Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1965, p. 5

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at recreation meeting no merger of two boards seen playground leaders selected ctuiiioam huh patltrtotij a diuruulon cm the advantage fold iaobr of ihf recrralton al vuch b thcrfer rev the ililm u was hit view parks j committee ewaed urtty wi law- bftfii har w iu ftaj 1 tijialxui to tae il um jrli uou for tudalf anullon into a tingle uood or bad a deci05nwxsuid body with iw rvcitaluht cum rm un thr rartiu of thr caxr fnlttm they re happy ibr vv it fart nmmj they aiv h report on thr re- huxnatton liirctttw harm uilt of hi divuuioni wtth thr roe oulliiud the tumtiuf rec- parlui bard chairman ci til j real ton prugroin or the com- brftdwy on the proposal to the mi lice huular mahinj thurulay t tour pltvy round kadert liad mr itervon fell however been seuiicd lium applicant that pftrim board mi tcunt trued for ui uorks during julv and the motive of the reirrjiton i auuvt buniu landkborough jo commltte nevuimuig the mil uarte fclirtlirnrnt lu kirk follv for the merger came frum uuod and baibara ntcolak were theftl and nol from council ihotrn lo head 4 he piavground cumuw uuiajlw and the narration director re- council ha to deal wiih tuo ported he wa fcuccrejl in board inalaad ol one now ihr tfrtnnji lavell majtjn and lin chairman remarked 1 1 rnakr dj uuvun a ait want t tour he peocediire more involved i of ifu uouvin vji1 at lend camp commjllee member jnn gy iim j unit i uinvc inirtu ttmed part board should be mmi nude aware the initiative did nol suimming uill hi looked af come from he rrvteation com in bv steven dtittuiv and lr miltee u a town mailer he luu ptiry llolh luw hod pv trrttcd j mm nneruiiee r mr roe ktreued he hoped lo luep the older children in the playgrouftd lnleea4d thu year in the hope they would return next uimim r m icmu r he crv vivionrd a continuity in i he pro gram uhllh would becoinc klrunger cah uaujn suimming clatuvs for begnv ner and junior tn acton uould depend on the number reguier ed arrangement have been made to end advanced fcuiii- mer io georgetown if enough regkier a bu would be luted lo make the trip there mr roe indicated he would hold an early regkrrallon fur both playground and viumming ilahu artmm ttaw ttoller vkaliny will lik 1 lw vhtftvrd until nexl vejon bin tlu mrealion director uid hufflebuard and lairo-vm- would later up much of the airrui lime aicuunlt amnuntlng lo fl il 01 wtii pjd lor vumiumi mnrtmrtm annual rotary project packed program for adventurers tom mckeown reports for readers lo mprtifcht acton klgli elaol at advtiir in qtlamhl roiary club- aoaaead vlatl to ottawa yam uckvm wrllm bar of ma on gull pi i lor i ha ptm rvaaa my tow uekeown llu t hjlt in at ink was i lie ngtitar ueiklv niccling of ihe rntjr club we vvirr vketl in t onl with two on sundav may i i armed oi or three oilier adventurer at a 2m pm at ihe toronto interna m lnj iht rolarian cuuld i tonal airport eager to begin mv panlctpatkm in the im ad yen lure in cttirtuhlp prxgnim which it tponmirrd hv the rotaiy club of ottawa wiih ihe cooper a i ion of rttar clnh all over canada i vvt rvplained our dicuvion group umverxliv pixifrior ami tn lfe- in iiv thu onuptcu most i the dvuvion gtoup we div uss d morning and on iu compltllon evervthing and anthing we ma ue adimiied lo i ik ball room of etl at ihe univ cnit v until noon luar pjkl h ihe ritln til ultll u i mfkr tiling ih rili ilitnutir 4lk i ii l usoii m p pium miihsut ol cinudi jldrrxrtl us tniliiiui ol th liuulutm nl tt llu iiiii mum lltuui l ihe airport i met arauil 1 ml ih mkimt of com irllow aik-cnlurr- from ihilnhmis n jvlion wi uin tluix rc and lvi hun from aklamk i hi qulioii prnod and and inuvik rrnrclltlv in ihr dunny nwl ol mm ij hk op nomhvwtl ifrrilorirv who r re pohioi ia qurmionlnr mr twlnf tponwred h ihe rcdiu- r in u lo drlalk ol rolarv ctub and ihenr m w i u 10 sp use on uawni llie ladicv gjluf eml mart advnlurc alrradv on the plane from ihe 1 ondon wkwianr area vwwm we arriwd al the ottawa ii i mrtatt iumtirr and ihe neat lower allir lhi lour ol the par itament butldlnun ron and i were t 1 j z ikl p hv mr clark who look i t k m h macleon lo l t tv orr sfriol run uitanf supennlcndent fur the oi am tawa acondary achoou who tmk mywlf and mv room ma u ron aid uontelih of almcr ontano to the home of mr and mrx ma lean who were lo be ron and mv boats for ihe duration of our ta tn ottawa short tour mr and un maclean lixed on quiet treelined lreet ot the road from the portuguim cmbaay ron and i harxd n lowly room and ofiar w got hi tlad in wt had a lovely thicken dinner during which w became and i walked from mr and mn n him lo the vk00i as 1 k otik lhii hlckki fnun lluir home school concert vv hid dinrur at 6 jo and afttr ihe nual wc were enlertaincd b juk pcarsc and vn cant two local cntertainen tollowing this wire uvrv taken on a tour of the building b 01ne of the students whkh ended in the auditorium of tin xkhool wlun the studcnlv put on a concert consikling ot their bund two ikal gnwips twx dra keanmth ij nth mlil product in j a ivuttnc better aconamted with each oth h ibur cheerleader after dinner mr and mrv maclaan look m on a little tour of the cilv thev chimed u the big rvderal governments ceniril rtnerimental farm tjoo mre of farmland right in the middle of the city ihe vocht club the ri deau canal among other thing it was dark when we arrived back al their home and ron and 1 decided to go to bed in onhr to he reeled for the rect tf the week ron and i were up bright and eaily ihe next morning and at about eight oclock we mi down to a lovely breakfast un fortunately mr maclean got a call and had to teach thit da and o be left at about twentv to nine at nine oclock ron ind 1 were picked up b mi clark who pkk id us up evarv morning and kept u inform ad -of- w wn going on in aotwmment circles lie dropped us off at the chateau tauriar where we began b meet ing a few more of the mo dele- late itwylaaallwa at 94 am we assembled in the convention hall of the cha teau laurter where we were wel comed bv mr a w searle prwi dent of the ottawa rotarv club and bv ottawa a mayor don b raid after being welcomed ron ald c marriam cxplajnad the pro- trara to us profeasor d m l arr mjl ixmuu daa of art carieton universitx welcomed and addrecwd us and professor a jeffre ma department of philocoph carieton unierft afkr the concert there was a dancv in ihe pinnaium wiih musk king provided bv the lau untiui hnh vtuktl dance baml f very thing anything on tuimlav morning ron and i vifi up cvrn earlier linn the rrcvuuis morning a mr clark was puking us up at 10 to lake un to carhton unlvcndlv whnv uc hretkc up inlo several divctiv sion grchipv each one 11 bv a uhen wt boarded veveial 1miv uhich look xi in the chatrau i tinier for our lunclieon and un address hv lite riliii honour ihlc john j iicfenlaker pc ck mp leader of the opposition after this luncheon we hoarded i lie bus iu nn and v nt u iih c il hall veheix vec vet rx tvvtivid hv lite mayor in ihe couiu il hiintxr i rom cilv hall vce pin cceeleel to rideau hall n side ik e ol iik governor grncrul and fium tture we ueiil lo tin rc mp training division al rihk cllffe where we vveir yiviii a fool dull dlspli jn eqnesliiin dis pla a band conceit a toot of the stables and vupnr tour gllery wt left thvrc al 7 50 p m ind went dirrttlv lo the nation il callers of canada where we wxrr itven a brief outline of i he gal tv s rkiorv and a tour thnhigh the building in itmall groups of a boo 1 to after the tour wt had about 20 minuter to look aixhind the building ourukes before it c luted at 10 p m we were then retrieved bv our bosls who look u ikjine ron and 1 talked with ihe mac lean fur about an houi and then went lo bed on wednesday morning mi clark again picked u up at ij0 and took u lo the unkcrut where we broke up into our dts cuwsion groups lunch in park at noon we boarded about six butaa courimv of the national capital commission and went to the ncc vincent mastey park for- lunch prom their we went lo an illustrated talk about the ncc in the clarke memorial millstones f auditorium and then we wvnt on j mills were mid a guided tour of the national j uvi in i iv 1 capital bv the ncc which ter minated at 4j0 at the exhibihuu grounds we were met there by tuir host wlvo took us home to change for the evening at j0 dublin institute plans exhibits at fall fairs thursday may 3711 iops 5 mrs william mcinlyr mill street east wat hostess for the monthly meeting of dublin wo men institute las 1 thursday eve lung opening exce reives wei e pretided over bv mrs c but ion the new preiielvnt and mrt e norton look her place fur the firl time as wretar treasurer minulis uete lead of ihe previous nuitiny and the 10ii call vsas 111 settled tv mlifyimiuiis w lie 11 and in u u 1 un ihe anno tl u ir ii i nut plans ueie iliaeu fui tlw halt mi disinet aniiu d tning held in unpin ik illt chimb on m i 26 mis jjines vail iteel and mrs w melnlvre were named wiih ihe piesideni mrs bui ton j lid pust piesidilll mis l moiiji ti lend as 0l111g dele iiates deeur ilun puv on june ft was discutsed and the usual donation will be sent and other help will be supplied by members of the branch mis j van fleet and mr c britton attended the t 0 dinner and annual meeting in oavllle recently and reported on il a pleasant feature ol the meet injr svtts the distr ihutiun ol new piojfi jnis in r llu eoimng vur uiikii pitimisek a veal ol ninth mlelesl f in 4 w r dice ussiuil was made reaidnif ihe huv trip vehlell will ih imalicj h llu lunvenert mis i vaik 111 and mis l dul lie tef although e u id in 1 ihjiiht begin nirij shuttles ol lull loomed up when unitiuc pi wis weic made lot tlu e ihibits at the thiee neigh beirine t ill i jits mrs duitcas on the rec4tif held in milton ways of fttorim compllmanli iaimm ht1 to miss shihay sayatt m oaannw utor thjt u bar draf wat in 4h club work and hu ion a very ctadltabw job oft aihww- meni dav theni had baast elmhl clubh with 91 mambetst partici pating thank was extended by mrs c mifntyre to all ttsambarri who had helped wiih the caavaai id the interests of ihtf cihadlah can cer socialy and fa nil w4m had contributed in live district with iuth gratifying rtttilt tbe motto no on u rich aa ough 10 be without nttbtk wn taken by mrs j c darutia an cnloyable contest coiiueud by mrs m ntllli was won by mn mlf i llo kiohf al homfi mm m 7 lunnett lormir adon public uiioqi pf irmril vi ilrf tle s itool ixtiitttd alttr lief friday wdh mrv c i poolf 10 inlr mi popit tb uokf of devonshire chapter loot w vld ut hnur fil of handing out lxev v for lw in pi arf ihown fhtttinj i o i 1 w ntfr iron it- i o f j i writ mi id ike llnjn tins year m place day awardv tlie two alv v 1 iu the imkji utii mr iu rt mowal u nhih1 mi oh i 1 mllllul lf h m hl 11 i tfjll i itr llafley away al lllts i mm i ih m i all llu e oiisi 1 in iu 1 il nurses graduate al st josephs ii a tun id j in 111 llu advtntiii or ii mhiv in eriev was 111 iu lleallb oil 1111 ill follow ins this h a el irv hi id unit n thr fiiti il i otlstilll i in the h ill 1 xm i hum i iuliv alu 1 noon i j j ills sslsk it ss ii m iluili in i uluiti i wphs ii spi d selumi ol nuis llik u iph i hi te le llionit s will 1 u llu voiid u h mittiiinal jl ill ol llr n iivmiiiii i nun il ol u iph slki ius nn 1 llu it wi in diuchtei ol mi mil mrs h i hi 1 ik iu tt muiiim k wete up cat hi 1 ihan pievhhis mot nines is mi liiki veis to pu k us up h m i 1 is os it im sltph iii t mil i velu i mi k j malluson of k j il 11 l ihe slhi mil hit t anad 1 nuitul us mil tut i us something limn 1 i tlu ml t h i iii iii 1 1 ii willi iii ml ma tlu son xtk os in 1 1 1 ihe seipit 111 i nit ihnlilui jveti certincale tloin llhie we willi lo llu path uiuni hiiiuluil li 1 w wt i piwnted veiih 1 oi 111 u ship celtllleilis t ih mlillsui ol lllellship 111 i i miliar ill 11 the honehiiahle john k si h il mill as vet ft id 1 llllle i mi 1 tunc 1ii11 immiii 0111 lili n ship 1 tilieili s kun out i wml lo sec his m i j inns 1 it un wlm wis i liking to iiik it ih immheis o ih ii in i ii n mission niul e ho tlun i ik u n 1 pet son j i tout of ih build illg ilk lllelulkis leidllii loom ihe senile i uihil niiil it 11 ihelc klin hid i weill to the ii lit room ol iht chin m i 111111 l 1 the rarrwill i un tn on it which one ailwnnmi timn 1 h tf the pnixiruts ind liiil hi speikt btuth iii llu ivm ol ih on an adventure ol c iiie nstup thm ended thr rtttrrmh ad venture in cilinship pioiim which i sh ill ilwivs r in mini favot iblv foi m us in mn ltssm hut lull kd will hr i iss d dl uullll iiul she k nils i 1 inlliille musing i nul i joseph s sh hlendiil ae i t liu 1111 slhlmi j in me imitdr 111 d ui bin ol mi hi i mis w mi ih ih in k k i v i n is eent to hi h s h i 111 a 1 n mu s not 1 1 1 1 nn 1 wh 1 sh ii ih nuisui ilhi 1 uinii is iiupl 1 1 luustud an us i ninu n i 1 sin t h nds horn 1 wn ill ih ilunilin llu in inn s nn i 1 id is on s ituid in oi memorials a memorial it a lairing yrlbuft to the memory of a departed loved 0h brsmpton manumant warltt hava for swae 40 yasrs sarvad yaur community with a ftma qusllty of mamarlaja tom nicol wall known in tha aetan canv munliy is now manaaar of krswoan mmw msnt works tom has baan wbk ut fr is yesrs and is wall quallfiad to hale yau talart yeur mamarlal mr tom nicol msnsgar brampton monument works ouiin st wist howi 4ii044s brampton ontario whtu quality and phca ara comblntd lo o you tha bl for ik uair cooking can be fun when you get the features you want you get highest tradein values on your old stove you get low prices and easy terms why else would you move up to a new gas range before june 12th k in i irom it t ii 1 1 p m wtv hack at the chatrau launfr tor dinnar in the lull room guriti of ihe ncc and an iiiidftv by i he honourable john h s holden optometrist it cork st halt cuflhi phone t 2 713 w stock mid order mccall buttcrrck simplicity patterns hlrsttqns 5c to 100 store public meeting will ratepayers of the town of acton please take note that a public meeting will be held to hear any objections or otherwise to the propose new official pun of the town tha moating will ba hald in the community centre auditorium et 8 pm on thursday may 27th and will ba convened by the acton planning board all prtta intorettod arc invited to attend capias of tha propotad plan with tha accompanying document can ba teen at tha municipal office 40 mill st east or at the acton hydro office 3 elgin st j megiachie j sectre 1 hotisso nroil notice how its located at a convenient working level it broils at ell as roasts 3 notkrpin spit rotate autornaticajl lor ccn roasting 3 ninnrn uriirnf is a ctiumic m rnfr it nies of radiant heal rtmi abo e the meat for imokiliss and suller fre cooking the meat is juicier and more tender 4 naktno ovfn you use the koti o broil nbo c for hroihns i and roasting at the same time our spacious ocn is available for baking 5 this is an 0fv that t s ci kaj since ou do most of jour broiling in the rotiss o droil uie o en is free for casserole and other clean cooking dishes 6 ovtn f ictfuf wtvnow watch our cookinal no more opening the door necnni in losing heat control and the door llu odfor eaiy cleaning 1 7 nurnhkvfiniabiuih itu tiny thermoatat in the centre nnintains the exact temperature ou select making ail your utensils automatic 8 cfktrn muurj btntnibt each ii two burnert in ont a larft double ring for lupenpeed heat and a tiny keep warm pinpoint ring in the centre you can actually an tuna lo any haat level you need 0 rtuonltcent iiiiir additional illumination on tha iking turface when you need it 10 cookandllduj clock cohtut gives you complete control ever your range when eooldac le 4 complelad oven temperature it automatically turned down ts i keep the bod at hrvinf tempernture till you wiih o terve it 11 rxtpa notib separata broiler located beneath lb buflc oven givet you exduiive doted door broiling lor the flame kilted flavour that onlr can give moffat courwul model no 60k275w ir because you get this free dupont teflon heavy duly see your gas appliance dealer department store or united gas limited before june 12th see how gas makes the big difference

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