r to buy farm hilton falli for 492000 damsite ac at khooc or rtvt annual at horn- brian sprosmn toonto with tllrabelh kirby eden mills pay their admilllon fee to nell frank tin who was in xharge of colliding brian format hs etudent u now attending ryefson polytechnicel intillo o our readers write fook roads dear mr rdilor now that inr itutkj a cat her ha armed uould it ho pmsihlr or i vqiu iny towkiivhip council lu give consiclctaluml to mart a pro- ram of hard surfacinf ol the ruuds in the township the pit lid pot holed conditmvna of tttcse nuds an a sad umimrn- larv on those responsible or the roads program and it u lime to call a halt to the tremendous upkeep and waste of gravel lo fill in i he roads and the urading of them after one ram the air at had or worse than ecr wh it thi condition pc nmttid to con tinue if onetenth of the total mile age in the township was ui at i y paved each star in 10 tai we wocltd hae math which would t a pleasure to dnu ma and m the long run the cost would lu onj a small irklioi or i ihor machiners matt nils ol whit n i it pnscni we do not require n nhbi that ihis was a toujh umur on roads surru if we ha men who underland nid building and who are acquainted with imir canadian w intent we should have no trouble m hainy roads ihat would last for 20 ears at least it is to he hoped thai rius iny township will niilnlc mkh a pioyram j sotin as possible yours irul td a polcrs m rsron st eorvclusn onl iuh pttle john creiohton and his dale susan perry njoyad i ha high school at home friday night above john pint a cortege on susan t dress as they enter the school lwki- ortus offers prii oujjjb mmi w nvrrot aot people indav do not ft the opportunity lo trnxel or venture loo tar irom their home town and in mum cir nexer get to see i he beauts and mw lerioo wonders existing in this world lodas thai is one reason why the circus is such a xxsx when it comes to lown as it ol i his lido beach cniu breakfast and dinner at secn different di i ninit places and isit secn of sa i ravoia s unique ttninst attnci ions watch for details or ask ans number ol georgetown lions luh on how to become eligible lor the free holtdas in florida remember the gene lod and kipling bros combined circu coming to georgetown mil pre sent two performances one dav onl on tuesda ma llih fo lo ch r ot i a aome of the man ctotic splen- don that are gathered irom the four corner ol the earth this vear or the hrst time in circuit htslor ihe gene tods fend kipling bros i combined circus arc making it possible for two luck persons to cniov one week x vacation in the beautiful clly of sarasota florida known at the circus capital of north america once ttu home ol the ute john ringlmg one of the founder of the famous ringlmg brok circus saravita lie on the ba1m shore of the gult ol me ico the winning ctuiplc uttl he fldun via air canada dc 8 jet liner to tampa uhoc a car will take them to the luxurious amn tides hole stiuattd on ihe inn i couulnity prospesis about 70 oi what wt pa for hispital care in ontano is re turned lo the ownmunitv in the form of salaries and walcs vtith this mono 2lt8 million in 1a hospital emplosecs pur chase the food clothes light heat shelter etc which other people are emplosed to prmide i the public hospitals in ontario rmplm about 70 000 people full time and another 10 000 on a part tune basis wins 100 stephan nivon i or 141 mead ow brook dr milton won the 100 pne in the kinsmen tlub of milton s nhl winning goal drtnm sa th vw- tickets numbered with the min utes and seconds of the final n ii l game and ihe person holding the ticket on the second that the winning goal o the game was tseorcd was eligible lo win the isloo pnrc montreal lanadicns t won the stanles cup and the score was 40 o their first goal at the 14 second mark of the first period was the one that won the game sieve held the right ticket mim acton residents held tickets in hopes ol winning the pne by roy ttowo following a rivehour lour of the dropenlv tnetnbtrs of hal ton krgitui cuoservallon aorbor- us ittld a special meeting near ihe via of j propose 40u0 dam urul reservoir west ol mil ton and agreed to ttereiu im mediately an option on the 4sd- acre william mahon farm the form is also th site of the hutorh hilton tails a tuaulv snot unmatched througluhjt the auihonlt walershed and the with a campaign almost over acton branch ol the tamer so- cielv has raised j2vh 1 so ur a few more return arc to come in and anyone miited may leave do nation at the bank of montreal or acton home furnishing last years total raised here was v2 witl urtlur information is available irom campaign chair man mrs ra artm m741 t anvatsers are vc rv pie ased with return ile of the remain of a once- thriving law milt tentative erulorsemenl of the 442iku dam had been vven al a tiwetlmg of ihe aulhority in mil ton two week earlier but mem bers decided lo stage a field tour and see ihe properly first hand before deciding f exercise an old option that eipircs nest mon th saturday long trip through the bush and fields of the farm was conducted by aulhority field of i icer dave murray and employ ees maurice tteadhead john oairs and carl thomas bawd canyoa m a mackrell of philip and rolurt ctmisultmg engineer from burlington accompanied tlic 15 author its tcpretentative and polnled out the ile of ihe dam in a natural botrd canyon walled with limestone later members mspechd a ik aver dam on ihe edge of the properly then trrktd crosscountry lo tlie sietv h i lil loo lulls wlun a lunch of sandwicties laris and coffee wa enoed the attthrtflrv jkcra aft bp- thf- arwt fre pth lion on the uahon farm seven vear ago and if wa one of ihe ftrftj option ever handled by the 6 jylile creek contervtkwi au thority which later merged wtlb ihe 12 authority luromt h rca al thai lime ll wa learned a 4uarrvlng company held rtwtt righl on ihe area aroiind the fall and member foughl lo pe- vne llltloo fall at ii u the only walckall of tftv jgalfkance in the watershed area covered hy lite authority thuttchy may 6th 19a came lo the tamed heaver dam flneering the price doe4 iw hv area where the induunou heav- elude tlie etisi of purchasing ihe er had created a large lake and a land ttordilybtiill dam and housed after a croccounlry hike 4 come member rode on a tmail wagon drawn by a tradnr ihrv arrived arouitd ihelal hilton iju im ihe westerly authorlie memherc poiaied out ihe properly wa a natural wild life sjttctuarv a fuh ad game abound there workmen count ed nearly two dojen deer one later however engineer dis covered thi natural canyon and test were carried out lo ee if it could be a ui liable damcile they found a treelined valley with a branch of the i mile creek run nlng through it with thick lime- sione wall cloving in three tide and a prom i ting damsite on the sou t rum end mt aere peel soil tesis carried out showed ample fooling or a large egrih- en dam v feel high and s00 lo too feet long thai would llore i 100 acre eel of walrr when filled lo a depth of 9 fret in comparison kelui conservation area dam is roughly the same l hul it holds i 100 acre feel ol wulrr at m fool depth tlu usrrvoir would drain a three sqiuit mile calehmenl irra ruirihol tlu dam and ihe author 1 1v plans a diwision irom a sec ond branch j tlw sulren lhal hows ihioiigh llie properly so ihe dam kmild be filled in a hurry this ucimtd branch is ihe one on branch of the creek where con- ldjv mmj y a tervalion emplovre were luul irig water for toffee in a htigh pot over a roaring fire and a lunch of sandwiches tart and coffee wa walling or the hungry crew member spent some lime vtew detr signs throughout the five- tuhir lour spof baawer one of ihe heaver wa spotted cwlmming away in ihe water and cetcral members got a bltrnpce of partridge that tat right there rock and looked al ing the beautiful fall from every angle and listening to fragmenls wo mlz repovtedieelni of hisiorv ahoui th mill ileal up aru eight turkey biw once stoiuj there porcupine and eigh arik were also sighted by ihe uaet on wagoa pouting consersaluuiist these a brief business meeting follow holards nonsiwtmt inalarla cd as members sal around on the up timil about 15 vear ago are hav wagon mr mackrell eiplaln th ver sighted an where else north cd the damsite thoroughly draw of north taiolma ing comnarisons to the ihreeyear alll ehairman ralph iher edd kelw ium and ariuiher pro ij pu01ruh tlimmt up posed dam at rattlesnake pijinl i unc in bhlmt h uta it wa generally agittd the hilton n wr tettuhlng a thing to put up a dam here tlw tms an mostly scrub he leealud workmen had ti clear dam should come first water stoioyt greailv surpassed tlu 100 at re let t ol storage which would rtuuin a jvhmki 1 m jt uatllesnaki someone suggi sl d piping wa it r up irom l- kr ontario lor murikiul water supply and mr mae kn ii said this was not tmlt more t pe nsue but wasletul as itu wale i miming down tru se t i rams in icnlral hal ton t vrn tuallv ends up in the lakr and whiih hilton f ills it situated and would have to be pumped ttac k up 1 1 tuns a similar t oeirse oct a mile oritur west ol the creek on whith lh dun would be ion si auk i tht iimn e istiil branch of tht cieek lows dim tlv inlo the hi iso onsrrt i lion area saliiiday t locn lei t tlu conscr s it ion office nl a in and nllri tl i i v i n g four miles to tlu coinei ttl c alillu llville side road ind appleby 1 me tlu southeast tilvcointi ol tlu 4vacie futm ihe nmnlkrs siriuk off on foul up tin mime trail at tlw dam site m0 vaids up this trail mi mat in ii explained ok- lavoul of ihe dam and pointed lo ihe lest bores his engineers hud taken lo estulilish tht lootings tienrith he dimsilt i urtlur along tht trail lliev tht saiiu i kjlmin he utdn ed ii would ht easui ind less tpensitr h trap lb peire witrr it this iutot ihan w ill until il hil llu tak atu nliirn it li its simin r the engineer also pointed out itu rrsrivoir would help knp up tlu w iter in the gravt i writs lu- twien ttu silt and milton m feel above ua the dam would he conslnut ed al a point 020 feel above tea level m a vallrv 2 000 leel long and 700 lex i wide that was form ed bv glaciil action and erosion lhal tugau cciilurits ago costs mil lined included su0 975 or tlu eailh dam with concrete spillway 47 000 fu divt rsions and m 025 tontini iicics ind en out a lot of good tree at the ktlso and mfminlsherg dam sites robt r hamilton optomotrut 8773971 1 1 1 mill st actorl monday aflrmnnn and lvealng from 4 pm iiff rm cnjoyino thcmsiives frday evenrvg during the cabaret style dance at the hioh school were jean bulmer tom ginoer stephen coles and brenda mckeown student painted back drops which were placed on walls throughout the auditorium under the supervision of the student council farm electricity cost of gtio s and servues to ontario farmers rose 225 per cent in the 10vear period ending in i0m during the same time the axerajte per kulowaithour of elcstruitv dnpped 17 4 pci cent rfckless women ire mote dtnng thin men vchen it comes to an anging lumitun savs an interior dec- ontor it s a marked understate men tt sav women arc daring ibthit arranging furniture ihcv arc downright reckless about it warm al md hpy watt hiatino modbtn humeino puwm ami water syamwr frank carney and sons ittl ikjooyoob s4m0i to a husband on mothers day while i appreciate my state a mother of yo crew of qhr could you pretend iust for today that i am twenty miles away just arbitrate and separate and now and than resuscitate feed end doth and wade kneedeep and wake me when they re all asleep ann kirk make mom happy and save on your pocket book with a gift for mother from our wide selection and low low prices everything irom pomoldert to dresses the family store a hug and a kiss and for mom fr mothers day ij cards q stt our complete 0i collection or every tt jpecial mother gift suggestions for mother writing paper boned 98c lo 2 39 select assortment hasti notes 25c to 100 writing pads and etwlopt sheaffer pens 295 to 1095 ball pens 100 to 250 a wide selection for the artist a uuctian oil falnh rtuums canvat sklch padt walttr fotlar intlruc- twn loolit this weeks specials in used machines 1 remington adder 5950 i underwood i adder 6950 i undowood typewriter 9750 5 to chmu from come in an0 try thke1 dills st 56 mill st e 8532030 tender notice township of nassagaweya 2 cuttroom addrflon to rrookvtli public school cmpbllvill ontario sealed temlera ttipulaiad turn contract will be re ceived by the undertlgnael delivered by mall er band until 400 pm tuesday may 18trt 1965 te ike eftlee ef kruuben and dal lay architect and en gineer watarue square tultdino waterloo onlarle tate- pbane 7453531 r plans and specifications are now available to general contractors only and may be obta ned from the above address a deposit of ss0 00 certified cheque payable to the undersigned is requested for plans and specification same will be returned when plans and specifications are returned n oood condition a 100 performance bend will lie requested lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted kiuschen and dailey architect and engineer waterloo square build ng waterloo ontario gift mother wilh a real surprise dalicioutly unutual food gifts vour choice or gourmet eoocm from alt over thi world choose now from mitton delicatessen next to qarllelt l shoat 341 main f i mlltm hone i7e301i ten battery clean regip tparltplugt clean and adut ditlrlbutor points service carburetor air cleaner impact and edut carburetor road ten special only parts extra bills opening tuneup special baott performance and improve coriomy with tfib complata tunaop by out axperitl check compretilon set ignition timing c test fuel pump adiust en belt inspect cooling system 6 cylinder 6 cylinder 695 895 reids ba service rr no 4 hwy no 25 open 7 am fo 10 pm acton ont fhorw 8531831 fuuy licensed mechaniet watch bamuskalshowcase suriclay evening 10 prm -channeht3- see us for entry details