth a siurr lur traccy leigh engagement ur and ur a b renniek r r 4 acton with to announce the engagement of their daughter donna louise to ur ronald george arpa ton of ur and un f arpa millon the marriage will take place june 5 195 knui pres byterian church 1 pm acton ontario ur and un llarry roblnvon of r r 1 acton with to an nounce the engagement of ihetr only daughter janet uabel to ur john allan laird ton of ur and mrs john s laird of guelnh the wedding will take place in knom rynbytrnan church acton at lour o cluck on june 12 iks antiauea arts and craft show at trinity united church saturday may i 29 pm after noon tea served 50c- sponsored by ucw au2me a luchre will be held at the lol- hall at crewvon i corners uay 14 at i pm adeklstion soc lunch served froceeda for juve nile lodge n4sslsj organ recital by ur james tupman of kitchener at lime- houte presbyterian church wed nesday uay 14 at is pan on i he new baldsvin organ un jean hancock soloist refreth- menl to follow silver cullect ion lvcryonc welcome a 45 b46 open meeting of north llallon association lur the mentally re tarded thunday uay at pm at sunshine school lh line hornby guett speaker ur bui brrendscn tenior authority on adult training centre and workshop all welcome film journey to a job b4ssj llallon centennial manor aus illary arc holding the annual ba aaar and membership tea wed nesday uay ij j- pan 79 p m in the manor auditorium home baking candy handicralls pen ny tale and lea tablet donaliom ulll be appreciated especially lor home baking and candy a45j2i for sale for sale v ted car parti all make phone i5jooi0 frank aulo collision crewtont com- m alulf fur sale town map and llallon county maps 2sc avail able at oilu stationery 54 mill si h amjmj forsale lara glossy printt of acton free press ttaff pboloa 5 a 7 tlae tl i t 10 tiae 1125 plus tax cath mutt accom pany order enquire now at free press office or dhis slat tonery s mill st i asojwh broiler and roalrr grow er come back crop alter crop and year alter year for fuher orchard while rockt and while roik trot bruiler chick la cellenl performance retultlng in lop profit it the rrauui you thould irv vour neit crop of broiler chkkt from the hither orchardt box 17s burlington ontario a45 help wanted died wilson patted away sudden ly at st lover hotpual guelph early tuesday morn ing uay 4 ims clarence wil ton of m oliver st guelnh ton of the late george and el- ixa wilton formerly of navs- eweya brother of reginald of llton mildred of burlington and john of milton friend may call at the gconte wall funeral home 20 norfolk at woolwich st guelph where terttce will be held at 2 oclock thunday afternoon interment ebenexcr ccrnclcry nassasja tveya a45 cl in memoriam lor sale aulomalic car ra dio 115 phone esj2707 a4s542 for sale 2 bunk bed gaud condition phone 4mi257 a45sj7 for sale large home made meat pies phone 177 m59 as521 for sale lie bed in good condition phone 1531441 av455u for salf 1956 monarch au tomatic fair condition 169 churchill rd n iii lp wanti d hire is your opportunity good rawuiyh bos inc now available in llallon county wrllc for inlurmntion rawlelgh dcpl rill2 4005 uiehcluu st st lltnry muni real a5jj tlllp wanted lull time iruck dmcr 2j lo 35 year inut hac truck driving experience lor pickup of live poultry night work top wage lor right man maple lodge i arm 6lll line wcl brampton a45540 avon ik an aton kcprssenuiivt call on vou we may need sonve- one in your nciyhrtorhood wntc mi zliucr box 141 guelph a4s sallsman wantld executive type salesaaan classified advertising rates atlirrus datvt uxumiaokm kmuaotoutrn m ctvuiva- lor i w rcmi kalc fob nkttt ktc v nlnlnia ctuu tnwti i taatasavi l tmlt4km t atrtl i 4 t4 tl- 4feajiaja to t mfa it ar ui tic aguml dltaouall aulsr coaiinu evewtm aim ut tiiankx ii lur rirt lt ut4t ifc fta in ixemotuau fl lua v pri him- taf taiiat cuaaairtlu wautv real vjbtatx h prf vl uarti mux humbjuu utl4f wffu v uumtewkavl i i a i i i n i s i llih art r i it ii neautt warttwdai lld4ttkad imkitlat d rral i- j m tiwaalar phofje b53 0i0 or 030 attwu la kwi b tl ihiu tttayltaxaw u uui tal fcaul tstatf jciwrinwiji wanted to rent wanti d to rl nt sin i huuvc ur apurinurtil bv juiu t 4 tr 5 ruoim niuldleatftxl uunk htjvunjbk- sss247s n4 5247 for salfc scmidcuchcj 2 bcdrom tnvul bruk home art- ply 113 poplar ave acion a44510 for sale polaruwj cannrra ttkxkl 900 lor j0 a comnun do 133 crcwcnt st ac ion a45250 the ljryci t vanjdi tn lomp a4504 j any in us fitld has permanent pomiion with a potx ititiirr lor valcmiian in the acton and dis trict area should h between the aite ol 22 and js m irrud lxpenencc prdciixd but not essential aaiscellaneous quick irvki plimrrmv lenairt lame or nnh i mc mullen dial misis 22ll4tf lightning rodi installed and repaired uai mlecei jtjjin vanderrnee r llinelkhise 77 9503 a42440i rl liai1i v radio uiul tv sei vue anleiina installations used tv lor sale call i usl line tele vision 153 1057 anytime a 20 1104 ii k1tciu ntu upholstery li pert rrtipholsterina rednishins and repairing ol all kind o lur mlure for free estimates call main vancly phone u3041i ac on al69utt floor rfrtnishinc we now have a modern under and edjcr we will refinish your lloon or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone s3040 47 ft enck st s acton co rl 1ui r uphoisti ry kite he ix r speiialisls in iettphkte llli ikst qu iht tnntiruls line u oik nvanship ptonipt service i unit tun relinishin and my eu in in plhine 8510110 maiks cpiu- cci a5ll a box 233 acton free press tenders wanted a443 help wanted lisidsay in loving memors ol our lather samuel iunr lindsas uho passed avu ap ril 26 tfel i1u rocmor u a dear odi as in the hour he passes avsjs ajuast rcmemberrd bv his lanuiy and cramkhilelren for sale wexxl drv hard mxmxi maple and beech an length lor fireplace or sum phone 877woo a41412 o fond ian- experienced welders g i tenders i or salb aaianuilc a45529 i v1ckery in loting mcmor ol i pur dear rather and grandla ihrr jamr vakcoulw nav cd mi april 30 14 alua rrmembcred b lrula allan and julie a45sis tai5 autonrstlc str condilion pmalc phone after 6 pm acion s5vw tv44wi7 tor smtli x ii x 7 all purpose uall icnl bron poles and pr incluilcd v10 scun in llkr prkvoc 5jlfc57 o4s6 for vlr 1 ponllac lis ucleor im7 chetnilel iw che panel inn a ll rord pukop texaco slatluil motl it mh5 hm7l7 for salt piimsc puppies revistcnxl newspaper trained llclnjiard s kennel red 40 charles st gcorecloun phone public school board 177 104 a45lw nighl or cti shitt woik truck washers night shltt on su id employment eonip hellellts millon for appointment call 8782843 hs the cards ol thanks i tlsh to thank ms mans tel alive and tnends lor the itts card and letters uhtch 1 receiv ed while a patient in the kiuhe- nektswaterlou hopttal a vnesial thanlu to or s i wan and mir- c in the intensisv care unit iiso nurses on the eighth tloor a45500 urs a notion for salb pruale 2 bed ismm house on large lot near ptihlie and hiyh schools exmtains la rye kitchen lisiny room and hath room sun poreh and y irave phoiv hsv2025 a44wj ior sale rodney oals pows er clcanod suitahlc lor seed government termination w of tiil township school arla of massagavtlya h ill on counlv requiies kindergarten teacher to uakh one class per da in grocn irom rwilered m1 jij0- cainpbcllillc public sehk1 noshcl applt george grundy r r j actun erin 5lms a4ss5j7 coming events laarudc chapter lodit meeting tuetday uay ii legion halt pan a45543 plan lo msit the xlammolh pake sale at m z bennett tchool on saturdas may sale ttartt ill pm aus5 euchre at ballirulau cummun- iry centre tuetday may ii pan good prices lunch terved admltaion soc 45ji4 there will he a practice lor lnterscourrty toltball team at 6 oclock saturday may fc tn ac ton park everyone welcome to try ouc abswi the family of mr and mr gordon bowfen are holdnls op- errhoum for their parent on lb octarsv0t ibeir 4jtlx wd- dltt annhieraary oo may 16 at tb tana from 1 uu 9 a4ssm for sale mew and uted tractor tire kelly springfield all tun low price example i x 14 u nlut is chanced oa your farm milton tire and had lator servtct 191 mlu st mil ton r7sst71l as9iotil apply slalint qiuhllealions experience ajje phone number and name of latt inspector to mrs 11 fletuier rr i campbell ilk ontario b51 ale iniiud up lo m i is lot ripiillmnc ittd tcrciinlinl txlii tor ol aston district lliyh sehtiol tr lull rkirlictil us mntut a 1c mcptrrrtm r wt prop- irlv eximniiltce lowest or am under not ne essailk keepled 1 w ml dim i ion ii5 seeiel irs tlx ismet township of esquesinq tenders for dump truck leiuki uill be rocened b the township ckrk k c 1 uul- si r r i rcoteitovvn until ii iiiwk nmn on mond i ma 17 svs5 lor the suppu ot i 4ton imek and dump bo uih oi without hide ol i wss loid lump 1 71x1 spcvltu lllons mil t e tl il s 1 tin ills m i ih ohl iiikii m ilu utwnship oltke r r i ccoicv- towu lowest ol ill ulldel hot ilk essanu leeepkd c i sov twp road supt a4 c si found ioiind two liaiuur in olulph lutlel lulleiwlnit u lecent lianqiht ounris inav iceovrr same by paving for this ad and donating ii lo tlu- y men s hi shop i und contact acton tire piess a45531 cars for sale 1962 buick powtr suxnrcn power hiaki- luw llllleaile i owner asil lot o l clifton mil tun motors millon out 878 21 5 goodwill used cars fresh tradeins on 1965 ponttacs butcks and acadtans all completely reconditioned and guaranteed for trouble- free drtvtnq iswi 1111 k idoor hardtup pow si equipped r idio 2 ws i1m pontiac pnskiim 4ilir liutllip iiitom ills radio ji7ss lx1 posiiac liiiiinlnn si t ion waon auloiuitk power iquippld i idlo 317 engine ji 41s 191 povtiac ennui utile in it in ilu ptiwer eeiitppetl i to vlloose liom is9s dm nilick eointicihu ptwli eviuipixtl r ulio man tvlias must be seen lo be apprcclat id hey mother need a home look at these 2 very elume 4ruon home all iihmirniiitrd beautiful km town or country lotjtiom uw elotn pjymrni 9 room elup uja special 4 tutliimmii tola ol itik i v4 ponljr now vati jnl unvc myht tn only 1 v0 elnvn uim easy iivoilur setilil hiv ntee wuk imxiuta tumii or eiiunliy lots aedici ami ijiitiv rievc coil lac 1 john r holmes rial rstatr ollue 16 mill slice lal acton 8531650 day or night ii no anwrr call i rank simioni after 5 517714 meal tstatl cmhmmj country homes abedrvom rnodrm brick honu on 4 acre only 2 miltr from acion 4piaxr balh good ize kitchen living room full luvc mrnl oil furnace avkinv fllwo full priec uith u 00j elown to i mortgage 6- room rikuiernued httmt- on id iterr north ol alton tu w uil lurnoee 10 aierc ol ummj yji tlcn uinel only milr lo main loyhwjv asking 15 000 down lo i morljyjye call 853 1030 or donrvj ki im0w4 l sydney k lamb rlaltor and insurance i mill st p- aiwv i acton ootano corner of highway 25 and 7 phone asmom member ontailo canailian or angcvillc and jrrv lliucc real i talc hoard a4s miss ruby clark ladies aid hostess mia ruby clark waa hoaleis to the apnl meeting at knox ladies aid at her home bower ave mr r l davidson con vener precldvd liar thauahl for the day wa ihcwlue of a mile the worship service included hie hymn what a friend we have in jecus the scripture icon lakrn frum llie i4lh chapttr ol st laike was read bv mr stan mallliew and mis clark led in pravrr the olfiimk was rtiilvxd jnd ctedi taled bv mrs tjaiulson the hvmn icus keep mc niai lite clttss it suny mis 1 j mtculthttxi lk tbaf ol tin tmtmis airadgl mrnl lot a wttltlinr tile inidtlle ol ilu in tnlii wttt matle and suy ytstiom wi i futile or llit r pit tt i lalt i n mis m cuulu rl itpolltd itn iik work i ilu thurtli ujl ilu kil lit ti lluir parll ulai in ttr1 jr i jtkttl i i ilu siiiurl l ilu utt rrrik r s in i lie unjhid ol lint piojitt mi- uoht ijrk t tpristl li r iltot liriti uyramliunaliinln to in tv ol iii ijii mitt ayrit h ol i hit li t luv t i i willi lb mlpill lu li i ii 1 hi i p n i it stu ul irll itt i watt r rtiit i mis ii tl lii t tpits i hi k- 1 i lilt h tli t li i li bu t in li ill i mi i vtilson mis mjllhn- in i miss c i ilk a 451 f pom tral chnrl ju tomalle radio 11 89s isv iiuick wildcat alotir hard lop power equipped is 111 comi t 1dotr jws i xtl ciilv idtir radio l5 1400 chi v ik i air 4door sed an ladio 1s ion pontiac idoor j9m5 l ord icloor lulomalie ra dm v8 jots lss iord sedan autunialis v h9s trucks reserved seats for acton lions club big june 5th show on sale now tickets may be procured from any lions member seating plan in simpsons sean virtodow be sure of a seat s11llyisirrlrrfast ou for rent ior rent apartment cent rail located immediate pos- session phone 4531710 a55j sumxibr cottage fitr rent at dorset lakeol ba for in- lormation phone 85j0eu aissw tor rerstjibedroom bunga lo in olcnica naidivivion hosue emnlv now call after 6 nail kj2706 a45su0 ill doixl 1 ion jw5 utimplele with racks llol cmc ion paikl u pete masson motors lostiu 111 ilk aiadiav wimhil omc nlallr two ltkallons acton 853 0450 georgetown 8776986 ais choose your new home where the selection is the largest s txtlruom bung j low 2 nnks rum own an 1 a re lot full priec 700 1 4ruom bunsalow with dllaehrj hntjce on l aten lot full priec 11900 svtvttroom brtek buniulow with altueruil sjrase lull price 11500 3heelroom hriek yhjilmiou elove lo hoppinki anel schools i nil i pnee til w0 5tooin hriek bunjjalou veilh al 4aeruxl garage paved drive j u t lull priec jiv0 snnm split itrvcl with atlaehexl tinge elosc to luun centre lull pnec 113300 3 wdroum brick bunpaluu in jtvcvku pootl toe a lion lull priec i3 900 6room bnek bungalow uith car pott tn rtvrkufkoel nn 1317 lot lull pnee si3 900 sroom brick 2 storrv home uith attached garaflc 2 lull batn room rcerxation room i ull audion sales frank petch auctioneer evaluator 30 chapel street last ccorgclustm tel 8772864 auctioneer ronald c lamb silts cm all ttpts lst itts houttllt sttltl appt ii k r i iii 1 voui piioni is4jwjs auction sale of furnllure car plumbing and other tool 11k propmv ol victor mlrritt y ladies auxiliary lists 25 winners a sll till 11 ill iii i s i lit sl i lu i i i t iii 1 mi a latlli aotilihs in into apill u iii i ii tn i- 1 htl i pi l vtlnii rt mill kii11 up 11 i in tl ll nt m liuti ii it il 1i1 iio t k mil s i a t 11 lit 1 mrs i kohl pi ml pit s 1 lu thpp it jnl ih ink s ill 1 ilts mis j i ix urns u i m 1 in tit ton i i mi ii k hi s1 itlt ilili i lli m ml ii tlk sh inlil r k dm i ilt i lnlli ill iloh ltoinkiittnl tup 111 i sin 1 an it s ilt in i llittll i too i i i nits i in is it milk ink is v hills i hi 1 nil i i sum 11 i it 1 it ii mini its it i in i p pi i alh son 1 i i ttls i m lilit lllltis totkt iii i tllllkllt k ii tie il n 1 iii n ii innsl iiilin lull in i j ii it i it op in i t ill 1 1 kit il i h un tt ill in 1 k ih i milt m coll inn lit in tl i i 111 liul ml noil m mi il t in til liiinl ml hinth mit i loll ii kill i ittlt lilt 111 illlh i s i lilt 111 ill its ii iii i r ill lul i iii in in if i i us miii tt till mi i h ih ii i ii i lit in 1x i li in ikt iii ki1 it til to h 1 llt price slijoo for rent 5room brick bungalow uith car port immediate possession cleisc tu shopping and schools g alec johnson realtor i mill si t- aetoa phone sswoi commercial industrial reidcnlial farms mt niher ol the canadian ontario and oranymlle real estate boards a4s dead stock for rent 3 uarm comp letely furnished rooms near main st will give rent free in exchunue tor light housekeeplns rur2 adul uitabla for ulilou or pensioner phone 8772914 au472lf pacoimi dead stock removal limited highest cash pnees for dead or disabled coin and horses old horse is ih licence no hgc j44c65 uftrpes phone zenith 97950 atf real estate properties wanted walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cowa and hartea 24 hour service lie not 1jjrp 20so2 waterdovimmu 9044 vtf use free press llotikn i irms aeicairts in ton uul ui ishmilkry ilistriet i a c c i cl c f c se ble llltelesteet hilscts inllaojimtuo brampton toioniu port credit cxtki11e t ansioui to lualc in this area for lixv appraisal and prumpi action call t ross ballentine limehouitr ont telephone gborgctown 8773646 representini i i mack broker 16 sarah st georrjelbwn to ijuy sell rent trade etc i 2m ouccn sr millon on i saturday may llh 1 at i w sharp rta ieloril in i piee modern ealnut lining suit v pieec ehcstcrtielel suite veilli ootstoel tin i portable eleetrie veveini maehiiie as new null ualnut t ibles walnut eutlee table simmons slin1 betl spun and mattress sinule simmons steel bed sptinkt and mitliess w ilnut bowend bed spring uul matlress walnut dresser in il v dresser with triple nitrroi- walnut bedsdc table good old tapestn table cover axminsl i rug 0 9 wilton rug with pad b 12 axminster rug 69 seatler ruys 2 eaid lablis lloor lamp table i imp iio ing boards natund wiexl kitclien table small tupbewrd wieket nxlir lare aulom tle eleelrie heater near new abc w ishin maehme cleettie sepurx trv pin stamuss nnind lr pin millili ter with shiedder and me it gr hi de i iron tx tie t team iixm eevltex maker anelwiell lemtel pplip tewstel llejor pollslkl udeuum eleancr 2 eleiek- illee pan and heating pad di-be- glasw are storu e reje k- pr j sure cexker pint iruit seller- icte i car toous 111 i9m iv j vilet 4dikr chlan in r e n elltuml large stexl ale eoppel pipe bcnelcr i lirge wow lamp- set of corking tool- qtuninv u lead i h p eletrie til ill h p motor anel pnnde i iwp motor ga- welder t ink he i weixw juk quantits el pipe t lilting- large work beiuh he is bench ise lirgt quantit ot snulhfoind loolt 2 1 1 extension ladder small tarpaulin mall sut1 tiling cabinet pjper hang tabic 3 storm uintlow- qiwnnt ol new drevsed pine i lumber tovigued and gromcd lumber garden tools chain urlle colrman lantirrn pair ol vhuftlcboard cue and other urt tele this js a good clean lot and well cared tor terms cash rlanklbtcir aucttemwirf simultaneous shot not via early bird whlli aetoil lishenilell lloeketl sjliiul iv lo ttioinburs lor the lut il iv ol the lishiile se ison host lure mi tmetl seeukil in be lelllllk i inuilt inettlls piettire not vii 1 iris bud s itt llite but b i be hunt en ot that elav issiii nl the cinidlin feekl strown in tolor lihnil it thorn burv were ken pipillon and lome 1 kuher then iri nuire pie tines ami a lore inside the iii lk iine one ol tluse shots shows bus chis luilm ol avion answer to the puzzle the pie lures wele taken i 1st e ll oil op ening ela the lihe mien saw the photo- raphe r there with e lab or ite plntoktraphil imiipnunt in eluditikt i tripoel but thought ru- tbing ol it tjlev wele surprise el lo see thenieues liter thev ar ued home saiurdav then were elozens ol aelon lllell theie oil the weekend with mans in m others may campaign for mentally retarded hit m it iiktiine tl iht velon uilint l llie s uli h iliiin as- skhu i i i ilu me ii ill rtuij tl tt it h i i ii hi li nit nl mrs c all i i stlii ni vpill n vlee prtsuunl mis r r kiiipnnl in iht ihtn il mis j tuiktisr itmk ills ill ill m ll husine sessltin mtinhsis t il pupai me tn- ttl ptt tin muling i 1 ilu an- i iuil tiinpiivn m mil nl mj it i- 111 umps h p uul hill itits- 1 ihhth in ulull ttiuksluip in llie lt ii intuit ln tins nt i mis rstnipton inniiunreil 1 yen till llitlui ml r il suiihliie sslnil lliirnlit ttilh eiiesl sxik ti mi fuuiilstn ttlum imne l vtlull woiksluips klltl 111 jlllllks wis 1xu liuiii mrs d vttsl lii iht ltrlmv fills preselllill in lier pclor to her le iunu or hamilum the anxilkirv adaplctr hov in iht hutpilil sthool al onllu was sent a to rjbbll mail- hv aelon to co as an biller silt- rrpnsrntmi acion auxiliary ar j threeday cotiference at bar- ric in april now known as the ontario association for mentally retarded were president mr j turkou and mr chester ander son a very interesting report wnsiiiven fay mrsva lunclt was enjoyed-

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