jiky a uttll kuo for acton lloni club round up 65 nellie gray one of the hone utd at acton jrty dairy decided to go western for tha occasion and donned a stat ion whlta delivering saturday of course had the hat bean mada of ttraw inttaad of fall neltia would have found it mora palatable few at public meeting to discuss new zoning a public meeting to discuss the proposed official plan for the town of acton drew only eight ratepayers including two member of the press and heard only three objection registered thursday evening of lost week in the community centre do pile the fact the meeting wus publicized only he handful of interested ratepayers appear ed to cither register on object- lon or query various aspect of lite plan objection were registered by edgar wllion 178 longlicld rd jack hldley 44 eastern ave and david dills spokesman fur dills printing and publishing co ltd 59 willow si besides the two members of i he press other ipcctators included coun cillor mrs doris fryer mrs er ic johnston wife of a planning board member and mrs e coop er and mrs george drown bursttkttad mrs george drown 117 cob- hlehill road asked if the ron ing or her property had been ta ken from previous- record or if planning consultants had stud led the sic before he official plan had been completed she was assured hv the consultant the propcrlv had been rcslud led the meeting was mainly call cd to hear objections to the of ficial plan which is the map showing lour ones indust rial commercial residential and conservation the map is to pro vide u guide for an orderly growth ol the town andtv the imm s lor the uning bylaw and zoning map to come at a later dale considered later chairman aldo hraida inform etl the meeting the specific inn ing map which would classify in dividual properties would noi he considered until such lime as ihc official plan had been ap proved he stated any objections regarding s pee i lie zoning would be considered at this time mrs brown was ot the opin ion the residential one her property was listed under would ptvvenl building apartments and said she had a prospective builder desiring l build apart ments the chairman told her apart ments could be e reeled in a resi dential one pmviding planning board alter the one to rm lor this purpose mr hraida sug gested the proposed builder could take a conditional offer of purchase on her property and make application to the board at a later dutc fur zoning as rm he staled the application must be accompanied by a plan of subdivision and planning buiird would consider the request at this time cbjuigea jack ridley owner ot a local fm ling firm objected un the is owned by the town being zoned industrial and suggested the land in this area is good pos sible park land and should he opened up as such or the pres ent j5 children who have no place to play he described the land as a natural conservation area and said the present zoning would deny the children pres ent and future anv place to play he also understood a sanitary sewer ran across this area and although he wasnt positive he believed a storm sewer is locat ed there as well he pointed out the cnr tracks are a natural barrier div iding the industrial section and ihc land on the easterly side of the tracks should be considered for park land dave dills in registering his objection lo the proposed plan said he property on willow si was zoned three different wan residential industrial and con servation he objected lo the muliplc zoning in this area and staled the land should he zoned industrial planning board members at the meeting included chairman aldo droida wes mosaics roy goodwin dave manes eric johnston wind dob drink waiter with planning consultants dennis flood and max ulankstcln i i lowing the public meeting planning board members ag reed to proceed with applicat ion to the ontario municipal board lor approval of the of ficial plan submitting all object ions registered at the public meetings as well ninetieth yeerwo 49 acton ontario thursday june 3rd 1945 sjkfee pegs tari card every june three cemeteries included in decoration day- program bright geraniums will attest to memories as they are plant ed on graves at fairview and st josephs cemeteries sunday afternoon family groups will al so place bouquet and plants on the graves ol loved ones the annual service and ceremony is sponsored by various local group pared the parade will form up at ihc post office at 2 is with par ade marsh william nkolak aclon citizens band goelph pipe band and hcsprlcr junior pipe band will be included marching will be the mayor and council legion legion lad ies auxiliary iodp chapters womens institutes scouts brownies girl guides cubs firemen lions club and orange lodge hv fiaihrv iiitir the service in the meadow at the front of fairview cemetery will begin at three oclock con ducted by members of the min isterial association the rev r ucmurray the rev d engel the rev s thoman and the rev a mckrnzle with the rev s gammon giving the address again this year permanent shrubs will be planted as living memorials special services will be held at si josephs roman catholic church and the rev v- j mor gan will be at st josephs ceme tciy programs have been primed this year showing ihc rtrsv cans dian flag on ihc cover with an aerial view of the town tlc program and wxirds of hsmns are printed and will be distribut ed pots of geraniums will await planting by representative groups fine weather has brought crowds o the decoration lav service each june since it has been instituted three cemeteries special groups leave for dub lin ccmctciy and the oil pioneer cenvelery behind knox church to complete the program which annually sets aside the one al leitkhmi for remembrance of lov ed ones a nd se r v ice men b v t he entire communits m a loiniil manner lversoru is welcome to paill cipute decorating graves in ad vance or on that afternoon vandalism irks ps board principal is welcomed back religious education in local schools came under discussion tuesday every ng at the last meet ing for ihc summer of acton public school board member agreed to continue the present practice of allowing local clergy men to visit the school once a week for a brief religious educa tion period the subject was brought up in correspondence when a letter from mrs m long reviewed a panel discussion at trinity un ited church sunday on religious education in schools a motion passed then requested the board call a meeting in the fall to dis cuss the topic again principal g w mckcruric told he board ihc local clergy have al ways been welcomed at the school and only the rev v j morgan had been attending recently lie noted that a few yean ago mem bers of the aclon ministerial as religion in school seek fall meeting as a result or a panel discuv sion sunday evening in the united church on leaching of religion in schools the following resolu tion will be sent to ihc public school board that as a result of the discussiuns tonight vac realiz ing we arc not a crosssection or the community make a motion that another meeting he held in the fall under the auspices of the public school board panel moderator for the pro gram attended by about 35 was mrs alf long panel members were teacher doug copcland the rev dwight engel and mrs j dowding there were many ques tions from the floor indicating wide variation of opinions and as one visitor for the anglican church put it on unusual toler ance bttsis iiwjjiki where his busi ness is operating is presently zoned industrial he told the bojitlllte urea eight years ago hud been lotted residential und at ihut time was changed -to- industrial now the official plan proposes the urea be changed back lo residential wants park lorn mr wilton objected to the en trance lo the dump area which grade 10d mode 1 1 ad clothe mada during home economics class at the high school during a fashion show friday after noon in the auditorium seated tn front ldenise parker wearing a blue a- una dress left to right standing are pat fabian wearing a sports outfit including blue denim jeans she made linda ralston wearing e princess ine coral dress and olga diaczok wearinglue denim cans she made social ion had visited the school regularly but the practice ap peared lo have been dropped by all but father morgan mr mckenzic stated the curri culum allowrs for an hour relig ious study per week at laid down by the department of education he was of the opinion staff mem bers were not fully qualified to leach this and suggested clergv shild handle the religious train ing- secretary william middleton was instructed to write a letter to ihc local clergv outlining this break na breakins al the stone school came under discussion at the meeting after it was noted the front doors had been broken into three timers the past month pro perty chairman murray smith stated be had seen fire crackers and cigarette bulls inside t he- school on one occasion its a wonder the building wasnt burn ed down he commented mr smith complained ol poor police protection t the robert lit lie school grounds and noted he police inspections appeared lo have dropped off lately trustees considered ruling the school grounds out ol bounds from sunset to sunrise but wilt enquire from town council if this is permissible first damage al both the stone school and robert little school tun been excessive recently and board members agreed to prosecute any persons found guilty in the fu ture trustee o chapman was in structed to contact the police and busy band the framing of the new band hall u taking thape dramatical ly beneath the trees on their site at warren grove a aeries of bee has seen the work oratress rapidly but the volunteer work men have to stop hammering end start playing this weekend they have dates in the round up parade take part in the lions show at night head the decora t ion day parade sunday and play a concert in the perk sunday night the rest of the tune aside from practices theyllbe working al the new hell council fur furl her information and instruction dickid out in fancy garb after their return f rorr official visits in europe mr end mrt g w mckente admire some of their gift mr mckenzie is past international president of tha y s men toured europe end visited many ys mens clubs there mrs mckenjle wears a lop- lend hat and dutch farmers scarf es she looks at a danish mug mr mckenzle is weerirvg hit western hei end a japanese happi acket which was e gift from e japanese club end holdt a dutch farmer lay pipe official club duties fill month in europe for g w mckenzies work property chairman smith re ported two rooms and hallways al the stone school would lc painted this summer and tenders will be called immediately he al so reported other minor changes under consideration prim ipal g w mtktrniic was welcomed hack alter a months stay in europe as truest ol the in tcrnational ys mens clubs mr mckenzic is international past pivsldent the principal thanked hoard mrmhfp lor making the inp possible and extended ap preciation lo uepiincipit doug coneland tor looking after the school in his absence round up 65 its round up week in acton culminating in a parade with prises for costumes the lions show end merchants bean feed saturday reed all about it and the names of participating mer chants in the special second section today alee new teachers fer puk scheejs nine new teachers have been hired for bolh public schools this vcar this is considered the highest number of replacements in one year to dale new teachers hired lor the m 7- denned school include miss jean mcdonald who will leach grade one and miss doris lcrch wk will teach grade lour al the robert little school seven iv- placemenls have been engaged new teachers are drew coibctt of hcspeler john lew is peterbor ough carol pugslev georgetown mrs maureen mellor george town joy osbv south porcu pine donna risclxmmgh british columbia and mars belli elliott acton prim ipal g w mckenie will i determine which grade the teach- xrs will leach next week during orientation week two st john brigade members to receive votes of thanks two outstanding mrtiibcrs ol i friday june 4 marks the start the acton si john ambulance ofihc momentous weekend lor brigade will he especially lionorruihcrtvn andwaruejio si jvihn at an investiture in toronto on i ambulance who give their- time saturday june 5 corps officer i and services free ol charge for robert hart and cadet divisional ihc good of their communities officer mrs ed heffcrnan wilt each receive a vote of thank international ys mens club past president g w mckcnic mxi mrs mckcnic returned home by plane right on time monday cwning following n months stis in europe com pic le- iv tilled with ollitial muttons nul winding up the trtrcgionil tonwnlioii ljidiv sttuiiliy and sundtv at aruslerilini itu touple kit milton apr il m jihi uiivctt it coxnhigen den mark where thev sticd for ti wivkend while there mr mi kenie olliciilcd al l he chai ter night lor a utc tlub at mhki skv ixtimuk boat to ntrway 1 lu- nest slop id ter a txvil trip was norwav where mr mckeiv lie worked with the world alii ance planning the wot id youth vonlvivnce l be field in stavan- ger ntmwav in lm it is es peeled anywhere i nun 1000 t 1500 soling people fnm alt over ftie world will at lend their stay in norway lasted one week a shot l tiain trip took the tra vellers next to stockholm and the nest week was spent louring sweden mis mi kenie attended 90 take part ys mcnctles charter ut jun kopping while in sweden after tetoniing to denmark ihc alton couple spent u gala lime attending club meetings special parlies louring schools industries castles und city hulls as well as meeting various digni aries one of the highlights was a visit on hoard a boat which pi ik esses whale meal and oil i he boit puks up whales whkh hae been killed and in one oper ation prikcss the entiic earcuss and oil i ik same as any industry vu ions ymca camps ami buildings were also included on then agenda throughout the liur- oxan isil in ciermony while in jennanv bolh mr and mrs mckenzle had the pleasure ol seeing the queen whetrshe visited al bonn they utso visit cd in hamburg bremen and 1rankfuii while in germany por a ivsi they were taken to swilvrland where they staved five ilas in the alps and olhei places of interest here they fin ally found time tor a little shop ping mr mckenzic also visited at the world alliance for ym as on thursday of last week thev flew lo amsterdam where bolh attended the tri regional lomeuiion wihmv y men from 12 countries heard speeches and other messages given in four dif ferent languages former secretary sunday the couple were guests ol diik schmull former acton ymca secretary they had a pleasant visit with mr schmull and reminisced about days when mr schmull was in acton mondav they left by klai air line at i mi p m und arrived in montreal at 0 pm there is a six hour time difference be tween amsterdam and canada several souvenirs and gifts weiv brought home with them and others will arrive by mall at a inter dale roth were delighted with ihcir trip and many new friendships made the trip it trajitional for ihc international past president mr mckcnic had the reins of robert utile school principalshlp baik in his hands tuesday doug copcland was in charge while he was away and everything ran smoothly school uniforms applauded at high school fashion show lilacs attu hses dill ted tied lo garden ire the stage al acton highchool auditorium iridav as students horn mrs alec oirs home economics classes model led clothing made in school one ol the main highlights was ihc showing ol the pioposed unil- ormlpe out i its tor bolh boy anil girl students which has be natural shoulder blaer made ol allwool lnglish manuel the trousers were continental style ot a mixture of tervlenc and urlon and fully washable doug modelled a live button allwkil cardigan specially made fur the school and also washable his trousers were medium trim continental style made from all- at the ceremony during the an nual weekend program of the st john brigades the certificates f wift he presented in hart house i bv the lieutenantgovernor the vote of thanks will prob- p on sunday june 6 aviy read the most venerable order of the hospital of st john ofjrulemofhcprionofc rrnut ada resokvs uwt the spec la 1 1 ff thanks of his uxccllcncy the prior and priory chapter be hereby conctd to you for the valuable assistance rendered in the service oftlie work of the order in con nection with the priory of can ada- mrs ceo hargrove previous ly received such a vole of thanks but it was presented here rather than at a largely at tended st jolui uejceuiuuy chief coming brigades frxim all over the pis vincc xv- ill be visiting toronl to meel their commissionerinchicf admiral roscr dick c b cbe- dsc at a church parade and in- he will be honored al a dinner in the royal canadian military institute twmvuill attend admiral dick who served in the two world wars heads the commonwealth st john ambu lance and pays a tribute tq the active ontario brigades by his visit the local brigade and cadet corpi will not be itwrching in the toronto parade sunday since they will be taking part in the decoration day parade here appiovcd by he school board j wool worsted fnglish flannel choices in uniform which are permanent iv creased doug allen aiud rav sail dis miss lluisman wotv a live hut plaved the weal ings apparel pro- ion all wool worsted cardigan posed lot the ihjvs and nelly lluis j whtch is an exact replica ol ihc man and anne mcmillan model style lor the bovs her skirt made led the girls clothing i nl 100 per cent wind worsted raymond showed a ihrvchutlnu material has box pleats anne mcmillan howed a three button blaer made irom all wool eng lish marine and a medium grey f till v lined skirt ol pure wool fahric liach wore suitable shirts or blouses which will be worn eltjier with or without ties appearance ol the proposed unl lortnlvpe dfcss was greeted with applause bv the students kspand course prim ipal l a hanson welcom ed guests and said that home ec onomics was pitsenllv being taught in grades nine end 10 only hut bv the fall of this year it was continued on page two auji reeie head table guests at the united church cgit mother and daughter banquet included mr lh moon andllndy lou moon president of the cgit werefary linda perry and bar mo ther mrs c perry back row left to right ere the rev dwight engel cgit leader ram small aridmrs engel v m hsph3bttm i i i t j ifca a